General speech underdevelopment 6 years. Characteristics of the levels of general speech underdevelopment in children: symptoms and correction of OHP

Despite the different nature of the defects, children with OSD have typical manifestations indicating a systemic disorder of speech activity. One of the leading signs is the later onset of speech: the first words appear by 3 - 4, and sometimes by 5 years. Speech is ungrammatical and insufficiently phonetically designed. The most expressive indicator is the lag in expressive speech with a relatively good, at first glance, understanding of addressed speech.

The speech of these children is poorly understood; there is insufficient speech activity, which declines sharply with age, without special training.

Children with general speech underdevelopment are characterized by a low level of development of the basic properties of attention. Some of them have insufficient stability of attention and limited possibilities for its distribution. While semantic and logical memory is relatively preserved in children, verbal memory is reduced, memorization productivity suffers, they forget complex instructions, elements and sequence of tasks.

In the weakest children, low recall activity can be combined with limited cognitive abilities.

The connection between speech disorders and other aspects of mental development determines specific features of thinking. Having, in general, complete prerequisites for mastering mental operations accessible to their age, children lag behind in the development of verbal and logical thinking, without special training they have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

Along with general somatic weakness, they are also characterized by some lag in the development of the motor sphere, which is characterized by poor coordination of movements, uncertainty in performing measured movements, and a decrease in speed and dexterity. The greatest difficulties are identified when performing movements according to verbal instructions.

Children with general speech underdevelopment lag behind normally developing peers in reproducing a motor task in spatiotemporal parameters, disrupt the sequence of action elements, and omit its components. For example, rhythmic movements to music.

Researchers note insufficient coordination of fingers, hands, and underdevelopment of fine motor skills. These people show slowness, stuck in one position.

Thus, the problem of correcting OHP in the vast majority of cases is a complex medical and pedagogical problem. The exceptions are not complex options general underdevelopment of speech, usually of a functional nature.

The mental development of children with special needs development, as a rule, is ahead of their speech development. They note the criticality of their own speech insufficiency. Primary speech pathology certainly inhibits the formation of initially intact mental abilities, however, as verbal speech is corrected, intellectual processes level out.

Children with OSD should be distinguished from children with a similar condition - temporary delay in speech development.

To distinguish the manifestation of general speech underdevelopment from delayed speech development, a careful study of the medical history and analysis of the child’s speech skills are necessary.

Children with delayed speech development have a character speech errors less specific than with OHP. Errors such as mixing productive and non-productive plural forms (“chairs”, “sheets”) and unification of genitive plural endings (“pencils”, “birds”, “trees”) predominate. These children's speech skills are lagging behind, and they are characterized by errors that are also characteristic of children older than younger age. Despite a certain deviation from age standards (especially in the field of phonetics), children’s speech provides its communicative function, and in some cases is a fairly complete regulator of behavior. They have a more pronounced tendency towards spontaneous development, towards the transfer of developed speech skills into conditions of free communication, which allows them to compensate for speech deficiency before entering school.

Speech impairment in preschoolers can vary from the complete absence of common speech to the presence of extensive speech with pronounced manifestations of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. In accordance with this, a conditional division into developmental levels remains relevant, in which the common features are a significant lag in the appearance of active speech, a limited vocabulary, agrammatism, and insufficient sound pronunciation and phonemic perception. The severity of these deviations varies.

The main contingent of preschoolers preparing for school speech therapy groups are children with level III speech development. III third level of speech development of children is characterized by the presence of developed phrasal speech with pronounced elements of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. Children can communicate relatively freely with others, but they need constant help from parents (educators) who introduce appropriate explanations into their speech. Independent communication continues to be difficult and limited to familiar situations. Sounds that children can pronounce correctly in isolation do not sound clearly enough in children’s independent speech. The following is typical:

1. Undifferentiated pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds, affricates and sonorators, and one can be replaced simultaneously by two or more sounds of a given or similar phonetic group. For example, sound s` soft, not yet clearly pronounced, replaces the following sounds With solid ( boots instead of boots), ts (sob instead of a heron), w (suba) instead of a fur coat), h (syaynik instead of a kettle), sch (mesh instead of a brush).

2. Replacement of some sounds with others, simpler in articulation. More often this applies to replacing sonors ( duta instead of a hand, palakhod instead of a steamship), whistling hissing ( totna instead of pine, duk instead of a beetle).

3. Unstable use of a sound, when it is pronounced differently in different words ( solder-steamer, palad-parade, hatch-hand).

4. Mixing of sounds, when in isolation the child pronounces certain sounds correctly, and in words and sentences interchanges them. This often applies to whistling, hissing sounds, sonorations and sounds l, g, k, x,- in this case, there may be a distortion of the articulation of some phonemes (interdental pronunciation of sibilants, throat R and etc.).

Children have difficulty pronouncing sounds clearly s(average between s-and), insufficient voicing of consonants b, d, d in words and sentences, as well as replacement and mixing of sounds k - g - x - t - d - d - d, which in preschool children with normal speech development are formed quite early (praying Lyubka - my skirt tota tidit na atote - the cat is sitting on the window, far away Lyabliko - give me an apple).

Phonemic underdevelopment in the described category of children manifests itself mainly in the immaturity of the processes of differentiation of sounds distinguished by subtle acoustic-articulatory features. Sometimes children do not distinguish more contrasting sounds, which delays the mastery of sound analysis and synthesis. Underdevelopment of phonemic perception when performing elementary actions of sound analysis (for example, sound recognition) is manifested in the fact that children mix the sounds being studied with sounds similar to them. With more complex forms of sound analysis (for example, the selection of words beginning with a given sound), a mixture of given sounds with other, less similar sounds is revealed. The level of phonemic perception of children is in a certain dependence on the severity of lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech.

The diagnostic indicator of the described level of development is a violation of the sound-syllable structure, which modifies the syllabic composition of words in different ways.

First of all, errors in the transmission of the syllabic structure of words are noted. Correctly repeating after the speech therapist 3-4 difficult words, children often distort them in independent speech, usually reducing the number of syllables (photographs - graphs). Many errors are observed when conveying the sound of words: rearrangements and replacements of sounds and syllables, abbreviation when consonants coincide in a word ( tovotik instead of a tummy, barber instead of a frying pan, ket instead of weaving).

Typical for children are perseverations of syllables ( hackist- hockey player, Wawaypotik- plumber), anticipation astobus-bus, lilisidist-cyclist, adding extra sounds and syllables ( lemon-lemon).

A certain relationship has been established between the nature of errors in syllabic composition and the state of the child’s sensory (phonemic) or motor (articulatory) capabilities.

Thus, the predominance of errors expressed in the rearrangement or addition of syllables indicates a primary underdevelopment of the child’s auditory perception. In children of this category, assimilation of syllables and reduction of consonant clusters are rare and have a variable nature.

Errors such as reducing the number of syllables, assimilating syllables to each other, reducing consonants indicate a predominant violation of the articulatory sphere and are more stable in nature.

At this level, children's speech understanding approaches the low age norm. Their active vocabulary is quantitatively much poorer than that of their peers with normal speech.

This is clearly evident when studying the subject verb dictionary and the dictionary of features. Children cannot name from pictures a whole range of words that are accessible to their age, although they have them in their passive reserve (steps, windows, cover, page).

The predominant type of lexical errors is the incorrect use of words in a speech context. Not knowing the names of parts of objects, children replace them with the name of the object itself (the dial is watch), the name of the action is replaced with words that are similar in situation and external characteristics (files - sews, wide- big). Often, having correctly shown the named actions in pictures, children mix them up in independent speech ( pours soup into katyudya- pours instead; aunt with a broom it will subtract instead).

From a number of proposed actions, children do not understand and cannot show how to darn, rip, pour, jump, tumble. They do not know the names of shades of colors (orange, gray, blue), and they do not recognize the shape of objects well.

Analysis of children's vocabulary allows us to identify the unique nature of their lexical errors. For example, the name of a part of an object is replaced by the name of the entire object: trunk, roots - tree; the name of the item is replaced by the name of the action characterizing its purpose: laces - tie to; hose - extinguish the fire.

There are few generalizing concepts in the children's dictionary, mainly toys, dishes, clothes, flowers. Antonyms are rarely used, and there are practically no synonyms. For example, when characterizing the size of an object, only the following concepts are used: big small, which replace the words: long, short, high, low, thick, thin, wide, narrow. This causes frequent cases of violation of lexical compatibility.

Insufficient orientation in the sound form of a word negatively affects the acquisition of the morphological system of the native language.

Children find it difficult to form nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes of some adjectives: instead of small - pomalyuskin chair; tree, bucket, fur a cap, clay jug.

A limited vocabulary and repeated use of identical-sounding words with different meanings make children’s speech poor and stereotypical.

The picture of agrammatism reveals quite persistent errors when agreeing an adjective with a noun in gender and case ( I needle blue mitey — I play with a blue ball); confusion of gender of nouns ( de Vedas- two buckets); errors in the agreement of the numeral with nouns of all three genders ( two ruti- Two arms, five hands- five hands, pat midd- five bears). Errors in the use of prepositions are also typical: their omission ( molasses climbs into the thumka— the scarf is in the bag); replacement ( cube drop and melt— the cube fell from the table); reticence ( climbed and the girl - climbed a tree).

Researchers identify impressive agrammatism, which manifests itself in insufficient understanding of changes in the meaning of words expressed by changing a prefix, suffix, etc. The noted deficiencies in the use of vocabulary, grammar and sound pronunciation are most clearly manifested in various forms monologue speech (retelling, composing a story based on one or a whole series of paintings, preparing a description of a story). Correctly understanding the logical relationship of events, children limit themselves to only listing actions.

When retelling, children make mistakes in conveying the logical sequence of events, miss individual links, and “lose” the characters.

A descriptive story is not very accessible to children: they are usually limited to listing individual objects and their parts. For example, when describing a car, a child lists: she has wheels yes, cabin, matol, lyul, lityag(lever arm), fali, kudov(body), to carry bugs. Some children are only able to answer questions.

Thus, the expressive speech of children with all these features can serve as a means of communication only in special conditions that require constant help and encouragement in the form of additional questions, tips, evaluative and encouraging judgments from a speech therapist or parents. Without special attention to their speech, these children are little active, in rare cases they initiate communication, do not communicate enough with peers, rarely ask adults with questions, and do not accompany play situations with stories. This causes a reduced communicative orientation of their speech.

Natalia Mokretsova
Specific features of children with ODD Psychological characteristics child development 5- summer age with ONR

In accordance with the principle of considering speech disorders in the relationship of speech with other parties mental development it is necessary to analyze those peculiarities, which are imposed by defective speech activity on the formation of the sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional sphere.

For children with underdevelopment speech is characterized by a low level development basic properties of attention. Some of them have insufficient stability of attention and limited possibilities for its distribution. Speech delay also negatively affects memory development. With relatively intact semantic and logical memory in such children verbal memory and memorization productivity are noticeably reduced in comparison with normally speaking peers. Children often forget complex instructions (three or four steps, omit some of their elements, change the sequence of the proposed tasks. Duplication errors are common when describing objects and pictures. Some preschoolers have low recall activity, which is combined with limited abilities development cognitive activity. Relationship between speech disorders and other aspects mental development causes some specific features of thinking.

Preschoolers with SEN are behind in development verbal - logical thinking, have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis.

If general underdevelopment speech is combined with such disorders as dysarthria, alalia, then general motor disorders may be observed (poor coordination of movements, motor clumsiness, underdevelopment of fine motor skills, decreased interest in gaming activities.

Having complete prerequisites for mastering the mental operations available to them age, children, however, lag behind in development visual-figurative sphere of thinking, without special students have difficulty mastering analysis, synthesis, and comparison. Many of them are characterized by rigidity of thinking. Mental development of children with speech disorders, as a rule, is ahead of their speech development. They are critical of their own speech insufficiency. Primary speech pathology, of course, inhibits the formation of initially intact mental abilities, however, as verbal speech is corrected, intellectual processes level out.

U children with OHP often suffers emotionally - volitionally sphere: children are aware of their impairments, so they have a negative attitude towards verbal communication, sometimes there are affective reactions to misunderstanding of verbal instructions or the inability to express their wishes. Due to such developmental features in children are observed:

Aggressiveness, pugnacity, conflict;

Increased impressionability, fears;

Uncertainty, feeling of depression, state of discomfort;

Increased sensitivity, vulnerability;

Tendency to morbid fantasies.

Speech Features of development of 5-year-old children with special needs development

For children with OHP are typical:

late onset of speech (34 years);

severe limitation of vocabulary;

pronounced agrammatisms (mixing case forms, lack of agreement, omission of prepositions, etc.);

sound pronunciation defects (all types);

violation of the rhythmic-syllable structure of the word;

difficulty in distribution simple sentences and building complex ones.

The speech of these children are difficult to understand.

There is insufficient speech activity, which with age without special training, drops sharply.

However, children are quite critical of their defect.

Inferior speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of children sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional sphere.


components of the language system "Conditional standard"

age norm for the development of children's speech

Level 1

lack of common speech level 2

rudiments of common speech level 3

expanded phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Phrasal speech Simple common sentences, using compound and complex sentences of up to 10 words.

The phrase is missing; the child uses gestures, facial expressions, individual babbling words and sound complexes, onomatopoeia. A simple phrase of 2-3 words; simple sentence structures; statements at the level of listing perceived objects and actions.

Expanded phrasal speech with elements of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment; active speech - simple sentences, difficulty in distributing simple and constructing complex sentences.

Understanding speech Understand the meaning of spoken speech; there is stability of attention to the speech of others; able to listen to answers, instructions from adults, understand the meaning of educational and practical tasks; hear, notice and correct mistakes in the speech of their comrades and their own; understand changes in words using prefixes, suffixes and inflections, understand the shades of meaning of single-root and polysemantic words, peculiarities logical and grammatical structures reflecting cause-and-effect, temporal, spatial and other connections and relationships. Situational nature; there is no understanding of the meanings of grammatical changes in words, the meanings of prepositions. Some grammatical forms and morphological elements of the language differ. Approaching normal; difficulties in understanding changes in words expressed by prefixes, suffixes, in distinguishing shades of meaning of words with the same root, and in mastering lexical and grammatical structures that reflect temporal, spatial, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships.

Vocabulary The volume of the dictionary is up to 3000 words; generalizing concepts appear (dishes, clothes, furniture, etc.); more often they use adjectives - attributes and qualities of objects; possessive adjectives appear (fox tail, etc., adverbs and pronouns, complex prepositions are used more widely (from under, because of, etc.); own word formation: form nouns with diminutive suffixes, cognates, relative adjectives (wood - wooden, snow - snowy) etc. Word creation is clearly manifested.

Lagging behind the norm; subject, everyday dictionary; verbal is almost absent; lexical substitutions are typical. Significantly lags behind the norm; does not know the names of primary colors, shapes, sizes, parts of objects; the vocabulary of actions and signs is limited; lack of word formation and word creation skills.

Much increases, uses all parts of speech, there is a noticeable predominance of nouns and verbs; inaccurate use of verbs, replacing the names of parts of objects with the names of whole objects; word formation and word creation skills suffer.

The grammatical structure of speech agrees adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case, nouns with numerals; change words according to numbers, genders, persons; use prepositions correctly in speech. But the number is increasing grammatical errors, such as incorrect formation of the genitive plural form of nouns; verbs are incorrectly coordinated with nouns, the structure of sentences is disrupted. There is no phrase; uses root words without inflections. Not formed; attempts by formations are most often unsuccessful; mixing case forms, using nouns in the nominative case and verbs in the infinitive; lack of approvals (adjective + noun; numeral + noun); skipping prepositions, replacing complex prepositions with simple ones; errors in the use of number forms, verb genders, in changing nouns according to numbers. Correctly uses simple grammatical forms, does not make mistakes when agreeing adjectives and nouns in gender, number, case; numerals and nouns; omits and replaces prepositions; errors in stress and case endings.

Sound pronunciation The process of mastering sounds ends; speech is generally clear and distinct; increases interest in the sound design of words, in the search for rhymes.

The sound design of babbling words is sharply distorted; unstable articulation; low ability to auditory sound recognition.

Significantly lags behind the norm; numerous distortions, substitutions and mixing of sounds; the pronunciation of soft and hard, voiced and deaf, hissing, whistling, affricates is impaired; dissociations appear between the pronunciation of an isolated sound and its use in spontaneous speech. Improves, but all types of disorders may remain; Characterized by unstable substitutions, when sounds in different words are pronounced differently and replacement of groups of sounds with simpler ones in articulation.

The syllabic structure of speech is rarely violated, mainly in unfamiliar words. Grossly broken, reduction of syllables from 2-3 to 1-2; limited ability perception and reproduction of the syllabic structure of a word.

Grossly violated syllabic structure and sound content of words; reduction in the number of syllables, rearrangement of syllables and sounds, replacement and assimilation of syllables, reduction of sounds when vowels are combined.

There are fewer violations; in the most difficult cases, errors and distortions remain the same as in 2nd level children, especially The sound quality of words suffers.

Phonemic awareness Quite good phonemic hearing is developed: differentiate words like goat - spit, flow - flow; establish the presence of a given sound in a word, select the first and last sound in a word, select a word for a given sound; distinguish between speech rate, timbre and volume of voice. But higher forms of analysis and synthesis of words without special training is not developed. Phonemic development is in its infancy; phonemic hearing is grossly impaired; Sound analysis tasks are not clear to the child.

Does not determine the position of a sound in a word; cannot select pictures with a given word, does not distinguish a sound from a number of others; I’m not ready for sound analysis and synthesis. Not enough developed phonemic awareness and phonemic hearing; readiness for sound analysis and synthesis is not formed independently.

Coherent speech Retell a familiar tale, short text(read twice, read poems expressively; can compose a story from a picture from several sentences; correctly answer questions about the plot of the story; compose a story based on the picture and series plot paintings; they talk in some detail about what they saw or heard; argue, reason, motivate their opinions, convince their comrades. When retelling texts, they make mistakes in conveying the logical sequence of events, miss individual links, "lose" actors.

The descriptive story is not readily available. Significant difficulties are noted when describing a toy or object according to plan. Usually the story is replaced by a listing of individual features or parts of the object, and in this case any connectivity: do not finish what they started, return to what was said earlier.

Creative storytelling comes with great difficulty. Planning difficulties noted deployed statements and their linguistic design. Characteristic: violation of coherence and sequence of presentation, semantic omissions, lexical difficulties, low level of phrasal speech, a large number of errors in the construction of sentences.

Correlation of the speech state revealed during the examination with the data "conditional standard" age norm, allows the speech therapist to establish the phase (stage) development abnormal child speech and assess the degree of formation of various components of language in it.

A benchmarking speech features of children from 1-, 2nd, 3rd level ONR speech development by the structural components of the language system allows you to see the dynamics development and the child’s achievements in the learning process, choose the optimal methods and techniques of work at each stage, provide for the complication of speech and educational material.

Main areas of work on speech development with 5-year-old children with special needs development:

Dictionary development. Mastering vocabulary is the basis of speech child development, since the word is the most important unit of language. The dictionary reflects the content of speech. Words denote objects and phenomena, their signs, qualities, properties and actions with them. Children learn the words necessary for their life and communication with others;

Education of sound culture of speech. This direction assumes: development of speech hearing, on the basis of which the perception and discrimination of phonological means of language occurs; teaching correct sound pronunciation; education of orthoepic correctness of speech; mastering the means of sound expressiveness of speech (tone of speech, timbre of voice, tempo, stress, voice strength, intonation);

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. The formation of the grammatical structure of speech involves development morphological aspect of speech (changing words by gender, number, case, ways word formation and syntax (development different types phrases and sentences);

Development of coherent speech. Development coherent speech includes development of dialogical(colloquial) and monologue speech. Dialogue speech is the main form of communication children preschool age . It is important to teach a child to have a dialogue, develop the ability to listen and understand speech addressed to him, enter into a conversation and maintain it, answer questions and ask himself, explain, use a variety of linguistic means, and behave taking into account the communication situation. No less important is the fact that in dialogical speech skills develop necessary for a more complex form of communication - a monologue, the ability to listen and understand coherent texts, retell, construct independent statements of various types;

Formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech, providing preparation children to learn to read and write, reading and writing;

Development phonemic hearing.

Development fine motor skills of the hand.

Observed children with systemic speech disorders, serious difficulties in organizing their own speech behavior negatively affect their communication with other people. Interdependence of speech and communication skills disorders in this category children leads to what are they features of speech development, as poverty and undifferentiation of vocabulary, the obvious insufficiency of the verbal dictionary, the originality of a coherent utterance, impede the implementation of full communication. The consequence of these difficulties is a decrease in the need for communication, undeveloped forms of communication (dialogue and monologue speech). Features behavior is disinterest in contact, inability to navigate a communication situation, negativism (L. G. Solovyova, 1996).

Children use gestures and facial expressions as means of communication. If you have your own speech, the use of verbal means of communication is difficult, because speech production children remains beyond their own control (B. M. Grinshpun, 1999).

A small part children with speech pathology, the non-situational-cognitive form of communication clearly predominates. They respond with interest to the offer of a teacher or an adult to read books, they listen quite attentively to simple, entertaining texts, but after finishing reading a book, it is quite difficult to organize a conversation with them. As a rule, children almost never ask questions about the content of what they read and cannot retell what they heard themselves due to the immaturity of the reproducing phase of monologue speech. Even if there is an interest in communicating with an adult, a child often jumps from one topic to another during a conversation; his cognitive interest is short-lived, and the conversation cannot last more than 5-7 minutes.

Observing the communication process children with adults during regime moments and in the process various types activity shows that almost half children with underdevelopment speech culture is not formed communication: they are familiar with adults, they lack a sense of distance, their intonations are often loud and harsh, children are annoying in their demands. Researchers note that children with SEN use less expanded in content and structural terms speech production than in communication with peers, which corresponds to the normal ontogenesis of means of communication (O. E. Gribova, 1995; I. S. Krivovyaz, 1995; Yu. F. Garkusha and V. V. Korzhavina, 2001 ).

Abstract: This article presents material on the survey speech function preschoolers 5-6 years of age with level III OHP. The examination consists of 6 separate blocks - examination of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, phonemic hearing, sound pronunciation, examination of the grammatical structure of speech, vocabulary and word formation skills, examination of coherent speech.

The examination of speech function in children consists of 6 blocks.

During the examination, various types of equipment can be used, such as object pictures, toys, a mirror, natural material etc.

The time of the examination is taken into account (so that the child does not overwork), the environment (carried out at the same table, opposite each other in complete silence), and the child’s condition at the time of the examination.

Block 1 – Examination of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

Consists of an examination of oral praxis and a study of articulatory motor skills. The child is given the instruction: “Repeat my movements.” This includes showing simple articulation movements in front of the mirror (puff up your cheeks, pull your lips forward) and complex ones (exercise “cup”, “needle”). Thus, you can look at the structure of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, the tone of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, whether there are any secondary neurotic components (hypersalivation, blueness of the nasolabial triangle, tremor, etc.)

Block 2 – Examination of phonemic hearing.

The ability to perceive, delimit and recognize phonemes of the native language is tested, and the formation of the sound-syllable structure of a word is examined. Tasks are given such as “Clap your hands” (“Clap your hands when you hear the sound N”), repeat the syllables in the order in which I name them, repeat words with a large number of syllables.

Block 3 – Examination of sound pronunciation.

To examine sound pronunciation, chains of words are used, where a specific sound appears at the beginning, middle and end of the word. Distortion, mixing and replacement of these sounds with others are checked.

Block 4 – Study of the grammatical structure of speech.

During the examination, attention is paid to the correct sequence of repetition of sentences, the volume of memorization of sentences, correct verification of sentences (“A boy washes his face - what is the correct way?”), the correct composition of sentences from words presented in the initial form (“A titmouse sitting on a branch - what is the correct way?” ) competent formation of a noun from the singular to the plural (“One chair, but many?”).

Block 5 – Examination of vocabulary and word formation skills.

Consists of studying the volume of vocabulary and word formation skills. Consists of studying the volume of vocabulary and the correct use of words in speech. These can be tasks such as “Name baby animals”, “Name affectionately objects”, the formation of adjectives from nouns (“a paper doll is made of paper, and a straw hat?”), the formation of adjectives from qualitative nouns (“A fox is called for its cunning cunning, and the wolf for greed?”), the formation of possessive adjectives (“The dog has a dog’s paw, and the wolf’s?”).

Block 6 – Examination of coherent speech.

Pictures are used for the examination. At first, it is recommended to give the child uncut pictures so that he understands the sequence of the story, and then give the cut ones and ask him to put them in order to make a whole story. The speed of completing the task, logical sequence and competent use of words and sentences of the native language to describe the story are checked.

The survey can also include study of grapho-motor skills. To do this, you are given a sheet with a contour drawing and instructions: “Carefully trace the drawing along the contour and color it.” You can also give the task “Draw all the letters you know, write your name.” The examinee looks at how the child holds a writing object in his hand, in which hand he holds it, and at what stage written speech may be.

The results of the examination are recorded in a protocol, which also indicates the child’s gender, age, information about the child’s health status during early development and on this moment, complaints from teachers in preschool educational institutions, extracts from doctors, whether you have previously worked with a speech therapist and at the end a diagnosis is made, a conclusion and necessary recommendations are written.


  1. Efimenkova L.N. Formation of speech in preschoolers: (Children with general speech underdevelopment). Book for speech therapists. — 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Education, 1985. - 4 p.
  2. Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva T.B. Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in preschool children. M.: Education, 1990. - 239 p.

Nikishina A.A.,
4th year student at Moscow University
State Regional University

General speech underdevelopment (GSD) is a deviation in the development of children, which manifests itself in the immaturity of the sound and semantic aspects of speech. At the same time, there is underdevelopment of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic processes, and there is no coherent pronunciation. OSD in preschool children is more common (40% of the total) than other speech pathologies. General underdevelopment of speech should be taken very seriously, since without correction it is fraught with consequences such as dysgraphia and dyslexia (various writing disorders).

Symptoms of OPD in a child should be taken seriously, as it can lead to a whole range of problems.

  • Level 1 OHP – complete absence of coherent speech.
  • Level 2 OHP - the child exhibits the initial elements of common speech, but the vocabulary is very poor, the child makes many mistakes in the use of words.
  • Level 3 OHP - the child can construct sentences, but the sound and semantic aspects are not yet sufficiently developed.
  • Level 4 OHP - the child speaks well, with only a few shortcomings in pronunciation and phrase construction.

In children with general speech underdevelopment, pathologies are most often detected that were acquired in utero or during childbirth: hypoxia, asphyxia, trauma during childbirth, Rh conflict. In early childhood, underdevelopment of speech can be a consequence of traumatic brain injuries, frequent infections, or any chronic diseases.

OHP is diagnosed by the age of 3, although the “preconditions” for speech underdevelopment can be formed even during pregnancy and childbirth

When a child has general speech underdevelopment of any degree, he begins to talk quite late - at 3 years old, some - only at 5 years old. Even when the child begins to pronounce the first words, he pronounces many sounds unclearly, the words have an irregular shape, he speaks indistinctly, and even close people have difficulty understanding him (see also:). Such speech cannot be called coherent. Since the formation of pronunciation occurs incorrectly, this negatively affects other aspects of development - memory, attention, thought processes, cognitive activity and even motor coordination.

Speech underdevelopment is corrected after the level is determined. Its characteristics and diagnosis directly determine what measures will need to be taken. Now we give a more detailed description of each level.

1st level OHP

Children of level 1 OHP do not know how to form phrases and construct sentences:

  • They enjoy it very much limited stock words, and the main part of such a lexicon consists of only individual sounds and onomatopoeic words, as well as a few of the simplest, often heard words.
  • The sentences they can use are one word long, and most words are babbling, like a baby's.
  • They accompany their conversation with facial expressions and gestures that are understandable only in this situation.
  • Such children do not understand the meaning of many words; they often rearrange syllables in words and, instead of a full word, pronounce only a part of it, consisting of 1-2 syllables.
  • The child pronounces sounds very vaguely and indistinctly, and is not able to reproduce some of them at all. Other processes associated with working with sounds are also difficult for him: distinguishing sounds and highlighting individual ones, combining them into a word, recognizing sounds in words.

The speech development program for the first stage of OHP should include an integrated approach aimed at developing the speech centers of the brain

At level 1 OHP in a child, first of all it is necessary to develop an understanding of what he hears. It is equally important to stimulate the skills and desire to independently build a monologue and dialogue, as well as develop other mental processes that are directly related to speech activity (memory, logical thinking, attention, observation). Correct sound pronunciation at this stage is not as important as grammar, that is, the construction of words, word forms, endings, and the use of prepositions.

Level 2 OHP

At the 2nd level of OHP, children, in addition to incoherent speech babble and gestures, already demonstrate the ability to construct simple sentences from 2-3 words, although their meaning is primitive and expresses, most often, only a description of an object or an action.

  • Many words are replaced by synonyms, since the child has difficulty determining their meaning.
  • He also experiences certain difficulties with grammar - he pronounces endings incorrectly, inserts prepositions inappropriately, poorly coordinates words with each other, confuses the singular and plural, and makes other grammatical errors.
  • The child still pronounces sounds unclearly, distorts, mixes, and replaces one with another. The child still practically does not know how to distinguish individual sounds and determine the sound composition of a word, as well as combine them into whole words.

Peculiarities correctional work at level 2, ONR consists of the development of speech activity and meaningful perception of what is heard. Much attention is paid to the rules of grammar and vocabulary - replenishing vocabulary, observing language norms, and correct use of words. The child learns to construct phrases correctly. Work is also being done on the correct pronunciation of sounds, various errors and shortcomings are corrected - rearranging sounds, replacing some with others, learning to pronounce missing sounds and other nuances.

At the second level of OHP, it is also important to include phonetics, that is, work with sounds and their correct pronunciation

Level 3 OHP

Children of level 3 OHP can already speak in detailed phrases, but mostly construct only simple sentences, not yet able to cope with complex ones.

  • Such children understand well what others are talking about, but still find it difficult to perceive complex speech patterns (for example, participles and participles) and logical connections (cause-and-effect relationships, spatial and temporal connections).
  • The vocabulary of children with level 3 speech underdevelopment is significantly expanded. They know and use all the major parts of speech, although nouns and verbs dominate their conversation over adjectives and adverbs. However, the child may still make mistakes when naming objects.
  • There is also the incorrect use of prepositions and endings, accents, and incorrect coordination of words with each other.
  • Rearranging syllables in words and replacing some sounds with others is already extremely rare, only in the most severe cases.
  • The pronunciation of sounds and their distinction in words, although impaired, is in a simpler form.

Level 3 speech underdevelopment suggests activities that develop coherent speech. Vocabulary and grammar oral speech are improved, the mastered principles of phonetics are consolidated. Now children are already preparing to learn to read and write. You can use special educational games.

Level 4 OHP

Level 4 OHP, or a mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech, is characterized by a fairly large and varied vocabulary, although the child has difficulties understanding the meanings of rare words.

  • Children cannot always understand the meaning of a proverb or the essence of an antonym. The repetition of words that are complex in composition, as well as the pronunciation of some difficult-to-pronounce combinations of sounds, can also create problems.
  • Children with mild general speech underdevelopment are still poorly able to determine the sound composition of a word and make mistakes when forming words and word forms.
  • They get confused when they have to present events on their own; they may miss the main thing and pay undue attention to the secondary, or repeat what they have already said.

Level 4, characterized by a mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech, is the final stage correction classes, after which children reach the required norms of speech development of preschool age and are ready to enter school. All skills and abilities still need to be developed and improved. This applies to the rules of phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary. The ability to construct phrases and sentences is actively developing. Speech underdevelopment at this stage should no longer exist, and children begin to master reading and writing.

The first two forms of speech underdevelopment are considered severe, so their correction is carried out in specialized children's institutions. Children who have level 3 speech underdevelopment attend classes in classes special education, and from the last level – general education classes.

What does the examination involve?

Speech underdevelopment is diagnosed in preschool children, and the earlier this happens, the easier it will be to correct this deviation. First of all, the speech therapist conducts a preliminary diagnosis, that is, he gets acquainted with the results of the child’s examination by other children’s specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, neurologist, psychologist, etc.). After this, he finds out in detail from the parents how the child’s speech development is proceeding.

The next stage of the examination is oral speech diagnostics. Here the speech therapist clarifies the extent to which the various language components have been formed:

  1. The degree of development of coherent speech (for example, the ability to compose a story using illustrations, retell).
  2. Level of grammatical processes (formation of various word forms, agreement of words, construction of sentences).

Next we study sound side of speech: what features does the speech apparatus have, what is sound pronunciation, how developed is the sound content of words and syllable structure, how does the child reproduce sounds. Since speech underdevelopment is a very difficult diagnosis to correct, children with OSD undergo a full examination of all mental processes (including auditory-verbal memory).

Identification of OHP requires highly qualified specialists, as well as the availability of examination results by other pediatric specialists

Preventive actions

General underdevelopment of speech can be corrected, although it is not so simple and takes a long time. Classes begin from early preschool age, preferably from 3-4 years old (see also:). Correctional and developmental work is carried out in special institutions and has different directions depending on the degree of speech development of the child and individual characteristics.

To prevent speech underdevelopment, the same techniques are used as for the deviations that cause it (dysarthria, alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia). The role of the family is also important. Parents need to be as active as possible in promoting speech and general development your child, so that even mildly expressed speech development does not manifest itself and become an obstacle to the full development of the school curriculum in the future.

Characteristics of the development of children 5–6 years old with severe speech impairments (general speech underdevelopment)

Characteristics of age-related developmental characteristics of children from 5 to 6 years old

A 5-6 year old child strives to know himself and another person as a representative of society (the closest society), and gradually begins to realize the connections and dependencies in social behavior and relationships between people. At 5-6 years old, preschoolers make positive moral choices (mainly in the imaginary plane). Despite the fact that, as at 4-5 years old, children in most cases use evaluation words in their speech: good - bad, kind - evil, they much more often begin to use a more precise vocabulary to denote moral concepts - polite, honest, caring and etc.

At this age, the behavior of preschoolers occurs qualitative changes- the possibility of self-regulation is formed, i.e. children begin to make demands on themselves that were previously presented to them by adults. This way, without being distracted by more interesting things, they can complete unattractive work (cleaning up toys,

clean up the room, etc.). This becomes possible thanks to children’s awareness of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior and the obligation to comply with them. The child emotionally experiences not only the assessment of his behavior by others, but also his own compliance with norms and rules, the compliance of his behavior with his moral ideas. However, compliance with norms (playing together, sharing toys, controlling aggression, etc.), as a rule, at this age is possible only in interaction with those who are the most sympathetic, with friends.

At the age of 5 to 6 years, changes occur in the child’s ideas about himself. These ideas begin to include not only the characteristics that the child gives to himself in the present this segment time, but also qualities that he would like or, conversely, would not want to possess in the future, and still exist as images real people or fabulous

characters (“I want to be like Spider-Man”, “I will be like a princess”, etc.). They demonstrate the ethical standards that children acquire. At this age, children are largely oriented toward their peers, spending most of their time playing and talking with them, and the assessments and opinions of their peers become important to them. The selectivity and stability of relationships with peers increases. Children explain their preferences by the success of a particular child in the game (“It’s interesting to play with him,” etc.) or his positive qualities(“She’s good”, “He doesn’t fight”, etc.).

At 5-6 years old, a child develops a system of primary gender identity, so after 6 years of age, educational influences on the formation of its individual aspects are much less effective. At this age, children have a differentiated idea of ​​their gender based on essential characteristics (feminine and masculine qualities,

features of the manifestation of feelings, emotions, specific gender behavior). Preschoolers evaluate their actions in accordance with gender, predict 29 possible options permissions various situations communication with children of the same and opposite sex, understand the need and expediency of following the rules of behavior in relationships with children of different sexes in accordance with etiquette, notice manifestations of feminine and masculine qualities in the behavior of surrounding adults, focus on socially approved examples of feminine and masculine manifestations of people, literary heroes and gladly accept the roles of worthy men and women in gaming, theatrical and other activities. When justifying the choice of peers of the opposite sex, boys rely on qualities of girls such as beauty, tenderness, affection, and girls rely on qualities such as strength and the ability to stand up for another. Moreover, if boys have pronounced feminine qualities, then they are rejected by boy society, while girls accept such boys into their company. At 5-6 years old, children have an idea of ​​the external beauty of men and women; establish connections between the professions of men and women and their gender.

Significant changes occur at this age in children's play, namely in play interaction, in which joint discussion of the rules of the game begins to occupy a significant place. Children often try to control each other's actions - they indicate how this or that character should behave. In case of conflicts during the game

children explain their actions to their partners or criticize their actions, referring to the rules. When children of this age assign roles for play, one can sometimes observe attempts to jointly solve problems (“Who will...?”). At the same time, coordination of actions and distribution of responsibilities among children most often arise during the game itself. The playing space becomes more complex (for example, in the game “Theater” there is a stage and a dressing room). Game actions become varied. Outside of play, children's communication becomes less situational. They willingly talk about what happened to them: where they were, what they saw, etc. Children listen carefully to each other and emotionally empathize with their friends’ stories. Gross motor skills become more perfect. A child of this age is capable of mastering complex movements: he can walk along a narrow bench and even step over a small obstacle; knows how to hit the ball on the ground with one hand several times in a row. There are already differences in the movements of boys and girls (in boys - more impetuous, in girls - soft, smooth, balanced), and in the general configuration of the body, depending on the gender of the child.

Children's posture and correct demeanor are actively being formed.

Through targeted and systematic physical activity, muscles and ligaments are strengthened. Endurance develops (the ability to exercise for a sufficiently long time physical exercise) and strength qualities (the child’s ability to use small efforts for quite a long time). Dexterity and development of fine motor skills are manifested in a higher degree of independence of the child

in self-service: children practically do not need the help of an adult when dressing and putting on their shoes. Some of them can handle laces - thread them into a shoe and tie them with a bow.

By the age of 5, they have a fairly large stock of ideas about the environment, which they receive thanks to their activity, desire to ask questions and experiment. Ideas about the basic properties of objects are further expanded and deepened. A child of this age already knows basic colors well and has ideas about shades (for example, he can show two shades of the same color: light 30 red and dark red). Children of the sixth year of life can tell how they differ geometric figures from each other. It will not be difficult for them to compare with each other in size a large number of objects: for example, arrange seven to ten plates of different sizes in order and place the corresponding number of spoons of different sizes on them.

The child’s ability to navigate in space increases. If you offer him a simple room plan, he can show him the crib he sleeps on. Mastering time is still not perfect. There is no precise orientation in the seasons or days of the week. Children learn well the names of those days of the week and months of the year with which significant events are associated.

Attention children become more stable and voluntary. They can do a not very attractive, but necessary activity for 20-25 minutes together with an adult. A child of this age is already able to act according to the rule set by an adult (select several figures of a certain shape and color, find images of objects in the picture and shade them in a certain way).

Volume memory does not change significantly. Its stability improves. At the same time, children can already use simple techniques and means to memorize (cards or drawings can act as hints). At the age of 5-6 years, visual-figurative thinking takes on leading importance, which allows the child to solve more complex problems using generalized visual aids (diagrams, drawings, etc.) and generalized ideas about the properties of various objects and phenomena.

Towards a visually effective thinking children resort in cases where it is difficult to identify the necessary connections and relationships without practical tests. For example, before controlling a car using a remote control, a child, through initial testing, establishes a connection between the movements of the car and the manipulation of levers on the remote control. At the same time, the tests become systematic and targeted. Tasks in which connections essential to solving a problem can be discovered without practical tests, the child can often solve in his head.

The age of 5-6 years can be described as the age when a child becomes active (productive) imagination, which begins to acquire independence, separating from practical activities and anticipating it. Images of the imagination reproduce reality much more completely and accurately. The child clearly begins to distinguish between the real and the imaginary. Actions of the imagination - the creation and implementation of a plan - begin to take shape initially in the game. This is manifested in the fact that before the game, its concept and plot are born. Gradually, children acquire the ability to act according to a preliminary plan in design and drawing.

In the sixth year of a child's life, important developmental changes occur. speech. For children of this age, correct pronunciation of sounds becomes the norm. By comparing his speech with the speech of adults, a preschooler can discover his own speech deficiencies. A child of the sixth year of life freely uses the means of intonation expressiveness: he can read poetry sadly, cheerfully or solemnly, he is able to regulate the volume of his voice and the pace of speech depending on the situation (read poetry loudly at a holiday or quietly share his secrets, etc.). Children begin to use generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, shades of word meaning, and ambiguous words. Children's vocabulary is also actively replenished with nouns denoting the names of professions, social institutions (library, post office, supermarket, sport Club etc.); verbs denoting labor actions of people different professions, adjectives and adverbs reflecting the quality of actions, people’s attitude towards professional activities. Preschoolers can use in speech complex cases grammars: indeclinable nouns, plural nouns in the genitive case, follow the orthoepic norms of the language; capable of sound analysis of simple three-sound words. Children learn to independently build playful and business dialogues, mastering the rules of speech etiquette, and use direct and indirect speech; in descriptive and narrative monologues they are able to convey the state of the hero, his mood, attitude to the event, using epithets and comparisons.

The reading range of a 5-6 year old child is replenished with works of various subjects, including those related to family problems, relationships with adults, peers, and the history of the country. The baby is able to retain in memory large volume information, he can read with continuation. Children are introduced to the literary context, which also includes the author and the history of the creation of the work. The practice of analyzing texts and working with illustrations contribute to deepening the reader's experience and the formation of reader sympathies. The life safety capabilities of a 5-6 year old child are increased. It's connected

with increasing awareness and arbitrariness of behavior, overcoming the egocentric position (the child becomes able to take the position of another).

The predictive function of thinking develops, which allows the child to see the perspective of events, to foresee (anticipate) the near and distant consequences of his own actions and actions and the actions and actions of other people.

In older preschool age (5-7 years), planning and self-esteem actively develop labor activity(subject to the formation of all other components of child labor). Previously mastered types of child labor are performed efficiently, quickly, and consciously. It becomes possible for children to master different types manual labor.

In the process of perceiving works of art, works of musical and visual art, children are able to make a choice of what they like best (works, characters, images), justifying it with the help of elements of aesthetic evaluation. They respond emotionally to those works of art that convey feelings and relationships that they understand, various emotional states people, animals, the struggle between good and evil. Musical and artistic activities. At senior preschool age, a significant enrichment of children’s musical erudition occurs: initial ideas about the types and genres of music are formed, connections are established between artistically and by means of expressiveness used by composers, aesthetic assessments and judgments are formulated, musical preferences are substantiated, and some aesthetic selectivity is manifested. When listening to music, children show greater concentration and attentiveness. The quality of musical activity is improving.

Creative manifestations become more conscious and directed (the image and means of expression are thought through and consciously selected by the children). IN productive activity children can also depict what they have in mind (the idea leads to the image). The development of fine motor skills influences the improvement of artistic creativity techniques. Preschoolers can draw narrow and wide lines with paint (with the end of the brush and flat), draw rings, arcs, make a triple stroke from one point, mix paint on the palette to obtain light, dark and new shades, whiten the base tone to obtain a lighter shade, apply one paint to another. They are able to sculpt from a whole piece of clay, modeling the shape with their fingertips, smooth out the joints, pull parts away from the main shape with their fingers, decorate their works with the help of stacks and moldings, and paint them. Practical skills in working with scissors are improved and developed: children can cut circles from squares, ovals from rectangles, transform some geometric shapes into others: a square into several triangles, a rectangle into stripes, squares and small rectangles; create images of various objects or decorative compositions from cut-out figures. Children design according to the conditions set by adults, but are already ready for independent creative design from different materials. They form generalized methods of action and generalized ideas about the objects they construct.

Characteristic structural components children's speech 6 1 year of life with OHP

Under general speech underdevelopment (GSD) in children with normalhearing and primary intact intellect understand this form of speech pathology in which the formation of all components is disrupted speech system(phonetics, vocabulary, grammar).

The theoretical basis for general speech underdevelopment was formulated by R.E. Levina in the 1950-1960s.

It is typical for children with OHP:

  • late onset of speech (at 3-4 years);

  • severe limitation of vocabulary;

  • pronounced agrammatisms (mixing of case forms, lack of agreement, omission of prepositions, etc.);

  • defects in sound pronunciation (all types);

  • phonemic hearing impairment;

  • violation of the rhythmic-syllable structure of the word;

  • Difficulties in distributing simple sentences and constructing complex ones.
The diagnostic sign of OPD is a dissociation between speech and mental development, that is, mental development proceeds more successfully than speech development.

General speech underdevelopment (GSD) in children with normal hearing and intact intelligence, it is a disorder that covers both the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical systems of the language.

Currently, the main contingent of compensatory groups for children with severe speech impairments of senior preschool age are children with ODD level 3 of speech development.

Characteristic of such children is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds, the replacement of sounds with simpler ones in articulation. There is instability of replacements (in different words the sound is pronounced differently), a combination of impaired and correct pronunciation. The structure of polysyllabic words is often simplified, shortened, and there are omissions of syllables. Against the background of relatively developed speech, inaccuracy in the use of words and phrases in meaning, a violation of lexical consistency, and difficulties in word formation and inflection are revealed. The active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs. Children experience difficulties in using abstract and generalizing vocabulary, in understanding and using words with a figurative meaning, and do not use synonyms and antonyms in speech.

Children with speech disorders usually have functional or organic abnormalities in the state of the central nervous system. Many of them exhibit various motor disorders: disturbances of balance, coordination of movements, undifferentiated movements of the fingers and articulatory movements.

Such children quickly become exhausted and become fed up with any type of activity (i.e., they quickly get tired). They are characterized by irritability, increased excitability, and motor disinhibition. Emotionally unstable, mood quickly

disinhibition. Emotionally unstable, mood changes quickly. Mood disorders often occur with manifestations of aggression, obsession, and anxiety. They experience slowness and lethargy much less often. It is difficult for such children to maintain perseverance, efficiency and voluntary attention in the process of performing any activity. Often children are overly excitable, do not respond to comments, and have difficulty concentrating on completing a task.

As a rule, children with speech disorders have instability of attention and memory, especially speech, a low level of understanding of verbal instructions, insufficiency of the regulatory function of speech, a low level of control over their own activities, impaired cognitive activity, low mental


The main features of the cognitive sphere of children with speech disorders are: insufficient formation and differentiation of the motivational sphere, insufficient concentration and stability of attention, weakness in the development of motor skills, spatial difficulties. Without targeted corrective work, these

The difficulties children have in the future can become more pronounced and lead to a lack of interest in learning, a decrease in memory capacity, memorization errors, difficulties in mastering written language, and unformed counting operations. To ensure the normal development of the child as a whole, the training program includes a set of tasks aimed at developing cognitive processes: memory, attention, thinking, imagination and the prerequisites for their normal development.

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