Rav Michael Finkel. We burn, but we don't burn out

Friends! Yesterday I received the first review of my book from the Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Public Association and the All-Ukrainian Social and Political Movement "All-People's Front for the Salvation of Ukraine", Chairman of the Independent Trade Union of Military Personnel of Ukraine Alexander Nikolaevich Lalak (http://www.lalak.org.ua/).
This is what Alexander Nikolaevich wrote to me.

Of course, your book is very useful in terms of education for millions, hundreds of millions, billions of people who do not know what is really happening in the world, in religions, in interracial and interethnic relations, in wars and revolutions of different times. But to hope that one honest act in the form of just the words of one learned Jew can turn into a rule and mass repentance of all Jews is the pipe dream of an unsurpassed dreamer.
If this professor, an Orthodox Jew, said all this really sincerely with all his soul (his speech is given at the end of your book), then at best, he will face the fate of Jesus Christ at the hands of the Jews, for the essence of a Jew is ruthlessness, treachery, boundless soullessness , unsurpassed meanness, hypocrisy and all other human vices alien to other normal nations and peoples of the world...
And in general, can the Devil voluntarily renounce his essence and accept the power of God over himself, swear allegiance to him and honestly serve him?
Then the entire religious foundation of everyone must collapse existing religions- teachings about good and evil...
Then all science about human psychology with the two hemispheres of the human brain, its understanding of good and evil with corresponding actions in practice...
Then you need to completely reject the laws of the Universe and the immutable laws of all living nature about the struggle for survival and the harmony of coexistence of predators, herbivores, insects, vegetation..., in short, all the foundations of the universe... Even in the Universe, larger objects attract and absorb smaller ones...
On this I disagree with you, dear Anton.
Our task No. 1 is to unite the Slavs and destroy the Worldwide Super-Empire of Evil created by the Jews, little visible to unenlightened minds.
In a word - we must repeat, continue and complete the great work that Svyatoslav Khorobriy so successfully began, but did not fully complete!!!
And let no Jewish rabbis lull us here with their ostentatious “repentances” in anticipation of that inevitable retribution for the unprecedented atrocities of their tribe against humanity over thousands of years.
And in this Holy War of the Rus, not the Jews and the Rus must unite, but first of all the Rus (all Slavs) among themselves to defeat the Jewish occupation, the world Jewish yoke!!!
This is the true and eternal mission of the Aryans - to bring the Power of Light to humanity in its eternal struggle with the numerous forces of eternal Evil!!!
Therefore, let us think about our tribe, because there is someone to think about the Jews even without us - it is not our concern in this holy war to worry about the fate of our enemies, for they did not care and mock the victims of hundreds of millions of Slavs, robbed and killed by their relatives , slandered, humiliated and insulted by their own written false history...

I want to thank Alexander Nikolaevich for this review. At the same time, I want to explain why I included the repentant words of Orthodox Rabbi Michael Finkel at the end of my book.

The point is not at all whether millions of Jews will follow the call of this brave and honest man or not. The main thing is that he, being a rabbi who knows perfectly well from the inside what Judaism is, and what innumerable troubles the adherents of this religion have brought to the Russian people over the centuries, gave open testimony to the whole world that yes, the Jews are very guilty before the Russian people . Both the Jews of the past and the Jews of the present time.

Thus, Mikhail Finkel created a precedent for the future Court of History!
Thanks to his open and public confession, made on camera, now no Russian court has the authority to judge Russian people for the notorious “extremism” if Russian people express words of criticism against Jews.
For example, until recently it was considered sedition not only to openly criticize Jews, but also to quote expressions in literature or online publications famous people, which at one time were expressed in one way or another towards the Jews.
For just one statement, Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821), Emperor of France, until recently could have been sent to prison under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
And from his lips a terrible accusation against the Jews actually sounded.
On May 7, 1806, he addressed the State Council, which included the following words:
“Jews are the main troublemakers in modern world. They are the vultures of humanity. The evil in them comes not from individuals, but from the fundamental nature of this people. The activities of the Jewish nation since the time of Moses, due to its predisposition, consisted of usury and extortion. The French government cannot look indifferently at how a low, degenerate nation, capable of all sorts of crimes, seizes into its exclusive possession both beautiful provinces of old Alsace!
Entire villages were plundered by Jews, they reintroduced slavery.
These are real flocks of ravens!
These are the worms and locusts that are ravaging France!
The Jews are a nation capable of the most terrible crimes. I wanted to make a nation of citizens out of them, but they are good for nothing except trading in second-hand goods.
I was forced to proclaim laws against them for their usury and the peasants of Alsace conveyed their gratitude to me.
Philosophical teachings you cannot change their Jewish character; they need exceptional, special laws.
Jews are treated with disgust, but we must admit that they are truly disgusting! They are despised, but they are also worthy of contempt!

To paraphrase Napoleon, we can say this: “The Jews are often treated with hatred, but they really deserve it! They are despised, but they are also worthy of contempt!”

And then the Orthodox rabbi Mikhail Finkel appears in world history in the political firmament and gives a fiery speech to a video camera, which literally says the following.
“...It’s not long left until the Jewish New Year and doomsday, when all true Jews must repent of their sins before the Creator and before people. This is a unique time of opportunity when the gates of repentance are wide open both on earth and in heaven. I have long thought about the true reasons for such difficult Russian-Jewish relations, in the history of which mutual reproaches and reproaches, mutual insults, wars, tears, pogroms, revolutions and blood are intertwined. In the people's memory they still burn as desecrated by atheist commissars Orthodox churches, as well as burnt Jewish towns in the Pale of Settlement.
It is impossible to achieve true friendship between our two peoples without passing through the cleansing waters of repentance for sins. My people, persecuted and suffering for thousands of years, burning throughout their history, like burning bush, constantly demands repentance and repentance from those peoples who committed crimes against him.
We stand as an eternal accuser and prosecutor, exposing the Germans, Ukrainians, Poles, Hungarians, British, Spaniards, Portuguese, Arabs and many others for unjust expulsions, pogroms, terror and discrimination. However, we ourselves, unfortunately, really do not like to admit our crimes and sins in relation to other peoples.
At this special time, I want to repent and ask for forgiveness for those representatives of my people who, with their crimes and abomination, stained not only themselves, but also their people, because every Jew is perceived by the world not only as an individual, but also as an ambassador and representative of his entire people.
I am ashamed and pained for the Jewish revolutionaries who contributed to the collapse of the Russian Empire and are guilty of numerous crimes Civil War, the destruction of Orthodoxy, the clergy, aristocracy and intelligentsia of the Russian people. The atheists and atheists cursed by the rabbis of that time were Trotsky, Sverdlov, Yurovsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Yagoda... These names are just the tip of the iceberg. Their terrible and bloody crimes left indelible wounds on the soul and body of the Russian people. Almost a century has passed since then, but the pain still does not subside.
Is it because no one has yet asked for forgiveness for these sins?
The years fly by, and Shvonders of various stripes in leather jackets and with Mausers are being replaced by shady businessmen and all kinds of agents repeating the mistakes of their great-grandfathers.
They do not understand that it is impossible to bring “happiness” to the Russian people through the turmoil and blood of the new revolution with other people’s money.
Russia has become a refuge and haven for so many peoples, including the Jewish people, but for some reason many liberal journalists will not understand that you cannot, as a guest, stage a coup in a beautiful and hospitable house that gave you bread, a roof over your head, everything imaginable and inconceivable benefits.
I am hurt and ashamed for these people, both past and present. I apologize to the Russian people for everything that was and is. The destinies of our peoples are intertwined and connected together. The time has come to turn the sad page of history. How many Jewish scientists, entrepreneurs, doctors, engineers who went abroad dream of returning to their homeland and giving it their potential, talent and abilities. All of them, scattered all over the world, no matter where they live, carry a piece of Russia within them. Despite the fact that a significant part of these people were unfairly offended.
Russia has a huge future ahead, and soon, I am sure, a great Russian empire will be recreated, she will regain her ancestral lands, watered with blood...
The sun is rising over Russia, and many Jews who were forced to leave it will return and contribute to its successes and victories. Immigration can never bring happiness - only the illusion of stability and prosperity. There is very little time left when we will become eyewitnesses of a new page in fraternal Russian-Jewish relations.
Yours sincerely, Mikhail Finkel, Orthodox rabbi, Doctor of Law."

After the confession made by Rabbi Mikhail Finkel, any Russian patriot can now win any court case if someone wants to condemn a Russian for criticizing a Jew, seeing this as inciting national or religious hatred.

And I’ll also say, perhaps, the most important words.
When Jesus Christ came to the Jews with his saving mission, he did not set himself the goal of saving all Jews!
Speaking his famous words: “I am the light, I have come into the world, so that whoever believes in Me will not remain in darkness. And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.” (John 12:46-47) he wanted to save at least part of this people .
And he saved it! Many Jews then stopped following the misanthropic “Mosaic Deuteronomy” and became Christians!

In my own way personal experience communication with modern Jews, I know that not all of them are the curse of this world! This means that they are not people lost to God and society!
That is why, having published Mikhail Finkel’s repentant speech at the end of my book, I leave open way to salvation at least for that small or large part of the Jewish people who can right now sincerely renounce their past, from the practice of misanthropic Judaism imposed by the rabbis, from their murderous fellow tribesmen, both past and present, and betray both , and the third is a curse.

Post scriptum

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Conversation with rabbi and writer Mikhail Finkel

Mikhail Finkel was born in 1978 in Moscow. He graduated from two faculties at the University of Rochester - philosophy and political science, and the University of Pittsburgh, where he received a Doctor of Laws degree. He studied at the Morristown Rabbinical College and the Rabbinical Seminary, where he received a diploma as an Orthodox rabbi. Author of a number of publications in the media of Israel, the USA and Russia. Since 2009, he has been a regular guest on Channel 9 of Israeli television, where he speaks on socio-political and religious issues. Host of the Voice of Israel radio station.

Marina STRUKOVA. Hello, Mikhail. The newspaper “Zavtra” not long ago published a conversation between Alexander Prokhanov and you, before that two of your letters, the main idea of ​​which: the Jewish and Russian people need to forget about mutual grievances and claims, start all over again clean slate. But you seem to me an idealist. In Russia there is still a very strong prejudice against Jewry, including because of the role of Jews in the perestroika process, because of their current activity in the liberal camp. And if, suppose, one patriotic ideologist understood you, then besides him there are a huge number of writers and publicists who stand as a wall in the way of your desire to reconcile peoples. Do you have any ideas on how to work with these people to turn them into allies?

Mikhail FINKEL. Fear is a constant companion of ignorance. And ignorance is driven away not with a stick, but by lighting a candle. The easiest thing is to doubt, suspect, not believe. The hardest thing is to take a hard step towards each other and extend your hand. I am ready to hold a press conference and answer all questions from doubters, I am ready for a frank dialogue.

I grew up, like many Jews, with a deep and largely justified hostility towards Ukrainians, Poles, Germans and Arabs... But I began to grow up, and realized that you should never become Sharikov and hate the entire people. Then, years later, when I was studying at a university in America, I interviewed former prisoners of German concentration camps and learned that there were Wehrmacht soldiers who saved Jews. I was told about an SS man in Auschwitz who secretly gave a prisoner a sandwich every morning. And this sandwich saved him. I realized that even in the terrible topic of the Holocaust, not everything is black and white. I learned that among the Ukrainians there were not only Khmelnytskys, Petliurs, Benders and Western employees of the SS Galicia division. While doing research in the Israeli Holocaust Museum Yad Vashem, I came across thousands of cases of the Righteous Among the Nations, among whom were many Ukrainians, Poles, Belarusians and Russians.

I live in Israel. My children and my wife are there. The most Dear people in my life. And when terrorist attacks occur there, or thousands of rockets fly at us from the Gaza Strip, then, of course, this cannot add love to the Arabs. They are not liked there, just as the Germans were not liked here during the war. It is impossible to love the enemy during war. But I tried and am trying, no matter what, not to divide the Arabs into those who are ready for dialogue, mutual respect and strive for true peace, and those who want war. I was able to let my mind overcome my emotions. So it's possible. This means that those who still doubt my words will be able to do this.

M.S. Where do you get such love for Russia?

M.F. Russia is my Motherland. I'm a Muscovite. I am proud, in the classical sense of Gilyarovsky, of my beloved and the most beautiful city. My childhood was spent in the Moscow region, in its forests, birch groves, and on the banks of its ponds. We were all Soviet people then. Russia is our mother. But the mother is not chosen. There is such a wise story in the Bible. God sends Moses to lead the Jews out of Egypt. Pharaoh protests, and God orders Moses to bring the first plague on the country. The Nile River must turn to blood and Moses must strike it with his staff. But he doesn't do this. After all, once upon a time, a long time ago, it was the Nile who saved little Moses when he was floating in a cradle on its gentle waves... And the prophet cannot hit the Nile. Whatever the Motherland is, you cannot hate it. She must not be betrayed. It cannot be hit... This is an eternal biblical lesson.

M.S. Russia's policy in the Middle East is focused on Arab countries, often hostile to Israel. Now everything is based on economic gain, can Israel offer Russia something that will force it to change priorities in its favor?

M.F. Indeed, today Russia is focusing on Arab countries, and not on Israel. This is not surprising. Israel is a small, long-divided market, where today there is no place for Russian goods and Russian weapons. It cannot in any way replace the Arab countries, even if it wants to. The turnover of Russian business in Arab countries is many times greater than the potential turnover in Israel. Even if the Jewish state offered Russia electronic modernization of weapons, the construction of joint projects of unmanned aircraft and tanks, upgrades medical centers and hospitals and exchange of experience in the field Agriculture, I don’t think that this would still outweigh the entire market of Arab countries. However, I am sure that it would be a big mistake to believe that only Israel can give anything to Russia. Russia can give Israel a lot and teach it a lot. In particular, Russian specialists could conduct exploration work for oil and gas fields, as well as engage in production and transportation. Russia can be a leader in the construction of subways, tunnels, and even new cities in Israel. And yet I don’t think there is a need to connect one with the other. Russia must do what is beneficial for it, and there is nothing wrong with that, because Israel is also the world’s largest exporter of weapons, and does not always sell it to Russia’s friends. And mutually beneficial work between Russia and Israel is already underway full swing, and these ties will only get stronger. There cannot be a revolutionary approach to bringing countries closer together, but only a calm evolutionary approach. Everything changes and changes in better side. I am an optimist in this regard.

M.S. It is no secret that the negative attitude of some Russians towards Jewry is a consequence of a number of statements in Jewish religious literature, for example, “Shulchan Aruch”, where one can feel disdain for non-Jews. Some rabbis say it needs to be clarified: this is outdated. But “Shulchan Aruch” is not the Torah, from which not a word can be removed, but the fruit of the subjective thoughts of a medieval sage. If this is no longer relevant, perhaps it would be easier to edit the book to deprive opponents of the argument?

M.F. You ask a very wise question, Marina. Of course, any hatred has some reasons, and we must try to remove these reasons. Every religion has books that express intolerant language towards people of other faiths. Judaism is no exception. And it’s not just the Shulchan Aruch, a code of Jewish religious laws written in the 16th century, compiled by Rabbi Joseph Karo. The problem starts earlier. By the fifth century AD. In Babylon, a huge multi-volume commentary of Jewish sages on the Bible was recorded, called the Talmud. It is here that the first negative assessments of neighboring peoples appear. The Talmud quite often uses an abbreviation of the Hebrew words “worshipping and serving the stars and constellations.” Akum is only and exclusively a pagan. The term "Akum" does not apply to either Christians or Muslims, who are considered monotheists, and according to the belief of the Jews, will inherit paradise and the kingdom of heaven if the majority of their earthly deeds are good. The greatest rabbis and legislators speak clearly about this. The great sages of the Middle Ages, the European school of commentators on the Talmud Tosafot write: “We are confident that Christians do not worship idols.” The great medieval sage and commentator on the Talmud, Rabbi Menachem Meiri, explains: “In our time, no one practices in relation to Christians all the restrictions and distances established in the times of the Talmud in relation to pagans, because they are not such.” that the wild pagans of antiquity mentioned in the Talmud, who made human sacrifices, have absolutely nothing to do with Christians, writes the great German rabbi Meir, known as Maharam from Rothenburg, the French rabbi Moses son of Jacob, known as Smag, revered by all Jews, writes: “We are already. they have written many times that the people of Israel have no right to deceive either Christians or Muslims. God has scattered us among these nations, and it is our responsibility not to lie or deceive them. And in this there is no difference between a Jew and a non-Jew." And more about the meaning of the word “Akum”. If a Jew becomes a pagan, he is equated with Akum. There are many places in the Talmud where righteous, decent non-Jews who believe in God are glorified. So, to for example, it is said about them: “A non-Jew who keeps the laws of Noah is worthy of the same respect as the high priest Jerusalem Temple"Every non-Jew who keeps the basic universal biblical commandments is a righteous person and will enter the kingdom of heaven. Maimonides writes about this in his book Mishneh Torah. All people are created “in the image and likeness” of God, and any racial or religious hostility is disgusting. A lot has been written about this, and I, like you, Marina, do not understand why the chief rabbis are busy with some other matters and do not pay due attention to this problem - they do not write explanations on the “Shulchan Aruch” that would clearly and clearly explain to everyone and everyone that all the statements in this book are aimed only at the pagan polytheists of antiquity.

M.S. I communicate with Zionists from the House of David movement. Their ideology is now developing in this direction: the Israeli people need to reject the worldview of the eternal victim of anti-Semites and revive the heroic spirit of Jewish antiquity. I think this will change the very psychology of the Jews, who are currently creating entire forums where they collect unpleasant facts and statements, actively discuss them and live, in fact, in a state of constant resentment against the world. What do you think of it?

M.F. I am not a Zionist and never have been. I believe that Jews can live anywhere. Not necessarily in Israel. I love Israel, I love our army, our people, but I do not always share the policies of the leaders of Zionism. I believe that at the end of time, when the Messiah comes, biblical prophecies will be fulfilled and God will gather us in our historical homeland. But this will be a miraculous way, as the prophet Isaiah writes about it. It seems to me that the truth lies in the wise combination of patriotic education with a deep study of the past. I think it's not wise to be always offended by everyone, and we weren't always right. We must move forward. And younger generations will become different. Today, Israelis are not at all the Diaspora Jews they are used to seeing in Russia. These are strong, free, far from rich people - warriors, people - plowmen, people - workers. Remember the two-word joke - a Jewish janitor? In Israel this is not a joke. There are Jews there - taxi drivers, janitors, workers, fitters, mechanics, paratroopers, sailors, parachutists and pilots... They are no longer afraid of anyone, and at the same time they know their history. I think this is the right way. You can't cry forever. Said this great king David in the Psalms: “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”

M.S. Now there is an opinion that Israel should be an example for Russia as an established national state, where the titular nation occupies its rightful place. Or does it only seem that way from the outside?

M.F. It seems to me that this is an incorrect and superficial view. Arab citizens of Israel live much better than many Arabs from neighboring Arab countries. They are exempt from military service. They have all the benefits of citizens: free medicine, equal rights in the courts, complete religious freedom, the right to Islamic education in Arabic. The rights of Muslim women are not infringed in any way.

Every morning, around five in the morning, I, like hundreds of thousands of other people, are awakened by the muezzin's shrill call to prayer. The speakers located in every mosque are certainly a nuisance for many non-Muslim citizens, but Israeli democracy prohibits their removal. Israeli judicial system is permeated by left-wing liberals, alien to the spirit of national patriotism, and most of the verdicts of Israeli courts in cases between Arabs and Jews are in favor of the Arabs. Thousands and thousands of Jews were thrown out of the evacuated settlements of Sinai, Hebron, Gush Katif, Judea and Samaria. But the formula “peace in exchange for territory” does not work. It only shows weakness and powerlessness. At the same time, among the Jews there are people spying against our officers and soldiers, knocking foreign organizations to your own state. The situation is very similar to Russia, where, unfortunately, many so-called oppositionists and human rights activists are actually hostile to the interests of the majority.

M.S. What do you, as a rabbi, see as the main task of the Jewish people? The Torah says: “You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation,” which seems to imply preaching, but it is prohibited in Judaism. I have heard the opinion that the Jews simply must live in such a way as to become an ideal for all humanity, which will follow their example. This will be the messianic role.

M.F. Marina, the idea that preaching Judaism among other nations is supposedly prohibited is a common misconception. This practice actually developed among Orthodox Judaism under the influence of persecution and fear of being exposed as missionary activity by the authorities, despite the fact that it contradicts the procedure for the instant acceptance of Judaism in ancient times. There were entire states of ethnic non-Jews who converted to Judaism thanks to the active missionary work of rabbis and Jewish merchants. However, numerous bans have put an end to this practice. Jews stopped preaching to Gentiles, and centuries later they themselves believed that this practice was prohibited from a religious point of view.

Many Jews, unfortunately, rejected God and chose the golden calf. They reoriented themselves into financiers and revolutionaries, forgetting about their direct purpose of being a priest of the people. It is not necessary to preach Judaism among other peoples, but it is possible and necessary to preach the basic supra-religious values ​​of the Bible: goodness, mercy, tolerance, brotherly love for each other. This is the basic message of the Bible. It is beyond the labels of Judaism, Christianity or Islam. This is an eternal, universal, universal message that will always and everywhere be relevant. This is what needs to be promoted. But many of our people are doing something completely different. Either they rock the boat, calling for another revolution, or they strengthen the negative attitude towards their people, making colossal fortunes in the countries of dispersion, but not really helping the people among whom they live. We are obliged to be loyal to the authorities, we are obliged to give the people of the country where we are the sacred right to decide for themselves how to live.

M.S. Mikhail, I recently spoke with the famous critic Vladimir Bondarenko. He said something like this: “A talented Jewish writer can only succeed if he goes into the culture of another people, Russian, German, English, and is fed by their energy, since Jewry itself will not give him the opportunity to realize himself - it is an old, decrepit nation. No wonder its writers were afraid to remain parochial, uninteresting to the world, and were in a hurry to break with Jewry. For example, Brodsky, when he learned that he would perform in the synagogue hall, refused to perform, although he had to pay a penalty. I was afraid to look like a small-town guy!”

I replied: “I don’t agree. In my opinion, what makes Jewish literature shtetl is precisely the desire to cling to a foreign culture; the authors wrote on Christian subjects, but at the same time remained strangers. And their works did not reflect the Russian mentality, for example. But the Jewish people were not reflected either. AND main mistake Such authors were precisely moving away from Judaism - a religion that is powerful, positive in its attitude, where there is a high goal, self-respect, and a majestic philosophy. This is where a writer needs to look for ideas and inspiration, and not on the margins of someone else’s story. But now that the Jews have found their own country and are returning to Judaism, they will have a truly national literature.

- And now they gravitate towards English-language literature! - The critic retorted.

- The sages said correctly: “It is not enough to take the Jews out of galut, we must take the galut out of the Jews.”

Do you think Jewish writers should try to uproot the influence of foreign cultures and religions from their work, or is this not important and Israeli literature has more serious tasks?

M.F. I beg to differ with Vladimir Bondarenko. Yitzhak Leibush Peretz, Marcus Lehman, Sholom Aleichem, Chaim Nachman Bialik, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Shmuel Agnon and many, many other Jewish writers and poets who wrote and write in Yiddish and Hebrew, and never touched on non-Jewish topics in their work, created a number of timeless works that have taken their rightful place in the world classics. Vladimir Grigorievich correctly spoke about the behavior of assimilated and notorious authors. But can they be called worthy sons of their people? Can a son who is ashamed of his mother be called her son? I doubt. I agree with you. We have a huge, colossal history, and we have something to be proud of and something to celebrate. Although this does not mean at all that a Jewish writer does not have the right to write on any topic. The main thing is not to forget who you are, and not to betray or sell your people. We may be a decrepit nation, but judging by the number of Nobel laureates, it is too early to talk about decrepitness. I look to the future with optimism. Bible prophecies are coming true, and the bare and deserted land has become blooming garden, and we still burn, but we don’t burn out.

M.S. Mikhail, when I read your articles, I became interested in your biography and activities. I saw an excerpt from your novel “The Prague Angel” on the Internet. Then you sent me it and another book about Khazaria.

“The Prague Angel” is a bright, powerful mystical work, partly historical and philosophical. Tell readers briefly what your books are about?

M.F. I've written three books. The first is the mystical novel "The Prague Angel". I took the trouble to collect from all the sources available to me materials telling about the life and deeds of the famous Rabbi Maharal, who created in the 16th century artificial person Golem. The novel is built according to the classical scheme of the penetration of a person from modernity into the Middle Ages. Main character books - Michael finds himself in that turbulent time with the help of the souls of the Prague rabbi and Elijah the prophet. They take a guest from the future through the streets of Prague, telling and showing him how “everything really happened.” Next - exciting adventures, dangers, unexpected rescues; a palace that appears out of nowhere one night and disappears into nowhere the next morning; and most importantly - the mysterious and elusive Golem, the hope and savior of the people of Israel. The Golem is the embodiment of the dream of an invincible defender of the weak, the oppressed, those in danger, those who have lost hope. Isn’t this the same eternal dream of someone who will save even when there seems to be no salvation? But it must be emphasized that the Golem does not have its own will, it always and everywhere carries out the orders of its owner - the Maharal, while the sage himself always and everywhere carries out the will of the Creator. This justifies the executions carried out by the Golem.

The second book is the historical novel "The Tale of Khazaria." The book is dedicated to the history of the Khazar kingdom during the renunciation of paganism. Adventures, mysticism, love and betrayal, political and military conspiracies, religious issues, pictures of everyday life, peace and war, rituals and customs, Khazar Khaganate, Byzantium, ancient Judea, Arab Caliphate - a wonderful cocktail made from bright images, sketches outlined accessible language. Kagan-bek Bulan summons representatives of three religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam to decide which path the Khazars will take, having renounced pagan gods. The issue of religious choice is relevant at all times and continues to determine the destinies of people and states.

The third book is a mystical novel about King Solomon and the devil. There is not a single story known to a wide range of readers about legendary king. A lot of philosophy, analysis of the most important issues for humans, religion, mysticism and adventure. The main characters move in time and space, moving from one world to another.

M.S. What are your creative plans?

M.F. My sister, a brilliant journalist and editor, Polina Finkel-Bendetskaya, gave me the idea to write a historical novel about my grandfathers - officers of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. At one time, I interviewed my grandfathers in detail about their lives. And one of them, my mother’s father, a retired colonel, left a book of memories. May God give you strength and inspiration. I am writing, because it is not me... It is God who dictates.

In the journal strukova_mv I left a comment with the following content:
Very informative conversation. However, the interviewee answered many questions either evasively or not at all. Such as:
- M.S. Russia's policy in the Middle East is focused on Arab countries, often hostile to Israel. Now everything is based on economic gain, can Israel offer Russia something that will force it to change priorities in its favor?
- M.S. Now there is an opinion that Israel should be an example for Russia as an established national state, where the titular nation occupies its rightful place. Or does it only seem that way from the outside?
And the answer to your question:"M.S. I communicate with Zionists from the House of David movement. Their ideology is now developing in this direction: the Israeli people need to reject the worldview of the eternal victim of anti-Semites and revive the heroic spirit of Jewish antiquity. I think this will change the very psychology of the Jews who are creating entire forums where they collect unpleasant facts and statements, actively discuss them and live, in fact, in a state of constant resentment towards the world around them. "What do you think about this?
is completely erroneous, since it denies the basis of the state, one of the cornerstones of which is the theory of Zionism. I already wrote once on your page that I am a person who does not believe in God, but shares many of the ethical principles of the Torah. And as a pragmatist, I believe only in human reason, and reason tells me that in order for the state to strengthen and prosper, it is necessary to abandon the imaginary hope in the Messiah and engage in practical matters, and one of them is to stimulate the aliyah of Jews to Israel and the development of territories, stipulated in the declaration, Balfour, in the decisions of the conference in San Remo and the League of Nations, which recognized these decisions, and then the UN, as its successor and subsequently confirmed by the Hague Court.
And one last thing. Your formulation about the place of the titular nation (the titular nation occupies a worthy place) is streamlined. It creates ambiguity - what is worthy? We must speak frankly - the titular nation is a state-forming component and should be in the absolute majority.

    The situation in Russia and the world now is such that it is time to remember the words of Christ: “Leave them alone: ​​they are blind leaders of the blind; and if the blind lead the blind, then both will fall into a pit.” (Matt. 15:14).

    The Savior spoke these words to a Jew in relation to the Pharisees. He called them “the blind leaders of the blind.” Speaking in other words: “I am the light of the world; whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12), Christ called on the Jews to leave the tutelage of the Pharisees and follow him.

    The Pharisees, in turn, told the Jews about Christ that he was a false messiah, an impostor, and that they should not listen to him, but kill him, and the sooner the better! In the end, that’s how the matter ended - Christ was crucified.

    Who are the Pharisees? - let's find out finally.

    We open the encyclopedia and read: “The Pharies (Hebrew: פְּרוּשִׁים‎, perushim, prushim) are a religious and social movement in Judea during the era of the Second Temple, one of the three Hebrew philosophical schools that arose during the heyday of the Maccabees (II century BC. ), although the emergence of the Pharisees can be traced back to the time of Ezra. The teachings of the Pharisees form the basis of Halacha and modern Orthodox Judaism."

    From the dictionary entry it follows that the Pharisees are, first of all, philosophers who founded their own philosophical school after the Exodus from Ancient Egypt, and then they are the religious and political leadership of the Jews.

    Since their philosophy lay and still lies at the basis of modern so-called Orthodox Judaism, for all centuries it has been decisive in the movement of the Jewish people along the axis of time.

    If this is so, then why be surprised at the fact that the Jewish people, and with them all the other nations following the Jews, have come today to the very edge of the abyss?!

    Modern Pharisees, not seeing a way out of the impasse, have already begun to instill in the Jews the idea that the end of human history will most likely be the Third World War, in which all types of weapons will be used, including nuclear weapons.

    An example of this is the publication on the Internet “ON THE EVE OF NUCLEAR WINTER. INTERVIEW WITH RABBI AVROM SHMULEVICH ABOUT MASHIACH, THE END OF THE WORLD AND THE REMOVAL OF THE “IRON CURTAIN”:http://forumkavkaz.com/index.php/topic,2295.0.html

    These are truly “blind leaders of the blind”!

    Of course, the fate of blind people can turn out to be very sad... And if they have already literally begun to understand with their own skin that they have really come to the edge of a hole or an abyss, then only a sighted person can save them in this situation, who can take them by the hand and lead them away from the deadly edge and point in the right direction. And it’s even better if a truly sighted person becomes their new guide. After all, blind people can literally stray from the right direction again after just three steps.

    Today the Jews finally have such a sighted person. His name is Mikhail Finkel. He is a Doctor of Law and, in addition, an Orthodox rabbi.

    He sees the salvation of the Jews in their repentance.

    In my opinion, he does not reveal anything new to the Jews - the same thought was instilled in them by Christ at one time: “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick; I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5: 31-32).

    The fact that Mikhail Finkel sees a way out of salvation for Jews in repentance only says that the Truth remains the Truth even after thousands of years.

    Jews today have something to repent for. Their sinful path is very long. They have millions of ruined lives on their conscience. Mikhail Finkel openly admits this and believes that there is simply no other way out of the impasse other than repentance. One more step - and there will be a disaster!

    Here is his appeal to the Jews and to the Russian people, to whom Mikhail Finkel sincerely repents for his people.

    “...Not much time is left until the Jewish New Year and Judgment Day, when all true Jews must repent of their sins before the Creator and before people. This is a unique time of opportunity when the gates of repentance are wide open both on earth and in heaven. I have long thought about the true reasons for such difficult Russian-Jewish relations, in the history of which mutual reproaches and reproaches, mutual insults, wars, tears, pogroms, revolutions and blood are intertwined. In the people's memory, both the Orthodox churches desecrated by the atheist commissars and the burnt Jewish towns in the Pale of Settlement still burn.

   It is impossible to achieve true friendship between our two peoples without passing through the cleansing waters of repentance for sins. My people, persecuted and suffering for thousands of years, burning throughout their history like a burning bush, constantly demand repentance and repentance from those peoples who committed crimes against them. We stand as an eternal accuser and prosecutor, exposing the Germans, Ukrainians, Poles, Hungarians, British, Spaniards, Portuguese, Arabs and many others for unjust expulsions, pogroms, terror and discrimination. However, we ourselves, unfortunately, really do not like to admit our crimes and sins in relation to other peoples.

   At this special time, I want to repent and ask for forgiveness for those representatives of my people who, with their crimes and abomination, stained not only themselves, but also their people, because every Jew is perceived by the world not only as an individual, but also as an ambassador and representative of his entire people.

   I am ashamed and pained for the Jewish revolutionaries who contributed to the collapse of the Russian Empire, who were guilty of numerous crimes of the Civil War, the destruction of Orthodoxy, the clergy, the aristocracy and the intelligentsia of the Russian people. The atheists and atheists cursed by the rabbis of that time were Trotsky, Sverdlov, Yurovsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Yagoda... These names are just the tip of the iceberg. Their terrible and bloody crimes left indelible wounds on the soul and body of the Russian people. Almost a century has passed since then, but the pain still does not subside.

   Is it because no one has yet asked for forgiveness for these sins?

   The years fly by, and Shvonders of various stripes in leather jackets and with Mausers are being replaced by shady businessmen and all kinds of agents repeating the mistakes of their great-grandfathers. They do not understand that it is impossible to bring “happiness” to the Russian people through the turmoil and blood of the new revolution with other people’s money.

   Russia has become a refuge and haven for so many peoples, including the Jewish people, but for some reason many liberal journalists will not understand that you cannot, as a guest, stage a coup in a beautiful and hospitable house that gave you bread, a roof over your head, everything imaginable and inconceivable benefits.

   I am hurt and ashamed for these people, both past and present. I apologize to the Russian people for everything that was and is. The destinies of our peoples are intertwined and connected together. The time has come to turn the sad page of history. How many Jewish scientists, entrepreneurs, doctors, engineers who went abroad dream of returning to their homeland and giving it their potential, talent and abilities. All of them, scattered all over the world, no matter where they live, carry a piece of Russia within them. Despite the fact that a significant part of these people were unfairly offended.

   Russia has a huge future ahead, and soon, I am sure, the great Russian Empire will be recreated, it will regain its ancestral lands, watered with blood...

   The sun is rising over Russia, and many Jews who were forced to leave it will return and contribute to its successes and victories. Immigration can never bring happiness - only the illusion of stability and prosperity. There is very little time left when we will become eyewitnesses of a new page in fraternal Russian-Jewish relations.

   Sincerely yours, Mikhail Finkel, Orthodox rabbi, Doctor of Law"

* * *

    I understand Mikhail Finkel perfectly, because I myself am an intuitionist like him. Intuitionists always see several steps ahead compared to intellectuals. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a frank confession by a doctor of law, and even an Orthodox rabbi, has already caused a storm of emotions among many Jews who consider themselves great intellectuals and know about many of the crimes of their compatriots.

    To put it mildly, they are simply shocked by Mikhail’s action!

    They still can’t wrap their heads around how they can even say something like that now?! Indeed, in response to such repentance, Russian men can pick up axes and go kill Jews! - they think.

    Mikhail Finkel himself said that to his attempt to smooth out difficult Russian-Jewish relations, the reactions from the Jews were very different, even indecent: “Not everyone understood me. But the most distinguished person was the press secretary of the Chief Rabbi of Russia and the representative of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia , Mr. Borukh Gorin, who dared to insult me ​​with a vile obscene word on my Facebook page only because I am making attempts at frank interfaith dialogue... It seems that people like him are advocating permanent hostility, constantly escalating it and increasing it.”

    Personally, I believe that the path that Rabbi Mikhail Finkel offers to Jews is the only correct one. It is my deep conviction that his initiative will find support in the hearts of millions of Russian people. There is simply no other way out of the current impasse, and as the old Russian wisdom says, “the sword does not cut off a guilty head.” In other words, all guilt is mitigated by recognition. Nowadays, some Jews, especially those who hold the reins of power in their hands, be it global or local, sometimes behave like criminals who are sure that nothing good will happen to them, that their crimes are so serious that they should be spared will not be.

    Well, what do the rest of the Jews have to do with it? - I just want to exclaim!

    And again the phrase of Christ comes to mind again: “leave them: they are blind leaders of the blind...”    Here it is - hope for an unexpected turn of events...

Anton Blagin

* * *


Viktor Moiseevich Finkel (1930, Kharkov) is a well-known scientist, professor, and specialist in solid state physics in Russia.

During the Great Patriotic War, the family was evacuated to Kemerovo.

Having graduated with honors from the Faculty of Engineering and Physics of the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute, he comes to work in Kuzbass as assigned. Specialty: engineer-metal physicist.

From 1953 to 1956, he worked at the Central Laboratory of KMK as a research engineer. In 1956 he defended his Ph.D. thesis. Work at the Department of Physics in the Media. From 1963 to 1969, head of the department of physics. In 1966 he defended his doctoral dissertation.

He worked at the Rostov plant-VTUZ under Rosselmash.

V.M. Finkel took an active part in the formation scientific worldview young metal physicists. From the first year he attracted students to scientific work. In 1962 - 1963 academic year V.M. Finkel gave lectures on the theory of dislocations for the first time; teachers from the Department of Physics and engineers from the problem laboratory attended these lectures along with the students.

The physics department studied the kinetics of brittle fracture of materials. A graduate school was opened, and the first graduate students from V.M. Finkel became L. Zuev and G. Razdobarin.

Finkel V.M. is a specialist in the field of physics of fast processes. Stood at the origins of creation scientific school“Strength and ductility of materials under external energy influences.”

In the early 90s he emigrated to the USA, where he currently lives.

Books (1)

Portrait of a crack

Destruction... We face it every day, every hour. Here is a weak stalk of grass that has sprouted through the asphalt and is turning victoriously green. How did this happen? Then, quite unexpectedly, a powerful metal structure, which would stand for centuries... Why? What is the cause of the disasters and destruction occurring in the world of the strongest materials? How does a microscopic crack behave, where does it get such strength and such cunning? How does a person learn to manage this terrible force and turn it to your advantage?

The book is intended for a wide range of readers, for everyone who wants to understand one of the great mysteries of nature. And above all, it is addressed to young people who are faced with choosing a profession.

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