Solution for a small hallway. Small hallway design

A spacious hallway of regular shape is a rarity in modern apartments. Basically, it is presented in the form of a small square or narrow room designed for two people. This situation does not suit many owners, since this is the first room that anyone who enters the house sees. Its interior should be attractive, comfortable and stylish. Do it for a couple square meters very difficult, but possible. Modern design ideas for a small hallway will help in solving such a problem.

The design of a small hallway can be beautiful and functional. The main thing is to approach his choice wisely. On small area can be implemented different ideas that will make the room cozy and functional.

The interior of the hallway should be attractive, because this is the first room that the guest sees

Use modern ideas to implement in your apartment

The design of a small hallway can be beautiful and functional

There are a number of tricks for working with small apartments, following which it will not be difficult to arrange your home. The first thing you should pay attention to is the tone of the design. It should be light. The general color scheme is represented mainly by pastel shades.

Dark elements are used as accents. A closet, pouf, or door will cope with this task perfectly. Their number is minimal. Since many dark objects visually narrow the space. As for the ornaments, they can be on the wall or floor. Small patterns work well.

The interior of a small hallway should have bright lighting. If you use several lamps located in different places, the room will become spacious. The shadow is inappropriate, the twilight visually “eats up” the area. The lamps around the mirror look original. This is not only convenient, but also enhances the reflection effect. The corridor will sparkle with new colors.,

Mirror - required attribute any hall. The idea of ​​placing it on the entire wall is perfect for a small hallway. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to implement it, then it is worth doing it. A mirrored wall will visually enlarge the boundaries of the room. If it is located opposite the entrance, then a feeling of infinity is created.

The mirror on the door itself looks original. These two elements are purchased as one whole. Therefore, you will not need to spend extra money on a mirror. In addition, it saves space on one of the walls.

You should not install many pieces of furniture in a small hallway. They should be in minimal quantities. The style must be consistent with the overall design, each element is harmoniously combined with the others. A corner closet, a cabinet and a shelf where shoes are stored work well. The latter will help keep the room clean and tidy. It saves precious space and fits shoes well.

The hallway should have bright lighting

It is advisable to decorate the hallway in pastel colors

Arranging the interior of a small hallway is not easy. Here you need to place shoes, outerwear and some household supplies. Using original ideas layout, you can increase the space and create an attractive interior.

It is appropriate to install arches instead of doors. They will visually expand the vestibule. Its design should be strictly based on the principle of minimalism. There's no room in the hallway unnecessary things, only necessary items.

There must be a mirror in the hallway. Preferably in full height

Using original planning ideas, you can increase the space and create an attractive interior

A small podium looks good in a narrow corridor. To expand it, you need to use transverse strips on the floor or on top. It is also worth highlighting the entrance area and using light colors when decorating.

High ceilings can create a cramped feeling. You can reduce them with the help of a mezzanine and dark wallpaper. In this case, you can create plasterboard construction different levels, having a similar effect.

You can hang pictures on an empty wall

When arranging a small hallway, try to make it larger

When arranging a small hall, the main task is to make it more spacious. Various visual methods will help with this. White trim, panels and a glossy ceiling will cope with the task.

The walls should be light. They can be painted beige, blue or light green. Wallpaper is used as a finishing material. Will fit well plain options or with a small pattern that is not noticeable.

If you remove the thresholds between the rooms and lay the floor covering, then small hallway will increase. This cannot be achieved provided that there is a clear demarcation in the premises. This trick will create the opposite effect.

In this case, forget about the varnished field. He has bad indicator wear resistance. It will quickly lose its attractive appearance, which will spoil the overall picture of the interior. Parquet is not suitable, as it is easily deformed. The most the best coverage for the hall there are tiles. It has many advantages: long service life, moisture resistance, easy to maintain. The choice on the market is huge; it fits well into any interior.

Wall decoration can be done with wallpaper

Use light shades in the hallway. This will help make it visually larger

To make the hallway visually larger, use white color

Which design style should you choose?

The main problem that arises in the process of arranging a small hall is clutter. An ascetic environment will help to avoid it. It involves the use of only hooks on the wall that serve to place clothes, shelves for closed shoes and open type. In this case, the closet is located in another room. This will keep the space free to move. Otherwise, the tiny room will be cramped and uncomfortable.

The installed furniture should be multifunctional. The bench is used not only as a seat, but also as a storage system. There is a lid on it, which you can open to gain access to the deep drawer. Such a solution will be fresh, practical and functional. It will not be difficult for the homeowner to implement it on their own.

Elements of country style look good in a small hallway. It involves the use of light colors when decorating the walls. Furniture made from dark wood will give the interior an impressive look. The flooring should create a color bridge. Dark shades will help with this.

Use multifunctional furniture

There should be enough lighting in the hallway

Bright small hallway

Basically, a light palette is used to decorate a small hallway. But not all owners like it. Some people prefer bright and rich colors. They use them in all rooms of their apartment. The corridor is no exception.

In this case, you can hang wallpaper with a bright pattern. He should be the only one in a tiny room. The furniture is plain and light. To harmoniously complete the interior, you can display a work of art on the wall. This design looks fresh and original.

More often, light shades are used to decorate the hallway.

The design of the hallway needs to be planned down to the smallest detail.

It is better to finish the floor with tiles

Features of organizing a storage system

It is important to properly organize the storage system in the hallway. If its dimensions can be classified as average, then a spacious furniture set is used. It combines different types shelves and drawers. A corner cabinet works well. It uses space, which often remains free during arrangement. Furniture will allow it to be used rationally.

An unpainted cabinet made of wood will help give a small hallway coziness and comfort. The warm natural shade blends harmoniously into the overall picture of the interior. It is able to accommodate a large number of things that are used in this moment and are stored. The furniture ensemble does not clutter up the space and does not burden the appearance of the room. The cabinet serves the owners practically and ergonomically.

It is important to properly organize the storage system in the hallway

An unpainted cabinet will help give a small hallway coziness and comfort.

Useful and simple furniture

You need to choose compact furniture for a small room. It is not appropriate to install bulky cabinets, luxurious sofas, or large chandeliers. To make the room attractive and comfortable, you will need to use every meter rationally. Useful and simple items will help with this.

For small hallway A minimum set of furniture is enough. It includes:

  • Closet. Gives the room a finished look. It will take up a significant area, but there will be space for storing things. Mirrored doors and lamps located above them will help to visually expand the space. Can be arranged in a niche;
  • Hanger. Can be placed in even the most modest hallway area. It is presented in the form of several hooks and a shelf designed for storing hats. Rack hangers look original. They come in different configurations and colors;
  • Cabinet. Wearing shoes with weight is uncomfortable. A chair or other place to sit will help make this process easier. If we talk about a multifunctional option, then a cabinet is perfect. It can be used for seating and storage. Its dimensions are compact, so it will easily fit into a small hall;
  • Shoe rack. It will significantly save space. It is equipped with several shelves on which shoes are placed. Good for large families;
  • Mirror. This interior element allows owners to control their appearance. In addition, it visually lengthens and expands the room.

You need to choose compact furniture for a small room

In a small hallway it is important to use every meter as efficiently as possible

For a small hallway, a standard set of furniture is enough

Floor covering: options

When arranging the hallway, it is worth remembering the floor. Only if it is designed correctly, the interior will be stylish and practical. Do not lay carpets that do not meet the requirements modern design. They quickly become dirty and lose their appearance.

The following materials are suitable for the hallway.




It is universal and inexpensive option coverings. Does not require special care, easy to clean, resistant to moisture, long time does not lose its attractive appearance. Commercial linoleum works well. It is used in rooms with high traffic. High quality and resistant to impact negative factors. Fits well into any interior. As it happens different colors and textures.

IN Lately especially in demand. And this is not surprising. The material has a high strength index and is resistant to loads, cleaning, moisture, and dust. Retains its presentation for many years.

Not the best flooring option. Parquet can only be installed in a classically decorated hallway. The use of wooden planks is a thing of the past and looks unsightly. This type of flooring is impractical to use and quickly loses its appearance.


Gives the room a cozy look. It is better to choose dark tones of the material. Light colors quickly absorb dirt, which is difficult to remove. The pile must be short. Otherwise, sand and debris coming from the street will accumulate

An ideal flooring option. The main two advantages are resistance to damage and easy to maintain. Good material that imitates a natural stone, tree. The slippery type should not be used.

The best floor covering in the hallway would be tiles.

To get a spacious and comfortable room, you need to take into account many nuances

If we talk about the aesthetic characteristics of the room, then a laminate laid in length visually enlarges the room. Extends the diagonal pattern on the material. The tiles are laid in diamond patterns. This will make its design more original.

Decorating a small hallway is an interesting process. To get a spacious and comfortable room, you need to take into account many nuances. The furniture is compact and simple, the walls and ceilings are light. The flooring is strong, wear-resistant and durable.

Video: How to arrange a small hallway

50 photos of small hallway design ideas:

Closer to the door it is better to place a place for changing shoes, a shoe dryer and a hanger for outerwear. A little further you can put a wardrobe.

Idea No. 2: install a narrow wardrobe

You can buy a multifunctional one modular cabinet, which combines a place for clothes, a cabinet for shoes, a chest of drawers with drawers and even a seat to put on your shoes.

Idea #3: Secure Wall Hangers

You can completely abandon the closet and choose wall hangers. Designer options look no worse, and clothes dry faster on them after rain. And in general we offer.

Idea #4: Decorate the ceiling with lamps

The design of the hallway should be minimalistic so that it does not seem cramped and cluttered. But you shouldn’t give up decor completely. The more lamps, sconces and small lanterns, the better. After all, it always seems more comfortable and spacious!

Idea #5: Install a mirror

You can't do without a mirror in the hallway. You can choose one large one or several small ones. In addition to direct functionality, all mirror surfaces have another superpower - to increase space. There are several rules

Idea No. 6: hang light wallpaper

Designers - white, beige, light gray, pastel green. They visually make the room more spacious. Dark shades They add crampedness and gloominess to the hallway, which most often is already devoid of windows.

It is important to choose materials that are easy to clean. For example, or stick on washable wallpaper. Another modern material, ideal for the hallway - Wall panels. They are very durable and easy to clean with household cleaners.

Idea #7: Buy striped finishing materials

If the corridor is long and narrow, choose Decoration Materials and interior elements with transverse stripes. Checked: ! At the same time, vertical stripes visually add height to low ceilings.

Idea No. 8: Lay a light-colored floor covering

According to the designers, it is ideal for the corridor floor tiles- it's beautiful and practical. Released today different types tiles - made of ceramics, marble and other natural and artificial materials. Budget options- linoleum and laminate. They clean well from dirt.

Idea #9: Don't forget the carpet

You can’t do without a doormat in the hallway. Tiny will further emphasize the cramped space. A heated floor will help to add coziness and comfort to the hallway - this way you can save space for drying shoes.

Many, faced with the problem of decorating a small hallway, cannot find a solution that would allow them to arrange the hallway so that it is comfortable and attractive.

However, according to the designers, a small hallway that does not occupy more than 1-3 m2 with the right approach can become a cozy place.

Of course, create a comfortable and functional design It’s not easy in a small hallway, but it’s doable.

To start changing the design of a small hallway, you need to start by planning the upcoming work, which includes:

  • Area calculation. In this case, it is worth foreseeing in advance whether you will increase the space by reducing nearby rooms, or limit yourself to the existing footage.

  • Concept and style. Now you need to decide what is more important: an attractive interior or the functionality of the hallway.

  • Cost of work. At this stage, you need to calculate all costs, starting from dismantling the wall, if necessary, ending with the cost of electrical wiring.

  • Purchase of materials. At this stage, you need to pay attention to the cost of materials and buy materials at an average price, because their cost will be acceptable and the quality will be suitable.

That's all, you can start repair work.

Entrance hall in a house with an old layout

It is important to understand that the hallway must correspond to its purpose, so you need to put a closet in a small hallway, a shoe rack and, of course, a mirror.

If your plans do not include increasing the space of the room, then designers have their own tricks on how to arrange a small room.

In order to visually enlarge the hallway, you can use a three-dimensional mirror or two mirror sheets placed in parallel.

With the help of this design technique, even a very small hallway in a Khrushchev-era building will visually look larger than it actually is.

Lighting enhances space, especially if it comes from various sources light, for this you do not need to limit yourself only to central lighting from a chandelier, but you can also add Spotlights, which will be located on the mezzanine, and on both sides of the mirror.

The color scheme influences the perception of space. So the room is in a light palette, but with a little extra dark colors looks more spacious.

As an example, you can consider a hallway in which wall and ceiling surfaces light, and the furnishings and small rug are dark in color, as in the photo of the small hallway.

However, you should not use white as the base color, because against the white background, dirt that is carried into the hallway from the street will be evident.

Another design technique for a small hallway is minimalism, which is expressed in the fact that when decorating a room, only the necessary furniture and a minimum of decor are used.

Typically, designers advise smoothing out the corners in a small room. Moreover, this applies not only to furniture, but also to the premises. In addition, an arch instead of doors will visually expand the space.

In a small hallway you need to make optimal use of the space. To do this, you need to use appropriate furniture for a small hallway, for example, you can store things in a closet or in a corner closet.

If it is not possible to install a closet, you can simply attach hooks to the wall, and install an ottoman with shoe drawers below, or you can hang a mezzanine.

Narrow hallway

At first glance it is quite difficult to create interesting design if you have a narrow small hallway.

However, if you listen to the advice of interior designers, you can solve this problem.

So, the design of the hallway should not differ much from the interior of the house, and even better if the hallway transitions smoothly into a small corridor. It is especially important to maintain a smooth transition in those hallways in which an arch is installed instead of a door.

If there are several doors in the hallway, then it is best to decorate such doors with mirror inserts. And if you have a small corner hallway, then instead standard doors can be installed sliding doors. Such doors will save space.

What wallpaper to choose for a small hallway

The interior of a small hallway largely depends on the choice of wallpaper, which is selected taking into account the configuration and size of the room. However, there are basic directions that can be used in a small hallway of any shape.

For the hallway small size perfect solution– this is a wallpaper of muted colors; the leader of the pastel color range is beige.

Modern small hallways often have photo wallpapers with a 3D pattern; this solution is ideal for a long, narrow hallway.

A classic option for a small hallway is to use wallpaper with a small floral or geometric pattern.

Photo of a small hallway

designer 2018-09-20

A small corridor, especially in a Khrushchev-era building, is not at all a reason to give up convenience and coziness. This is a great opportunity to show off Creative skills and a practical, housewifely approach to the ergonomics of a compact space. Today we will tell you how to do it Beautiful design a small hallway in the photo examples in real apartments.

Ergonomics of a small hallway

First of all, you need to determine the length and height of the walls and partitions, as well as the width of the passage. It is worth paying attention to how the doors opening into the hallway open. What will this give you?

  • The combination of the length of the wall and the trajectory of the door leaf determines the length of the set, which affects which elements will be included in the kit.
  • The width of the aisle will tell you how deep you can make your cabinets and chests of drawers.
  • The height of the ceiling determines the size of the mezzanines and the possibility of their installation.

Having determined the dimensions, you can now plan the structural arrangement of the elements and formulate the content of the set.

What are the main problems faced by apartment residents?

  • Little room to maneuver. It is quite difficult and inconvenient for large people to undress, take off their shoes and hang things up. And if a cheerful, friendly company comes to visit you, then you need to enter/undress/change shoes strictly one at a time.
  • Lack of storage space.
  • A narrow passage filled with shoes.
  • The main communication routes between the living rooms, bathroom and kitchen pass through the hallway-hallway, the dirtiest part of the apartment.

The cleanliness of our compatriots is beyond doubt. However, few people start general cleaning after each visit from neighbors or upon return home of each family member. Yes, in our culture it is common to leave dirty shoes at the doorstep. But the dust remains and scatters throughout the corridor.

This problem is especially relevant in families where there are small children under one year old who are just learning to walk.

In order for an entering person to quickly change lanes and slow down the pace of movement, he needs either enough space or visual references. In stores, this is done by buffer zones that slow down the pace of your step, and in residential areas these are walls, partitions, zoning, etc.

What can be used in the apartment? The corridors are so narrow that there is no talk of any buffer zones. There is practically no room for a change of mood. Therefore, you can stop an active guest or child only with visual effects and proper arrangement of furniture.

  • Floor. In addition to traditional rugs that can protect the hallway from gravel and dust, there are a couple more design techniques. Use color zoning.

Let there be one color at the threshold, and another in the clean area. In addition, to avoid the temptation to walk into the living room wearing street shoes, separate these rooms with a threshold and a colored ornament. Separate zones from each other using different materials or invoices.

Use multiple rugs different shapes and magnitude. Place the jute by the door, and place a soft pile rug in light colors behind the hanger in the “clean” area.

  • Walls. Use vertical demarcation lines. The gaze lingers on them and gives an understanding of where to stop. Mirrors work well. You yourself have noticed how you slow down when walking past mirrored display cases. In the hallway, mirror surfaces help keep quick guests at the threshold until they take off their coats. In addition, thanks to reflection, you will achieve a visual increase in space.

Pilasters and arches take up virtually no space. However, those 2-5 cm over which the relief protrudes can have a magical effect on the person entering. A visual barrier is created that helps regulate the movement of household members and friends without reminders.

Colored vertical stripes work well too. In this case, you can use photo wallpaper with deep perspective. An excellent technique in combination with a mirror located opposite.

Turn part of the hallway into an art gallery or photo exhibition. Separate this area from the hallway with color or texture.

  • Ceiling. Lighting and decorative finishing help with zoning. Stretch ceiling made of PVC have a reflective effect. Thanks to them, the ceiling appears higher and the room appears brighter and more spacious. Longitudinal and transverse LED strips help regulate the degree of illumination and correct visual perception hallway dimensions.

Storage systems

First of all, you need to decide on the volume and nature of the stored items.

  • Outerwear (long and short).
  • Hats and caps.
  • Gloves, belts, scarves.
  • The shoes are light and low.
  • High top boots.
  • Umbrellas.
  • Keys.
  • Combs, hair clips, hair fixing products, etc.
  • Cosmetics.
  • Shoe care products.
  • Small tools for quick repairs (screwdrivers, pliers, etc.).

Hats, caps and folding umbrellas will fit perfectly on the shelf. To get rid of clutter, divide it into several sections. Give each cell its own function.

Gloves, belts, cosmetics can be folded into a narrow small box located at waist level.

Combs, hair dryer, curling irons and so on. fit in hanging baskets-glasses near the mirror.

Shoes will find its refuge in a shoebox or on the shelves of a banquette.

Small tool can be stored in a couple of drawers or metal boxes hidden at the top.

All that remains is to decide on outerwear.

The cabinet occupies a minimum of 60 cm in width and depth. You can reduce the depth to 40 cm. But in this case you will have to increase the width, because In this case, the clothes will no longer be placed sideways, but facing the facades.

If you hang mezzanines around the hanger, you can put rarely used items in them.

Wall cabinets can be hidden in several ways.

  • Choose facades to match the walls.
  • Make the body of the set light, the back wall dark, and the mezzanine a tone lighter than the contrasting wall.
  • Mirror facades.

If you don't have the opportunity to install a closet, take a closer look at shelves with hooks for clothes. Models with an end rod are more functional, because down jackets and coats are hung on trempels.

In case you don’t like the clothes to be visible, cover the bar with a façade, leaving it open side part housings.

How can you visually lighten the hallway and save space for clothes?

  • Use angles. Corner shelf models are compact and can accommodate a large set of jackets and down jackets.

  • Slats with folding hooks. A set of narrow planks with two or three rows of hooks look easy in the interior. This stylish element design that takes up little space.

No matter what kind of houses you live in or buy an apartment in - old or new buildings - their layout can be very different. It depends both on the number of rooms, and on the project and the designer - the author of the layout. Small hallways in apartments are quite common, so during the move-in and subsequent renovations, the problem arises of how to arrange a small hallway.

Agree that the hallway is the first room that “welcomes” you and your guests in the apartment, a room in which many different things are usually stored, so it must not only be well equipped, but also visually enlarged and made as functional as possible.

Therefore, today we propose to consider the features and solutions for arranging small hallways, learn practical tips and secrets for successfully arranging a small hallway.

Small hallway in one-room apartment: design, photo

Start: planning

In order for something to come into being, you need to really want it and, of course, make every effort to bring it to life. As for our topic today - if only you have a fantasy, there will always be opportunities.

Where to start? Of course, from an idea. And then start planning. The point is that no matter what good idea you have in your head, you need to present it on paper. This will make it more clear to your family and, in addition, you yourself will clearly see how everything will look.

It often happens that transferring an idea to another plane makes it possible to look at it completely differently. And additional consultations with your loved ones and home renovation and improvement specialists can completely change everything. This is how the plan is born and becomes a reality.

In addition to the help of your loved ones and advice from design “sharks,” you can learn a lot good ideas possible from numerous websites, catalogues, stores, etc. The main thing is to adapt the idea you see to your hallway and, overcoming unexpected problems that usually arise due to the size of the room, the number of corners, and the shape of the room, achieve the desired result.

Note! Design of a small narrow hallway in an apartment and design square hallway will be designed with a completely different approach: although the ideas may be the same, the shape of the premises makes its own adjustments from the very beginning. So be careful and think things through!

Design of a small square hallway, photo

A small hallway in a one-room apartment will occupy a special place in the layout. The design of such a room is complicated, because the square footage in such apartments is already small. It’s not even worth talking about “Khrushchevka”.

But there are some ideas here too. Choose either classic version– drawn up according to general rules design, or combine the hallway with an adjacent room - kitchen/living room/bedroom/children's room.
In this case, different rules will apply.

Today we will look at decorating the hallway as a separate room.

Nuances and pitfalls

In order not to scatter thoughts all over the tree, let’s name three main pillars that are the most problematic when designing a hallway - size, ceiling height, lighting.

Let's start with the size of the room. Remember the saying that size doesn't matter? In our case, taking into account dimensions will be extremely relevant. The main thing is to skillfully use the space that is available..

If you are interested, the selection in the gallery is a great opportunity to choose original version for every taste.

For photos of wardrobes in a long narrow corridor, see: a built-in wardrobe along one of the walls is the most common option for a narrow corridor.

Accordingly, a number of dreams will have to be discarded. For example, about a large wardrobe, additional pieces of furniture, without which the room will be fully functional and without frills.

You can visually expand the hallway using light colors of the walls of the room and the furniture present; by organizing an open passage (replacement with an arch) to adjacent rooms.

Think through everything based on the size of the room. It should be the starting point when putting forward ideas and making decisions.

Ceiling height and light are the next two pitfalls with their own nuances. But let’s look at them together, because they are often interconnected.

Dark? Add light. Low ceilings? Nobody canceled the backlight! In addition, the option given above will help - organization of an open passage. Or installing doors in adjacent rooms with glass inserts. These doors will add a little light.

Design of a small narrow hallway in an apartment, photo

Corner hallway? Square? No problem!

It is possible, as you already understand from what you have read, to design a hallway in a small apartment. Even if it's The corner hallway is the most difficult of all to arrange. But it can also be decorated comfortably, tastefully and, of course, according to the whims of the residents.

The corner hallway at first seems completely hopeless in terms of its arrangement. It seems like nothing worthwhile will come of it. But don't take its awkward angle as a negative. Treat it as something special, unique. There is no need to despair: grab onto the positive moments. For example, in such a hallway you won’t need to decide for a long time on the depth of the cabinet - the corner itself has already determined it.

In order for you to succeed, you should adhere to two principles:

  1. Unity of furniture design. Placing almost all the necessary pieces of furniture in one corner is a good option for the design of a corner hallway. Think carefully about how to combine the wardrobe, shelves for umbrellas, hats, various accessories, a chest of drawers for shoes, etc. into a single whole. In a corner hallway it is better to combine everything rather than separate it - that’s the secret.
  2. Softening corners. Are you ready to connect everything? necessary items furniture into a single structure and place it in the corner of the room? Then don't forget to soften its corners. Rounded corners will save space and will not interfere with movement in the hallway and transitions to adjacent rooms.

Working with a square hallway will be somewhat reminiscent of working with a corner one. Yes, as you may have guessed, it's all about the corners. They will take on the largest part of the arrangement of pieces of furniture. And everything else is a matter of technology.

Hallway in Khrushchev

Let us consider separately the issue of designing a hallway in a Khrushchev-era building. The fact is that when it comes to hallways in small apartments, this is a completely different conversation than about hallways in Khrushchev buildings. In such apartments they are quite small. This is their peculiarity.

Minimalism will help solve the problem of lack of square meters. The more compact and thoughtfully arranged everything is, the better.

See the gallery: details about the choice and rules of gluing to visually increase the space of cramped corridors and hallways.

Read about the design of the hallway in Khrushchev and see the interior photo gallery.

A closet for shoes and clothes should not only be small, but also functional.

Essentially, it will be divided into three parts - shoes at the bottom, clothes in the middle, and space at the top for umbrellas, gloves, hats and other accessories. Smooth corners near doorways welcome.

Note! In such a small hallway it’s worth giving up storage large quantities outerwear. That is, it will not be possible, for example, to store clothes for the autumn-winter or spring-summer period. Everything is only for the season and only relevant things.

There is no need to talk about the presence of other pieces of furniture. The wardrobe is the main attribute. If you're lucky, you can place a small stool or ottoman for taking off shoes and a mirror. And also spotlights that will not take up much space and shelves suspended from the ceiling.

Light colors are a must. Don't forget that they will help visually expand the room.

Entrance hall in the form of a small corridor

A small corridor very often embodies a hallway. This is one of the most common options. It is easy to arrange such a hallway. Just turn on your imagination and approach everything creatively. Heap design solutions- not an option for such a hallway. Keep your design simple and concise.

We visually expand the narrow corridor. Light colors will come to the rescue again. We also choose furniture in light colors. It should not stand out - neither in color nor in size. Oversized pieces of furniture are not suitable: compact and essential items: there is simply no room for excesses.

Here the best option will visually merge the furniture and walls together. This can be done choosing the color of the walls and furniture in a harmonious relationship and arranging the lighting correctly.

Modular furniture in a small hallway

Several Yet useful tips let's say modular furniture in a small hallway. Such furniture “ensembles,” as they are popularly called, are now in trend. A hallway assembled from several cabinets will be as good as ever.

The opportunity to assemble the set you need from one series of cabinets is everyone’s dream. It is especially profitable to make modular furniture to order, then the issue of selecting modules will be resolved by itself.

Modular furniture systems make it very easy to satisfy the tastes of all customers.

A sliding wardrobe fits perfectly both in a narrow corridor and in hallways of a different plan. Its recoil mechanisms will allow you to avoid moments when open doors closets cause inconvenience, making it difficult to walk through. Sliding ones are much better, and you won’t even have to choose a mirror for the hallway, because Wardrobe doors can be mirrored.

Important! You can choose completely different pieces of furniture for the hallway, but remember that in the case of the hallway we will be talking about not very large things. It is equally important that you need to choose the transform options as much as possible.

After watching the following video, you will be convinced that it is not at all difficult to design a small hallway in an apartment:

To sum up the above, we can use one word - experiment. After all, knowing the rules does not free you from flight of soul and imagination. And time shows that stereotypes need to be broken. So why don't you be the first? Good luck with your design experiments!

Another small selection of photos:

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Macroeconomic calendar
Representatives of the arachnid class are creatures that have lived next to humans for many centuries. But this time it turned out...
Why do you dream of wedding shoes? Why do you dream of wedding shoes with heels?