Shelf life of chicken eggs in the refrigerator.

Despite the fact that nowadays there are no problems with food in stores and supermarkets, most housewives still make purchases of many products “in reserve”, this applies not only to flour and all kinds of cereals, but also eggs.

However, this is not entirely true, since this product also tends to deteriorate, which in turn can lead to undesirable consequences.

Let's figure out how long you can store eggs in and out of the refrigerator.

Shelf life

    The concept of a dietary egg, which is stored for no more than 24 hours, has been preserved to this day. This product contains the most big number useful substances, and its benefits are not in doubt.

    If the product is stored from 1 to 25 days, then it is already a table egg, which can be consumed after minimal heat treatment.

    If the egg is stored for 25 to 45 days, then it can only be eaten in a boiled “hard” form, since even if it is used as an additional ingredient in the dough, it can lead to undesirable consequences.

Storage conditions

The product must be stored in any place where the temperature is between +3 and 20 °C. This place, as a rule, becomes a refrigerator, which is found in almost every home these days.

Before placing eggs in it, there is no need to heat treat them at all, since the shell can reliably protect the entire contents from external influences and the ingress of any type of microorganisms. You only need to rinse the product if you are going to consume it raw. But if it remains in this form in the refrigerator for more than a day, then it is not recommended to use it without appropriate processing.

How long can you store different types of eggs in the refrigerator?

Of course, in addition to chicken eggs, other types can be used in the diet; fortunately, there are any varieties on the market today.

The most common eggs on the market, besides chicken eggs, are quail, turkey and goose eggs. Of course, each of these types has its own unique property, that is, they are stored with for different periods.

1. Chicken eggs, as mentioned above, have a shelf life in the refrigerator of up to 90 days, and they can only be eaten if they are subjected to severe heat treatment. If a product (protein) has a rotten smell, this indicates that it should not be consumed as it poses a health hazard.

2. Regarding quail eggs, then, despite the fact that they are significantly inferior to chicken ones in popularity, they are also quite common. They have a monochrome speckled color and are small in size. This product is most often used boiled for various sauces or raw when following a diet. The shelf life of this type of egg is 30 days, but maximum benefit they can be obtained from storage for no more than 10 days, then they begin to lose their beneficial features and may pose a certain danger to the body.

3. Goose eggs, like the birds themselves, are large in size. Goose eggs are often used for making dough or frying, since they are much better suited for this than chicken eggs. As for the shelf life, they are not very long - a maximum of 14 days, this is due to the presence of certain substances in their composition that spoil much faster than other types of eggs.

4. Turkey eggs are also quite large in size, but they are much less often used in cooking than the types described above. This product can be stored for approximately the same amount of time as chicken eggs. Experts say that they can be added to food after heat treatment for 2–2.5 months.

How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator?

In addition to storing the product raw, the shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator is no less interesting. Boiled eggs are very popular in cooking; they are added to all kinds of dishes, salads and baked goods, and are also served in finished form for some holidays (for example, Easter).

The shelf life of raw and boiled eggs varies greatly.

Experts who study food technology believe that a boiled product can be stored for no more than 20 days from the date of heat treatment; these observations apply exclusively to hard-boiled eggs.

Fun fact: When storing the product in a boiled state, the temperature will not make any difference. That is, no matter where they are in the refrigerator, the maximum threshold for their storage will not change. However, according to experts, the best temperature regime for their storage – from +2 to +4°C.

It is not advisable to store boiled eggs without refrigeration, since during boiling the denatured protein is much more susceptible to biodegradation. Thus, after 12 hours such a product is still considered suitable for consumption, but after 24 hours it is not recommended to add it to food.

How long can boiled eggs be stored without refrigeration?

If your home maintains a moderate temperature, the product can be stored outside the refrigerator, but its period will not exceed 2-3 days. When it comes to eggs prepared for Easter holidays, then their period increases to a week, since their surface is treated sunflower oil to give them shine. This way, the small pores on the shell begin to clog, and the egg can last longer.

We hope that the information provided will be useful to you and will be able to prevent you from unpleasant consequences. Remember that it is better to use eggs immediately, without waiting until their expiration date comes to an end. Nutritionists and specialists recommend using the product after long-term storage only if necessary, because a fresh egg is the healthiest.

Chicken eggs are rich in vitamins, microelements and protein - a composition highly valued in any diet based on the principles proper nutrition. The low calorie content justifies the name “dietary”. I wonder what methods there are for storing eggs that can preserve everything? useful qualities? I will tell you how long you can store boiled eggs in the refrigerator.

Product storage features

When thinking about how long a boiled egg will last in the refrigerator, it is important to pay attention to some factors. Although heat treatment increases the shelf life of products, the following nuances are extremely important:

  • where the products were purchased;
  • farm-made “straight from the chicken” or store-bought, brought from a poultry farm;
  • under what conditions and at what temperature the product was stored before purchase;
  • how long did the eggs last before purchase?
  • Are there any signs of damage on the shell in the form of cracks and chips?

All this must be taken into account in further use:

  1. If raw eggs were purchased in a supermarket, then the packaging should contain information about expiration dates, and, as a rule, they are stored in a special refrigerated display case.
  2. If the products are rustic, then they may be fresher than store-bought ones, but no one gives any guarantees in this case.

Eggs without damage to the shell (boiled and raw) are stored longer, since there is no possibility of bacteria entering through the shell. The shelf life of broken ones is several times shorter.

Cold storage

It is known that poultry products that have undergone heat treatment or hard-boiled are not only absolutely safe (the possibility of infection with saltpeter worms is zero), but also last longer. It is preferable to store them in the refrigerator, since this is where the optimal temperature regime is maintained.

What you need to do to extend the shelf life of boiled eggs:

Image Instructions

Step 1

Boil the product until hard-boiled. In this case, the boiling time is at least 10 minutes.

This time is the minimum period at which harmful microorganisms contained on the shell die.

Step 2

Cool the boiled eggs in cold water and then wipe with a dry cloth.

Step 3

When they have cooled down, put them in Plastic container or an enamel container with a lid and store it deep in the refrigerator.

It is believed that boiled eggs are stored longer if they are not placed in the door.

Since opening and closing the door creates temperature differences, the product spoils faster than if it is placed on a shelf near the back wall.

Step 4

The shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator is no more than 20 days if the temperature is maintained (from +3 to +6 degrees) and provided that they were fresh.

Easter “paints” are stored longer thanks to a protective layer of paint and vegetable oil to add shine. Even outside the refrigerator, they can last about a week at room temperature.

Storage outside the refrigerator

Boiled eggs can be stored outside the refrigerator, but for obvious reasons their shelf life will be significantly shorter. These eggs are stored at room temperature no higher than 20 °C for a maximum of 3 days. Consuming a product that has been stored longer than this period can lead to food poisoning.

The instructions presented in the table describe ways to store eggs without a refrigerator.

Image Description

Method 1

A product without a damaged shell can last for 1–2 days. outdoors at a temperature not higher than 22 degrees.

If there are chips or cracks, it is advisable to eat such products immediately.

Method 2

For better preservation, wrap each egg separately in paper or foil. This way you can avoid product spoilage for up to 3 days.

Method 3

Can eggs be stored outside of the refrigerator? Yes, but under no circumstances put them in a bag - they will inevitably go rotten.

During the first 12 hours, boiled eggs stored at room temperature retain all vitamins and valuable components, so it is advisable to consume them as soon as possible.


Boiled eggs can be stored in the cold for a long time, but now you know that not only - at room temperature this product can also stay fresh for some time.

Finally, let me remind you - fresh products produced by city poultry farms or private farms can be easily stored in the refrigerator raw for 20–30 days without loss of taste. A hard-boiled egg will last a little longer, but I will not guarantee its usefulness and safety - the price of ingesting stale products is fraught with serious poisoning.

The video in this article will clearly show how to preserve eggs with your own hands. If you have any questions or comments, let's discuss them in the comments.

  • Shelf life: 14 days
  • Best before date: 14 days
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 14 days
  • Freezer life: not indicated
Storage conditions:
In the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 to +4 °C

Boiled eggs are a great start to the day

It is quite difficult to imagine a typical resident of Russia who does not eat boiled chicken eggs. After all, these eggs can be consumed not only as an independent dish, but also added to salads and other culinary masterpieces.

The consumption of boiled eggs began with the ancient Romans, who loved to have this dish for breakfast. Modern scientists insist that to improve performance and general emotional state, a person needs to eat boiled eggs for breakfast.

Composition of boiled eggs

One boiled chicken egg has a calorie content of less than 97 kcal. Such eggs contain a lot of fatty acids and protein, as well as chlorine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, chromium, zinc, sodium, fluorine, iodine, iron, manganese and cobalt necessary for the body. Boiled eggs are rich in B vitamins, vitamins E, K, H, A and D.

Methods for boiling chicken eggs

In order for the eggs to remain intact during cooking, you need to put them out of the refrigerator on the table and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then the eggs need to be washed thoroughly, put in a saucepan, pour cold water and put on fire. You can add a little so that the shell does not crack during cooking.

There are several main types of boiled eggs:

  1. Soft-boiled eggs - cooking time 2-4 minutes;
  2. Eggs in a bag - cooking time 4-5 minutes;
  3. Hard-boiled eggs - cooking time 8-12 minutes.

Useful properties of boiled eggs

Chicken eggs, both raw and boiled, are very healthy.

However, of the variety of boiled eggs, the healthiest ones are soft-boiled eggs, since raw yolks are better absorbed by the body.

Boiled eggs are recommended to prevent tumors and protect the heart and blood vessels. Frequent consumption of boiled chicken eggs will strengthen nails, teeth and bones, have a positive effect on vision, the functioning of the brain, nervous and digestive systems. Eggs are very useful for athletes to improve their muscles.

Eggs are considered more than just a nutritious food with plenty of protein. They are also recommended for use by sick people, as well as those who regularly go on various diets. Of course, healthy people also enjoy eating eggs. And despite the fact that fresh eggs retain all the most beneficial properties, in most cases people prefer boiled eggs.

Precautions when eating eggs

Fans of chicken eggs should remember that boiled eggs should not be overused. Nutritionists and Russian doctors It is advised to eat no more than 270 eggs per year, respectively, no more than 4-6 eggs per week.

You should avoid eating chicken eggs if you have problems with the genitourinary system or heart.

People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases need to reduce the amount of eggs consumed. This will avoid exacerbations of the disease.

However, it should be noted that chicken eggs are very useful product, and they should be completely abandoned only in cases of individual intolerance or allergies.

Shelf life of boiled eggs

The shelf life of boiled eggs can vary depending on conditions and temperature. In addition, factors such as storage location before purchase, as well as the process of preparing eggs, are taken into account. After all, if even minor cracks appear on the shell during cooking, then such an egg can be stored until 4 days, since pathogenic bacteria can easily multiply in such eggs.

The shelf life of boiled chicken eggs also depends on the time of their preparation.

Shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator

The best place to store eggs is the refrigerator.

It is worth remembering that to extend the shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator, they should not be placed on the door shelves, as they will quickly lose their freshness due to temperature changes.

The container with boiled eggs should be placed on the middle shelf of the refrigerator and closer to the back wall. At the same time, the shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator does not exceed 20 days. But the air temperature should be exclusively from +2 to +4 degrees. So even the laziest cooks will be able to stock up on boiled eggs for a long time, and at home they will have the opportunity to enjoy the appetizing product at any time.

  • Soft-boiled eggs last no longer in the refrigerator. 2 days and at a temperature not higher than +3 degrees Celsius.
  • Hard-boiled eggs can maintain their freshness for two weeks, if the temperature in the refrigerator does not exceed +4 degrees Celsius.

Shelf life of boiled eggs in the freezer

Boiled eggs should not be frozen - this will cause them to lose all their beneficial properties.

If you decide to freeze boiled eggs, they should be shelled. Only the yolk can be frozen.

The shelf life of eggs in the freezer reaches one year.

Shelf life of boiled eggs at room temperature

Boiled eggs are great way have a snack on the road. These eggs are not only tasty, but also nutritious and easy to use. However, the shelf life of boiled eggs without refrigeration is extremely short and is about 12 hours. Moreover, it is better not to wait for the deadline and eat boiled eggs as soon as possible. Then the egg will still have time to retain its nutritional properties and taste. It is also recommended to store and transport boiled eggs wrapped. It's best to wrap it in paper. These conditions will prolong the condition of boiled eggs that are outside the refrigerator. Never store boiled eggs in plastic bags, so they will go rotten very quickly.

  • A soft-boiled egg at room temperature (not higher than 20 degrees Celsius) can be stored for no more than 20 hours;
  • Hard-boiled eggs stored in non-refrigerated conditions can be stored for 2-3 days. However, if the egg has been previously shelled, it should be consumed within 1 2 hours.

These are the shelf life of boiled eggs.

When eating boiled eggs, do not forget a few simple rules:

  • If the eggs have a foreign odor, it is best to get rid of them; they may be spoiled;
  • Try to consume boiled eggs as much as possible. short time, this way you will get more nutrients;
  • Pay attention to the yolk: if it has a color or structure that is not typical for it, refuse to eat such an egg;
  • In order for eggs to last longer, there should be no damage or cracks on the surface of the shell, and the eggs should be hard-boiled.

Eggs dietary product providing a person with the most valuable substances. But it is important to store eggs properly, otherwise the value of the egg will be lost. You will learn: How long you can store raw eggs without a refrigerator and in the refrigerator, about washing eggs, how long you can store boiled eggs in the refrigerator and without a refrigerator.

The benefits of chicken eggs are explained by the presence of vitamins necessary for humans: B, C, D, E, as well as beneficial amino acids. By including chicken eggs in your diet, a person gets whole set microelements such as iron, phosphorus, iodine, selenium. Phosphorus is necessary for humans to provide normal condition bones and hair, without iron the synthesis of red blood cells is impossible; and with a lack of iodine, the normal functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted. Selenium, in turn, is a natural antioxidant; it helps the body fight the negative effects of free radicals.

A chicken egg is a valuable source of folic acid, choline, and biotin. When you eat one egg a day, you replenish up to 14% of the daily protein requirement, and the amino acids contained are actively involved in the construction of new tissues of the human body. Egg white is well absorbed by the body, especially if the egg is soft-boiled.

How long can raw eggs be stored? no refrigerator

Eggs, like any other product, can be stored without refrigeration, but for a certain amount of time. For example, guinea fowl eggs can be stored at room temperature for up to a month, because they have a very hard shell and a dense film. Quails can also do without a refrigerator for a long time. Dietary chicken eggs can be stored without refrigeration for no more than seven days; canteens up to 25 days; washed - no more than 12 days.

How long can raw eggs be stored in the refrigerator?

In the refrigerator, the shelf life is also different: the quality of chicken eggs decreases faster due to the thin shell, and the eggs dry out faster, so they can be stored for about 90 days. Guinea fowl and quail can be kept in the refrigerator for up to six months.

Washing eggs

To preserve eggs longer, you should not wash them before storing, since after washing, the pores of the shell may become clogged with dirt on the surface of the egg, and it will not be able to breathe. In factories, eggs are treated with a 1–1.5 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide, due to which the pores are not clogged and the surface is only disinfected.

Storing eggs on a shelf in the refrigerator

If eggs are stored in the refrigerator on a shelf in the door, this is not good. Many people make this mistake. The recommended storage temperature should be below 20 degrees, but this is clearly not enough.

Firstly, the refrigerator door is the warmest place, and secondly, frequent temperature fluctuations when opening and closing the door can lead to eggs simply going rotten.

How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator?

Boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for one week at a temperature of +2 to +4 degrees. It is not recommended to store the product in cells on the refrigerator: opening the doors creates temperature changes. It is better to place it in a special glass, enamel, metal or plastic container that protects against the absorption of foreign odors. It is advisable to place it on the back wall of the refrigerator.

How long can boiled eggs be stored without refrigeration?

At room temperature, boiled eggs can be stored for 2-3 days, no more. If the shell is treated with sunflower oil, then during this process the small pores are closed, and the product will be preserved for one week. Without refrigeration, eggs should be consumed within 12 hours maximum if placed in paper or foil. The product goes rancid quickly in polyethylene. It should not be stored in extreme heat without refrigeration.

  • Eggs must be hard boiled for storage.
  • The shell must be solid without cracks.
  • If the peeled egg turns gray or blue tint, it is better not to use it.
  • An unpleasant odor indicates that the process of rotting has begun. This product cannot be eaten.

The shelf life of chicken eggs and storage conditions are of interest to many who are interested in baking and making desserts. An egg is a product that almost everyone has in almost everyone's refrigerator. In addition, eggs are a source of protein and vitamins. However, not everyone knows how much and how to store this product. Let's talk about the shelf life of chicken eggs in the refrigerator and more.

Any chicken eggs you buy come in several categories:

  • highest
  • choice
  • first
  • second
  • third

When buying eggs in stores, you need to pay attention not only to the category of the product, but also simply to their appearance. It is very important that the eggs are free of chicken droppings, blood, cracks or other defects. According to the existing GOST, eggs are allowed to have small spots or stripes that appeared during transportation. Eggs should be washed under running water before eating. running water. In addition, it should be remembered that they should not have any foreign odor.

What affects the storage time of eggs? How to properly store chicken eggs?

Eggs that were collected from poultry farms are always marked the exact date. Typically, the shelf life of a product that was collected at a poultry farm is about a month. If we are talking about domestic eggs, they can be stored for 3 months.

Proper storage before purchase.

Everything is respected in the store technical standards Regarding the storage of this product, the shelf life can be from 25 to 30 days. Storage after purchase also matters. So, if the product is stored in the refrigerator, then raw eggs can remain suitable for consumption for a month. If we are talking about storage without refrigeration, the shelf life of a raw egg is reduced to 14–20 days.
The integrity of the shell also affects the shelf life of eggs, since the structure of the shell is porous and because of this, all useful properties are preserved. If the shell has been broken, then there is a high risk that microbes will get inside.

Shelf life of chicken eggs in the refrigerator

  1. The raw product can be stored for 28 days, but no more.
  2. Hard-boiled ones can be stored for a maximum of a week.
  3. Soft-boiled ones are stored for 2 days.
  4. Eggs decorated with thermal film can be stored for 1–2 days.
  5. Shelf life of broken and raw eggs– 1–2 days.
  6. Cooked and pre-cleaned can be stored for 3 days.

In addition, we should not forget about such an indicator as humidity. It should be no more than 85%, otherwise the shelf life of eggs becomes an order of magnitude shorter.

How to properly store chicken eggs in the refrigerator?

  • The first thing you should not do, although many refrigerator manufacturers have egg containers installed in the doors, you should not place eggs there. Refrigerator doors are constantly opening and the temperature conditions are changing, and this can affect the shelf life of the product. It is best to store eggs in the vegetable and fruit compartment, as this is where the temperature is most stable.
  • And second, it is best to store them in a fixed position. For this, there are special stands with a recess for each egg. In addition, such a container must close well so that the eggs do not come into contact with other products.
  • The third thing that is important to know is that they need to be stored at a temperature of 2 to 4 degrees. And if the temperature in the refrigerator compartment is 1–2 degrees, then the shelf life can be extended to 45 days.

How do you know if an egg is fresh?

If you are not sure about the freshness of the purchased product, it is better to conduct a test.

In order to conduct a small experiment you will need kitchen salt, a little warm water and one egg. After the saline solution is ready, you should place a raw egg there:

  • Sank to the bottom - the product is no more than a week old.
  • The blunt end of the egg rose up - more than a week.
  • It just floats in the solution - for more than 2 weeks.
  • If it surfaces, it is better not to use it.

The same can be done simply with cold water, without saline solution.

The next way to check for freshness is very simple. You just need to shake an egg in front of your ear. If you don't hear anything, then it's fresh.

Cleaning speed boiled eggs can also show their freshness. If they are fresh, they will be very difficult to clean.

As a result, it should be noted that it is very important to have information about the shelf life of eggs and do not forget about the rules for storing chicken products in the refrigerator.

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