Popular male names. Male names: how to name a child

The birth of a child is a significant event in the life of a married couple, for which they prepare in advance. Mom and dad go through male and female names for the child, until at a certain stage the doctor says what the gender of the unborn baby will be. Even then, the number of options is reduced by half, but choosing a name does not become any easier.

In this article we will talk about names for boys: how to choose a name so that the baby grows up happy, because, as you know, the name determines the character and can influence fate.

The birth of a son is the greatest event. All parents want their son to grow up to be a strong and confident person. The name should become an important part of the child’s personality, help him form the most necessary and positive features character. What name should I choose for the boy?

How to choose a name for a boy?

Family lineage is not only mother, father, grandparents, but also nationality. If you want your son to share your patriotism, you should consider Russian baby names.

The boy can be named after a person historically significant for the country. In the future, when the baby begins to get acquainted with history, he will identify himself with his famous namesake, adopting it best qualities and striving to live up to the glorious name of a great man.

When choosing a name for a child, many married couples take into account the month in which the boy was born - after all, each of these calendar periods has its own energy.

The following male baby names by month should be considered for the development of a harmonious personality:

Also worthy of attention is the point of view according to which a boy’s name should be chosen taking into account Eastern horoscope, where, as is known, each calendar year has its own sign. So, male names for a child born in 2016 are selected taking into account.

Names can enhance energy and determination Anton, Victor, Nikolay. If you want a boy to have leadership qualities and independently achieve his goals, you can call him Vadim, Pavel or Novel. Easily achieve creative success Leonid, Valery, Oleg, born in 2016. And here are the names Andrey, Ilya, Yuri or Peter should be avoided, otherwise there is a risk that the child will have a short temper, which certain moment can interfere with your life.

The most popular male names

Despite the recommendations of psychologists and astrologers regarding the choice of names for children, Russian parents choose predominantly the same names. Social media, in which it is registered most of population of our country, allows us to create a rating of the most common names.

  1. Alexander 7.6%
  2. Sergey 5.2%
  3. Dmitry 4.8%
  4. Alexey 4.5%
  5. Andrey 4.2%
  6. Maxim 2.8%
  7. Evgeniy 2.8%
  8. Vladimir 2.5%
  9. Ivan 2.4%
  10. Mikhail 2.1%

These data are relevant for the conscious population of our country; their parents are people of the Soviet era, in which it was not customary to name a child with a rare or foreign name.

If we look at male baby names popular in 2016, the picture will be similar, however percentage will be much less. Modern parents are more inclined to name their child an unusual male name – Plato, Oscar, Mark and Herman.

In addition, demographic studies clearly demonstrate that modern male names are often associated with events taking place in the country and the world. For example, in 2014 and 2015, parents had a kind of boom in the name Crimea.

Whether you listen to advice on choosing a male name for a child or not is up to you, but in conclusion we want to say that in addition to the chosen name, your care, love and proper upbringing can make a child successful person with a happy destiny.

The anticipation of a new addition for every family is a pleasant excitement, special attention from relatives and the choice of a name that is ideally suited to the zodiac sign, traditions in the region and fashion of the day.

Popular male names

The Civil Registry Office regularly publishes name popularity ratings. Parents studying them can choose the most popular male names in 2018 or, based on this list, determine the rarest of them.

We offer everyone the latest list. Among our fellow citizens who became the parents of a boy, the most popular male name in Russia in 2018 is Ivan. Alexander and Dmitry have been in the top three for more than five years. Next - Nikita and Ilya. Employees government agency

note the increasing popularity of biblical names: Noah, Adam, Ethan, Raphael.

Those who want to name a boy with an unusual and memorable name choose euphonious, but not yet very popular male names 2018 in Russia: Aladdin, Krishna, Odysseus, Milan.

The most rare and unusual names at the beginning of the year were: Wind, Ocean, Dobromysl, Prince.

There are many traditions and superstitions surrounding the addition of a new member to a family. Expectant mothers, even those without prejudices, do not neglect folk wisdom, which suggests protection from evil eye and evil forces. Leap year traditionally surrounds many signs, by observing which we hope to neutralize its negativity and live 366 days without loss.

Everyone decides for themselves whether to allow superstitions into their lives, but we will introduce you to the most common ones.

1. You cannot call your son like your father. Popular wisdom warns that two namesake relatives under one roof will bring each other to life. Bioenergy specialists say that along with the father’s name, the child will take the worst traits of his character and multiply them many times over. Despite the warning, history knows many outstanding characters who bore the name of their father.

2. Do not name the newborn as a recently deceased relative. Naming a person with an unlucky destiny is considered a bad choice; as an adult, the child may not find personal happiness, prosperity and well-being. The same may be the share of a person named by the same name as a suicide or mentally ill relative. On the contrary, a baby named after a prosperous grandfather will inherit his good fortune; it is believed that fate and character are passed on through generations.

Name and baptism

It is considered a good sign if the name given to the child at christening differs from the one that the baby is always called. This makes it possible to keep the baptismal name secret, thus making a person invulnerable to damage and love spells induced through magical rituals.

Name and astrology

Astrology is one of the tools that parents use to choose a name that is suitable for their child.

The year that has just started is a leap year, and its owner is a tireless fire monkey. Boys born during her reign are talented, enterprising, resourceful and extremely active.

In addition to the year, when choosing a name, they are guided by the zodiac sign ascending at the moment their baby was born. The fire element belongs to Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. Character traits inherent in boys born under this sign: impulsiveness, perseverance, leadership. The name must contain the sounds “r” and “a”: Arthur, Ruslan, Alexander.

The element of air rules Libra, Aquarius and Gemini, children are charismatic and sociable, their sounds are “s”, “e”, “i”, “z”. Evgeny, Zakhar, Sergey sound appropriate.

Water signs - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, boys are mysterious, temperamental, strong in spirit. Their sounds are: “o”, “a”, “u”, soft “l” and “t”, names are Valentin, Oleg, Yulian.

Name and season of the year

There is an opinion that each season gives a child special features character, and the task of parents is to balance them with the properties of the chosen name. The coldness and severity of winter children is compensated by the melodic sound of their names. Spring children are vulnerable and compliant; their names require strong consonants. The energy of summer children is overflowing, they are very restless. The monotonous sound of the name will soften the influence of these traits. Those born in autumn lack sharpness and energetic emotional coloring. A resonant name will help to correct your character here too.

Names according to the calendar

This list of popular male names 2018 is presented by Orthodox calendar. If you choose a name from them, you can name your son in honor of one of the saints revered by the church, and hope for a sacred connection and the protection of higher powers.

Having become parents and giving our son a name, we pay attention to every child who has the same name. We may well find that it is the most popular male name in Russia in 2018. When choosing a name and wanting to follow fashion, one cannot help but take into account its euphony and emotional coloring, the traditions of one’s locality and one’s own family.

Any parent wants to surround their little child with love and care from birth. The first manifestation of parental feelings is, as a rule, the naming of a newborn - parents put all their emotions, all their joy, all their hopes into this name, and try to determine the fate of their baby with the name. It is believed that it is the name that largely influences the child’s life, both his character and the events that will happen to him.

When giving a name to a newborn boy, it is worth considering the meaning, its sound - the “hardness” or “melody” of the name can add a corresponding feature to the character - as well as compatibility with the surname and patronymic. If a child has a very simple surname, for example, Petrov or Ivanov, you should not give him an extraordinary name, because the combination can turn out to be quite curious. The same applies to the patronymic: one day your baby will become an adult and addressing him, for example, Plutarch Aristarkhovich, may be difficult.

What to name a boy according to month of birth

Astrologers believe that the month of birth has some influence on the fate of the child; accordingly, they advise linking the name and month of birth.

  • So, born in January The boy is best named Evgeniy, Maxim, Nikolai, Sergei, Anatoly or Arkady.
  • IN February For a boy, a suitable name would be Boris, Timofey, Kirill, Arseny or Pavel, Oleg.
  • Born in March can be called Artem, Nikita, Matvey, Yuri or Yaroslav.
  • April will give the boy the name Lev, Daniil, Nikolai, Zakhar, Ivan or Vladimir.
  • IN May you can name your son Konstantin, Sergei, Mikhail, Vitaly or Boris.
  • « June“Name the boys Vsevolod, Ivan, Ignat, Oleg or Dmitry.
  • A boy born in July, you can call Nazar, Georgy, Valentin, Stepan or Evgeny.
  • August- month for Yuri, Roman, Rodion, Vladimir, Ivan and a rare name - August.
  • IN September You can name the baby Lavrenty, Evgeniy, Denis or David.
  • IN October take a closer look at the names Alexander, Pavel, Philip, George and Nikolai.
  • If the son was born in November, call him Vasily, Timofey, Ostap, Albert or Dmitry.
  • « December“Give the boy the name Eduard, Alexey, Nikolai, Artem or Apollo.

Religious and historical names

IN Lately It is becoming very fashionable to give boys Old Slavonic names. Sonorous and noble endings in “-slav”, “-volod” or “-mir” will emphasize masculinity and inner strength, especially in later life.

Parents can choose how pretty usual option name - Rostislav or Yaroslav, and go deeper into history, choosing the name Vsevolod, Berislav, Blagomir, Radislav, Radomir, Yaropolk, Damir, Istislav, Kiy, Mstislav, Zhdan, Vedomir, Vaclav, Zlatomir, Milan or Luchezar. However, when choosing an unusual and long-forgotten name, remember that the child may not always be comfortable with it. When the boy reaches a certain age, tell him what his name means - “glorifying the world”, or “owning everything”, so that the child is not embarrassed, but proud of the unusual Old Russian title.

Many parents also rely on Orthodox names, believing that it bestows divine protection on the baby. Churches include the following: Chariton, Nicephorus, Gabriel, Gleb, Demyan, Hilarion, Mark, Ermolai, Paphnutius, Antip, Prokhorus, Hippolytus, Luke, Peter, Seraphim, Theodosius and so on. Before choosing a name for a boy, be sure to consult the priest in your parish: he will tell you how best to name the baby and tell you on the day of which patron saint he was born.

The most popular and unusual names for boys in 2016

The most beautiful and, accordingly, popular names today are Alexander, Maxim, Artem, Ilya, Dmitry, Kirill, Vlad, Egor, Ivan and Sergey.

If parents don’t want their son to have at least 3-5 namesakes at school, you can really choose unusual option male name. It is only important to weigh all the pros and cons, and choose the most neutral name, so that with age the boy does not become an object of ridicule from his comrades, can freely introduce himself to foreigners and have convenient option abbreviations. Unusual and suitable for a child expected in 2016 will be the following names: Askold, Florenty, Mikel, Erich, Heinrich, Nathan, Omar, Dionysus, Marcel, Bernard, Bazhen, Bartholomew and Rudolf.

When naming your son, you can also refer to the names of your relatives. In a number European countries It is customary to name first-born boys in honor of the father's father, i.e. the child's grandfather, and the second born boy - in honor of the father of the boy's mother. This is a good tradition that helps strengthen family ties.

In any case, try to put all your love and affection into your baby’s name, then these bright feelings will accompany him throughout his life.

Girls, I’m writing to the forum for advice, because I no longer know what and how to think about it (I apologize in advance for the many letters))). The child will turn 8 years old in May and is finishing first grade at a lyceum school. Born with hypoxia, he was pumped out for a day in intensive care, as a result: he walked late (1.5 years), spoke late (in some words, at 4-4.5 years). I was afraid that he wouldn’t be accepted into a regular school at all, but in the 0th grade his speech improved, he learned to read, count within ten, etc. what preschool children usually know how to do (thanks to neurologists, psychologists and a talented tutor). Now to the point:
Finished the third quarter and has 3 C's and 3 B's. Mathematics and English are excellent, the rest is not so good. But I don’t focus on this; I’m confused by the attitude of his teacher. Middle-aged (45-50), as they say, “old school,” very strict, demanding and tough. My child (rather secretive) never complained about her, but I heard a lot of complaints from her in the first half of the year: “he sleeps all the time, doesn’t listen, yawns, is inactive, doesn’t respond, he’s on the wall, etc.” . All this is said in such a tone (maybe I’m exaggerating) as if he is the worst fool in the class (in which there are 32 children). The workload at school is severe: in addition to general subjects, there is a ton of homework (for example, to solve 1 page a day from Nefedova’s “3000 examples in mathematics” and teach reader's diary: read the story and draw a picture for it (5 pieces per week)). In order to improve my studies, I enrolled my son in additional classes. classes with a tutor, who teaches lessons with him every day for 2 hours and prepares for another 1 hour in individual subjects. The son opened up, became cheerful, made new friends, and every day he rushes to see this tutor as if it were a holiday. As a result, after a month of classes: I wrote the last two tests in mathematics as “excellent”, in other subjects it was also good - from “two” to “four”. Only his Russian language is not very good, but remembering how he couldn’t hold a pen and connect two words literally a year ago, I’m generally happy with what I have. But when I asked his teacher how his studies were going, I heard that he was cheating on tests (yeah, he cheated on two tests in a row), and in general, “things are still there.” In short, he remained a fool.
I was brought up in a system where the teacher and his word are the law, and the teacher’s authority is unshakable. Maybe I was just lucky with my teachers. But the peremptory nature of my son’s teacher confuses me. I won’t admit it to anyone, but it seems to me that my son is not comfortable with her, she is stingy with at least encouragement. If you constantly oppress a person, then every desire can be repulsed.
And the atmosphere in the class is somehow unhealthy: everyone is competitive, everyone gets on each other’s heads (in the first grade!), all the children are nervous, some kind of aggressive. My son hasn’t found any friends in six months at school, but his tutor (she teaches in a private training center) on the first day I made friends with everyone. And it seems to me that the teacher’s attitude was reflected in the attitude of individual children in the class: a classmate has been picking on my son all year, last week he kicked him, and the teacher told me: your son provoked him himself (as it turned out later, he suggested playing catch-up, so he’s my I caught up with my son and kicked him in the legs).
Now I’m thinking: is it worth transferring my son to a regular school, not a lyceum? Or maybe this is the case everywhere? Or maybe I've screwed myself up and am overdramatizing everything?
Let me make a reservation right away: I never asked the teacher for special treatment for my son, but before starting school year I honestly warned that there are slight problems with speech. And the teacher, at first glance, is not a monster, maybe she has such a method and it would be worse if she didn’t demand anything from him at all? I’d really like to hear your opinion (my son’s father is divorced, my mother throws up her hands and says that if I transfer him, I’ll “teach him to run away from problems.” In general, it hurts....


Estimated reading time: 15 minutes

Choosing a name for a child is one of the most important moments, since it has long been known that it has the ability to leave a certain imprint on the character and destiny. Some people choose according to the calendar, while others pay attention to the rating, which shows the popular ones female names 2016 in Russia. Modern astrologers have their own opinion on this matter; they recommend naming taking into account the zodiac and eastern horoscope.

Interesting facts

Fashion is fickle, changeable and affects absolutely all areas. Fashion for names has always existed, and each generation had its own trends and concepts of how to name the unborn child. Some have been popular for centuries, while others are fleeting and quickly become a thing of the past. If you go back about a hundred years ago, you can see that the following were considered the most popular among girls:

As for boys, you can see the popularity of a hundred years ago by the names of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers:

The lists are quite short, and they contain few names that have sunk into oblivion. Except for Claudia, now

women with such names are very rare. Sofia is very popular. In 1990, about 190 Sofieks were born, and by 2016 their number reached 5,000. This name is still extremely popular in Russia. It is also interesting to follow the following facts of personal growth:

  • Arina - in 1990 there were only 80, and in 2016 there are already more than a thousand.
  • Miroslava - in 1990, only 4 Miroslavas were born, and by 2016 their number reached two hundred.
  • Vasilisa in 1990 - only forty babies, by 2016 Vasilisa became much larger, almost 1200.

IN reverse side Popularity is moving towards Annushek, Yulichek, Irin and Kateryn. As for Olga, they practically disappeared.

Among boys, the fashion for Alexandrov, Sergeev and Dmitriev has dropped significantly. And the leaders in the ranking are such popular male names 2016 in Russia: Matvei, Makara, Timofey, Artemia. Traditionality no longer seems attractive; many parents want to name their child in an unusually sonorous way, turning to the source of the roots. Just a couple of decades ago, parents who wanted to name their child as in the old days could simply cripple his psyche, since he would be ridiculed at school.

Today this line is blurred, and unusual ancient names cause pleasant surprise and approval among people around them. For example, over the past couple of years you can hear the following among boys: Zakhar, Radomir, Dar, Lukyan, Demid, Miron, Tikhon and Spiridon. It has become fashionable to call girls in Old Slavonic: Varvara, Vasilisa, Ulyana, Stefania, Yesenia, Zlata, Olesya, Miroslava, Serafima.

How fashion is formed

Fashion for names comes from everywhere - movies, novels, church institutions, patriotism and so on. During the ruling dynasties, it was popular to name children, as well as imperial persons: Alexey, Peter, Elizabeth, Catherine, Pavel, Constantine, Alexander. Since the 19th century, drama and literature have contributed to the popularization of names. Thus, thanks to the stories and stories of famous authors, Elizabeth (Poor Liza), Lyudmila and Ruslan, from Pushkin’s poem, Evgeny and Tatyana, and Svetlana from Zhukovsky’s ballad began to appear.

Negative imprints were also left on the fate of some names after reading certain comedies and stories. For example, the once popular Mitrofan gradually fell out of use after the comedy “The Minor,” where the main character Mitrofan is presented as an illiterate lazy person and a fool. There are plenty of such stories in the fates of names, and they played a significant role in popularity.

Historical changes played a huge role in its popularization. For example, after the October Revolution, many Oktyabrin, Traktorin and Vilen appeared. Mexican and Brazilian TV series played an equally important role, the main characters of which were so loved that children began to be named after them.

As N.A. said Petrovsky “Even the most beautiful names lose their charm if they meet very often.” Perhaps such statements were the reason why many famous Russian film and show business actors began to name their children unusually, so to speak, “based on fashion.” For example, Masha Shukshina named her sons Foka, Makar and Thomas. The son of D. Pevtsov is named Elisha, and O. Gazmanov is named Rodion and Philip.

By naming a child, parents thereby influence his fate. The name should not only be sonorous, but also bestow strength, protect and carry deep meaning. According to statistics, children with rare names feel unique, are more confident in themselves, and show better success in school and business. It is through the name that the individuality of the parents is determined, which is then transferred to the individuality of the child himself.

The category “popular male names of 2016” includes unusual and Slavic ones, which not only have a beautiful sound, but also endow the owner with a certain characteristic. These include:

  • Adam (made of clay) is popular not only in Russia. Adams are talented, smart, quick-witted and hardworking.
  • Arthur ( A big bear). Boys with such a royal name are hospitable, gifted, emotional and courageous.
  • Gordey is a legendary hero who tied a famous knot. Owners of this name are excellent storytellers, optimists and leaders in life.
  • Demyan (conqueror). This is a kind, honest and selfless altruist, about whom others have a positive opinion.
  • Elisha (God saves, or a derivative of Odysseus). Elishas are smart, charismatic, cheerful and always have luck by the tail.
  • Zakhar (God's memory). Zahara's boys are distinguished by their decency, hard work and ease of communication.
  • Clement (soft). Boys with this name are always calm, know how to emerge victorious from any situation, and do not give in to emotions.
  • Plato (broad-shouldered). Since childhood, owners have been distinguished by courage, determination and a desire to come to the aid of the weak.
  • Felix (happy). The owners of this name are successful in business and family life. They do not know fear, they like to take risks and come out victorious.
  • Chariton (blessed). Strong, determined, brave and courageous. Khariton is proactive, a leader, and knows how to be responsible for his actions.

These names are rare, but beautiful, euphonious and memorable. By giving a child a name that is not often heard, parents endow him with special character traits, give him uniqueness and self-confidence.

Article on the topic:

When thinking about what to name their future little princess, parents review a lot of literature, study characteristics and want to follow fashion trends. In 2016, the most popular female names were:

  • Vasilisa (royal). The nature is creative, inquisitive, responsive, strong-willed. Vasilisa tends to see beauty where others do not notice.
  • Varvara (wild). Varenka grows up to be patient, sincere and warm-hearted women who have a narrow circle of devoted friends and a happy family.
  • Zlata (gold). A brilliant, charming and subtle nature, upon whom fortune smiles. Zlata loves variety and is quite demanding of others.
  • Ulyana (from the Yuli family). Little Uli is interested in creativity, which later becomes a profession. A kind, sweet, but stubborn girl, she does not like cruel jokes and appreciates only subtle humor.
  • Yaroslava (bright, sunny). An active, inquisitive and never discouraged girl. Yaroslava loves sports, travel and safe adventures.
  • Miroslava (glorifies the world). An energetic polyglot, an incorrigible dreamer and the soul of any company. Mira prefers a small circle of friends and keeps strangers at a distance.
  • Stefania (crown, crown). Fiery, energetic and easily achieving success. Stesha has an excellent memory and learns easily, which gives her an excellent platform for a career.
  • Seraphim (fiery). They say about such people “she has a sixth sense.” Sima radiates tenderness, love and kindness. Sims with bad character are very rare.
  • Yesenia (clear). The girl has willpower and a strong character. As an adult, Yesenia takes leadership positions, is successful in trading and is not afraid of difficulties.
  • Vladislav (rules with glory). A leader in life, an analyst with a philosophical mindset. Lada radiates optimism, active, cheerful and devoid of all ambitions.

When naming a girl, you need to pay attention to the middle name in order to achieve a harmonious euphony. Each of the names is included in the ranking of female names 2016, and endows the owner with positive characteristics.

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