Existing social networks. Social network (Internet)

Today, on social networks you can not only like photos and follow the lives of your friends, but also learn foreign languages. Special language social networks will help you find a live interlocutor who will improve your foreign language level. And at the same time it will help to replenish your vocabulary, get rid of hackneyed phrases and enliven your speech with real phrases of English, German, Italian, Chinese, and any other language. All Courses I have collected for you a selection of popular language social networks created precisely for this purpose.

You can already communicate “with a dictionary”, but are you still worried about pronunciation? Then social networks will come to the rescue, where you can find new friends around the world.


The social network unites people from 190 countries, which means 90 languages ​​to learn. The idea of ​​the site is simple: the user writes a phrase or post in the language he is studying, and a native speaker checks and corrects speech, grammar and spelling mistakes, if any. You can attach tags to notes, and the most popular ones get to the top. You can also make friends on the site.

There are two options for using the network: paid and free. The second allows you to learn only two languages ​​and make no more than 500 notes in a notebook. Paid content has an unlimited number of posts and languages, and at the same time you are allowed to post photos and leave comments in pdf format.


Lingq focuses on expanding your vocabulary, so communication requires at least minimal knowledge of a foreign language. The social network has been open since 2007 and today offers access to 16 languages, including English, French, Japanese, Swedish, Italian, Chinese, and German, among others. All new words are easily saved in your profile. In addition to free communication, you have access to audio lessons and you can submit written work for review.

The site has paid and free content.

English, Baby!

The main feature of the site is communication in correct English, American or British. For this purpose, the site has daily free lessons By new topic, thematic audio materials, including monologues and celebrity interviews. Many people use the Internet when preparing for TOEFL. There are also those who prefer to improve their grammar and just chat.

For teachers in English There is a separate section where teachers exchange experiences.

There is paid content.


A site for finding a language exchange partner. Friends from 154 countries are now available. And these are more than 100 languages, including the main European and Asian ones. The social network is completely free. You can register with it via Facebook. There is a forum and chat for communication; you choose your partner yourself. You can select your interlocutor by age and gender, or by specifying a specific country. The resource always shows who is online and who is not currently on the site.


At Conversationexchange.com you need to register and select a partner to communicate in Windows Messenger or Skype. The resource is also interesting because it helps you find a native speaker of the language you are studying in your own city. This is how you get additional opportunity chat with a person one-on-one. In addition, on the site you can improve your written language.


After registering on the site, you will see a quick search for native speakers. You can choose your interlocutor by age, gender, or language being studied. The resource will immediately offer you the person’s contacts on Skype or other instant messengers. The main advantage of the site is communication. Fluent speaking is encouraged here and there is not much focus on grammatical errors.

Easy language exchange

The new social network for communicating in a foreign language today has about 72,000 users from 56 countries. The site pays special attention to learning English: there are courses for beginners, as well as courses for those who want to increase their vocabulary and improve their grammar. In addition, useful articles are published on the resource, there is a forum where you can find someone to talk to for learning Chinese, Arabic, Korean and other languages. A separate plus is registration as a teacher.


The service offers more than 5,000 active chat rooms where you can discuss the latest news in music, sports, current events, and just chat with people around the world. And these are 37 major European and Asian languages. Additionally, you can communicate via text messages, which will allow you to master the written language.


Site for advanced users foreign languages. A community that can not only help you find people to talk to and friends around the world, but also invite you to attend events and meetings. The service will be very useful for immigrants - in short term a person will be able to acquire a new social circle and get to know the city.

The site will help you practice the language you are learning. On the main page you can immediately select the interface language: English, Russian and Spanish. You select your interlocutor yourself: gender, native language, learning language. In addition, there are sections “Forum”, “Articles”, “Invitations”. To communicate, you must register on the site.


This is not a social network, but a chat program for a mobile device that allows you to communicate with your interlocutor via text and voice messages in more than 100 languages. The program options allow you to practice pronunciation, as well as collect your own database of materials on the language you are learning (audio, words, sentences, pictures).

Communication on social networks has long become commonplace for modern Internet users. In the vastness of the global web, people solve many issues, share their experiences, demonstrate joyful moments, and follow the events taking place in the lives of their family and friends. This demand for social networks has not gone unnoticed by software developers. It’s not surprising, because everyone wants to promote their product, get a decent profit and universal recognition.

We present the rating of the most popular social networks that have a large audience of users in the world for 2017. In the ranking, I mainly refer to statistics from gs.statcounter.com, which tracks such sites as: Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, StumbleUpon, YouTube, Twitter, reddit, Digg, MySpace, NowPublic, iWiW, orkut, Fark, Delicious, VKontakte, Hi5, Yahoo! Buzz, Vimeo, Mixx, FriendFeed, Hyves, Bebo, Tuenti, Kaboodle, Odnoklassniki. To learn more about their methodology, go to.

Since some sites (for example, Odnoklassniki), taking into account their methodology, do not fall into the charts, the article will also use statistics for the Runet gs.seo-auditor.com.ru. Attention! Their statistics vary greatly. This is due to different methodology. The former measure social media usage based on page views (rather than unique visitors).

The second graph shows the numbers as of June 2017:

We see that the VKontakte indicator has dropped significantly. Interestingly, according to these statistics, Twitter took its place. See how the statistics changed during the year.

  • Ukrainians.co
  • Nimses.com
  • WEUA.info

TOP popular social platforms in Russia

As of June 2017:

According to gs.seo-auditor.com.ru, whose methodology is different, the popularity figures as a percentage are:

The most popular social networks in Belarus

There are also two leaders in Belarus: VKontakte and Facebook.

Moreover, at the end of the year, VK lost to FB and they swapped places.

Statistics on the popularity of social networks in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan's users spend most of their time on Facebook:

Moreover, VKontakte also lost a little position here at the end of the year:

Kazakh Internet users are consistently loyal to the video aggregator Youtube.

Figures and trends in the World

The permanent world leader in statistics gs.statcounter.com is Facebook again:

Pinterst ranks second and has actively begun to gain popularity, primarily due to its new opportunity.

Twitter is as always positively stable. Although he news feed much more attractive now.

According to the table, the number of network users around the world per month is:

Social network Monthly Visitors
Facebook 2,000,000,000
YouTube 1,000,000,000
Instagram 700,000,000
Twitter 313,000,000
Reddit 250,000,000
Vine (In January 2017, The Vine became the Vine Camera) 200,000,000
Pinterest 150,000,000
Ask.fm 160,000,000
Tumblr 115,000,000
Flickr 112,000,000
Google+ 111,000,000
LinkedIn 106,000,000
VK 90,000,000
ClassMates 57,000,000
Meetup 30,300,000

As you can see, the leaders have a big lead.


Almost 2 billion visitors per month.

The social network, founded by young businessman Mark Zuckerberg, is a confident leader among similar services. Every month, about two billion people from different parts of the planet use this resource for various purposes. Such demand among the world's population obliges Facebook to adapt to each user. Therefore, today there are more than 60 language versions of this web resource so that people from different countries have the opportunity to communicate with each other. Despite any vicissitudes and financial crises, Facebook is successfully developing, attracting everyone large quantity subscribers. And the founder of the Internet network, taking advantage of the growing popularity of his brainchild, never tires of donating the received cash for charity, thereby further winning the love of Internet users.


(more than 300 million visits per month)

Interest in Twitter is explained by the ease of use of this service, as well as the speed of display of messages. There is nothing easier than registering on a social network page and immediately getting into the thick of things, finding out last news, share your opinion with other people, etc. Twitter was founded two years later than Facebook, but is already confidently breathing down the back of the recognized leader. This social network is popular in many countries of the world, not only in the vast expanses of post-Soviet states, but also far beyond their borders.


(more than 100 million users per month)

This web-based system is especially in demand among businessmen. This love of entrepreneurs from all over the world can be explained quite simply: using this online resource, you can successfully promote your business, make useful contacts, and look for employees in different parts of the world globe, and also receive orders from partners living far from themselves. Here you can easily post your resume or job advertisement, find companies whose job profile matches your interests, and much more.


(approximately 150,000,000 monthly)

In this ranking of world leaders, Pinterest occupies a worthy position. Although, according to the number of Pinterest users in the 7th position in the table, it is quickly gaining popularity. And most likely, residents of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries will soon include this social network in the leading list, since it has sufficient potential.


700,000,000 visitors visit Instagram every month.

The Instagram resource gained popularity thanks to the thoughtful management of Facebook owners. They were the ones who bought the rights to this social network and made it one of the favorites.

In addition to those already mentioned, I would like to pay special attention to other social services that are included in some lists of the most popular social networks. We are talking about the Youtube web resource (a billion registered users), which ranks second. In addition, it is worth mentioning VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, one of the most favorite communication platforms used by residents of the CIS countries. Now Ukraine is not included in their list, since the mentioned social networks are blocked by providers on the territory of the state; such a decree was signed by the president of the country.

It is also worth mentioning Viber, WhatsApps, Telegram and other social resources, which are present in various ratings.

A large selection of all kinds of social networks forces their owners to constantly develop, and users only benefit from such competition. The main thing is that the competition is fair and healthy, using only open (and legal) methods of fighting for a place in the sun. And consumers will decide for themselves which social network to give preference to.

This ranking of the most popular social networks in Russia is based on monthly traffic statistics - the number of unique users who visited a particular site in a month. Data are presented for the winter season 2015-2016.

In contact with

The most popular social network not only in Russia, but also in the CIS has become the multifunctional social network VKontakte, which is constantly developing. The site was created by Pavel Durov in October 2006, with registration available only to Russian university students, and a month later access was opened to everyone.

As at the beginning of its existence, VKontakte’s audience is still the youngest among Russian social networks - the majority are users from 18 to 25 years old, with a predominance of women. The site's monthly audience is more than 46 million users. Although the Russian-speaking audience predominates, foreigners also register on the site to communicate - the site interface supports about 80 different languages.


Another social network that appeared in 2006. Created by Albert Popkov. It was conceived as a site where people could search for their former classmates and old friends, and today it ranks second in popularity among social networks in Russia.

The most active age category of Odnoklassniki is users from 25 to 34 years old. In addition, compared to other social networks, it is among Odnoklassniki users that you can meet the most people aged 55 years and above. More than 31 million people visit the site every month.


The monthly audience of the world-famous social network Facebook is about one and a half billion users. However, in Russia, foreign social networks are slightly less in demand, so this resource ranks only third in popularity among Russian users, with almost 22 million people per month.

Facebook was created in 2004. One of its creators and the current head of the company is programmer, businessman and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg. It was Facebook that became the prototype for the VKontakte website.

My world

At first, the My World website collected all the content of the Mail.Ru portal - photos, videos, answers, music and games. It was understood that it would become a platform for finding acquaintances, friends and classmates. And finally this resource turned into a full-fledged social network in 2015.

“My World” is in fourth place among Russian users. The number of people visiting the site per month is just over 16 million. Among other social networks on the Runet, it is in “My World” that the age category 45-54 is most covered.


Very close to “My World” is the LiveJournal website, or “Live Journal,” with a monthly audience of 15 million people. Compared to other social networks, users aged 35 to 44 years are most often registered here.

The site was created in 1999 by American Brad Fitzpatrick. Initially, this resource served as a platform for creating personal blogs, but it also has functionality that turns it into a social network: adding friends, the ability to correspond, commenting, collective blogging, etc.


The popular social network Instagram gathers an audience of 12 million people in Russia, with a predominant female audience between 18 and 35 years old. Not only ordinary users are interested in this resource, but also celebrities, as well as entrepreneurs who have discovered that Instagram can serve as an excellent platform for promoting a business.

Instagram was originally created as an application for smartphones. Web version of the social network on this moment allows you to view photos, comment and like, subscribe to other people’s profiles, edit a profile and search for photos using hashtags and geotags.


This resource gives each user the opportunity to maintain their own personal microblog with posts not exceeding 140 printable characters with spaces. Twitter is one of the most popular social networks all over the world, but in Russia and other CIS countries its demand is not so high - 7 million monthly audience, mainly young people under 25 years old with a bias towards men.

Interestingly, in the world the overall popularity of Twitter exceeds the popularity of Instagram (310 million monthly audience versus one hundred), while among Russian users the opposite is true.

And you can watch a video about the TOP 10 popular social networks around the world below:

Social networks in Russia (list)

Surely you know some social networks. networks that are popular among Russians, but the more sites are used, the higher the results will be (attracting traffic or advertising). Here full list Russian social networks:

  1. VKontakte takes first place in all indicators in Runet. This site is also especially popular in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
  2. Odnoklassniki is a Russian-language social network that ranks second in Runet ratings.
  3. Twitter is a foreign microblogging system that has long been included in the TOP of Russian-language sites.
  4. Facebook is a leader at the global level, which has managed to overtake even search engines in terms of traffic.
  5. Google+ is a network from a famous search engine. The audience is growing rapidly as profiles are used for different purposes (for example, on Google Play).
  6. My Circle is a project suitable for finding jobs and employees for a company. In 2015, the project was purchased big company, so now it should be actively developed.
  7. YouTube - there are elements of a social network on this site (creating your own page, publications, comments), so it can also be included in the list.
  8. My World - the developers claim that the project is a national Russian social network (third place in Runet in popularity).
  9. Friend Around is one of those social networks. networks that require the installation of a special program to use.
  10. Instagram - registration only with mobile devices, convenient photo sharing, great option for branding.
  11. LinkedIn is one of the oldest social networks. networks created to establish business connections, find jobs and employees.
  12. MySpace is another foreign project that has long been translated into Russian and has earned popularity on the Runet.
  13. Small World - suitable for communicating with neighbors and people living near you. The functionality is wide, personal messages, photos, groups and so on.
  14. Hello - on this site you can find old acquaintances, make new acquaintances, publish photos and even create your own blog.
  15. Professionals - you can already guess from the name that this network created for business people and professionals from different fields.
  16. Fotostrana is one of the most popular dating sites in Russia, where you will also find functions inherent in social networks.
  17. Mendoo - erotic social. a network in which registration is available only to adult users.
  18. Diary - school social. network, it is used by both students themselves and teachers and parents.
  19. On the Internet - in the Belarusian segment of the Internet this is very popular project. High-quality social network in Belarus.
  20. Twoo - More than 174 million people are registered on this site who are looking for new acquaintances.
  21. Socl - the well-known Microsoft company is the owner of this social network. Not many people use it in Russia.
  22. Classnet - a resource for schoolchildren has been created. Here they will find interesting communication and receive help in learning.
  23. Flirchi- large network, used for meeting new people. It’s convenient that its developers created mobile applications a long time ago.
  24. Galaxy is the most unusual dating site with social elements. networks. Mobile app also available.
  25. Classmates - many people consider this site to be the first social network, since it was created in 1995.
  26. Pinme - every day thousands of people share interesting pictures and post on this social network, which distinguishes the project from its analogues.

It turned out large list and it included all popular Russian social networks. It is useful for various purposes, and in addition to advertising and attracting visitors to sites, you can establish new connections and search for people with similar interests. I wish you success!!!

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Social media - The best way keep in touch with your friends and/or relatives, look for new acquaintances, exchange music, films, photographs. It's the end of two thousand and sixteen and now there are several hundred platforms intended for building social relations in the Internet. In this article we will look at some of the most popular ones in the world.

5 Tumblr

The number of users of the Tumblr microblog reaches two hundred and twenty million. This social network is very popular due to its simple interface, no restrictions on the content of posts and the ability to publish any images or videos. Registration is not required to view posts, but is required in case of publication. In many media, Tumblr is referred to as “ in the simplest way blog."

4 VKontakte

The most popular social network in the territory former countries Soviet Union, fourth in the world, according to SimilarWeb. In conversations it is most often referred to as VK. According to Wikipedia, there are about three hundred and eighty million accounts. Registration is free. A general social network with the ability to search for friends, read various public pages, listen to music, watch videos, etc.

3 Twitter

The microblogging network, but, unlike Tumblr, has limitations (it is possible to write posts only one hundred and forty characters long). About five hundred million people use Twitter around the world. Registration is required to use. According to company statistics marketing research Pear Analytics Forty-one percent of “tweets” (the name of online posts) are small talk, thirty-eight are conversations, nine are retweets (repeated messages), only four percent are news, and the rest are self-promotion and spam.

2 Google+

In second place by the number of users – five hundred and forty million accounts. Registration is required. In the announcement of the network's appearance Google company assured that the emphasis will be on users, privacy and live communication. The work of a social network is based on so-called “circles”, thanks to which a person regulates his communication. Users create their own “circle” (for example, “Relatives”) and add there all the people who fit this category. There are similar details with blogs.

1 Facebook

According to all existing companies specializing in Internet marketing, Facebook is the most popular network in the world. The number of users reaches one billion and seven hundred million. This social network allows you to create your profile with a photo and a detailed profile. There are many ways to communicate with each other on Facebook, including chat, virtual winks, and a wall where you can leave messages for other users.

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