Description of meat breeds of pigeons. Meat pigeons: breeds of pigeons for food Broiler pigeons

Why are pigeons and meat ones at that?
Step #1
I always wanted to keep some kind of livestock at my dacha, since there are more than enough premises on a rural estate. But there is one very serious problem: I don’t go there every day. I went through a bunch of materials about animals and birds, and decided to deal with birds, since animals require human presence every day (except for rabbits). But rabbits are uncomfortable with the danger of a sudden epidemic.
As we studied the material on the bird, everything turned out to be not as rosy as it seemed at first:
Some people need walks, others need expensive automation, others need heating, etc. etc. Incubators, brooders, it turns out that you need to give up everything and deal only with birds, or not deal with them at all and not torment yourself or your pets.
On one of the forums I read a conversation about meat pigeons, and the idea of ​​pigeons stuck firmly in my head. If you do poultry in your free time, then do it with meat pigeons.
There are a huge number of advantages compared to the disadvantages.
1. There are practically no competitors in the market. As we collected information about the breeds of meat pigeons, basically all the information boiled down to one phrase - “where to get meat pigeons.”
2. Higher price per bird compared to the cost of rearing. For example, a hunting pheasant costs about $15, a pair costs $30; the simplest industrial lines of king - $50 (pair), Polish lynx - $30 (pair). And if you count the costs of raising pigeons and pheasants, the difference is huge.
3. The bird is very resistant to diseases (if properly kept).
4. Does not require heating.
5. Does not require daily presence.
6. Automatic feeders and automatic waterers are cheap.
7. Reproduces in the presence of reflection all year round except for molting. Any cheap mechanical daily timer can turn on the backlight in winter.
8. Pigeons are excellent at hatching chicks. No incubators needed.
9. They are also excellent at raising their young without human intervention. Heated brooders are just an extra detail.
10. They don’t need animal proteins like chickens.
11. Exceptional taste and dietary properties meat.
Frankly speaking, there are not many disadvantages:
1. They are monogamous, requiring a male for every female.
2. A small number of offspring per year, on average 12-18 chicks.
3. Not a large carcass weight.
4. Not everyone can accept pigeon meat as food.
Well, the cons are actually quite controversial. The first fact is obvious, nothing can be done.
You may not agree with the second one, because a mother hen will raise barely more chickens per year.
season. Well, regarding the weight of the carcass, there are also smaller birds, the same quail. The fourth is more difficult, due to historically established prejudices. But there are a huge number of lovers who want to buy not meat, but live poultry. After all, selling birds is much more profitable than selling meat. Well, if there are unclaimed chicks left, there will be a connoisseur. And you can grill it yourself and surprise your friends.
Step #2.
Soon after the decision to have pigeons, the opportunity arose to purchase four King chicks of the industrial line (the parents were transported from Hungary). Within a few days the Kings were in my barn. Because I haven't decided on the content system yet. They were simply released onto the floor of the room. I installed a vacuum drinker and the same feeder, fine gravel, and chalk. That's all the preparations.

The tradition of breeding meat pigeons originated a long time ago, mainly in Mediterranean countries. Pigeon meat resembles wild bird meat in appearance and taste - it is a dietary and easily digestible product that is suitable even for small children.

Today, more and more poultry farming enthusiasts are showing interest in breeding meat breeds of pigeons, which can be not only a hobby, but also a source of income. This article provides the basic principles that novice poultry farmers, or those who decide to start breeding pigeons, should know, how profitable type business.

Did you know? Even the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used pigeon meat in cooking. The ancient Roman scientist Varro, in the 1st century BC. e. described the imperial dovecotes, which contained more than 5,000 birds. They were specially fattened to serve the imperial family and aristocratic nobility. The high taste and dietary qualities of pigeon meat were also appreciated by the great scientist and physician Avicenna, who recommended consuming it for sick people.

Selection of meat breed (pigeon meat quality)

Breeding meat pigeons has several interesting characteristics that anyone who has decided to engage in this type of poultry farming needs to know. First of all, it is worth noting that pigeons are unpretentious and very independent birds, which in the summer are able to take care of finding food themselves.

Pigeons also have a number of differences from other representatives of birds:

  • firstly, they belong to flocking birds that stay mainly in large groups;
  • secondly, pigeons are monogamous, that is, once a pair is formed, it is very strong and is never destroyed (not counting the death of one of the partners);
  • thirdly, pigeons are the only representatives of birds that secrete so-called “bird milk”, which they feed their chicks. This is a kind of gruel that is secreted in adult birds by the epithelium of the crop walls. Moreover, this substance is secreted not only in females, but also in males, unlike mammals. Bird's milk is the main source of nutrition for chicks in the first days of life.

Also, before getting meat pigeons, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing breeds in order to choose the most suitable one. Among the most productive breeds of meat pigeons are the following:

  • - originally from the USA, it is distinguished by the high fertility of its representatives. With proper maintenance, pigeons quickly gain weight: in 45 days they reach an average weight of 700 g. In a year, a female “King” can give birth to about 18 good, well-fed chicks. Adult birds of this breed weigh on average 650-800 g, and exhibition specimens sometimes reach a weight of up to one and a half to two kilograms. The slaughter weight of pigeons varies from 60% to 68% and depends on the conditions of detention: when breeding birds exclusively in cages, the weight of the carcasses is much less than in conditions of limited walking;
  • Large meat pigeon bred in Western Europe, characterized by high performance. The weight of a male of this breed can reach 1.2 kg. At the age of 30 days, the weight of a pigeon is often 700 g. The meat of the Strassers is fine-fiber. The slaughter weight of this breed reaches 60%.

  • pigeons - the breed was bred in Italy, and further improved in France. The weight of adult males reaches 1-1.3 kg, females - up to 1.1 kg. Slaughter weight with proper care can reach 70%.
  • "Mondenskaya" a breed of meat pigeons originally from France, Monde-Marsan. The weight of adult pigeons reaches 1.1 kg. In 30 days, young animals of this breed can be fattened up to 700 grams. The slaughter yield of meat is 61%. Pigeons of the "Monden" breed have the highest massiveness index among other meat pigeon breeds, which is 28.7%;
  • - the fastest ripening breed of meat pigeons. The weight of an adult male ranges from 550 to 700 g. In a month, young animals can be fattened up to 330-340 g. Of course, this is not much compared to other breeds, however, in the case of this breed, weight is not the main thing. “Carnot” are valued for their highest taste qualities of meat, which are several times superior to other breeds.

  • In general, there are not so many meat breeds of pigeons, like, for example, breeds of chickens or ducks. Therefore, the main problem of choosing a bird is to find good manufacturer. Most often, poultry farmers have to look for best representatives of one breed or another abroad: in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, depending on which country is the most popular for breeding and eating pigeons of a given breed.

    When choosing a bird for breeding, you must first pay attention to its health. The pigeon should not be apathetic and lethargic, its eyes should be clear, and its feathers should be even and not plucked. You need to open the bird's wing and check for holes in the feathers (a sign of infection with a down feather eater); of course, there is no need to buy such a bird.

    It is also very important to purchase pigeons in pairs. In order to understand where the pair is, put the birds in a box in twos. If a dove coos, and the dove fluffs its feathers and tilts its head, it means there is a couple in front of you. If birds fight, it means they are individuals of the same sex.

    Room for pigeons

    Since pigeons are extremely unpretentious birds, building a pigeon farm does not require much space. An attic space or an extension to sheds and storage areas is suitable. Certainly, ideal option- this is the construction of a separate room where pigeons will be kept. But this will not require large financial expenditures: either an aviary with a stretched chain-link mesh or a typical dovecote house, where the birds will rest and hide from the rain, will do.

    Regardless of the choice of premises, the main thing is that cats and other small predators cannot enter the territory of the dovecote. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to raise the dovecote above the ground. When calculating the area for a dovecote, it should be taken into account that 12 m² can accommodate up to 50 pigeons. After arranging the room, the bottom of the dovecote must be sprinkled with sand, as this will make cleaning easier in the future. Perches need to be installed along the walls of the dovecote.

    Preparing for pigeon nesting

    Before the nesting season, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the dovecote and arrange nesting devices and steaming boxes. It is imperative that the number of steam boxes be greater than the number of pairs of pigeons in the dovecote. This will allow the pigeons to choose their own place for mating and not fight over it.

    For mating, it is convenient to use a nest box with a door. The boxes should be placed as far apart as possible so that the birds can remember the location of their nest. After the pigeons have formed families, the mating boxes need to be turned into nesting boxes; for this, two nests are placed in each box, on the right and on the left.

    In small dovecotes you can place nests without boxes, directly on the shelves. Then, the nests will need to be separated from each other by vertical walls. It is worth considering that nest boxes should be located so that they are sufficiently illuminated, but direct light does not fall into the nests. Before the pigeons mate, the boxes are covered with soft bedding made of hay or straw. When the birds make their nests, you need to pour ash or pyrethrum under them.

    Raising young pigeons

    To raise pigeons for meat, it is very important to properly create a diet for young birds. The quantity and quality of meat at the output directly depends on this.

    Fattening of young animals

    Young animals are most susceptible to various diseases during growth. Therefore, the food must contain sufficient amounts of vitamins, nutrients and minerals. The first weeks after hatching, young pigeons require large quantities stern. Portions are reduced when the iris of the eyes of young birds becomes the same as that of adult birds. In the morning, birds are given a small portion of food, and in the evening it is increased.

A home poultry farm is a great help for the family budget. Among the many types of farms, pigeon farming is very popular. It is generally accepted that such birds are raised as a hobby or for sporting purposes. However, pigeon meat is considered a valuable dietary product. It is easily absorbed by the body and is suitable even for babies. Poultry lovers should pay attention to meat pigeons. This article provides information for novice pigeon breeders who decide to start breeding birds for sale.

Where to start?

First of all, you need to get more information about birds, since pigeon farming has its own nuances that should be taken into account. Some elite breeds, in their habits and living conditions, differ significantly from ordinary pigeons. Let's pay attention to general characteristics birds:

  • The pigeon is an independent bird, it loves to fly and summer time able to provide herself with food.
  • The unpretentiousness of meat breeds frees the poultry farmer from unnecessary hassle when arranging a home for them.
  • The digestive system of pigeons is designed in such a way that their glands, located in the crop area, are capable of secreting the so-called bird's milk, which the birds feed their chicks. Interestingly, this property is possessed not only by females, but also by males.
  • Individuals are distinguished by fidelity to each other, so they create monogamous pairs. The bird does not leave its partner until he dies.

Individuals that are sources of dietary meat require separate mating boxes and a competent approach to feeding. In this regard, a novice pigeon fancier faces a number of mandatory tasks:

  • Prepare the room and stock up on materials for constructing future boxes.
  • Choose the right breed, since the quality of the meat product and the income received will depend on this.
  • Take the care of the young animals seriously, as well as their feeding.
  • Send pigeons to slaughter in a timely manner.

Types of breeds

There are a considerable number, but only a few specific breeds are suitable for raising them for meat. Among them are gigantic, chicken and meat ones. Each of them has its own characteristics. Giant birds cannot fly and are heavy. Chicken species are very similar in structure to ordinary chickens. They have a wide short body and a small tail. Meatbirds are typical birds of this family, only slightly larger. Meat pigeons are expected to have the following characteristics:

  • rapid development and growth;
  • good fertility;
  • high endurance;
  • tendency to accelerate fattening.

Perhaps the description of meat pigeons presented in our article will help you make your choice. However, before purchasing productive birds, you need to prepare a comfortable home for them to live.

Arrangement of the premises

For keeping pigeons of meat breeds, special nurseries, outbuildings or attic spaces. There are no special requirements for the design of the dovecote. The main thing is that winter time there was no sub-zero temperature and the room was equipped with ventilation and electric lighting. During construction, it should be taken into account that no more than 3 pairs of rare individuals can be housed per 1 m2.

Pigeons are clean birds, so you should take care of the bedding. For these purposes, straw, sawdust or shavings are used. They need to be changed depending on the degree of contamination. General cleaning of the premises is carried out twice a year.

It is mandatory to have an enclosure with feeders and drinkers installed in it.

It is advisable that there is enough space in the room to accommodate pigeon mating boxes. There should be more of them than the pairs themselves, so that each of them can independently find the nest they like and remember it. Once the mating process is complete, the boxes can be used for bird nesting.


Although keeping and caring for pigeons of meat breeds does not cause much trouble, they still have their own preferences in the diet. In order for birds to bring the maximum amount of valuable product, they need to be constantly fed and the correct balance adjusted. Pigeons mainly feed on oats, millet, peas, corn, barley and potatoes should be mixed into the food, as they contain essential substances that are beneficial for birds. To protect pigeons from obesity, food should be constantly enriched with vitamin E. For 1 kg of bulk feed, it is enough to include only 10 mg of the supplement.


Poultry farmers who raise pigeons for meat are always interested in quickly sending the birds to slaughter. Undoubtedly, young meat has a delicate structure and excellent taste. Meat breeds of pigeons are the most profitable individuals in this regard. They can please the poultry farmer with returns after their first flights. Provided proper maintenance and care, at one month of age the bird will be ready for slaughter.

To simplify the evisceration process, feeding must be stopped 24 hours before slaughter. This will also improve the taste of the meat. Experienced pigeon breeders recommend feeding the pigeons a few days in advance. herbs to give the product a spicy flavor.

The total period of keeping birds, in particular, depends on their variety. Elite individuals grow differently and have individual sizes and weights. So, let's start our review of meat breeds with giant pigeons.

Roman giant

The giant bird reaches from 1.3 to 1.5 kg in weight. Individuals are inactive and do not strive to fly. The body is powerful, large, oblong ( overall size length up to 50 cm). The variety of colors is impressive. Giants are white, black, gray-blue, red, fawn and with a brownish coating. According to their size and habits, birds need a low aviary and large nests. Due to their inherent slowness, they have a predisposition to obesity. Birds have strong immunity to infections. By nature, they are too trusting, for this reason they should be protected from predators.


Representatives of chicken breeds bred in America. The advantage of king pigeons is their productivity and impressive weight. Unlike other meat pigeons, they grow more slowly. The holding time for these individuals is at least 45 days. By this period, the birds weigh almost 800 g. Kings love freedom, so they must be periodically released from the cage, and a more spacious room must be built to house them. The rate at which the birds gain weight will depend on how the birds walk.

A female individual is capable of reproducing up to 17 chicks per year. Since pigeons like to roam free and live in large buildings, they are more suitable for large farms. However, if the birds are created optimal conditions, it will be possible to receive considerable income from the sale of valuable dietary meat.


The breeding of meat breeds of pigeons of this type began during the progress of mechanized pigeon breeding. Breeding the Carnot breed involved keeping birds in an aviary. For this reason, pigeons are not adapted to obtain food on their own. Carnot is easier to keep in automated rooms. They do not need to be spacious, as pigeons react normally to crowded conditions. Individuals are small, but productive and quickly gain a certain mass (no more than 600 g). The plumage can be different: black, yellow, white. There are no feathers on the legs.

The disadvantage of the breed is that pigeons have a nondescript appearance and a disproportionate structure. They have an overly prominent chest and thickened neck. Against the background of the rounded body, the head looks too small. At the same time, it is worth noting that these characteristics do not affect the value of the dietary product. Their meat is juicy and quite tender.


A distinctive feature of this breed is its rich plumage. General background The entire body of the bird is cast in a variety of colors, and the wings may have a different color. Each individual feather on the wing is edged with a contrasting outline. There are two varieties: German and English modena. The first one is small and is not grown for culinary purposes. The English one is famous for its large size and was bred for meat. The maximum weight of an adult pigeon reaches up to 900 g. The article provides photos of meat breed pigeons. On them you can see the exterior differences of birds.


Quite folding birds of a powerful build, with a wide back and a vertical neck. The tightly pressed wings fold in the middle of the tail. The head is small, the chest is convex, the tail is slightly raised up. Reproductive ability is well developed. A female individual with good conditions capable of hatching more than 20 chicks. Texans have a calm disposition and are not picky about food. They grow quickly, the average weight of an adult bird is 750 g. Since birds are not particularly demanding of living conditions, they are suitable for busy people who cannot devote too much time to keeping birds.


The bird has a solid appearance. She has a round, proudly protruding chest, a large head and forehead. Wide, short back, completely covered with wings. Color varies from white-gray to black-white. The legs are set wide apart, without feathers, and red. Pigeons are considered the meatiest breed. The weight of a male can reach up to 900 g, and that of females can reach up to 700-800 g. Strassers are non-flying birds, they are violent and often get into fights. Their fertility and productivity indicators are manifested to a greater extent with purebred breeding.


As you can see, breeding, caring for and keeping meat pigeons is not such a complicated process. The choice of birds is not limited to the above list. In fact, there are many more of them. Poultry farmers identify several more best varieties. These include: the Kuborg lark, Hungarian giants, Polish lynxes and some of the chicken-like individuals. If you like this type of activity, choose the right breed and get a useful product.

A very prolific breed native to the USA. Such a bird can be fattened in 45 days to an average weight of 630-800 g. Exhibition pigeons are an exception; their weight can reach 1.5 kg. In a year, a female King can produce from 14 to 18 chicks, which will be well-fed and fleshy. The slaughter yield ranges from 59-66% and depends on the conditions in which King was raised (there may be an aviary or limited-range cultivation method).

If you plan to keep King in a cage, then in 30 days you will get a pigeon with less weight. In this case, the gutted carcass will be no more than 370 g, and the slaughter yield will be no more than 56%. Regardless of the breeding conditions of Kings, it will contain 50% meat, 16% fat and 5% edible organs (the rest is not eaten and is thrown away).


A French breed that is aviary and is considered one of the fastest maturing. From an adult bird you can get from 550 to 700 g of meat. In 30 days you can reach a weight of 330-340 g. Young Carnot birds are tastier and softer than adult birds, which is why chefs in various restaurants love to cook young birds. Despite the unattractive appearance of representatives of this breed, Carnot occupies one of the first places among meat breeds.


It was bred in the French town of Monde-Marsan, to which it owes its name. The maximum weight to which a handsome Monden can be fattened is 1100 g. The minimum is 860 g. A pigeon of this breed can reach a weight of 700 g in almost a month. For Monden, the slaughter yield of meat is equal to 61%. This variety of cooing birds has the highest massiveness index (28.7%), which also serves as an indicator of fleshiness.

Birds of this species can be eaten almost entirely, because Monden has a high index of edible parts (for males - 82.6%, for females - 81.3%). The meat of French and Swiss Monden chicks, whose weight is 550 g and 600 g, is highly valued.


Roman pigeons were bred in Italy. The male of this breed can reach a weight of 1-1.2 kg, and the female – up to 1 kg. In some cases, doves can weigh up to 1200 g, and males - up to 1.4 kg. The slaughter yield of meat from such exceptional birds is almost 60%. Roman birds are not fertile, but their meat has high nutritional and biological value. They are inactive, but resistant to various diseases.

When the chicks are 4 weeks old, their weight can reach from 620 to 650 g. These birds are used not only for meat, but also for breeding new breeds (for example, English poultry).


This pigeon is an impressive fat pigeon, because the weight of a male can reach up to 1200 g. Strasser appeared in the province of Mahrisher Strasser. When a pigeon of this breed is one month old, it already weighs up to 700 g. The Strasser female is small - up to 800 g. To prevent the weight of the offspring from decreasing, birds whose age has exceeded 5 years are not recommended.

Strasser has fine-fiber meat. During a season, a pair of Strassers can produce 10 pigeons. Chicks of this breed gain a live weight of 600-700 g per month. It turns out that the slaughter yield from this bird is 58-62% (this figure may vary depending on the conditions of detention).


These are very profitable American birds that hatch up to 24 chicks in 12 months. Texans are large birds whose weight can be almost 1 kg. Some individuals may be smaller - up to 750 g. The slaughter yield of meat obtained from one Texan is equal to 65%. See the photo below to see what such a flyer looks like.

Prachensky Kanik

This is an ancient Czech breed that can be found in Crimea. The live weight of this male is 550-750 g. The maximum weight of a female is 600 g. In terms of its meat characteristics, it is similar to the Florentine Dove, and in appearance - to the blue Kanika. This bird is also sometimes called a “buzzard”. Quite a lot of chicks of this breed can be hatched in a year, and in addition, they will be well-fed. We offer a more detailed look at the holiday in the photo provided in the photo gallery.

Photo gallery

Video “Meat variety - Kingi”

In the video you can see what typical kings look like.

Deep-fried pigeon, with wine sauce, with rosemary and orange jam - all these are dishes of national Chinese, Italian, and American cuisine. The dishes are popular in both Europe and Asia. In China they are prepared for significant family holidays. Pigeon meat cooked on a spit was popular during the Roman Empire. The bird was not specially bred. It was game, it was obtained by hunting. Currently, breeders have created breeds of pigeons with meat productivity. The first people to engage in meat production were the Americans. What breeds are high in weight? How to care for a bird?

Pigeons king

King are individuals with meat productivity. They are different from flying pigeons. They have a large body mass and do not fly well. The plumage color is very beautiful. They are also bred for decorative purposes. One more distinctive feature breed is accelerated weight gain in young animals. This is facilitated by the genetic location of individuals and the characteristics of fattening. Meat pigeons are whimsical. They require care and a certain diet. As a preventive measure against infectious diseases, they are vaccinated.

The most popular breed among entrepreneurs in America and Europe is the King. Individuals are large, with well-developed muscle mass:

  • The king's head is large and smooth. The neck is short. It has a bend and is strongly tilted back;
  • The chest protrudes forward strongly. The back is wide. Externally, the king looks fit, proportionally built;
  • the wings are long and gather on the tail. The tail is straight, narrow, directed upward;
  • Kings have strong limbs covered with short feathers. They are widely spaced. Metatarsals are scaly, crimson in color;
  • the plumage is motley, black and white. There are lines with white and red colors;
  • male kings gain body weight 950 g, female 700 g. Females are fertile. During the season they lay 16 eggs;
  • Pigeon meat has a red tint. The skin is darkish;
  • individuals are temperamental and can fight. You should carefully monitor them to avoid pecking.

The breed was developed in Texas and immediately gained popularity. The bird attracts not only its productive qualities, but also the color of its plumage. It can be pure white or with dark spots on the wings. Specimens of purple and blue color. Some lines are light brown with a pinkish tint or a color similar to wood pigeons. Texans look massive not only because of their well-developed muscles. They have loose and fluffy plumage. Fillings for pillows, blankets, and jackets are made from pigeon feathers and down:

  • head small size, smooth. The beak is long and light. The cere is small and white. The eyes are small, pink or silver;
  • the neck is short, set vertically, and has no bends;
  • The chest is wide. The lower part protrudes strongly forward;
  • the back is straight and wide. It forms a straight line with the neck;

Texan pigeons

In Texans, sex can be determined from birth. Males have light, sparse down and a white beak. Female chicks are covered with yellow down. They have a dark spot on their beak. After molting, their adult plumage has a more saturated color.

Hungarian giant breed

Giant means huge. The Hungarian giant stands out from other meat breed pigeons in its size. The weight of a male can reach 1.2 kg, females 850 g. Fertility in married couple, compared to other breeds, low, 10 chicks per season. Giants can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  • the head is large, decorated with 2 crests; eyes with a red tint; beak of medium size, dark;
  • the neck is short; behind the plumage it is poorly defined; has no bends;
  • birds have a vertical landing; the back is elongated, straight: with the neck and tail it forms a straight line;
  • the chest protrudes forward, but it is discreet; the chest, like the back, is wide and powerful;
  • limbs are short, covered with long feathers;
  • metatarsus well developed; they have long hair;
  • the wings are pressed to the body, gathered on the tail;
  • the feathers on the tail are straight; the tail is narrowed;
  • the plumage is bright, motley; white and brown feathers form a pattern.

Giants are often used as ornamental birds. Those animals that have not passed the breed standards are used for meat. Pigeons are kept in an aviary or in spacious cages with high shelves. There is 2 m 3 per couple.

French breed

Breeders from France bred carnot pigeons for meat productivity. The breed is especially revered by poultry farmers. The bird is able to exist in cramped conditions. She does not need spacious enclosures. For 1 individual, 0.5 m3 is allocated. Carnot has its own distinctive features:

  • the head is small in size, without forelock. The eyes are small and dark;
  • the beak is pink, long, slightly curved. The cere is bright white;
  • the neck is short, without bends, but the transition to the chest and back is smooth;
  • the back is wide, long;
  • The chest is muscular and protrudes forward. Carnot looks three-dimensional;
  • the wings are long, tightly pressed to the body;
  • the tail is short and smooth. Consists of feathers of different lengths;
  • the plumage is dense. Color can be yellow, black, white;
  • limbs are covered with short down. The metatarsus remains without feathering. Their color is red;
  • the male weighs 700 g, the female 600 g. Poultry farmers are attracted by the accelerated weight gain of the young;
  • the female lays 16 eggs per season. Chick survival rate is high.

The carno has well-developed wing muscles, but it flies poorly. When keeping a flock in an enclosure, the wings of the individuals are not cut, and high fences are not made. Fencing is not necessary to protect the flock from domestic animals.

At Carnot good immunity. Pigeons are not vaccinated. Cage housing helps to reduce the infection rate of individuals and improve weight gain. It is recommended to protect them from contact with wild birds.

Among the meat breeds of pigeons, chicken-like individuals are separated into a separate group. Externally, the bird is similar to a dwarf chicken, but its body shape is slightly different. Among the varieties of chicken-like pigeons, pigeon breeders distinguish the meat breeds of Modena and Strasser pigeons:

  • Modena - bred by Italian breeders. Individuals are distinguished by variegated wing plumage. The main color is blue. The head of the individual is medium in size, the neck is short, curved, and moves backward. The chest is wide and protrudes forward. The limbs are medium in size and widely spaced. The tail is straight; the tail feathers are raised. The weight of the male is 900 g, the female is 700 g. Italian, English, and German lines are distinguished.
  • Strasser - German, Czech, English lines stand out. The bird is folded proportionally. The neck is of medium size, the chest protrudes slightly forward, the back is wide. The plumage is black on the head, wings and back. The chest and belly are white. The body weight of a male can reach 1.2 kg, females 1 kg;

For individuals of meat breeds it is necessary to equip a room separate from another poultry. The area should correspond to the number of individuals: on average, 1 m 3 is allocated for 1 pigeon. No roosts are made indoors. Low shelves are fixed on the walls: the distance from the floor is 40 cm, but you don’t have to worry about the shelves either. The flock also feels good when kept outdoors. In the dovecote they make an exit to the aviary. Birds are walked in it, constantly motivating them to move.

Traditionally, lines of cells are established for pigeons in which they build nests. For meat breeds, the cells are installed on the floor or a ladder is made to them. Often the female can build a nest on the floor covering. For the nest, hay is placed indoors.

The optimal temperature for keeping a flock in the summer is 20-25 C. In winter, heaters are installed in the dovecote. At low temperatures, the livestock begins to get sick. Optimal mode +10 C. Humidity must be maintained at least 55%. The room must be ventilated.

For the flock, a daylight period of 12-14 hours is maintained. Light stimulates egg-laying in females and allows the young to develop normally. Electricity in the room is turned on at 6.00 in the morning. An hour later, the first feeding is carried out. The lights in the dovecote are turned off at 20.00-21.00. In the evening the pigeons are fed at 18.00-19.00.

During the mating season, birds create families. After mating, the female begins to build a nest. She lays 2-3 eggs. The female incubates the chicks in a pigeon family. She sits on the nest for 19 days. Newborn chicks are taken from the nest after 3 days. They begin fattening.

After the chicks hatch, the female begins to feed them herself. She gives them a nutrient fluid that is produced in her crop. After 3 days, the chicks need to be fed. They are fed grain mixtures of barley, millet, wheat and peas. The mixture is crushed, saturated fish oil. The chicks are fed every 2 hours. By the 15th day, the young are gradually transferred to morning and evening feeding. During intensive fattening, individuals are fed 4 times a day.

The daily norm for young animals is 40 g. Most of from the general diet is given in the evening. The morning portion is reduced. To prepare the grain mixture, adhere to the following proportions:

  • 30% millet;
  • 20% each of barley and wheat;
  • 10% peas, corn, lentils.

When the chick is 2 weeks old. They begin to intensively fatten him for meat. A paste is prepared for the pigeon, which is administered through a tube. The gruel consists of cereals. The proportions change a little:

  • 20% each of peas, barley, wheat;
  • 10% each corn, oats, millet, vetch;
  • mixed into the pulp green grass or herbal meal;
  • feed yeast accelerates weight gain.

The gruel is administered 4 times a day, the portion is 60 g. Such intensive feeding allows an individual to achieve meat productivity in 2 weeks and increase body weight by 800 g. At the same time, muscle tissue increases. Fat is not deposited under the skin. If poultry is raised for decorative purposes, then a traditional diet is used. In a year the pigeon will reach its maximum weight.

The bird is used at 1-1.5 months. Meat yield 69%. From a male you can get a carcass weighing 420 g. Further fattening will be impractical. Individuals will reduce body weight gain. To ensure that pigeon meat has an exquisite taste, anise and berries are added to the feed, and spices are added: dill, parsley, turmeric. Spices are added to the carcass pink: lighten the meat a little. The calorie content of the product is 142 kcal per 100 g. It contains a lot of protein and little fat. Meat is rich in B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron.

For beginners, it is recommended to breed the Carnot meat breed. Individuals are unpretentious and have good hereditary immunity. Grain mixtures are prepared immediately in large quantities, so that the birds will have enough for several months. It is important to store them in a dark and dry place to prevent mold from spreading in the grain. The mixtures are contained in plastic buckets or barrels. In dovecotes it is necessary to maintain cleanliness and fresh air.

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