We create paths from wood cuts for the garden: a cozy area in a natural style. A path made from wood cuts - how to easily and tastefully arrange a garden? We lay out a path from wooden circles

What to make from wood cuts? Of course garden paths, on which you can even walk barefoot if you prepare everything correctly. The work process is quite labor-intensive, but even a novice builder can cope with it.

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    Tools and materials

    To work you will need:

    • Logs or ready-made cuts that can be bought in the store.
    • Big wooden hammer(mallet) for leveling cuts in height.
    • Shovel and brushes.
    • Gravel, sand and river pebbles.
    • Chainsaw.
    • Level.
    • Bitumen mixture.
    • Geotextiles.

    The list is small and quite accessible even to pensioners.

    Plan diagram

    Before taking on the main work, outline the location of the path from the saw cuts. Don't expect to be able to make a path by eye. It will be crooked, askew and completely ugly, so take pegs and ropes in your hands and mark the territory, laying out a route between flower beds and flowers.

    • Drive pegs around the perimeter, marking the width and direction of your paths.
    • Stretch a rope between them so you don't have to deviate from the boundaries when digging.
    • Walk through the markings to determine whether you have provided enough width.

    Only after marking the garden path from wood cuts can you begin the next stage of work.

    Preparing the cuts

    Tree felling is a log cut into logs of a certain size. The height of the log is from 10 to 20 cm. If you make more, you will have to dig a deep trench. If it is less, then the saw cuts will not stay well in their nests. Cut them with a regular chainsaw and try not to distort the cut - walking on such paths will be extremely inconvenient. It's up to you to decide whether to debark the saw cuts or not. It all depends on your desire. But it is necessary to treat wood cuts before laying.

    • Stage 1– soak the logs with an antiseptic that prevents rotting. Or - as an option, a solution of copper sulfate and water in proportions of 1:10. Vitriol will change the color of the wood and make it look like stained. It will turn out beautiful.
    • Stage 2– dry the saw cuts, making sure that the solution is absorbed properly.
    • Stage 3– dip the lower part of the logs into the bitumen mixture and leave them until completely dry.

    Garden paths made of wood prepared according to the rules will last several times longer. Therefore, do not neglect the preparatory work.

    Preparing the trench

    Dig a trench, following the markings. Depth – 25-35 cm (depending on the height of the cuts that you prepared for installation).

    • Place gravel on the bottom - this will be a drainage layer that prevents water stagnation.
    • Cover the gravel layer with geotextile.
    • Pour sand on top in thin layers, pouring water on each layer and compacting it. You need to ensure that the layer is compacted as much as possible and the logs do not fall into it at the slightest pressure. Pillow height – 10-12 cm.

    After preparing the trench, you can begin further work on constructing a garden path from saw cuts with your own hands.

    With or without curb?

    If you decide to make paths in your dacha from wooden cuts with curbs, then they need to be installed before you start laying logs in the trench. You can use for these purposes:

    • Tree. Ready-made bars or logs, cut lengthwise.
    • Brick. Convenient - just lay it end-to-end around the perimeter.
    • Stone. Free option. Just collect river boulders in advance that will frame your path from wooden cuts.

    Which border you prefer - decide for yourself. It all depends on your taste and overall concept.

    Correct styling

    When laying logs in a trench, try to place them as close to each other as possible. If there are both large and small in diameter, then combine them, assembling them like a construction set. If you want to make a pattern of wood cuts on the path, then place them in a certain order. As you lay out, tap the logs on top so that they are at the same level. That's what a wooden mallet is for - use it. Fill the gaps and gaps with river pebbles - it will turn out beautifully and neatly.

    Another way to fill gaps is to mix sand and clay and fill all the gaps. Then you can sow grass or plant moss in this mixture to make the wooden path look more elegant.


    Garden paths need to be maintained. Otherwise they will look abandoned and sloppy. Of course, this does not mean that you need to clean them with a mop and broom every day - but once a year it is necessary to do this.

No garden courtyard is unthinkable without paths and paths. The owners of the plots try to decorate them as beautifully and originally as possible. Paths made from wood cuts look very original and natural; they create comfort and a special atmosphere in the yard, and they can easily be made with your own hands.

Paths on the site are one of the most important elements, which sets the entire design of the yard. They should be practical, comfortable and, of course, beautiful and original. The material for the paths is selected depending on landscape design, style and preferences of the site owners.

Paths made from wood cuts are always a win-win option. In addition to their attractive appearance, they have many advantages:

  1. They are original. Each resulting track pattern is unique and you will never find a second one like it.
  2. Eco-friendly. Wood is a natural material that is absolutely harmless to human health. Today everyone strives for naturalness, so saw cuts are the best choice for arranging a site.
  3. They do not require large financial expenses. Wooden cuts are a kind of waste that can be beautifully applied and used.
  4. Easy to do. To create a track, there is no need for specialized tools and skills; absolutely anyone can make it the first time.

It is also worth noting that along with the advantages, these paths have several disadvantages: they do not have a particularly long service life and, in some cases, they may not fit the design of the yard.

Preparing to lay the path

Before you start implementing your idea of ​​​​creating a path from saw cuts, it is recommended to study the technology, master classes with step by step photos or video. This will allow you to complete each step as accurately as possible.

The first step is to purchase materials. There are two options here: budget-friendly (prepare the saw cuts yourself) and requiring financial investment (buy ready-made ones in specialized stores). If you decide to buy, then you will be offered a choice of raw ones and those that are already prepared directly for installation. They are somewhat more expensive than the first ones, but do not require additional impregnation with anti-fungal agents.

If you have chosen more economical option and want to make cuts with my own hands, then you will need additional tools– electric saw or chainsaw. Each element should be 11-13 cm high. To make the height the same, prepare a template on which you will mark.


If you have passed the preparation stage, then it’s time to move on to styling.

Advice. It is very important to adhere to technology to obtain a durable track.

  • First step. It is necessary to prepare a trench up to 25 cm deep. The width is individual. To dig evenly, use markings: stretch the thread from peg to peg.
  • It is necessary to minimize the contact of the tree with the ground; for this purpose, a layer of waterproofing is used. The material for such a layer can be thick polyethylene film or geotextile.
  • The next step is to install drainage system, which is required for high-quality water drainage and protection of wood from rotting.
  • Layer – a cushion on which the cuts are laid. This is a dense layer of sand or a mixture of sand and gravel. During the process, the materials are compacted using water. The thickness of the pillow should be approximately 10 cm.
  • Next, you need to carefully level the pillow. For this, a building level or block is used.

Path laying process
  • Let's start laying the cuts. They should already be ready: cut and soaked, and thoroughly dried. The installation process itself is incredibly simple: the specimen must be placed on a layer of pillow and deepened a little, tapping the cut from above. To do this, it is advisable to use a rubber hammer so as not to injure the structure of the wood. When compacting saw cuts, it is very important to ensure that they are all at the same level and their height does not “jump.”
  • The final formation step. After completing the laying of the cuts, it is necessary to fill the voids between them with sand. For best result You need to water the path several times, this will help identify places where you still need to add sand.
  • Neat edges. The simplest option is to decorate with earth: sprinkle and compact. For a more durable and aesthetically pleasing result, stones or wooden blocks are used, which are laid out along the contour.

Attention! It is worth remembering that any wooden path made from saw cuts, whether it is made by hand or by professional craftsmen, requires proper care - this is the key to its long service life and beautiful appearance.

Maintenance involves annual treatment and impregnation of wood with special means (deep penetration primer). This significantly extends the life of the track.

DIY oak path: video

If there is no opportunity and time to lay it at the dacha paving slabs or a natural stone, but if you want to build original paths, you should pay attention to wood. Build a garden path from wood cuts with your own hands to the maximum short time, does not require builder skills or the purchase of expensive materials.

Obvious advantages and hidden disadvantages

Products made from natural wood are durable and environmentally friendly. At a price, they are usually affordable to well-off segments of the population. But paths made from stumps and remnants of beams, which can be found on any farm, can be afforded by every third consumer. On top of that, it is possible to lay out a path from old lumber and fallen trees in the country. Other advantages of this technology include:

  • expressive wood texture with its characteristic inclusions, strokes and multi-colored spots;
  • simple installation, possible without any skills or special equipment;
  • the thin-layer structure of the material facilitates the production of large and small products with relief carvings;
  • suitability of lumber for fast and high-quality processing cutting tools and the leading positions here are occupied by pear and alder.
A walkway made from sawn logs is environmentally friendly, attractive, and easy to install.

Paths made from wood cuts look equally good on large and small areas. Their only drawback is their low resistance to moisture, insect attacks and mold. But this problem can also be solved. Building material must be treated from time to time with antiseptic agents, which double the strength and resistance of wood to natural processes of destruction.

As for the service life of such coatings, 30 years is the minimum.

Video “Do-it-yourself path from oak stumps”

From this video you will learn how to make a reliable path from oak stumps with your own hands.

Preparatory stage

  1. It happens that already laid elements of a garden path fail or, even worse, become overgrown with weeds. These are the consequences of improper foundation preparation. To avoid such errors, you need to correctly:
  2. Mark the future path. To do this, you need to install stakes on a flat area and mark the boundaries using tightly stretched cords. In this case, the distance between the pegs should not be less than 2 m.
  3. Dig a hole 20-25 cm deep within the markings. It is better to do this in dry weather, because a trench filled with water can weaken the strength of the foundation.
  4. Compact the sand for subsequent installation of curbs.
  5. Prepare a drainage layer of fine stones or sand and gravel mixture in a ratio of 7:3.
  6. Place a sand cushion of the same height on the drainage.

When calculating the number of blanks, experts recommend making a 15 percent increase to the original number of stumps. After all, some lumps may simply not fit into the overall picture of the site or may crack when processed with cutting tools. As for the location of the paths, the starting point for planning should be the house. It is important that the main routes are not interrupted by bends, and that the main paths connect the most important objects: the entrance to the main building, the gazebo and the garage.

Prepared wood cuts can be purchased without any problems at hardware store

Where to get ready-made saw cuts

Ready-made saw cuts can be ordered at any hardware store. Many manufacturers offer products that are well-dried and already treated with antiseptics. The consumer can only install them taking into account the size of the area and the width of the future coating. However, such a purchase can result in a significant amount.

A finished cut of a linden tree 40 cm long and 14 cm wide costs at least 70 rubles. A large cut of oak 3.5-4 cm thick - from 900 rubles and above. Cutting an elm tree measuring 7x8 cm and 2 cm thick will cost buyers 20-25 rubles. And since one track 8-10 meters long will require at least 70 cuts, you will need to pay 10,000-15,000 rubles for everything. And that's not even the limit.

How to do it yourself

If there are old and practically non-viable trees on the site, the harvest will be obtained almost for nothing. Otherwise, you will have to buy a large round timber. Larch is ideal for cutting. This material tolerates well physical exercise. Its other advantages include good performance compression and shearing along the fibers in the tangential direction. In terms of the latter parameter, larch is several times superior to pine and high-strength oak.

Larch cuts are best suited for paths

Good quality The saw cuts from pear, apple, acacia and hornbeam differ. When choosing materials, it is important to remember: pre-treatment of hardwood requires special knowledge. It will be more convenient for amateur builders to work with walnut or Karelian birch. These species lend themselves better to carpentry, and their structure resembles rosewood and rosewood.

It is important to use dry materials in this case. Otherwise, the saw cuts will quickly crack, and the path will fall apart within a week after installation. The work will require pencils, templates for markings, a power saw and a tape measure.

When starting to make saw cuts with your own hands, you need to:

  • remove branches from the trunk;
  • carefully treat the surfaces of materials with plows or staples;
  • mark the trunk taking into account the rule: the greater the thickness of the log, the more height cuts;
  • for the path to last at least 3 years, their height should not be less than 18-20 cm;
  • distribute the main material according to the marks.

When preparing the cuts for the path, they need to be marked and sanded

Technological sequence

Softwood lumber is a low-budget option. Of course, if possible, it is better to choose beech or oak. When properly treated, such surfaces do not absorb moisture and last for decades. Antiseptic solutions protect wood from the harmful effects of insects. If you need to increase the material's resistance to mechanical stress, it is better to use varnish or paint.

When using solid boards, preference is given to products of the same length. For complex paths with changes, combinations of planks are suitable. different sizes. When working with wood you will need a plane, nails, a hacksaw, self-tapping screws and a grinder.

A belt sander is more suitable for rough surfaces. It can be used to cut parts as accurately as possible along the marking line. Due to the tape rotating in a circle, the wooden surface can be given any shape.

Preparing the base

Depending on the type of soil and the expected load on the path, the depth of the trench ranges from 20-25 cm. Moreover, its width should coincide with the width of the path. As waterproofing material can be used plastic film. This material has high tensile strength and elasticity. It is better to lay polyethylene in a continuous layer. If one part of it is not enough, you will have to glue several film sheets with an overlap of 30 cm. To do this, you will need to use construction tape or electrical tape.

The depth of burying logs depends on the type of soil

To prevent the wood from swelling from moisture, it is better to pour fine gravel on top of the waterproofing layer. Backfilling of sand and crushed stone must be done according to the building level. Otherwise, instead of the planned straight path, it will turn out to be wavy.

Workpiece processing

It is best to soak the logs in an antiseptic solution. This is the most economical way to prepare compact workpieces. The surface of larch or oak can also be coated with a protective compound using a roller. It is advisable to apply 4-5 layers of the substance, and take the already treated material to a well-ventilated place. The minimum drying time is 48 hours. In the presence of more protective layers– 72 hours.

The cut logs need to be sorted by size, cleared of bark and discarded destroyed parts. High-quality material can be treated with drying oil. For this purpose, it is better to use a boiling substance that clogs the wood pores. This treatment will prevent pest attacks, and the ability to absorb moisture will not exceed 2%.

Wood can be treated with antifungal agents using a spray bottle. If you don't like its natural color, try aging the material by artificial means, for example, paint light-colored alder cuts copper sulfate. After that they will accept dark shade. The lower part of the products must be thoroughly impregnated with hot bitumen.

Laying the path

At this stage, the logs can be laid in accordance with any pattern or in any order. They are usually installed on a sand base. Then tamp down a little and level. The gaps between the lumber are hidden with crushed stone. Sawdust and moss are suitable for processing seams on top.

There is nothing complicated in laying a path, the main thing is to stick to it simple rules

In order for the garden path to last at least 5 years, during the installation process it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • along the entire length of the path, large cuts are laid first, and only then small ones;
  • small trimmings from pear branches will help hide the voids;
  • stone fences will make the contours clearer and with their help, construction waste will remain in the depths of the seams, and will not be spread throughout the entire site;
  • the optimal distance between cuts is 1-1.5 cm, since in this case the path will take on a more natural look, which is especially important for areas arranged in eco-style.

Paving paths from boards involves preliminary waterproofing of the trench, strengthening the frame and installing the flooring. At the same time, building materials can be laid not only on a perfectly flat base, but also on a hill.

Exquisite decor

You can plant jasmine, lilac or weigela along the paths. A unique feature of the latter shrub is the riot of colors and aromas during the flowering period. The opened corollas change colors... every few hours! The species with ash, red and beige bells are more popular among gardeners. You can also use conifers and bulbous plants. For a herbaceous border, blue fescue and Italian setaria, more popularly known as “chumiza,” are suitable.

Along the path you can plant flowers, shrubs, and put up garden figurines

Considering that wood goes well with sea ​​pebbles, glass, boulders and plastic, you can bring to life the most unexpected decor options.

Care to extend service life

Over time, any materials and coatings become unusable. However, when proper care irreversible processes can actually be stopped. For this wooden surfaces It needs to be cleaned, treated with protective compounds and varnished every six months. This way you will be able to increase the shelf life of materials by almost 2 times.

The coating base is often destroyed by weeds. To prevent this from happening, you need to apply poison from thistle and torica in a timely manner. It is better to dig ditches on the sides of the path. This way you will protect the coating from damaging effects. melt water. In winter, paths must be promptly cleared of snow.

Having built a house and outbuildings on suburban area, and having planted trees and flowers pleasing to the eye, we must take care of laying communication routes between them. The article contains information about wooden paths for a summer house, garden and cottage - their advantages, disadvantages and features. You will learn what kind of wood is used for paths, what other materials can be used and what kind of care is required for wooden paths.

Garden paths made from wood cuts are unusual and original Source dp32.ru

Advantages and disadvantages of using wood for paths

One of the criteria for choosing a site design is the material from which the paths will be made. Using wood for these purposes is a good idea, because wooden paths look organic, are comfortable for walking, and do not require large expenses for their production.

But before considering specific types of wooden garden paths, it is worth assessing the pros and cons of using any tree as a building material for paths.


    Original appearance. On some types of paths, you can view a unique pattern of wood structure.

    Completely environmentally friendly material

    Cheapness. Many creation options involve the use of wood, which you can extract yourself or use waste from wood production.

    Relative ease of creation

    Space for creative and design solutions


    Fragility. It is necessary to process the tree laid in the ground special compounds against rotting.

    After the rain untreated wood gets slippery

    The need for periodic repairs

Application of wooden cuts

Perhaps the most original and catchy way is a path made from wood cuts.

Outwardly, it looks like paving stones. Only each wooden “round” differs from the neighboring one in size and pattern, which gives the entire path a unique flavor.

Scheme for creating a path from saw cuts Source: seattlehelpers.org

The types of wood from which the “rounds” are sawn can be any, but it is better to give preference to hard deciduous ones - oak, larch or beech. Coniferous cuts, despite the presence of resin in them, are looser and rot faster. There is evidence that deciduous cuts with proper processing and care can last for more than 20 years. Pine will last several times less.

But the beauty of this road surface requires careful preparation of the wood before laying and compliance with certain rules when laying. Preparation consists of processing each cut before laying and creating a pit along the entire length of the path into which the wooden cuts will be laid.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies, which offer turnkey project development and landscape work of any complexity. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Processing of cuts

    The height of the wooden rings should not be less than 10 cm, otherwise they will crack under load. It is better to discard saw cuts with cracks.

    Each cut must be cleared of bark, which is difficult to process and promotes rotting.

    The upper part of the cut is treated against rotting. An economical option is used oil or drying oil. But it is better to use special compounds, which are abundant on sale.

    It is recommended to treat the lower part of the cut, which will be in the ground, with bitumen.

    You can specially make the wood dark beautiful colour, having previously treated it with copper sulfate.

Before laying on the path, the saw cuts undergo mandatory processing Source induced.info

Preparing the ground for the path

    A trench for a wooden path is dug to its entire length and width, and its depth should be 10–15 cm greater than the height of the prepared cuts.

    The bottom of the trench is lined with a waterproofing film, onto which a sand or gravel cushion is poured.

Curbs to protect the path from dirt Source decoratorist.com

Installation of cuts

    To densely fill the entire area of ​​the path, it is necessary to prepare cuts of different diameters.

    A prerequisite is that the surface of the installed cuts should be 2 - 3 cm above the backfill layer.

    The voids between the logs can be filled with sand or gravel. A path made from saw cuts with gaps between them seeded with grass looks beautiful. But the grass will need additional care.

    There are options for paths where the gaps between the cuts are filled with concrete. But the combination of wood and concrete does not look entirely natural.

In general, it is these wooden paths that give room for imagination. You can vary both the size and shape of the dies being dug in, as well as their grouping in different places along the path. They can be placed evenly, in a herringbone pattern, or combined into groups, creating the illusion of islands on the road.

You can decorate paths with tree cuts in different ways Source rem-stroitelstvo.ru

Application of boards

The first thing that comes to mind is to make garden paths from boards. A fairly simple option that does not require searching and painstaking preparation of material. But, unlike saw cuts, it is necessary to prepare a base on which the boards will be laid. You can't just lay the boards on the ground. Unsecured, they will move apart and rot quickly. The simplest base is long logs made of timber installed along the entire length of the path being constructed.

Wooden path made of boards on a slight rise Source houzz.es

Most of the proposed garden decking options are characterized by transverse arrangement boards But it is worth considering longitudinal “deck” flooring. Yes, they don’t look as stylish, but they also have their advantages:

    Possibility of using long boards without cutting them to fit the width of the path

    But for the base on which the boards are stuffed, you can take short bars from waste

    Such floorings are more convenient when cleaning them, especially in winter from snow

Longitudinal arrangement of boards in a garden path on a hill Source tripcarta.com

Application of timber

You can lay out the entire path from thick wooden beam. The installation of such flooring will cost more in terms of material, but it will last much longer. In addition, there is no need to install any base on which to attach the beams.

Of course, you will have to level the ground along the entire length of the path, and gravel backfilling will not be superfluous at all.

Beams laid on gravel bed Source centr-sadovoda.ru

Treatment of timber against rotting is the same as for plank flooring. There are proposals to use railway sleepers for timber flooring, but this is not recommended. Sleepers are treated with creosote, which causes burns if it comes into contact with the skin. And on a hot day, the fumes from such a “path” are unlikely to be pleasant.

Video description

Interesting ideas for creating paths from wood in the video:

Application of ready-made pallets

When planning wooden paths in your dacha, you can consider using already knocked down pallets, especially if you can purchase them inexpensively. Such pallets can be found at construction sites and warehouses where various materials are stored on them.

Each pallet is finished design with a base on which the boardwalk is already fixed. They differ only in the density of the boards. If you don’t want to bother with additional processing, then you need to choose those with minimal gaps between the boards. All that remains is to remove the uneven spots in the places where the path will pass and lay the pallets on the ground one by one.

This is the most suitable option for temporary paths to some places on a summer cottage.

Decoration of the site and approach to the pool with pallets Source br.pinterest.com

The purchase of pallets will also be justified for the option of installing boardwalks. The boards, already cut to size, are knocked off the pallets, and damaged ones are rejected. Then they are treated with a protective compound and the required flooring is knocked out of them. Any pallets are suitable for this application.

Application of mulch

Garden paths can be created using shredded wood shavings, tree bark and other wood waste called mulch. To do this, you just need to remove the top layer of soil, lay out a small border around the edges, and pour mulch into the prepared trench. On sandy soils where water does not stagnate, you don’t even have to line the trench with waterproofing.

But as a temporary path or decorative path, they are quite suitable.

Garden paths made of mulch Source: seattlehelpers.org

Application of garden parquet

Decking – garden or terrace parquet – is considered a modern material for landscaping. These are ready-made tile modules with a surface made of various types of wood. WPC boards are also produced - a wood-polymer composite, in the manufacture of which a mixture of wood and polymers is used. Strictly speaking, such material cannot be called wood, but outwardly it is hardly distinguishable.

Such parquet should be laid on a prepared hard surface to prevent it from sagging. Various options external design of parquet modules allows you to create real compositions when arranging paths and platforms on the site.

Source es.decoratex.biz

Video description

Creating a garden path from wood cuts in the video:

Caring for wooden paths

Any garden paths made of wood require maintenance. Wooden elements may break, the tree begins to rot over time. Therefore, approximately once a year it is necessary to carry out a preventive inspection and restoration of the damaged area.

    Cleaning paths from debris and washed-up soil

    Applying a new protective layer of antiseptic

    Replacement of damaged or beginning to rot elements. When constructing a wooden path, it is recommended to leave part finished material“in reserve” so that you don’t have to hastily prepare a replacement of the required size and quality.


Despite the instability of wood compared to other materials, when correct device wooden paths and proper care, they will delight the eye for many years. But when considering options for garden wooden paths, you should take into account the features of their creation and preparatory work when laying them. Such work requires knowledge of many nuances, and it is better to trust them to professionals.

Floors are now finished in a variety of ways. However, the vast majority are laminate or linoleum. People with money can also use parquet board. However, what about much more interesting option a finish that will surprise everyone who steps on such a floor? This option is a floor made from wood cuts, the popularity of which is growing rapidly today.

Cross cutting of logs leads to the appearance of round logs several centimeters thick. It is these that we will lay on the floor, creating a unique surface. To consolidate the result, a fill is made, which can be very different. A striking example is self-leveling floors. By the way, in this way you can create not only floors, but also a wide variety of interior details, from wall decoration to countertops.

Advantages of wood flooring

  • Such floors are as environmentally friendly as possible;
  • Extremely low prices. Finishing material can be found literally under your feet. The only condition is the even thickness of the fragments;
  • Rich design possibilities. You can use cuts from thick logs with a pronounced layer of bark; you can use fragments of the same diameter, or different ones, to create an emphasized unevenness of the pattern. Fragments may differ not only in size, but also in shape (timber cuts), as well as colors. All this opens up enormous possibilities for design. Even cracked logs can be used, adding their own visual charm;

Important! It should be understood that logs containing signs of disease should not be used.

  • An original approach that will be able to surprise for a very, very long time;
  • Versatility. This finishing method can be used not only for the floor.

Minor disadvantages

Those people who are involved in laying such floors claim that the process is not at all as complicated as it seems. But here everything depends on the size of the fragments and the floor area. Sometimes you can fuss for quite a long time;

When properly filled and treated, such floors are quite durable structures, which do not require additional processing. However, if mistakes are made, such a floor can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, the requirements for attentiveness and compliance with all rules are very high here.

Are all logs suitable for this role?

In fact, in addition to the “painful” logs already mentioned above, those that are too soft will also not be suitable. Try to select wood from hard, durable species. If you take specific examples, then soft wood species are spruce, pine, fir, cedar, aspen, linden, poplar. It's better not to use them. But oak or walnut are perfect for this.

You also need to focus on your financial capabilities. After all, such floors can be not only cheap, but also quite expensive if you buy blanks and do not make them yourself, and also if expensive types of wood are used to finish the floor.

Installation of floors on a plywood base using glue

As part of this method, sheets of plywood are laid on the floor, the thickness of which should not be less than 10 millimeters. At the same time, it is better not to make the fragments themselves too thick, especially if your apartment has low ceilings. You can get thin cuts using a band saw, which can cut wood very accurately.

In this case, the logs are laid on construction glue, and after it has dried, it is best to seal the seams with a solution having the following recipe:

  • 5 kilograms of sawdust;
  • 2 kilograms of wet clay;
  • 1 kilogram of fat (you can use the same amount of flaxseed oil);
  • 1 kilogram of lime;
  • Marble dust. It is added if it is necessary to provide the floor with resistance to water, as well as for visual reasons.

Usually the surface is then allowed to dry for about two days. Once the gap putty has hardened, you need to sand it, and apply varnish, transparent sealant, or a mixture based on epoxy resin, having a self-leveling function (the above-mentioned self-leveling floors, often used in non-residential premises).

Laying a log floor on a sand surface

You should start by limiting the work area, after which the floor surface is covered with sand of river or sea origin. The sand layer should be 5-10 centimeters thick. So this approach is more relevant for apartments with a sufficient ceiling height.

Next, the actual process of laying the log surface begins. Laying should be done by strongly pressing the fragments into the sand base. At the same time, you need to try to work to ensure that the level of the stacked logs is approximately the same.

Regarding where exactly the installation should be carried out, you can focus on the floor covering tiles. Some start from the farthest visible corner, some from the threshold, and some do it from the middle. Be that as it may, we usually have baseboards on the sides of the floor, which can hide unevenness. In addition, by using options with different diameters, you also free your hands to fill the edges of the floor with “trifles.” Of course, you can’t do without trimming, so also have a saw ready.

Once everything is laid, we move on to the stage of filling the voids with paste, the composition of which was announced in the previous method. The finishing work is identical - we fix the structure with a self-leveling floor, or choose polishing with natural beeswax or linseed oil.

“Cash” alternative to log cutting

Along with the trend of laying floors from fragments of logs, flooring from coins is also gaining great popularity. In this case there is much more work, but the visuals sometimes amaze the imagination. We will talk about this method of finishing the floor in one of the following articles.

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