Show the dossier on the singer Ruslana. Ruslan Bely: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

One of the most popular comedians Russian Federation is Ruslan Bely. He, along with Mikhail Galustyan and Pavel Volya, constitute the color of the nation in the humorous direction.

He does not sit still, because numerous lovers of humor throughout Russia and neighboring countries are waiting for him.

The man did not become a showman right away. He left the service to share with his fans everything he knows and loves. Ruslan Bely played in several films that showed his artistic talent to the fullest. The showman dreams of playing a tragic role. He says he sees himself as Hamlet. But whether his dream will come true is unknown.

The comedy artist plays sports every day. He believes that a person should adhere to the slogan: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

Ruslan Bely, whose photo in his youth can now be found in the public domain, follows a daily routine, believing that this will help him live for 100-150 years.

The popular showman is hiding his real birth date. The artist jokingly says that he is always 30 years old. This is exactly the age he looks and feels.

Biography of Ruslan Bely

A popular actor was born in the capital of Czechoslovakia. There he spent his childhood and studied at primary school. The father was a military man, the mother was a housewife. Ruslan has an older brother with whom he is very friendly. Then the family moves to a Polish military town with beautiful name Legnica. At the age of 12, Ruslan moves with his parents to his father’s new place of service. This time it is the Russian city of Bobrov, located near Voronezh. Despite the gaps in knowledge, the guy managed to cope with them and received a silver medal at the end of his training.

After school, the guy becomes a cadet at a military school. But he does not act according to his own wishes, but at the urgent request of his father. It was during his student years that he began to play in KVN.

Having received his diploma, Ruslan served for 5 years in one of the aviation units of the Voronezh region. With the rank of captain, the young man decided to leave the army. He becomes a student at the state university in the city of Voronezh.

After receiving his diploma, the talented guy takes part in “Laughter without Rules.” Having won this television project, Ruslan bought an apartment in his city. After our hero appears on television screens, he becomes famous. The showman starred in several television films. For example, “Happy Together.”

In 2013, he opened a new show program, “Stand Up,” which was very successful. loves her a large number of TV viewers. The popular comedian travels with programs throughout the Russian Federation.

The biography of Ruslan Bely is currently proceeding at a fast pace. A young man can be in Moscow today, and tomorrow he is already performing in Vladivostok, and the day after tomorrow in Sevastopol. The showman never gets tired, because movement is life.

Personal life of Ruslan Bely

Since 2010, every now and then in funds mass media articles appear in which they write that Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova are in a relationship. Whether they are actually dating, no one knows. The artists themselves claim that they are connected friendly relations. Julia considers the man to be her beloved brother, whom she never had.

Friends say that their friendship is strong. They have known each other since their student years. But when they get ready to get married, everyone will know about it.

The personal life of Ruslan Bely is carefully hidden by the showman himself. He doesn’t tell anyone who he’s in a relationship with, who his lover is. Bely himself only jokes about this issue.

Family of Ruslan Bely

The showman considers the permanent residents of Stand Apa, Mikhail Galustyan and Pavel Volya, to be his sworn brothers. He often visits them. And he baptized Galustyan’s daughter and Volya’s son.

It is known that the popular humorous figure has parents and a brother, who followed in his father’s footsteps and became a military man. Mom does housework.

Ruslan Bely's family is his friends in the club of cheerful and resourceful people, led by Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. The popular artist often comes to games and meets with other club members.

Children of Ruslan Bely

The showman considers his children to be children who find themselves in difficult situations. life situation. He often visits orphanages in the Voronezh region and brings gifts. Bely is also a member of a foundation that provides assistance to sick children.

It is known that the popular artist has not yet become a father. He assures that as soon as this joyful event happens, everyone will know about it.

The children of Ruslan Bely are his goddaughter and godson. He baptized the girl from Mikhail Galustyan, and the boy from Pavel Volya.

Wife of Ruslan Bely

The artist is often associated with his colleague in the humorous workshop, Yulia Akhmedova. They often perform together, visiting the most remote cities of the Russian Federation. The artists themselves deny that they are in a sexual relationship. They say that they are connected only by friendship.

The wife of Ruslan Bely, as he admits, means working on various projects. The showman says he is free for now. He didn't meet the one who would make him happy. As soon as she appears on his way, the man will not wait long, but will lead his beloved to officially register the marriage.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ruslan Bely

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ruslan Bely changes quite often. Even after a few hours, information about the artist’s life and work contains news.

If on Wikipedia you can only read the most minimal information, then the page on Instagram is maintained by him very actively. Here you can read where the showman's tour will take place. On the page you can see numerous photos taken in the most remote points of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

There are a lot of subscribers to the page. Their number has exceeded 100 thousand. They leave comments and like the photo, wanting Ruslan to continue to please them with his creativity.

Some strange events in last days take place in Ukraine. That Yarosha was wounded at the Donetsk airport, and this happened after he announced the creation of a separate general staff. And yesterday a statement by Yarosh appears, in which he explains what exactly he meant by a separate General Staff and “returns to the stall.” After this, an incomprehensible story happens with the injury Semenchenko, which from time to time does not always issue unambiguous statements and not always in favor of the current rulers of Ukraine. In parallel with this, fighters of volunteer battalions are actively protesting against the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Also, information is received that volunteer battalions are conducting fighting against the National Guard in the area of ​​the city of Schastya.

And as the apotheosis of all this purge, stripping and reformatting, the death of the musician Kuzma Scriabin, who, although without much desire, supported the coup that took place in Ukraine. But subsequently, as evidenced by his letter to the presidents of Ukraine and a number of statements made at press conferences, Scriabin took a strong opposition position to the policies pursued by the current Ukrainian government.

The rest of the interview with SKRYABIN

Panova President, before you Rozmova,
It’s been a long time since we sensed a true word from you.
And, perhaps, I would never have started it,
But I’ll tell you frankly - the reason for the war,
They loaded everything into this whole country at once
And even if it didn’t happen, you didn’t earn anything.
For so many years you haven’t made enough money,
To earn pennies by digging graves?..
Mr. President, food is coming to you.
Why do you all live like cabbage rolls in sour cream,
So, if all the people donate to the soldiers
Copies, why haven’t you found them yet?!
Why don't you send your blues to war?
No grandchildren, no nephews, you yourself are not visible there,
Then you throw other people’s people to death.
Tell me, does this seem fair?
Why are you cold-bloodedly angering the country?
And do you drown the child in your blood and power?
Tell me, kindly, what are all the people in this land?
Tell me the price for how much you sold Ukraine!
I want to bless you, gentleman president,
Consider all our pain before death.
And to all your needs - I want only evil
How did you all prepare fate for us all at once!

It is also worth remembering Ruslana Lyzhichko, who was one of the inspirers of the last Maidan. And who sincerely believed that the Maidan would bring happiness and peace to Ukraine. Ruslana disappeared from political life Ukraine, and this happened after she visited Donbass last fall and talked with Zakharchenko. After which she gave her scandalous interview, in which she admitted that there are no Russian troops in Donbass, and that there is a civil war in Ukraine. And she called to stop this fratricidal bloodshed. After that, Ruslana Lyzhichko disappeared from television screens and is unheard of on the Internet.

From all this, only one conclusion follows: Ukraine is ruled by the war party, in whose hands all the visible and invisible levers of power are found. And which, in spite of everything and against everything, is moving towards its goal, to unleash a large-scale war on the territory of Ukraine and drag Russia, and subsequently the whole world, into it.

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Ruslana's family

Ruslana Stepanovna Lyzhichko was born in the Ukrainian city of Lvov. The mother of the future singer, Nina Arkadyevna, worked at the Lvov Petrochemical Institute. But after her daughter’s musical career took off, she changed her field of activity. Now my mother works as a chief media manager at her daughter’s production center, which is called “Studio Luxen”.

Ruslana's father, Stepan Ivanovich, is now engaged in business. Previously, he and the mother of the future singer worked as a heating engineer at a petrochemical institute. True, the singer’s parents have not lived in this place for a long time - they have been divorced since 1981.

Ruslana Lyzhichko has a sister, Anna.

Ruslana's studies and first laurels

IN music school Little Ruslana was sent by her mother. Childhood can be considered the time when the career of the famous singer began. Even then, Ruslana participated as a vocalist in the groups “Horizon” and “Orion”, and sang in the children’s ensemble “Smile”.

The girl received her general education at the 52nd secondary school in the city of Lvov. After graduating from school, Lyzhichko entered the conservatory, from which she graduated in 1995 with specializations in symphony orchestra conductor and pianist.

In 1996, Ruslana won the Slavic Bazaar festival. The same year also brought Ruslana Stepanovna a nomination for the title of Singer of the Year in Ukraine, in addition, and the video for her song “Dzvinky Wind” was awarded a nomination for “Best Video”. By that time, the singer’s husband (married since December 1995), Alexander Ksenofontov, began producing the “Ruslana” project and writing songs for it.

In Lvov, in 1997, Ruslana began working on the television project “Christmas with Ruslana,” which became the first Christmas television program from this city.

Musical career of Ruslana Lyzhichko

In 1998, Ruslana released her debut album entitled “Dzvinkiy Viter” (“Sounding Wind”). Critics responded positively to this album. One of the songs from this disc - “Svitanok” - became “Best Song of the Year” at the “Golden Firebird” music festival in 1998.

Ruslana - Wild dancing

In 1999, the singer released a disc of Christmas songs “Ostannie Rizdvo 90-x” (“the last Christmas of the 90s”), the track list of which included folk and original Christmas works in original instrumental arrangements. Ruslana continued the same theme in her next studio work in 2003 - “Dobriy Vechir Tobi...” (“Good Evening to You...”).

Ruslana, remembering her Hutsul (paternal) origin, began to actively combine in her music the motifs of Hutsul melodies, saturated with the sound of Ukrainian folk instruments, with the current dance sound and rhythms. Her experiments in this area culminated in the release in 2003 of a record called “Wild Dances”, which became platinum in Ukraine 5 times. This record sold 500 thousand copies.

In 2004, the singer released English version disc called “Wild Dances” with an eye on the European listener. Romanians highly appreciated the Ukrainian artist’s work and awarded her an award for “Best Foreign Album” in 2004. The album was also nominated for an award of this type in Hungary.

2004 was one of the most eventful years in the biography of Ruslana Lyzhychko; this year she took part in the Eurovision song contest, representing Ukraine with the song “Wild Dances”. Ruslana reached the semi-finals of the competition with the second result, and in the final, which took place on May 16, 2004, the singer won this competition. All European countries, excluding Switzerland, gave Ruslana a total of 280 points. Interestingly, the video filmed for this song, after being shown on the MTV Russia channel, was recognized by critics in the TV show “12 Evil Spectators” as the worst of the week.

For her victory in Eurovision, the singer was awarded the title “People’s Artist of Ukraine” in 2004.

In 2005, Ruslana opened the competition with the song “Heart on Fire” as the winner of the previous Eurovision. Also, being an invited guest at the competition, Lyzhychko sang another new song with the title "The Same Star".

Ruslana Lyzhichko. "Visiting Dmitry Gordon"

The victory at Eurovision responded to the singer in 2006 - German TV recognized her song “Wild Dances” as the best in the history of the competition. When Azerbaijan held its national selection for this championship in 2008, Ruslana participated in its opening.

In 2008, the singer’s new studio work, “Amazon,” went on sale.

In the same 2008, Ruslana’s English-language album “Wild Energy” went on sale worldwide, which included tracks recorded together with such world-class stars as Missy Elliott and T-Pain.

Non-musical activities and personal life of Ruslana

In addition to performing, Ruslana also tried herself in the political field, supporting the candidacy of Viktor Yushchenko in his election campaign. In 2006, Ruslana Lyzhichko became People's Deputy Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine according to the lists of the Our Ukraine party. But the political squabbles did not please the singer, and she refused her deputy mandate.

In 2011, in May, Ruslana was a “star coach” in the singing show “Voice of the Country” on the Ukrainian channel “1+1”, on which she, together with artists Stas Piekha and D. Arbenina, selected 14 each for their team participants who intend to compete for victory in this project.

In addition, Ruslana voiced a DJ on a radio station that sounds in computer game « Grand Theft Auto IV", the game was released in April 2008. The radio station (Vladivostok FM) also plays the song “Wild Dances” in the Ukrainian version.

The singer also voiced some characters in the Ukrainian dubbing for the animated film “Alice’s Birthday,” which was released in 2009.


Our heroine was born on May 24, 1973 in the city of Lvov (Ukraine). Ruslana Lyzhichko is her real name.

In what family was the future Ukrainian pop star raised? Her parents have nothing to do with music. Ruslana's mother, Nina Arkadyevna, taught at the Petrochemical Institute for many years. She never wanted to leave her native Lvov. Father, Stepan Ivanovich, initially worked as a heating engineer at the same petrochemical university. And recently the man has been doing business. Ruslana has a sister named Anna.

The singer's parents separated in 1981. For the sake of their common children, they were able to maintain friendly relations.

Study and creativity

In 1980, Ruslana went to first grade. The girl always strived for knowledge. Her favorite subjects were music, drawing and literature. Teachers predicted a brilliant future for Ruse.

The girl attended music school several times a week. She always listened carefully to her teachers and did her homework diligently. Soon our heroine enrolled in a vocal studio. Rusya performed as part of such children's groups as “Orion”, “Smile” and “Horizon”.


At the end high school No. 52 singer Ruslana entered the conservatory located in Lviv. She was considered one of the best students. In 1995, Ruslana Lyzhichko was awarded a university diploma. She received two specialties - pianist and symphony orchestra conductor.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1996, Ruslana went to the Slavic Bazaar competition. The bright and energetic girl managed to outperform her competitors. In the end, she was declared the winner. After this, Lyzhichko seriously began developing her musical career.

In 1998, Ruslana’s debut album, “Ringing Wind,” went on sale. The work of the young singer was highly appreciated even by avid critics. A year later, Ruslana pleased her fans with her second album, which was called “Last Christmas of the 90s.” It included folk and original songs on a New Year theme.

In 2003, her third disc, “Wild Dances,” was released. The entire circulation (500,000 pieces) was sold out by fans in a few days.

World famous

In 2004, the Eurovision Song Contest was held in Istanbul, where singer Ruslana represented her native Ukraine. The long-haired beauty performed the song Wild Dances. She easily managed to make it to the semi-finals of the competition.

On May 16, 2004, Ruslana Lyzhichko was recognized as the winner of Eurovision. After this, our heroine’s career took off. She began to receive offers of cooperation from producers and directors living in different countries.

In 2006, singer Ruslana decided to leave the stage for a while and take up political activity. She became a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Our Ukraine party. However, the girl soon realized that politics was not her calling.

For several months, Ruslana “disappeared” in the recording studio. In 2008, she presented two records to listeners - “Amazon” and Wild Energy.

Personal life

In 1995, singer Ruslana married producer Alexander Ksenofontov. The couple live in happy marriage for more than 20 years. They dream of children - a boy and a girl. But for now God does not give them the opportunity to feel like parents.

Present tense

Singer Ruslana (see photo above) has always considered herself a patriot. That's why civil war in Ukraine she perceived it as a personal tragedy. The artist provides financial assistance to the children of ATO volunteers.

Yes, yes, from the superstar who became the first Ukrainian winner of Eurovision!

Ruslana's childhood

She was born on May 24, 1973, which means she is forty-five years old. At birth, the girl had her mother’s last name - Sapegina. We now know the star as Ruslana Lyzhichko, but Lyzhichko is her dad. Her parents are both oil workers from Lvov. When the girl was eight years old, they divorced. Mom persuaded her daughter to study music, children's ensembles and even groups began - “Smile”, “Horizon”, “Orion”... Ruslana studied at the famous Lviv school No. 52. There are some things that need to be explained here, says JoeInfoMedia journalist Diana Lynn.

With mom

The fact is that the situation in Kyiv is simple: official language Ukrainian, we speak whatever is convenient, everyone knows Russian. But in Lviv you either speak only Ukrainian or only Russian. And the Russian school - fifty-second - is therefore an alma mater for many people whose parents were sent to Lviv from, most often, Russian cities. So Ruslana’s mother, Sapegina, came to the city of Tono in the same way.

As a rule, children assigned to Lviv (the city was of serious importance during the Soviet Union, only major specialists were sent there) usually reached great success in life, their parents raised them according to their level. In other schools there could be children of the same prominent specialists from Ukraine, and children ordinary people. Therefore, the percentage of graduates of other schools who became famous is much smaller than the number of graduates from school No. 52. And the phrase “I studied at the Lviv fifty-second school” still explains a lot.

The beginning of Ruslana's career

In 1995, she became a certified pianist and conductor - she graduated from the Lviv Conservatory. In 1996, she won at the Slavic Bazaar festival, was nominated as Ukrainian Singer of the Year, and the video “Dzvinkiy Wind” was nominated for The best video. She married Alexander Ksenofontov, who became her producer! And he helped make, for example, the project “Christmas with Ruslana” - the first, by the way, television program from Lvov specifically dedicated to Christmas. In 1998 she released her first album. And the song “Svitanok” became the best song of the year at the Golden Firebird 98 festival.

Pan-European glory

Since Ruslana’s dad is a hereditary Hutsul from Western Ukraine, her daughter decided to take on Hutsul motifs and add trembita and other folk instruments to the modern sound. This is how the album “Wild Dances” appeared in 2003 - the first five-time platinum album in the country! And in 2004, an English-language version was released, eventually receiving “Best Foreign Album” in Romania and a similar nomination in Hungary! In 2004 there was Eurovision - she won!.. Two years later, German television recognized the song as “Best Eurovision Song”.

Further career

She was a deputy in Ukraine, but not for long; she realized that political and musical activities at the same time “didn’t suit her.” Just like the current government, she officially refused to join. And she was even indignant that the modern Ukrainian government does not correspond to the ideals of the revolution, because, they say, how can it deal with them?

She was a coach in “Voice of the Country” on Ukrainian 1+1. Recorded the soundtrack for the game Grand Theft Auto TV. People's Artist of Ukraine. She received the Order “For Intellectual Courage” in 2014, and the Vasily Stus Prize in 2014. She is the prototype of the main character of the novel by Marina and Sergei Dyachenko “Wild Energy. Lana” (and even recorded a song and video about this very “wild energy”). By the way, it looks great! And this . Well, happy birthday, Ruslana! Wild energy to you - and wild dancing!

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