Dreams that portend danger: interpretation. A dream foretelling pregnancy

For thousands of years, man has been fascinated by the world of dreams. Throughout human history, dreams have always been given importance. Very often, dreams are looked at as a special way of communication, carrying a message from God or as a prediction of fate. Physiologists see dreams as an indication of the state of mind of their patients and believe that in dreams there is a revaluation of information, facts, fears and stresses received by a person while awake. Consequently, dreams are the result of the activity of memory, circumstances, and imagination. That is why they are different in character and meaning and have so little in common with what is happening in reality.

Dreams have five reasons for their appearance:
1. Random external impressions
2. Own daytime activities
3. Painful condition
4. Revelation from above
5. Premonition of the soul.

Dreams usually correspond to one's social, mental, psychological development, temperament...

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A discovery in a dream is in most cases a good sign, often denoting the fulfillment of desires.

Finding a bag of money in a dream is clear luck and enrichment in the near future, and this will be a win or simply fortunate circumstances. If the bag is empty, but beautiful, then you have hard work ahead of you, and you will be pleased with the result. A full bag of garbage promises prosperity in the near future.

Finding money in a dream means prosperity in business. Most likely, there will be some unexpected lucrative offer that will bring good profits. Or there is already an offer, you just need to decide to take advantage of it, and the result will not be long in coming. Especially if you find big money or exchange small ones for large ones.

A bunch of keys found in a dream symbolizes the opening of some doors. Most often this is a good sign. Doors to new opportunities or new knowledge will open. Also, a bunch of keys can mean a place of honor, career advancement...

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(instead of introduction)

Alphabetical Determinant of Dream Meanings

A-B-C-G-D-E-F-Z-I-K-L-M-N-P-R-S-T-U-F-H-C-CH-W-SH-E- Yu-Ya

Dreams are the result of the activity of memory and imagination. That is why they are so different in meaning and have so little in common with what happens in real life.

Dreams have five reasons for their appearance: random external impressions, one’s own daily activities, a painful state, revelations from above and a presentiment of the soul.

Dreams in their meaning almost always correspond to the social status, mental development, physical condition, temperament and age of the sleeper. The dreams of a poet are never those of a shoemaker. A beggar will never dream of a millionaire.

It has been established that dreams are a consequence of various sensations imprinted in the waking state, that dreams also depend on the external conditions of the environment, air, amenities, physical and moral...

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For luck, money and good news, you dream of: red apples on a green tree; yellow or new clothes; arch from large stones; a sleeve torn under the arm; arrows; anvil; military equipment; yarn (knitting, darning); zoo; wreath and yacht.

Symbols of money and wealth in a dream:

Beads. If you dream of sorting or counting beads of any kind, this foretells exceptional good fortune ahead. If in a dream you managed to string them on a thread, wealth awaits you.

Beat. - A dream in which a husband beats his wife foreshadows family happiness. A father or mother who dreams that they are beating their children will be extremely proud of them, and perhaps the Lord will bless them with another heir.

Beauty. Good luck in everything is foreshadowed by a dream in which you see something beautiful. If you dream of a beautiful woman, this portends good luck in business.

Beaver. This animal in a dream means material success, but after considerable effort.

Bed. If anyone...

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Every dream is fraught with a mystery, which not everyone can solve. Everything we see in a dream speaks of something, warns or gives a sign. There are special money dreams that predict quick profits and financial success.

If you see yourself rich in a dream, this does not mean at all that you will be lucky in money. As a rule, in money dreams a person sees objects and phenomena that do not relate to money at all. financial sector. What dreams foreshadow wealth and abundance?

Dreams predicting monetary gain

Feces. No matter how strange it may sound, feces can lead to money. Do not be frightened by such dreams and do not consider them disgusting, because they predict unexpected profits or an expensive gift.

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream is also a sign of material profit and prosperity. But this dream has one nuance - for the dream to really bring money, you need to put in...

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There are several important rules for persons seeking to comprehend the mystery of dreams. These rules are as follows: Do not lose heart or despair even from the most terrible dream, but calmly and patiently wait for its fulfillment. A dream, sometimes very scary and sad, often has a completely opposite meaning and is a harbinger of happy events.

How to remember a dream

In order to remember dreams well, you should change the place of the head of the bed weekly, that is, every seven days, arrange the head of the bed on the side where your legs previously rested.

A dream, once seen, is not always justified, and therefore great importance should be given only to those dreams that are repeated up to three times. What do dreams mean:

Accident. Being one of its participants is an omen of conflict with people hostile to you. Observing an accident from the outside means you will soon have to deal with a stupid, narrow-minded...

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What dreams do you have about pregnancy?

There is an opinion that the expectant mother's brain undergoes changes first when she becomes pregnant. That is why a woman may have a dream foreshadowing the onset of pregnancy. Quite often, representatives of the fair sex are interested in the question: is it true that fish dream of pregnancy? A dream book will help you to correctly interpret such a vision, as well as find out what other dreams you have about pregnancy.

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Meeting a man or woman with a full bucket means receiving money, gratitude, a bonus or a promotion at work. If a man crosses your path, it means you will be lucky in something. Another sign of good luck promises luck - meeting three nuns walking or standing together. The day will go very well if the first person you meet is a baby or a pregnant woman.

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Watched fishing - feel a surge of energy and skillfully use favorable circumstances.

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A fishing net dreams of acquisitions. True, if it is torn, then annoying disappointments are possible.

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Dream book about happiness. What dreams portend happiness in your personal life?

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So, if you see yourself in love in a dream, this does not mean that you will soon fall in love in reality. Such a dream can portend, at best, a new acquaintance or unexpected events, and at worst, a scandal. If in a dream you see closely the face of the person you are in love with, serious trials may await him. And if this person is in your real life not familiar at all, you will regret some of your actions. Seeing a person who is in love with you - you may be tempted to do something immoral, or you will literally lose your head from passion.

If you dreamed that your...

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Almost every girl dreams of a beautiful wedding, of meeting her betrothed who will lead her down the aisle. In the old days in Rus' there were many fortune tellings on this topic: potential brides would throw a boot, ask the name of the first person they met, and cast fortunes with a mirror.

However, certain dreams have always been considered the most accurate harbingers of an imminent wedding. So what dream says that you will soon get married?

When does what you see come true?

Every night we see many incoherent images that float to us from the subconscious. How can one determine among this husk the dream that is truly prophetic? Firstly, if before you fell asleep, you dreamed about a wedding for a long time and imagined yourself in a white chic dress, then the harbingers of marriage in your dream are most likely a play of your imagination. But if you forgot to even think about such dreams, and in a dream you saw a ring or something else that predicts a wedding, this already means something.

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Dreams are the result of the activity of memory and imagination. That is why they are so different in meaning and have so little in common with what happens in real life. Dreams have five reasons for their appearance: random external impressions, one’s own daily activities, a painful state, a revelation from above and a premonition of the soul. Dreams in their meaning almost always correspond to the social status, mental development, physical condition, temperament and age of the sleeper. The dreams of a poet are never those of a shoemaker. A beggar will never dream of a millionaire.
It has been established that dreams are a consequence of various sensations imprinted in the waking state, that dreams also depend on the external conditions of the environment, air, amenities, and the physical and moral state of the sleeper. In people who are sick and overtired, dreams are more often terrible, difficult and scary.
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Dream interpretation


Many people have heard a lot about how dreams predicted fatal events for humanity or for you personally. After such a dream, you are left with a feeling of confusion, anxiety, incomprehensible mental anguish, and heaviness. Such dreams are often accompanied by fear or fear. They are deeply etched in the memory and often after such a dream they are not forgotten for a long time, they do not give rest. The abundance of dark tones in such dreams, destruction, floods, elements, hurricanes and terrible visions indicates that they predict strong experiences and changes in fate.

Black people, people without faces, black clothes, black birds or animals, black clouds indicate mourning, the misfortune you will experience due to the loss of a friend or loved one The bitterness of the food you taste or eat, the strength of the wine, etc. indicate how severe your loss will be. Usually such dreams are dark, there is no daylight in them and the action takes place in the dark or in an unusual - ominous ...

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R - dream plots and their interpretation Work
Himself - have respect; to see workers - a reliable enterprise will die out.

At work - expect an important visit; a vacationer is a nuisance.


Falling into their hands is a great material loss.

Castle ruins
Sadness; to climb the ruins - must be brave.

A dream about a fork in the road where you, like a fairy-tale hero, stopped wondering where to go next, predicts a situation that will truly puzzle you.

If in a dream you are entertained by a performance with music and dancing, you will soon receive good news. You will enjoy health and prosperity for a long time. For young people, this dream promises many different pleasures and good relationship friends.

If you dreamed of a divorce from your husband (wife), then such a dream foreshadows a family scandal,...

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A dream turns into a night thriller if you dreamed that you were being chased by some kind of Terminator

« I dreamed that h and there is a man standing by my door, he is trying to get inside the apartment, I know this, but I try to behave quietly so as not to give away his presence. I call the police, but the connection doesn't work. And the door looks so unreliable, it seems like it’s about to break, as if it’s barely hanging on its hinges. I look through the peephole and see that the man has a gun and is about to shoot through the door lock. At the same time, I don’t see the face of the criminal, only a dark silhouette...”, Elena, 41 years old.

A mysterious stranger

Strangers in a dream they often symbolize ourselves - some qualities or traits that are difficult to comprehend. These can be emotions and feelings (fears, guilt, suppressed anger and aggression), as well as obsessions and thoughts, beliefs and complexes. In life we ​​can say: this thought haunts me, it does not give me peace. And in a dream, our experiences, anxieties and obsessive thoughts are embodied in the form of monsters, robbers and rapists who chase, threaten and force us to wake up in a cold sweat.

In the dream described, the reader is afraid men who is standing outside the door. Gun is a phallic symbol indicating aggression. That's why " dark silhouette"behind the door may represent fear of male sexual aggressiveness. The roots of the problem can grow from childhood, then the dream will most likely take place in the parental home. Or in next dream(that same night) you can see something reminiscent of childhood, because the dreams you had during the night highlight the same problem. Recurring dreams This kind of thing speaks of mental trauma. But to understand why this fear has emerged from the subconscious and is “knocking on the door,” that is, the psyche persistently demands that you deal with it, ask yourself: what is happening in my life now?

Perhaps a man has appeared on the horizon who is trying to hit on you, or a rude boss is intimidating you, or an impudent colleague is annoying you. At the same time, you are trying to protect personal boundaries - you do not let him into your inner space, do not contact and remain silent. As you can see, both your own fear and a real man on whom this feeling is projected. If you dig deeper, you will find that the aggression that a woman sees in men is actually present in herself - it can be difficult to admit this, but if awareness occurs, you will feel an unprecedented surge of energy.

Actually, everyone has haunting dreams and they recur periodically. Children from 3-5 years old begin to have nightmares in which pursuers appear, but unlike adult dreams, children see not people, but animals - lions, tigers, dogs, horses or fairy-tale characters. Behind them lies the natural energy of instincts: brute force, aggression, the first sexual sensations that a child experiences. Teenagers are more often haunted by monsters and monsters: these dreams mark a stage in the struggle for self-affirmation. And an adult is chased by dark personalities, witches, sorcerers, executioners, rapists or robbers. And such dreams can really be very scary, blood-chilling.

Tatyana Kurnosova

In order to understand who is hiding under the mask of the stalker, you can use the psychodrama method: act out your dream with the help of friends or, as in a one-man show, imagine yourself as different characters in the dream. Ask questions to the aggressor: Who are you? Why did you come? What do you want? You will be surprised, but the answers really come from the subconscious, you just have to listen to them. Such interrogation with passion will help to understand that villains in dreams embody our personal qualities that need to be accepted and changed.

Plots of night thrillers

The most common dream is stalking: dark figures They are watching you, following you, trying to grab you. The dreamer flees and finds himself in a space reminiscent of labyrinth: these can be numerous rooms or floors, narrow streets, sometimes leading to dead ends. You experience an oppressive feeling of threat and mortal fear. Similar dream demonstrates escape from one's own shadow. There is such a concept in psychology - the shadow side of personality or simply a shadow: qualities and traits that we do not recognize in ourselves. In some cases, these may be fears, for example, fear of death, old age, poverty, in others - mental complexes (inferiority complex), in each specific case it is something different. The fact that you are being chased or attacked from behind confirms that you are being chased by a shadow and are running away from yourself.

Robbers we dream at moments when we forbid ourselves something important and thereby rob ourselves. For example, there is a need for tender feelings, but pride or fear does not allow you to be more open in love, in this case you may dream of bandit.

A career woman who disappears at work may dream that the criminal steals her child. Such dreams are usually very frightening, but the stranger in the dream is an image of her inner man, that is, in a psychological sense we are talking about her activity, business qualities and work. It becomes clear that she herself, her excessive busyness, will acquire the image scary kidnapper.

Someone is encroaching on your money in a dream- consider this more broadly, perhaps this person is depriving you of some more important values. Money can be a symbol of power, energy, time or other benefits. In any case, they reflect something accumulated and earned. But money can also mean false values: remember the popular wisdom “money doesn’t buy happiness.” It all depends on the context of the dream.

Pickpocket, who hunts for wallets or gets into women's handbags personifies secret lust - repressed and forbidden sexual desires. If such a dream appeared to a man, he could be suspected of being prone to treason.

They threaten you with a gun or knife- these symbols hide fear of aggression or sexual violence, because the image of a weapon has a pronounced phallic meaning.

Knock the weapon out of your hands- deprive the opportunity to show aggression and attack. But symbolically, this may mean that you want to disarm a man, that is, you do not allow him to express his libido.

Someone's banging on the door- some side of your nature persistently breaks in and demands awareness. Think: what's in this moment you could let him into your life, but very strong fear prevents this. Very often, behind this there is a desire for new intimate relationships, but the fear that someone will violate your boundaries, invade your personal space, becomes stronger than this and is very disturbing.

Executioner dreams in situations where a person feels guilty and tries to punish himself. For example, a young girl decides to accept the invitation of an elderly man and goes abroad to join him. Before the trip, she has a dream in which the executioner cuts off her head. The head symbolizes intellect and reason. The dream shows that she feels like a victim of her own recklessness. In reality, this can manifest itself in psychosomatic diseases, for example, migraines.

Chase may not look so tragic, and the dream as a whole evokes a feeling of gambling adventure: attackers are chasing you, but you manage to deceive them and defeat them with cunning tricks - such a dream speaks of gaining inner strength and portends success. If you defeat your enemies in a dream, then in life you will be a winner, you will achieve what you want, you will succeed in competition. People who strive to be ahead may dream of energetic pursuits and persecutions, but in any case they are driven not by rivals, but by their own ambitions and desires.

It’s not without reason that a dream sends us such nightmares - it deliberately exaggerates the colors in order to attract the dreamer’s attention and force him to admit or change something in himself.

Everyone has heard about dreams that foreshadowed defeat and victory for the greats of this world. But everyone sees prophetic dreams: you just need to learn to translate from the “dream” language into the usual one.

Just like intuition

The brighter a person is, the brighter and more interesting his dreams. History is replete with examples of the dreams of mari, military leaders and other makers of destinies who managed to influence the course of world events. Thus, according to Herodotus, Egypt got rid of the rule of the Ethiopian king: one day he had a dream that he had to cut all the Egyptian priests in half. “The gods have turned their backs on me if they push me to such blasphemy!” - the superstitious king reasoned in horror and immediately fled from Egypt.

Nowadays, if politicians attach any significance to their dreams, they carefully hide it. But in vain, serious scientists have long proven that dreams deserve the most serious attention. After all, in a dream, our logic sleeps and INTUITION comes first: it is she who is able to suggest what cannot be understood by reason.

In general, you should not neglect your dreams. Another thing is that they cannot be understood literally: dream images are a special language.

The language of poets and plumbers

The most plausible and consistent theory today that explains many of the mysteries of sleep is the theory of metaphors. According to her, dreams speak to us in the language of hints, emotions and figurative comparisons, which we constantly use in everyday life. These are both poems and idioms, and even an ordinary mat.

“Crane in the sky”, “children are the flowers of life”, “stoeros club” - all that rich arsenal of allusions and metaphors that we use during the day for a meaningful or even strong word, at night takes on a second life, appearing in a dream in the form of bright animated pictures . According to this theory, tense family relationships, for example, may appear in your dream in the form of a bare wire.

Dream images are multifaceted, and the temptation to cling to the first superficial meaning is too great. So numerous dream books appear on store shelves under the simple slogan: “A wedding is good, a funeral is bad”...

The king's new dress

It has long been noted that dreams are not as diverse as they seem. Most of us see the same images at night: people, houses, cars... One of the most common images of sleep is, of course, clothes. And indeed, few people are unlucky enough to find themselves naked in a dream in the middle of a gawking crowd, or at least in home clothes and slippers at a party. It’s not surprising, because clothes symbolize a person’s image, his position in society. Any upcoming changes in status or simply self-doubt will inevitably give you a whole series of similar piquant visions.

However, if nudity in a dream does not embarrass you and does not cause unhealthy laughter among others, then this is an indication of your frankness and openness. But if at the same time you are drawn into some kind of conflict, the dream suggests that it is your frankness in reality that can become the source of a quarrel.
If at night you for some reason drew attention to your suit or its detail, this is also not without reason. A disorder in your dreamed clothes can foreshadow real problems with your reputation; a beautiful suit will indicate that your self-esteem is at the proper height, and buying a new dress will warn that important changes are overdue.

If money falls from the sky

“I dream that I’m going somewhere, I have a hat in my hands, and I’m collecting coins in it. Everything would be fine, and the hat is full to the top, but the money is kind of small, undignified,” one person shared his dream during a difficult time. period for him.

Popular wisdom says: happiness is not in money, but in its quantity. This statement is quite applicable to dreams: if in the arms of Morpheus you happened to make a good profit, which pleased you, it means that in your daily affairs you have taken the right course and have every chance of success. The rest is up to you; If you manage to realize your potential, that’s good, but if you mess up everything, it’s your own fault.

Paper bills usually indicate the possibility of a successful acquisition or a promising contract, while full-weight coins promise real financial success. Small coins are a sign that the profit expectations are too high (which, in fact, was what the dream above warned about. The hat in this dream meant ideas and plans, and soon one of the ideas actually brought profit, but the amount turned out to be much less than the person expected) .

However, often income in a dream is not associated with the image of money at all. A beautiful dish can hint at a stable salary, while a small plate can warn of harsh times ahead.

wet business

Lev Leshchenko spoke about this dream: “I dreamed that I was renovating a dacha, and everything was falling out of my hands: either the tiles were cracked, or the pipe was leaking”... You can wholeheartedly sympathize with the popularly beloved singer, who in a dream is preoccupied with such “everyday issues” , because the artist’s main task is to sing, paying less attention to household chores. This is exactly what Leshchenko was talking about in his dream. Water in a dream is a symbol vitality, and all kinds of leaks mean the energy that is wasted on little things and, like water in sand, disappears irrevocably.

In general, all images associated with water could not be more simple and understandable. So, a puddle means the inability to concentrate and wasting energy on trifles. And more fundamental bodies of water speak of significant and global things.

For example, a river symbolizes the course of your entire life. Calm, with clean water, it speaks of your good health and the good flow of affairs. But the image of the sea means the element of feelings and instincts; Having succumbed to them, a person can easily lose control over himself. So, if, looking at a dream sea ​​waves If you feel anxious or apprehensive, be careful: a storm of emotions can soon seriously complicate your life.

Fate is in the hands of Morpheus

Many people claim that they see “prophetic dreams,” putting a solemn and sublime meaning into these words. However, neither angels nor representatives of the world of fairy tales and legends, oddly enough, are a guarantee that you actually came into contact with subtle matter in a dream.

Most true symbol fate in dreams is the sky, and if you paid attention to it, try in the morning to remember everything down to the smallest detail. Clean blue sky will speak of the favor of fortune, and thunderclouds will warn of possible danger.

However, even the most disturbing dream does not set itself the goal of plunging you into the abyss of depression. On the contrary, having outlined the situation as it is, he gives a chance to change it, often even suggesting exactly how best to do this.

Where do discoveries come from?

It is known that people spend about thirty percent of their sleep dreaming! It turns out that our brain is “resting” very actively. At the same time, if any living creature is deprived of the ability to sleep, it will quickly die.

The active phases of sleep, when we dream, usually occur in the morning hours. Therefore, “larks” who rise at dawn deprive themselves of the unusual experiences that we experience in pre-dawn dreams.

It is believed that all living beings with a highly developed nervous system. Whether this is true has not yet been proven by science. But in the course of research, scientists have identified a paradoxical relationship between the time of onset REM sleep and - the size of the dreamer. The elephant will see its first dreams no earlier than two hours after going to bed. Adults and gorillas in about ninety minutes, children and most species of monkeys in 50 minutes, cats in 15 minutes, mice in 9 minutes. This means that the nature of dreams has nothing to do with mental abilities. This unexpected finding can be considered an indirect argument in favor of the fact that the brain is not a generator, but rather a limiter of consciousness.

At the same time, in the book "World lucid dreams"S. Laberge and H. Reingold provide accounts of eyewitnesses of lucid dreams who claim that the degree of awareness that can be achieved in a dream depends on the level of perception of reality in the waking state.

It is known that the artist Korovin dreamed of Chaliapin with a stone on his chest, which, despite all efforts, could not be removed - and the singer soon died. Three days before the murder of her husband, Julius Caesar's wife observed this tragedy in a dream. Moreover, revelation dreams are not necessarily associated with future events or the manifestation of Jungian archetypes from the area of ​​the collective unconscious. Evidence of this is the amazing examples of dreams from “out of nowhere”: one person several times felt like a goose in a dream. He flew for a long time high altitude, sometimes among the clouds, and saw the earth, as if from an airplane, far below. His paws froze from the cold headwind, and he hid them in the feathers on his warm belly. Then he swam with a flock of brothers on a large lake among the reeds and saw in the distance black people sitting in boats. Some long sticks silently flew from them, hitting the birds and killing them. He could not understand why these reeds brought death. Only when he woke up did he realize that he had seen African hunters, and the killing sticks were arrows. Having opened Bram's book, this man read that geese's paws get cold and they press them to their bellies...

Why is big science deaf to these numerous interesting facts? Firstly, exact sciences are accustomed to dealing with phenomena that can be repeated in experiment. How to repeat a dream? Secondly, the content of the dream itself cannot be verified. As for dreams, here we are all interpreters. Thirdly, accepting the described facts as truth entails downright monstrous consequences for the concepts of modern natural science. What is the value of the nonlinearity of time that follows from them! So it turns out that sleep as a phenomenon presupposes fundamental conclusions, and fundamental conclusions that overturn our ideas about the world require compelling arguments. In general, a vicious circle...

To summarize: the functions of sleep are not limited to resting the body and brain and remain completely unclear. In terms of the intensity of sensations and the quality of opportunities (for example, learning in a dream), a dream is many times greater than reality. But the logic of events in it is bizarre and often inexplicable from the point of view of the “daytime” mind.

Sometimes a dream provokes amazing insights that not only go beyond the dreamer’s life experience, but also carry information about the future.
Perhaps some important secret of life is encrypted in these paradoxes, unraveling which we will receive the keys to a parallel reality.

Yoga sleep

This is the most unusual yoga, because its goal is to teach a person to extract vital information from dreams and influence the situation in real life in a dream. One day, a teacher practicing sleep yoga saw in a dream that his beloved student, among other passengers, was traveling in a truck through Mountain pass. At a turn, the driver lost control and the truck fell into the abyss. Everyone died. Without waking up, through an effort of will, the teacher sends the student a “program”: “Hit it painfully, but don’t die.” Two days later, the teacher read in the newspaper that a truck was driving through the pass, the driver was unable to steer and the car fell into the abyss. But two survived. One of the survivors was his student.

It is generally accepted that sleep consists of several phases. Falling asleep is preceded by half-asleep, when some images flash before a person’s inner gaze, he hears voices. Then comes a period of slow-wave sleep, when brain activity decreases as much as possible and the person sleeps without dreams. This is followed by the REM sleep phase, when the sleeper is in the world of his fantasies. According to scientists, dreams are caused by weak electromagnetic waves. NREM sleep is characterized by an alpha rhythm with a low frequency, and the onset of a period of REM sleep can be recognized without devices - by the movement of the eyeballs: the eyes dart under closed eyelids, as if a person is watching real events taking place. Each of these stages presents its own reality to the dreamer, merging into a kaleidoscope of pictures and images.

A completely different approach to the dreaming process is in sleep yoga, which in its own way teaches you how to navigate the phases of dreams. Each of them occurs at a certain time, has its own characteristics and degree of reliability of information. So, from twenty-two hours to one in the morning, dreams are absolutely “empty”. The middle phase lasts from one in the morning to four in the morning. At this time, visions appear, inspired by daytime experiences. The most sophisticated and information-rich phase is the third phase, from half past four to half past six in the morning. It is during these hours that dreams come, carrying information about future events.

But these are not prophetic dreams at all. In a certain way influencing consciousness, as if preparing, leading a person to the realization of an important event in his destiny, such dreams are like the wind in the sails. A person becomes able to perceive guiding information and make maximum use of it for self-realization. The highest goal of sleep yoga is to transform consciousness, to “teach” it to exist in that parallel reality that opens in dreams. After all, dreams are not a “little death” at all, but a second life, and one that truly gives limitless possibilities, a life in which there are no limits to time and space, where everyone can become the master of events. And yet, in comparing sleep with death there is some truth: after all, the reality of sleep belongs to the subtle world, the very one where the soul goes after leaving life. Thanks to dreams, a person is given the opportunity to live in two worlds - material and astral, drawing knowledge and wisdom from each. It is no coincidence that sleep yoga was mastered in Buddhism, which is not a religion. Buddhism is a science whose subject of study is human consciousness. Having realized a dream as a full-fledged reality, having learned to live in it, a person will finally make a colossal leap in his evolution. But this is still so far away.

Life without waking up

After Dante's death, relatives could not find two pages of his Divine Comedy. The poet, appearing in a dream to his son, pointed to a secret safe, where the missing pages of the manuscript were found.

There are endless examples of amazing cases associated with prophetic dreams. They are studied by scientists, philosophers, and psychologists. Among the mass of curious hypotheses, the theory of the Russian philosopher Pyotr Demyanovich Uspensky, a student and follower of the legendary George Gurdjieff, is especially unusual. In the book " New model Universe" Uspensky claims that we see dreams not only when we sleep, but also in the waking state, essentially never ceasing to dream, although we are not aware of it... "When we wake up, the dream does not disappear, but the waking state is added to it , drowning out the voices of dreams and making dream images invisible."

According to Uspensky's theory, paintings subtle world superimposed on everything we see. However, during wakefulness they only in exceptional cases appear through reality. And if this happens, so-called miracles burst into our lives. “Suddenly you discover with amazement that you are surrounded by a strange world of shadows, moods, sounds, pictures. And then you realize that this world has always existed within us...”
Everything that we see in a dream belongs to the subtle, astral world, which stores information left by the consciousness of people, both living and those who have passed on to another world. Through the ocean of unimaginably small particles that surround us, containing information about everything, signals come to us from the Direct Time, says Uspensky.

But it’s true: modern science proved that humanity, like all living things on our planet, processes energy, creating informational, intellectual, noospheric “humus.”

And many scientists tend to see this as the main purpose of humanity. It is likely that dreams are nothing more than a visible part of the process of this processing.

Unfortunately, few people know how to interpret dreams. This task is quite difficult, and is only possible if the basic details of night vision are memorized. However, it is quite possible to learn this. By visiting our Center, you can get specific information on how to correctly interpret dreams. Also, with the help of a traditional healer, you can get rid of many problems, the presence of which interferes with a normal life: damage, the evil eye, a curse, the crown of celibacy and others.

Predictions in a dream

How often do people dream of predictions? According to many esotericists and psychics, quite often. Some people just don't listen to their dreams. And if you turn to the dream book, then even the most unusual dream will always have its own explanation. As a rule, the strange things we see in our dreams seem completely natural to us. But when we wake up, we are surprised and begin to wonder what such a dream could mean.

Why do you have dreams about the future? This question is difficult to answer unambiguously. A prophetic dream can occur without any reason, and present a plot from the future, to which, perhaps, a person will not attach any significance. In some cases, the prediction may show some important point in life, suggesting what decision to make or avoid undesirable consequences.

The essence of the mechanism by which people have prophetic dreams remains a mystery. But the fact that such dreams are really real and very often help a person to accept correct solution V difficult situation- it is a fact. Therefore, it makes sense to be careful about your night visions. It is likely that this is one of the ways to change your life for the better.

Prophetic dreams

Dream solving is a kind of intuitive forecast that does not require the gift of clairvoyance. Anyone who dreams can do it. A prophecy in a dream is vivid pictures that are different from other dreams and are not forgotten immediately after a person wakes up.

In order to determine what awaits a person in the future, there is no need to decipher the meaning of each dreamed object. You just need to determine which category night visions can be classified into. The most common prophetic dreams are:

A new beginning life stage foreshadow dreams of death.
A person who has a dream related to birth may soon surprise himself and those around him.
Erotic and sexual dreams are harbingers of apathy. Such a person needs rest.
A dream in which there is deception suggests that an unpleasant situation will soon happen, which the person did not want to believe in and turned a blind eye to.
A find in a dream foreshadows some kind of acquisition. It doesn't have to be something material. Perhaps we are talking about friendship or love.
A vision in which a person feels like a forced person suggests that he will soon get rid of some unpleasant burden.
If you dream of successfully passing an exam, then this is interpreted to mean that in real life a person is deprived of recognition; he wants to return to the past, where he felt needed and in demand.

Among the many types of damage, one of the most painful for the victim is sleep damage. The person targeted negative energy of this kind, suffers from insomnia or constantly has nightmares. As a result, he feels depressed and tired the entire next day.

To remove such damage, you will need the help of a good psychic. Moreover, before contacting him, it is advisable to communicate with those whom he has already helped in similar situations, or read their reviews on the website.

Time for prophetic dreams

The question of why prophetic dreams occur has not yet been fully studied. However, such dreams can be divided into three groups. The first includes dreams associated with everyday worries and problems. A person who cannot solve a question for a long time in reality suddenly sees the answer clearly and clearly in his dream. For example, an artist can see his future painting, a poet can see a suitable rhyme for an unfinished poem, and an engineer will receive ready idea, which could not come to his mind during the day.

The explanation for such dreams is simple: in the bustle of the day, human consciousness is overloaded and is constantly distracted by other issues. However, subconsciously a person does not stop thinking about the issue that worries him. The brain rests during sleep, but does not stop working completely and, out of inertia, tries to solve such an important problem. Complete silence allows an idea to arise that was not born during the day due to the bustle and noise. And this is not clairvoyance - it’s just that the brain, which, as is known, is used by a person only 10%, gives such a surprise during sleep.

The second group includes dreams that are prophetic due to the great desire of a person who, having seen good dream, is trying to bring it to life. For example, a girl dreaming of marriage saw in her dream how her beloved man proposed to her. Believing that the dream is prophetic, a girl can push her chosen one to take an important step in his life.

The third group combines dreams associated with clairvoyance. As a rule, they can be dreamed of by a person who has a subtle emotional sphere. People who have such abilities have different explanations for such a gift. Some claim the ability to travel between the future and the past. Others claim that deceased relatives help them see the future. Still others use various conspiracies to see a prophetic dream.

Many people have the gift of clairvoyance. To develop it and learn how to use it correctly, you need the help of a good specialist. Another interesting information You can find out by watching the video on our website.

How to see the future in a dream

Dreams help many people understand some important life issues. The future, which is unknown to each of us, can open its doors to a sleeping person. To do this, before going to bed, you need to think about those events that last days are the most important. Most important question The question you want to answer must be clearly formulated and asked to yourself.

Lying in bed, you need to relax and try to forget about all your problems. Breathing should be calm and deep. Imagine that with each subsequent exhalation, tension is released from the entire body, starting with the heels and ending with the head. You should feel a pleasant warmth in your body.

Since the emergence of dreams occurs in the area of ​​the base of the back of the head, then you need to shift your attention there. Having remembered your question to which you need to find an answer, you should focus for a few seconds on the sensations that are associated with the problem. Before going to bed, you need to mentally repeat the words: “Soon I will fall asleep and figure out how to solve my problem.” This is how you can program a prophetic dream.

Many people are sure that dreams play a very important role in human life. But you shouldn’t be upset if you had a bad dream. Remember that it can only be a warning. Think about what possible troubles may be associated with, and try to protect yourself from them. In addition, it is not at all necessary that the event you saw in a dream will definitely come true. Therefore, be optimistic and may you only have pleasant dreams!

Despite centuries of experience in studying the nature of sleep, the interpretation of dreams remains very vague. After all, the same images, seen by different sleeping people in different scenes, can have not only different, but sometimes completely opposite meanings. At the same time, long-term observations and analysis of images arising in dreams made it possible to identify some patterns.

Dreams meaning pregnancy - special group night images that combine an infinite number of variations of what was seen, but have a special difference from other dreams: almost always a woman wakes up after such a dream with a clear feeling that she will soon become pregnant.

What can you dream about pregnancy?

For one person, a dream about a gypsy promises trouble and deception, while for another it promises sudden monetary gain. Therefore, if you dreamed of a fish, this does not mean at all that there will be a new addition to the family. But this probability is very high, because this is perhaps the most often fulfilled sign. However, the details of the dream are of great importance.

You almost certainly dream of a fish as a sign of pregnancy if you catch it with your own hands, especially if with your bare hands. With the imminent news of conception, dreams end in which a woman acquires fish in any way: buys it at the market or in a store, or receives it as a gift. Moreover, in this case, the gender of the person from whom you receive the fish often indicates the gender of the unborn child.

Eating fish in a dream can also have exactly this meaning, especially if you eat it with your spouse, and it is fresh and tasty.

Seeing fish in an aquarium, pond, pool, river - most likely foreshadows an imminent addition to the family. Dolphins appearing in dreams have the same meaning. Other variations - frog, leech (from messages on forums).

A bad dream is to lose your catch, drop the fish from your hands, see it rotten, stale, dead. All these images are symbolic and can mean termination or fading of pregnancy.

What do you dream about pregnancy, besides fish?

It should be understood that the dream of a fish in each individual case may have a different interpretation, which has nothing to do with the conception and birth of children. Thus, in various dream books the following interpretations of this image are given: profit (in business, money, love, relationships), intrigue, postponement of affairs or a long process of something (frozen), obstacles from ill-wishers (smoked), fun time in a circle friends (dried), love affairs (fish head), etc., etc.

But other symbols that appear in night visions can also portend pregnancy. Of course, each of them also has many meanings and interpretations. But centuries-old experience shows that these images very often visit the dreams of girls who soon after learn the good news about pregnancy:

  • Water. This image competes with the fish and perhaps even wins. After all, fish are most often dreamed of in water. From time immemorial, water symbolizes the birth of a new life, and therefore women who swim or bathe in clean water in dreams are almost always either already pregnant or will become so soon. A continuous body of water, an ocean, sea, lake, river, stream, swimming pool, bathtub, or even just a handful of water with which you wash your face in a dream very likely indicates the birth of a new life within you. The main thing is that the water must be clean, fresh, and transparent. Variations of the plots are very diverse: watching the surf, walking along the sea coast, wading or swimming across the river, plunging into the waves or simply getting your feet wet.
  • Stork. There is no need to say much about this image. Both in everyday life and in folk art, both in beliefs and in night visions, this bird is associated with the appearance of children in a family.
  • Children. It’s so banal - without intrigues and puzzles, without hints and codes, children first come into the lives of their parents first in a dream: either they are given birth, or given as a gift, or thrown in, but the woman in the dream gets a baby. Moreover, she can see not only a newborn or a baby, but also an already grown child, knowing in a dream that this is her child. They can play together, take a walk, spend their leisure time reading or drawing, ride a carousel, etc. Try to remember this image: the child’s gender, facial features, hair color or other differences. It may seem incredible, but such dreams often come true. Moreover, sometimes mothers feel like they are experiencing déjà vu: as if certain moment from their life, connected with their own child, they once already experienced. Scientists do not rule out that it was his mother who saw him in a dream before or during pregnancy. Meanwhile, if a woman who has already become pregnant sees her own childbirth in a dream (and this happens very, very often), then such visions cannot be perceived as a projection for the future: this is nothing more than excitement about the future, even if you are not at all, as you think, don't worry. But all kinds of children's accessories - soft toys, dolls, cars, cribs, strollers, swings, etc., “flickering” in a dream, can also transparently hint at your situation.
  • News about pregnancy. In real life, we usually learn about our interesting position first with the help of tests, then in the gynecologist's office or ultrasound. But in a dream, anyone can bring good news, and even no one knows who. A woman simply hears an address to herself that she is pregnant, or that she will soon have a daughter, and sometimes even instructions are given about the name of the unborn child or she is notified exact date childbirth You may not remember anything else, just a phrase heard from a person known or unknown to you. But this is often enough to wake up with a completely new feeling and premonition.
  • Eggs. They are embryos, bird embryos. We, of course, do not think about this when we see them in a dream, but in life the fact is confirmed quite often: buying, carrying, receiving from someone, seeing or simply having an egg or several with you means that you will soon find out about the presence of yourself a belly-eater. Accordingly, breaking an egg in a dream may not be a good sign.
  • Mushrooms. Mushroom spores symbolize male fertility, and the mushrooms themselves are a reward for patience and waiting. Therefore, it is believed that a woman who has long dreamed of a child and is diligently trying to conceive one dreams of a mushroom during pregnancy.
  • Fruits, including fruit trees. These can be any fruits, berries and even vegetables that the dreaming woman plucks from a tree, collects from bushes or from the ground, buys at the market, serves on the table, carries in a basket or bag, holds in her hands, takes as a treat or eats, steals or grows. But most often, for some reason, apples, apricots, pomegranates, tomatoes, and nuts are symbols of female fertility in dreams.
  • Animals, insects. Typically this is small size birds and animals - chickens, kittens, puppies, mice, hares. Very often - spiders weaving webs or falling on the head. They can be not only real, but also toys. Large animals are also possible. Bears, chickens and ducks - almost any living creature. In such dreams, you often have to give birth to an animal or hunt it. In general, a wide variety of stories.
  • Round objects. They symbolize the mother's womb. It could be a watermelon, cabbage, or a ball. Often a woman sees an “embryo” (in the form of a bean, a bead) placed in a “womb” (jar, pot).
  • Unity with my husband. You may dream or just feel yourself spending time with your loved one. You simply understand that you are nearby, together, and you very clearly feel that you feel good and pleasant. Complete calm, harmony, mutual understanding and feeling of each other - almost a heavenly idyll. Yes, the surrounding landscapes also accompany this feeling. It could be a walk in the park or the seashore, or a pleasant trip to colorful places. And often a couple in love is accompanied by some other living creature (bird, animal).

It is noteworthy that dreams symbolizing a woman’s pregnancy are not always seen by her personally. Often this honor falls to the future father. But also prophetic dreams women visit close people: sister, mother, friend. And there is never any confusion: the actions taking place in a dream clearly indicate who the egg or fish seen is intended for.

What dreams do you have about pregnancy?

It is necessary to evaluate any dream mainly emotionally. If it didn’t touch you at all, then there’s no point in remembering the details of such a dream. But if you woke up with an exciting feeling, it definitely means something. And here we should analyze the content of what we saw.

Of all the most common variations, it is necessary to note one more category of dreams foreshadowing pregnancy, in which a woman makes a decision or is faced with a choice about a purchase: for example, she buys a dress in a store. Remember what color new thing you chose - blue or red?..

All the images described are very symbolic. Along with them, other symbols may appear. But here's what's interesting. It was noticed that dreams foreshadowing pregnancy, despite the huge variety of pictures and plots, have one very bright common feature- emotional coloring. Such dreams are always accompanied by positive emotions, pleasant feelings, feelings of joy, happiness, and bliss. These may be very abstract pictures (for example, a clear night sky, densely dotted with bright stars), but contemplating them is a great pleasure.

In addition, a woman almost always wakes up with a clear understanding that it was a “dream in hand.” Even if there were no reasons to suspect pregnancy before, after such a dream there is almost no doubt about what happened.

But here we cannot help but talk about the situation when a woman desperately and unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant begins to perceive what she wants as reality: she notices signs of a non-existent pregnancy, and, among other things, incorrectly interprets dreams that (very likely) she imposes on herself.

If you are not obsessed with the thought of conceiving a child, but suddenly woke up with a very clear feeling that this has happened or will happen soon, then such a dream can most likely be considered prophetic. But, of course, it is impossible to say about this for sure.

Not all of us believe in dreams. And in each individual case, you need to be able to correctly decipher what you see. But women's intuition can be difficult to deceive...

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

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