What do they ask the Iveron Mother of God for? Iveron Icon of the Mother of God - with a pierced face

I prayed to the Lord for a long time for a new home, in which there would be plenty of space for all the children. And finally - the long-awaited move! But the house turned out to be an apartment building, and I immediately made acquaintances on two floors - fellow countrymen lived in one of the apartments, former colleagues lived in the second (after all, the earth is round!), after which...

The doors to our apartment stopped closing! Guests kept dropping by all the time, which greatly depressed me, an introvert by nature - and my upbringing did not allow me to show them the door.

Therefore, I asked the priest to tell me if it was possible to hang some kind of icon at the door so that the house would have a heavenly protector from unwanted visitors. That’s how I met Our Lady of Iveron.

The Iveron icon has many names, some of which are folk: Goalkeeper, Gatekeeper, Portaitissa (the same Goalkeeper, but translated from Greek).

The icon received its main name thanks to the holy monastery where it is located: this is the Athos Iveron Monastery.

The history of this icon can be outlined in several milestones:

  • The image is very old. It is believed that the apostle himself wrote it while the Mother of Jesus was alive.

  • In the 9th century, a decree was issued to destroy all icons. The same fate threatened the oldest image of the Mother of God, but a widow living near Nicaea managed to hide it in her house. True, this did not remain a secret, and soon soldiers stood at her doorstep. They tried to take away the image. One of them even hit the icon with a spear, hitting the cheek of the Virgin Mary. Blood began to drip from the pierced area.
  • The widow grabbed her wounded face and ran to the sea. She understood that even if these soldiers let her go (the miracle that happened to the icon convinced them that it was impossible to destroy shrines), the desecration of the image was a matter of time. Not knowing what to do, she lowered the icon into the waves, surrendering it to the will of the Lord - and it floated away. No one had heard of her for about 200 years.

  • The monks of the Iversky Georgian monastery once saw a pillar of fire. This icon was visible at its top. They recognized her because the former abbot of the monastery (the son of that same widow) at one time described both the icon itself and the wound on the cheek of the Virgin Mary. The image floated in the sea, but the monks could not get it. And only when, after lengthy prayers, the Mother of God came to one brother in a dream and allowed him to take the icon, they were able to get it.
  • The brothers prayed, thanking God for the appearance of the holy image to them, and brought it into the temple. But when we woke up in the morning, we were surprised: the icon was hanging above the entrance! No one knew who brought her there. Fearing that the shrine would be spoiled by the sun and rain, the monks hid it again... And it returned to its place again.
  • The Queen of Heaven herself came to one of the monks, Gabriel the Svyatogorets, in a dream, telling him not to remove the icon again: its place was precisely above the gate, since the image should protect the entrance to the monastery.

  • The inhabitants of the Iveron monastery did not disobey the Virgin, and the icon is still in the same place that it chose for itself. Although, of course, they didn’t just let the icon hang, they erected a special gate church, where they placed the shrine. It was never taken out of here: the monks believe that the image will leave the mountain only before the Second Coming of Christ.

Dates of veneration of the icon

She is revered by both Orthodox and Catholics.

In our churches they sing about it:

  • February 25 (or, if according to the old style, then February 12).
  • On Tuesday of Holy Week (this is a moving Easter holiday, which is celebrated in April).
  • October 26 (13).

Miracles revealed by the Iveron face of the Mother of God

  • In the place where the monks first hung the icon, there was a source of clean and sweet water. It still exists today. The input to the source looks like this:

  • The monastery was once threatened by the Persians, who besieged it from the sea. The monks began to ask the icon for help - on the same day, a sudden storm sank all the ships of the invaders, and the monastery was saved.
  • One day a man came knocking at the monastery wanting to spend the night. But the year was hungry, the brothers did not have enough for themselves, and the gatekeeper asked the pilgrim to pay for lodging for the night. He couldn’t, and they didn’t let him in. After such greed, all the food in the monastery spoiled. On the way, the poor man met a woman (it was a Virgo) who gave him a coin. He returned to the monastery to pay and spend the night. So the monks realized that their Intercessor was angry with them, and to this day they do not charge anyone for an overnight stay.
  • There is always a lamp hanging in front of the icon. When it begins to sway for no reason, the holy brothers know that soon there will be a shock or great disaster in the world. And before the outbreak of the First World War, even the face of Jesus on the icon changed: it was childishly tender, it became angry.

Iveron-Hawaiian icon:

One of the copies of the Iveron image of the Virgin Mary has become a cult among Orthodox Christians in the United States. He appeared to them in 2007, and since then he has been constantly moving around churches, where people can touch this myrrh-streaming gift of the Lord.

The Montreal Myrrh-Streaming Icon was also considered miraculous. This list was created on Mount Athos in 1981; it streamed myrrh for 15 years. You can learn more about this foreign, but still almost Russian Orthodox miracle from this video:

What does the Iveron Mother of God help with?

  • It’s not for nothing that they called her the Goalkeeper: the icon can protect the house from unwanted visits. They also pray before her to protect the home from thieves, fire, and flood. It will also help protect against enemies.
  • She helped many people protect themselves or recover from illness. This refers to both physical and mental illnesses.
  • People in the villages ask this icon to give them a good harvest.
  • It will help bring some sense to a person who has taken the wrong path.
  • Finally, the Mother of God is asked for consolation in trouble and sorrow. Moreover, it is correct to ask not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. It’s also worth putting in a good word for the health of your enemies.

How to pray to this icon correctly

Here is a special prayer for help, which is read in front of the icon in difficult times: Most often it is placed either above front door, or opposite the entrance, so that the Mother of God looks into the eyes of everyone who enters.

Of course, after hanging the icon, you need to tell your household about it, and your children too. To help kids better understand the essence of the shrine, you can show them this cartoon, drawn specifically about Iverskaya Mother of God.

Probably, it is not for kindergarteners, but for schoolchildren, since it raises many almost adult topics - say, the topic of personal choice. In any case, watch it with your children, because they will have many questions to which you, adults, already know the answers:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

This year in Russia the holiday in honor of the Iveron Icon is celebrated for 2 days in a row - on May 6 the second acquisition of the Moscow image in 2012, and on May 7 the traditional celebration on Tuesday Holy Week finding the prototype in the sea near Mount Athos

The icon of the Iveron Mother of God (“Goalkeeper”) is one of the most revered in the world, and the most inaccessible. Let's start with the fact that the last woman who saw her lived more than 1200 years ago. According to legend, she was a widow from Nicaea, who kept the image in her house and, during the time of iconoclasm, let the icon float along sea ​​waves to prevent her from being abused.

In the 10th century, the icon was seen standing on the sea by the monks of the Athos monastery Iviron (Iversky, Georgian). Ascetic high life Gabriel was able to walk on the waters and take the icon. Since then, it has been in Iviron and is revered as the main shrine of the Holy Mountain.

Many Athonite relics and miraculous icons are brought to the “ mainland"for worship. Suffice it to recall the bringing to Moscow last year of a belt from the Vatopedi monastery Holy Mother of God. Currently, tens of thousands of people come to Thessaloniki to venerate the “It Is Worthy” icon of the Mother of God brought there from the capital of Athos, Kareia.

Unlike them, “Iverskaya” never left Athos. On the contrary, there is a legend that before the end of the world the icon will mysteriously disappear. Until then, the Athonite monks are checking with each other to see if the “Goalkeeper” is still there, if she is still in the small white and red temple at the old gates of Iviron.

Nevertheless, "Iverskaya" became one of the most famous Mother of God icons. It is enough to list the names of her lists to understand this worldwide veneration: Moscow, Paris, Montreal, Mozdok. Even Hawaiian...

The Iveron icon is quite large - 137x87 cm. It has two frames that can be exchanged for one another. More ancient, chased, made by Georgian craftsmen in the 16th century. At the bottom there is an inscription in Georgian: “Queen, Mother of the philanthropic God, Immaculate Virgin Mary, have mercy on the soul of my master, the great Kaikhosroi Kvarkvarashvili, and I, Your servant and deprived of all strength, worthy of regret, Ambrose, thank You, who deigned to bind me with this and adorn the holy image of Thy Portaitissa. Accept this little insolence of mine as a sacrifice from me, a sinner, and save the rest of my life without sin. And at the hour of the exodus of my pitiful soul, help me, scatter all the lists of my sins. And place me, a sinner, at the throne of Your Son and God and His beginningless Holy Father and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen". On the back of the icon there is an image of a cross with the monogram “IC XC NI KA” and four letters “X” - an abbreviation of the phrase “Christ gives grace to Christians”, in which Greek all words start with X.

A later salary on the prototype of the “Goalkeeper”. On the margins of the icon are enamel images of the apostles. On the old salary they are waist-length, and on the new one they are full-length. Like many miraculous icons, Iverskaya is decorated with numerous donations: crosses and coins. There is an Athonite legend, according to which, one day the Iveron monks experienced a shortage of food, and the gatekeeper began to demand money from travelers for bread. The Mother of God appeared to one of the pilgrims and gave him a coin. The moment the gatekeeper took it as payment for food, all the bread in the monastery turned wormy. The abbot examined the coin and recognized it as an ancient Byzantine nomisma, suspended from the Iverskaya frame.

Panorama of the Iviron Monastery, drawing by Russian pilgrim V.G. Grigorovich-Barsky, 1744

The icon is not in the monastery cathedral, but in the temple to the left of the monastery gate. After the discovery, the monks first placed the icon in the altar of the cathedral, but the next morning it appeared above the gates of the monastery. This went on for several days. The Mother of God appeared in a dream to the elder and said: “I do not want to be protected by you, but I want to be your Guardian... As long as you see My image in this monastery, until then the grace and mercy of My Son towards you will not become scarce.” Therefore, the Iveron Icon is also called “Portaitissa” (“Goalkeeper”). The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Portaitissa was built at the end of the 17th century, presumably on the site of a medieval temple. Photo: www.agionoros.ru

The Akathist before the Goalkeeper icon is read by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Athos, Iviron Monastery, October 26, 2010. Photo: DECR MP communications service

The first copy of the Iveron Icon was brought to Rus' in the middle of the 17th century. In 1647, Archimandrite Pachomius of the Athonite Iveron Monastery came to Moscow to collect donations and met the abbot of the capital's Novospassky Monastery Nikon, the future patriarch, who was so impressed by the story about the monastery and miraculous icon, that he asked to make a copy of the Iveron Icon “measure in moderation” for him. The image was painted by the icon painter Cyrus Iamblichus Romanov. So, in the fall of 1648, the icon was solemnly greeted in Moscow, at the Resurrection Gate. The Russian celebration in honor of the Iveron Icon on September 13 (September 26) is dedicated to this event.

The Iveron Icon of Athos was hit with a spear by an iconoclast warrior. Blood flowed from the damaged area. Therefore, on many lists the face of the Mother of God is depicted with a bleeding wound

In May 2012, the oldest copy of the Iveron Icon was handed over to the Church and returned to the Novodevichy Convent. Photo: .

On May 25, 2012, a prayer service was held in front of the icon on Vasilievsky Spusk. It was headed by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' and Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Jerome II. Photo: press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

Iverskaya Chapel at the Resurrection Gate, photo from the beginning of the 20th century. The chapel contained an icon painted by royal icon painters in the 17th century, the so-called. Moscow Iverskaya. Archbishop Arseny (Zhadanovsky) recalled: “The chapel was surrounded by Muscovites all day long. At nine o’clock in the evening it was locked, but this did not distract the attention of the pilgrims, who continued to stand in anticipation of the night vigil.” The image was often taken out of the chapel for worship and to go around houses, especially during epidemics. During her absence, replacement icons were displayed in the chapel for veneration.

Alexander Vertinsky in his memoirs “Dear Long...” tells how Iverskaya carried flowers to Iverskaya as a beggar student: “Iverskaya was the religious center of Moscow. In a small chapel near Red Square stood her icon, illuminated by hundreds of candles lit by believers. The icon sparkled with diamonds, emeralds and rubies, which were donated by those healed of various ailments and sorrows, hardships and suffering. It all started with her. Not a single visiting merchant began business without bowing to Iverskaya... We, too, sometimes brought our modest gifts to the icon. I remember how before big events, exams for example, my friends and I would go to Iverskaya and light candles or buy white roses on long stems and put them in candlesticks.”

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, Moscow, last quarter of the 17th century, State Tretyakov Gallery, Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi. IN Lately More and more historians and art historians are inclined to believe that this icon is the Moscow Iverskaya icon.

The Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki houses an image from the Iveron Chapel. Remains open question, is this icon of Moscow Iverskaya or a substitute image

Another replacement image from the Iveron Chapel is in Paris. It was taken to France in 1812 by an officer of Napoleon's retreating army and unexpectedly discovered in an antique shop by a Russian emigrant in 1930 and bought in 1932 through the enormous efforts of emigration, in particular the famous ascetic Bishop Veniamin (Fedchenkov, later Metropolitan). Many donated their last funds to buy the icon. The Parisian Iveron Icon is kept in the Three Saints Metochion (Rue Loops, 5), where an akathist is read before it on Wednesdays. There are revered Iveron icons in other well-known parishes of the first wave of Russian emigration. For example, in the Church of St. Nicholas at Via Palestra 69 in Rome.

In 1995, the Iveron Chapel was restored and solemnly consecrated by Patriarch Alexy II.

For the restored chapel, Hieromonk Luke from the Athonite monastery of Xenophon wrote a list of “Goalkeepers”. Before the icon, an akathist is read daily by Moscow priests in order.

List of the Iveron Icon from the Nikolo-Perervinsky Monastery. The chapel at the Resurrection Gate was assigned to the monastery back in 1659. Prayer services were served there by the Perervin hieromonks. Photo: V. Khodakov, I. Lazuta, press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

Iverskaya icon from the Valdai Iversky Monastery. The monastery was founded by Patriarch Nikon, who asked Iviron to send him another copy of the “Goalkeeper” icon, which was done around 1655. The icon was met in Valdai on February 12, 1656. This is where the tradition of the second Russian holiday in honor of the Iveron Icon came from - February 12 (25). After the revolution, the list disappeared and has not yet been found. The icon shown in the photo is more recent.

The Iveron-Montreal Icon of the Mother of God was painted on Mount Athos in 1981. Myrrh streamed almost continuously since 1982 for 15 years. The icon traveled almost all over the world - the image was transported from church to church by its custodian, Chilean Joseph Jose Muñoz Cortes, who converted to Orthodoxy. Cottons with holy myrrh are kept in many parishes. On the night of October 30-31, Brother Joseph was killed under still unclear circumstances, and the icon disappeared. Lists from the Montreal icon are also streaming myrrh. Thus, since 2007, a small paper copy of it, located in the ROCOR parish in Hawaii, has been exuding myrrh.

According to legend, the copy from the Athonite Iveron Icon was given to the Ossetians by St. Queen Tamara. In 1768, by decree of Catherine II, the Ossetians of the village of Maryam-Kay had to move to a new place. They took with them the revered image. The travelers spent the night on the banks of the Terek, near the city of Mozdok. At night, light poured from the icon. In the morning, the oxen refused to move and carry the cart on which the icon was placed. The Mother of God appeared to one Ossetian in a dream and ordered him to leave the icon in this place. The news reached the bishop, and the image was transferred to the cathedral. The Mozdok Iveron Icon is revered throughout the North Caucasus and the Don.

List of the Iveron Icon from the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Sioni) in Tbilisi. Written on Mount Athos at the request of Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II and brought to Tbilisi in 1989. Patriarch Elijah ΙΙ also paints icons. One of them, the revered image of Iverskaya, is in the new cathedral Holy Trinity (Tsminda Sameba).

List of the Iveron Icon from the Rozhenov Monastery, Bulgaria, late 18th century.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, Kostroma, late 17th-early 18th century.

Common iconography of the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. As a rule, such icons were replicated in the workshops of the St. Panteleimon Monastery on Athos

Prepared by Arseny ZAGULYAEV

Icon of the Mother of God “Iverskaya” "Goalkeeper"

February 25 (February 12, old style), October 26 (13), Tuesday of Bright Week

Description of the icon of the Mother of God “Iverskaya” “Goalkeeper”:
In the 9th century, during the heresy of iconoclasm, near the city of Nicaea (modern Turkey), there lived a pious widow and her son, in whose house there was a miraculous icon of the Mother of God. When the soldiers sent to seek out and destroy the holy icons of the Mother of God entered the widow’s house, she, in the hope of preserving the shrine, begged the soldiers to leave the icon of the Mother of God until the morning, promising them a reward for this.

The selfish warriors agreed, but at the same time one of them, leaving, hit the face of the Mother of God with a spear, and blood immediately flowed from the pierced icon of the Mother of God. The amazed warriors left. Wanting to save the miraculous icon of the Mother of God from desecration, the widow took it to the sea and lowered it into the water. The icon of the Mother of God did not lie down on the water, but, standing upright, moved across the sea.

About two centuries have passed since then. One day, the monks of the Iveron Monastery on Athos saw a pillar of fire reaching to the very sky on the sea, at the base of which was an icon of the Mother of God standing on the water. After the prayer service, the monastery elder Gabriel, at the command of the Mother of God who appeared to him in a dream, walked on the water as if on dry land, accepted the icon of the Mother of God and placed it in the temple.

But the next day the icon of the Mother of God was not found in the place where it had been placed, but was discovered above the monastery gate. The image was taken to its original place, but the next morning it was again above the gate. This happened several times. Finally, the Most Holy Theotokos again appeared to the Monk Gabriel, saying that she did not want to be kept by the monks, but wanted to be their Guardian.

The monks built a gate church, in which the miraculous icon of the Mother of God remains to this day. By the name of the monastery, this icon of the Mother of God is called Iverskaya, and by the place of its location above the monastery gates - “Goalkeeper” or “Portaitissa”.

The history of the Iversky Monastery has preserved many cases of the miraculous help of the Mother of God through Her miraculous icon: the deliverance of the monastery from barbarians, the miraculous replenishment of food supplies, the healing of the sick.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God was well known in Russia. During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich (1645–1676), Archimandrite Nikon of the Novospassky Monastery (later Patriarch of All Rus') turned to Archimandrite Pachomius of the Iveron Athos Monastery with a request to send a list (copy) of the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The priest Iamblichus Romanov was blessed to paint the icon of the Mother of God for Russia. Before this, the entire brethren of the monastery (three hundred and sixty-five monks) performed a great prayer service from evening until dawn and blessed the water with holy relics. They poured holy water over the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Portaitissa” and again poured it over a new board prepared for writing the icon, made of cypress wood. After Divine Liturgy Holy water and particles of holy relics were handed over to the icon painter, who, mixing them with paints, began to paint the icon of the Mother of God.

On October 13, 1648, the icon was brought to Moscow and solemnly greeted at the Resurrection Gate by many people, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Patriarch Joseph.

When Nikon ascended the patriarchal throne, he planned to build a monastery on one of the islands of Lake Valdai in honor of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, in the likeness of the Athos Iveron Monastery. Skilled painters were sent to Athos to paint a new copy of the ancient Iveron Icon of the Mother of God and compose exact plan Iverskaya monastery. Through the efforts of Russian architects, the Iveron Mother of God Svyatoozersky Monastery was founded in Valdai, to which in 1656 the newly painted Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was brought from Athos.

Other revered copies of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, installed in the Iveron Chapel at the Resurrection Gate, were also written on Athos. Thousands of Orthodox Christians from all over Russia came to venerate the miraculous image (one icon never left its place, while the other was taken from house to house in Moscow in a special carriage). Arriving in Moscow, Russian sovereigns, before entering the Kremlin, always prayed in the chapel at the Resurrection Gate in front of the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In 1929, the chapel was destroyed, the icon of the Mother of God disappeared, but the mobile icon was preserved and is now in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki. Nowadays, by the grace of God, the chapel has been recreated, and Orthodox Russia On October 26, 1995, I again encountered the image of the Iveron Mother of God, painted on Holy Mount Athos.

There are icons of the Iveron Mother of God with a wound on the right cheek of the Mother of God, oozing drops of blood, and without a wound.

At the end of the twentieth century, the myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Montreal, whose custodian was the Orthodox Spaniard Joseph Muñoz Cortes, became famous. Unfortunately, in October 1997, after the villainous murder of Joseph, the miraculous image disappeared without a trace.

Celebration of the miraculous Iveron Icon of the Mother of God in Russkaya Orthodox Church is performed three times: February 12/25 (this day is associated with the transfer of the copy of the Iveron icon to the monastery in Valdai), October 13/26 (the day of the solemn meeting of the Athos shrine in Moscow in 1648) and on Tuesday of Bright Week (precisely on Tuesday of Bright Week, According to legend, there was an appearance of the icon on the waters in front of the monks of the Iveron Monastery).


Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called “Iverskaya”

Before the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos they pray for deliverance from various misfortunes and for consolation in troubles, from fire, for increasing the fertility of the earth, for deliverance from grief and sadness, for the healing of physical and mental ailments, in difficult circumstances, for help to farmers.

First prayer

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of Heaven and Earth! Hear the much-painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy most pure image. Behold, immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if You were alive and living with us, we offer our humble prayers. The imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation except You, O Mother, of all those who mourn and are burdened! Help us, the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us, the erring, on the right path, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our lives to spend in peace and silence, grant us a Christian death, and at the Last Judgment of Your Son, the merciful Intercessor will appear to us, and always We sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God. Amen.

Second prayer

O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos, accept our unworthy prayer and save us from slander evil people and from vain death, and grant us repentance before the end, have mercy on our prayer, and grant joy in sorrow a place. And deliver us, Lady, from all misfortune and adversity, sorrow and sorrow and from all evil. And make us, Thy sinful servants, worthy to be at the right hand at the second coming of Thy Son, Christ our God, and to be our heirs, to be made worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life, with all the saints throughout the endless ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion, tone 1

From Your holy icon, O Lady Theotokos, healing and healing are given abundantly to those who come to her with faith and love. Thus, visit my weakness and have mercy on my soul, O Good One, and heal my body with Your grace, O Most Pure One.

Kontakion, tone 8

Even if Your holy icon, Mother of God, was cast into the sea from a widow who could not save her from her enemies, the guardian of Athos and the goalkeeper of the Iveron monastery appeared, frightening enemies and in the Orthodox Russian country who reveres You, delivering You from all troubles and misfortunes.


We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Your holy image, through which you heal our illnesses and raise our souls to God.


Akathist to the Holy Mother of God in front of her Icon, called "Iveron"

Kontakion 1
To the chosen Voivode, our Lady Theotokos, we offer praise to You, Thy servants, for by the coming of Thy venerable image we have acquired a strong shield, an invincible wall, and a vigilant guard. You, who have an invincible power, cover and protect us, Lady, from all enemies, visible and invisible, and deliver us from all harm, mental and physical, so we call You: Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Ikos 1
An intercessor angel was sent to quickly say to the Mother of God, when the lot of apostolic service fell to Her in the lands of Iverstei: “Do not be separated from Jerusalem, the lot that fell to You will be enlightened in the last days, and You will also work in the lands where God wills You.” In the same way, rejoice, because the Gospel is preached; Rejoice, Her idolatrous charm will be abolished. Rejoice, for the power of the prince of darkness will be destroyed; Rejoice, for the Kingdom of Christ will be established. Rejoice, you who have fallen into the darkness of idolatry to the light of the Gospel; Rejoice, having brought the children of God from slavery to the devil into freedom of glory. Rejoice, ready Servant of Your Son and God; Rejoice, you who heal the disobedience of Eve through obedience. Rejoice, height of virtues; Rejoice, depth of humility. Rejoice, even unfaithfulness knows the Creator; Rejoice, Her faithful ones are adopted as sons of the Father. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 2
Seeing the Holy Virgin God’s wondrous and new providence for Herself, as a servant of the Lord, ever ready to do His will, cry out: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
The incomprehensible mind of the angelic verb is reasonable to You, Most Pure One, creating the Lord, direct Your procession to Mount Athos, where You preached the Gospel, and thus Your lot appeared. We joyfully cry out: Rejoice, you who sanctified Athos with Your coming; Rejoice, you who have cast down the idols. Rejoice, you who planted the true faith there; Rejoice, you who have driven away unbelief. Rejoice, you who chose this Mountain as your lot; Rejoice, you who promised grace to this place. Rejoice, faithful ones who live in her, Giver of earthly blessings; Rejoice, Helper of their eternal salvation. Rejoice, warm Intercessor for those living in Your lot; Rejoice, all their enemies are intimidated. Rejoice, you who promised the mercy of your Son to this place until the end of the age; Rejoice, foretold His grace to be everlasting. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 3
The power of the Most High interceded with the Mother of God of autumn, the Holy Mountain and its abundance and wilds, like a vast village, showing everyone in monastic life who wants to reap salvation, and never sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having a providence for Your lot, the people of the Iveron land, You set in the place where You Yourself landed on Athos, an abode for their family, in a quiet refuge for those seeking salvation, who wanted to give her Your icon as a shield and fence, so that they all cry: Rejoice, you who sent a preacher Gospels to the land of Iveron; Rejoice, you who have turned this country from the deceit of idolatry to the light of Christ. Rejoice, thou who hast given the wondrous vine to Nina of unfading branches; Rejoice, from her you brought forth a cluster of miracles and good faith. Rejoice, you who planted a spiritual garden on Athos; Rejoice, you who poured out a stream of spiritual enlightenment from him to the land of Iverstia. Rejoice, Euphemia, golden-speaking lips; Rejoice, invincible fortress Tornikia. Rejoice, strengthening of all the pious; Rejoice, guardian of the monks. Rejoice, quiet haven for those seeking salvation; Rejoice, you who prepare eternal rest for them. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 4
I stormed inside with doubtful thoughts, the honest widow, even in Nicaea, was dismayed, seeing with the spear of the iconoclast warrior the holy and revered icon of the Mother of God was pierced and the aby shed blood and, overcome by fear, so that the holy icon would not be desecrated, with a prayer she was cast into the sea. Having seen the way right at the top of the water and flowing towards the West, cry out with joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
Seeing the monks of the Holy Mountain appearing in the sea like a flame, like a pillar of fire, its top reaching to Heaven, like a shining sun, and in the night they flowed to the edge of the sea and, seeing the holy icon of the Mother of God carried across the sea by power from above, they cried out to the Most Blessed One: Rejoice, Kupino, Foreseen by the legislator; Rejoice, pillar of fire, guide those who are in darkness. Rejoice, ladder reaching to Heaven, with which God descended; Rejoice, bridge, lead those who are from earth to Heaven. Rejoice, dawn of the mysterious day; Rejoice, Star that reveals the Sun. Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Ineffable Light; Rejoice, for you who taught only one thing. Rejoice, clothed in the sun, shining with grace and glory throughout the entire universe; Rejoice, lightning, enlightening souls and illuminating the meanings of the faithful. Rejoice, lightness, shining in the darkness; Rejoice, thou shalt shine forth enlightenment. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 5
If you wanted to give your God-bearing icon to the Iversta monastery, you said to the Mother of God to St. Gabriel: “Go with the face of the monks to the shore of the sea, go down into the abyss and receive My icon.” He, who is embraced by faith and love, walks on water as well as on dry land, and is accepted into his arms and reaches a treasure otherwise unattainable, the property of the monks of his Iberian family, rejoicing from the waist up: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Having seen the icon of the Mother of God many times from the temple at the top of the monastery gates onto the city wall by an invisible force, the monks of the century were horrified and standing, calling to her like this: Rejoice, you deigned to give us the holy icon; Rejoice, you who promised us her protection to be. Rejoice, you who have shown Your love for our monastery; Rejoice, you who showed good thoughts about her. Rejoice, our help is in a foreign country; Rejoice, there is consolation in our journey. Rejoice, God's favor is upon us; Rejoice, our boldness towards God. Rejoice, deliverance of our tears; Rejoice, Protectress of the orphans. Rejoice, our fence; Rejoice, our only Joy. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 6
The preacher of Gabriel doing His will, you advertised to him, the Lady: I ​​did not come to be kept from you, but may I be your guardian not only in the present, but also in the future. Behold, I give you a sign: until you see My icon in the monastery, the grace of My Son and mercy will not fail you, so that everyone may cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
Great joy arose to those who heard Your promises, O Mother of God, and to You, the Heavenly Goalkeeper, a temple at the gates of the monastery with joy the monks erected and cried out like this: Rejoice, our Guardian in the present age; Rejoice, our Representative in the future. Rejoice, you who teach us the fear of God, Rejoice, who instruct us on the path of virtue. Rejoice, our boldness and hope; Rejoice, our hope and protection. Rejoice, you who bowed down the compassion of your Son to us; Rejoice, proclaiming His grace to be with us endlessly. Rejoice, you who gave the holy icon as a pledge of mercy; Rejoice, you who gave her the gift of miracles. Rejoice, you who reflect all evil from the monastery; Rejoice, you who open the entrance to all good things. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 7
Sometimes the wicked Amira wants to destroy the Iveron monastery and scatter the herd of monks gathered there; soon she will recognize the strong intercession of the monastery from the Mother of God, seeing her ships mired in the depths of the sea and her warriors lost. And he came with humility; giving silver and evil to the monastery, asking for prayers. The foreigners, seeing this, cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
New and countless miracles were shown by the Mother of God, in the monastery, the shortage of wine, torment and oil, replenishing, healing demons, granting walking to the lame, sight to the blind and healing every ailment, and, seeing these miracles, they sing to You: Rejoice, Chosen Voivode, conquering enemies; Rejoice, quick help to those who call upon Thee. Rejoice, you who do not despise our prayers; Rejoice, you who do not retreat from Your promises. Rejoice, you who transform the sorrow of the monastery into joy; Rejoice, replenishing the depletion of the monastery. Rejoice, recovery of sight for the blind; Rejoice, you who walk with the lame. Rejoice, Healer of all the weak; Rejoice, Comforter of all who mourn. Rejoice, for you do not cease providing and saving us; Rejoice, for you are delivering us from so many troubles. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 8
The Iveron monastery, strangely covered by the icon of the Mother of God, heard Patriarch Nikon, longing for the Russian country to receive Her grace; For this reason, having created a monastery in honor of the glorious image, carefully ask for an image of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, so that, protected by Her protection, they cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
All beings are in the Highest, but do not retreat from those below, you have deigned, O Mother of God, as of old St. Anthony the blessing of Mount Athos was granted for the establishment of the Pechersk monastery, granting Your grace to the new monastery in the Russian country, with which You blessed Athos, in the likeness of Your honorable image; We also cry out to Ti: Rejoice, covering the Russian countries, broadening the clouds; Rejoice, the Orthodox faith is protected and affirmed in it. Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Orthodox Church; Rejoice, denunciation of heresies and schisms. Rejoice, thou illuminating the whole country with the bright rays of miraculous icons; Rejoice, you who exude gifts of healing and mercies from them. Rejoice, intimidation of enemies; Rejoice, joy of the saints.
Rejoice, praise of the priests; Rejoice, Teacher of monks. Rejoice, salvation of our entire family. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 9
Having every diligence to paint the honorable image of the merciful Goalkeeper, the host of Iveron fasters perform prayer services; He washes the deck with water from the wonderful icon, on which an honest image is depicted, and sanctifies the Venerable Jamblichus, who labored in fasting, prayer and vigil with all the brethren, writing off the wax, holy water and consecrated relics of the honest image of the Mother of God, taking out the prayer and crying out to God: Alleluia .

Ikos 9
The prophets of many prophecies, like voiceless fish, we see about You, Mother of God: they are perplexed as to how to properly praise all Your miracles, revealed to our race from Your holy icon: even more on the way to the Russian country, this miracle worker, commanded the pious Manuel to give a ransom to the infidels who rebuke the procession of the holy icon to the Russian country, and giving it exclusively to him afterwards. We, marveling, truly cry out to Ti: Rejoice, inexhaustible source of miracles; Rejoice, Giver of all mercy. Rejoice, always warm Intercessor to God for us; Rejoice, His providences for us are a treasure. Rejoice, refuge for those in trouble; Rejoice, consolation to those who mourn. Rejoice, healing of the sick; Rejoice, strengthener of the weak. Rejoice, intercession of widows; Rejoice, merciful Mother of the orphans. Rejoice, conversion of those who are astray to the path of truth; Rejoice, calling sinners to repentance. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 10
Wanting to save many people from troubles and sorrows, you, O Mother of God, exude an endless source of mercy from Your icon to our family: behold, in the capital city of Moscow, the good Goalkeeper appears to all who worship You, giving quick help, and in the new monastery of Iversty, streams of grace flow from Your icon You are issuing, and in other cities, abodes and places, those who honor You fulfill your useful request. Moreover, glorifying God, who gave us such grace, we cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
Thou art a wall to the monastic rite, to the Mother of God, and to all who resort to Thee; for the Creator of Heaven and earth, dwell in Your virgin womb, teach all zealots of purity and chastity to proclaim to You: Rejoice, tattered vessel of virginity; Rejoice, purest image of chastity. Rejoice, devil of seedless disgrace; Rejoice, Unbrided Bride. Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Sower of Purity; Rejoice, you who united the faithful of the Lord. Rejoice, quick Helper in the storm of temptation; Rejoice, you who reflect the enemy’s accusations. Rejoice, you who drive away the darkness of harmful passions; Rejoice, purifying thoughts. Rejoice, you who teach us to despise earthly pleasures; Rejoice, you who guide minds and hearts to the Heavenly One. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 11
All singing is conquered, striving to meet the multitude of Thy bounties: equal to the sand of the songs we bring to Thee, our Lady Theotokos, we accomplish nothing worthily, even as Thou hast given to us, crying out for Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
As a light-receiving candle, which appears to those in the darkness of troubles, we see the holy icon of the Mother of God: for we receive the immaterial fire of grace, illuminating everyone with the rays of miracles, teaching us to cry out to the Blessed One: Rejoice, speedy help in all your needs; Rejoice, quick hearing in sorrows. Rejoice, thou who deliverest us from fire, sword and the invasion of foreigners; Rejoice, freeing us from hunger and vain death. Rejoice, you who protect us from the plague and all-destruction of mortals; Rejoice, sudden help to those in need along the way, on land and on the waters. Rejoice, healing of mental and physical ulcers; Rejoice, you who accept those left by doctors into Your hands. Rejoice, merciful Comforter of all those who mourn and are burdened;
Rejoice, you who do not reject all the despised and rejected. Rejoice, you who snatch away the most desperate from the pit of destruction; Rejoice, and me, naked of good deeds, not leaving me with Your protection and intercession. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 12
The grace of giving away the debts of the ancients, of all debts, the Solver of man, came with Himself to those who had departed from His grace and, tearing apart the handwriting, granted us a strong God-gracious intercession, so that we all cry out with Her prayers: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing Your miracles shown to us in this life, we praise You. Mother of God, as an inexhaustible source of mercy. But, falling to Thee before Thy miraculous icon, we humbly pray to Thee, grant us protection and protection on the day of our death, and when the imams appear before the terrible Throne of Thy Son for judgment, and cry out to Thee: Rejoice, thou who sittest in glory before the Throne of Thy Son and there remembering us; Rejoice, forever reigning with Your Son and God and interceding for us. Rejoice, you who give the end of life without shame to those who trust in You; Rejoice, you who arrange a painless and peaceful death. Rejoice, deliverance from bitter ordeals; Rejoice, liberation from the power of the prince of the air. Rejoice, there is no remembrance of our sins; Rejoice, for in the Lord we have the hope of a blessed life. Rejoice, you who make a standing place for those who trust in You at the right hand of Your Son;
Rejoice, thou who art worthy to hear the blessed voice of Onago, who promises the inheritance of the Heavenly Kingdom. Rejoice, good Mother, who makes all those who honor You live with You; Rejoice, strong hope of eternal salvation for all Christians. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, who opens the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 13
O All-Singing Mother, Most Holy Lady Virgin Mary! Look upon us, who humbly offer these small prayers with tears before Your most pure image and have placed all our hope and hope in You, and deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes in this life and from future torments, so that, saved by You, we cry out: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 kontakion 1) - Information for those who have recently come to the Orthodox Church. Instructions in spiritual life, basic information about the temple, etc.

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Whenever difficult situations in life, every person hopes for help from Heaven. More often, people turn to the Queen of Heaven - the great Patroness of all humanity before the Almighty. Her image is in everyone Orthodox church located to the left of the Royal Doors.

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God occupies a special place among the Mother of God icons. It is one of the most revered and famous shrines of Orthodoxy.

History of the Holy Face

During 1 Ecumenical Council adherents of the Aryan heresy were given strict support. Since then, peace and tranquility have come to the Orthodox Christian world. But at the beginning of the 9th century, fierce fighters against Orthodox images appeared, destroying holy images.

Just at that time, a pious believing widow with her teenage son lived on the territory of Nicaea (now Turkey). The woman had a fortune inherited from her late husband. With this money, the widow built a church, within the walls of which the icon of the Mother of God rested. The iconoclasts, having visited the temple, decided to take away her fortune from the woman, demanding a large sum money. Hearing the refusal, one of the attackers angrily plunged his sword into the Face of the Virgin Mary.

And then a stream of real human blood flowed over the icon. The bandits were very frightened and ran out of the church, warning the widow that the next day they would return again to collect the debt.

When it got dark, mother and son took the icon of the Mother of God and went to the sea. Having placed the Face on the water, they beheld a miracle: the icon itself rose into a vertical position and floated in this state along the waves directly into the open sea. Amazed by what they saw, they returned home, but fearing the possible re-arrival of robbers, they could not stay within their native walls.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

Appearance on Athos

The son went to Athos and accepted monasticism at the Iveron monastery. The newly minted monk told the story of how the icon itself stood up on the waves and floated out to sea. But soon the elders, who were at the monastery gates, noticed a bright and huge pillar of fire rising above the surface of the sea. The sight was wonderful and scary at the same time.

Mother protects the hearth and patronizes everyone Orthodox Christians and intercedes for their needs before His Son.

The original of the Holy Face of the Mother of God is kept on Mount Athos in the men's Orthodox monastery Icon of the Iveron Mother of God.

Celebrations in honor of the Iveron Icon take place several times a year: February 25, May 6, October 26, and also on Tuesday of Easter week.

Watch a video about the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

One of the most revered and great shrines Orthodox world- Iverskaya Mother of God. It is also one of the most common images of the Most Pure Virgin in Orthodoxy.

For many centuries now, believers have resorted to this holy image in the most difficult situations their lives and get help. The face of the Mother of God saves everyone - even those who do not belong to Orthodox faith, so great is the grace of the miraculous image.

The original of this icon has been located on Holy Mount Athos, in the famous Iveron Monastery, for more than a thousand years. Iveria is the ancient name of Georgia, and its name Holy place received because the monastery was founded precisely by immigrants from Georgia.

History of the icon

The history of this ancient image is amazing and beautiful. It is believed that the face of the Mother of God was captured by the Evangelist Luke himself, back in the days of the earthly life of the Blessed Virgin.

Further events are associated with a difficult and dangerous time for Christians - iconoclasm, when the idea arose that the worship of icons was contrary to the spirit of the church.

At the end of the 13th century, the ancient image was kept in the home church of a pious rich widow who lived in the territory of Byzantium (present-day Turkey). The iconoclasts came to her house and wanted to destroy the wonderful image. However, they were more interested in profit, and they retreated after the widow promised them a lot of money for not touching the holy icon until the morning.

One of the soldiers hit the image with a spear, and blood flowed from the face of the Mother of God. Despite the fact that this miracle amazed the heretics, the risk of losing the shrine was too great. Therefore, the widow prayed for a long time at night, asking the Lord to help her save the face of the Most Pure Virgin.

The woman received a sign from above and did as the Lord told her: she lowered the priceless image into the waves of the Mediterranean Sea, hoping for a miracle. And it happened: she did not drown and did not get lost in the water. The image was not placed flat in the water, but was held vertically, and from it a pillar of light went into the night sky. This miracle convinced the widow that the image was safe.

After a long journey, the miraculous icon sailed to the shores of Athos, and the monks of the Iveron Monastery saw it. They noticed her by a pillar of light that rose into the sky above the image.

Very happy, the monks wanted to get the image of the Queen of Heaven out of the water, but at first they did not succeed. The hermit Gabriel Svyatogorets (Georgian by nationality) was able to extract the image from the sea: the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to remove her miraculous image from the waves of the sea. At the same time, the monk had to walk on the waters without fear of anything.

And everything happened exactly as she told him: Saint Gabriel the Svyatogorets walked along the surface of the sea, and the icon itself floated up to him. Amidst prayers of gratitude, the hermit brought the image ashore. For three days the monks served a service of thanksgiving, and after this time it was discovered that there was no icon in the temple - the monks found it above the monastery gates.

The monks tried to transfer the image back to the temple. But every time he miraculously ended up in the same place - above the gate. The Most Pure One again appeared in a dream to Gabriel and explained that she wanted to leave her image in this very place. The monks agreed and left the icon where the Mother of God herself wished. Since then, the image began to be called the Goalkeeper (in Greek it sounds like Portaitissa).

From here, from the place she has chosen, the Mother of God protects the monastery and the entire Holy Athos. Thanks to the miraculous image, the Iveron Monastery became famous and grew. Currently, it is one of the most famous and beloved monasteries of pilgrims throughout the holy land of Athos.

The Iveron image warns of trouble

The Iveron image today is in a small temple located in the courtyard of the monastery. This temple was built specifically for preservation. The image is decorated with a rich frame with shining precious stones. The lamp, located in front of the face of the Blessed Virgin, has the ability to warn the monks of the monastery about upcoming troubles.

If the lamp itself swings, it means that some bad event will happen., and Our Lady warns the monks about him. Thus, monks say that the lamp reports epidemics of dangerous diseases, severe earthquakes, and wars. This happened before the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, before the start of the Iraq War, and on the eve of the tragic Spitak earthquake.

What do they pray to the miraculous image for?

The Iveron Icon gives help and holy forgiveness to all repentant sinners. She is especially merciful to those who resort to her help and believe in her intercession. Anyone who has gained the strength to repent and undergo repentance, thanks to the miraculous image, finds healing from illnesses and sorrows, feels joy and closeness to the Most Pure Virgin.

Even the most serious sinners, the Mother of God, through her image, can bestow peace and spiritual purity. Often those who suffer from bad inclinations and habits turn to the icon. Sincere prayer always finds an answer: and people who have suffered for years from alcoholism or other habits, unable to find the strength to part with them, gain amazing determination and easily begin a new life.

Also, in front of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, they pray for the admonition of those who have retreated or forgotten about the faith. And through the prayers of loved ones, people who have not visited church for a long time return to faith, begin to pray, attend church, and perform the sacrament of Communion.

Such is the power of the Lady of Heaven, revealed to us in her miraculous image. They say that even today one mother, who had lost her child, wanted to commit suicide in despair. Prayer in front of the holy image gave her not only admonition and strength to fight depression, but also an understanding of the need for further life.

In addition, the image comes to the aid of those who suffer from spiritual ailments and physical illnesses. And the Mother of God comes to the aid of those who sincerely believe. The most severe illnesses disappear, long-standing chronic diseases are healed. Those for whom doctors signed a sentence are returning to life: there is evidence that prayers in front of the Iveron Icon helped with the most severe diseases, such as leukemia and paralysis. Moreover, healings were performed not only in ancient times, but also in our days - there is a lot of evidence about this.

Since the image is called the Goalkeeper, it protects the house from robbery and other troubles. Therefore, they pray to the Iveron Mother of God when they want to keep their home safe, to protect it from the angry elements during disasters.

A small icon or photo of an image can be placed in an apartment or house near the entrance - the Goalkeeper will make sure that no unkind person can step over it. They ask to protect the Iveron Mother of God from fire. And if this misfortune happens, then the icon can help cope with it.

The miraculous image also helps those who ask for prosperity in the home, well-being and protection from witchcraft. Saves from enemies and slander, delivers from persecution.

In addition, they pray to the miraculous icon for the inviolability of borders home country. It is known that the image of the Blessed Virgin has such a strong meaning that even Catholics and Protestants pray to it. After this, some accepted Orthodoxy.

Text of the prayer to the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of heaven and earth! Hear the much-painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy most pure image.

Behold, immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if You were alive and living with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation except You, O Mother of all who mourn and are burdened! Help us, the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us, the erring, on the right path, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our lives to spend in peace and silence, grant us a Christian death and appear to us at the Last Judgment of Your Son, merciful Intercessor, yes We always sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God. Amen.

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