Mokhovka - growing in the garden. Overview of planting, propagation, care, harvesting and storage of crops

In the section on the question I heard that there is such a berry - flywheel! It tastes similar to currants. I'd love to see a photo! Help me please! given by the author Yatyana the best answer is Currant or moss currant, moss, “fly” (lat. Ribes procumbens Pall) is a shrub, a species of plant of the genus Currant (Ribes) of the Gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae). Food and ornamental plant.
It grows in Russia throughout Siberia and the Far East, as well as in China and Korea along the banks of rivers and streams, in forests, swamps, and on moist, rocky soil covered with moss.
Low (20-50 cm tall) deciduous shrub.
The shoots are prostrate, creeping, easily rooted, with shiny golden bark covered with sparse pinpoint glands.
The leaves are round or rounded-reniform in shape, 3-5-lobed, up to 8 cm in diameter, with a truncated or heart-shaped base. The leaf blade is bare, dark green above, lighter below, the leaves turn yellow-orange in autumn. When crushed, they have a specific pleasant smell, the same as black currant.
The flowers are collected in short racemes of 6-10 pieces, the sepals are purple, the petals white. Flowering time is June.
The fruits are brown spherical berries with a diameter of up to 13 mm, aromatic, very fragrant, sweet and sour in taste. Ripen in July - August (blooms in late May - June).
Sweet and aromatic berries are distinguished by high vitamin content and taste. The berries are eaten fresh and made into jam and liqueurs. Unfortunately, the berries are difficult to transport because they have thin skin.
Sometimes bred by amateur gardeners and deserves introduction into the culture.
In conditions middle zone In Russia, red currant blooms profusely, but the yield is small and fruiting is irregular.
Sometimes currants are grown as an ornamental plant.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: I heard that there is such a berry - flywheel! It tastes similar to currants. I'd love to see a photo! Help me please!

Moss currant - a valuable garden novelty

I don’t remember exactly when the moss currant came into my garden, it was approximately in 1997 or 1998. The address and name of the woman gardener who sent it to me has been lost. I only remember that she was originally from the city of Skovorodino, Amur Region, and she jokingly described her place of residence as “the land of evergreen tomatoes.” She wrote that their moss is the same industrial berry as we have blueberries, lingonberries or strawberries in the European part. They go specifically to moss swamps to get it and also store it for future use. It is not difficult to assemble it, because... the bushes spread low over the moss surface, and the berries hang in tassels in plain sight, so collecting a bucket of moss is not difficult. It tastes the same as regular black currant, but for the aroma and sweetness local residents prefer it.

Amur trefoil

With her judgments about plants, my benefactress (who did not ask for anything in return) gave the impression of a very competent gardener. As for the moss fly, she expressed doubt about the possibility of growing it in culture due to its specific ecological niche. This was also encouraged by the fact that our breeders have not yet introduced this shrub into garden use, despite its undoubted advantages.

At first, her predictions began to completely come true. Planted in the usual conditions for currants, the moss fly did not develop at all, and it seemed that it was about to “bend”; there was nothing even to take cuttings from for its propagation. This went on for three or four years, after which I decided to experiment with the soil substrate.

Having rooted several cuttings, I planted them on soils of different composition and moisture content, common feature which contained a fair amount of peat. And then it turned out that acidic high-moor peat was exactly what she needed. Some plants were planted on a heavily peaty light substrate with an artificially raised level groundwater. Here it grew together with the cranberries, and they got along well, intertwining shoots, and seemingly not interfering with each other. The bushes also did well on ordinary garden soil, diluted with large doses of red high-moor peat. Thus, the main thing became clear: the moss needs an acidic, peat substrate that retains moisture well, and the groundwater level is not of decisive importance. As for lighting, the place should be completely open.

Lots of beautiful and tasty currants

The currant genus (Ribes) has only about 150 species. Russia is home to more than 35 species. We can also find many introduced species. All currants are shrubs with leaves divided into lobes, small inconspicuous but numerous flowers in racemose inflorescences, and clusters of beautiful fruits and berries of various colors. Many currants have edible fruits. There are also quite a lot decorative species. The height of most currants, as a rule, varies from 1 to 2.5 m, but there are exceptions.

Currant or moss currant (Ribes procumbens) is just such an exception; in nature it grows as a low shrub, up to 25 cm, with creeping, rooting branches. The thickness of its shoots does not exceed 4-5 mm, the leaves are 3-5 lobed, medium-sized, one-dimensional, with rounded tips of the lobes, which resemble the leaves of a mantle or cloudberry. They (the leaves) seem very beautiful to me, like the whole plant as a whole. I have already determined the moss's proper place in the garden. This is a “heather garden”, where not only heathers and heathers are concentrated, but also other species that prefer acidic peat substrates.

Mosswort blooms at the same time as ordinary currants, with cute but small flowers of a purple hue, collected in brushes of 10-16 pieces. The berries ripen in mid-to-late July. They are black with a bluish coating, up to 10-12 mm in diameter, extremely aromatic, just like the leaves.

Mokhovka in the garden

Although my acquaintance with moss is not long, I dare to suggest that it can be cultivated almost throughout the entire territory of Russia, and, in any case, wherever at least some of the currants can grow. Its prospects as a berry bush, of course, can only be assessed after a sufficiently long trial. Perhaps in some regions of Russia she will be able to flourish and find a second homeland. Whether it will compete with ordinary currants is also unclear, but many will like its low growth and ability to grow like a carpet.

Anyone who wants to breed this new plant must first of all take into account its soil preferences. The simplest thing is to create a plot in the garden with soil consisting of at least 60% acidic high-moor peat. You can, for example, pour a 30 cm layer of peat onto existing soil and shovel it repeatedly. In the future, new, very small portions of peat can be poured annually directly onto the growing bushes, imitating the growth of peat in nature.

A properly prepared substrate and a sunny location will practically save you from further worries, and the moss will be able to grow almost without maintenance, just as it grows in natural conditions. It will not be possible to do without maintenance techniques, except perhaps watering and weeding.

There are lilacs and currants nodding...

Moss fly can be quite attractive for lovers of decorative gardens. Of course, it is not intended for a flower bed or even a traditional front garden. Her niche is ornamental garden just like in nature, it is very narrow, and in this sense it will attract only a few, but the most subtle connoisseurs of beauty.

Mosswood thicket. Such a monogarden can be arranged, for example, in such an “inappropriate place” as an open parterre in front of the porch of a house, a gazebo or a patio. The background of the “thicket” can be made in the form of a wall made of coniferous shrubs with pyramidal crowns (arborvitae, junipers, spruces), planted in a semicircle. To create a continuous carpet, moss seedlings are planted in a square-cluster method, with an interval of 40-50 cm.

Heather garden. This is a collection of plants that prefer to grow on acidic peat and sandy loam soils. Firstly, these are heathers and related species: heather, Erica, rhododendrons, podbel, lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries, crowberries. They are rather indifferent towards acidic soils cereals (fescue, oatmeal, miscanthus), rush grass, some orchids, ferns. And finally, low varieties of conifers can be a good completion of the composition: pines, junipers, spruces, thujas, which are advisable to be planted in separate patches or in the background.

A. Smirnov

Literature Wild fruits and berries Black currant (currant, moss, nugget, river)

Black currant (currant, moss, nugget, river)

(currant, mosswort, nugget, stream) - branched shrub. It grows along river banks and throughout the forest zone of the European part of the USSR. The forests of Siberia and the Far East are rich in currants. On the coast of Kamchatka and Sakhalin, black currants are large, like grapes, and white currants are also found in the forest.

Black currant blossoms in April - June, depending on the place of growth. The berries ripen in July - August, the berry is black, fragrant, spherical, 10-15 mm in diameter. Currant berries are collected at full ripeness; Dried, rotten and pest-damaged berries should not be collected.

The fruits are exceptionally rich in vitamin C, which is retained even when cooked. The content of a number of other vitamins in currants makes this berry indispensable in medical practice.

Fresh berries, as well as tinctures, liqueurs, jams, marmalades, syrups and juices made from them are distinguished by high taste and are in great demand among the population. Dried black currant berries are widely used in medicine.
Drying berries in ovens or dryers at a temperature of 60-65°, during drying it is necessary to stir the berries more often and make sure that the fruits do not burn. Well-dried berries, when squeezed into a handful, should crumble easily and not stain your hands.

How to plant and grow moss (recumbent currant). How to propagate. Agricultural technology. When to pick and how to store berries (10+)

Growing moss

Perennial Mokhovka is a wild type of currant ( currant). The moss moss grows over vast territories, from the Far East to Siberia, and also lives on the lands of Korea and China. This unusual plant grows on the banks of streams or rivers, and can be found in swamps, dense forests and rocky areas that are partially covered with moss.

Mokhovka is a low bush, the average height of which is twenty and sometimes twenty-five centimeters. The shoots of such a plant spread easily and take root in the ground. The lobed leaves have a distinctive round or kidney-shaped shape and are usually dark brown in color. With the onset of autumn, the leaves change color and become bright orange. Like blackcurrant, mosswort has a pleasant property - if you rub the leaf in your palms, you can feel a pleasant smell. During flowering (which occurs approximately in early June - late May), the flowers of the plant are collected in racemes, and the sepals are purple in color.

Mosswort berries have a special taste. In shape they resemble a ball, the diameter of which is about ten to fifteen centimeters. As the berry ripens, it turns bluish-black and brown in color. The taste is reminiscent of gooseberries, sweet, with a slight sourness. The best time The harvest time is considered to be the end of July - beginning of August. But be careful when harvesting. The skin on the berries is very thin and you can easily damage it or crush the berry altogether.

Growing shrubs

Mossworts are almost never grown by summer residents or gardeners, since the plant is accustomed to living in its native climate. Our plant grows abundantly, but not richly harvested.

When growing a moss fly, it is necessary to create optimal living conditions for it. The plant is suitable for the most illuminated areas with an acidic peat substrate, which retains moisture well, regardless of the level and location of groundwater. Every year you need to feed with peat. The plant begins to bear fruit in the third or fourth year.

The rhizome is long (about two meters, and sometimes reaches up to ten meters) and wide, several bushes grow on it at once. The rhizome of this plant is almost completely hidden in the ground, but not deep. Some roots can be seen on the surface, but there are very few of them.

Plant care

A big plus is that the moss does not require special care. It should simply be watered as the soil dries and get rid of weeds. Please note that they are planted for fruiting. different types plants. Mosswort is quite resistant to diseases that affect currant bushes. Layerings and cuttings are suitable for cultivation. The plant is quite frost-resistant and does not require replanting for the winter.

Mokhovka is actively used in folk medicine. Not only the fruits are used, but also the leaves. Medicines are prepared from the plant to strengthen the immune system and keep the body in good shape. Excellent for colds and infectious diseases. Often prescribed for constipation, vitamin deficiency and many other diseases. Decoctions of the leaves are prepared to treat atherosclerosis, various skin infections and diseases, kidney stones, and so on.


Mosswort berries are not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance and in case of increased stomach acidity. You cannot treat with drugs made from mosswort in case of hepatitis, thrombophlebitis, during pregnancy and a number of other diseases.

Thus, moss is a variety of currant that is not inferior in its beneficial properties.

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