Lines on the hand. Here is their list

Reflects the energy and health of the physical body.

Reasoning abilities, imagination, mental abilities.

Inner experiences, emotions, spiritual world.

Talks about submission to fate.

Predisposition to fame and popularity.

Ability in business, quick thinking, reactions.

Denotes a guardian angel.

Talks about a family situation.

Inner feeling of the world.

Secondary lines of the hand

Wisdom from birth and the ability to teach others.

The consequence of a serious injury, a difficult period.

The desire to become famous.

Serious love relationships are impossible.

Tells a lot about the family.

6. Children's lines (ind.)
They are used to count children in India.

Indulging in all your desires.

Residence not in the place of birth.

Strong feeling of revenge.

Nervousness and excitement.

It is used to judge life expectancy and health.

Rare hand signs and lines

Haunting situations from the past.

Indicates a curse of the family.

You will never know the feeling of hunger.

Talks about a possible breakup.

5. Grid on the Mount of Venus
Life worries, nervousness.

A kind and trusting person.

Influence on a person from the outside.

Big earnings are possible.

Physical hazard.

10. Line of Treason
Excessive affection.

First of all, you need to know that the lines on the hand should not be considered individually, but comprehensively. The same line can carry several meanings depending on the position of the branches, islands, etc. You should also know that the lines of the hand can change over time, they change faster on the leading hand. For a palmist, the depth, length and structure of the line are important, but the palmist also pays attention to changes in the line, comparing its changes with life events.

Immediately before viewing the lines on the hand, the palmist examines the palm itself, its color, the length of the fingers and other signs that will help conduct a more accurate analysis.

If a palmist examines the lines of the hand without paying attention to the palm itself, then we can conclude that such a person has little knowledge of palmistry. Only in the process of studying palmistry does one understand the importance of not only the lines themselves, but also secondary signs.

Palmistry considers the meaning of the lines on the hand from the position that the lines reflect the temporary marking of life, which shows how the essence of a person develops. The description of the entity itself is hidden in other characteristics.

So what is the meaning of the lines of the hand? Each line is responsible for a specific area of ​​life. For example, the life line is responsible for a person’s health and energy. The line of the head (mind) is responsible for a person’s thinking, the line of the heart is responsible for the spiritual world, the Apollo line is responsible for popularity and artistic abilities, and the Mercury line is responsible for health and economic abilities.

The word palmistry is also familiar to those who are far from any fortune telling or superstition. Even skeptics claim that this doctrine is not without foundation. by hand - this is how this word is literally translated from Greek. It is believed that many things that fate promises a person can be seen by the lines on his hand. And free interpretations will not work here - there is a system for deciphering lines, generally accepted, quite curious, which anyone who wants to be called a palmist must comprehend.

Palm fortune telling

Palmistry does not have the most enviable lot. Those who try to seriously delve into this teaching often have to face the stereotype that all this is quackery. This is due to periods of mass media, where things that were really far from the truth aroused intense interest.

Fortune telling or prediction by hand, moreover, is often associated with gypsies, who in people’s minds, pardon the pun, are dishonest. These people also look at the lines, also on the hand, and as a result make some conclusions. But all this leads to only one thought - there is definitely logic in all this. But - not a hobby, not a collection of various works, but an entire science, into which outstanding minds of different generations have seriously invested.

By the way, palmistry is just a branch of chirosophy. And chirosophy itself, as more general concept, is divided into four directions:

  • Palmistry is the art of predicting the future using numerous lines, as well as hand shapes;
  • Chirognomy is the study specifically of hand shapes;
  • Palmistry is the science of signs that can be seen on the surfaces of the hand;
  • Chirology studies the connection between chirognomy, palmistry and personal, as well as physical qualities of a person.

All those who want to delve deeper into palm reading will have to go through several levels. At each level you will become acquainted with a new layer of knowledge on palmistry.

There are four levels in total:

First level. Involves the study of papillary lines on the fingers and palms. These lines indicate what genetic diseases a person has inherited. The first level is, one might say, the most proven part of palmistry, that is, it has the most proven scientific basis. Dermatography, this is how the science that deals with the first level has designated itself.

The second level can be combined with the third. At these levels, the shape of the hand and the lines of the palm are examined. These two levels are what chirology does. Chirology itself is divided into two sections - chirognomy and palmistry.

Fourth level. This is where we study what is called palmistry. Palmistry predicts the future, and does not simply say something about the character and physical qualities of a person.
We can say that each person makes a choice - what level he wants to study. Of course, you can move from one level to another.

If you would rather get down to specifics and take a closer look at whether it’s worth diving into this unusual science at all, you can talk in more detail about what it looks like on the left and right hand, what stages it consists of.

But first the researcher does not look at the lines, he evaluates the shape of the hand or the type of hand. You need to analyze the hand that plays a dominant role in a person. Examine the skin on your hands, feel it well.

What can be calculated from this inspection:

  • If the skin is rough and dense, then the person is distinguished by a direct, firm character. Thin skin, accordingly, indicates a sophisticated and impressionable nature.
  • Smooth palm obvious square shape indicates that this person is practical and straightforward;
  • If the hand has elongated shape, it is more rectangular than square - this is a sign of impressionability and excessive suspiciousness.
  • Short fingers indicate that the person is energetic, and at the same time, short fingers indicate that the person is superficial.
  • Long fingers indicate pedants, persistent, purposeful people.
  • Medium-length fingers are a sign of a person who cannot be called the life of the party, but he is not a pedant either.

This is an initial examination, which is quite simple but informative.

Which hand should you use to guess? Always takes as a basis working hand, for right-handers - right, for left-handers - left.

The line analysis algorithm will be as follows:

Heart line

This is the most informative line, so you need to start the description with it. It is believed that the heart line is the source general information about a person, it also determines his emotional sphere. This line begins at the very edge of the palm, under the little finger, and its path stretches to the middle and index fingers. The fact where this line breaks is also significant.

If the finish of the line falls between the average and index finger, these are compromising, friendly, easy-to-communicate people. They are not obsessive, they are characterized by altruism, but they never forget to take care of themselves.

A straight and short heart line shows that a person is reserved, withdrawn, and unemotional.
The heart line that ends under the middle finger indicates egocentricity. First of all, they love and pamper themselves, and the concerns of strangers are far less important to them.

A line tending to the index finger can speak of perfectionism and maximalism of a person. He strives for the ideal, and can hardly tolerate it when someone from his environment is dismissive of him. important things. This is a demanding nature.

Head (or mind) line

This is a characteristic of how a person uses his natural intelligence throughout life. This is a well-drawn line on the palm, and if it is not clearly visible, it means that either the person’s mental abilities are small, or he is far from fully using his intellectual potential.

The head line starts under the index finger and goes down. It is a mistake to think that if the line is long and clear, this indicates extraordinary intelligence. This is a sign of passion for your work, penetration into the very depths of your occupation, profession. Therefore, a clearly marked and long line is a sign of professionals and craftsmen.

The amount of bending of this line is no less important for palmists. The closer it is to the wrist, the more perfect the imagination of the subject. If the line does not stretch down, but straightens quite sharply, this is a sign that the person for a long time will experience material difficulties and deprivations in his life.
If at the end the line bifurcates, forming a “fork”, this is a sign that there are many things in the person’s head. different ideas, and he brings them into reality.

A short and straight line is the lot of logicians; a person does not trust his intuition, sweeps away all fantasies and practically does not use his imagination.

Life line

This line is an indicator of how a person generally perceives life, how he treats himself and his environment, and whether he loves this world. But besides this, the life line shows well the physical condition of the person being studied, and may even indicate chronic diseases.

Very important point– the length of the entire line of life is not the duration of this very life.
It is important to evaluate the area where the life line is located. A large area indicates a person’s love for life, and if the line is close to the thumb, it indicates the opposite. This person is nervous, anxious, prone to depression.

Another myth is that breaks in the lines themselves are either a disease or death. No, breaks mean a new milestone in life, a change in views and worldview. Often at the site of the break you can see a duplicate line, this is a sign that changes in life will not be sudden for a person.

If there are small short lines on the tubercles of the thumbs, this is a sign of excessive anxiety and nervousness of a person. They talk about people like that and worry about any nonsense.

Line of fate

The most interesting thing is that not all of us have a destiny line. Not all people, in principle, know why they live, what their mission is. For those who literally understood this from childhood, the line of fate is smooth and clear.

Many people do not have the exact beginning of this line at all - the line will arise when a person finds his calling and understands his role. This can also happen in adulthood.

The fate line usually starts at the beginning of the wrist and is equal to the life line. But if the line of fate is quite far from the line of life, this indicates loneliness in childhood, at a distance from his family. The farther the line of fate is from the line of life, the greater the degree of independence in a person’s nature. Moreover, he is suggestible and malleable to the opinions of others.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the bumps (bulges) that can be seen on the palms. This is also an important source of information. Mounds or hills - you can find both names in specialized literature. The mounds and hills are called planets, which echoes the astrological theme. Mounds are a person’s hobbies, his predisposition, preferences. They can also be used to tell about the emotional side of a person.

Each of the hillocks means something. Small, underdeveloped only means that you have no interests in this area.

What do the bumps mean:

  • Mount of Venus, the most visible bulge that comes down from thumb, speaks of the passion and enthusiasm of nature. Optimists have a fairly large mound.
  • Mount of Jupiter. Located under the index finger. Tall and fairly resilient is a sign of a leader; if this hill is high and close to the edge, the person is very selfish.
  • Mount of Mars. Above the Mount of Venus, above the thumb. Speaks of the strong, fighting qualities of a person, the ability to stand up for oneself. Those who have this dense mound are those who work in law enforcement agencies.
  • Mount of Saturn. Located under the middle finger. A slightly pronounced tubercle speaks of sociability and a desire to be among people, but a pronounced tubercle is evidence that a person desires isolation and solitude.
  • Mount of Apollo. Its localization is under the ring finger. A large, dense mound distinguishes people with good taste, creative, and sociable.
  • Mount of Mercury. This hill under the little finger reveals good speakers. He is a bright-spoken and sociable person.
  • Hill of the Moon. It can be found under the little finger, at the very bottom of the palm. Responsible for human imagination. If it is more pronounced than all other hills, it means that a person does not go further than fantasies.
  • Mount Neptune. It is located at the base of the palm, connecting the Mount of Venus with the Mount of the Moon. This symbolizes the unification of consciousness and unconsciousness. If all three hills are located at the same level, the person clearly has extrasensory abilities.

Differences between the left hand and the right hand

We can say that the fundamental difference between the right and left hands in palmistry is that the right hand shows who a person has become, and the left hand shows who he was born. For left-handers, naturally, the opposite statement will be true.

The explanation here is actually simple. Most people operate much more often precisely; it turns out that it absorbs the changes that occur in our lives.

For example, gypsies will forgive you for telling fortunes. If you seriously decide to take up palmistry, or simply decide to gain some knowledge for yourself, be sure to look at both hands. Why are there some lines on the left, the one that symbolizes what was given at birth, and different on the right? From this you can draw deep conclusions and adjust the path of your life.

Hamon Luis, a famous palmist, assures that both palms need to be examined. And the man whose hands are no different lived a not so bright and interesting life than a person with tangible differences.

Well, take it for granted that all changes in life will be indicated on your right hand. But what led to this and what can be expected is a matter of deeper analysis. And remember that what is destined is what will be reflected in our hands after our actions. There is no need to rely on fate in everything, it is too primitive and superficial. There is a certain givenness, qualities, character, preferences, abilities, but how to use it is a matter of personal choice.

Palmistry is the science that studies the lines on the hand. There are 4 main bands (life, heart, mind, fate), with which you can analyze a person’s past and make a forecast for the future.

Lines and hills on the hand

Hand selection

The meaning of the lines on the hand, as well as the choice of hand for fortune telling, is important in palmistry. The lines on the palm may not match and will show pictures of the future incorrectly. In palmistry, a distinction is made between passive and active (leading) hands, which in professional language are called inactive and dominant.

Passive hand

For left-handers, the passive hand is the right, for right-handers, the left. Fortune telling by the passive hand is carried out with the aim of reading about the true purpose of a person, his inclinations.

The lines of the hand reflect the character, skills and talents with which a person was born, and in what areas success awaits him.

Fortune telling by the passive hand makes it possible to:

  • find out the number of children and marriages;
  • see years of life;
  • predict health problems;
  • predict business success;
  • suggest how to build relationships with family, loved ones, friends, etc.

The lines on the passive hand show what a person’s character could be like if not for the influence of society, parents, and peers. This allows you to analyze the model of behavior, type of thinking, and natural qualities of the individual.

Active hand

For right-handers active hand is the right one, for left-handed people - the left one. You need to read the lines on your hand regularly, because... they can change depending on a person’s activities (habits, skills, problems overcome).

Using the active hand is convenient to look at a person’s life in real time. This allows you to see:

  • future;
  • difficulties that shaped character;
  • paths to success;
  • current model of behavior and thinking.

Hand lines help predict health situations, interpersonal relationships, work or business, make it possible to see special areas of activity in which a person is most developed and which she should pay attention to for self-improvement.

The dominant hand allows you to find out where a person made a mistake and what choice he made in certain situation. Characterizes the conscious position of the individual.


Palmistry with explanations has the main task of helping a person make a forecast for the future. This will require detailed analysis past and congenital characteristics adult personality(fortune telling by the passive hand), its current position (fortune telling by the active hand). Such information allows you to give advice on how and what to change in order to achieve greater success.

Fortune telling depends on the age and gender of the person. If this is a child, teenager or youth under 21, then the non-dominant hand is taken into account. Then the lines on the hand help to understand in which area of ​​life a person will achieve success and be as productive as possible.

Some palmists believe that for men, the lines on the palm of their left hand are responsible for the past. Then the right one displays what he acquired during his life. For women it's the opposite.

It happens that there are no symbols or lines on the active palm, but they are present on the inactive palm. This sometimes happens with streaks of marriage and children. This means that the person did not take advantage of the opportunities that were initially provided to him or used them for other purposes.

There may be lines on the dominant hand and their absence on the passive hand. Possible interpretations in this situation:

  • new qualities were revealed in oneself;
  • active work on developing new talents and skills;
  • improving previous knowledge and skills;
  • achieving success in a certain area.

Fortune telling on both hands is especially important if a person is at a crossroads and does not know what to do best.

Analysis of the lines on 2 palms will help you make the right or most profitable choice.

Another advantage is the ability to warn the individual about future obstacles and difficulties.

Main lines

In palmistry there are 4 main and 7 additional lines on the palms. Fortune telling is performed on both hands, so you need to know what the lines on the palm of your right and left hands mean.

They say that each person can have at least three lines (very rarely two). These include the following lines:

  • life;
  • heads;
  • hearts (may not exist).

The fourth stripe is the line of fate, which may be absent. It is often absent in young children on the non-dominant palm, but usually over time (by age 12) it appears on the active hand.

It starts from the thumb and moves down to the wrist in the form of a hyperbola. Shows the general well-being, mental, physical, emotional health of a person. Reflects major changes in life: changes in thinking, behavior, habits, work area, relationships.

Important: the length of the life line is not an indicator of the number of maximum possible years lived!

This is a display vital energy, its reserves, methods of renewal. The life line may indicate the need to constantly replenish important resources and prosperity in something.

By the sign on the life line you can determine the age of the person at which a significant event will occur

The life trait can be deciphered as follows:

  • close to the thumb - to constant fatigue, lack of energy and strength;
  • sinuous form - an energetic, active, cheerful person, constantly on the move;
  • long and convex - life will be lived happily and cheerfully;
  • far from the thumb, short and almost straight - a person is under the influence of other people, is easily manipulated, is dissatisfied with something, does not live the way he wants;
  • in the shape of a circle - an indicator of fortitude and enthusiasm, inner freedom, self-confidence;
  • far from the thumb, direct - a person who is cautious in communication, carefully chooses the people in his environment, and practically does not let anyone close to him; a break in the line - there will be a sharp change in life that will affect all significant areas of activity.

There are several signs on the life line:

  • short transverse stripe - non-acceptance of oneself, interference in achieving goals, resistance with the public;
  • vertical line - long-term external influence;
  • a cross in the middle of the line of life - a sharp loss of vital energy;
  • sign of a ring or circle - a tendency to eye diseases. If it is pronounced, then it will be difficult to cure such diseases;

island - physical losses or hereditary health problems.

Located between the index finger and little finger, located horizontally. Evidence:

Additionally, along the line of the heart you can determine Creative skills personality, its emotional level.

Main characteristics:

  • Starting below the index finger - the person will be successful in love relationships.
  • Will love passionately and enjoy being in a relationship.
  • He prefers to establish a long-lasting connection if his other half is really attractive to him.
  • Starts under the middle finger - reflects selfishness in love and relationships. A person with such a heart line is capable of marrying for convenience, because... For him, personal gain in something is more important.
  • The beginning in the middle is an indication of excessive falling in love. Love at first sight, suffering for a loved one, strong feelings during quarrels are the main characteristics of a person with this heart trait.

Additional descriptions of the heart line:

  • short and direct - a person is unromantic and does not like excessive displays of affection addressed to him;
  • long and crooked - it’s easy to express your emotions, please your soulmate, do something nice for others;
  • wavy stripe - a large number of relationships or marriages, lovers;
  • located parallel to the line of the head - the ability to control emotions and not show one’s weaknesses.

The following signs may appear on the heart stripe:

  • circle - depressive thoughts, bad mood regarding love relationships, problems in finding a loved one;
  • breakup - emotional breakup, unsuccessful romantic relationships;
  • many small stripes - emotional trauma, painful relationships;
  • cross - serious heart problems;
  • lattice - inability to maintain a love relationship for a long time, easy falling in love with others;
  • island - mental suffering, experiences.

Line of mind (head)

It starts near the thumb and has a horizontal direction. It is located under the heart line and often touches the life line at the beginning.

The trait of mind shows:

  • ability to learn;
  • type of thinking;
  • memory features;
  • level of intelligence;
  • thirst for new knowledge, reading;
  • giftedness;
  • dominant cerebral hemisphere;
  • implementation in science and creativity;
  • problems with the head, blood vessels in the head area.

Basic meanings of the line on the hand:

  • The short answer is that the physical is more important than the mental.
  • Curved - creative, extraordinary person. Characterized by the presence original ideas, hates routine work, But physical work respects.
  • Long, separated from the life line - shows enthusiasm for life. Such a person loves to travel and rarely stays in one place for a long time.
  • Wavy - problems with concentration. A person cannot fix his attention on one thing for a long time. Desires to engage in self-development in a large number of different areas.
  • Expressive and long - clear, strategic, focused thinking.
  • A good manager, leader and organizer.
  • Direct - a person evaluates life realistically, without any illusions. Has a realistic mindset.
  • Circles - emotional decline as a result of a break in the thinking pattern.
  • Cross - changeability in thoughts, a sharp change in points of view on problems under the influence of society or the environment. If there are many crosses, then the person is characterized by frequent spontaneous decision-making.
  • Island - clarity of mind.

Line of fate

Starts at the wrist and extends vertically toward the middle finger. Usually absent in antisocial individuals (drug addicts, homeless people, criminals). Also, the absence of a life line indicates that a person will never strive for a single or global goal. He will be satisfied with the present situation. But life can be bright, interesting and eventful.

The line of fate determines a person’s dependence on external factors. Indicates the degree of luck, success in unforeseen circumstances, and the ability to get out of difficult situations.

Decoding the main variations of the fate line:

  • Abruptly interrupted and changes direction - the personality is exposed to external forces. Activities, health, and success depend on the environment.
  • It has its beginning in the line of life - man is the creator of his life. Not influenced by the environment, rarely changes his point of view regarding any problems.
  • Connects with the strip of life in the middle - at some point crucial moment the individual will be able to give up his interests for the benefit of others.
  • Crosses the line of life - the support of relatives is important for a person. Thanks to her, he will be able to achieve his goals and achieve maximum self-realization.
  • Signs rarely appear on the fate line. Usually these are intersections that are located at the end of the lane - a person will often be faced with a difficult choice. Another interpretation is that he will have many factors influencing his final, important decision.

Other lines

Sometimes analysis of 4 main lines on the palm is not enough to predict the future. Then, to specify the information, additional features are considered.

Belt of Venus

Located under the thumb. It has the shape of a hill. Used to find out more about a person's love relationship. Shows how dissolute the partner is and whether he is capable of betrayal. From the picture you can find out about the number of lovers and the requirements for choosing a companion.

The Venus Belt may reflect the inability to start a family or build a serious relationship.

Usually the belt of Venus is only worn by women.

Located above the heart line. Starts from the rib and ends near the little finger.

From it you can judge:

  • relationships with other partners;
  • experience in family life;
  • unhappy love;
  • building serious relationships;
  • frivolity of the partner, etc.

They say that there can be several lines of marriage. If they are on the passive hand, then the person expects from 2 to 5 marriages. The number of traits is equal to the number of marriages. If they are not there, then the individual is destined to be lonely or have only frivolous relationships. This does not mean that a person cannot be in a civil marriage.

Marriage for convenience and without love is reflected in the form of a very thin strip. Relationships based only on sex are not shown in the marriage line.

If there is a fork or a split at the end of the marriage line, the union will be fragile and will quickly break. The separation will be on the initiative of the owner of this sign. If the split is located at the beginning of the strip, you should expect a wedding with a person with whom you already had a relationship before, but for some reason ended in separation.

Children's line

There are several locations for the line of children in different directions palmistry.

Indian palmists claim that it is located under the thumb. It has the shape of a ring or circle. The number of islands is equal to the number of children. If there are many traits, then there will be many different mothers and fathers.

European palmists believe that the line of children is located between the little finger and the line of the heart. If the stripes come from different lines, then there will be many children from different marriages. In this situation, it is important not to confuse the baby’s features with marriage streaks and signs indicating family problems.

Fortune telling is often done using the lines of children, which are located perpendicular to the marriage lines and are located directly above them. Then the number of stripes is equal to the number of children.

You can find out the gender of the baby by looking at the baby's lines. If the line is long, the child will be a boy, if the line is short, the child will be a girl. A wide and thick stripe means a strong male baby, a thin and narrow line means the birth of a girl. If the line is slanted, there will be a boy, if it is straight, it will be a girl.

It originates on the Mount of Mercury (under the little finger) and goes down to the wrist parallel to the line of the Sun. Good sign, if this feature is not in the palm of your hand, the person does not have health problems.

Health Trait Features:

  • The line is rarely straight. Usually has a textured structure, i.e. located in small stripes. This means that the person will have serious health problems, but will be able to overcome them.
  • Sometimes the health bar touches and merges with the Mercury line. This indicates psychosomatic problems or difficulties in personality development. If the trait is weakly expressed (thin, shallow), then this can be eliminated. If it is clearly visible, then a person is unlikely to improve his mental or emotional health.
  • Crosses the line of the heart and head. Indicates that a person is developing some kind of disease (they will not necessarily be associated with the cardiovascular system or organs in the head area).
  • If there is a lattice on the health line, then the person will die from a serious illness (usually cancer).

Travel line

It is located at the very bottom of the palm, near the wrist. Located perpendicular to the wrist bracelet.

Shows people who are destined to travel throughout their lives. Usually has the shape of a flat straight line, which indicates happy, eventful trips full of positive emotions.

Another meaning is that it shows people who are destined to change their place of residence frequently. There is a hash mark or a cross on the strip - the change is associated with negative impact other people. The ring sign indicates the need to move due to external factors (unsuitable climate, poor ecological situation, a crisis).

A long and deep line - a person faces a journey, after which important changes in life will occur. Often they are associated with a business trip or other forced travel.

Line of Fame

Located parallel to the line of fate. Directed towards the index finger. Allows you to find out whether a person will be successful in show business, creativity, acting or sports. If it is not there, the person is not destined to become famous.

A clearly defined glory line indicates strong success. If it is interrupted, then popularity will be short-lived (this line often appears among musicians). A crooked or tortuous line is a difficult and long path to success.

There is a noticeable ring on the streak of fame - someone will appear in a person’s life who wants to interfere with his popularity. The cross is a certain moment of calm in the career of a creative person.

Line of intuition

Another name is the Isis line. It originates in the Mount of the Moon and tends to the Mount of Mercury. Often runs parallel to the health line.


  • Direct - well-developed intuition. Such a person is guided when making decisions with your own feelings and only then with reason.
  • Subtle - a person can easily control his subconscious, but only after training.
  • Solid - presence of hypnotic skills.
  • Thick - loss of intuitive feelings. To prevent this from happening, a person needs to develop in this direction.
  • An island or ring indicates possible psychic abilities. For them to manifest themselves, self-development is needed.


Lines on the hands in palmistry are the main tool for fortune telling. They display in detail all the significant information about a person, and their interpretation allows you to analyze the past and make a forecast for the future. The most important stripes are considered to be the traits of the head (mind), fate, health, and heart.

If you have long been interested in the lines on your hand and their meaning, then you should definitely pay attention to one of the fortune telling systems - palmistry. Thanks to this science, you will not only learn what the lines on your palms can mean, but also you can predict the future for others. Let's look at the basics of palmistry for beginners, and photo examples will help us with this.

What is palmistry?

As already mentioned, palmistry - a system of fortune telling, which takes as a basis the natural lines located on the palms of each person. It is not entirely clear why exactly a person needs such drawings on his hands, which has given rise to a large aura of mystery around this phenomenon. Palmistry comes from paganism, trying to explain the purpose of lines, and still successfully helps people predict the future and simply describe a person’s character.

To understand a person’s personality, his talents, potential and the likelihood of certain events in the future, you will have to learn correctly recognize and interpret patterns on the palms. It is important to see not only the main obvious lines, but to remember the location and meaning of small lines that are not even noticeable in every person. Becoming a good palmist is not very difficult; it is enough to devote a lot of time to this activity and use large volumes of high-quality information.

First look at hands

Before reading the various dashes and stripes, It’s worth starting with the hands themselves. In palmistry it is believed that they are the map of our lives, and all paths are drawn by ourselves. nervous system. That is why it is so important for a palm reader to examine the palms completely, giving importance to every little detail.

  • Take the person's hand and feel their skin. If it is rough and dense, then the person speaks and thinks directly to the point. People with a refined nature will have cold and soft hands.
  • Take a close look at the shape of your palm. A long and graceful hand would most likely belong to an impressionable and slightly suspicious person. A square palm is more characteristic of people with a practical outlook on life. If the palm is rectangular, then we can talk about a cheerful and emotional person.
  • Don't ignore the length of your fingers. If they are short, then the person is energetic and has a rather superficial attitude towards everything. Long fingers have purposeful pedants who stubbornly pursue their goals. If the fingers have average length, then the character of their owner is in balance.
  • All that remains is look at the skin of your hands: its flexibility, color and density.

Returning to the lines, be sure to look at their color. If they are all pale, then there is very little vital energy in the person himself, and there is very little activity in his life. A reddish tint speaks of optimism and positive emotions. Yellowish about liver diseases, which indicates that the person is quite closed in on himself, and his life cannot be called happy.

Too dark stripes are also not a sign of goodness, because it characterizes vindictive and vindictive individuals. Most often, such people are not only restrained in expressing feelings, but also arrogant towards others.

Learning to read the main lines

The first pages worth talking about are: basic. Almost everyone who has ever heard of palmistry knows about them, and finding them is not at all difficult. These lines are believed to show different things depending on the hand. An active hand, which is used for writing and eating, can tell the palmist about those qualities of a person that have changed during his life, about deviations. The passive hand will show the innate talents, character traits and qualities of a person.

Only by comparing both hands can one understand how much a person has worked on himself, as well as how positively his personality has changed since birth. Only a comparative image can show a complete picture of life, and it is extremely important that the palmist knows exactly which hand is active and which is passive. The method of fortune telling along the main lines consists of the following steps:

Find the four main lines

This type of drawing includes lines responsible for heart, head, life and destiny, Moreover, the latter is not present on all palms. Finding each one is not very difficult, because they are better drawn than the others and have the longest length.

The heart line is located horizontally at the top of the palm, it is very noticeable and begins approximately between the index and middle fingers. The stripe responsible for the head or mind is the most obvious and is located in the middle of your palm. A line of life is drawn around the base of the thumb, and the line of fate lies simply vertically, perpendicular to the first two.

Explore your heart line

First of all, this drawing is responsible for your physical and mental condition. This means that the line can show at what period of life you will experience severe illness or mental turmoil.

It can be read in any direction, no matter whether you start with the little finger or the index finger. But the interpretation of the drawing depends on the direction, and it is explained as follows:

  • If the path of the line begins with the index finger, then this indicates your care in choosing a partner and friends. You are extremely selective and attentive.
  • If the path comes from the middle finger, then you are too selfish towards the people in your personal life.
  • People whose heart line begins in the middle between their fingers are quite amorous in life.
  • If your trait is not very noticeable, then emotions mean little to you. You often withdraw from people and don't really open up to them.
  • There is no line at all - this means that in life, logic comes first for you, dominating over emotions.
  • The shorter and straighter the strip, the less importance in life you attach to such a feeling as love.
  • But the long length and many curves speak of freedom in expressing one’s feelings through emotions.
  • A wavy pattern shows flexibility and frivolity in relationships with partners, of which a person should have quite a lot throughout his life.
  • A line parallel to the line of the head, as well as its directness, speaks of the ability to control emotions and feelings, lowering their importance below rational behavior.
  • The contact of the lines of the heart and life can indicate great vulnerability or even resentment.
  • An abrupt interruption of the drawing, perhaps accompanied by small dashes, indicates that the person could or may have suffered great emotional trauma.
  • A closed heart line means depression.

Explore your line of mind

This line has different names, but always means your talent and giftedness, the way you communicate with others, the desire for knowledge and learning, as well as the way you think.

Also, this trait can indicate the physical state of consciousness and specifically the brain, including diseases.

  • If she has no beginning at all, then the owner of such a streak of mind should be called slow and lazy.
  • A barely noticeable head line means poor memory and very poor concentration.
  • On the contrary, a very clear line can indicate the ability to quickly memorize and high concentration, as well as the ability to approach everything rationally and with reason.
  • If the head line is short, then its owner has a practical outlook on life and a desire to speak to the point.
  • A rather long strip indicates the ability to quickly concentrate on one’s goals and great success in any endeavor, although this often overlaps with selfishness.
  • A straight line can mean that its owner is a realist, guided by logic and able to competently organize not only his space, but also his schedule and even the thoughts in his head. He tries to be attentive to details.
  • Frequent waves indicate restlessness and absent-mindedness of a person.
  • If the line of the head goes down or is simply rather curved, it means that its owner is a very extraordinary creative person.
  • Do the lines of life and mind intersect? This speaks of a person’s great and strong will.
  • But the traits that are separated from each other may mean that you love to travel and change your location, and that you are simply extremely cheerful.
  • If the drawing is interrupted, then a heap of inconsistent thoughts is swarming in your head. Such small islands indicate that conflict is growing within you and you are experiencing emotional difficulties.
  • Intersections with other small lines may show that it is the important decisions of the person himself that will greatly influence his fate.

Study your life line.

Some people have a misconception about what this bar is responsible for: it does not show how many years you will have to live, it is responsible for how will you live, for your vital energy. Of course, a very long and bright stripe can speak of longevity, but in general the life line tells about your physical health, vitality, and the most important decisions in your life.

The interpretations of the picture are as follows:

  • Don’t be afraid if there is no line at all, it just means that you are extremely tense and nervous, always out of place.
  • A barely noticeable drawing may indicate that you have little vital energy, so it’s difficult to talk about special feats and overcoming yourself.
  • Obviously, a pronounced trait shows that you live in harmony with yourself, no matter whether it is an adventure or a measured life.
  • The longer and deeper the stripe, the more health and vitality there is in a person.
  • If the trait is deep, but gentle, then you still have good health, and you can easily overcome any problems associated with your physical condition.
  • Curves and waves may indicate that their owner has a very large supply of energy.
  • Directness, especially complemented by the fact that the line comes very close to the edge of the palm, speaks of special caution.
  • A stripe running next to your thumb means you get tired easily.
  • If you see a drawing of a clear semicircle, then this indicates great enthusiasm of its owner.
  • What’s interesting is that a person can have more than one life span, which indicates a very large supply of vital energy.
  • If the line is interrupted at least once, then you have had or are about to make a rather serious lifestyle change associated with something.
  • It may also happen that the line is interrupted on both hands at once, and then this indicates that on the way you will encounter a serious physical injury or a protracted illness.
  • The presence of circles and chains in the picture indicates that diseases and problems with physical condition can change a person’s life in different directions.

Study your destiny line

If you are lucky enough to still have a fate line, then you can see what it tells you about how you will be successful, whether your career will go well, and what your calling is. Often it is this drawing that allows the palmist to understand what awaits a person in the future. In general, the stripe of fate speaks of those factors that will influence a person’s life, and the impact of which he cannot control.

  • A deep and pronounced line of fate indicates that its owner is controlled by to a greater extent fate than himself.
  • If the beginning of a streak is a life trait, then a person tries to achieve everything himself quite early, formulating his life goals and attitudes already at a young age.
  • A stripe connecting with the life line in the middle means that you will have to stop in the middle of your path and abandon your own interests for the sake of other people.
  • If this trait originates at the base of the thumb, we can talk about a very strong connection with family and friends.
  • A stripe that changes its direction or is interrupted speaks of a large number of life's vicissitudes and changes associated with uncontrollable circumstances.

Learning to read other important lines

Of course, the lines above are the most popular, almost everyone knows about them, but there are only eight main lines. Among others, this includes lines of health, fame, marriage, money and travel. Finding them will be more difficult because they are not so well written, but it is still possible. However, be prepared for the fact that some of their strips will simply not be there.

The health line should start just below the little finger and extend straight across the palm to the base of the thumb. The stripe of glory runs perpendicular to the previous one and parallel to the line of fate from the base of the palm to the index finger. The pattern responsible for marriage should be located below the little finger - it is one or many small lines. Money is depicted in different places on the palm, and you need to find it depending on each person’s situation. All that remains is the travel strip, which usually starts from the edge of the palm on the eminence opposite the thumb and runs horizontally.

In classical palmistry, there are 6 main lines, and another 8 are secondary.

Now we will learn how to decipher these stripes.

Explore your health line

This line already shows more clearly what material wealth awaits a person in his life. If the life line is not very clear, then this line will tell you how good your health will be. If a person does not have the traits of fate or success, then this can increase the chances of increasing the material well-being of its owner.

The health picture should be interpreted this way:

  • If there is no line at all, then most likely you do not suffer from any special health problems, which will continue throughout your life.
  • The line goes clearly and is not interrupted - you have obvious abilities to manage and do business. Your strong will and ability to work hard are motivated by the desire to earn money.
  • A wavy pattern speaks of great stress, which leads to illness and simply poor health.
  • If the line is interrupted, then its owner is not in good health or often has problems in running a business.
  • It is unfortunate if the strip is crossed by other lines - the owner of such a pattern attracts accidents to himself.
  • If, from the strip itself, lines creep in different directions, but by old age life path a person will have many difficulties and, most importantly, dangers.
  • A picture enclosed in a square speaks of a person’s protection through treatment or outside help in doing business.
  • A drawn double circle with a broken line may indicate the need for hospitalization.
  • If, together with the lines of life and head, this forms a triangle, then its owner will experience many successful coincidences in life. Moreover, the size of the angle depends on the level of luck.

When deciphering this feature, pay attention to the line of the head, comparing them with each other.

Explore your line of fame

This trait will tell you what kind of success in society and what awards can you get? In my life. She will immediately suggest to the palmist a person who has yet to become famous and successful.

It reads as follows:

  • A clear and bright stripe will mean good success in an activity that you really enjoy.
  • The absence of a line suggests that you should not seek fame, but pay attention to other interests. You will be successful in something else that does not bring attention specifically to the general public.
  • A strip that is interrupted repeatedly means a large number of projects, alternately successful and unsuccessful, according to others.
  • The pattern coming from the index finger suggests that its owner can become famous in the field of art.
  • If the drawing starts from the line of the mind, especially if it goes through the line of the heart, then this indicates great job man and his significant success already in adulthood.
  • A stripe bifurcating in different directions at the end means that the final success will be rather ambiguous for you.
  • If the line of fame ends with a pattern of an asterisk or triangle located just below the ring finger, then here we can talk about recognition by society in acting, singing or dancing.
  • If it is drawn in the same place, but in the form of a square, then some influential and wealthy person will help you.

Also, this stripe in classical palmistry is called the line of the Sun.

Study your marriage line

Many lines and dashes located at the base of the little finger are responsible for relationship with partner and personal life. They can show not only how many marriages there will be in the life of their owner, but also the number of children. In addition, some even show unhappy relationships, as well as unrequited love.

Deciphering them is not at all difficult:

  • The closer the pattern is to the base of the little finger, the later you will enter into a relationship with your partner.
  • The presence of many weak traits means the presence of several novels or even affairs.
  • If you see very clear and deep stripes, then they will show the number of defects.
  • A large number of intersecting lines indicate many betrayals, especially on your part.
  • If instead of them you see non-intersecting lines, then these are most likely your common children.
  • The stripes extending beyond the back of the hand show you the length of your relationship - it will be long.
  • If at the end the strip branches, then separation, perhaps even divorce, will probably await you.
  • A pattern ending with a perpendicular stripe may mean that your partner will either divorce you under conditions that are traumatic for you, or even die.
  • If several lines are interrupted, but then begin to layer on top of each other, then this clearly shows you that after breaking up you will get back together with your partner.

It is worth knowing that this pattern is also called the Belt of Venus.

Human destiny is encrypted in the palm of each of us. And this is not mysticism at all, but real science, which in the 15th century was even taught in best universities Europe. At the same time, the first book was published in Germany, which described in detail what palmistry and how to read your hand. In this article we will briefly describe the system fortune telling with photos.

To this day, there is debate as to what palmistry is. Some believe that this is another way of charlatans who promise to predict a person’s future and defraud people of money. Others are deeply convinced that palmistry is a real science, albeit unrecognized.

Aristotle can be considered the first palmist. It was he who began to investigate why different patterns and cobwebs are chaotically scattered on human palms. The scientist came to the conclusion that in all this there is an unambiguous hidden meaning. They contain the individual characteristics of each person, which can be known if you understand the meaning of the lines on the palms.

This theory was proven by William John Warner, who studied palmistry from an Indian sage. Already at the age of 13, he was able to predict his fate, as well as the future of France, England and Russia. Historians say Warner warned that royal family The Romanovs will fall.

The basics of palmistry are not something incomprehensible. Each person, if desired, can learn to predict some events in his life. Perhaps knowledge about palmistry can help people quickly understand themselves, their hidden abilities and talents. If you are a person accustomed to self-improvement and constant development, then you better familiarize yourself with the meanings of the lines on the hand to learn to guess yourself and your loved ones.

Which hand should you use to tell fortunes?

According to the laws of palmistry, in order to get a complete picture of a person’s past, present and future life, you need to read fortunes on both palms at the same time. However, there are a couple of small nuances here:

  1. If you have an active the hand is the right one, then you need to guess across her palm. The right hand will tell you what awaits you in the future. Yours left hand tell the palmist what your past was like.
  2. If you are left-handed, then, accordingly, you need to guess using your left hand to learn about events to expect in the near future. The right hand of a left-handed person will tell the palmist about the path that a person had to go through in the recent past.

Fortune telling by the palm of the hand: how to determine a person’s character?

Just by looking at the shape of a person's palm, one can determine his character. Fortune telling by hand, palm reader It is easy to determine what type of personality the person standing in front of him belongs to:

  1. If he has a wide square palm with the same fingers, rough skin of a reddish color, then he belongs to the element “Earth”. Such people have the following character traits:
  • stubbornness
  • practicality
  • responsibility

Representatives of the element “Earth” prefer to perform handmade. They are ardent materialists. It is impossible to convince them of anything. They adhere only to their point of view, which they consider the only correct one.

  1. People with a palm shaped like a square or rectangle and short fingers belong to the Fire element. They act in everything, guided by instincts and emotions. People of “Fire” are characterized by:
  • spontaneity
  • enthusiasm
  • optimism
  • impulsiveness
  • selfishness
  • courage
  1. People with square or rectangular palms, long fingers with protruding knuckles, and dry skin belong to the “Air” element. They adhere to extreme radical views in everything. The main character traits of “Air” people include:
  • sociability
  • wit
  • pettiness
  • malice
  1. People whose palms have a long oblong shape with beautiful conical fingers belong to the element of “Water”. These are creative, calm individuals who have the following character traits:
  • insight
  • sympathy
  • emotionality

From the palm of your hand you can also determine some of a person’s inclinations and predispositions towards something. If you bend your palm a little, pressing all your fingers close to each other, then “hills” will form under them, each of which has its own designation:

  1. The presence of a “Venus” tubercle in the palm indicates a person’s desire, first of all, to always fulfill his desires, no matter what they are. If there is no “Venus” at all, this means that the person does not want to live family life, because it is not adapted to this.
  2. A pronounced tubercle of “Jupiter” in the palm means that a person loves himself too much, is used to being the first in everything. If this mound is not present at all, this indicates a lack of self-confidence in a person.
  3. A clearly formed mound of “Saturn” in the palm indicates a person’s tendency to depressive state. The absence of such a tubercle indicates that the personality is characterized by absent-mindedness and lack of concentration.
  4. People who have a very developed mount of the “Sun” on their palm are proud and hot-tempered. Those who do not have such a tubercle on their hand are considered people with poorly developed imagination.
  5. People with a pronounced Mercury mound on the palm talk too much in life, but do little. And those who do not have such a tubercle are characterized by excessive shyness.

Fortune telling by hand: what do the main lines on the palm mean?

Now we will tell for beginner palmists, how to read your hand using the main lines. In palmistry there are only 4 of them:

  1. Heart line– highlighted in red in the figure:
  • the beginning line under the index finger indicates a person’s satisfaction with what is happening on the love front;
  • a line starting below the base of the middle finger indicates a person’s tendency to be selfish in relationships;
  • a line starting in the middle of the palm indicates that a person does not have a soul mate, because he has a very amorous nature;
  • a short and wavy heart line indicates a person’s indifference to romantic feelings and relationships;
  • a heart line that intersects or is close to the life line indicates a person’s excessive vulnerability;
  • a straight line of the heart located parallel to the line of the head indicates a person’s ability to control his emotions;
  • a line breaking anywhere indicates that he has suffered a serious emotional shock.

  1. Head line– highlighted in blue in the figure:
  • a short line indicates a person's love for physical activity, and not to the mental;
  • a slightly curved line indicates that the person’s personality is creative, he approaches everything in an extraordinary and very creative way;
  • the line of the head touching the line of life indicates a person’s tendency to constantly travel and wander;
  • a winding line of the head indicates an inability to concentrate on something;
  • a long and fairly deep head line means a very literate person, he has a clear mind and a clear idea of ​​life;
  • a straight, but not deep line of the head speaks of the straightforwardness of the individual, who approaches life in a purely realistic manner;
  • a head line crossed by another line speaks of an emotional crisis that a person has experienced;
  • a head line breaking anywhere indicates a person’s inconsistency in his thoughts.

  1. Life line– highlighted green on the image. Its length has nothing to do with the number of years allotted to a person. Fortune telling by hand along the life line explains what quality level man lives:
  • a line located very close to the thumb indicates a person’s fatigue from the circumstances in which he has to survive;
  • a wide or semicircular line indicates fullness of strength and vitality;
  • a long and clearly defined line means a person’s will to live, his ability to get out of any situation unharmed;
  • a short and barely noticeable line means that a person can be a “puppet” in the hands of people who are stronger in character;
  • a life line crossing the entire palm means a person’s caution in any relationship;
  • a line with a break means drastic changes have occurred in life.

  1. Line of fate– highlighted orange on the image. Note that fortune telling does not predict fortune, which cannot be changed. You can look at just a few trends that can guide a person in making decisions:
  • a pronounced and very deep line of fate means that a person is guided only by the will of fate, and does not do anything;
  • a line with breaks indicates a person’s tendency to change his life under the influence of external circumstances;
  • the line of fate, associated with the line of life initially, speaks of the originality of a person who manifests himself at an early age;
  • if the line touches another in the middle of the palm, this indicates a person’s ability to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of others;
  • a line starting at the base of the thumb, which also intersects the life line, means that a person is provided with broad support from his family and friends.

Fortune telling on the hand using additional lines

Human palms are cut up not only by the main lines. Palmists identify several more significant lines that answer questions that interest us most often:

  • What does fortune telling show about the how many marriages will there be
  • As shown on the palm, how many children will there be
  • Will a person become rich or is he doomed to poverty?

Here's how these lines are located on the palm:

  1. Line of affection, If fortune telling by hand, determines the number of possible marriages, in which a person can be a member. Above it there are small vertical lines - long and short. Their number determines the possible number of children a person can have. Palmists claim that short vertical lines mean that a daughter will be born, and long ones mean a boy.
  2. Travel line– not everyone has it, but only those who are constantly on the move, whose lives change quickly.
  3. Money line:
  • ending under the hill “Jupiter” means the opportunity to receive big money subject to career growth;
  • ending under the Saturn hill means that money is very difficult for a person, it will be extremely difficult for him to become rich;
  • ending on the hill “Apollo” speaks of a person’s luck; money falls into his hands easily (as a win or a find);
  • ending under the Mercury hill denotes a person’s ability to become wealthy, provided that he connects his life with mental activity.

  1. Line of intuition - its presence shows whether a person has a sixth sense or not.

Fortune telling by hand for love, luck, fate - this is a very exciting process. But do not forget that a person’s life depends entirely on his deliberate actions and decisions, and not on what is written in the palm of his hand. Live, relying not on fate, but on your own aspirations and desires.

Video: “Divination by hand”

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