Is it possible to collect water in an apartment on the night of baptism? Epiphany water, its properties and strength

    Holy water is available in any Temple and you can come and take it any day. But special days priests bless the water. On the day of January 18, the rite of Blessing of Water is read over the water and the water is called Epiphany. On the night of January 19, the Blessing of Water is performed once again and the water is called Epiphany. She has special power.

    If you are too lazy to go to the Temple at night, then you can dial it at home on the night of January 19th. It is better to do this in the period from 00 o'clock on January 19 to 03-00 - the peak of water strength. Over the subsequent time, the water gradually decreases in strength and by the evening of January 21 it returns to normal, to its normal state. But it’s still better to get water in the Temple.

    Holy water can be collected both in the church itself, and after consecration and in an ice hole or reservoir. But first baptism water, which is consecrated before the Baptism of the Lord in the temple, is considered the most powerful and healing. It is given to seriously ill patients and children to strengthen their strength.

    You can always pour blessed water for your needs in the Church; there is always a supply there. But soon the feast of the Epiphany will come, and then you can collect holy water from a source or reservoir, where the priests read the rite of blessing of water. Then they store this water for a long time, drink it little by little, wash it, wipe the body, or add it to a poured bath. Only few people know that before drinking such water, one must read the prayer for receiving holy water.

    In Greek this holy water is called agiasma or shrine. It is better to collect it in the Church after consecration by the priest; they store the water carefully in a corner near the icons or in a secluded place.

    Holy water. She did all sorts of miracles.

    Use this water to wash your face. They drink this water and even bathe in it. It rejuvenates the body, protects against the evil one, kills bacteria and microorganisms.

    You can collect holy water on Christmas Eve by going to church and praying.

    Usually water is collected from the container in which it was consecrated by church ministers. Also from the sources where the priest’s silver cross was lowered and a prayer was read over it.

    Holy water can be collected in a church or at a holy spring, but the most powerful holy water is considered to be baptismal water, consecrated on the eve of baptism on January 19. I also heard that on the day of baptism all water becomes holy, although people go to church for holy water on January 19th.

    Holy water can be collected in the church at any time. This is water that the priest blessed with a cross and read a prayer over it. You can also collect holy water from the springs, but if you go there on a pilgrimage trip from the church. There are holy springs on the site of which temples are located.

    On the eve of Epiphany, on Epiphany Eve, the blessing of water in churches begins. On the day of Epiphany itself, rivers and lakes - natural reservoirs - are sanctified, and an ice hole is made in them in the form of a cross. On this day people worship the holy cleansing power of water.

    There is a river not far from our church. There will be an ice hole there. On January 19, the day of Epiphany, the priest conducts a special ceremony. In this ice hole on January 19, you can get water yourself. Or you can collect Epiphany water in the church or temple itself. Moreover, it is customary to stock up such water on January 19th.

    Holy water can be collected in the church during the rite of blessing of water on certain days during prayer services. This rite is called the small consecration. In addition, for Epiphany, holy water can be collected from consecrated springs.

    On Christmas Eve and the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord it is celebrated in all Orthodox churches Great blessing of water. At Epiphany, after the service, clergymen often bless nearby ponds, lakes, and rivers. Christians believe that Epiphany holy water brings spiritual and physical health. Every year on Epiphany Eve, believers come to churches to stock up on Epiphany water for whole year. E is taken a little every day on an empty stomach, and her home is consecrated.

Is it possible to drink holy water?

You can and should drink holy water. Christians believe that water consecrated in the temple retains the grace of God. They drink holy water with reverence and prayer. It is customary to drink holy water on an empty stomach, but if necessary (in difficult circumstances) you can drink it after meals. The main thing when using it is not to forget that this is a shrine.

Is it possible to pour out holy water?

You can throw away holy water if it has spoiled. Although the holy water remains fresh for a long time, and believers usually store Epiphany water for a whole year, and sometimes even for several years, but it still happens that it becomes unfit for consumption. But if you have to pour out holy water, then you need to find a clean place that is not trampled (on which they do not walk).

Is it possible to pour holy water into a sink?

You cannot pour holy water into the sink. This is a sacred thing - and even if it has lost its freshness, it cannot be poured into the sewer, where all kinds of sewage are poured. You can always find a clean place that is more suitable for pouring out the holy water.

Where can you pour holy water?

Holy water can be poured into the so-called untrampled place, where the shrine will not be trampled underfoot: into a reservoir with running water or in flower pots. You can also pour holy water under a tree, near the trunk of which no one walks and no dogs run.

When can you collect holy water for Epiphany?

Holy water for Epiphany can be collected after Divine Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water on January 18 and 19. On the eve of Epiphany, on Christmas Eve, January 18, the water is blessed for the first time and begins to be distributed to believers. The water is blessed for the second time after the festive Liturgy, which takes place at night and/or in the morning of January 19. In some churches, water is distributed during these two days both day and night with breaks during services, and you can collect holy water for Epiphany almost around the clock. In other churches, where there are not so many people, water is distributed only immediately after the service and consecration or during the hours when the temple is usually open. It is better to clarify in advance how the distribution will be organized in the church where you are going to collect holy water for Epiphany.

When can you get holy water in church?

You can collect holy water in the church throughout the year. Small blessings of water can be performed in churches almost every day, which is why there is almost always holy water in the church. But the more solemn Great Blessing of Water occurs only twice a year - on the eve and on the feast of the Epiphany itself. Epiphany holy water can be collected from all operating Orthodox churches in these two days.

The water consecrated on January 18 and 19 is called Great Agiasma, and there is a special attitude towards it. But both consecrated during the year and baptismal water are holy water, during the consecration of which the priest and believers prayed for God’s mercy, and it is impossible to compare which water is more blessed.

Is it possible to boil holy water?

There is no need to boil holy water. Holy water becomes holy after the blessing of water - small or great - that is, after the priest reads special prayers over it and lowers the cross into it. Drinking water is usually used for this purpose. During the rite of consecration, water receives God's grace, which keeps it fresh and clean for a long time. If the holy water has spoiled, which also happens, then it should not be boiled, but poured into some clean place.

But you cannot brew tea or use it for cooking: holy water is a shrine, and the attitude towards it must be appropriate.

Is it possible to drink holy water during menstruation?

You can drink holy water during your period. According to pious tradition, women during menstruation do not approach Communion, but there are no prohibitions on receiving holy water and prosphora on these days.

Even people who have been temporarily excommunicated from the Holy Body and Blood of Christ for some very serious sins are allowed to drink holy water. And menstruation is a natural process in a woman’s body, and it is not her fault, and therefore there is even more reason not to drink holy water during “critical” days.

Is it possible to wash your face with holy water?

You can wash your face with holy water - that is, take a little into your palm and wipe your face. But there is no need to wash your face with holy water, as if it were water in a washbasin, splash it in all directions and pour the excess into the sink. This is a shrine, and it should be treated with care.

We need to wash ourselves with holy water not in order, for example, to “remove damage” (as people sometimes think), but in order to come into contact with the source of God’s grace given to us.

Is it possible to wash a child with holy water?

You can wash your child with holy water by gently rubbing a small amount over his face. But this should be done not “from the evil eye,” as parents sometimes think, but with faith that holy water gives us the opportunity to come into contact with God’s grace.

Is it possible to wash an unbaptized person with holy water?

It is possible to wash an unbaptized person with holy water. Anyone who believes in its beneficial effects, but who does not treat holy water as some kind of amulet, can drink or anoint themselves with holy water. Holy water is not a magical medicine, but a shrine, which, if a person himself strives for God, can give him some support on this path.

Is it possible to wash floors with holy water?

You cannot wash floors with holy water. Even old, unsuitable holy water is poured into the so-called “untrodden place,” that is, where no one will walk, where the shrine will not be trampled.

In addition, there is absolutely no need to wash the floors with holy water, especially since any magical actions with a shrine. It is enough to sprinkle a small amount of the room if necessary.

Is it possible to consecrate a cross with holy water?

It is possible and necessary to sanctify the cross with holy water. Usually the consecration is performed by a priest during a water blessing prayer according to a special rite.

Basically, the crosses in church shops have already been consecrated. Crosses found, purchased in secular stores and made to order need to be blessed. Then you need to contact the priest in order to clarify whether the purchased cross corresponds to the Orthodox canons.

If there is no way to ask the priest in the temple to consecrate the cross, then you can sprinkle it with holy water yourself with a prayer for the consecration of any thing:

To the Creator and Creator of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Lord Himself, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing (this cross), as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession, those who want to use it will be helpful for bodily salvation and intercession and help, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
(And sprinkle the thing with holy water three times).

Is it possible to have holy water before communion?

They usually do not drink holy water before communion, since it is customary to keep the Eucharistic fast - that is, to abstain from any food and drink from 00.00 o'clock if the Liturgy is in the morning, or for 6-8 hours if the Liturgy is at night. But it happens that a person feels unwell or for health reasons cannot stop drinking at all. In this case, the believer may be allowed to drink a little holy water to maintain strength. But such a decision can only be made with the blessing of the priest!

How long can you store holy water?

You can store holy water for a long time. It has the amazing property of not deteriorating. Thus, believers usually keep Epiphany holy water for a whole year, until next Epiphany. There are cases where holy water remained fresh for several years.

But holy water is a gift that must be used. That is, there is no point in accumulating bottles of water in the house; you need to accept this God's blessing with faith and prayer.

Is it possible to dilute holy water?

You can dilute holy water; even a few drops of holy water impart its properties to a large volume. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to carry huge bottles of holy water home from the temple and fill your containers to the very top, “over the top.”

We need to dilute holy water with prayer and reverence, believing that we are in contact with God's wonderful gift.

Is it possible to consecrate an apartment with holy water yourself?

The consecration of an apartment (house) is a requirement performed by a priest according to the special rite of blessing the home. He says special prayers calling for God's blessing on everyone living in this house. Then the priest prayerfully sprinkles the house with holy water and makes crosses on the walls of the house with blessed oil. The apartment is blessed once (except for special cases).

So you won’t be able to consecrate an apartment on your own without a priest, but you can simply sprinkle holy water on your home. There is even a tradition of doing this, bringing holy water home from the temple on the feast of Epiphany. In this case, you can read the following prayer:

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish in the face lovers of God and signifying the sign of the cross, and saying in joy: Rejoice, most honorable and life-giving Cross Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has fallen into hell and trampled upon you the power of the devil, and who has given us His honorable Cross to drive away every adversary. O most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

or troparion for the holiday:

In the Jordan I am baptized to You, O Lord,/ Trinitarian adoration appeared:/ For the voice of your parents testified to You,/ naming Your beloved Son,/ and the Spirit in the form of a dove/ made known your word affirmation./ Appear, O Christ God,/ and an enlightened world, glory to You.

Is it possible to put holy water on the floor?

Holy water is not placed on the floor, showing reverence and respect to the shrine. At home it is kept in a specially designated place, often next to icons, and certainly not on the floor. But when a believer pours it in the temple and on the way home, it may happen that he has to put the holy water on the floor. If this is done not with disdain, but forcedly, then there is nothing wrong with it.

Is it possible to give holy water to animals?

You cannot give holy water to animals, because you need to take it with faith and reverence, asking the Lord for forgiveness of sins and liberation from passions. It is unlikely that animals can understand the meaning of this action and feel that they are in contact with a shrine.

You can sprinkle holy water on animals. This tradition has existed since ancient times, when livestock was sprinkled with holy water with prayers, asking the Lord to protect it from pestilence. The disease and death of animals was dangerous for humans because a family without livestock could be left without food.

Can a dog have holy water?

You should not give holy water to your dog. The Gospel says: “Do not give holy things to dogs.” These words are allegorical, but they are based on the realities that existed at that time - in Old Testament times, a dog was considered an unclean animal. Today the attitude has changed, but according to church canons, animals are still not allowed to enter the temple, and this is spreading church rule primarily on dogs.

It is forbidden to give holy water to a dog to drink, but it is permissible to sprinkle it with prayer, just as Christians sprinkle their home and household items, asking the Lord for help in all their affairs and needs. After all, a dog is often a person’s helper, and you need to treat this God’s creature with love.

Can a cat have holy water?

A cat cannot drink holy water, but it is possible to sprinkle a cat with holy water, as believers often sprinkle everything around them. Christians treat animals with warmth and care, since they are all creatures of God, but not on equal terms. And although many consider cats to be very smart animals, they cannot accept holy water as they should receive a shrine.

Is it possible to take tablets with holy water?

You can wash down the tablets with holy water, but think about why we are doing this. Holy water is a gift from God, and in order to accept it, we need to take our minds off at least for a minute from the everyday bustle, turn to God, and feel His presence in our lives.

Sometimes believers wash down the tablets with holy water when they do not want to break the Eucharistic fast before communion, but need to drink medicine. Sometimes - hoping for God's help in recovery. Butand in no case should you take the tablets with holy water in the hope that it will enhance their effect. Holy water is not “church medicine”, it is a shrine.

Is it possible to drink holy water every day?

You can drink holy water every day. This action cannot be turned into some kind of magic ritual. Holy water is a gift that strengthens us on our path to the Lord, but its beneficial properties are manifested only when a person accepts this gift with with a pure heart, prayer, a sincere desire to be closer to God.

Is it possible to wash with holy water?

There is absolutely no need to wash with holy water. This is a shrine, and it should be treated with care. They drink holy water, sprinkle it on people, animals, homes, objects, they can anoint themselves with it, but they do not need to wash themselves with holy water.

Holy water is the source of God's grace. But using more of it will not increase grace. One drop is enough if a person’s faith is strong.

Is it possible to drink holy water on an empty stomach?

You can't drink holy water on an empty stomach. But it is still worth remembering, if possible, the pious tradition of consuming it before meals. Two days a year - on the eve of the holiday and on the day of Epiphany itself (January 18 and 19) - everyone drinks holy water without restriction at any time of the day.

At the same time, it is wrong to refuse holy water when there is a need to drink it (in illness, with some kind of mental or spiritual illness, in difficult life circumstances), just because you have already eaten that day. IN Liturgical Charter it is even specifically clarified that those who refuse holy water only for the reason that they have already “tasted the food” are wrong.

However, we need to understand that we do not drink holy water to quench physical thirst. We come into contact with a shrine that contains the grace of God, capable of helping us quench our spiritual thirst.

Is it possible to add holy water to a bath?

There is no need to add holy water to the bath. There is no point in immersing yourself in holy water in the hope that it will wash away all sins and all illnesses. From sins a person can God's help You can only get rid of them yourself by sincerely repenting of them. Medicine, and not a bath with holy water, helps to get rid of diseases, but the Lord can grant a person healing through his faith and prayers.

To come into contact with God's grace, a drop of holy water is enough. The shrine must be treated with reverence, and it must not be poured down the drain after taking a bath.

Can holy water be added to tea?

You cannot add holy water to tea. Holy water is not a food or flavoring additive, nor a homeopathic medicine. This is a shrine. You should drink it not casually, but at least briefly turning to God, with prayer, with faith that the Holy Spirit Himself came into contact with this water and God’s grace was preserved in it.

How long can you keep holy water at home?

You can store holy water at home for a long time. Holy water does not spoil. Typically, Christians keep Epiphany holy water for a year - from Epiphany to the next Epiphany. And water blessed with a small rite on other days of the year can almost always be collected in the temple, so there is no point in saving it for a long time instead of drinking it.

There is no sin in keeping holy water at home for too long. But you need to understand that it is important not to drink water, but to participate in church life, go to church, pray, confess and receive communion. And if a person visits the temple, then he will not have problems replenishing his supplies of holy water.

Is it possible to cook with holy water?

You cannot cook with holy water. This is a shrine, and the attitude towards it should be reverent. Christians believe that during the blessing of water, the Lord Himself blesses the water, imparting His grace to it. And it’s strange to make soup from such a gift from God.

Can a drunk person drink holy water?

There is most often no need for a drunk person to take up holy water. Although there are situations when relatives try to bring a drunken man out of his mind with the help of holy water, and through their prayers and the grace of God, contact with the shrine benefits him, sobers him up, and protects him from committing some greater sin.

Of course, there is no need to go drunk for holy water or plunge into an ice hole on Epiphany night. If a drunk person simply picks up a container of holy water, then he will not “spoil” the shrine. If he took it upon himself to pour it out or commit other blasphemous acts, then this is a sin, and one must try to stop him.

Holy water is a shrine; the grace of God is preserved in it. One must approach the shrine with a sincere desire to live a Christian life.

Is it possible to drink holy water from a bottle?

You should not drink holy water from a bottle. There must be an appropriate attitude towards the shrine, and drinking it “from the throat” will not be very pious. But in life there are different situations, and if a person, with the feeling that he was touching a shrine, nevertheless drank holy water from a bottle, then this will not in any way affect the quality of the water or the quality of his spiritual life.

Can a Muslim drink holy water?

A Muslim by birth, but interested in Christianity, may drink holy water if he does so with faith and due reverence. If a person who considers himself a Muslim wants to turn to Christ and come into contact with the grace that the Lord gives through holy water, then why not? If he is a Muslim who strictly observes all the rules of Islam, he is unlikely to have such a desire. If a person who calls himself a Muslim wants to drink holy water with some evil intent, with ridicule or out of some superstitious ideas, then, of course, this cannot be done.

Is it possible to make holy water at home?

It is impossible to “make” holy water at home. Holy water is water that has been blessed according to the established rite by a priest. Blessing of water can be great or small. Great things happen only twice a year in a church (sometimes on a pond) - on Epiphany Eve (January 18) and on the day of Epiphany itself (January 19). Prayers with a small blessing of water can be performed on almost any day of the year and not only in the temple, but also in other suitable places when circumstances require it. That is, for some reason, a prayer service can take place in a Christian’s home, but the priest will perform the consecration during it, and the Lord God Himself will make ordinary water holy through the prayers of believers.

In contact with


Since Old Testament times, water baptism has been a symbol of not only physical, but also moral purification. The baptism of Christ in the Jordan River became the first appearance of the Trinity to the world - the Epiphany. During baptism, a person becomes the son of the Lord, puts off the old man and puts on the new one, redeemed by Christ, becomes a part of the one Body of Christ, a member of the Mother Church.

Epiphany of the Lord in 2018 is celebrated on January 19. On the morning of this date, everyone goes to church and collects blessed water. Some people note that the first person should bring water from the church, although in reality this is nothing more than a stupid sign. It’s very unpleasant to see when people want to get water as quickly as possible and push right into the church. There will be enough blessed water in the church for everyone.

You can also collect blessed water on January 18, this day is called Epiphany Eve. On this day there is also a service in the church.

Many people ask the question: on Epiphany in 2018, when is it better to collect water, on the 18th or 19th? The priests say that it makes no difference, this water is sanctified in the same way.

This water is used to consecrate their houses, and the remains are stored in the house for a whole year in a dark place.

If you do not have the opportunity to go to church, then you can get water from the tap. In this case, you need to know when to get water from the tap for Epiphany in 2018. This needs to be done at night between 00.10 and 01.30. In principle, many are sure that it is possible later, but this time is still considered the best.

Most often, the liturgy in churches is held on January 19, after which the ritual of bathing is performed. However, in certain churches there are night services, the ice holes are consecrated, and on the night of January 18-19 people swim in these ice holes.

The church itself notes that bathing is not a canonical position, but has already become a tradition. Accordingly, for Epiphany 2018, it is not so important when swimming will take place, from the 18th to the 19th or in the morning of the 19th.
Many also ask where to swim on Epiphany in 2018. Each city has its own places where such rituals are held. Find out in advance where your swimming will take place, you can also ask about it at the church.

The Savior sanctified water baptism, receiving him in the waters of the Jordan. It is water that reveals the meaning of Baptism in Orthodoxy, being a very ancient religious symbol. The basis of life on earth and the destructive force, the basis of death - in Christian theology, water has a dual image. And, of course, water is a symbol of purification, rebirth and renewal.

The word “baptism” itself means washing through immersion, pouring. The first Christians performed baptism in open reservoirs. In later times, Baptism was carried out in baptismal fonts and baptismal fonts. Orthodox baptism carried out in the font - necessary condition liberation of man from demonic forces and submission to fallen sinfulness.

In the process of sanctification, water returns to its primary purpose: to be the source of Eternal Life, the medium of God’s presence, the all-destroyer of demons. In Baptism, the redeemed soul receives the revelation of the Triune God and is united with Him.

Christmastide continues until candles, as was celebrated in the old days, because after the Great Blessing of water on the eve of Epiphany, candles intertwined with colored threads or ribbons were placed next to the vessel with blessed water. This custom alone testifies to the importance and solemnity of the blessing of water. This entire day, in fact, is spent in very strict fasting (even children try not to eat until the “first star”), and during Vespers, churches do not always accommodate all the worshipers.

The Great Agiasma (Epiphany holy water) has a special grace; it is collected and brought to every home. First, the whole family takes a few sips with reverence, and then - according to custom - you need to take the sacred willow from behind the icon and sprinkle the entire home with holy water in order to protect yourself from troubles and misfortunes. In certain villages, in addition, holy water was poured into wells so that evil spirits would not penetrate there and spoil the water.

Upon completion of all these and other rituals, holy water most often came to the images. In order for Epiphany water to last for the whole year, it did not have to be a lot: with one drop it sanctifies any other.

Approximately the same power is attributed not only to water consecrated in the church, but also to simple water from rivers, in which, according to popular belief, Jesus Christ himself bathes on the night of January 19. The water taken from the ice hole on the eve of Epiphany is considered healing and helping those who are sick.

On the day of Epiphany, as soon as the first bell rang, some pious parishioners lit sheaves of straw in front of their houses (so that Jesus Christ, after baptism in the river, could warm himself near this fire). Others, having asked for the priest’s blessing, were on the river, setting up a “Jordan” - a cross-shaped wormwood, near which both old and young came to worship.

When the holy cross was immersed in water, everyone was united by prayer, as well as the desire to drink the Epiphany water and wash themselves with it. There have always been brave souls who, despite the Epiphany frosts, bathe in icy water. For many centuries there is no information that anyone got sick or drowned.

With the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord and the Epiphany, combining two great events in one holiday, the holy days and evenings come to an end.

During the evening of January 18 and the whole day of January 19, you can collect Epiphany water in any church. Water these days is blessed with one rite. That is, there is no difference when it is Epiphany water, when the time of most activity begins in 2019. This will be the evening after the service on Christmas Eve, and the day of Epiphany itself.

Important! On the feast of Epiphany, believers should not forget that they should visit church, confess and receive communion. Then take water and at home, with prayers and faith, consecrate every corner of your home.

  • Great Blessing of Water
  • Swimming in an ice hole for Epiphany

Great Blessing of Water

So, on Epiphany Christmas Eve - Epiphany water, when to collect in 2019. In Orthodox churches in the evening of this day, divine services are held, after which the water and nearby sources are blessed. These could be rivers and lakes, ponds, or simply fonts at the temple.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that Epiphany water can bring spiritual and physical health to a person. Every year, huge queues of believers line up near the temples and come for water to make supplies for the whole year. You can drink this water only in small quantities. It is best to take a couple of small sips immediately after waking up on an empty stomach.

Epiphany water is suitable for consecrating a house or work premises. She is called to give the grace of God to people. But the essence of all Orthodox rituals is not to get water, but to get closer to God and believe in him even more. You must definitely go to church, pray and ask the Lord to cleanse your body and soul through water and give you peace and balance.

Swimming in an ice hole for Epiphany

So, when it is now clear to collect holy water for Epiphany, this can be done in the evening of January 18 after the service, or throughout the entire day of January 19 - on the feast of Epiphany. On the night of January 18-19, as well as a few days later, many believers perform another important ritual of this holiday - swimming in an ice hole.

The ice hole is called “Jordan” and the water in specially cut ice holes is blessed by priests on the night of Epiphany. You should not treat swimming as a sporting feat. This is one way of obedience. It is recommended to take a blessing from a priest before plunging into the ice hole. It is believed that ablution cleanses from all sins, but this is only if the process itself is approached with all responsibility and seriousness.

Washing in Epiphany water is a testimony of a person’s faith in the power of the Lord, which even thirty-degree frost cannot bend.

Are there any differences in water blessed on January 18 or 19

Many believers are wondering when to collect Epiphany water in 2019: January 18 or 19, thinking that there are some differences. In fact, the water consecrated on January 18 is no different from that consecrated on January 19. Some believers believe that on January 19, the feast of Epiphany itself, all water on the planet is automatically sanctified. The priests emphasize that such an opinion is a prejudice.

When consecrating your home with consecrated water, according to tradition, you need to draw crosses in the air when the sprinkling process takes place. This is a fairly old tradition that is associated with Epiphany Christmas Eve. Crosses were once not drawn with chalk, but burned with a candle: soot from a candle was applied to the corners of houses. In modern homes, both soot and chalk are quite radical methods. Therefore, crosses are drawn in the air with the help of holy water. Christmas Eve before Epiphany is the last evening during the Christmastide period when you can.

Using tap water at Epiphany

There are no prohibitions here. It is clear that tap water is not considered blessed. However, the water that will be brought from the temple on Christmas Eve or on Epiphany itself cannot be used for laundry or washing dishes. It must be treated with reverence, as a special relic, and taken care of.

It happens that holy water spoils. In this case, you need to pour it into a river, in the forest under a tree, or simply close it in a vessel that will not allow air to pass through. Many believers have some of their holy water left over from last year, what should they do with it? If everything is fine with the water, then you can use it as usual: drink a few spoons in the morning on an empty stomach after prayer. If something happens to the water, you can pour it into your indoor plants.

Important! It is believed that during menstruation a woman can touch a vessel with holy water. But these days it cannot be taken orally, unless it is a matter of life and death.

Already on Epiphany Eve - January 18, after the service, the priests will bless the water. You can pick it up and take it home to cleanse your home, soul and body. But holy water is not the only tradition of the holiday; we must remember about prayers and faith. To decorate the holiday, you can please yourself and your loved ones

Living water. This phrase is familiar to us from childhood from fairy tales. The magical miracles performed with the help of such a liquid amazed and surprised. But not everyone knows that these are not just fairy tales. This kind of water really exists! Even more! Any water that is exposed to the open air at a certain time receives extraordinary properties. Let's look into it in detail.

What is Epiphany water?

There is one Orthodox holiday- Epiphany. Its date is January 19. It is believed that God's grace descends on the whole earth in Epiphany night. That is, from January 18 to 19, the water that is in the open air receives extraordinary properties. But there is one condition: the liquid must “come into contact” with nature, the sky, the stars! The one that remains indoors, under the roof, will not receive magical properties. These are not fairy tales! Even science recognized the fact of the existence of Epiphany water, although it could not understand the mechanism for its production. Many minds tried to come up with theories and conduct experiments. Yes, this doesn’t make much sense.

Properties and mystery of Epiphany water

It is believed that water is charged by the energy generated by the special position of stars and planets. On this night, an invisible thread stretches from the center of the galaxy to the Earth, filling everything around with extraordinary information.

Water is the best information storage. At the same time, she “remembers” the acquired “knowledge” forever. If you don't believe me, check it out. Epiphany water never spoils, no matter how long it sits. Everyone knows this! The water is structured in such a way that bacteria and microbes do not live in it. All this applies not only to the liquid that is called in the church. Not at all! All water (rivers, lakes, etc.) that has undergone beneficial radiation from space is considered Epiphany.

Science says it's increasing magnetic properties water and its optical density. These indicators make the liquid therapeutic. But that's not all. The liquid emits those energies that are characteristic of healthy human organs. It turns out that by consuming such water (building their body from it), any person creates his own health. It is clear that we are what we drink and eat. The quality of the liquid is especially important. By consuming life-giving water, we not only receive its molecules and structure, but also the information contained in it.

Water is better absorbed by cells, dissolves nutrients, is included in the work of organs, that is, it becomes bioactive. It is no secret that scientists advise drinking only “healthy” water. So, among its many types, Epiphany water is the most beneficial for health. This fact is recognized by scientists. Please note (we remind you) that its properties do not lose over time!

How does bathing in Epiphany water work?

This is another tradition unique to cold areas. Swim in the cold outdoors in winter! Only a person with excellent health can afford this. But on Epiphany night (morning) absolutely anyone can swim in a natural spring. This procedure will not only not cause colds or other diseases, but will also treat existing ones. Proven by many generations of believers!

Bathing stimulates the body and absorbs water into the skin. That is, the whole body is saturated with this healthy “magic” water! Of course, you don't have to swim. But the beneficial effect of such a procedure significantly exceeds the “fear” of cold. I must say that you don’t even need to believe in a miracle. It happens on its own. Epiphany water is a case where the charitable properties do not depend on your thoughts or faith.

When and where to collect Epiphany water?

You need to collect water from January 18 to 19. Moreover, this date will not change in 2016, 2016 and 2018.

Believers go to the Temple and collect there the liquid over which the corresponding ritual was performed. But this is not at all necessary. You can simply put a bucket (container, not even a capped bottle) on the balcony. The next morning you will receive a real cure for all diseases. You can stock up on as much water as you need (as long as the balcony can hold it). It will not deteriorate and will not lose its properties.

Epiphany water can be collected from a stream or any other natural source. It is only recommended to do this before dawn, until this magical Epiphany radiation takes effect. Then this water is used as desired. They drink it, cook with it, wash or bathe. Depends on how much you have in stock.

If you are collecting water for the purpose of treatment, you can cheat a little in its use. Add Epiphany water to other drinks and liquids. It will share its properties with other molecules. That is, if you fill a glass with ordinary tap water and add a spoonful of Epiphany water, then after a few minutes the structure of the entire liquid will change and become life-giving and healthy.

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