What greens can be grown at home. Growing greens at home

All year round, what is home hydroponics and what devices exist to do it beautifully.

Many people like to plant flowers in their apartment. Sometimes you walk past a house, and in the window you can see a whole meadow of flowers, the entire window sill is covered. Or even a balcony. In the house opposite, a woman grows cacti; she has more than a hundred of them. My neighbor grows geraniums; her apartment always has an intoxicating smell of these flowers.

I think that such a love for house plants is a kind of addiction; you want more and more. Take care, water, look for unique specimens, rejoice at the first inflorescences. For some reason, all my fresh flowers dry up. Even near the computer it withered away, I had to give it to a neighbor to save it.

But flowers on the windowsill are so “feminine”, cute and cozy. After some thought, I found a solution to their situation and started growing greens at home. It turns out that this is no less interesting!


There are so many seeds on sale now that it’s dizzying. You can grow at least cucumbers in your home garden.

So, what greens can be grown on the windowsill in winter?
green onions
● watercress
● lettuce
● parsley
● dill
● basil
● arugula

Here is a strategic supply of vitamins grown independently. And cheap, and environmentally friendly, and always within reach - you just need to extend your hand. The only thing to grow greens at home is to provide the plants with conditions for growth.


Winter is long, and the darker it is in the apartment, the sadder our home garden will be. To prevent the greenery from falling into the blues, we will take care of the right light.

The simplest solution is to put table lampnot the most correct. A regular light bulb produces a lot of heat, so you can't place it close to plants, otherwise it will burn the leaves. It also lacks the so-called blue spectra, which are necessary for photosynthesis, so the lamps are used only for heating the air in small greenhouses.

If you are serious about growing greens at home all year round, you can buy a phytolamp. It will cost an order of magnitude more, but there will be more benefits - different spectra provide:
● good photo- and biosynthesis;
● thicken the crop;
● make plants stronger.

You can also install fluorescent lamps, but they are not easy to understand, there are so many modes and nuances of use.

For those who love ready-made solutions, there are special lamp pots from Aerogarden, Click&Grow and Lightpot for growing greens; they are convenient and practical to use. Prices for these mini indoor gardens start at $58 on Amazon.com.

Please note. Green onions do not need additional lighting; they live well in normal day and night conditions.


It is easy to disinfect soil in the oven - lightly steam it. As an option, pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate, or you can simply freeze it.


In winter, the heating in the apartments turns on and the air dries out. They especially suffer from dry air, because they are located on the windowsill above the radiator.

The solution is to buy a spray bottle and spray the greens. Or move it closer to the plants.

Please note.For additional hydration he will say “Thank you!” not only basil on the windowsill, but also your body.

It is easier to monitor air humidity and temperature if the plants are placed in a small greenhouse. These are sold at IKEA. And they can become original for mom or grandma. Such greenhouses cost approximately from 300 to 920 UAH.


Tap water is harmful to greenery. It is advisable to enrich it with citric acid or apple cider vinegar. But how to correctly calculate the volume of water for irrigation?

A godsend for a good gardener is hydrogel. Colorless balls are dipped into enriched water, then placed in boxes with seedlings. The balls gradually, in measured doses, release moisture to the roots of the plants. More precisely, the plants themselves take as much water as they need. My experiment showed that the yield in boxes with hydrogel was richer.


Hang the thermometer directly on the window. It is colder near the window than in the apartment itself, so you need to monitor the temperature.

If cold is coming from the windowsill, raise the box with seedlings to a small height using a stand. When ventilating the room, remove the seedlings from the windowsill.

Please note. If the chosen plant is whimsical and capricious, you can plant it in a glass greenhouse. These can be purchased from IKEA or Butlers.


If you purchased the soil in a store, then most likely, feeding will not be needed at first.

It is advisable to add fertilizer to simple soil. The salesperson will help you choose mineral complexes for a specific plant. flower shop. Here you need an individual approach to each type of greenery.


A very convenient thing for growing greens is an aqua farm. A completely unexpected solution: an aquarium with special trays on top in which greenery grows. Fish waste serves as fertilizer for plants, while plant roots serve as a filter for water in the aquarium. The cost of such a toy at the official representative office of the manufacturer in Kyiv is neither more nor less - 3499 UAH. On Amazon.com - a little cheaper, about $50.

Please note. There are quite a few ready-made sprouted herbs on sale in a pot, or seeds with soil in special vacuum bags (you can ask both in regular supermarkets and in those that have garden departments, for example, in Epicenter). They already contain the necessary soil and come with a brochure on proper care.

I recently learned about such a wonderful thing as hydroponics. It sounds mysterious, but in fact it is the art of growing flowers and greenery without soil. Research has shown that seedlings and mature plants can thrive without soil, getting everything they need through water.

This method is not difficult, and the system itself can even be placed in a closet or sent into space. Recently, home hydroponics has been gaining popularity, because you can make it yourself.

The guys from New York developed the Windowsfarm hydroponic system, which combined two of the most important eco-trends of the last decade: the vertical garden and the home vegetable garden. Such a system is not cheap—one section $129. But it looks absolutely amazing.

To imagine the full aesthetic potential, watch the film “The Last Witch Hunter,” which was recently released in theaters. One of the scenes features a whole green wall, constructed from Windowsfarm, illuminated with fluorescent lamps.


A home garden is not only interesting, but also useful, because we don’t know what quality of greens and vegetables are sold in stores. But we can be completely confident in the safety of the crop grown with our own hands.

And don’t be afraid to involve children - they will be incredibly interested in tinkering with seeds, pots, monitoring the lighting and the degree of soil moisture.

It is best to grow seeds at home in plastic trays or special containers. It is not recommended to use wooden boxes for this, as they begin to leak over time, which is why. Soil mixture You can purchase it at a special store for gardeners and gardeners, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, mix earth, river sand, peat and sawdust in equal proportions. Use expanded clay or crushed brick as drainage.

It is very important to provide the sprouts with enough light. Purchase fluorescent lamps and install them near the box with seedlings (especially in the cold season, when daylight hours are minimal). But keep in mind that green onions and dill practically do not suffer from a lack of light, so when growing the listed greens, you can safely do without additional lighting.

Of course, greens grown at home will not reach the same size as in the garden. But with careful and proper care the harvest will not be long in coming.


It is enough to place small seeds at a depth of 5 millimeters; they do not need to be buried in soil. Then water and cover the pot or box with cling film and remove from a sunny place until sprouts form. The film will help create the necessary microclimate. When the sprouts hatch, remove the plastic and place the pot on the window (protect from drafts and direct rays of the sun).

Water the plants regularly, but try not to over-water the soil. Some experts recommend using a spray bottle so that the leaves also get moisture.

Dill is easy to care for and resistant to cold. To grow it, it is better to take peaty soil. Already a month and a half after sowing, the greens will be ready to eat. Onions can be heads or in any container. Before sowing, leave the parsley seeds in a vessel with water for a day so that the essential oils evaporate (they prevent rapid germination). Parsley loves moisture, water it daily. Thin out after germination. After harvesting the first harvest, feed the parsley with mineral fertilizers.

All housewives sooner or later begin to understand how nice it would be to always have a bunch of fresh herbs on hand. Whether it's winter or summer, it doesn't matter. Having greenery on the windowsill all year round is not a myth! To fulfill this desire, it is not at all necessary to have a magic wand; just a packet of soil, seeds and patience will be enough.

What greens can be grown on a windowsill?

Green onions

This is an ideal option for a vegetable garden on a windowsill. The planting material can be either onion sets (small bulbs for seedlings) or onions (already mature fruits).

The seedlings take longer to germinate and the yield is smaller. But the feather tastes more pleasant and gentle. Within a week you can cut the green bunches from the turnips. However, sowing takes up much less scarce space on the windowsill.

Turnips can be grown in two ways - in water and in soil.

1. Growing in water.

For this you need a small container of water. Carefully cut off the top and bottom of the turnip. Place the onion on top, bottom down, so that it lightly touches the water.
The disadvantage of this method is that after some time the bulb begins to rot and emit a characteristic odor.

2. Growing in soil.

Fill a small container with soil and plant a turnip or set in it. We water it and wait for the first green feathers.

You can place a hydrogel pre-soaked in water at the bottom of the container. This way you will protect the plant from drying out.


Growing dill on a windowsill is not an easy task. But not every housewife can grow dill on a windowsill in winter, because in the cold season the seeds take a long time to germinate and with great difficulty. The best option would be to buy dill seedlings and plant them in pots.

But if you are determined to grow an aromatic plant from seeds yourself, then you need to sow the soil in stages, re-sowing in small portions every month. This way you can provide yourself with greenery on your windowsill all year round.

It is best to place the seeds in the soil to a depth of 1-2 cm. When the shoots appear, you need to carefully thin them out, leaving a gap of 2-3 cm between the shoots. You should also provide plenty of watering. And if the air in the room is dry, it is necessary to additionally spray the greens, otherwise the leaves will become coarse. Mineral fertilizers should be used as fertilizing.


Parsley from seeds germinates quite slowly, so you need to be patient. The plant is light-loving, this must be taken into account when choosing the location of the greenery. At the same time, parsley calmly reacts to temperature changes and feels comfortable on a cold windowsill. When watering, it does not require special treatment.

To increase the likelihood of seed germination, you need to soak them for a day in water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (about 0.2%). After this, wrap them in gauze until white sprouts appear.

How to grow parsley on a windowsill in winter?

Since during the cold period there is a shortage of sunlight, the problem of how to grow parsley on a windowsill is solved by choosing the sunniest location for the future green bed. You can also eliminate the lack of light by illuminating the plant with a special phytolamp.

Do not forget about fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.


This spicy plant loves fertile soil, but does not have special temperature requirements. Therefore, with a responsible approach to soil selection and feeding, the question of how to grow cilantro on a windowsill can be considered closed.

The plant belongs to the category of early ripening, so you won’t have to wait long for the harvest. However, special attention should be paid to watering - do not let coriander (this is another name for the plant) dry out.


This is a sun-loving and unpretentious plant. After sowing the soil, water it and cover with cling film until shoots appear.

These greens can also be grown from freshly cut stems. You need to place the stem in water and wait for the roots to appear. Then it must be planted in the ground.

This is important!

In order for basil to bush and grow in breadth and not in height, after the appearance of 5-6 leaves, it is necessary to cut off the top. When buds appear, they should be removed as the plant will produce flowers, not leaves.

What greens can be grown on a windowsill in winter?

First of all, these are early ripening plants: watercress, coriander, leaf mustard, as well as everyone’s favorite leek.

Green leaves are a real storehouse of vitamins. They will help replenish the deficiency of nutrients and nutrients in the body, tired of winter vitamin deficiency. They also diversify the home menu and decorate any dish with their presence on the plate.

Useful information

In order to have homemade greens on hand all year round, it is necessary to re-sow the beds with seeds approximately once a month, creating the so-called “green conveyor”.

How to properly grow greens on a windowsill

Despite the fundamental differences between plants and their needs, there are rules that apply to all potential residents on your windowsill.
Lighting. The winter period is characterized by a lack of light, so plants need additional lighting. Special phytolamps will help fill the deficit. It is best to connect a timer to such a lamp - this way the backlight will turn on automatically at required quantity time and you don’t have to constantly monitor it.

Priming. To grow plants in winter, you will need a soil mixture that contains fertilizers and has already been cleared of debris. You also need to lay a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot - it will save the roots from rotting and will not allow moisture to accumulate at the bottom of the box. You can buy drainage in a store or use improvised means - broken bricks, pebbles, crushed polystyrene foam.

Seeds and seedlings. There is no need to buy special seeds for growing at home - ordinary “garden” seeds feel great on the windowsill. If you are a beginner gardener, instead of seeds, you can buy greens in containers, already with roots. All you need to do is replant the plants and care for them.

Also an excellent assistant for plant growers is hydrogel - a substance that contains nutrients and swells by absorbing water. The hydrogel is placed on the bottom of the flower pot in a swollen state. With its help, you will protect your plants both from drying out (the hydrogel will give up its water) and from excess moisture (the substance will absorb the excess).

Soil is not the only medium for growing greens. There is another, rather unconventional method.

An unusual way to grow greens

Take a thin layer of sterile cotton wool and place it on the bottom of the container. Wet with boiled warm water(temperature 30-35 ̊C) and drain the excess. We sow and cover the top of the container with glass or polyethylene. We place the crops in a warm place. This creates a moist chamber with the most favorable conditions for seed germination.

The first shoots will delight you in 5-7 days.

Now you know that caring for a green bed on a windowsill is not at all difficult; you just need to follow simple rules and adhere to the required regime of watering the plants. Then your mini-garden will delight you with a tasty and healthy harvest all year round!

Video "How to grow greens on your windowsill"

Growing greens on a windowsill in winter is a very real task for beginners. You just need to create suitable conditions for it and choose those species that will feel good in closed ground. A mini-vegetable garden on a windowsill today is not only a practical, but also a fashionable solution as part of the current eco-trend and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Of course, it is very convenient to always have fresh parsley on hand, but at the same time, such a garden not only provides the family with fresh herbs and vitamins, but also becomes a decoration for the kitchen.

What greens can you grow at home?

Greenery on the windowsill all year round is not the best difficult task. Of course, each gardener decides for himself what crops will make up this garden on the window. But you need to take into account the peculiarities of growing this or that greenery at home. The purpose of their breeding is to obtain a high yield, and you need to choose those varieties that ripen quickly.

In most cases, greens at home are grown from seeds. But, of course, everything depends on the culture itself. So, green onions are grown from bulbs. This is generally one of the most common garden crops that grow on windowsills. On the one hand, it is very easy to grow, on the other hand, it is a whole storehouse of vitamins. Many housewives are afraid to grow it because unpleasant odor, but it only occurs when the bulbs are kept in water for too long. And if you grow it in the ground, there will be no smell.


A home garden on the window often involves spinach. This is one of the most common types of greens because it germinates quickly and looks beautiful in a pot or neat box.

You can also grow dill on a windowsill, but only some of its varieties, since it still ripens quite late; even in the best case, its first sprouts will appear only a month after sowing.

And, of course, the window garden includes parsley. Unlike other types of greens, it is grown from root vegetables, in which the entire upper bud must be preserved. Dill is grown in fairly high pots or boxes. But most types of salad do not require this. In addition, it is recommended to use peat tablets or cassettes. Experts advise buying several types of lettuce, with leaves of different shapes and colors. Firstly, the plants will look more decorative, and secondly, there will be greenery on the windowsill all year round, since different types They also differ in terms of ripening. Watercress is considered the most unpretentious type. It does not grow so luxuriantly, but because of the characteristic shape of its small leaves, a pot of greens appears curly.

Growing Basil

Theoretically, a garden on a window can include more crops. But not all of them will grow in winter light conditions. And for some, for normal development, there is a need for a stable above-zero temperature outside the window. This applies to crops such as arugula. basil, watercress, marjoram and thyme. To make the seeds of these crops germinate faster, they arrange something like a mini-greenhouse for them, covering the pots with film, under which the temperature and humidity will be comfortable for these species.

General rules for growing greens

Vegetable gardening on the window is not at all difficult, the main thing is to do it general recommendations. You can grow greens in ordinary flower pots and in wooden boxes, which should not only be convenient, but also beautiful. In addition, the drawers must be made in such a way as not to allow water to pass through. It is very important to choose the right parameters for the pots. The optimal length of the container for most types of greens is 40-50 cm. The width should be 20-25 cm, and the height should be 12-15 cm. A drainage hole must be made at the beginning. A drainage layer must be provided in such a pot or container. To do this, use expanded clay, broken brick, or even just coarse clean sand.

It’s not enough to know how to grow greens at home, you also need to be able to choose the optimal place for it. As a rule, greens prefer warmth and sunlight, so it is better to grow them in a south or southwest window.

Vegetable garden on the windowsill

Before planting, be sure to water the soil prepared for forcing with hot water, then press it down and make grooves in it: then the seeds are poured into them, and a layer of earth about a centimeter thick is added on top.

Greens are usually watered every other day, usually in two doses and in small portions. Before planting, it is recommended to warm up some seeds and first germinate them in damp gauze. But this mainly applies to crops such as asparagus.

Growing greens at home means creating the most comfortable conditions for them. Thus, most of these crops are harmed by dry heat from radiators. In order not to harm the plants, you can cover the battery with a special shield and use a humidifier. This is also useful for creating a comfortable microclimate in the scrap. If it is not possible to buy such a device separately, you can make an improvised humidifier by simply placing a piece of wet cloth on the battery.

In winter, greenery lacks light. Therefore, many plants grow pale, and they may have fewer vitamins. In such cases, additional illumination is used using ultraviolet lamps. For most crops, the optimal length of daylight is 12-16 hours.


However, pale leaves can mean chlorosis, which often occurs due to problems with water acidity. The fact is that tap water is often a more alkaline environment, and therefore a number of nutrients(phosphorus, manganese, iron, boron) cease to dissolve in the soil, plants do not receive them, and this affects their condition. In this case, you need to take care of the water for irrigation; in extreme cases, you will need to add special herbal mixtures to it.

You can safely supplement your diet with home-grown crops. Firstly, in this case it is known for sure that all this was grown without chemicals. Secondly, greens that are picked and used almost immediately retain more vitamins than those that have been in the store for a long time.

How to grow parsley?

As you know, parsley is a real storehouse of vitamins. This plant contains ascorbic acid and vitamins A and E, which are antioxidants, and B vitamins, phosphorus, and potassium. Of course, every housewife wants such greenery to always be at hand. Growing parsley is not difficult, but you need to remember that its seeds take much longer to germinate than other green crops, which is due to the high content essential oils. There are two options for growing it: from roots and by accelerating seed germination. When choosing the second option, the seeds must be thoroughly rinsed with water and wrapped in a damp cloth.

Growing parsley

The soil for growing parsley is prepared in advance. You can take ordinary garden soil, but it will need to be additionally treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. You can purchase ready-made soil for such crops, which is sold in garden centers.

There shouldn't be any difficulties with growing parsley. You just need to take a container a little higher than what is usually taken for greens - 20 cm high. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the container, then covered with earth. Once the soil is ready, you can plant the seeds. To do this, make beds with a distance of 10 cm from each other. The seeds are planted to a depth of no more than 1 cm. The soil is watered before planting, as described above. In the future, until shoots appear, the ground is watered every other day from a sprayer. After the shoots appear, you can water them with a watering can once every two days.

At a temperature of 20 °C and normal lighting, parsley shoots will appear within 3 weeks.

Growing spinach and onions

Spinach can be grown on a windowsill all year round. This crop has a tap root, which requires compliance with certain rules regarding the selection of pots for it. When caring for plants, it is important not to flood the soil and avoid contact of tender leaves with water when watering.

Spinach is sprouted in boxes or containers at least 10 cm high. Good drainage is very important for it. Expanded clay is usually used for this. Spinach seeds are not planted tightly, but at a distance of 5-10 cm between the rows. Planting depth is 1-2 cm. Under favorable conditions, greens suitable for consumption will appear within 1-1.5 months. The most delicious greens are those obtained from plants with 6-10 true leaves.

Growing onions

You can choose any onion for planting. The larger the bulbs, the more nutrients they will contain and the more greens will be grown. But you can also plant small shallots. The ideal option is to choose several varieties with different dormant periods, so that there is greenery on the table all year round.

Theoretically, onions can also be grown from seeds. But in this case, you should clarify whether this or that variety can be grown at home.

Growing lettuce and dill

Salad greens are tasty and healthy. And there shouldn’t be any problems with growing it. However, you need to take into account that this crop has very small seeds, so later, when shoots appear and the feeding area increases, you will need to pick. For these purposes, cassettes are used in which the seedlings need to be planted - choose those that already have 1-2 true leaves with a clod of earth, one in each cell. Over time, the lettuce will grow beautifully.

As for dill, not all varieties are suitable for growing on a windowsill. For mini-gardens, the variety “Grenadier” with light leaves and a delicate aroma and taste, the unpretentious and disease-resistant variety “Gribovsky”, the very aromatic variety “Richelieu” with beautiful blue-green leaves reminiscent of lace, as well as the variety “Kibray” are used. containing huge amount vitamins

As with any other greens, to grow dill you need to prepare the soil. Garden soil is disinfected, and this the most important moment for future harvest. To do this, it is recommended to treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate, and if it is not available, then heat it in the oven or microwave. Another option is to treat with hot steam, which is guaranteed to eliminate pests.

A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the container, then the prepared soil is filled. The seeds are pre-soaked in warm water and left in this state for a day, changing the water every 5-6 hours. Then they are dried paper napkin or cloth and planted in a pot.

Dill is sown in beds, the seeds are sown at a shallow depth, and the top is covered with a layer of earth approximately 2 cm thick. This crop requires abundant lighting, so it is usually grown under ultraviolet lamps.

It should be remembered that greenery short period growing season. Therefore, it has the ability to quickly accumulate nitrates in large quantities. This makes any feeding problematic, including using mineral fertilizers. The soil sold at garden centers contains plenty of minerals. But if in doubt, you can feed the greens natural fertilizers, in this case it is eggshell and tea.

Juicy onion on the windowsill

  • traditionally in the ground;
  • hydroponics method.

mineral wool,


Rules of care


hydroponics hydrogen peroxide or faint pink solution manganese.


Green salad on the windowsill

Secrets of planting and care

potassium permanganate

How to plant correctly

  • seeds in spring;

Drainage water.

Planting parsley seeds

  1. With a pick

  2. Without picking


water agrolife or one cap Rostorma two parts water.

Dill on the windowsill

Planting dill seeds

picking drainage


Dill loves moisture

Sorrel on the windowsill

How to plant


As fertilizers

Greenery on the windowsill. Photo

  • sunny place;
  • warm;
  • fertile soil;
  • abundant watering;
  • presence of drainage.

Growing greenery on a windowsill. Photo

Rules for planting basil

  • seeds;

Basil planted seeds

To propagate basil vegetatively

Rules of care

Rosemary on the windowsill

fragrant rosemary.

Landing conditions

wet gauze polyethylene


Propagation by cuttings

Rosemary flowers

Growing greens on the windowsill. Photo

Sowing spinach

Spinach is grown from seeds potassium permanganate for several hours.

Spinach on the windowsill. Growing and care

expanded clay

When planning to master growing herbs on a windowsill in winter, autumn and spring, lovers of indoor garden beds consider three undisputed leaders: dill, parsley and green onions.

These plants are suitable as seasonings for many dishes. They gained their popularity due to their ease of care, versatility and taste. How to grow popular and not so hackneyed ones herbs in the kitchen with your own hands, what should you pay attention to so that the harvest pleases the eye and taste?

  1. General recommendations for growing herbs on a windowsill
  2. Requirements of different greens
    • How to grow parsley on a window
    • Features of growing dill in an apartment
    • Fragrant basil on the window
    • The ideal lettuce variety to grow at home
    • How to quickly get onion greens in winter
    • Fragrant mint in the home kitchen
  3. What else can you grow on a windowsill in an apartment?

General recommendations for growing herbs on a windowsill

You can grow almost any greenery on the windowsill in your apartment. The main thing is to choose the right variety and comply with the plant’s requirements for soil composition, air humidity, watering, and temperature conditions.


  • Choose unpretentious varieties, or better yet, hybrids specially bred for indoor conditions. This will simplify care and increase the chances of a harvest. If you are not confident in your abilities and want to get quick results, buy not seeds, but ready-made seedlings in pots.
  • Practical pots for herbs on the windowsill should have rectangular shape. Take wide and shallow dishes. Plastic containers are quite suitable; they are light and easy to clean. Ideal for reusable use. Read more about choosing containers here.
  • Buy light, well-drained soil for your greens. You can prepare a mixture of vermicompost and coconut fiber. The proportion should be 1:2. Be sure to add a layer of small stones, expanded clay, crushed polystyrene foam, or other drainage to the bottom of the pot.
  • If the window is cool or drafty, use plastic covers to create mini-greenhouses. You can buy ready-made ones or make them from a bag yourself.
  • The optimal daylight hours for green pets are 10-13 hours. In winter there is not enough light, especially at north side. To illuminate the greenery on the windowsill, install lamps; it is better to buy fluorescent or special phytolamps. Ordinary lamps will not work.

  • Do not neglect fertilizing; select mineral fertilizer complexes for watering once every 2-3 weeks. But make the solution less concentrated than for open ground.
  • Every other day or more often, spray green pets with a fine spray, especially if the air in the apartment is dry.
  • Do not be lazy to turn the pots on different sides towards the light so that the plant develops evenly.
  • To grow greenery, it is better to allocate a window sill in the kitchen to the apartment. The bedroom is not the best place for frequent watering, spraying and applying fertilizers. In the bathroom, herbs will look ridiculous; other plants are more appropriate for its landscaping.

If you don’t want to limit yourself to just greens, then study our tips for organizing and decorating a vegetable garden on a windowsill and find out what else you can grow in a city apartment all year round. However, for beginners it is best start with herbs and indoor pepper. Plants that are difficult to cultivate can disappoint with the results and discourage the process.

Requirements of different greens

Before you go to the store for seeds or seedlings, learn how to grow different types of greens on a windowsill, and choose the simplest and most affordable option for you.

How to grow parsley on a window

To grow parsley in pots, you need a mixture of one part peat, the same amount of humus and twice the volume of garden soil, disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. But it’s easier to buy ready-made universal primer.

When choosing seeds, give preference to early, quickly ripening varieties. This information is indicated on the packaging. Low-grade species and curly parsley look beautiful. It is important that the selected variety can easily tolerate frequent pruning, because you will constantly be picking leaves to decorate dishes.

Optimal varieties for indoor conditions:

  • Appetizing;
  • Vorozheya;
  • Aster;
  • Gloria;
  • Nastenka;
  • Station wagon;
  • Russian feast.

To increase the germination of parsley, experienced gardeners advise keeping the seeds warm in a damp cloth for two or three days. Then you need to squeeze out the excess water, place the cloth with the seeds in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for several days.

Basic rules for growing parsley on a windowsill:

  1. Choose containers for planting with a height of at least 15 cm.
  2. When planting, be sure to maintain a distance between holes of at least 5 cm.
  3. Bury the seeds to a depth of 0.7-1.4 mm.
  4. Immediately after sowing, cover the pot with film or a special plastic greenhouse and place it on a lighted windowsill.
  5. Provide a temperature of 17-21 degrees.
  6. Moisten the crops, but not too much, otherwise mold will form. Remove the film every day, allowing air access.
  7. With proper care, parsley shoots will appear in one and a half to two weeks. The film can be removed.
  8. Water your greens two to three times a week. Provide additional food once a month.
  9. Optimal temperature regime for indoor parsley – 15-18 °C during the day and 10-12 °C at night.
  10. Make sure that the greens are not attacked by pests. Spider mites often spread from other plants to parsley.

When harvesting, try not to tear off the tops, but thin out rows. This will improve the conditions for further growth.

Features of growing dill in an apartment

When choosing what greens you can grow on the windowsill in winter, pay attention to dill - the second most popular spice in the kitchen.

To enjoy the summer aroma within a month, buy varieties with rapid maturation: Gribovsky, Carousel, Early Miracle, Aurora, Grenadier. You can plant varieties with different ripening periods on the same windowsill, so that you can use the early ones first, and then switch to the late ones, which just have time to grow.

  1. For selection good seeds, soak them in warm water for two days, changing the water to fresh water every 12 hours. Throw away everything that floats mercilessly, and use the rest of the material for planting.
  2. Moisten the soil in the pots and make holes 1-1.5 cm deep, leaving gaps of about 4 cm.
  3. Fill the top with soil, sprinkle with water and cover with plastic, as described above for parsley.
  4. Place in a warm place (from 18 to 20 degrees) and protected from sun rays places for a week.
  5. When the shoots appear, remove the film and place the pot of herbs on the windowsill. If there seem to be a lot of sprouts, thin out, leaving about 3 cm of space around each sprout.
  6. Water as the soil dries out. It is better to use a spray bottle as an assistant so as not to damage the young shoots.
  7. Turn the pot with different sides to the sun so that the dill grows evenly.
  8. Fertilize once every 30-45 days.

Fragrant basil on the window

Basil is another popular choice for growing fresh herbs on a windowsill in a city apartment. There are many varieties of basil in nature, but only a few dozen are suitable for human consumption. The leaves of the plant are used in cooking; they are ideal for salads, meat dishes, and marinades.

The best varieties for the room are:

  • Marquis – is compact and beautiful shape ball;
  • Dwarf is a low bush, there are species with greenery with a purple tint;
  • Clove – attracts with its pleasant aroma and high decorative value.
  • Lemon – delicate lemon aroma and crown with beautiful light green leaves.
  • Purple is a bright bush with large leaves.

Basil seeds are different long germination. To speed up the process, keep the seed in a warm place for 10-14 days, then soak in warm water for a day. Discard any floating specimens.

  1. Make holes in the soil and plant the seeds about 3 cm apart. There is no need to make large gaps, since not all crops will sprout.
  2. To speed up germination, make a polyethylene greenhouse. The plant loves light and warmth - provide a temperature of 25 ° C.
  3. Moisten the mini-bed as it dries.
  4. Once the basil has sprouted, thin out the excess so that there is 5cm of space around each plant.
  5. Place on a well-lit windowsill and regularly care for the plantings - water, turn, fertilize, loosen the soil. Heat water for irrigation to 30 °C.
  6. Basil loves light, so be sure to install a lamp on the windowsill for illumination and provide at least 15 hours of daylight.

For culinary purposes pick leaves from the tops of the bush. This will prevent flowering, which makes the grass unedible.

The ideal lettuce variety to grow at home

When planning to plant greens on the windowsill for the first time, pay attention to watercress. This is one of the most unpretentious and fastest-germinating plants. Watercress seeds do not require long soaking, and the seedlings are resistant to temperature fluctuations and light. The best varieties: Pepper, Common, Broadleaf, Curly.

  1. To get a bountiful harvest, soak watercress seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours.
  2. Create good drainage at the bottom of the pot and fill it with flower soil from a bag or a mixture of two parts coconut fiber and one part vermicompost.
  3. Prepare holes 5-10 mm deep, sow basil and fill the holes with soil. Moisten and cover with film.
  4. The first micro-greens on the windowsill will appear in a week. Keep the pot at a temperature of 17-20 degrees.
  5. The higher the temperature, the more abundant the watering should be.

Watercress is one of the most unpretentious plants, it can be grown without any soil at all. Some people do it right in the water, while others do it on foam rubber. But greenery looks more attractive in a pot on the kitchen windowsill.

How to quickly get onion greens in winter

To grow onion greens at home on a windowsill, you can use two options - in soil in a pot and in water. The second method is fast and familiar to everyone since childhood. You just need to fill the glasses with water and place the bulbs in them. It is better to take those that have already begun to germinate.

The nuances of growing l uka in the water:

  1. The water should be warm - about 40 degrees.
  2. If the bulb has not yet begun to sprout, it is recommended to cut off the top by 1.5 cm.
  3. Only the roots should be in the water; the bulb should not be immersed more than one-third.

By the way, you can similarly grow an avocado from a seed at home and get a beautiful tree.

Instead of jars, it is convenient to use egg cartons or special pots for growing onions at home. This is a container with holes for the bulbs. It looks neat and beautiful on the windowsill.

Growing green onions in the ground takes longer and is more difficult. Use bulbs for planting, as you may not get a harvest from the seeds at all.

Watch the video for the process of planting bulbs on greens in a bottle.

Fragrant mint in the home kitchen

An excellent choice for the home is mint with a wonderful aroma. Mint is a perennial plant that is easy to grow on a windowsill using root cuttings or seeds. The second method will take more time, but will bring more pleasure.

Peat or loose humus soil with an acidity of no more than 5-6 pH is suitable for growing mint. Feel free to buy universal primer in the store and don’t worry. The ideal temperature is 18-25 degrees. To the plant good lighting required.

  1. You need to divide the bush in the fall after the growing season has ended. Carefully divide the rhizomes so that each portion contains shoots with dormant buds.
  2. Fill the pots two-thirds full with nutrient soil.
  3. Carefully distribute the seedlings and sprinkle them with soil.
  4. Pour warm water over it.

The first leaves should appear in about two weeks.

If you bought a bunch of fresh mint, then try to obtain planting material using the method cuttings. Just place a few branches in water, dipping them in a root stimulator (root formation). The roots will appear in 8-14 days. All that remains is to plant the seedlings in pots.

  1. It is better to sow mint seeds for growing on a windowsill in mid-spring.
  2. Fill the pot with soil, prepare holes 0.5 cm deep and moisten the soil.
  3. Sow the seeds and sprinkle a small amount of the same soil on top.
  4. Cover with a film greenhouse.
  5. At a temperature of 19-25 degrees, seedlings will appear a couple of weeks after sowing.
  6. Control the moisture of the soil, do not allow drying out and excessive humidity. Water by spraying to avoid washing away the crops.

When growing mint in winter, do not overwater. Let the soil dry out slightly. Avoid drafts. In summer, water more deeply, but protect fresh greens from excess direct sunlight. If conditions permit, use mint to create a fragrant ambience in your balcony garden.

What else can you grow on a windowsill in an apartment?

When planning to grow herbs on a windowsill in winter, you can choose almost any type of fast-growing spicy herb. herbaceous plants. Oregano and sage perform well in apartments; they are not demanding of light and can withstand partial shade.

The unpretentious one causes little trouble fragrant lemon balm. Melissa seeds just need to be sown in the soil to a depth of 0.5 cm without pre-soaking, watered and moistened regularly. The greens will hatch within a few days. Melissa loves light; its lack reduces the production of essential oils that give the leaves their aroma.

It will require care, but it looks very original on the window celery. The easiest way to get celery greens is in water. Simply cut the root part from the stem and leave it in a container of water for sunny place. In a few days, new shoots and roots will appear. You can transplant the plant into soil or leave it in water. Trim green leaves as needed and care for your pet if replanted.

Green seeds cost pennies. Try and experiment with different types and planting options. Create your own spicy mini-vegetable garden to the delight of yourself and the envy of passers-by looking in the windows. And for greater effect decorate pots with your own hands using our selection of ideas. This way you can save a lot on purchasing containers.

By making growing herbs on your windowsill at home your hobby, you will have fun, decorate your kitchen, and always have herbs on hand for salads and soups. This hobby is ideal for spending time together with children and husband. Have a good harvest all year round!

Home mini-vegetable gardens

on window sills are now very popular. ABOUT the most important rules, which allow you to grow almost any vegetables in such conditions, we said in the article

"10 secrets of the home garden"

And this time I propose to discuss the best crops for home “beds” - those that do not require special care, but at the same time invariably delight you with a harvest in the shortest possible time. I present my list and look forward to your comments.

1. Green onions

Topping my hit parade is, of course, green onions. Probably, everyone has grown it on a windowsill at least once in their life, even if only in childhood - out of curiosity. This is an ideal plant for the home garden: fast growing, unpretentious, healthy.

As planting material You can use both onion sets (large fraction - samples) and regular onion. I've tried both options; from sets (or small turnips), the harvest is, of course, smaller - the bulb is depleted faster. But the feather - for my taste - is softer and more delicate. In addition, a small onion takes less space upon landing. A large bulb produces more greenery, its feathers are usually larger, and it takes longer to harvest from it.

Small bulbs can also be used as planting material. Photo by the author If you don’t have enough of your own onions to use for forcing, you can specially buy selections in the fall - in supermarkets and specialized country stores they sell them at the end of the season with good discounts. I would not recommend purchasing such planting material for turnips, but for forcing it is just right.

You can plant onions for forcing in small containers with water or a nutrient solution (so that the onion never falls into the water, but only touches it) or in the ground. I personally like the second option better: bulbs in water often begin to rot, emitting a specific aroma; I’ve never had this kind of incident happen to me with unpaved ones.

I always add hydrogel soaked in Gumi solution to the soil for planting (this biological product strengthens the plants, additionally nourishes them, and increases resistance to disease). IN room conditions the soil substrate dries out quickly, and the hydrogel prevents the bulbs from suffering from moisture deficiency.

To always have a harvest, it is best to plant onions regularly - every 10-14 days. Then, by the time the harvest from the first “bed” is fully harvested, the greens on the next one will ripen - and so on until spring.

Box of green onions. Photo by the author I use small plastic boxes for planting. I pour expanded clay on the bottom (there are no holes for draining excess moisture in the boxes, so drainage is necessary), and on top - soil with hydrogel up to about half of the box. Having slightly compacted the mixture, I plant the bulbs in it close to each other, without burying them in the soil. I water it generously - that's all.

Because I usually plant already sprouted bulbs, you don’t have to wait long for the harvest. I don’t carry out any specific procedures (trimming, soaking, and the like), which are often recommended when forcing onions into feathers - I don’t see any particular need, and there’s always not enough time. But if you, friends, have such experience and you see the benefits of such processing, be sure to share your opinion in the comments - recommendations from practitioners are always priceless!

  • How to grow delicious onions on the windowsill - secrets and subtleties
  • Vegetable garden on the windowsill: growing onions, garlic and carrots for greens
  • Forcing onions in special boxes: the experience of Yulia Minyaeva
  • Growing green onions in a plastic bottle

2. Watercress

I’ll say right away: I myself grew this plant only once - I was not impressed by its gastronomic properties. Personally, I liked mustard leaf better - also a very undemanding plant of the cruciferous family. But taste, as you know, is a purely individual thing, and I still take the liberty of recommending watercress as one of the best crops for home gardens. Why?

  • Firstly, he - like the onion - is extremely unpretentious. Those who do not have the opportunity or desire to spend time on labor-intensive care for the “beds” on the windowsill will certainly appreciate this, I think.
  • Secondly, it is very early ripening: already 2-3 weeks after the emergence of shoots (and they won’t keep you waiting either) you will be pleased with young vitamin greens.
  • Thirdly, nature has endowed watercress with many beneficial properties: regular consumption of this crop helps normalize blood pressure, improve digestion and sleep. It was used as a remedy for scurvy, and the juice was used to treat anemia and vitamin deficiencies.

Watercress - harvest in two weeks If you have children, try sowing watercress with them - at least for the sake of experiment. This is one of those plants with which you should start getting into gardening, because failure is practically impossible!

Watercress grows successfully on windowsills even in winter - it is very cold-resistant (the ideal temperature for it is considered to be from +15 to +18 degrees) and is not picky about light. The only thing it needs is regular moistening of the soil and air, since this plant does not like drought. To ensure there are always greens on the table, it is recommended to sow another portion of watercress every 7-10 days.

3. Lettuce

As a big salad lover, I couldn’t ignore it, of course. This crop is a little more demanding than green onions and watercress, but it’s worth the effort for the juicy greens. What to consider?

  • Firstly, lettuce at home needs additional lighting - it is a light-loving crop. Lack of lighting will lead to early formation of flower stalks. The problem is partially solved by the choice of varieties. Lollo Rossa and Lollo Bionda (my favorites) performed well for me; New Year's, Vitamin, and Emerald Lace varieties are also recommended for home gardens.
  • Secondly, lettuce reacts painfully to drought and heat: the leaves become coarse and bitter, and flower stalks quickly form.
  • Thirdly, lettuce seedlings need to be thinned out. It is recommended to do this twice: a week after emergence, at a distance of 1-2 cm between seedlings, and in the phase of 2-3 true leaves - at a distance of 4-5 cm. If you thicken the crops, the plants will stretch out, weaken, and you will most likely harvest , you won't see.

Young leaf lettuce plants. Photo by the author From cultivation head forms of lettuce at home, it is better to refuse until you have enough experience: they are more demanding and need more careful care than their leafy counterparts, and their growing season, as a rule, is longer. To be honest, I didn’t even try to grow lettuce at home to standard sizes, which he reaches in the garden - tender young leaves were quite enough for me. But, if the space allows, and there are conditions suitable for salad, it is quite possible to get large rosettes.

4. Parsley

You can get parsley at home in two ways: sowing seeds in the ground and forcing from harvested roots. The second method, although it requires some preliminary preparation, is generally simpler. Even if you haven’t prepared planting material in the fall, you can look for high-quality root crops for forcing in the vegetable departments of stores.

For our purposes, unconditionally healthy medium-sized parsley roots (30-60 g in weight) without signs of wilting are suitable. They must retain the apical bud - heavily pruned plants will not produce greenery.

Having well moistened the soil in a box or flower pot, we plant root crops, covering their tops with soil. Too long ones can be cut off (the cut is sprinkled with coal to avoid rot) or planted obliquely. The latter option is considered even more preferable than the usual landing.

Parsley from seeds at home. Photo by the author If you grow parsley from seeds, you need to take into account two nuances: the plant is light-loving, and its seeds germinate rather slowly. When sowing, the containers with parsley were not positioned very well relative to the light source, and the seedlings immediately began to stretch out. And it was possible to speed up germination by pre-soaking the seeds in Gumi solution (I will definitely tell you more about this wonderful preparation someday).

Parsley is not afraid of cold weather, so it feels great on the windowsill. The plant also does not have any special requirements for moisture - we water it as needed, depending on the conditions in the room. I traditionally apply hydrogel to all such plantings, so I usually don’t have any problems with watering my home garden.

For more information about growing this plant at home, read the article How to grow parsley on a windowsill.

5. Chives

This crop will require a little preliminary preparation: in order to get a harvest all winter, you need to prepare planting material for forcing. Small clumps of chives are dug up and, after trimming the feather, they are planted in boxes or pots, which are stored in the basement or on the balcony.

In winter, as needed, they are brought into a warm room and placed closer to the light. The feathers of chives grow quickly; it can be plucked from the bush selectively or cut off completely. I love their flavor, which is milder and milder than regular green onions, so (given the ease of growing) I have no hesitation in adding chives to my list of the best crops for the home garden.

As my experience has shown, at home, the harvest from one plant can be obtained twice, after which it is depleted, even with good care and feeding. Therefore, it is wise to prepare several containers with planting material to grow greens throughout the winter. Well early spring Chives are one of the first to sprout in the garden.

Chives - harvest from the home garden. Photo by the author It is advisable to take planting material for forcing from those plantings that you intend to thin out or completely remove - the plants used for forcing are no longer restored, and after the final harvest they are removed.

Important nuance: chives are very sensitive to moisture - with a lack of it, the feathers become coarser and begin to become noticeably bitter, and flower stalks quickly form. I set up an experiment: I planted identical sections in identical containers; one - in ordinary soil, the second - into a mixture of soil and hydrogel. Visible, so to speak, with the naked eye, differences in the growth and development of plants confirmed the assumption of the benefits of using hydrogel in this case.

Let's sum it up

This is the list. I tried to grow radishes, dill, and cilantro at home; As a child, I planted beans and peas. I drove out beet and carrot greens, tried to preserve basil transplanted from the garden... In short, there were many different experiments, and the listed crops turned out to be among my favorites.

Decisive when choosing There were such factors as ease of cultivation and undemanding conditions. I will repeat what I have already said more than once: you can grow almost any garden crop at home, but not everyone has the opportunity to do this. Therefore, the best plants for a home garden are those that are easy for anyone to grow.

Let me remind you: Vegetable garden on a balcony or windowsill: features of home gardening - the topic of the next lesson in our Gardener Academy. Recommendations from the specialists of Agrofirm Poisk, together with whom we organized this project, will help beginners quickly master gardening wisdom, and experienced gardeners - systematize and deepen their knowledge.

What do you grow on your windowsills? What do you agree with in my story, and what could you argue with, based on own experience? Share your opinion in the comments and tell us about your favorite plants!

Growing greens on the windowsill of an ordinary apartment allows you to easily provide its inhabitants with fresh vitamins all year round. Many housewives are fond of growing herbs on the windowsill. If it is not possible to harvest from summer cottage, this method of gardening may well help out lovers of fresh parsley and dill.

Juicy onion on the windowsill

Growing onions on a windowsill is extremely easy. Experienced gardeners do this in two ways:

  • traditionally in the ground;
  • hydroponics method.

Owners of small window sills, planting bulbs in the ground, can wisely use the space by arranging vertical beds. To do this, you need to take an empty plastic water bottle and cut holes in it in a circle. Next, you need to fill the bottle with soil in layers and lay out the bulbs in rows so that their heads stick out from the holes made. If the ground in such a structure is replaced mineral wool, then the beds will turn from traditional to hydroponic. When working with mineral wool, do not forget about rubber gloves, which will help protect your hands during planting.

How to grow onions for greens on a windowsill. Photo

How to choose onions on the windowsill

When starting planting, it is necessary to carefully select planting material. Bulbs should be dense, round in shape, with a shiny husk and without signs of rotting. Their root cup should be well developed. Preference is best given to bulbs that have begun to sprout.

If sprouted bulbs cannot be found, experts recommend making a careful cut at the top of the bulb parallel to the root cup. Before planting in the ground, the bulb can be soaked briefly in water.

Rules of care

Growing onions on a windowsill requires knowing some little secrets. Onions produce green feathers well when temperature from 18 to 20 degrees above zero. Raising the temperature to 24 degrees will speed up this process, and if it reaches a level of 30 degrees, green growth will stop.

Growing onions on a windowsill for greens. Photo

With the growing method using hydroponics When the bulbs are in water, care must be taken to ensure that they do not begin to rot. To do this, you can lift the body of the onion above the liquid using a cardboard or plastic circle with a hole in the center. In addition, to prevent the development of putrefaction, a 4% solution can be periodically added to the water. hydrogen peroxide or faint pink solution manganese.

Contrary to popular belief, you should not place onions in a window close to the light immediately after planting. For the first 10 days it should be in a dark, cool place. During this period, the formation of the root system occurs. Subsequently, the onion gratefully accepts large number Sveta. If natural light not enough, can be used backlight, having built it from fluorescent lamps.

Juicy onions on greens on the windowsill. Photo

Green salad on the windowsill

Juicy green salad leaves are an indispensable addition to many vegetable and meat dishes. This plant is popular among lovers of tasty and healthy food. That is why many gardeners are wondering how to grow lettuce on the windowsill of their apartment. Experts recommend using such lettuce varieties as Odessa, Rand Credo, and Lol Rossa for this purpose.

Growing lettuce on a windowsill. Photo

You can grow this plant in a pot of soil throughout the year. The salad produces lush greens, but quickly fades away, releasing arrows. Having harvested once, the bush must be destroyed and a new plant planted in its place.

Secrets of planting and care

Before planting, lettuce seeds should be soaked in a slightly pink solution for several hours. potassium permanganate. After this, they need to be planted half a centimeter into the ground. It is better to immediately use a fairly large container, since lettuce does not like transplanting. But what he really loves is a large amount of light and moisture. In conditions of excessive dryness and poor lighting, the leaves of the plant become weak and pale. The salad should not only be watered, but also generously sprayed. In winter, the plant needs lighting.

After planting the seeds in the ground, the container must be covered with cellophane and not opened until the sprouts hatch. This usually happens within 3-4 days. The optimal temperature for plant growth is 18-20 degrees Celsius. Heat negatively affects the harvest because it accelerates the plant's shoots.

Parsley on the windowsill. Growing

It is difficult to imagine what plant could compete with parsley in popularity. Almost no dish of Russian cuisine can do without this greenery. Knowing how to grow parsley on a windowsill, you can have fresh branches of this useful plant on your table all year round.

Parsley on greens on the windowsill. Photo

How to plant correctly

Growing parsley at home is not particularly difficult. This plant is very grateful and very picky. You can plant it:

  • seeds in spring;
  • root crops throughout the year.

Planting parsley with root vegetables

The root crops of the plant should be planted in a container at a distance of at least a centimeter from each other. At the same time, they need to be covered with earth so that the tops stick out on the surface. Drainage It is not necessary to use it in such a planting. The earth needs to be tamped down well and generously water.

Parsley on the windowsill. Photo

Green shoots will appear within a couple of days after planting. From this point on, the plant must be provided with sufficient light. The first harvest can be harvested in about two weeks. Experts recommend periodically rotating the container with the plant around its axis so that the growing bush forms symmetrically.

Planting parsley seeds

Unlike growing using root crops, the seeds will germinate and produce the first harvest no earlier than a month after planting. However, such a plant will delight its owner with lush greenery for much longer.

  1. With a pick. In this case, the seeds need to be sown in small containers, and after germination, the strongest young shoots should be selected and transplanted into the main growing container.

  2. Without picking. This method involves planting seeds immediately in large containers. It is simpler, but does not allow you to sort the sprouts.

Caring for parsley on the windowsill

Optimal for growing greens temperature are 12-18 degrees Celsius, but parsley easily tolerates significant drops to 5 degrees Celsius and even lower. The heat causes the plant to stretch upward, and its leaves become lighter.

Growing parsley on a windowsill. Photo

Parsley, as a moisture-loving plant, needs to be generously water water room temperature. However, in winter, the amount of watering should be reduced. To maintain high yields of bushes, it is recommended to fertilize them once every 2-3 weeks. A teaspoon is suitable as a top dressing agrolife or one cap Rostorma two parts water.

Dill on the windowsill

Growing dill on a windowsill can be done all year round. True, depending on the time of planting, it requires different levels of care. Greens grown between May and September cause the least trouble. At this time of year, dill receives a sufficient amount of light and heat. But in winter, the delicate greenery of this plant must be carefully illuminated and kept at a comfortable temperature.

Growing dill on a windowsill. Photo

Planting dill seeds

Any gardener knows how to grow dill on a windowsill. Before planting, the seeds must be soaked in an intense pink solution of potassium permanganate to awaken vitality in them. Dill, like parsley, can be planted with picking and without her. Be sure to add a layer to the bottom of the container. drainage. After planting the seeds in the ground, it is recommended to cover the container with film to create a greenhouse effect and speed up the emergence of seedlings.

Growing greenery on a windowsill. Photo

Dill crops grow best when temperature 15-18 degrees Celsius, but are not afraid of temperatures dropping to 8 degrees, so they grow well in winter on glazed loggias.

Dill loves moisture, so it needs to be watered abundantly in the summer, during high temperatures. In winter, the intensity of watering should be reduced.

The first harvest can be harvested a month and a half after planting.

Sorrel on the windowsill

Growing sorrel at home is not only simple, but also very useful, since this plant actively releases oxygen. Sorrel is a very popular herb among housewives, so many of them know how to grow sorrel on a windowsill.

How to plant

How to care for sorrel on the windowsill

For the first week, it is recommended to keep the plant at temperature+ 10 degrees, then it can be increased to 20. Immediately after planting, the soil must be thoroughly moistened; as the greenery grows, watering must be done as needed.

As fertilizers When growing sorrel, you can use a decoction of onion peels, coffee grounds or tea.

Greenery on the windowsill. Photo

On early stage Sorrel requires a lot of light to ripen. An adult plant easily tolerates dark places. The first harvest can be harvested in a month. Experienced gardeners claim that with quality care, they harvest three harvests in a row from December to April.

Growing basil on a windowsill

Any variety of this plant is perfect for growing basil in pots on a windowsill. The keys to success are:

  • sunny place;
  • warm;
  • fertile soil;
  • abundant watering;
  • presence of drainage.

Growing greenery on a windowsill. Photo

Rules for planting basil

Many housewives deprived of garden plots would like to know how to grow basil on the windowsill of their own apartment. This is extremely useful plant reproduces in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • vegetatively, using cuttings.

Basil planted seeds, will require more effort, but will please the owner much longer than plants grown from cuttings.

To propagate basil vegetatively, you need to take several of its branches, bought in a store or market, and put them in water. After 7-10 days they will produce roots, after which the shoots can be planted in the ground. Two weeks after planting, the plant will be suitable for consumption.

When planting seeds you should:

Rules of care

  1. Basil is very sensitive to light, so you need to find the brightest place for it.
  2. This plant feels good at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius and can hardly tolerate any, even slight, drop in temperature.
  3. Basil needs regular watering. In addition, he likes to be sprayed with water every day.

Growing greens on the windowsill. Photo

When harvesting, you must first cut off the side shoots. In this case, the plant will grow rapidly.

Rosemary on the windowsill

Rosemary is loved by gardeners for its beauty and benefits. It is an exquisite spice, delicately fragrant ornamental plant, as well as raw materials for the preparation of medicines.

Rosemary is not easy to grow on a windowsill, but the results are worth the effort. In order to successfully cope with this task, you need to follow the recommendations of experts who explain how to grow rosemary on an ordinary windowsill.

Despite the wide variety of varieties of rosemary, you can only grow them at home fragrant rosemary.

Rosemary on herbs on the windowsill. Photo

Landing conditions

  1. It is recommended to grow rosemary in spacious pots, since this plant has a branched root system.
  2. Planting rules require an expanded clay cushion and slightly alkaline soils.
  3. Rosemary needs constant feeding. The soil needs to be fertilized every 14 days in the summer and at least once in the winter.
  4. The plant needs to be provided with sufficient light and comfortable temperature air.
  5. The plant does not tolerate excess moisture, so it is better to underwater it than to overwater it. With a lack of moisture, rosemary leaves turn yellow, and with too much moisture, the roots begin to rot.

Growing rosemary from seeds on a windowsill

Rosemary can be grown from seeds, but this is not easy, since the seeds of this plant have poor germination. Spring or autumn are suitable for planting seeds. Before planting, the seeds should be wrapped in wet gauze and leave for a couple of days. After this, they need to be placed in well-moistened soil and covered with a film of polyethylene, making several punctures in it.

You will have to wait from two to four weeks for germination, regularly watering soil. If the seedlings do not germinate after a month, you need to repeat the planting procedure again. When the seedlings reach approximately 9 centimeters in height and acquire three leaves, you can pick. During the entire growth period of the plant, it must be replanted into increasingly larger pots.

Propagation by cuttings

By cutting off an adult plant, you can get shoots for its further propagation. In this case, you need to cut off the shoots from the top of the rosemary and make sure that they have a woody stem structure.

You need to remove the lower leaves from the cuttings and place them in a container with a damp mixture of peat and sand or simply in water. After roots have formed, the sprouts can be transplanted into ceramic flowerpots.

Rosemary flowers

In order for the plant to bloom, it must be placed in a colder environment. The air temperature can be about 10-15 degrees Celsius. During this period, the plant does not need to be watered or pick off its leaves.

Flowers and the top parts of annual plants can be used for food.

Spinach on the windowsill. Growing and care

Growing spinach on a windowsill is not difficult. This annual plant is very popular among chefs. Its juicy leaves are added to salads, first and second courses.

Many housewives know how to grow spinach on a windowsill. This plant is very unpretentious and lends itself well to cultivation throughout the year.

Growing greens on the windowsill. Photo

Sowing spinach

Spinach is grown from seeds. Before planting, they need to be placed overnight in a container of warm water to soak the hard shell, and then put into a solution potassium permanganate for several hours.

Spinach on the windowsill. Growing and care

When planting in a pot, you need to add a layer to its bottom. expanded clay, then put a layer of earth. Seeds can be planted to a depth of one and a half centimeters. While waiting for the shoots to appear, the pot should be covered with cellophane.

Features of caring for spinach on the windowsill

The first greens after sowing can be harvested around the end of 3 or 4 weeks. But after a month and a half, the plant becomes unsuitable for use.

Growing herbs in pots on the windowsill is a very rewarding and fun process. Once you master it, you can decorate your diet with a variety of green seasonings for many years.

In winter, there is such a shortage of fresh herbs and vegetables from the garden. What can you grow on your windowsill to enjoy natural products? The list of crops suitable for apartment conditions is quite wide - from parsley and lettuce to tomatoes and cucumbers.

You can grow greens on a windowsill in winter or summer in the same way as in the garden. But keep in mind that some plants are quite demanding. In this article we will look at easy-to-care crops.

If you are a beginner gardener, and therefore do not know what you can grow on the windowsill, then it is better to start with green onions, watercress, and parsley. And herbs - basil and rosemary - will not only come in handy in the kitchen, but will also spread their aroma throughout the apartment. More experienced amateurs can immediately start by growing cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers.

Children will also enjoy the winter garden. Even a toddler can grow green onions on the windowsill. Caring for plants will not only captivate your child and give him a new useful experience, but also provide vitamins.


After you have decided what to grow on the windowsill, you need to prepare pots, soil, and seeds. The set is the same for most cultures. Experienced summer residents who know how to grow seedlings on a windowsill already have almost everything they need.

To arrange a vegetable garden on the windowsill you will need deep drawers or wide ones. flower pots for planting plants. They can be fitted with plastic covers to create greenhouse effect. For these purposes, you can also use ordinary plastic bags.

The pots need to be filled with soil from a flower shop or a self-prepared substrate. It is better to avoid using soil from the garden or vegetable garden, as insect larvae and weed seeds may remain in it. If the soil from the street is not prepared and calcined, then there is a high probability that you can grow one weed on the windowsill.

You also need to prepare a container for settling water - tender young plants should not be watered directly from the tap. You will also need a spray bottle or a small watering can.

Foil placed behind plants to reflect sunlight will also be useful. If foil is not used, then boxes and pots with plants must be turned 180 degrees daily, otherwise they will tilt towards the window and grow crookedly.

If the plants are grown in spring and summer (planting in February-March), then they will have enough sunlight from the street. But a winter garden planted in the fall will require additional lighting. Fluorescent lamps are suitable for this.

You should understand that you can only grow undemanding herbs on a windowsill in winter without lighting, but you won’t be able to get a good harvest of tomatoes without using phytolamps. During the winter in sunny days additional lighting will be needed evening time, but in cloudy weather the lamp will have to be turned on for the whole day.

Green onions

Children are shown how to grow onions on a windowsill as early as kindergarten. This is the easiest crop to grow at home; it does not require special care, grows quickly and is very useful.

To force feathers, you can use both large onion sets (selections) and ordinary onion turnips. Feathers from a small bulb are more delicate, but the small head wears out quickly. A larger bulb produces abundant greens for a longer period of time.

Not only self-grown onions are suitable, you can also use those purchased at a supermarket or a store for summer residents. The easiest way to plant onions for forcing is in water. To do this, you need to take a small glass and fill it with plain water or a nutrient solution. The bulb must be installed so that only its tip touches the surface of the liquid. You need to change the water every day.

When planted in water, the bulb may begin to rot and spread bad smell. This can be avoided, since you can grow onions on a windowsill by planting them in the ground. The substrate should be poured into a shallow plastic box. If there are no drainage holes at the bottom of the container, then to prevent rotting of the roots, it is reasonable to pour a small drainage layer of expanded clay, pebbles, broken bricks, etc.

There is no need to bury the heads; plant them tightly; the bulbs are not afraid of close proximity. Plantings must be watered frequently, preventing the soil from drying out. Do not use all the seed material at once, it is better to break it into several portions and plant it 2-3 weeks apart, then there will be enough fresh onions for the whole winter.

Green onions can be grown not only in boxes. Onions for forcing can be planted vertically. To do this, you can purchase a special flowerpot at a store for summer residents or make holes yourself in a plastic bottle filled with soil.


What can a beginner grow on a windowsill? Another simplest crop to grow on a windowsill is watercress. He is famous for his beneficial properties, and its unpretentiousness makes it one of the most common salads for growing at home. Watercress is ready for consumption within 2-3 weeks after planting. Seeds can be purchased at a gardening store.

To grow lettuce, you don’t need a deep container; a regular tray will do. As a substrate, you can use a thin (about 3 cm) layer of clay or peat soil, fabric folded several times, cotton wool or paper towels.

Watercress should be planted densely so that the young plants support each other. Press the seeds slightly into the moist substrate. The plant does not require additional lighting; just place it on the windowsill.

How to grow lettuce on a windowsill? The main thing is not to let the soil dry out, although you shouldn’t overwater the salad either. The plant does not like heat. The optimal temperature is no higher than 18 degrees Celsius. To avoid overheating in winter, just move the container with the salad closer to the window.

In order for green watercress to be constantly present on the table, you need to plant it according to a scheme that is convenient for you. You can sow a new container every week or two or add a small amount of seeds every 3-4 days.


Growing lettuce is somewhat more difficult. To know how to grow lettuce on a windowsill, you need to take into account the variety of the plant being grown. The varieties Lollo Rossa, Lollo Bionda, Odessky, Vitaminny, New Year, and Red Credo perform best in apartment conditions.

In autumn and winter, leaf lettuce will need additional lighting. If the room is hot and dry, the plant does not receive enough moisture, then the leaves will become bitter, become coarse, and flower stalks will quickly form. Leaf lettuce loves moisture, coolness, feels good on glassed balcony until late autumn.

Leaf lettuce is planted in the ground quite densely, at a distance of 1-2 cm. Before the first shoots, the container is covered to create a greenhouse effect. Over time, thinning to a distance of 4-5 cm will be necessary. The plant needs watering and good lighting.

After the bushes begin to produce arrows, they become unsuitable for consumption. They can be removed and new seeds planted in their place.


Many housewives are wondering how to grow parsley on a windowsill. After all, you often only need a few leaves of this plant, and you don’t want to buy a whole package in the store. In spring and summer, parsley can be grown from seeds. The plant is light-loving, so in winter it will need additional lighting. The seeds germinate rather slowly, but the bush will last a long time. Parsley is not picky about temperature; it grows well on a windowsill or balcony. The plant is moisture-loving and is watered abundantly. In winter, parsley needs to be watered less often.

It will be possible to cut the first greenery only after a month and a half, but it will be possible to do this for a whole year. Before planting, it is better to soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. You can plant parsley in small containers, in peat cups or directly in flowerpots.

How to grow parsley on a windowsill in autumn and winter, because growing from seeds at this time is too long and labor-intensive? There is another way - forcing it from the rhizome. This method is somewhat simpler and better suited for the autumn-winter period. Planting material can be prepared independently in a personal plot or purchased at a regular grocery store.

The rhizome must be healthy, without signs of wilting, and the apical bud must be intact. The root crop should be placed in a pot and sprinkled with damp soil. Roots that are too long can be planted at an angle.

The first green shoots will appear within a few days after planting, and the leaves can be cut off in a couple of weeks. Greens will appear on the rhizome within six months.


What can you grow on a windowsill besides regular onions, parsley, and lettuce? Something more exotic like basil or rosemary.

The type of basil does not matter; green or purple will do. Basil can be propagated either from seeds or from cuttings. The plant is thermophilic - optimal temperature 20-25 degrees, and moisture-loving - good drainage and abundant watering are required.

Cuttings – quick way growing basil. You can simply buy a few branches in the store, put them in water and after one or two weeks move the seedling with roots into a pot. The young shoots will be ready for cutting in a couple of weeks. It is better to cut off the side shoots.

Basil planted from cuttings grows quickly, but also blooms quickly. As you know, after the start of flowering the plant is unsuitable for food. To have fresh basil on your table all the time, you need to replant the plantings every 3-4 months.

Planting basil from seeds will require more effort. But such a bush will not bloom for about a year. The seeds need to be soaked, covered, and the sprouts transplanted into pots. Grow basil using seeds better in spring, since additional lighting will be required in winter.


Rosemary in a clay pot on the windowsill will not only decorate the kitchen, but will also come in handy when cooking. This plant can be grown in the summer in the country, and in winter it will feel great at home.

You will need a wide pot with a thick drainage layer. Rosemary is demanding of light and air. It prefers the south side, and in summer the pot with the plant must be planted in open ground, taken out to the balcony or placed outside the window, otherwise the leaves will not accumulate a sufficient amount of essential oils.

Both seeds and cuttings are suitable for planting rosemary. The seeds of the plant have poor germination. They need to be soaked for 2 days, then placed on the ground without sprinkling on top, covered with film and sprayed every day with a spray bottle. If seedlings do not appear after 4 weeks, new seeds are planted. When the seedlings produce three or more leaves, they are planted in spacious pots.

It is easier to grow rosemary using cuttings. For this you need a woody shoot of the plant. It is placed in a container with water or wet sand, and after rooting it is transplanted into a pot.

Rosemary loves frequent but moderate watering. It is better to dry out the soil than to flood it. If there is a lack of moisture, they will begin to turn yellow. lower leaves plants, and if there is an excess, the roots will rot, which will lead to the death of the plant.

If in winter you provide the plant low temperature(up to 5 degrees), then rosemary will bloom in spring. An adult plant needs to be constantly trimmed to form a bush.


Growing cucumbers on a windowsill in winter is a rather tempting prospect. This can be done not only by an experienced gardener, but also by a beginner. Cucumbers grow quite quickly; you can get the first harvest in just a month and a half.

Not every variety of cucumber is suitable for growing on a windowsill. Firstly, it must be self-pollinating. During flowering, the bush must be shaken daily for pollination to occur. Secondly, it will be much more convenient if the plant is a bush plant. Thirdly, for home grown An early variety is better. Finally, a shade-loving plant is ideal. You can grow cucumbers on the windowsill in the winter of the varieties Connie, Masha, Legend, Debut, Polet, Babylon. Knowing required parameters, you can choose another variety.

Growing cucumbers at home has its own subtleties. After all, to provide everything necessary conditions may not be easy. Cucumbers are light-loving, so windows on the south and east sides are suitable for growing them. If there is still not enough light, then additional illumination will be required using fluorescent lamps.

The room temperature should not be below 20 degrees, so you should not move flowerpots too close to a cold window. Cucumbers love moisture very much, so you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out. The flowerpot with the plant can be placed in a bowl of water. The leaves need to be sprayed with a spray bottle twice a day.


Many people think that growing tomatoes on a windowsill is a very difficult task and inaccessible to a beginner. But this is not true at all! Moreover, for indoor growing There are special varieties.

When visiting a gardening store, note that some seed packages say “Recommended for pot growing”, “Window harvest”, “Home garden”. And the names of the varieties themselves are telling - Room Surprise, Balcony Miracle, Japanese Room. There are also hanging varieties that will look great in flower pots - Peruvian Homemade, Cherry, Talisman.

Even if you don’t find special indoor varieties, regular ones will do. Please note that these tomatoes must be determinate (short, or better yet dwarf), self-pollinating (for pollination, the bushes are shaken during flowering) and small-fruited. For example, Alaska, Bonsai, Bonsai micro, Pearl (red and yellow), Canada News, Minibel, Pinocchio, etc.

Tomatoes can be planted immediately in large pots or picked, choosing the strongest sprouts. During the period of flowering and fruit set, tomatoes need to be watered generously and the leaves should be sprayed.

The room where tomatoes grow needs to be regularly ventilated - plants do not like stagnant air. In winter they need additional lighting. The plant must be fed periodically. The first fruits can be obtained in 3-4 months.

Tomato is a perennial plant. At home, with good care, it will bear fruit for several years. After a period of active fruiting, the bush needs to be transplanted into a larger pot and updated by pruning the branches. In addition, tomato can be propagated by cuttings. A plant grown from a cutting will begin to bloom within a few weeks.

Sweet pepper

How to grow peppers on a windowsill? Doing this is no more difficult than growing tomatoes. True, you will have to wait longer for the harvest - 5-6 months. But pepper is a perennial plant; with good care, annual replanting and pruning, it will bear fruit for several years. The plant can be propagated not only by seeds, but also by cuttings. Caring for peppers is also similar to caring for tomatoes, but with one significant difference - while the tomato does not tolerate stagnant air, the pepper is afraid of drafts, so it is better not to place them on the same window.

Self-pollinating early-ripening varieties are best suited for growing in an apartment - Californian Miracle, Oda, Jupiter, Patio-Ivo.

Pepper needs good light, warmth, and loose soil (it is necessary to loosen the soil regularly). This plant is not capricious, and will delight you with its fruits for a long time. You can grow it at home and hot pepper, but these plants should not be in the same room, otherwise cross-pollination will occur.

Not everyone has a dacha, but fresh parsley, dill, green onion feathers are needed by every family. The solution is simple: growing greens on the balcony or on the windowsill will allow you to have vitamin seasonings all year round. Some housewives tried this method and gave up because the herbs turned out tasteless and not aromatic. The reason is improper care: in winter there is little light in the apartment, too dry air and others unfavorable conditions that need to be taken into account when growing vegetables at home.

What can you grow at home?

They can grow in a small amount of soil, so they can be grown in containers, boxes and pots on a windowsill.

Suitable for growing at home:

  • dill;
  • leaf mustard;
  • parsley;
  • green onions;
  • watercress;
  • celery;
  • lettuce;

You can start creating a home garden with green onions. It does not require soil - take a jar with a narrow neck, fill it with water and place the onion so that its edges rest on the sides of the container and the roots are immersed in the liquid. You will only need to change the water from time to time and cut off the green sprouts for food. When the bulb shrinks and becomes soft and shoot growth stops, replace it with a fresh specimen.

It’s easier to grow each species in a separate container, so you can choose the right soil composition, ensure necessary conditions and watering. In addition, a large heavy box is difficult to move and turn towards the light so that the plantings are evenly illuminated. You can grow each species and variety separately in small pots and containers, take them out onto the balcony in good weather, and bring them indoors when there is a threat of frost. For proper hydration, there must be drainage holes in the bottom. It’s easy to fit a tray under a compact container, and excess liquid will not create puddles on the windowsill.

When you have little space or containers, you have to grow different types of greens in one container. Group plants according to their heat-loving qualities: dill, watercress, celery and parsley in one container; in the other - thyme, marjoram, basil.
Don't forget to allocate at least one container for children. Let them decide for themselves what herbs will grow there, sow the seeds with you, and take care of their own plantings. Even a first grader can do this kind of work. Explain that plants are alive and can die of thirst, and the child will become responsible for their pets.

You need to start with preparation necessary equipment and materials. Containers should have drainage holes. To prevent excess moisture from accumulating on the windowsill, place containers on pallets. In winter, the air in apartments is often too dry. Add hydrogel to the soil; it will supply the roots with moisture if you forget to water the plantings on time. Place small pebbles on a tray and regularly moisten the stones, then the plants will not suffer from dryness at home.

Each crop requires a special approach when planting and growing.

  • Green onions can be grown either in water or in soil. Take sets or small onions and plant them in the ground 2 cm from one another, burying them halfway into the ground.
  • For feathers, you can plant perennial onions in boxes. Dig it up from your garden, cut off the green feathers and plant it in a container.
  • Parsley seeds germinate slowly due to the abundance of essential oils. Soak the grains for a day in a saucer of water, and then sow. You can plant rhizomes with a good apical bud in the ground, placing long roots obliquely.
  • Sow watercress in rows at 10 cm intervals.
  • Leaf lettuce seeds should be sown in separate holes, so that the distance between plants is about 5 cm. You can sprinkle several grains into each hole, and then leave the strongest specimens.

At home, vegetables are usually grown for food use. aboveground part. To ensure that shoots and leaves develop well, sow herbs during the waxing moon. If you need good rhizomes, sow when the night star is in its waning phase.

Place expanded clay on the bottom of the container, then the nutrient mixture. You can purchase it in a store or prepare a composition from the same amount of peat, sawdust and sand. After sowing, sprinkle the seeds with a 0.5 cm thick layer of soil, cover the container with film and keep in a warm, dark place until shoots emerge. To ensure that the green conveyor constantly supplies you with fresh seasonings, make new plantings every 2 weeks.

How to properly grow greens on the balcony

For those who do not have a summer house, you can grow greens in the summer open balcony. If you build deep boxes, you can sow other crops: carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes. In summer, caring for plantings in boxes differs little from cultivating herbs in open ground, the only difference is that the soil dries out quickly and watering must be more frequent. Frost-resistant species can be sown as soon as warm days arrive, and basil, rosemary and others southern cultures kept at home on the windowsill and taken outside only when the spring frosts end.

In winter, greens can be grown on glazed and well-insulated loggias. Try to plant unpretentious species that can withstand a short cold snap. Don’t forget about lighting; equip your balcony with comfortable fluorescent lamps. If stationary boxes are used for planting, which cannot be brought indoors during severe frosts, keep heaters at the ready.

Residents southern regions Heat-loving crops can also be grown on glass loggias: basil,. You need to plant greens only in small containers, which can be easily brought into a warm room if the weather forecast is unfavorable. It is desirable that all bindings have sashes. Winter in the South is unpredictable; even in January the temperature can rise to +20⁰. On warm, clear days, open the windows to let your plants enjoy the sun and fresh air.

Caring for greens at home

In the northern regions, in winter, plantings do not have enough light, so often the greens on the windowsill grow tasteless and without aroma. The plants themselves will tell you that it is too dark for them: they will begin to stretch upward. Install energy-saving lamps and provide your pets with at least 12 hours of daylight. To take full advantage of the light's brightness, surround the containers with mirrors or foil.

The next problem is crowding. Each bush should have enough space to develop. If you sprinkled the seeds too thickly when sowing, destroy the excess specimens. When plants have more space, they will produce more tasty, juicy shoots and leaves. If you notice that buds are appearing on the plantings, cut off the flower stalks and the greenery will be more luxuriant and tender.

For good development, plants need sufficient watering. In very dry apartments, be sure to add hydrogel to the soil, and cover the surface of the soil between the plants with small pebbles. Water at least every other day and spray the greens with a spray bottle. If the soil begins to crust, loosen it. Every 2 weeks, feed your garden on the windowsill with a solution of complex fertilizer.

Greens for sale

If the area of ​​your apartment allows, growing herbs at home on the windowsill can be a good addition to the family budget. There are many methods that allow you to organize your business selling herbs. If you wish, you can build racks in several tiers or purchase a hydroponic installation. There are entrepreneurs who earned start-up capital from parsley and dill. To be able to promote your business, you need commercial skills, and an ordinary housewife can simply sell excess greens.

You don’t have to stand at the market; you can meet a seller of herbs and give the herbs for sale. Another option: offer your products to a small cafe or snack bar. Owners of small establishments are already tired of imported herbs, which are expensive, look good, but cannot boast of any taste. They will be happy to buy from you the spicy bunches that were growing in half an hour ago. fertile land on your windowsill and absorbed the aromas familiar from childhood.

The easiest way: hang a notice on the door of your entrance. IN apartment building your neighbors will instantly buy up all your surplus and will sign up for the next harvest. If you are in maternity leave If you are engaged in freelancing or for some other reason do not have a regular income, containers on the windowsill will help replenish your budget.


Fresh herbs can be grown at home all year round. In the summer, your dacha or balcony will provide you with vitamins, and in winter you can grow herbs in a heated greenhouse, on a glassed-in loggia, or right in the room on the windowsill. You will receive double benefits: a harvest of succulent leaves and a natural humidifier for dry air in the apartment.

It is advisable to grow each species in a separate container. If there are few containers, group plants so that one container contains herbs that require the same growing conditions and ripen at the same time. Prepare a pot of new seeds in advance, then fresh herbs will be present on the table uninterruptedly. Remember that rhizomes planted for forcing are quickly depleted; after about 2 harvests they will have to be replaced with new ones.

For greens to gain flavor and aroma at home, they need a lot of light. Install energy-saving lights and reflective screens and keep stems from stretching. Water and loosen the soil in a timely manner, do not forget to feed your pets, and you will never have to stop at stalls with wilted parsley and dill that look more like camel thorn.

IN lately The topic of home mini-gardens is becoming more and more interesting.

It’s so convenient to have different fresh herbs on the windowsill all year round.

It can be not only a decoration for many dishes, but also a tasty source of vitamins that are so necessary for humans, especially in the cold season.

What can you grow in an apartment?

Almost all greens and vegetables that are usually grown in the garden are suitable for growing in apartment conditions. It all depends on the available conditions and skills. So, for beginners, it is better to start creating your own mini-vegetable garden on the windowsill by growing greens. More experienced gardeners can even get cucumbers and tomatoes from a window bed. This issue becomes most relevant in the cold season.

To correctly choose what greens can be grown on a windowsill in winter, you need to take into account not only personal preferences, but also the conditions in the apartment during this period.

The following crops can be planted on the windowsill:

Green onions

IN Soviet times In winter, almost every house had jars with bulbs on the windowsill, the green feathers of which pleased both the eye and the stomach. Onions are completely unpretentious, and you don’t even need to use soil to grow them.

To get faster and better results, you need to choose bulbs of the correct shape, hard to the touch, with intact shiny husks. They also need to be examined for diseases and fungi; they should not be there. It is better to give preference to bulbs from which sprouts are already visible. In the absence of sprouted bulbs, you can carefully trim the top at the site where future sprouts appear.

Growing parsley from seeds is almost the same as growing dill. The only difference is that after placing the seeds on the ground, they sprinkled with a much smaller layer of soil, which does not exceed half a centimeter. Even taking into account such a shallow planting, the first shoots will have to wait a little longer, about 20 days.

If you have parsley root crops available, then having planted them in the soil, you can expect the first greens within a few days. The main thing is not to bury them completely, but to leave protruding tops above the soil surface. After the greenery appears, the parsley is placed in a well-lit place, watered abundantly, and then the first harvest will be ready for use in a couple of weeks.

After 5-7 days, roots will appear. Now the cuttings can be planted in light, nutritious soil. To plant each cutting, it is better to select separate pots, at the bottom of which place a layer of drainage pebbles.

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