Garden hydrangeas: review of the best varieties. Garden hydrangea flower: description of species and varieties in the photo Two-color hydrangea

How to distinguish hydrangeas, these wonderful shrubs with huge lush “caps” of flowers?

In total, 12 species of hydrangeas are cultivated in Russian botanical gardens. Most of them grow well in open ground middle latitude. In amateur gardening, the most three types are popular: tree hydrangea, paniculata and large-leaved hydrangea . We will talk about them. Despite the obvious differences between these plants, beginners often confuse them, which leads to errors in agricultural technology.

As a result, hydrangeas do not bloom, although they grow a lot of leaves every year. Without going into botanical subtleties, let's try to understand the characteristics of these species.

In the opinion of a professional, hydrangeas paniculata (Hydrangea paniculata), tree-like (N. arborescens L.) and large-leaved (N. macrophylla) have a lot of differences. The similarity is only general. They have lush flower caps and long, abundant flowering. Inflorescences that are resistant to bad weather and retain their decorative effect for a long time. Large leaves and a powerful, beautiful bush.

However, amateurs evaluate the general appearance of the plant without looking at the details. For example, they believe that all hydrangeas are very similar, especially since many varieties have inflorescences spherical. And the different colors of flowers depend only on the variety.

Market sellers are also misleading. They call all three types of hydrangea “garden” because they grow them in the garden, that is, in open ground.

In fact, the term “garden” (H. hortensis) refers only to large-leaved hydrangea and is used in the scientific literature as a synonym (H. macrophylla = H. hortensis).

All types of hydrangeas have similar requirements. They prefer acidic soils with the addition of high peat. Grows well on lungs fertile lands. They like watering and a bright place away from the midday sun.

This is where the similarity between the named species ends.

What is their difference?

Tree and paniculate hydrangeas have inflorescences white. In large-leaved hydrangea they can be pink, blue, crimson, lilac. For this reason, this species is often called “colored” hydrangea and is given the greatest preference.

In terms of shape, paniculate hydrangea inflorescences are distinguished by a more elongated cone-shaped shape, which is sometimes compared to a panicle.

Tree and paniculata hydrangeas winter well in central Russia, but garden hydrangeas freeze slightly and require shelter.

You should know that not all varieties of large-leaved hydrangea are able to winter even with shelter. For example, raspberry varieties, as well as those with two-color colors, are less winter-hardy. In mid-latitudes they can only be grown in pots and kept indoors in winter.

-And finally, the main difference. Paniculata and tree hydrangeas bloom on the current year's shoots, which develop from the lateral buds of overwintered shoots. Therefore, these species can be trimmed in the spring, forming a bush.

And garden hydrangea blooms on the continuation of last year's stem, which develops from the apical bud. This is the answer to the question: “Why doesn’t hydrangea bloom?” If the ends of the shoots of large-leaved hydrangea are frozen or cut off, then flowering will not take place.

Common misconceptions.

1. It is widely believed that if white hydrangeas are watered with special solutions, their color can be changed to pink or blue. This is a mistake, since the white varieties (paniculata and tree hydrangeas) do not change color. Only large-leaved hydrangea is susceptible to color change from pink to blue (and vice versa) under the influence of soil acidity.

In white hydrangeas, you can achieve a faint blue tint, but the result is not worth the effort, since the color turns out washed out, dirty-pale.

2. Often in flower magazines you can find recommendations to cut the stems of hydrangeas short to obtain larger inflorescences. Moreover, it is not specified what type we are talking about. Novice gardeners, by shortening the shoots of large-leaved hydrangea, deprive it of flowering.

Remember: all types of hydrangeas can bloom without pruning. But paniculata and tree-like form stronger shoots if their branches are shortened by a third. This procedure is carried out in early spring, before the buds open. The result is larger caps, and the bush has a neat, well-groomed appearance.

But large-leaved hydrangea cannot be pruned, since it blooms on the tops of the shoots. If you prune them in the spring, strong young branches will also grow from the lateral buds, but they will not produce flowers.

Don't be confused! Garden (colored) hydrangea is not pruned. Only light sanitary “cleaning” is used for it, removing broken and weak shoots. Old bushes are rejuvenated by cutting out thick branches that are difficult to bend down for the winter.

What kind of hydrangea grows in your area?

We often buy planting material at the market, and private owners do not always specify what they are selling. Under the general name “garden hydrangea” they can offer tree-like, paniculate, and large-leaved. An experienced gardener will immediately identify the species by the leaves, but a beginner will have to trust the seller.

If you purchased a tree or paniculate hydrangea, then there will be no problems with wintering. Even annual seedlings of these species winter successfully. In autumn, you only need to mulch the tree trunk circle with peat or compost.

With large-leaved hydrangea, things are a little more complicated. Quite often, varieties are on sale that do not overwinter in the ground, and they are sold both in markets and in stores.

In large garden centers you can buy already flowering specimens. Blue and pink hats amaze with their size. The label usually states Latin name species (N. macrophylla), but there is no information about winter hardiness. Instead of the variety there is the phrase: “hydrangea in assortment.” Whether such a plant will overwinter is unknown.

To purchase a winter-hardy variety, you should contact nurseries located at your latitude. And the purchased hydrangea must be cut from cuttings. Experienced gardeners have long noticed that imported seedlings sometimes freeze slightly. At the same time, plants obtained from their cuttings and grown in garden conditions winter much better.

The cutting technology is the same as for roses. To be on the safe side, one plant can be left to overwinter at home, then the variety will not be lost.


Tree hydrangea adorns itself with inflorescences that resemble balls. The bush itself is upright, 1-2m high. The leaves have long petioles, oval, serrated at the edges, pubescent, green above, bluish below, from 6 to 20 cm long. The diameter of the white or creamy or greenish inflorescences is on average 12 cm, and in garden forms they are even larger.

Another positive quality - fast growth, within a year the shoots lengthen by 20 cm! It only takes 3 years for a seedling to turn into a luxurious bush, all covered with inflorescences.

Based on the tree hydrangea, many beautiful garden forms and varieties have been developed.

Hydrangea paniculata

Hydrangea paniculata has a pyramidal inflorescence shape. It usually grows in the form of a bush with straight branched shoots; a tree up to 5 m tall is less common. Young shoots are pubescent, reddish-brown. The leaves are velvety, up to 15 cm long, ovate, dense to the touch, dark green above, lighter below. Inflorescences up to 30 cm long. As a rule, their color changes during flowering, which makes this type of hydrangea even more attractive.

Hydrangea (hortensis) is a profusely flowering, unpretentious crop belonging to the saxifrage family, which speaks of its strength and endurance. But despite this, the plant has a stunning appearance. This name is associated with the name of a princess who lived in the Roman Empire in the 18th century and is the sister of Prince Karl Heinrich of Nassau-Siegen. And in Japan this culture is called Ajisai, which means purple sun. Due to its luxurious flowering, hydrangea truly deserves to be called both the princess of gardens and the purple sun. Although, its numerous varieties have long been not only purple.

General characteristics of hydrangea

Today, more than eighty natural species of hydrangeas are known, from which more than one hundred hybrids have been bred. This many varieties of hydrangea are difficult to remember and distinguish from each other. In addition, the plant is not only diverse in the color schemes of its spectacular inflorescences, hydrangeas also differ in other species parameters. For example, they are:

  • shrubby and tree-like (by type of stem);
  • paniculate or spherical (according to the type of inflorescence);
  • erect and liana-like (curly);
  • frost-resistant or requiring winter shelter.

Thanks to the activity of breeders who have long appreciated the beauty of this plant, hydrangea has become widespread in different climatic areas of our country. Garden varieties of hydrangea are increasingly gaining the attention of not only professionals, but also summer residents, who successfully use them to decorate their garden plots. Moreover, from such a variety it is quite possible to choose unpretentious varieties hydrangeas that will thrive in the right climate.

Types of hydrangeas cultivated in central Russia

Gardeners using decorative varieties There are so many hydrangeas to choose from. But it is possible to determine whether a bush belongs to a particular species or variety only during the flowering period, when all the characteristics of flowers and leaves are visible. More often than others on personal plots There are low shrub varieties of hydrangea with large leaves, liana bushes or small trees. Let's get acquainted with the most common garden varieties hydrangeas cultivated in our region.

Paniculata hydrangea

Includes very beautiful varieties. From Japan, and in our country it is found on Sakhalin. It can grow from bushes in a free environment even to trees reaching a height of 10 m. But tree-like crops are found only in natural reproduction, in forests, in clearings. IN garden use By annual pruning, paniculate hydrangea does not have such values. The culture propagates very quickly, best by cuttings. Suitable for growing in central and even northern Russia.

A shrub species also known as wild hydrangea. The variety was brought to us from North America. It has uniform leaves on both sides. And inflorescences appear only on new shoots. Flowering is abundant and long-lasting, from June to September (in some cases flowering was observed until November). Some varieties overwinter without additional insulating protection, and when frozen, their root system has the ability to recover. The most convenient way to propagate is by cuttings.

Garden large-leaved hydrangea

These ornamental shrubs have erect stems. Their flowers can be of any color; their richness depends on the acidity of the soil and the weather conditions in which the plant is located. Does not like calcareous soils. It is a fast growing species. Loves light and warmth. Thanks to agrotechnical efforts, large-leaved garden hydrangea has reached suburban areas near Moscow.

Petiolate climbing hydrangea

Hydrangea petiolate belongs to the liana-shaped bushes. This is still a rare type of hydrangea in our area, brought from the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin, but it is already available in some central Russian parks and gardens. The length of the climbing branch can reach almost 25 m. The variety needs a support to which its vines will be attached with aerial roots. Leaves are heart-shaped, dark. And the inflorescences are very fragrant, umbrella-shaped, up to 20 cm in diameter. Flower colors come in different colors: green, white, lilac.

This variety includes hydrangea such as Himalayan. Petiole climbing hydrangea is often found on the shaded walls of house facades, as well as on the slopes of flower beds and decorative park hedges. Although the plant is shade-loving, it tolerates drought quite well. Picked inflorescences can be cut into bouquets and used as winter dried flowers.

Climbing hydrangea is quite frost-resistant, but in winter it is better to remove its young shoots from the support and cover them with insulation. It is not possible to remove an adult vine with stiffened shoots from the support without damaging it. Petiolate climbing hydrangea prefers moist, but not wet, soils, preferably loam. If support is not applied to this crop at all, then the vines form a ground cover carpet on the surface of the soil.

Serrated hydrangea

Tree-like bush, small in height, about 1.5 m. It has a spreading crown. The leaves are bright, oblong. The inflorescences are spherical, bright blue inside, and paler towards the edges. When they bloom they turn pink or lavender. The brightness of the color, as in other varieties, depends on the acidity of the soil. Blooms hydrangea serrata in July and blooms until September inclusive. This crop is an annual, but unpretentious and transplants well. It retains its colors for a long time, even if it is kept in the form of a herbarium.

Types of hydrangeas cultivated in the southern zone of our country

Tree hydrangea variety - Sterilis

Shrub variety Sterilis, a popular representative of the tree hydrangea. The bush has a round shape, 2-3 m high. The leaves are serrated, about 20 cm long, green on top and bluish underneath. The caps of the inflorescences have the shape of a hemisphere with a diameter of up to 25 cm. The color varies from light green to white. The plant loves fertile soils with good drainage and semi-shaded areas for planting. But the culture is not as hardy to frost as Grandiflora or Annabelle. In severe winters, it may freeze out without the opportunity to be reborn. Therefore, it is bred more often in warm climates and prefers insulation in the winter.

oakleaf hydrangea

This perennial shrub up to 2 m tall. It has red branches and leaves similar to oak (which is how it got its name). The inflorescences are white, panicle-shaped, begin to bloom in June, and fully ripen in September.

They prefer limestone-free soils and do not like excessive moisture. Oddly enough, although this hydrangea is compared to oak, it may well not be able to withstand a very cold and prolonged winter. But that's only young plant. If the oakleaf hydrangea has reached adulthood, then now it is not afraid of frost.

And yet, this variety is still more common in the southern regions of the country, where the climate is milder. Propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush, layering. Requires spring and autumn (twice a year) pruning to form the crown and the next multiple flowering.

Hydrangea radiata

Shrub species, height no more than 2.5 m. The foliage is slightly elongated, lanceolate, pointed towards the apex. Hydrangea blooms in mid-summer with boiling white (radiant) flowers, of which there are a huge number, but they bloom only for one month. The frost resistance of the crop is low, so it is recommended to cover the ground with spruce branches or dry leaves to preserve the root system from freezing. It multiplies quickly and is best planted by cuttings. In the south of Russia it has long been used in landscape design.

Gray or ash hydrangea

Ash or gray hydrangea grows as a green fence in almost all southern regions of our country. The plant is heat-loving, but otherwise completely unpretentious. Height of upright bushes reaches up to 2 m. The leaves are wide and oblong. Faded clusters of inflorescences should be cut off before winter, then next year you can hope for wild flowering again. This species is also popular in garden cultivation because its dried flowers decorate late autumn landscapes for a long time.

Quite a tall shrub, can reach up to 3 m in height. It quickly expands. It blooms only at the end of summer (August - September). It is distinguished by large leaves, the length of which reaches 25–28 cm. Inflorescences have an umbrella shape. Flowers in inflorescences at the beginning of flowering have rich purple or lilac tones, and after flowering they turn into white and blue. The culture is frost-resistant, but needs shelter for the winter. Loves moderate humidity. Due to such requirements, it is grown more often in the regions of southern Russia.


Hydrangea is a plant that combines the beauty of flowering and ease of care. It can rightfully be called best choice for breeding on garden plot. Thanks to the huge variety of varieties, it is possible to identify certain crops that are most suitable in their requirements to the natural conditions of different regions of our country.

Using these beautiful plants as a park living fence, in private flower beds and in summer cottages, it gives gardeners the opportunity to realize their wildest plans. After all, hydrangeas are not only unpretentious to environmental conditions, but also resistant to diseases, pests, damage. They are able to quickly restore their natural potential, and every year delight others with its flowering.

Amazing hydrangea, the types of which are quite numerous, is a shrub or tree small size, which are covered with inflorescences consisting of two types of flowers. The first is large specimens that have four sepals. They are completely sterile. The second variant of flowers is quite small, but its representatives perform reproductive functions. This article will discuss the types of hydrangeas with photos of their representatives. After all, each of them deserves not only an illustration, but also a separate description.

General information

Hydrangea is a genus of flowers that includes about eighty species. The greatest variety of these plants can be found in Japan, China, and also in America.

Several variants grow in the Far East. Of course, the types of garden hydrangeas are not so diverse, but there is still plenty to choose from. The family to which the plant belongs is called Saxifragaceae. This indicates that this flower is quite strong and hardy. But despite all his strength, he has a stunning appearance. You can verify this by studying the types of hydrangeas presented in the article with photos that show all the beauty of this plant.

Features of flowering

Flowering occurs from spring until late autumn. The inflorescences of this plant are located at the ends of its stems and are spherical in shape. They are called a scute or panicle. Some species have reproductive and non-reproductive flowers. They differ in that they have different size. Smaller ones (reproductive) are located in the center, and larger ones (sterile) along the edge. But the inflorescence can only consist of fertile (fertile) flowers.

Then they will all be the same size. More often, hydrangea, the types of which are so numerous, is white. But there may be other shades. You can find plants that are red, blue, pink, and purple flowers. Such colors, as a rule, depend on the soil pH. In acidic soil, specimens grow whose petals turn blue, and in alkaline soil - plants with pink or purple flowers. Any type of hydrangea, garden or wild, has the same fruit. It is usually represented by a box divided into compartments. Their number can vary from two to five.

Historical moments

Europeans first became acquainted with hydrangea at the end of the eighteenth century. It was then that the first French expedition around the world took place. Its participants brought large-leaved hydrangea, which they discovered on the island of Mauritius, located in Indian Ocean. This plant, according to one version, received its name in honor of Princess Hortense, who was the sister of Prince Nassau-Siegen. According to another, more romantic assumption, the flower was named by the French doctor Commerson, dedicating it to his beloved, who bore the name Hortensia.

In 1739, this plant was studied by the botanist Jan Frederick Grovonius, who gave it the name “hydrangia”. It was he who combined two Latin words in the name of this flower. One of them means water, and the other means a jug. These associations were provoked not only by the shape of the seed containers, but also by the moisture-loving nature of this flower. Since then, the hydrangea flower has become increasingly famous, its varieties and species captivating people everywhere. Before reaching Europe, this plant conquered all of Asia. And this is not surprising. Hydrangea has a number of positive characteristics. She feels wonderful not only at home, but also in the garden. The most famous and popular is garden or large-leaved. But what other types of hydrangea are there? The varieties, photos of which can be found in this article, may well be grown in our climatic conditions. And they are not at all afraid of the weather vagaries of the Russian climate.

The nature of our region is not too spoiled by shrubs that can bloom beautifully. Such a gap can be filled by plants borrowed from other areas and resistant to winter. An example of such a shrub is lilac. She was so loved and taken root that she is considered “native”.

But many of these plants have not received due attention, which is completely in vain. Hydrangea is just one of these, the species and varieties of which, although very beautiful, are not widespread enough. Although some of them tolerate well temperate climate and unpretentious in care.

Unfortunately, we cannot grow any hydrangeas at our place. Types and varieties for Russian gardens in the middle zone are somewhat limited. This, of course, is due to the climatic conditions of our area. But there are general recommendations for all of them. Whatever the hydrangea (species), planting and caring for the plant in garden conditions requires some preparation. All representatives of this wonderful flower they like there to be a lot of light. They feel best in open areas, although they do not like too much sun. Therefore, they also grow and develop well in slightly shaded places. Important Features When choosing a place for planting, protection from the wind and constant soil moisture are important. As well as acidic or slightly acidic soil.

Hydrangea: types and care

The soil in which you are going to grow your flowers must be fertile. It shouldn't become alkalized. Since alkaline soils lead to the development of chlorosis. Hydrangea leaves begin to turn yellow and lose their attractiveness. To prevent this, watering is carried out once every ten days with a saline solution, which must certainly contain iron.

The hydrangea shrub, the types and photos of which are presented in this article, prefers the following option soil mixture for growth. This is a combination of peat, sand, as well as leaf and turf soil in equal proportions. It is best to plant hydrangeas in early spring. When planning a planting, a hole is dug fifteen to twenty days before it. The width and depth should be about half a meter. The hole should contain fertile soil, and the neck of the root should be located at soil level. After planting, the hydrangea is thoroughly watered and the ground around the trunk is covered with peat.

As for fertilizers, it is better to use potassium permanganate in solution or slurry. At the beginning of summer and throughout spring, it is better to fertilize hydrangeas with acidic nutrients, and in July, August and autumn - with phosphorus-potassium nutrients.

The plant requires spring pruning every year. If this is not done, the bushes will stretch until they simply break off under the influence of their own weight. Hydrangeas are propagated by cuttings. They are cut when they are already flexible, but not yet stiff. Bushes begin to form at least three years of age.

Hydrangea: types, varieties, photos of representatives

Some of the species and varieties of hydrangea that exist in nature are capable of growing and even delighting with their flowering in gardens of temperate climates. Treelike and paniculata are best suited. Bretschneider's and petiole hydrangeas develop somewhat worse. Therefore, they require special care.

But numerous types of large-leaved hydrangea practically do not take root. We can please ourselves only with some of its varieties, with all their diversity. The largest number of species of this wonderful flower is found in the nature of East Asia. So, let's figure out what types of hydrangeas are in our gardens.

Tree hydrangea is most often represented by the following varieties. The Annabel variety has the appearance of a bush, the height of which does not exceed one and a half meters.

The diameter of its crown can reach three meters. The leaves are large, rich green. They do not change their color even in autumn period. Flowering begins in June and continues until the end of September. The inflorescences are white.

The next variety is “Grandiflora”. This spreading shrub species is densely covered with cream-colored flowers. This beauty continues from June to September.

And one more, no less beautiful, variety “Sterilis”. It is characterized by a longer flowering period. Whitish-green inflorescences, under the weight of which the branches bend, cover the bush until the end of October.

The varieties of paniculate hydrangea are also very beautiful. This is a real garden decoration. This species also has a cultivar called Grandiflora. Its inflorescences are pyramid-shaped and reach thirty centimeters in length. Flowers change their color. At first they have a creamy tint. In the active flowering phase they are white. Over time, the inflorescences turn pink, and by autumn they acquire a greenish-red color.

The tall shrub of the Kyushu variety has a very unusual crown shape - in the form of a fan. Its inflorescences are white and fragrant. Distinctive feature is frost resistance. The flowering period lasts from mid-July and covers half of October.

Another variety, “Symphony of Color,” blooms from early July to late September. Requires shelter for the winter. Over the entire flowering period, its color changes from pale cream to wine red.

The plant in our area rarely exceeds a meter in height. The types of garden hydrangea, photos of which can be found in this section, are very beautiful and change color depending on the acidity level of the soil in which they grow. The "Early Blue" variety has very strong stems and does not require staking. During flowering, it can bloom about six inflorescences at once.

Their color is bright blue. Has a powerful root system, thanks to which he can feel quite comfortable in the tub. The flowering period begins in July and lasts until the end of September. In the climatic conditions of our area, wintering is only possible with shelter or in a winter garden.

It is a shrub in the form of a vine. It has suckers and aerial roots. Thanks to these adaptations, this species is able to conquer heights of up to twenty-five meters. The flowers are white and pink in color and are collected in large loose inflorescences. This hydrangea can develop and grow quite well in shady conditions. Although it blooms better in open areas. Requires wind protection. This type is perfect for decorating gazebos or wall decoration.

One of the most resilient species is She courageously endures not only winter, but also long-term drought. Its inflorescences have a milky tint. At the beginning they are greenish and at the end they turn purple. Flowering occurs every year and continues throughout the summer, starting in June.

Large-leaved hydrangea: care features

Japan is considered the birthplace of this plant. It is there that this type of hydrangea can reach a height of four meters. Unfortunately, large-leaved hydrangea is not very resistant to cold and can only overwinter in a state of shelter. Previously, this species was grown only as a home potted plant, but later more frost-resistant varieties were bred, which allowed this plant to move from the windowsill to the garden.

The soil must have an acidic environment and consist of equal parts from peat, humus, sand, leaf and turf soil. This hydrangea is very sensitive to the appearance of lime in the soil. It should not be planted under trees, since in this case it will be deprived of both moisture and nutrition. The growing place should be slightly shaded.

Hydrangea is planted in the garden in the spring, as soon as the threat of frost has passed. If there are several bushes, then a distance of at least one meter must be maintained between them. Hydrangea should be watered with soft water. Rain water is ideal. After watering, the soil should be mulched using peat or pine needles. The soil is fertilized, as a rule, at the beginning of growth, during the formation of buds and during the flowering period. As soon as the first frosts appear, the bushes should be hilled to a height of about thirty centimeters, and the top should be covered with two layers of film with holes. In November, the branches of the plant should be bent well to the ground and carefully covered with dry leaves. After this, you should cover the hydrangea with a box. Plants are pruned in spring and autumn. Can be propagated by cuttings or layering.

Paniculata and care

This type of hydrangea can even tolerate waterlogged soils. Abundant flowering of the bush is possible if the ground under it remains moist. All types of hydrangea paniculata the best way grow on acidic clay soils.

It is better to place the plant near a hedge or near some building. This will protect the hydrangea from the wind. But at the same time, the area should be well lit. This species feels quite comfortable in polluted air conditions. This makes it possible to plant shrubs along the road. If your region has a harsh climate, then try to provide the plant with at least a little shelter for the winter.

In general, paniculate hydrangea is a frost-resistant plant. At the very beginning of spring, or better yet at the end of winter, the plant should be pruned. It is important not to miss one point here. During pruning, the dormant period should continue. If it has already ended, then the pruned plant can get sick. If you want to achieve a large number of flowers, then it is better to cut last year's shoots very short. But gentle pruning will help enhance the growth of stems. Every two weeks you should feed the hydrangea with liquid mineral fertilizers. A week after fertilizing, organic fertilizer is added. This replenishment is carried out once a month. This species is propagated by cuttings or layering. For the first three years, the young plant should be well covered in winter.


All types of tree hydrangea love moist, slightly acidic conditions. Although this species is quite capable of surviving a certain amount of lime. Flowering is abundant. Usually occurs from the beginning of June to the end of September. But flowers bloom only on young shoots. Last year's branches do not participate in the process. The inflorescences of this species retain their shape well even when cut, so they often become part of In areas located closer to the north, it is best to plant this type of plant in the spring, and in the southern areas this can also be done in the fall.

If several specimens will grow in your garden, they should be at least a meter apart from each other. tree hydrangea, although not deep, is quite wide. Therefore, the hole prepared for planting must have the shape of a cube, each face of which is at least thirty centimeters. About a third of a bucket of humus is poured inside the hole and then planted. At the end planting work the plant is watered with soft water, and the soil around the trunk is covered with peat.

This hydrangea requires abundant watering, as well as regular feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers. In autumn, shrubs should be buried thirty centimeters from the ground. But most important matter Caring for this plant involves pruning. As soon as the growth buds begin to swell in early spring, the hydrangea must be pruned. Six to twelve of last year's growths should be left in the bush. This type of hydrangea is easy to propagate. This can be done not only with the help of layering and cuttings, but also with root suckers or bush division.

Pests and diseases

Hydrangea, like many other plants, is susceptible to various diseases, as well as pest attacks. This can be caused by incorrect temperature regime, violation of watering requirements, untimely feeding of plants and even dense planting of bushes.

Very often, hydrangea diseases are provoked by high humidity. Under such conditions, false powdery mildew. This is evidenced by spots appearing on the leaves. At first they have yellow, and then darken. Plaque can be found on the back of the sheet. If symptoms are detected, treat with a fungicide immediately.

IN summer time Hydrangea shoots can be attacked by gray rot. Brown spots appear on them. In this case, all affected areas must be removed and destroyed, and the remaining ones must be treated with a fungicide. Hydrangeas are among those plant species that are often affected by viral infections. Of the pests, these shrubs are most often visited by spider mites, as well as aphids.

Hydrangea, the types of which were discussed in this article, is a real decoration of any garden. It is not always difficult to care for, and many of its varieties are frost-resistant enough that we can afford to grow them.

If you strictly follow all the rules for caring for this plant, then the reward will be abundantly pleasing not only with large inflorescences, but also with their ability to change color throughout the entire flowering period. Hydrangea will provide beauty and unusualness to your garden.

Majority hydrangeas (Hydrangea) - small deciduous trees or shrubs, not exceeding 1 - 3 meters in height, but there are also tree-like vines up to 30 meters high. There are about 80 in the Hydrangeaceae family types of hydrangeas, almost all of them come from North America and South-East Asia, including Japan and China. Several types of hydrangeas grow in the Russian Far East.

All hydrangeas have opposite, rounded leaves with jagged edges. Large corymbose inflorescences or conical panicles appear at the ends of the current year's shoots in the second half of summer.

Hydrangea inflorescences consist of large, very noticeable flowers, consisting of four to five flat petals, but these flowers are sterile, and small, very unsightly flowers, but they produce seeds.

For reference: flowers from which seeds can be obtained are called fertile.

In central Russia, only a few types of hydrangeas can be grown in open ground, namely: tree hydrangea, ashy hydrangea, radiant hydrangea, oakleaf hydrangea, paniculata hydrangea, large-leaved hydrangea, groundcover hydrangea, Sargent hydrangea, Bretschneider hydrangea, petiolate hydrangea.

- a very common type of hydrangea native to North America. Tree hydrangea is a spreading bush of erect shoots up to 1 meter high; the shoots in the lower part branch, some lie down and take root.

Tree hydrangea has light green opposite leaves up to 20 centimeters long, located on long petioles. White or pink inflorescences of tree hydrangea bloom from mid-July. The shape of the inflorescences is convex shields up to 15 - 20 centimeters in diameter, consisting of large sterile and small fertile flowers. In harsh winters, unripe young shoots of tree hydrangea can freeze.

Tree hydrangea has several varieties. The most famous is Annabelle, which is a low-growing bush with dark green leaves and very large, up to 30 centimeters in diameter, round white or greenish inflorescences consisting of sterile flowers.

The tree hydrangea variety Grandiflora is the most common variety; it has large inflorescences, up to 20 centimeters in diameter, of large sterile cream flowers that turn green over time.

The Sterilis variety is very similar to the Grandiflora variety, only its inflorescences are slightly smaller.

For the winter, the faded inflorescences of tree hydrangea need to be pruned. Pruning of weak, diseased, dry or thickening shoots should be done either in early spring, before the leaves bloom, or in the summer, when all the leaves have completely bloomed.

Tree hydrangea grows well in both sun and partial shade. It requires little care, unlike large-leaved hydrangea, it grows well not only on neutral soil rich in organic matter, it can even grow on poor soils, although flowering suffers greatly. Tree hydrangea is considered drought-resistant.

Tree hydrangea can be planted in the garden in groups on lawns, next to a pond, or in a border planting along paths. It can be planted next to tree groups in a Japanese-themed garden.

- decorative deciduous shrub up to 2 meters high with a wide spreading crown. - grayish pubescence on the underside of leaves and young shoots. Ash hydrangea leaves are broadly elliptical, jagged at the edges, up to 15 centimeters long. Inflorescences are corymbose, up to 15 centimeters in diameter. Blooms in July.

Ash hydrangea overwinters well in our climate, but in cold winters young shoots can freeze, although in the spring the bush quickly recovers. In order not to take risks, in the fall the bushes of ashen hydrangea can be covered for the winter.

Ash hydrangea, like tree hydrangea, is undemanding to soil fertility and moisture, which makes it indispensable for planting medium-sized hedges. It tolerates partial shade well and is decorative throughout the growing season.

- a very decorative deciduous shrub slightly more than 1 meter high. Oakleaf hydrangea is less known in Russia than Sargent hydrangea, but deserves attention due to its somewhat unusual leaves for hydrangeas. They have 5-7 large lobes, reach a length of 20 centimeters, are dark green in summer, bronze-red or purple in autumn, very reminiscent of oak leaves. The underside of the leaves is white tomentose.

The inflorescences of oakleaf hydrangea are conical, panicle-shaped, up to 20 centimeters in length, in which there are a lot of large sterile flowers, up to 3 centimeters in diameter. At first, the inflorescences bloom white, then turn pink, and in the fall they acquire a deeper, almost crimson color with greenery.

In cold winters, oakleaf hydrangea can freeze slightly, so it needs shelter.

Hydrangea largeleaf, or garden (Hydrangea macrophylla) is a small, less than 1 meter tall, shrub native to Japan. Large-leaved hydrangea has bright green, jagged leaves up to 15 centimeters in length. Among the cultivated large-leaved hydrangeas there are forms close to wild ones, with corymbose inflorescences and individual sterile flowers. However, along with these forms, varietal hydrangeas are already widely cultivated, with spherical inflorescences up to 25 centimeters in diameter, consisting only of sterile flowers, usually pink. However, their color can change from pink to blue depending on the acidity of the soil. There are also bred, resistant varieties with blue flowers.

Large-leaved hydrangea can be successfully grown indoors, but it is most widespread in amateur gardens in open ground. It should be noted that despite the low winter hardiness, large-leaved hydrangea with great success, along with roses, conquers our gardens and hearts)). Hydrangea macrophylla can be used to create a garden in a poetic style.

Among the variety of modern varieties of large-leaved hydrangea, there are plants with white, red, blue flowers; the edges of the petals can be smooth or jagged. The most frost-resistant varieties of large-leaved hydrangea are Blue Wale and Mariesii. Caring for large-leaved hydrangea.

Hydrangea paniculata (Hydrangea paniculata) is a deciduous shrub with a wide crown up to 1.5 - 2 meters in height, which can be formed in the form of a small tree. Hydrangea paniculata has very dense, oblong-rounded, dark green leaves, up to 12 centimeters in length.

Hydrangea paniculata is perhaps the most “northern” of all types of hydrangeas. It blooms from late June - mid-July to the end of August. The inflorescences are strongly convex shields, very similar to panicles, in which both sterile and fertile flowers are mixed. Hydrangea paniculata - very persistent and abundant blooming hydrangea. At the very beginning of flowering, unopened buds have a greenish color; when in full bloom, the inflorescences become white; by the beginning of autumn, their color smoothly turns into crimson or crimson-violet.

Hydrangea paniculata is very winter-hardy. In late autumn, it is recommended to trim off faded inflorescences. In the spring, before the buds open, the main pruning of the shoots is carried out. If hydrangea is grown as a tree, then formative pruning should also be carried out in early spring.

Varieties of hydrangea paniculata: Grandiflora - with long, up to 25 centimeters, conical inflorescences, in which there are many large sterile flowers; Praecox is an early flowering variety with medium-sized inflorescences, but the flowers in the inflorescence have jagged edges, Pinky-Winky, Kyushu.

Hydrangea paniculata is good both as a tapeworm and as a group plantings, can grow in open areas and in light partial shade, but it is more demanding of soil moisture and nutritional value than tree hydrangea.

Hydrangea groundcover, or variegated (Hydrangea heteromalla) is a deciduous spreading shrub more than 2 meters tall. Ground cover hydrangea is easy to form into a tree. The upper side of the leaves is dark green, the lower side is light, covered with pubescence. The leaves are up to 20 centimeters in length, elliptical, with a sharp end and a wedge-shaped base, located on reddish petioles.

Ground cover hydrangea blooms in July. The corymbose inflorescences are wide, but liquid, containing mainly small fertile flowers, among which here and there there are sterile, larger flowers. At the beginning of flowering, the shields are white, towards autumn they turn pink, and sometimes they can acquire a brighter crimson or purple color. Groundcover hydrangea is drought-resistant, winter-hardy, and grows quickly. Easily propagated in spring and autumn by dividing the bush, during the summer by root suckers and green cuttings.

A neatly trimmed groundcover hydrangea bush is an excellent tapeworm.

It is very similar to ground cover hydrangea, differing only in smaller leaves on short petioles and not so wide inflorescences. Bretschneider's hydrangea blooms in July, the color of the inflorescences is white, and by autumn it turns crimson. Grows well in partial shade. Hydrangea is highly winter-hardy and does not require shelter for the winter.

A neatly trimmed Brettschneider hydrangea bush makes an excellent tapeworm.

- a very unusual Chinese hydrangea with thick, erect, tomentose-pubescent shoots up to 1 meter high. It has very interesting - powerful, dark green, velvety leaves. In July, reddish-brown inflorescences with rare white stars of sterile flowers bloom at the tops of the shoots.

In our climate, hydrangea sargenta is grown as an ordinary perennial, because every winter the shoots freeze completely, at the root, but grow back in the spring and bloom annually. Perhaps you should also pay attention to this type of hydrangea when creating a Japanese or Chinese garden.

Hydrangea rough, or rough, (Hydrangea aspera), bristly hydrangea (Hydrangea strigosa), hydrangea tomentosa (Hydrangea villosa) with leaves narrowed to the base and bluish flowers are the closest relatives of the hydrangea sargenta. Just like Sargent hydrangea, these types of hydrangeas in our climate can be grown as ordinary perennials herbaceous plants. They grow well in open sunny places and in partial shade.

All of these frost-free hydrangeas will look best in mixed flower beds, including herbaceous perennials that camouflage them.

Hydrangea radiata (Hydrangea radiata) is an erect deciduous shrub with tomentose pubescence on the shoots. The leaves are dark green, toothed, semi-heart-shaped, light underneath, pubescent, with reticulate venation. The white inflorescences of Hydrangea radiata bloom in July.

Hydrangea radiata is sun-loving, but you need to monitor the moisture and fertility of the soil. Hydrangea radiata overwinters only with shelter for the winter, and even then it can freeze, but it quickly recovers and blooms annually.

Hydrangea radiata looks good in group plantings on the lawn; it can also be successfully used for border plantings along the path.

Hydrangea petiolate (Hydrangea petiolaris) - a liana, up to 25 meters in height, with small, green, glossy leaves and large, up to 25 centimeters, white inflorescence shields. Petiolate hydrangea can be used in vertical gardening of gazebos and walls. It is quite winter-hardy and prefers partial shade.

General care for hydrangeas

Landing location

Hydrangeas prefer a bright place with diffused sunlight, so partial shade is best for them in the garden - in the full sun, hydrangeas can only do well with a thick layer of mulch. For freezing types of hydrangeas, you need to choose places protected from northern winds.

The soil

All types of hydrangeas prefer slightly or moderately acidic soils. They cannot tolerate lime in the soil at all. If you plant hydrangea on calcareous soils, it will immediately develop chlorosis of the leaves.

Except high requirements In terms of acidity, the soil for hydrangeas should be fertile and moist. Large-leaved hydrangea also requires high air humidity.

During the growing season, you need to monitor the soil: it should always be loose and free of weeds. Therefore, to reduce labor costs, use soil mulching.


Watering, if there is no rain, should be regular, up to 2 buckets per week. Rain water is preferable, if not, then tap water needs to settle; you can place a bag of peat in a container with water to soften and acidify. It is better to water early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset.

Top dressing

Fertilizing in spring and early summer can be done with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or slurry. From mineral fertilizers in spring and in the first half of summer it is advisable to use acidic fertilizers, such as ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate. At the end of summer and autumn - phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

To change the color of large-leaved hydrangea flowers, you can use aluminum alum or iron salts.


Some types of hydrangeas require annual pruning in early spring, during the bud stage. If pruning is not carried out, the bushes will stretch in length until they break under their own weight. Up to three - four years Hydrangea bushes do not form. Subsequently, adult hydrangea bushes undergo formative pruning annually.

All types of hydrangeas, except paniculata and large-leaved ones, should be heavily pruned. It stimulates not only the intensive growth of shoots, but also the formation of large inflorescences. Heavy pruning of last year's growth is carried out annually, in early spring, leaving only 1 - 3 internodes on the shoot. With light pruning there will be many small inflorescences. But paniculate hydrangea, on the contrary, blooms better with light pruning. In large-leaved hydrangea, it is very important to preserve last year's shoots completely, because it is on them that shoots with inflorescences grow next year.


Hydrangeas are propagated by dividing the bush better in spring, annual non-lignified green shoots, they are cut when they are still flexible. Hydrangea cuttings take root both in water and under a jar. But it’s even easier to propagate hydrangeas by layering and root suckers.

Shelter for the winter

Frost resistance of hydrangeas varies. Non-winter-hardy, freezing hydrangea species require shelter for the winter. The base of the bushes is sprinkled with dry sawdust, peat, humus, sand, and covered with leaves or non-woven material on top. In addition, the large-leaved hydrangea is also covered with a box, and on top - with plastic film or roofing felt, so that melt water does not get inside the shelter, otherwise the shoots from high humidity may dry out and there will be no flowering.

Source of information:,
Image source:,,,,, Kingsbrae Garden (3), Henryr10 (2), Nobuhiro Suhara (5), Luong Pham, Invincibelle Spirit (2), theroadhere, John Hagstrom (2), rachelgreenbelt (2), Danny Barron, dollywings [Pat], debra prinzing, The New York Botanical Garden, yokohamayomama, Jenny Walters, RPOP, sml106, Martien Uiterweerd, Robert Sarkisian, Roger Wasley Photography, Keishi Etoh, B. Bowen Carr, Kai Yan, Joseph Wong, Light Collector, Josiah Lau Photography, Vojtěch Zavadil (3) , JAYKAY144, Paco Garin, gartenknorze (2), Bernhard Demes, Geo F-Winterspoon, fam_Angjer, HEN-Magonza, John Hagstrom (2), Jon. D. Anderson, Tom Potterfield (2), Chironius, chuck b., Jörg Kaspari, ScotiaWolf, Ueli, Hans Runge, Alistair, Hickory Hollow Nursery and Garden Center, Quinta de Corujas, Ingemar Tømmerås, Tim Wood, sandra blanks (2) , Jan Smith, Laura Ann, Sue Day

Garden hydrangea is not a frequent visitor to our garden plots. And it’s completely in vain, because hydrangea flowers have a wide color palette, are unusual in their shape and can become a real decoration for a personal plot.

In this article we will take a short excursion into the past to introduce you to the history of the hydrangea flower, tell you about the types and varieties of hydrangea, give some recommendations for planting garden hydrangea and caring for it, and, of course, provide the opportunity to enjoy the flowers of garden hydrangea on photo.

Hydrangea flowers in the garden

The nature of central Russia is not rich beautiful flowering shrubs. This gap is filled by winter-hardy plants introduced from other places. Some of them (like lilac, rugose rose) are so loved and widespread in Russian gardens that one gets the feeling that these are our “native” plants. Others are undeservedly ignored and are still quite rare guests in the gardens. These include the flowers of garden hydrangea, although it is difficult to find a shrub that would be distinguished by such a long flowering period in the second half of summer.

Moreover, among garden hydrangeas There are species that tolerate temperate climates well and are unpretentious in cultivation. Therefore, it is difficult to explain our “disfavor.” But active selection of this crop, which gives us more and more diverse varieties, contributes to the fact that various types and varieties of hydrangeas appear more and more often in the gardens of the middle zone.

Garden hydrangea flowers: historical background

Europeans became acquainted with hydrangea at the end of the 18th century, when members of the first French expedition around the world brought large-leaved hydrangea from the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It received its name in honor of the beautiful Princess Hortense, sister of Prince K. G. Nassau-Siegen, a member of the expedition. There is also a more romantic version that it was named by the French doctor and naturalist F. Commerson in honor of his charming beloved Hortensia. However, there is a completely prosaic explanation that the name comes from the Latin word hortensis, which means “from the garden,” since the shrub was discovered in the garden of the governor of the island of Mauritius.

Later, botanists, assigning hydrangea to the genus Hydrangea, gave it the name hydrangia, however, the old name was preserved in another name for this species - hydrangea. The plant received a new name for its moisture-loving nature. In Greek hydor means “water”, angeion means “vessel”, which gives Hydrangea.

Types and varieties of hydrangeas in the photo

The hydrangea genus contains several dozen species (botanists still do not have a consensus on the number of species) and belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family of the same name.

Most species are shrubs with large leaves, less often they are small trees or vines.

As can be seen in the photo, all types of hydrangea have flowers collected in large corymbose or paniculate inflorescences and are usually located at the ends of the shoots.

In most types of hydrangeas, the inflorescences contain two types of flowers: small fertile (fertile) flowers and large sterile (sterile) flowers, which are usually located along the edge of the inflorescences. Most species are white or pink in color.

Description of paniculata hydrangea and its photo

For gardening in central Russia greatest interest represent paniculate and tree hydrangeas. These hydrangeas are most often found in old gardens.

In recent years, the selection of paniculata hydrangea (H.paniculata) has been quite active, and almost every year new varieties appear on the market. In the gardens of the Moscow region, its height does not exceed 3-3.5 m. The description of paniculata hydrangea is similar to the description of tree hydrangea, the main difference is in the shape of the inflorescences.

Wide-pyramidal paniculate inflorescences of hydrangea up to 20-25 cm long consist of small fertile flowers and large sterile ones.

Look above at the photo of paniculata hydrangea - the color of the petals is initially white, then they turn pink, and by the end of flowering greenish tones appear in their gamut. This sign of color change is characteristic to one degree or another for all varieties. Large elliptical or ovate leaves are slightly pubescent above and noticeably more pubescent below.

The species and varieties are characterized by very long flowering. Early varieties bloom in June, the bulk begins flowering in July.

But the late-flowering variety of hydrangea “Tardiva” is not worth planting, since it blooms in October and simply does not have time to show itself. It is worth noting that the variety “Floribunda”, which is very common in the West, is often sold under this name.

Hydrangea paniculata "Grandiflora"

Most often, the old variety of hydrangea “Gmndiflom” (“Grandiflora”), or, as it is also called in the West, “Pee Gee” (from the abbreviation of the name Paniculata Grandiflora), is grown in gardens. Hydrangea paniculata "Grandiflora" has large, dense inflorescences consisting of sterile flowers.

Hydrangea paniculata "Limelight"

Hydrangea "Limelight" is the first variety with dense inflorescences of sterile flowers with a distinct greenish tint, turning pink towards the end of the season.

Hydrangea paniculata"Limelight" reaches a height of 1.6-2 m. A smaller copy is “Little Lime” (“Little Lime”) up to 1 m high.

Hydrangea paniculata "Pinky Winky"

Hydrangea "Pinky Winky", syn. "DVPinky"("Pinky-Winky"), has conical openwork inflorescences with big amount sterile flowers that acquire a purple-pink color. Hydrangea paniculata "Pinky Winky" reaches a height of 1.5-1.8 m.

Hydrangea paniculata "Phantom"

Hydrangea "Phantom"("Phantom") - large bush up to 2.5 m high with a spreading crown and very large pyramidal creamy-white inflorescences. By autumn, the inflorescences of Hydrangea paniculata “Phantom” uniformly turn pink.

Hydrangea paniculata "Vanilla Fraise"

Variety "Vanille Fraise"("Vanilla Fraze") has a very dense large conical inflorescence, quickly acquiring a pleasant strawberry-pink color. A real vanilla and strawberry dessert. A bush up to 2 m high. A smaller copy of the hydrangea paniculata variety “Vanilla Fraise” is the variety “Sundae Fraise” (“Sunday Fraise”), reaching a height of 1-1.2 meters.

Hydrangea paniculata varieties

Now the market offers a large number of varieties of hydrangea paniculata, differing in the density and color of the inflorescences, the height of the bushes, and the flowering period.

"Dharuma"("Daruma"), probably the shortest variety. Small creamy openwork spherical-flattened inflorescences become dark pink over time. The leaves also take on a reddish tone, complementing the red color of the shoots.

Hydrangea "Diamant Rouge"(Diamont Rouge") It is distinguished by large dense inflorescences and a very quickly appearing juicy red color. The plant is 1.5-1.8 m high.

Variety "Early Sensation", syn. "Bulk"("Earlie Sensation"), blooms very early with wide cone-shaped openwork inflorescences. Fertile flowers quickly turn purple-pink, harmoniously complementing the dark purple shoots. By autumn, the leaves also turn purple.

"Great Star" syn. "Le Vasterival"("Great Star")- a variety with very large white sterile flowers with elongated petals in the shape of a “propeller”, hovering above the bulk of small fertile flowers. Bush height up to 2 m.

"Kiyushu"("Kyushu")- an old variety up to 2.5 m high, characterized by erect shoots and openwork inflorescences. I was never able to detect the described smell.

Hydrangea "White Lady"("White Lady"). Long openwork inflorescences are decorated with a few large flowers with jagged edges of the petals. The flowers remain white for a long time. Bush height up to 2 m.

In the variety "Wim's Red"(Weems Red) - beautiful shape a bush up to 2 m high with large openwork inflorescences covering it from the top to the ground. It blooms in June with white flowers that then turn deep pink and finally burgundy red.

Tree hydrangea and her photo

Another beauty that can withstand our climate is H. arborescens. This is a low shrub up to 1.5 m high with a neat rounded crown and slightly pubescent shoots. The leaves of tree hydrangea are large, ovate or elliptical, serrated along the edges, with a heart-shaped notch at the base. The leaf is green above, bluish below.

As can be seen in the photo, tree hydrangea has a corymbose inflorescence consisting of small white fertile flowers and relatively large sterile ones. It blooms for a long time starting from the first half of July. In very harsh winters it can freeze.

Tree hydrangea varieties: photos and descriptions

As in the case of M. paniculata, it is not usually found in gardens. natural look, and the tree hydrangea variety “Annabelle”, blooming in large (up to 25 cm in diameter) inflorescences of white sterile flowers.

Forms of this type are much less common. hydrangeas "Gmndiflom" ("Grandiflora") and "Sterilis"("Sterilis") with similar dense hemispherical inflorescences of sterile flowers.

"Hayes Starburst", syn. "Double Annabelle"("Hayes Starburst")- the first variety of tree hydrangea with double flowers filling round inflorescences up to 25 cm in diameter. The flowers are initially greenish, then become white. The bushes are low, thin shoots often cannot withstand the weight of the inflorescences. The height of the bush is 0.8-1.2 m.

"Incrediball", syn. Abetwo"("Incrediball"), - a variety that impresses with the size of its spherical white inflorescences. The height of the bush is 1.2-1.5 m.

Variety "InvincibelleSpirit", syn. "Invincibelle"(Invincible Spirit), captivates with large pure pink inflorescences of sterile flowers. Over time, the flowers fade to a light pink color. Bush 0.9-1.2 m high.

Variety "White Dome", syn. "Dardom"("White House"), is distinguished by large corymbose inflorescences with creamy-white fertile middle and snow-white sterile marginal flowers. The plant is 1-1.4 m high.

In addition to these two species, other hydrangeas can also find a place in our gardens.

First of all, this is Mr. Bretschneideri (N. bretschneideri). Some botanists do not distinguish it in separate species, and is considered a variety of ground cover (N. heteromalla). It is not as decorative as the species described above, but has high winter hardiness. It reaches a height of 2.5-3 m and forms a lush, dense bush with a wide-rounded crown with dark green large leaves. It blooms profusely from the end of July with wide umbrella-shaped inflorescences consisting of small fertile flowers, which are decorated along the edges with large white sterile flowers that acquire a purple-pink color towards the end of flowering. Thanks to its luscious, beautiful foliage and delicate, dim inflorescences, the shrub is good for creating a background in informal hedges.

Hydrangea leaves and their photos

Hydrangea attracts not only its flowers, but also its beautiful lush foliage. At the same time, there are plants that have especially decorative leaves. H. radiate - sometimes described as a type of tree hydrangea - has large foliage, dark green on top and white-tomentose below. If the plant is planted in a windy place, you will be able to observe the “play of colors” of the foliage. It blooms from July in corymbose inflorescences with numerous white marginal sterile flowers. It is quite winter-hardy, but the root system should be covered and the shoots bent to the ground. Then, if the shoots freeze, the plant will quickly recover. The variety “Samantha” (“Samantha”) has been developed with large leaves and a contrasting silvery back side.

Pay special attention to the photo of the leaves of oakleaf hydrangea (H. quercifolia). Unlike other species, its leaves are not solid, but lobed, reminiscent of oak leaves, for which it received its specific name. In autumn they turn a very beautiful red-purple color, adding to the charm of the bush. In addition, this species blooms with large, beautiful paniculate inflorescences. Many decorative flowering varieties of this hydrangea have been obtained, but it is not winter-hardy enough in our climate, and it is easier to get by with varieties of Paniculata. But the species itself, and especially the varieties with decorative foliage, can be used as decorative foliage plants, grown as perennials. In this case, it is enough to cover the root system before winter, and in the spring new shoots with beautiful foliage will grow.

Hydrangea variety "Burgundy"("Burgundy") It is distinguished by a particularly bright purple autumn color of the leaves, and in “Little Honey” it attracts with golden-yellow tones.

Hydrangea petiole and its photo

Having seen petiolate hydrangea, or climbing hydrangea (H. petiolaris = H. scandens) in the Baltics, some gardeners are trying to grow it here too, forgetting that winters are milder in the Baltics. In our climate, this species can be used either as a ground cover plant or by removing it from its supports before winter. Additional shelter will not hurt either, since in winters with little snow the shoots may suffer.

Look at the photo of petiole hydrangea - this plant has large, corymbose, loose inflorescences, consisting of fertile flowers with marginal sterile flowers. A mass of aerial roots and suckers forms on the shoots, with the help of which this hydrangea is capable of climbing to a height of up to 25 m in the south. With its large, heart-shaped, dark green leaves, it forms a dense blanket of green when grown as a ground cover.

Large-leaved hydrangea and its photo

Of course, the most beautiful and desirable is the large-leaved hydrangea, with which the story began. Unlike other battles, it amazes with its diversity color range, and not only in different colors: white, pink, red, purple, blue, violet, but also in their combinations.

As can be seen in the photo of large-leaved hydrangea, this variety of colors is complemented by a variety of flower shapes and inflorescences.

However, its winter hardiness does not correspond to our frosts, and choosing a reliable shelter option is not an easy task. If the shoots are not covered well enough, they will freeze; if you cover them tightly, but it is wet, the shoots will trample. If you cover it too late or open it too early in the spring, the flower buds die. The most reliable option is when hydrangea is grown in a greenhouse, then planted in open ground, transferred to the greenhouse again in the fall, and put into the basement for the winter.

In recent years, new “winter-hardy” varieties have appeared, characterized by remontant flowering.

These are the popular Endless Summer series, abbr. ES (Endless Samme), and Forever & Ever, abbr. FE (Forewe Ewe). Sellers made them “winter without shelter” because the flower buds cannot withstand frost, and the shoots often freeze. The main difference from old varieties is that they can bloom again on the shoots of the current year. But this is for the 7-8th climate zone.

If you want to have flowering on last year’s shoots, then the bush must be covered for the winter, and everything that was described above remains true for these varieties. If you still managed to save the shoots and your hydrangea bloomed, this does not mean that it will bloom a second time. In our zone, the season is shorter and the sum of positive temperatures is lower, so the plant may not have time to bloom a second time. For this to happen, it is necessary to create a greenhouse above the bush in the spring so that the plant begins to vegetate earlier; cut off flowering shoots as early as possible; the bush should be planted on sunny place and water abundantly; carry out regular fertilizing and have a “warm” microclimate on your site. In this case, you may be able to achieve re-blooming.

Planting and caring for garden hydrangea

The plants are unpretentious, but it is better to choose open areas or partial shade for planting garden hydrangea (for colored varieties, slight shading in the midday hours is desirable). The place should be well-drained, especially for species that are not winter-hardy.

When planting and caring for garden hydrangea, you don’t have to worry about the special saturation of the soil with minerals; this plant is not demanding. However, it grows and blooms better on loose, fertile, moisture-absorbing soil with an acidic reaction (pH about 5-6). Therefore, peat must be introduced into the substrate.

Hydrangeas are calcephobes, which should be taken into account when choosing partner plants and using fertilizers. When the soil is alkalized or exposed to lime, plants develop chlorosis. As the name of the genus suggests, hydrangeas are demanding of soil moisture and prefer abundant watering, especially on hot sunny days.

When caring for garden hydrangea, the soil must be mulched to retain moisture. Plantings are also mulched before winter to cover the root system. To provide lush flowering Hydrangeas in open ground require regular feeding. In the spring after pruning, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, later (in May-June) they are fed with a complex fertilizer that does not contain calcium and chlorine, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are added during the budding phase, and potassium sulfate is added at the end of August. It is good to use infusions of manure with superphosphate as a top dressing.

Growing hydrangeas requires mandatory pruning in the spring (April-May). The degree of pruning can to a certain extent regulate the height of the bush. Without pruning, the bushes thicken, which affects the abundance of flowering and the size of the inflorescences.

Insufficiently winter-hardy species need winter shelter. The most reliable is potting, when the plants are put into a greenhouse in the fall and then transferred to the basement.

Today, a sufficient number of varieties have been bred so that you can choose a plant for your garden. Hydrangeas are grown not only individually or in groups, but also together with other plants. Thanks to its late flowering, it is indispensable for creating flower beds that delight us at the end of the season.

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