Very beautiful apartments and houses. Beautiful apartment interior (21 photos)

Studios have now become quite a popular phenomenon when choosing and purchasing a home, but how to create a beautiful interior of such a studio apartment? The advantage or disadvantage of such apartments is that they have one area for all possible zones. Therefore the question proper planning and combining space is quite important in this option.
Beautiful interior apartments - studios
So, how can you arrange furniture as comfortably as possible, and what color scheme should you choose? Let’s try to answer all these questions now.

Basically, such options are suitable for young people or couples, or single people. Of course, sometimes families also settle there, but to be honest, this is a rather inconvenient option.

Design option in the interior of a studio apartment
Considering the main directions in the design of an apartment or studio, we will include:

  • Definitely light color schemes for walls, furniture and various finishes. This will visually make the space larger and it will be much more comfortable to be in such a room.
  • It is best to take furniture that is mobile and functional. The most popular option in this direction will be the transformable furniture option.
  • To zone a room, it is best to use mirror surfaces or partitions.
  • Domination dark shades over light ones. This will visually reduce the space and make it more compact.
  • You cannot use massive furniture, as it takes up quite a lot of space. It's better to take something smaller, but functional.
  • It is not recommended to use heavy or massive curtains on windows.
  • And most important point Of all, there will be a lack of small things or junk that would litter your apartment. This also applies to oversaturation with decor. In a word, the more you lean towards the style of minimalism, the more comfortable and cozy it will be on your territory.

Apartment - DIY studio and its design

It is not at all necessary to resort to the help of specialists, because the complete arrangement and decoration of the apartment can be done with your own hands. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules and recommendations, as well as to have the desire and mood.

One of the first points in the work will be zoning the room into separate parts (kitchen, bedroom, living room). Here the most important key to the secret will be, on the one hand, the correct zoning and finishing of these parts, on the other hand, it will be necessary to achieve maximum harmony of the whole picture as a whole.

Important rules in the interior of a studio apartment

Layout and zoning in a studio apartment

Now let's get down to it interesting task, namely “how to properly divide a studio apartment into zones?”

Zoning of a studio apartment. Option #1

Zoning of a studio apartment. Option No. 2
It is logical that the main rooms will be the kitchen, living room and bedroom. But you need to combine the space and furniture so that it comes out work zone, a recreation area and a children's corner (if you have a child), so figuring out zoning can be difficult.

As you can see, the task is not easy, but we will try to cope with it.

Living room and bedroom in a studio apartment

These two zones in a studio apartment can be combined into one, and it will look like this. We replace the bed in the “bedroom” with a comfortable sofa that folds out. It turns out that sleeping area We already have it and the “living room” is also present.

Combination of living room and bedroom in a beautiful studio apartment
Of course, not everyone will want to use this option, because the bedroom should still be a separate area. In fact, you only need to take into account the square footage of your apartment, and if it allows you to put a bed and a small sofa for guests, this will be the most the best option. Then we will simply separate the sleeping area from the guest area using a small partition, shelving or transparent canopy.

With such options workplace can be placed using a window sill. Or (if the quadrature studio allows), put small table in the corner.

Sometimes they even make such a combination that the sleeping place is made under the ceiling, and the work area is placed below. This option is only possible in cases where the height of your ceiling is at least three meters.

If you have a child, he also needs a separate sleeping place. This is where transformable furniture can come to the rescue, when the bed easily turns into a closet - also a good solution for the design of a studio apartment.

Kitchen and dining area in a studio apartment

The kitchen area should occupy less space than the living room, while being as comfortable and cozy as possible. Here, it’s probably worth giving preference to built-in household appliances, which will accordingly get rid of the problem of space congestion. Therefore, we can replace the four-burner stove with two, and purchase a small oven separately. For a studio apartment, it is better to place the kitchen along the far wall, and separate the dining table with a shelving unit or the back of the sofa.

Kitchen and dinner Zone and studio apartment design
Hang some things on the wall, for example, this will apply to the microwave. It can be mounted using brackets.

To household appliances was less, it needs to be replaced with a more progressive one. For example, you shouldn’t buy a steamer separately, but buy a good multicooker, which has a lot more interesting and useful functions. The same applies to a juicer, blender, etc. Buy a good-quality combine harvester that will already accommodate the necessary options and operating modes.

Remember that since studio apartments do not have separate rooms, whatever you cook in the kitchen will smell throughout the entire apartment. Consider a powerful hood that will eliminate this inconvenience.

When choosing materials for walls and floors, consider practicality and how dirt will be removed. Therefore, for the floor it is better to take high-quality expensive linoleum or tiles, and for the walls - washable wallpaper or any other option that is easy to care for in cooking conditions and the possibility of getting grease. By the way, in this case ceramic tile will simply be beyond competition.

The dining area in a studio apartment can be located behind the bar, which would separate the kitchen and living room. Ideally, of course, buy a small table that can fold up.
An additional work area can be made from a window sill. Then it is best if it is made of the same material as the countertop.

Ideas for a beautiful interior of a studio apartment

Here are some ideas to inspire you to decorate your studio apartment.

Beautiful interiors of a studio apartment - photo

And finally, for inspiration, let’s look at a few more photos of the beautiful interiors of a studio apartment to get some ideas for designing your own home.

In this review we will look at the most beautiful interiors that were presented by the Housing Question program. In our opinion, this is best works, which can inspire new ideas and your own kitchen design ideas.

"Cabin with a porthole"

As you can see from the photo, to implement this project you need to remove the wall and make three rooms adjacent: the kitchen, the corridor and the hall. The result is a spacious, stylish and simple kitchen, very reminiscent of a business class cabin.

It is possible to implement exactly the same kitchen interior in your own home, but it will not be cheap at all. For example, an arch that rotates if desired: where can I get it? All this must be ordered, which will ultimately cost a large sum.

But the rest of the elements shown in the photo are quite accessible. A piece of wall, which is made in the form of voluminous white waves, can be made not only with the help of plaster. Can be used suitable wallpaper 3D, you can use special polyurethane panels.

In general, you can only take note of this elegant combination of colors: dark brown, white and blue-gray. This is a classic of the genre, a win-win in any version.

Decorative items can be added even more interesting, for example: marine binoculars on the walls, anchors, twines, lifebuoys, barometers and sailor's caps. This will add a special flavor.

It is very advisable to make the floor in the kitchen-cabin not from laminate, but from planks, so that you get the complete feeling that you are on a ship (even though there may already be cabins there without plank floors, but with modern coating). But you need to convey the spirit of the ship!

The window can also be interestingly played up, preferring curtains that imitate canvas, for example, instead of ordinary textiles. It would be very nice if in some corner you put oak barrel, on which “Rum” will be written. Pirates and voyages across the seas immediately come to mind...

"Large Strokes"

But this is a very cozy kitchen, and not only beautiful: the interior, as you see in the photo, the interior here is homely and a little old.

The effect is achieved using a wall painted with different strokes, an unusual and bright lampshade, a cute sofa, a vintage table and different-sized chairs. It is better to buy such furniture on the Internet, at auctions of antiques, since in stores it will be completely different, a Chinese fake.

In Europe, by the way, such interiors are quite popular. But it’s easier for them to find something unusual, since their “flea markets” are simply a storehouse of untold “riches.” And if such a table is not at all rare there, then here, first, try to find it, and then try to buy it, since the prices for vintage are prohibitive.

The kitchen unit itself and the work area are quite simple, so only the dining area makes the “weather” of the room. Very cozy, homely, but at the same time unusual and unique.

note Although the walls and floor of this kitchen are simply gray, they do not attract attention at all. And it is precisely because they are just a successful background that the eye is involuntarily drawn to the furnishings and decor.

But the clock, in our opinion, is completely useless there. Or rather, a clock is needed, but not like this, but larger and more suitable for the style of the dining area. Otherwise, they look like a foreign object that accidentally fell on this wall.

"Optical illusion"

This photo shows beautiful kitchen, the interior of which can be called minimalist. Modern, unobtrusive, but in our opinion, a little boring.

Furniture, that is, a kitchen set and a dining table, can be chosen to suit your taste, taking this simplicity of lines as a basis.

The unobtrusive furniture in this interior is complemented by interesting lamps and some decorative items. By the way, they can cost much more than the “kitchen” itself. And the mirror can be mounted not only on the wall as indicated in the photo, but also in other places.

But at the same time, remember that a large mirror in the kitchen can become annoying over time (not to mention the fact that it instantly becomes covered with drops).

"Under the Cherries"

Looking at the name, you might think that now there will be some kind of rustic interior, appropriate in a country house. But it's not like that at all.

Kitchen “Under the Cherries” is a bold design solution. The big emphasis here is on bright and interesting furniture, which is not so easy to find. The cabinets are great, they can be ordered in any color, but you don’t see chairs like this very often. But, as we have already written in other blocks, you can always take an idea partially.

The cherries in this kitchen are the original shaped lampshades. Lighting above dining table It turns out to be sufficient and, on top of everything, it’s a decorative element.

It is in this interior that a mirror comes in handy. In fact, the space of this kitchen is small, but thanks to it it looks very voluminous, bright and not at all boring. It’s as if there’s not just one window, but two at once.

The bright furniture is visible from all sides, and the water heating tank does not look like itself at all. It looks like some kind of element of a spaceship. However, we cannot tell you where to find one. In the most ordinary construction stores There is definitely no such assortment.

In general, the interior is very interesting, simple and accessible to almost anyone who has started a renovation.

Kitchen with marble apron

To recreate exactly the same interior you need to do major renovation, in order to remove the partition between the balcony and the kitchen. Here you can clearly see that there was a partition.

Although, maybe it just seems to us and this is really a radius kitchen wall. You can no longer keep track of the layouts of current new buildings. Is it the case of Khrushchev! Everything is predictable and the furniture can be placed simply with your eyes closed.

As for why this design is called “with a marble apron”, we cannot answer you. It's just some kind of mystery, to be honest. There is no marble anywhere, not even above the desktop.

The floor is also not marble, the façade walls are MDF, the ceilings are painted. Strange, but true: marble as a material was not found there.

Perhaps by “apron” the designers meant curtains? We don't know. Let's better discuss the appearance of this kitchen itself.

It looks pretty nice, but the furniture that is on the work wall is quite unusual, and therefore expensive. It is much better to order one of these rather than buy a ready-made one, since there are no difficulties in the manufacture of such structures.

The lamp above the dining area looks very interesting. It is absolutely in the “loft” style, and although it is not entirely appropriate here, for some reason it does not cause rejection. It would be nice to add something else to match it.

Wall with wine bottles – interesting solution, which can be taken into account and reproduced quite inexpensively. To do this, you only need to make a suitable box, and construct bottle holders from fittings, which are very plentiful in construction markets and for every taste. The only “but”: you shouldn’t put good wine there, since storing it in the light is strictly not recommended.

The kitchen set in this interior is modern, in the style of “minimalism” and there is nothing particularly remarkable about it. At great desire You can even assemble such a kitchen yourself by studying assembly lessons on the Internet.

The colors here are calm, and the bright spot of the room is the yellow chairs, which dilute this simplicity and add color.

Kitchen with radio

This kitchen is made in accordance with the currently fashionable trend - retro. Although, this feeling is created if you just take a quick glance. Upon closer examination, it turns out that all the elements are modern, both furniture and appliances.

But oddly enough, there is a retro feeling. Maybe because the design is dominated by blue color combined with a colorful floor. Or maybe the unusual hood, reminiscent of some kind of transistor from the times of the USSR, plays a role.

A bare wall looks very unusual, on which there are no wall cabinets that are familiar and set everyone’s teeth on edge. Also, an interesting bookcase with decorative elements around front door. Such jewelry can be bought at any store,
specializing in decor, for example, Ikea and Leroy Merlin.

But the most interesting thing about this kitchen is that the dining area is located right next to the window and the built-in sofa is adjacent to the window sill. Above the table hangs a large lamp on a rotating base, which can be turned in the direction you need.

Indeed, a very interesting solution and quite feasible, if desired. Here, apparently, color plays a big role. If you misjudge the tone, you won’t get the desired effect.

Checkered kitchen

Very unusual kitchen. The small cell here is not immediately noticeable, since it is “hidden” on the facades of the furniture. The colors are quite dark, but overall the range is quite original.

As a result, the work area looks as if it were a tiled wall. Unusual, to say the least.

If you strive exclusively for something incredible, then such an interior may attract you. Some design solutions controversial, in our opinion, but the sense of style in this design is certainly visible.

Sunflower kitchen

There are no sunflowers here! Sunflower means - exactly somewhere under the Sun, in the vastness of the Galaxy.

The decor is incredibly simple, but at the same time more than unusual. When you enter such a room, it seems that you are not in the cockpit of some kind of space liner.

The effect of this is purely from the lighting. LED strips located broken lines, on the floor - the same effect, duplicated by tile cuts. The apron, too, exactly repeats the geometry of the general style.

Facade kitchen set– so shiny that it reflects the light of the ceiling and bright light rays. Well, unusual chairs, reminiscent of the seats of anything, but not the usual kitchen furniture, do their job.

Before you start reproducing such an interior, you need to look for craftsmen who know exactly how this is done. Here, extreme accuracy in the design of the ceiling is very important, since otherwise the result may not be exactly what you wanted.

Kitchen with bubbles

At first glance, you can’t see where the bubbles are? But they are there, if you look around carefully.

An unusual plate made of skinali stands next to the refrigerator, and those bubbles are depicted on it. This element looks quite unusual and, oddly enough, harmonious, despite the fact that it does not at all match the textiles of the corner and curtains, designed in a completely different color scheme.

Looks very good in this interior working wall from a “hog”, which is slightly larger in size than the standard one.

Frosted glass facades, which are illuminated from the inside, are of great importance in the overall concept. The refrigerator is also extremely unusual, as if it were made of stone, but not everyone can buy one, as it is very expensive. But what a view...

In general, if you look at all the elements of this kitchen separately, it becomes unclear how they all harmonize with each other. There are light lilac textiles, green chairs, bright red bubbles, a black refrigerator, and bluish lighting. But the fact remains: the combination is simply perfect and the kitchen makes an amazing impression.

But keep in mind that all this will look beautiful in a more or less spacious area, at least 9 sq. m. If you try to put it all together in a “Khrushchev” building, the look will not be very good.

Kitchen with service under the ceiling

In this kitchen under the ceiling there is a whole tea-set! Moreover, it cannot be said that such cup-chandeliers are difficult to find. They are available in many stores, and in a wide variety of variations.

But, chief decorative element They are not here at all. The emphasis is on bright abstract walls and curtains that would be more at home in a dining room than a food prep area.

They are elegant, voluminous and very attractive. The furniture is bright, yellow, but even it is somehow lost against the background of the pockmarked colors of the “apron”, floor and small wedge heel.

Otherwise, it’s a completely unremarkable design and there’s not much to take away from it. The usual combination of colors, the same ordinary furniture and a floor that does not fit into the overall concept at all. But maybe we don’t understand anything, we’re just expressing our opinion.

Finally, I would like to say: no matter how beautiful the kitchen is in the photo, in interiors with a large area, reproduce it in small apartment- almost impossible. Keep in mind that not every bulky interior detail will look great small apartment. Good luck to you!

The expression “my home is my castle” remains relevant at all times. Home is a part of us; the place where we spend most our life. Therefore, it is quite understandable that everyone wants our home to be beautiful, cozy and inviting. If you are currently undergoing renovation, our article will tell you and show photos of the most beautiful apartment interiors from all over the world, and who knows which idea will be embodied in your home.

Classic interior

This is first of all harmonious space, indicating the refined taste of the owners and their wealth. Such an interior will never go out of fashion and will always be in demand. Decorative elements are required here (stucco molding, draperies, figurines, mirrors, paintings). The materials used are high-quality and expensive, and the colors are calm shades, pastel and soft.

Thanks to color in a classic interior, a lot can be achieved (in the photo); with its help, you can even convey the depth of the room and the solemnity of the atmosphere. Olive, sand, various shades of brown are ideally combined with gilding, but then you should not overload the room big amount details. Best used for decoration different kinds plaster, fabric (restrained colors and unobtrusive designs) or painting.

All interior items must be properly lit, so a lot of attention is paid to the ceiling and chandelier. You can create entire works of art on the ceiling from stucco, painting and friezes. And the chandelier always occupies one of central places in the room - luxurious and voluminous, made of crystal or expensive glass, with artificial candles or pendants.

Furniture, floors and doors are made only from high-quality materials, most often valuable wood. A real decoration of the room will be a fireplace made of white marble.

Interior in high-tech style

For energetic residents of megacities who keep up with the times, a strict and restrained style is what will allow them to realize everything modern ideas in a laconic space. High-tech style involves a lot of space, light and air due to the minimalism of objects. Michelangelo was also a fan of this direction, who believed that the main thing was to cut off everything unnecessary. These are the most stylish interiors apartments, and our photos serve as proof of this. It appeared not so long ago, in the second half of the 20th century, and is acceptable in almost any room except the nursery.

The color scheme here is special - combinations of white with black, gray and their shades. Other colors are selected very carefully so that the entire style of the room does not fade into the background due to the garishness of the palette.

The materials most often used are chrome, acrylic, aluminum, glass and plastic - the main thing is that they create glossy surfaces, another calling card of this style. All this is formalized in strict and sharp geometric shapes furniture, windows and doors, without fancy carvings, figured fittings or gilding.

Additional accessories are often original items: original paintings, various abstractions, a large aquarium or newfangled figurines. The main thing is that there are not too many of them. Another feature of the high-tech style is perfectly smooth and bare walls. There are few decorations on the walls, and they are not welcome, but on the ceiling, many halogen and neon lamps create an abundance of light and space.

Ethnic styles

If you are a fan of any country, visit it often and want to be in your favorite atmosphere all the time, then you should think about creating an ethnic corner in your home.

African is probably the most sought after and popular in our society. Its main features are local ornament, natural minimalism, primitive forms and rough textures. The main colors of the style are warm shades that imitate the skins of giraffe, zebra and antelope. The interior contains many household items - figurines, vases, wood crafts.

Oriental is rather a collective concept that includes many cultures: Japanese, Chinese, Indian and Egyptian. Multicolor, natural materials(bamboo, wood, silk) - here character traits this style. Here simplicity is combined with pretentiousness, and quite skillfully. For a light Chinese interior, the main thing is to comply with the rules of Feng Shui, but Arabic, on the contrary, is a pile of heavy furniture, screens, all kinds of draperies and pillows that help achieve peace and quiet.

Egyptian is the progenitor of all known European styles, colorful and luxurious. There are many recognizable artistic images, frescoes, columns, ornaments, papyrus products - all this is the most ancient style of art, loved by millions of people. Since Egypt is a country of sand and sun, the appropriate colors are used here: ocher, white, beige, yellow and warm shades of brown. A ebony from Ethiopia, in addition to serving as a sign of the wealth of the owners, it also added contrast to the interior.

The most beautiful apartment interiors in our photos are an opportunity to be inspired by a fresh idea, realize your dream and make your home incredible.

What to do if the footage of your apartment leaves much to be desired? It doesn't matter whether it's a conscious choice or a necessity in life, but most of us, living in small spaces, plan to make the interior attractive and functional.

Therefore, many are trying to find acceptable ways to create visual unity of all objects in a small apartment. For example, some ideas that can inspire every owner are bright colors on the walls, storing things using original methods, and using multifunctional furniture.

To this you can add magnificent paintings and flower arrangements to achieve an unforgettable experience of staying in such a comfortable room.

Methods for visually enlarging an apartment

It is worth taking into account: no matter the size of the apartment, there will always be not enough free space. It is because of this that methods for making a small apartment a little more spacious will also be useful for owners of large apartments.

Proper planning. In a small apartment it is quite possible to create an interior that will look beautiful and harmonious. But for this, the ceiling height must be proportional to the area of ​​the apartment. The larger the area of ​​the room, the higher the ceiling. Therefore, if the ceiling height is low, then it is undesirable to make a studio apartment: this will only focus attention on such a detail as insufficient space.

Formation of a compositional center. To do this, you can place one volumetric element in a small room. This will make it possible to concentrate attention on it and, in turn, will distract from the size of the room. An option is possible when the wall or part of it is left empty, which will not clutter the room, so this technique is quite suitable for the center of the composition.

Using symmetry. In a small room, a composition based on symmetry will be a win-win option to balance the space.

Advice! But you shouldn’t be zealous and build symmetrical compositions in an apartment that is small in size. It will be tiring and look boring.

Color spectrum. It is better to paint the walls and ceilings the same color. The line of transition between the wall and the ceiling will be softened, which will visually increase the space.

In adjacent rooms, it is better to use the same color scheme for the walls. This approach can visually unify the room and create the illusion of spaciousness in it. If you do not divide the floor into zones, it can also perform this function.

Advice! The color for the walls and ceiling should be chosen in a tone close to the floor, which will help expand the boundaries of the room.

To increase the height of the ceiling, you can draw edgings that will stand out against the background of other elements. This approach will help to highlight the ceiling into an auxiliary plane. After all, the edgings will be able to attract attention due to the fact that they will draw attention to the ceiling. It is also a visual trick that can be used to make a room appear larger.

A beautiful interior can be created very simply even in a small apartment in Khrushchev. You can paint the walls of the room with matte paint in a rich tone, and for the central area on the ceiling choose light paint with a glossy sheen. This will enhance the stunning impression of such a contrasting edging.

Things and materials. It is better to add tall mirrors to the interior. Thanks to them, you can create the illusion of increasing the number of rooms in the apartment. The room will seem more spacious than it actually is. In this case, they must be placed near window and door openings.

To make the room look freer and more spacious, you should store things correctly. To do this, they should be placed above eye level, since what our gaze does not come across, we simply do not notice. But such placement is only suitable for those things that are used in rare cases.

Ideally, storage systems should be located in areas inaccessible to view. And this is possible if the cabinets are made on the same level as the wall and made in the same color as them.

Important! A huge wardrobe should not be the main decoration of the interior. It can only be left in the center if it has some antique value.

This way you will get a beautiful interior of a small apartment in classic style as in the photo:

The number, shape and size of elements must be in optimal quantity. It is better to get rid of unnecessary items and leave only those that are necessary. It is better to use medium-sized objects that can also be easily moved.

Advice! For small spaces ideal option there will be round objects. The fewer sharp corners, the better.

Storing things

Today there are many organizers on the market with different purposes. These are the ones that should be used to save space.

For example, if your closet has too high shelves, then for convenience you can purchase textile clothing organizer boxes. Such a box will take up half the shelf, but all the things will not lie on top of each other.

You can lay them out neatly and not wrinkle them. This is true for non-seasonal items.

If you don't have small compartments in your closet, you can purchase special organizers for underwear and socks.

This will help organize everything in the closet and make it possible to arrange all the things on the shelves. You will no longer need to purchase chests of drawers and pencil cases, which will only clutter the room. In another case, when there is little space in the closet, it is best to use hanging shelves. This will create additional space for clothes.

Transparent objects. In order not to overload the interior, you should make sure that there are transparent things in the room. These do not necessarily have to be decorative items; they can also be functional. For example, you can instead wooden table put a transparent glass one, of course, if you don’t have children in the house.

You can also equip the doors with frosted glass. Nothing will be visible through them, but light will enter the room.

Additional seating can be provided by using several poufs. They shouldn't be standard form: It is better that they are intricate and have a unique texture. This will make the room not only more spacious, but also more interesting.

As for doors, you should avoid them if possible. At the same time, those doors that will be in the apartment should not be cheap.

How difficult it is to create a harmonious and functional one will help you decide on the direction, methods of interior design and choose the best color scheme.

Is it possible to use artificial stone in the bathroom? Find out about the intricacies of finishing different rooms artificial stone.

Studio apartment: what you need to know?

You can make a studio apartment if your home does not have low ceilings. This type of living space is characterized by the absence of partitions as such. That is, even if the apartment is one-room, it will look large, since the walls are used to divide the space into functional areas are missing from it.

If you want to create such an apartment, you should first find out whether there will be any legal or technical problems. If you can get rid of some walls, this option is worth using. After this, you can begin to implement your idea.


Regardless of whether you can create a studio apartment or not, you need to think about lighting. Considering small sizes housing, you should give preference to spot light, which will make the entire space more spacious and larger due to bright illumination.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you choose lamps with heavy and large shades. A chandelier in a small room should be avoided altogether.

The more lit your room is, the more likely it is that the room will not seem as small as it really is.

Remember about daylight. Try to widen the windows if possible. Even 20-30 centimeters will make the room brighter. If this is impossible, you must at least not clutter the light source. This primarily applies to curtains.

Beautiful apartments photos of the interiors of small Khrushchev apartments

In a small apartment, you should completely forget about traditional options, even if you want to decorate the interior in a classic style. Preference should be given to blinds, Roman blinds, light curtains, for example, French or English curtains. They won't be a burden appearance both the window and the entire room.


A small apartment, like a large one, can also be decorated in an interesting and unusual way; it is important to choose the ideal combination of all things and give preference to a single modern style.

Naturally, the best option is an interior in the spirit of minimalism. In such a room, in any case, you should avoid an excessive amount of unnecessary details that serve as decoration. Preference should be given exclusively to those items that carry practical meaning indoors.

Look: many options, a wide choice of colors and design of facades - from matte to glossy samples.

Read about the benefits of corner modular living room furniture.

Mixed styles, such as, for example, Scandinavian minimalism, will look beautiful and original: the design will be rich in contrasting objects, but in general it will remain airy due to the predominance of light shades.

Remember! There should be no more than 1/3 of stand-out items in the apartment.

Another option that is suitable for decorating small spaces is contemporary This style combines not only beauty, but also comfort.. It does not have any clear divisions with other design options; it differs only in that when creating an interior, preference is given to simple objects and occasionally bright color accents are made.

Anyone can choose an interior design even for a small apartment. It is important not to focus on the shortcomings, but to skillfully hide them and strive to advantageously emphasize the advantages of the living space. Taking into account the development of technology and using various methods interior decorating, this becomes easier to implement than it seems.

An apartment is the same space for creativity as a stage or canvas. We have already more or less learned to live comfortably. All that remains is to learn to live beautifully, and it doesn’t matter where – in a Khrushchev-era building or in an elite new building – what matters is how!

If we are talking about standard apartments Soviet buildings (since the 60s), then any designer solves at least 2 problems:

– small kitchen (usually from 6 to 10 sq. m.);

– a small combined bathroom (often less than 3 sq. m.).

Plus, of course, the modest total area of ​​the apartment itself, where every centimeter is important. But undeniable advantage Such layouts are their typical nature. Over two decades of work, the techniques have already been worked out by designers. Arches in the kitchen, removal of the “extra” partition, successful color schemes, multifunctional modular furniture and wardrobes allow you to turn the smallest apartment into a comfortable home.

portfolio Apartments in modern houses can have very different layouts. In large cities, mini-apartments and studio apartments with an area of ​​10 to 25 square meters are increasingly becoming available. m. They consist of one room in which a mini-kitchen is equipped along the wall, and a small (no more than 3 sq. m.) bathroom is located in the corner near the entrance. central part room serves as a living room, and on the second tier there is a sleeping place (no more than half total area rooms). Such apartments are especially popular among young people and are often used for rent to students. This is a modern and comfortable alternative to a classic communal apartment with a shared bathroom and kitchen.

If we consider options for full-fledged apartments, today the norm among developers is studio apartment from 40 sq. m., two-room – from 60 sq. m. Three- and four-room apartments and apartments with many rooms do not have area standards. In economy-class and comfort apartments, layouts with a kitchen-dining room or kitchen-living room are popular.

In an apartment with 2 or more rooms, it is not uncommon to have a layout with two bathrooms. In the premium segment, two- or even three-level apartments are popular. And increasingly, developers are renting out houses with so-called open-plan apartments, without interior partitions, leaving room for future residents to design the space.

Balance between function and structure

Design modern apartments increasingly gravitating towards functionality. That is, if you have a choice, make one large room with several zones or two or three small ones (bedroom, living room, office), then most likely there will be zoning.

There are several options on how to do this:

– screens, racks, cabinets, any mobile partitions, unusually shaped wall structures or even a fireplace;

– color: when parts of the room are designed in different, often contrasting, colors;

– lighting (both artificial and natural).

In the photo below, the dining room and living room are separated into separate zones. The part of the room intended for relaxation is located opposite one window, and the dining room is located opposite the other. The fireplace and TV act as links between the zones; the original frame lamp above the dining table effectively highlights this part of the room, preventing it from merging with the rest of the space.

In the next photo, spectacular zoning highlights the advantages modern interior. A luxurious carpet highlights the living area, lighting techniques focus the attention of guests and owners on exquisite decorative items and furniture: exclusive tables, glamorous abstraction, textured brick-like wall of noble gray. Spot lighting in the living room flows smoothly into the kitchen, unobtrusively uniting both zones. But at the same time, a corner projection in a contrasting white tone and separate kitchen lighting delicately limit them from each other.

Happiness colors

IN modern design There are no “inappropriate” colors. Certain restrictions only apply to children's rooms. It’s unlikely that anyone would want to decorate their child’s room in black or brown tones. The rest is complete freedom. Modern design works across the spectrum. Of course, traditions gravitate toward light, pastel colors. It's always popular because it's simple and clear.

The use of light shades allows you to visually expand the space.

Dark colors win in spacious rooms.

Some styles - especially glamor, avant-garde and fusion - love experiments with color. Functionality is not particularly important here. In the first place is the impression made, details, the ability to combine incongruous elements and kitsch elements. It would seem that unusual contrasts of shapes and textures, colors, styles, clearly contrary to traditional classics, can create a decorative composition that will dictate new fashion modern design.

What from what: materials

In modern interiors there is a tendency to use natural materials. Although linoleum, laminate, artificial carpeting, vinyl wallpapers still popular, but natural wood, cork and bamboo are gaining more and more square meters in homes. Popularity of synthetic finishing materials is determined, first of all, by accessibility: there are many of them and they are cheap. Natural materials are available on the market in limited quantities. Some of them are delivered only upon order and are much more expensive.

Popular design styles - loft, country, Provence, English, Scandinavian - also determine the choice of materials. The English style will be dominated by wood, natural fabrics, carpets, leather; in loft style - stone, metal; in country, Provence and Scandinavian styles - wood and also natural fabrics.

Now fashion trend modern interiors increasingly contain elements of incompleteness in decoration, some understatement in visual perception items. This design is perfect for extraordinary individuals who are prone to change and experimentation. The peculiar simplicity of design in the future will make it possible to embody a lot of emotional fidgets interesting ideas– original wall painting, an original painting by the artist, a charming sculpture or even a small fireplace.

House of Light

Lighting in an apartment performs several functions simultaneously:

By using lighting at all three levels, you can achieve amazing results.

Here is an example of how to use ceiling lamps gave the interior of the room dynamism.

Although very often designers abandon the decorative functions of lamps and fixtures, choosing unobtrusive spot lighting.

Modern furniture and decor

If the apartment design is not stylized, then the furniture in such an interior will be quite simple and functional. The main trend in modern furniture: simple lines (tables, cabinets, cabinets) and ergonomics (chairs, armchairs).

What is intended for relaxation is made as comfortable as possible for the human body. Beds are a separate issue; the main function in them is performed by the mattress, which does not affect the style of the interior in any way. And what should create a complete image is done laconically, simply, without unnecessary bends or decorative elements.

The style to which modern design gravitates is minimalism. But this does not mean that such an interior is completely devoid of original details. Another thing is what is their number per square meter. You can add variety to your bedroom design by choosing a non-standard shaped bed – round or oval.

For the living room, you can choose a couple of coffee tables that can harmonize, for example, with the paintings on the wall, as here.

Window decoration in modern design completely eliminates pompous curtains and lambrequins. Open openings will fill the house with natural sunlight and the beauty of the surrounding nature, and light panels made of natural fabrics will become a harmonious addition to the style.

The following photos successfully select interesting and original options modern interior. Orange chairs on one panel, laconic design floor lamps, the characteristic geometry of the shapes of furniture and decor, stylized figurines will certainly play their role in giving it completeness and perfection.

A modern interior can be anything. Thanks to changes in layout, lighting options, various materials, variety of furniture and color solutions You can make your apartment a space of creativity and comfort.

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