Problems of society in the modern world. Current problems of Russia The most pressing political problems

Economic problems are not the only difficulties the state faces. Another area is social problems.

These factors are closely interrelated and are found to one degree or another in any country. Below IQReview prepared an analysis, highlighting and describing current social problems in Russia and their impact on the lives of citizens.

What are social problems?

According to Wikipedia, social problems are situations, events and conditions that directly or indirectly negatively affect a citizen from the point of view of society. At first, the term (“social problem”) referred only to the uneven distribution of wealth. It began to be used back in early XIX(19th) century, in Western Europe.

The list of problems has changed and continues to change over time along with:

    changes in circumstances (economic, social, political);

    And changes in living standards citizens;

    changes in citizens' sentiments.

Types and classification

U s As if all problems can be divided into:

    Socio-economic. This includes all factors related to finances and material conditions.

    Social and household. They include factors related to providing citizens with affordable housing, living conditions, and financial difficulties of young and large families.

    Socio-psychological. Include factors relating to the family and internal relationships between relatives. This also includes family conflicts, domestic violence, infidelity, divorce.

    Social political problems. These include the arms race, regional and state conflicts, and the increase in violence in individual countries and the world as a whole. This also applies to conflicts on religious or ethnic grounds.

E If we give a different formulation, the classification of problems will look like this:

    Between social groups.

    Between classes.

    Between individuals.

    Between social systems.

Global problems include the following factors:

    Demographic. Globally, it is associated with the overall growth of the planet's population. In a number of states it concerns the decline in the number of inhabitants.

    Food. Concerns the need to provide residents with food.

    Energy. Concerns the need to provide the planet's population with energy.

    Ecological. Concerns pollution environment and waste disposal.

List of major problems in Russia and the world

Current social problems are the same all over the world. The difference is that in some countries some problems are more acute, while others are less severe. In some countries, some social problems are practically absent: percentage their manifestations are very small.

Now let's give a list. Current social problems today are:

    Alcoholism, drug addiction (both among adults and minors).

    Banditry, crime - both for children and adults, terrorism, prostitution, extremism.

    Homelessness, violations of children's rights, abortion, child abandonment.

    Fascism, conflicts arising on religious, national, ethnic grounds.

    Inequality between classes of residents (when one part of the citizens is poor and the other is rich).

    Unemployment, poverty, insufficient wages.

    Disability (high number of disabled people relative to the total population), attitude towards citizens with disabilities.

    Demographic crisis: high mortality, low birth rate, high number of emigrated citizens, large percentage of pensioners and elderly citizens.

    Environmental pollution, the possibility of a man-made disaster.

    Health status: increased incidence, epidemics, high chance of infection.

    Social inequality, infringement of certain categories of citizens.

    Corruption (does not depend on the level economic development- can manifest itself in both a poor and a rich state).


    Suicide ( a large number of cases relative to population size).

    Restriction of citizens' rights, suppression of freedom of speech and movement.

    Low level of education, lack of specialists.

Population of Russia

The full list of these problems is most clearly manifested in third world countries. In addition to their acute manifestation, in such states there is also no system for solving them completely (or works ineffectively). That is, no one is trying to influence the situation. As a result, a harmful situation can progress and last for years and even decades.

In more developed countries, these problems also exist, but they are felt much less strongly.

In Russia, the key negative factors are poverty and low salaries, even for specialists of a narrow profile and in demand professions.

Less serious are the following social problems:

    High level of corruption, “nepotism”, promotion of “our own”. It can be traced in all structures.

    Unemployment, lack of jobs in the regions.


    Violence in family.

The rest of the social problems in the Russian Federation are mostly a consequence of these factors, and to one degree or another depend on them.

Brief statistics

Social problems in Russia in numbers have the following indicators (for 2016):

    Alcoholism. Among about 5 million are alcoholics (of which 6% are minors).

    Addiction. There are about 3 million citizens who regularly use drugs. Among them, 60% are aged 16-30 years, 20% are minors, 20% are citizens over 30 years old.

    Crime. 2.16 million crimes were registered (10% lower than in 2015). Among them, 44% were cases of theft of other people's property. Every second crime was committed by persons who had previously violated the law, and every third was committed while intoxicated.

    Corruption. The Russian Federation is one of the countries with high level corruption. The most corrupt industries are social sphere(medicine, housing and communal services), law enforcement agencies and some state organizations(land distribution, government orders and government procurement, certification).

    Unemployment. The unemployed are 4.1 million (compared to 2015, there is a decline in unemployment by 0.4%).

    Inflation: 5.4% (in 2015 it exceeded 12%).

    Abortion. In 2015, 447 thousand abortions were performed at the request of women. According to statistics, the number of abortions in the Russian Federation has been steadily decreasing over the past two decades. For comparison: in 1995, 2.76 million abortions were performed in the Russian Federation.

    Suicides. Per 100 thousand citizens - 15.4 (as of 2016). This is the lowest figure since 1960. In the “nineties”, the Russian Federation ranked second in the world in terms of the number of suicides, in 2013 - fourteenth, in 2016 - thirtieth. About 22% of suicides, according to statistics, are committed by citizens aged 40-49 years, and men are 6 times more likely than women.

    Conflicts on ethnic grounds. Due to the multi-ethnic composition of the population of the Russian Federation, conflicts on national and religious grounds arise frequently. They mainly occur in major cities(where large diasporas of representatives of other nationalities live) and in cities located close to the southern borders.

    Violence in family. Statistics on this type of crime are complicated by the fact that about 60-70% of cases are not brought to law enforcement agencies, and about 97% of cases do not reach court. According to rough estimates, about a quarter of all families are at risk (domestic violence is present to one degree or another).

    Homelessness. The exact number of street children in the country has not been established; according to rough estimates, it is several thousand. There are about 72 thousand children of various ages in orphanages. More than 500 thousand children are complete orphans, but are being raised in other families.

    Prostitution. In 2014, according to rough estimates, the number of employees in this industry was about 3 million.

    Health status. Out of 188 countries, the Russian Federation is in 119th place in terms of the health of its citizens. There are about 1.5 million HIV-infected citizens. About 300 thousand citizens a year die from oncological diseases. Tuberculosis statistics: 9 cases per 100 thousand population. In general, the assessment of the situation is below average.

    Social inequality. According to official statistics around the world, the Russian Federation’s ranking in the list of countries is high, but far from the “leaders” (in which inequality is most pronounced).

    Demographic situation. Since 2010, the population has been growing steadily. As of the beginning of 2017, it amounts to 146,804,372 citizens. From 1996 to 2009 inclusive, there was a demographic crisis: the population was steadily declining (from 148.291 million in 1996 to 141.9 million in 2009). The situation is more complicated with the age of the nation: the number of pensioners (at the end of 2016) is almost 43 million (that is, almost a third of the total number).

    Disability. As of 2015, there were almost 13 million disabled people in the Russian Federation. Among them are 605 thousand disabled children (under the age of 18).

    Poverty. According to Rosstat, 21.4 million Russians can be considered poor (14.6% of general population). In fact, this figure is much higher, since (by which the amount of poverty is calculated) it is much lower than the real amount needed to live. According to various estimates, from 40 to 70 million citizens live below the poverty line (that is, slightly less than half).

Poverty level in Russia

Relationship between individual factors

Almost all problems are closely interrelated and usually develop not independently, but in a complex manner.

Larger and more serious factors “pull” several related problems:

    An increase in unemployment leads to poverty, an increase in crime, prostitution, social inequality, and a demographic crisis.

    An increase in the number of alcoholics and drug addicts leads to an increase in crime, prostitution, domestic violence, early mortality, suicide, and an increase in morbidity statistics.

    An increase in crime entails increased corruption and prostitution.

T social andeconomic problems. In case of prolonged the decline of the state’s economy will be exacerbated by the following negative factors, along the chain:

    Declining living standards and incomes.

    Rising unemployment.

    Increase in crime.

    Exacerbation of the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction - as citizens in difficult situations often resort to alcohol and drugs to distract themselves.

    Increased incidence of domestic violence.

    A decrease in the birth rate - since whenLow income families do not have enough money to provide for their children.

    The deterioration of the population's health is due to cheap food, lack of funds for treatment and medicine, and difficult working conditions.

Reasons for appearance

Current social problems are consequences arising from various causes. Each problem individually appears due to certain conditions. Often one problem is a consequence of another, since they are all closely interrelated.

If we consider groups of problems, the reasons for their occurrence include:

    Demographic, family problems. They arise due to the low level of income of the population, unemployment, low level of medical care, lack of social programs (or their low quality) aimed at supporting families with children.

    Crime. Growing due to high unemployment, alcoholism and drug addiction, bad work law enforcement.

    Fascism and conflicts arising on religious, national or ethnic grounds. Manifests itself due to the presence in a certain area of ​​two or more different social groups. Also the reason may be historical background, because of which some groups are aggressive towards others.

    Corruption. It arises due to weak control by the state, lack of public control over the activities of government agencies by the population (or lack of response from law enforcement agencies).

    Poor health status of the population, high percentage of disabilities. It arises due to insufficient funding for medicine, low living standards, poor environmental conditions, outdated production technologies, alcoholism and drug addiction.

    Social inequality. It arises due to the large difference between the living conditions of different groups of the population (in income levels, opportunities, benefits).

Violence statistics

It is possible to highlight common factors that lead to the development and progression of problems:

    Weak control state apparatus, slow (or ineffective) response to emerging problems (or its absence at all).

    Insufficiently effective work of law enforcement and other control bodies.

    Insufficiently effective work of educational institutions.

    Poor state of the economy as a whole.

    High population density.

    Change too fast(technological progress, rapidly changing fashion trends), which leads to the development of a consumer behavior model when the population strives to have all the fashionable goods, spending money on it. Also in this case, people are easily susceptible to advertising and other information received from external sources.

Ways to fight and prevention

Statistics show that the solution social problems forever and everywhere is impossible. It is possible to partially reduce their manifestation, down to a minimum.

Moreover, measures taken to solve some social problems can lead to the emergence of other negative phenomena. For example, in the 30s of the last century Soviet Union actively engaged in the fight against unemployment. Its level fell: new jobs began to be created for citizens in construction, industry and the agricultural sector. However, this led to ineffective employment and heavy manual labor.

Before you start fighting the problem, you need to carry it out detailed analysis. It should include:

    Scale: what territory (city, region, etc.) the factor covers.

    “Target audience”: which segments of the population and age categories feel its influence.

    How dangerous is the situation?

    What problems and factors accompany its appearance.

    Which problem is the key from the complex (for example, alcoholism is one of the main causes of deteriorating health, increased crime, and domestic violence).

After the “diagnosis”, the authorities must develop a set of measures aimed at combating negative factors. Solving social problems may include:

    Educating the “target audience”. The population must be aware of the current situation and its development, as well as the consequences it entails. For example, if we are talking about the fight against drug addiction, it is necessary to regularly bring to the attention of the population information about the consequences of drug use, as well as about crimes committed while intoxicated.

    Development of measures aimed at solving key and related problems.

    Strengthening control over the situation, regular monitoring of dynamics. It is necessary to track in which direction the statistics are changing and at what rate the changes are occurring.

    If possible, tighten responsibility. For example, if we are talking about drug addiction, then the sentences for distribution and production of substances should be increased.

Modern measures to combat each problem separately are always an individual task. The same negative factor will manifest itself differently in each country.

Representatives of all levels of government, regulatory bodies and government agencies - from deputies - should take part in the fight (prevention) State Duma and up to . Funds should not be left aside mass media. Their task is to inform the population of the current situation, its changes and possible consequences.

Social problems of Russia (video)

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With the development of mankind and under the influence latest technologies New problems appear that people had not even thought about before.

They accumulate and over time begin to destroy modern society spiritually and physically. Every person has heard about world problems modern society such as mineral depletion, Greenhouse effect, overpopulation and deterioration ecological state of our planet. In addition to global difficulties, any citizen can be affected, or is already affected, by social, moral, economic and political problems. One of them includes various types of addictions. Deterioration in living standards, job loss and absence Money many lead to stress and depression. People want to forget and try to relieve nervous tension with alcohol or drugs. However, this is not only about bad habits, alcohol abuse or drug use. Modern society, like a virus, has been struck by dependence on loans, computers and the Internet, as well as drugs imposed by advertising. At the same time, from some modern problems It’s better to get rid of them or not have them at all; all that remains is to adapt to others. After all, some of them are ordinary difficulties that can be overcome and gain invaluable life experience.

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The most common problems in society

Social inequality. There have always been rich and poor citizens. However, now there is a huge gap between these segments of the population: some people have bank accounts with fabulous sums, others do not even have enough money to buy meat. According to income level, society can be divided into three groups:

  • Rich people (presidents, kings, politicians, cultural and artistic figures, big businessmen)
  • Middle class (employees, doctors, teachers, lawyers)
  • Poor people (unskilled workers, beggars, unemployed)

Market instability in modern world has led to a significant portion of citizens living below the poverty line. As a result, society becomes criminalized: robbery, robbery, fraud. However, in the absence of strong social inequality, the number of crimes is much lower.

Credit bondage. Intrusive advertising slogans calling for take now and pay later are firmly entrenched in people's minds. Some people sign a loan agreement without looking, so they don’t know the dangers quick loans. Financial illiteracy does not allow one to assess one’s own solvency. Such citizens have several loans that they cannot repay on time. Penalties are added to the interest rate, which can become even greater than the debt.

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Alcoholism and drug addiction. These diseases are a dangerous social problem. The main reasons why people drink: general instability, unemployment and poverty. Drugs are usually used out of curiosity or for company with friends. Taking these substances leads to moral degradation of the individual, destroys the body and causes fatal diseases. Alcoholics and drug addicts often give birth to sick children. Antisocial behavior becomes the norm for such citizens. Under the influence of alcohol and drugs, they commit various crimes, which negatively affects the life of society.

A departure from traditional family values. The family provides each person with the necessary psychological support. However, in modern society there is a departure from the traditional family, which is associated with the promotion of homosexual relationships, so popular in Western countries. And legalization same-sex marriage in some states, it destroys historically established gender roles. After all, back in the Stone Age, a man was the main breadwinner, and a woman was the keeper of the hearth.

Forced illnesses and medications. Drug manufacturers need unhealthy people, because the more sick people, the better the product sells. In order for the pharmaceutical business to generate stable income, illnesses are imposed on citizens and a stir is created. For example, the recent mass hysteria around bird and swine flu was accompanied by daily media reports about new victims of the disease. The world began to panic. People began to buy all kinds of medicines, vitamins, and gauze bandages, which increased in price five to six times. This is how the pharmaceutical industry constantly makes huge profits. At the same time, some medications do not cure, but only eliminate symptoms, while others are addictive and only help if taken regularly. If a person stops taking them, the symptoms return. Therefore, citizens are unlikely to ever be offered truly effective medicines.

Virtual world. Most children with early age have free access to a computer. They spend a lot of time in the virtual world and move away from reality: they don’t want to go out, communicate with peers, and have difficulty doing homework. Even during the holidays, schoolchildren are rarely seen on the streets. Sitting at computers, children can no longer do without a world of illusions in which they feel safe and comfortable. Computer addiction is an emerging problem in the modern world.

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Terrorist attacks. A serious public problem is terrorist attacks in different parts land. Hostage-taking, shootings, explosions in subways and airports, and bombings of planes and trains claim millions of lives. Terrorism can be global, such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda. These groups want to acquire weapons of mass destruction, so they use global means to achieve their goal. Operating all over the world, they organize terrorist attacks in different countries with numerous victims. Terrorists can also be individuals who are dissatisfied with the policies of their state, for example, the Norwegian nationalist Breivik. Both types are heinous crimes that result in the death of innocent people. It is impossible to predict a terrorist attack, and absolutely anyone can become its random victim.

Military conflicts and interference in the affairs of other states. In Ukraine, Western countries staged a coup d'état, which they paid for in advance and provided information and political support. After which the United States and the EU ordered to go to war against the residents of Donbass who did not want to submit to the Ukrainian authorities. At the same time, Western countries, which love to shout about human rights, remained silent in this situation. And the United States financially helped Kyiv and supplied military equipment. When Russia provided assistance to Donbass with weapons and food, it was instantly criticized by the West and accused of interfering in the affairs of Ukraine. At the same time, there was an opportunity to agree on a truce, but Kyiv, at the suggestion of the United States and the EU, chose war. Residents of Donbass became victims of political games. Thousands of people lived happily and suddenly lost everything, left without a roof over their heads. This is not an isolated case; the United States has repeatedly intervened in the affairs of the Middle East and other countries.

One of the most pressing problems Russian society What remains is maintaining internal stability in the state. This is about preventing political crises and ensuring forward progress in expanding democratic reforms. The country's political system is far from perfect and does not fully guarantee the population all those rights and freedoms that are enshrined in law.

The imperfection of the political system in last years became one of the reasons for active opposition protests.

The country's economy continues to limp. State leaders have repeatedly pointed out in their speeches that Russia needs to stop focusing on the benefits received from selling raw materials abroad and look for new development reserves.

In the Budget Message to the Government, published on June 13, 2013, Russian President V.V. Putin emphasized that the country’s most important task is to move away from dependence on raw materials. Possible solution This problem could be achieved by focusing the economy on the restoration of partially destroyed mechanical engineering, the introduction of innovations and modern high-tech technologies.

Problems in the social sphere

The problem of poverty among large sections of the population remains acute, which experts place at one of the first positions in importance. Over the past decade, income growth in the country has significantly lagged behind inflation. The gap between the country's poorest and wealthiest citizens remains significant. Political Observer " Rossiyskaya Gazeta“Valery Vyzhutovich, in the article “The Vice of Poverty,” published on September 9, 2011, cites official statistics according to which about 13% of the Russian population lives below the poverty line.

Another problem, the existence of which no serious researcher would deny, is the increasing level of alcoholism among the Russian population. Abuse of alcoholic beverages inevitably leads to the general degradation of the people and increased mortality.

Alcoholization is often a consequence of unresolved social problems, loss of life guidelines and growing unemployment.

Facts show that Russia's population is slowly but steadily declining. Since the launch of the processes that were supposed to return Russia to the path of civilized development, the mortality curve among Russians began to go up, and the birth rate curve fell. Even according to the optimistic forecasts of Rosstat, published on June 7, 2013, by 2031 the country's population will decrease from the current 143 million to 141 million people.

These are only the most acute and most relevant problems for today. modern Russia. They can only be solved comprehensively. And much here depends not only on the goodwill of the authorities, which is very difficult to count on, but also on the active and purposeful activities of public associations and individual citizens who care about the fate of Russia.

Putin for several years with my own hands carefully collected the death trap in which he himself now found himself.

While more enthusiasts of the “Crimean Spring” in Yalta are collecting signatures for the installation of a monument to the Tsar Alexander III in Livadia, Vladimir Putin, feeling a spiritual kinship with the tough character of the penultimate Russian Emperor, found himself in perhaps the most difficult foreign policy situation during the entire period of his reign, writes Maxim Osadchuk for "Crimea. Realities" .

Donald Trump orders a missile strike According to the positions of “Assad’s friend” in the Syrian province of Idlib, at one point the Russian leader faced a frightening alternative. Either decide on an open confrontation with the most powerful military machine in the world, or admit defeat in a long and cunning geopolitical game designed to return Russia to the world stage as a center of power. The irony of history, described at the beginning of the 19th century by the German philosopher Georg Hegel, is manifested here in the fact that for several years Putin, with his own hands, carefully collected the death trap in which he himself now finds himself.

Some far-sighted experts from the Kremlin pool from time to time timidly spoke out about the dangers lurking in Moscow’s bet on the then US presidential candidate Trump. Despite all the latter’s nods to Putin and a series of loud statements recognizing Russia’s “historical rights” to a number of regions of Eastern Europe, including the occupied Crimea, the eccentric red-haired billionaire turned out to be completely unpredictable when he took a chair in the Oval Office.

You have to be completely excluded from the global media space not to understand: this gauntlet has been thrown in the face of Russia.

Maxim Osadchuk

The Kiselev propaganda industry was forced to quickly correct Trump’s image in the eyes of Russians almost immediately after his victory. But no one expected a direct military strike on the Kremlin’s main ally in the Middle East. The heap of versions that appeared after the launch of 59 American Tomahawk missiles at the Syrian airbase of Shayrat included the entire spectrum of opinions: from the rapid rapprochement of the US President with Chinese leader Xi Jinping in contrast to Russian influence in the world (Trump gave the order for a missile strike right during a diplomatic dinner with the head of the People's Republic of China) to traditional conspiracy theories in the spirit of the tricks of the almighty Washington establishment, not excluding the reptilians.

For the first time in seven years of the terrible war in Syria, in which all players with interests in the Middle East were somehow drawn into, America openly used military force against the Assad dictatorship. You would have to be completely excluded from the world media space not to understand: this gauntlet has been thrown in the face of Russia, without which - and this is absolutely obvious - the rule of the current regime in Damascus would have come to an end long ago. Trump's official statement to the media regarding the bombing sounded like a gentle plea for submission to the strong: "I call upon all civilized powers to join the United States in efforts to end the bloodshed in Syria." The restrained comment of the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov was limited to only stating the fact that “apparently, there are no our servicemen among the dead.”

If Vladimir Putin and his entourage are not ready to deepen the confrontation with the West, whose military potential is incomparably greater, the only thing left for them is to silently swallow the insult, resigning themselves to the role of schoolchildren prone to petty mischief. Or try to take revenge in other areas. In particular, by continuing the creeping expansion into the territory of sovereign Ukraine, which is something not only marginal brawlers like Alexander Prokhanov dream of. The possibility of this option is supported by a sharp increase in the number of personnel in the Russian armed forces - from 800 thousand to almost 2 million people (!) by the summer of 2017, as modestly reported by the government legal information resource.

The adventurism in which the Russian leadership is sinking deeper and deeper leaves no doubt about the correctness of Navalny’s old slogan: these people are ready to commit any crime so that you will never know how much they stole.

Maxim Osadchuk

We must understand that the reserve of strength of the regime, accumulated during the fat oil and gas years of the 2000s, is now practically exhausted. Russian Finance Minister Ulyukaev said last year that the Federal Reserve Fund has been depleted to the limit, which means it’s time to move on to the National Welfare Fund, which represents the last bastion of Russia’s socio-economic stability. In this light, the sudden growth of the Russian army to almost Chinese levels cannot be perceived other than as an all-in game. It's hit or miss, the war will write everything off, and so on.

In addition to the traditional escalation of external aggression for Russian policy, the arsenal existing system There are other ways to appease discontent within one's own society. Only the lazy did not pay attention to the fact that bloody terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro happened immediately after mass anti-corruption protests (one of the protesters’ posters, by the way, contained an apt answer to Dmitry Medvedev’s popular Crimean aphorism: “You hold on, Dimon!”) Unprecedented truck driver strike in Russian history , which threatens to paralyze entire sectors of the economy, in contrast to the previous round of protest, puts forward directly political demands - the resignation of the government. The adventurism in which the Russian leadership has been sinking deeper and deeper since the occupation of Crimea and the start of the war in Donbass leaves no doubt about the correctness of Alexei Navalny’s old slogan: these people are ready to commit any crime so that you will never know how much they stole.

2017, according to all the laws of the magic of numbers, will be a year of great upheavals for Russia: as in foreign policy, and in the internal. Donald Trump, unlike the compassionate Barack Obama, is a “president of war,” as the popular publication Politico suggests. The world is too small for two Putins. And Russia, as you can see, is becoming more and more crowded even for one.

Reprinted with permission from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

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People rarely analyze their lives from the point of view of the influence of world processes on it. Ordinary citizens are mostly concerned about their personal life and income level, less often about the state of the environment, the work of social institutions, and so on. But the world is becoming more and more “small” every year. Global political problems are growing, reaching with their tentacles to every person. And you won’t be able to hide from them. Their scope and intensity are so great that no one will be able to escape or sit out “in a bunker”! There is only one thing left - to join forces. So what are global political problems? How do they affect life? How to deal with them? Let's figure it out.

What in

First you need to understand the concepts. The loud phrase “global political problems” is now commonly used to describe many phenomena, some of which do not apply to it at all.

To separate the wheat from the chaff ourselves, let's break this concept down into its component parts.

The word "global" means "concerning all mankind." This is not some problem of one state (albeit a very important one). This characterizes the phenomenon on a planetary scale.

The second word - “political” - is especially important. It, in fact, discards some of the problems, making them secondary to those that this term describes. The only questions that remain are those that can be resolved politically. That is given word denotes negative phenomena on a planetary scale, regulated by a long-term nature.

Let's look for global political problems in Everyday life to understand their essence. Think about the people who live nearby. Do they all eat their fill, allow themselves to buy what they need, have Good work and prosperity? Most likely the answer will be no.

Now take a look at news feeds. All of them are full of messages about discussions of state debts. You can also look out the window. What is the state of your area? Is it as safe as nature intended? Just a few glances around, and we have already stumbled upon the consequences of global policies that did not lead to the flourishing of civilization.

What are the problems in global politics?

Now we can move on to the list of those phenomena that are discussed at almost all meetings of heads of state and specialists called upon to guide the course of development of civilization. The first of them is poverty. More than seven billion people live on Earth.

AND most of vegetates in poverty. People don't even have enough money to buy a piece of bread. This problem does not concern just one state. The situation is detrimental to the development of all humanity. People simply die from disease or exhaustion. In addition, their potential (labor, creative, and so on) is not realized.

The second problem is debt. We are not talking about the funds that need to be paid to households (in the terminology of economists). The debts of countries are now so great that scientists cannot offer any intelligible way out of the situation.

The third is ecology. Man, as experts say, for a long time carried out thoughtless activities, thereby giving rise to global global problems. The state of the environment is a clear confirmation of this. We can see for ourselves some of the negative results of this activity. There is smog in cities, soil erosion in fields, forests no longer take up as much space as they used to. And the climate presents unpleasant surprises that cannot be predicted.

Global problems of the world concern not only the physical state of the planet and its inhabitants. The behavioral aspects of population groups also pose a threat to humanity. This refers to terrorism. It is now gaining enormous proportions. Terrorist states have already begun to emerge.

These are the main global problems of our planet. They are united by several features, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Basic Features

Scientists have analyzed and systematized the characteristics of the above negative phenomena. This is the conclusion they came to. differ in the following features:

  • are planetary in nature;
  • threaten the existence of humanity;
  • urgent, that is, they need immediate resolution;
  • interconnected;
  • can only be overcome through joint efforts.

It must be said that many issues facing society fall under such criteria. And over time there are more and more of them. If previously humanity was actively involved in ecology and disarmament, now it has become concerned about the decrease in resources, the state of the World Ocean, the radicalization of society and much more.

Causes of global problems

These negative phenomena were born and formed in the depths of society along with its development. It cannot be said that the global problems of the world are caused by only one priority factor. They are influenced by everything: both huge production capacity, which humanity has accumulated, and population growth, and its worldview.

Economic opportunities are turning from a positive factor into a negative one. Nature suffers from consumer attitudes towards it. Plants and factories not only process resources at a gigantic pace, they pollute space and destroy the earth. But they cannot be stopped in the current paradigm of human development, as this will lead to terrible wars for consumer goods.

The population is increasingly striving for the thoughtless use of difficult-to-produce and expensive things. That is, perhaps an error has crept into the direction of our development. We tend to consume more and more without thinking about how much it costs the planet. It turns out that only the activities and direction of human development give rise to global political problems. Examples can be found in every country. There are poor and dissatisfied people everywhere. Every state faces terrorism. And there are so many weapons on the planet that the Earth can be completely destroyed. The causes of global problems must be considered comprehensively.

The birth of one leads to the emergence or escalation of another. They are all closely interconnected. And together they become a source of new ones. Perhaps after some time the confrontation of ideas will be included in their list.

Global political problems, examples of which we can study, already demonstrate the characteristics of the emergence of new ones. The loss of the meaning of existence by many members of modern society is one of them. As Russian thinkers say, a national idea is needed.


It must be said that global political problems have been studied for a long time. Scientists say that many people live below the poverty line. various levels. The fact is that this problem is circular. Due to low income levels, people do not have the opportunity to get an education and, therefore, engage in highly productive work. Society lacks potential for development. After all, the economy can be expanded only if there are (in addition to funds) highly qualified specialists. In a poor society there is nowhere to get them; we have to attract foreigners. In addition, investments do not flow into problem countries due to multiple risks. Poverty leads to escalation of unrest. Such countries suffer from revolutions and regime changes. New ones, by the way, still fall into the same vicious circle. Poverty begets another global problem- terrorism. And it negatively affects not only developing countries. Armed specialists have the opportunity to move freely throughout the planet.

There are now almost no countries that are not areas of interest for terrorists. The results of their activities in individual states directly depend on the success of the intelligence services.


Global political problems of humanity are sometimes artificial. These include the debt crisis. Its roots are believed to go back to the seventies of the last century. Then in developed countries a sufficient amount of loan capital was generated that needed to be invested.

People regulating cash flows decided to direct them to the development of the Asian region. The investments have done their job. Industry in this region has gained momentum, which, unfortunately, did not save us from the crisis. The fact is that not all countries were able to pay off interest on their debts. They had to declare bankruptcy. After the first such incident, it became clear that the monetary system could collapse at once if no efforts were made to stabilize it.

The world is interdependent, including in financial sector. The inability of one or more players to fulfill obligations leads to problems for the rest. And if you consider that there are not so many countries that have no debts, it’s understandable why world economy began to be compared to a soap bubble.

As a whole, humanity is obliged to pay out much more than it produces. Here, the rules and principles of the economy are already creating socio-political global problems. It turns out that developing in debt is unprofitable for states. They simply do not have time to increase their resources in sufficient quantities to repay the loans. Social obligations have to be reduced, which leads to tension.

Environmental issues

When considering the global political problems of our time, the negative impact of humans on the environment is mentioned along with others. We have one planet.

But, unfortunately, we are destroying it for now. Industry as a whole influences global processes on the planet. Here we should talk about climate shifts, melting glaciers, changes in direction ocean currents and so on. Any of these processes can lead to such climate changes that the life of humanity will be at risk.

Some experts believe that society cannot influence negative phenomena; they happen on their own. That is, the melting of glaciers is the same pattern as the change of magnetic poles. Nevertheless, the ecosystem requires close attention and, naturally, extremely careful treatment.

Global problem: terrorism

The contradictions described above, disturbing society from within, led to people taking up arms. If we approach the problem in a global sense, we can see that their actions are based not on the desire to implement some aggressive plans, but on the desire to achieve justice.

Nevertheless, society is under constant threat of complete destruction. After all, terrorists can gain access not only to small arms. Now there are opportunities to create or capture more terrible weapons mass destruction, the consequences of the use of which by a separate group of people are scary to think about. In addition, dangerous industrial enterprises(for example, nuclear power plants) can also become targets of attack. It is clear that they will affect the entire planet. There are already examples. This is the Chernobyl disaster or the Fukushima accident. Terrorism as a global problem of our time is of the most current and pressing nature.

A complex approach

To cope with challenges and contradictions, simple approach not enough. All problems are interconnected and tightly intertwined. It is believed that they can be solved using conceptual methods. That is, an in-depth program must be developed that affects the basic ideological aspects of human existence. For example, the idea of ​​reducing consumption and reorienting to other values ​​can reduce the level of tension in several areas at once.

Attempts to work in this direction are constantly being made. Here you can point to the movements of the “greens”. A lot of them. They are trying to prove that resources are not limitless and must be treated with care. Only work in progress at the public level, which is clearly not enough. Problems accumulate much faster than the trends necessary to resolve them in society develop.

Work of international organizations

Many institutions deal with global issues. Considerable funds are allocated for this. Specialists from various fields constantly monitor the situation and conduct research. Naturally, global managers receive their findings and recommendations. The difficulty here is that the solution may not be simple. It is necessary to take into account the interests of states, which often contradict each other. Reaching consensus takes considerable time.

The world is changing, and decisions have to be adjusted again. This alone is not enough. The international bureaucratic machine cannot cope with challenges and sometimes slows down the implementation of already decisions taken. Humanity is facing the need for fundamental changes. The system built in the last century is failing. Conceptual solutions are required that would allow us to radically change approaches to the formation of ways to get rid of global challenges. Otherwise, we simply may not have time to respond to the next disaster.

Science is making increasingly dire predictions about climate change. Unfortunately, they are confirmed by the realities of life. The Gulf Stream, for example, is slowing down, and glaciers are melting faster. But these phenomena concern every person. It turns out that we should look for ways to save the planet together. Since intergovernmental bodies cannot cope, the public needs to get involved. By the way, this may be some kind of incentive to reduce the level of relevance of several global risks at once. Mass awareness and understanding of existing problems alone leads to a change in behavioral and ideological habits.

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