Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, Russia. Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug

Educated by post. All-Russian Central Executive Committee dated December 10. 1930 as national district (see National administrative-territorial entities). Center was located in the north. Siberia. Ter. The district included the Northern archipelagos. Earth, Nordenskiöld and others. Adm. center - village Dudinka, which received city status in 1951. Until 1934 it was part of the East Siberian region. With education 7 Dec. 1934 Krasnoyarsk region transferred to its composition. In 1977 converted to auto. district In 1932, there were 4 districts and 27 village councils in the district, in 1986 - 3 districts, 22 village councils, 1 city, 1 urban settlement. According to the Federal Treaty of 1992, confirmed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993, it received the status of a subject of the Federation, remaining in adm.-ter. relation to part of the Krasnoyarsk region. On ter. Norilsk industrial district was located in the district. district, directly subordinate to the administration of the Krasnoyarsk region, including Norilsk, Kayerkan, Talnakh and urban settlement Snezhnogorsk. In 2005, the district included 3 districts, 1 city, 1 urban settlement, 20 villages. administrations. On 1 Sep. 2005 places. self-government was carried out in 4 municipalities. formations. Area 862.1 thousand sq. 

km. Number population (thousand people): 1933 – 8.0; 1939 – 15.0; 1959 – 33.4; 1970 – 38.1; 1979 – 44.1; 1989 – 55.1; 2002 – 39.8; 2005 – 39.4. The population density in 2005 was 0.046 people. per sq. 

Traces of the ancients Neolithic human settlements are found on the Popigai and Khatanga rivers near the Taimyr Peninsula. From the end 1st millennium AD 

e. ter. Taimyr was inhabited by Samoyed tribes. By the 17th century. Samoyeds and Tavgis (ancestors of the modern Enets, Nenets and Nganasans) lived here, and the Tungus (ancestors of the modern Evenks) began their advance from the south. Koren. the population led a nomadic lifestyle, engaged in reindeer herding and hunting, in the department. district - fishing. Ethnogenetic. processes in Taimyr continued after its annexation to Russia. state-wu On the bottom The Kets and Selkups came from the Yenisei from the south and southwest, and the lower reaches of the Khatanga, Popigai and Anabar rivers were occupied by the Evenks. In current XVIII–XIX centuries Russian appears in the region. population (“tundra peasants”), and the Yakuts come from the east. As a result of the merger of the Evenks, preem. from the Dolgan family, Yakuts and “tundra peasants” by the beginning. XX century a new Turkic language was formed. people are Dolgans.

After the introduction in 1822 of the Charter on the management of foreigners in Siberia, the yasak was replaced by the poll tax, and foreign councils were formed, introducing new elements into the traditions. primitive communal organization of the roots. peoples of Taimyr. The reform led to an increase in Russian income. states from the fur trade, which grew until the beginning. XX century During the Russian period colonization there is a gradual reduction in numbers. places population due to soldering, numerous. diseases (from the smallpox epidemic in 1631–91 in the Taimyr region, from 1/3 to 3/4 of the aborigines died out). Along with the negative. trends are occurring and will continue. shifts. The entry of the peoples of Taimyr into the Russian Federation. empire accelerated the economy. district development; into everyday life residents included cloth clothes, metal. dishes, hunting rifles. From ser. XIX century The attention of researchers is attracted by nature. the wealth of Taimyr, especially the Norilsk region. The first information about him was received in 1840–43 by A.F.  Middendorf, who noted the presence of coals there. In 1865–66 F.B.  Schmidt gave

short description

Conducted at the beginning 1930s collectivization of commercial reindeer herding. households of the roots. residents of the district was accompanied by the planting of collective farms and the arts. the division of the clan society into “kulaks” and “farmers”, the introduction of numerous. taxes and fees from individual farmers, purchasing deer without payment. In response to similar methods have become weapons. speech of residents of Avam and Khatanga districts in April–May 1932. August 29. 1932 The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks condemned in its letter the “excesses” committed. Collectivization was suspended, taxes were abolished, and debts for the purchase of reindeer were reimbursed. All R. 1930s basic collective farm form. developments in Taimyr have become the simplest production facilities. associations (PPO), created through the cooperation of labor without the socialization of the means of production. Their translation into agricultural charters. and fishing artels began in 1938. In 1940, there were 24 artels and 15 PPOs in the district. The level of collectivization by this time reached 92.6%.

After the revolution, geological exploration continued in Taimyr. work. A search party led by geologist N.N. 

Urvantseva (1919, 1920, 1922) established the great prospects of the Norilsk deposit for further exploration. On the banks of the Yenisei, the construction of the Ust-Port pier is underway, which was completed in 1923. In 1930, a fish cannery was built in Ust-Port. z-d. On the river 

Coal mining began in Pyasina on the Taimyr Peninsula. In 1935, the construction of the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant began. plant (see “Norilsk Nickel”), the 1st stage of which was put into operation in 1936. In the 1930s. There was a mass transfer of prisoners to Taimyr, who worked in the construction of enterprises, the extraction of salt, oil, and fish. industrial Since 1929, an air detachment began to function on Dikson to meet the needs of hydrography and Kara expeditions. With the creation of the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route in 1932, the construction of the village began. Dikson, polar stations on the islands and the coast of Taimyr. In 1939, a corner was built on Dikson. a base for ships traveling along the Northern Sea Route. In 1936–37, a narrow-gauge railway was laid.  the development of Taimyr continued. A mine was built 70 km from the mouth of Kotui to supply high-calorie coal to ships calling at Khatanga, and the sea was expanded. port serving Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant. plant and other objects. The population of the district donated warm clothes and shoes to be sent to the front. 11 million rubles were donated from the personal savings of residents for the construction of tank columns and squadrons of combat aircraft. In the military During this period, the importance of the port of Dikson increased sharply; all convoys traveling through the Kara Sea were formed here. In Aug. 1942 war. Actions reached Taimyr, and mute appeared in the Kara Sea. the cruiser "Admiral Scheer", which received the task of interrupting the work of the port of Dikson, destroying the polar station and shackling cargo transportation along the North. mor. ways. Residents of Dikson, sailors of the steamer "Dezhnev", soldiers of the battery under command. N.M. 

Kornyakov thwarted the plans of the Germans. During the war, more than 600 Taimyr residents died on the fronts.

In the post-war Over the years, mining, metallurgy, and energy have been rapidly developing in the district. In 1958, the fish canning facility was expanded. plant of Ust-Port and is equipped with modern equipment. fisherman and transport. by courts. New fish factories were built. The production of furniture, bricks, and lime has been established at the Dudinsky, Ust-Yenisei and Avam industrial plants. With the discovery of the richest deposits of nickel and copper in the Talnakh region in 1960, the metallurgist. The plant in Norilsk was provided with a stable raw material base. The Mayak mine was built in 1965, the Komsomolsky mine in 1971, and the Oktyabrsky mine in 1974. In 1963–74, the Ust-Khantayskaya hydroelectric power station was built, providing electricity to the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant. plant and districts of Kr. North. Transport is developing. system. Port Dikson became a base village with established infrastructure and social and cultural amenities, capable of meeting the needs of any expedition. There are airports in Khatanga, Dikson, and Dudinka. In the 1950s–70s. A wide range of multi-storey buildings have been developed in the district. residential buildings, cultural buildings. appointments. The cultural sphere is developing: museums, libraries, film installations, a wide network of art clubs. amateurs. All means of communication, radio broadcasting and television have developed. In 1990, there were 32 schools in the district with a total of. 9.6 thousand students. In Norilsk, in mining and metallurgy. college and evening. industrial institute studied approx. 400 people Research institute opened Agriculture

Radical. econ. reform early 1990s led to a sharp decline in production and a decrease in the standard of living of the population. In 1998 release of industrial. production decreased by 3.4 times compared to 1991. Creatures traditions suffered damage. indigenous crafts population, especially reindeer husbandry. The number of deer in the district decreased by 1.8 times from 1989 to 1999. The consequence of economic and social crisis has become intense. migrant population outflow. The mortality rate has increased, the birth rate has decreased. Between 1989 and 2002, the number of residents in the district decreased by almost a third. In con. 1990s the situation in the industry has stabilized and it has begun quite fast growth. In 2004, the industrial level production exceeded the 1998 figure by almost 2.5 times. The situation in the village 

X. in the beginning. XXI century remained unstable.

Ud. weight of goods-producing industries in the gross region. product (GRP) T.a.  O. in 2003 it was 25.3%. Low beat weight of production spheres in the GRP structure is due to the fact that the enterprises of the Norilsk industrial. districts located on the territory. Taimyr, were in the regional, and not in the environs. submission. Industrial structure production in 2005: food industry 59%, fuel 24.3, electric power 9, industry is under construction. materials 2.6, mechanical engineering and metalworking 1.1, light 0.6, etc. industrial sectors 3.4%. Stone mining is underway. coal at the Kotui mine and gas at the Soleninskoye and Messoyakha fields. Fishing industry centers - us. Khatanga, Dudinka and Ust-Port points. 162 economic entities are engaged in traditional trade in Taimyr. types of activities - reindeer husbandry and fishing. Deer pastures occupy 46% of all land in the district. The number of deer in 2003 was 43.4 thousand. Milk animals are minimally represented. Water transport is of great importance for the region's economy. Near the north along the coast of the peninsula, the Northern highway passes. sea ​​route Murmansk–Dikson–Khatanga–Tiksi–Provideniya Bay. Dudinka is the largest pestilence. and speech port of Siberia. Through it, products are exported from the Norilsk industrial complex. district and its supply. Summer sea navigation possible from 10 Aug. to 20 Sep. Winter navigation can be constant while providing icebreaker assistance for ships. fleet. The Yenisei connects Taimyr with the south. districts of the Krasnoyarsk region, where the river comes from. industrial transport is delivered. cargo and food. For internal connections of creatures. South Taimyr is important

30 km from Dikson, to the west. coast of Taimyr, there are 2 sections of the Great Arctic Nature Reserve - “Medusa Bay” and “Efremova Bay”, a biol. station "Willem Barents" and its branch on the river. 

Pyasina for the development of international. scientific research Dixon specialist works. Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. environment.

Basic the purpose of implementation is the region. crops policy is the preservation of cultures. heritage, development of festive and ritual culture, creativity of the peoples inhabiting the peninsula. In Nganasan village. 

The 1st experiment was created in Ust-Avam. platform for training and retraining of social workers. teachers and social workers of Taimyr. In 1999, the Mammoth and Musk Ox Museum was created on the basis of the Taimyr Nature Reserve. Great contribution to the preservation and popularization of historical cult. The heritage of the region is contributed by local historians. museum in Dudinka, ethnographic state museum nature Biosphere Reserve "Taimyr" (Khatanga village), lit. Museum of Taimyr authors in the vicinity. b-ke. 10 folklore works. groups: song and dance ensemble of the peoples of the North “Heiro”, Dolgan choir. songs "Aradouy", Nganasan. folklore. groups “Khensu” (village Volochanka) and “Ngamtuso” (village Ust-Avam), Enets vocals. group "Tatui", elective in folklore (Dudinsky district), children. vocals Ensemble "Elden", Dolgan. vocal-choreography ensemble “Chokurkaan” (Khatanga district), ensembles “Kharp”, “Bargan”, Nenets. folklore. groups “Sinyuko” and “Numgycha” (Ust-Yenisei district). Over the course of a number of years, env. festival of storytellers “Folk classics of Taimyr”, district. folklore. festivals, festival “Stroganina Taimyr”, env. exhibition “Master of the Year”, etc. On ter. There are more than 80 historical and cultural monuments, archeology and architecture in the district. OK. 40 monuments were erected in honor of the explorers and pioneers of the North, among them the Russian. polar researcher N.A.  Begichev, Norwegian. sailor P. Tessem and others. Lit.: Sobolev D.Z. Transformed Taimyr. Krasnoyarsk, 1960; Kuzakov K.G. National districts of the Far North of the USSR. M., 1964; Slavin S.V. Development of the North. M., 1982; Museums and monuments of Taimyr. M., 1995; Khlobystin L.P. Ancient history Taimyr Arctic and questions of the formation of cultures in the north of Eurasia. St. Petersburg, 1998; Essays on the history of discoveries of mineral wealth of Taimyr. Novosibirsk, 2003; Socio-economic development of the Norilsk industrial region and Taimyr. Norilsk, 2004; Regions of Russia: Main characteristics of the subjects

Russian Federation . 2005: Stat. Sat. M., 2006. The first people penetrated Taimyr back in the Mesolithic era (in

In the 1st millennium AD e. The ancestors of modern Nenets came from Southern Siberia to Taimyr under pressure from nomadic tribes. The basis of their economy was herding reindeer herding, land and sea hunting, and fishing. The main object of hunting is reindeer, and the main object of fishing is nelma, whitefish, and broad whitefish. The oldest known settlement of the inhabitants of Taimyr was discovered on the left bank of the Tagenar River, 5 km from its confluence with the Volochanka River, on a route along which it was very convenient to cross from the Yenisei River basin to the Lena River basin.

In the Bronze Age, people began to develop the riches of the deposits. At the Abylaakh-1 site (1150 BC), during excavations, a bronze foundry was found - the northernmost one currently known. Very interesting finds were vessels (crucibles) made of sandstone for melting bronze, and a mold for an anthropomorphic figurine.

By the end of the 1st millennium AD. e. a population came to Taimyr from Western Siberia, which brought a new Vozhpai culture belonging to the ancient Samoyeds (ancestors of the modern Enets, Nganasans). A monument to this culture is the Dune-3 site on the Pyasina River. Round-bottomed pots were found there, decorated around the neck with bands of patterns of penetrating triangles and other compositions made with comb imprints. By the end of the 16th century. pottery almost completely disappears from the everyday life of the peoples of Taimyr and is replaced by metal cauldrons.

The Russians went to Taimyr, first of all, for fur. The territory of Taimyr, or Pyasida, as Russian explorers called this region in the 17th century, was part of the Mangazeya district, established in 1601 and stretching from the Ob River in the west to the Anabara River in the east. The administrative center was the city of Mangazeya, built on the right bank of the Taz River. Throughout the 17th century. this city beyond the Arctic Circle was not only the center of sable fishing, but also the center of Arctic navigation, from where Russian explorers advanced to the North and East of Siberia.

Along the Pyasina tributary system in the 20s years XVII V. Russian explorers penetrated the Khetu and Khatanga rivers. They went out on river boats, which were dragged across a small bridge between the Avam and Volochanka rivers. 1626-1628 are conventionally considered the years of the emergence of the first Russian settlements - the winter huts of Khantay, Khatanga, Khetsky, Avamsky, Dudinsky. In 1631 Taimyr became part of Russian state.

Before the arrival of the Russian population, Taimyr was inhabited by the ancestors of the Nganasans. The vast majority of the eastern group of Samoyed clans - the Tavgi - were not yet yasak recipients, that is, they did not pay yasak and were not subject to the voivodeship administration. It was the Tavgs who held back the advance of the Tungus to Taimyr. Military conflicts continued throughout the century.

The scientific study of the peninsula began with the Great Northern Expedition of 1734-1743. Several detachments were simultaneously studying the Taimyr coast: from the west - from the Yenisei and from the east - from the Lena. For the first time, the outlines of the Taimyr Peninsula appeared on the map. The names of the expedition members are immortalized on the map of Taimyr in geographical names - Khariton Laptev Coast, Cape Chelyuskin, Minin Skerries, Pronchishchev Coast, Ovtsyn Strait. In the 19th century began to look for a way for ships to pass through the northern seas of Russia. In 1875, Nordenskiöld's small sailing ship "Previn" entered the bay through the strait that now bears this name, which Nordenskiöld considered the best on the entire northern coast. He named it Dixon Harbor. Successful expeditions of Nordenskiöld in 1875-1876. at the mouth of the Yenisei dispelled a pessimistic view of shipping in Siberia. 1876 ​​is considered the year of the beginning of steamship trade voyages across the Kara Sea at the mouth of the Yenisei. And the first cargoes from the Yenisei (graphite, fish, furs, etc.) were exported in 1877 on a small sailing ship “Morning Dawn”, which made the voyage at the expense of M.K. Sidorov. A cape in Middendorf Bay on the Taimyr coast is named after him.

December 12, 1822 in connection with administrative reform The Yenisei province was formed by M. M. Speransky. From the very beginning, the center of the province was the city of Krasnoyarsk. Instead of the old counties, five districts were formed on the territory of the new province: Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk, Minusinsk, Kansky and Yenisei - the largest in territory with the Turukhansk region under its jurisdiction. For ease of administration, the Turukhansky region was divided into three sections: Turukhansky (or Tazovsky), Verkhneimbatsky and Dudinsky, which occupied the central part of the region. On this territory there were 3 villages, 26 work stations, 36 settlements. The territory of the Dudinsky site was managed by a special caretaker - a constable, whose duties included monitoring the collection of yasak from the population, supervising the sale of government salt, gunpowder, and lead. For tax purposes, the entire indigenous population was united by the Russian administration into councils headed by an elder (prince). Each of the councils was a territorial-administrative unit. In the Yenisei North (on the territory of Evenkia and Taimyr) 34 councils were created. The princes were elected from among the richest, most influential and respectable residents. Elections took place at suglans - clan meetings. Elders and elders were elected for a term of three years and approved by the governor.

The indigenous inhabitants of the Turukhansk region and its northern outskirts were in dire straits. The first who paid serious attention to this region in the second half of the 19th century was the Siberian entrepreneur M.K. Sidorov, who tried to boost the economy of the region through the development of the Northern Sea Route and the creation of a merchant fleet.

In 1913, the Russian hydrographic expedition of B. A. Vilkitsky discovered the islands of Severnaya Zemlya. In 1915, the first house was erected on Dikson - a radio station for communication with the mainland. The following year, a meteorological station began operating here - even then people understood that the climate of the northern hemisphere of the planet was being formed in the Arctic. In 1919, the famous explorer N.N. Urvantsev began active research on Taimyr, who confirmed the presence of the richest reserves of mineral raw materials on the peninsula.

The Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug was formed on December 10, 1930. It is a subject of the Russian Federation. The capital is the city of Dudinka. The Taimyr Autonomous Okrug is the only Russian region located entirely beyond the Arctic Circle - between the 68th and 82nd parallel.

General information

Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) autonomous region formed on December 10, 1930. It is a subject of the Russian Federation. The capital is the city of Dudinka.

The Taimyr Autonomous Okrug is the only Russian region located entirely beyond the Arctic Circle - between the 68th and 82nd parallel. In the east it borders with the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in the south with Evenkia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the west with the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. From the north it is washed by the waters of the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. The northernmost point of Eurasia is located on Taimyr - Cape Chelyuskin (770 43" N).

The district includes four municipalities:

Dikson district (center of the town of Dikson), which includes Dikson Island and part of the Arctic coast of the Yenisei Gulf;

Ust-Yenisei district (center of Karaul village), its territory extends along the banks of the river. Yenisei below the city of Dudinka;

Khatanga district (the center of Khatanga), it includes the Khatanga River basin and the entire northeastern part of the district, up to the borders of Yakutia;

The city of Dudinka and the territory subordinate to the city administration (the center of Dudinka) includes the basin of the Kheta River, a tributary of the Khatanga, and the central part of the peninsula, as well as the southern strip of forest-tundra on both banks of the Yenisei above the city of Dudinka.

There are 22 settlements located on the territory of the districts. The capital of the district is a major sea and river port, through which the main cargo turnover is carried out and products of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel are shipped, as well as the administrative and cultural center of the district.

As of July 1, 2004, the Database of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations (USRPO) included 837 business entities located in the district.

The territory of Taimyr is characterized by low population density - 0.044 people per 1 sq. km. or 1 person per 22 sq. km.

The population as of January 1, 2004 is 39.44 thousand people. Of these, 26,111 people live in urban areas, and 13,324 live in rural areas.

Harsh climate, thin air, high atmospheric pressure, fierce winds, polar night - 9,826 indigenous people live in these conditions:

Dolgan - 5510 people;

Nentsev - 3054 people;

Nganasan - 766 people;

Evenkov - 299 people;

Entsev - 197 people.

Area 884.4 thousand square meters. km. The conditions of the Far North leave their own special regional imprint on transport complex districts. January temperature is -29 -35 C° on average, frosts -45 C° -50 C° are not uncommon. Winter 8-9 months a year.

Polar night 45 days, polar day 68 days. The geographical location of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug is characterized by great remoteness from industrial centers and places of consumption of manufactured products, which in turn negatively affects the development of the territory. Taimyr has mainly permafrost soils and tundra swampy soils.

Daily temperature changes reach (-10-15 C°), strong snowstorms, poor visibility and fog prevail.

In May-June, snow melting and ice drift begin; the level rise in the Yenisei River is 10 -14 m from the nominal level (5.6 - 6 m).

Frequent traffic jams threaten flooding both coastal villages and the city. High level water during the half-month forces us to evacuate all cargo and buildings from the berths of the Dudinsky seaport, and raise portal cranes to the non-flooding level (20 m).

In the south of the district there is the mountain system of the Putorana Plateau and the Anabar Plateau, a large number of mountain rivers and lakes. The height of the mountains is up to 1,700 m. In the north are the Byrranga Mountains. The territory is predominantly occupied by the North Siberian Lowland, which is located between these mountain ranges. The high concentration of lakes, swamps and rivers makes these places difficult to navigate.

The short northern summer warms the earth by 0.5 m, but underground lenses and currents cannot be excluded. Sharp changes in pressure and temperature, magnetic storms and almost constant winds - all of this together leaves a special mark on our region.

A peculiarity of the geographical location of Taimyr is the combination of the Arctic, tundra and forest-tundra. The height of the snow cover in winter reaches 1.5-2 m. In the spring, steep snow canyons form in the floodplains of rivers, especially in the north of the district. At the end of August and September, autumn begins in the tundra and in the first half of October ice appears on rivers and lakes, and summer river navigation stops. The ice thickness at the end of December and January reaches 1.5 m.

County coat of arms and flag

The coat of arms of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug is an image of a red-breasted goose on a blue background, above which in the upper part of the coat of arms is a white disc of the sun.

The flag of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug is derived from its coat of arms and on its blue cloth (2:3), as on the coat of arms, there is an image of a red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis) flying to the free edge of the flag, with a red head and chest and black and white plumage, in the center of a white circle with a diameter of 1/2 the width of the flag, from which two vertical and two horizontal narrow white rays extend.

Agriculture and fishing industry of the district

67 enterprises in the district are engaged in priority types of agricultural activities - domestic reindeer herding, hunting (harvesting wild reindeer, partridge, commercial furs), and fishing.

Throughout the reporting period, the transformation of state-owned district agricultural enterprises into commercial and non-profit organizations private form property.

As of October 1, 2004, the largest specific gravity In the total number of agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) enterprises, societies with limited liability and producer cooperatives.

For 9 months of 2004, agricultural products in the district were produced in the amount of 0.2 million rubles. The index of physical volume of agricultural production amounted to 24.8%. 12.6 tons of meat and 7.2 tons of milk were produced.

The livestock population was completely preserved (pigs and sheep), and the increase in the number of cattle was 115.4%.

43.4 thousand heads of domestic reindeer are grazed on 40.1 million hectares of pastures, including agricultural ones state enterprises- 10.0 thousand heads, 64 teams produce commercial products.

In addition to deer meat, agricultural enterprises produce skins, camus, antlers and antlers.

Additional products of reindeer husbandry are used in the souvenir and light industry, and antlers are considered a valuable medical raw material and are exported under agreements with foreign countries - Japan and Korea.

The volumes of production of wild reindeer meat and domestic reindeer meat make it possible to fully meet the district's needs for this dietary and delicacy product, and in the diet of the indigenous peoples of Taimyr, venison is one of the main foodstuffs.

The Arctic is a unique region where inimitable natural conditions, unique flora and fauna. Three reserves have been created on the territory of the district: Arctic, Putoransky, Taimyrsky.

The largest reserve in Russia is the Arctic. Taimyr is home to 35 species of mammals, 139 species of birds and 29 species of fish.

Taimyr is a kind of cradle of intercontinental bird migration routes. It is also home to the world's largest free-living population of wild reindeer. The number of wild reindeer, according to estimates from the Research Institute of Agriculture of the Far North, is approximately 350 - 400 thousand heads.

Huge territories of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, occupying an area of ​​more than 64.0 thousand square meters. km. are replete with a variety of fish species, of which the largest proportion are valuable species: omul, muksun, broad whitefish, nelma, whitefish, peled, vendace, smelt. In addition, in the basins of rivers and lakes of Taimyr, fish from the salmon family are caught - chum salmon, lake char, grayling, red fish - sturgeon and sterlet.

The Taimyr tundra is also rich in commercial game; northern partridge and hare are hunted by indigenous peoples of the North; duck and goose hunting opens in spring and autumn.

Main enterprises of Taimyr

Dudinsky sea port

Dudinsky seaport - structural subdivision Polar Branch of OJSC Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel. The port is necessary to ensure year-round navigation, import and export of general cargo and finished products leader of the world metallurgy of the Polar Division of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel.

The port's berths are flooded during the spring flood, and therefore equipment and cargo are completely evacuated to the non-flooding level of 20 m. The peak of the flood occurs on average on June 7, during ice drift. The maximum water level was recorded in 1999 at 21.49 m. The main sea berths of the port at the 8-meter mark are cleared of water by July 1, total length- 1,740 m. In order to prevent destruction of communication lines in the port, an ice-protective dam was built on the spit of the confluence of the river. Dudinka in the river Yenisei. Berth depths from 8 to 12 m make it possible to accommodate vessels with a carrying capacity of up to 17 thousand tons. Summer navigation is 130 days, from June 15 to October 20. Winter navigation is ensured by escorting transport vessels by an icebreaker fleet.

The port's berth capacity is 25 thousand tons per day. The area of ​​hydraulic structures of the warehouses is 706.5 hectares. The cargo berth consists of 23 river and 9 sea berths, including a special berth. cargo located at the mouth of the river. Dudinka and 8 berths high water, flooded from 14 m. The berth for oil products is located 900 m below the sea berths along the Yenisei. Total capacity - 180 thousand m3.

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Khatanga Sea Trade Port"

The port is located at 72°N. 102°E, right bank of the Khatanga River. It is the main carrier in the Khatanga basin of the Kheta - Khatanga - Kotui rivers.

River navigation begins from June 15-20 and ends on October 1-5. Sea navigation is possible from August 1 when the bay is free of ice. The port's cargo turnover is 75 thousand tons per year. The delivery of oil to the Khatanga region is carried out by the vessels of the Lensk United River Shipping Company OJSC, the limiting roll is 4.5 m, located at the mouth of the Khatanga River 230 km north of the village of Khatanga. Transshipment from sea vessels to river vessels is carried out at Cape Kostysty.

Provides livelihoods for 9.4 thousand people, carries out loading and unloading operations and transports energy resources and genes. cargo during "northern delivery". The depth of the berths is 5 meters. Accepts vessels with a carrying capacity from 1.5 to 5 thousand tons of the "river-sea" type. The body of the pier - sunken ships, barges, pontoons, are ballasted with ASG and placed on the ground.

Dikson seaport

Located at 73° north latitude. 80°E on the southern coast of the Kara Sea. Purpose: supporting the life of the village of Dikson, Arctic expeditions and polar stations. Depths near the berths of 15 meters allow loading and unloading operations on ships with a carrying capacity of up to 50 thousand tons. The body of the pier is reinforced concrete. Summer sea navigation is possible from August 10 to September 20. Winter navigation is possible all year round if ships are escorted by an icebreaker fleet.

The port's cargo turnover is 14 thousand tons per year. The total depreciation of fixed assets and assets is 70%. The Dikson seaport is of strategic importance due to its geographical central location on the routes of the Northern Sea Route.

Transport connections of the district with other regions of Russia and the world from the North are carried out along the Northern Sea Route by ships of the Murmansk, Northern and other shipping companies.

The limiting roll Turushinsky (9.2-9.7 m) for the movement of sea vessels is located 250 km north of Dudinka. From the south, the main transport artery is the Yenisei River. Cargo is transported by vessels of JSC Yenisei River Shipping Company and TK Transit - SV. Passenger transportation on the route Krasnoyarsk - Dudinka is carried out by vessels of JSC "ERP" on comfortable three-deck motor ships of the "Chkalov" and "Matrosov" type.

Dudinsky motor transport enterprise

Structural division of the Polar Branch of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel. The main functions are to provide technological transportation to the Dudinsky seaport of the Polar Branch of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel.

In addition to its core activities, Dudinskoe ATP occupies a dominant position in the market transport services for the delivery of goods to the Norilsk industrial region, and also carries out intracity and intercity transportation of passengers by buses to Alykel Airport and Norilsk.

OJSC "Kotui Mine"

Coal enterprise develops Kayakskoye deposit coal, located in the Khatanga region, 90 km from the village. Khatanga, on the bank of the river. Kotui. Coal production is about 40.0 thousand tons per year.

Aviation transport

Provides year-round cargo and passenger services to the villages of the district. Air transport is of paramount importance in the district. Part of the costs in the form of subsidies to airlines to cover losses from passenger flights on local air lines, is carried out at the expense of the district budget.

In Taimyr, the following airlines operate in the field of air transport: Taimyr Airlines OJSC, Alykel CJSC, Khatanga United Aviation Squadron State Unitary Enterprise, Zapolyarye Airlines LLC, Norilsk Aviation Enterprise State Unitary Enterprise.

CJSC "Alykel" Airport complex "Norilsk" - airport activities for servicing aircraft arriving (departing) at Norilsk airport. About 15 airlines operate regular passenger flights to Norilsk Airport.

"Khatanga United Air Squadron". A subsidiary of the state unitary enterprise "Norilsk Aviation Enterprise". Carries out transportation of passengers, mail, cargo, aviation work, airport servicing of aircraft, including transit ones.

Taimyr Airlines OJSC. The main activities are transportation of passengers, mail, cargo, aviation work on Mi-8 helicopters, airport services at Dudinka, Dikson, Valek and Shushenskoye airports. Taimyr Airlines OJSC was established in the process external control and on the basis of the property of the State Unitary Enterprise "Norilsk Aviation Enterprise".

State unitary enterprise "Norilsk Aviation Enterprise". In accordance with the external management plan, the legislation of the Russian Federation, federal property that is not subject to privatization is located in economic management at State Unitary Enterprise "NAP". This property: runways, taxiways and aprons at the airports Norilsk, Valek, Dudinka, Dikson, Shushenskoye, facilities social sphere - housing stock the villages of Alykel and Dikson, the energy sector of the village of Dikson (boiler house and diesel power plant), as well as the facilities and equipment of the air traffic control and air traffic control services of these airports. Also, the working personnel of these services remained in the State Unitary Enterprise "NAP".

Zapolyarye Airlines LLC carries out the transportation of passengers, cargo and aviation work in the region using An-2 and An-3 aircraft, and competes with the above two carrier enterprises. However, due to certain flight characteristics, operating requirements and the need in equipped runways in the villages of the district for aircraft, this competition is insignificant. Also, Zapolyarye Airlines LLC transports passengers, cargo and luggage on the routes Norilsk - Dikson - Norilsk and Norilsk - Khatanga - Norilsk, as well as outside the district on the routes. aircraft An-12, An-26, An-24.

Since March 2003, regular passenger flights on An-3 (An-2) have been carried out in the villages of Dudinsky and Ust-Yenisei districts from Dudinka airport to winter time(and since 2004 - all year round with the exception of two months - from mid-May to mid-June and from October to November).

Railway connection

The railway connects the port of Dudinka with the Norilsk industrial region. The total length of the railway is about 110 km.

An extensive network of access to port berths, cargo storage bases and warehouse sites in the Norilsk industrial region.

The railway transports almost 90% of general cargo arriving by water transport to the region and 97% of the export of manufactured products from the Polar Division of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel to the port of Dudinka. The operation of the railway and rolling stock is carried out by a structural division of the Polar Division of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel " - Norilsk Railway.

Road transport

There is one federal highway in the district: Dudinka - Alykel Airport, connecting the city of Dudinka with the cities of the Norilsk industrial region. The road network does not have access to the main highways of Russia.

There are no roads connecting settlements, since their construction and maintenance require significant material costs. Transport links between settlements carried out on winter roads, the maintenance of which does not require large material costs. Transportation on such roads is carried out irregularly (December-May) and depends on weather conditions.


In January-June 2003, communications companies provided 585.6 thousand long-distance telephone calls, including 28.5 thousand international calls, and sent 31.7 thousand telegrams.

As of July 1, 2003, the number of main telephone sets connected to the public network of organizations of the Russian Ministry of Communications amounted to 8,302 units, which is 13.0% more than as of July 1, 2002. The number of basic telephones installed among the population increased by 14.6% and totals 6,592 units.


During January-September 2004, a volume of work worth 341.6 million rubles was completed using our own resources under construction contracts.

Most of the work was carried out by large and medium-sized organizations. Under construction contracts, a volume of work was completed in the amount of 141.9 million rubles, or 147.8% compared to the same period last year; construction and installation work worth 173.4 million rubles was carried out using economic methods (199.6% of the level of the corresponding period last year).

A new medical building district hospital with 150 beds.

The design and construction of the structure was carried out by the Slovenian company BIRO-71 and the Norilsk company Energotekh, which have extensive experience in such work. The total construction period was 2 years. The five-story district hospital is equipped with modern medical equipment. Some of the equipment, such as the sterilization unit, is unique to the territory.

The total cost of the project (construction, finishing, design, purchase and installation of new equipment) amounted to over 200 million rubles. Funding came from the district budget.

Natural resources of Taimyr

The natural resources of Taimyr are unique and have global significance. The world's largest deposits of copper-nickel ores are concentrated on the territory of Taimyr (Talnakh and Oktyabrskoye), there are unique deposits of technical (impact) diamonds (Udarnoye, Skalistoye), independent deposits of precious metals, apatite-magnetite ores with tantaloniobates, lead-zinc deposits, concentrated colossal reserves of solid fuel (total reserves of brown and hard coal are estimated at 500-700 billion tons) and many others.

More than 30 oil and gas fields have been discovered in Taimyr and adjacent territories (Messoyakhskoye, Pelyatkinskoye, Suzunskoye, Tagulskoye, Payakhskoye, Vankorskoye, etc.) and a wide range of non-metallic minerals - raw materials for construction, chemical and light industry, instrument making, as well as decorative, semi-precious and jewelry stones, deposits of high-quality muscovite and phlogopite have been explored. In the eastern part of Taimyr there are thick layers of rock salt.

Three freshwater deposits are exploited in the district groundwater(Talnakhskoe, Ergalakhskoe, Ambarninskoe). Valkovskoye field discovered and put into operation mineral waters, which the dispensary currently uses. And this is not a complete list of known deposits.

Mineral resource base

The basis of Taimyr's mineral resource base is complex platinum-copper-nickel ores.

More than half of all reserves of nickel, copper, cobalt and platinum group metals in Russia are concentrated in the North Siberian nickel-bearing province within the Taimyr District.

All proven reserves are concentrated in the Norilsk industrial region. The provision of operating mining enterprises in the Norilsk industrial region with reserves of mineral raw materials is assessed as very good.

43% of proven reserves of copper (of all Russian reserves), 71% of nickel, 98% of platinum group metals, and 7% of gold are concentrated here. Most of the precious metals are extracted as a by-product during the processing of complex platinum-copper-nickel ores. This represents about 90% of the platinum group metals and about 7% of gold from the total production in Russia.

In addition, large predicted resources of noble metals, primarily platinum group metals, are contained in technogenic formations concentrated in the waste tailings of the mining and metallurgical production of OJSC Norilsk Mining Company. There are technogenic objects formed in the early period of exploitation of complex ores, in which the average content of platinum group metals is 2.5 g/t.

The predicted operational resources of groundwater in the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug are 284.1 thousand m3/day. In general, the district is rich in groundwater resources in the Dudinsky and Norilsk industrial regions, where 95% of the population lives; Khatanga, Ust-Yenisei and Dikson districts are not provided. The district's operational groundwater reserves amount to 236.3 thousand m3/day, of which 230.0 thousand m3/day are prepared for industrial development.

Fuel and energy resources

Coal. It is widespread throughout the district and is confined to three large coal-bearing basins: Tunguska, Taimyr, Lensky. The total resources of hard and brown coals in them are estimated at approximately 500-700 billion tons. The resources of the Tunguska basin are estimated at 280 billion tons, including coking coal - 31 billion tons.

The Taimyr coal basin is less studied. The known deposits Slobodskoye, Krestyanskoye, Syradasaiskoye, Pyasinskoye (Western Taimyr) and Chernoyarskoye (Central Taimyr) have been assessed preliminary. Permian coals of Western Taimyr are characterized by high quality characteristics. Proximity to the seaport of Dikson, high quality coal, significant reserves and resources make this area promising for the development of coking coal for export. The resources of the Taimyr coal basin are estimated at 175 billion tons, including 74 billion tons of coking coal.

The Lena brown coal basin is represented by brown, high-calorie coals suitable for gasification.

The district contains large reserves of graphite and thermoanthracite. Within the Taimyr coal basin there is a deposit of graphite and thermoanthracite.

High quality of graphites, determined by low ash content (4-6%), low volatile yield (1-3.5%), low silica content (1.7-3.3%) and high free carbon content (90-92%) , makes it possible to use them in industry as crucible and standard grades.

The predicted resources for the field as a whole are estimated at 250-300 million tons for each type of raw material. In addition, a number of occurrences of graphite and thermoanthracite of the same type with total resources of about 1000 million tons have been identified in Western Taimyr.

Oil and natural gas. On the territory of the district there is one of the richest oil and gas bearing areas (OPO) of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - the Yenisei-Khatanga Khatanga-Vilyui oil and gas province (OGP), partially - the Pur-Tazovskaya oil and gas province of the West Siberian oil and gas province and the North Tunguska oil and gas province of the Leno-Tunguska oil and gas province.

15 gas condensate, gas and gas-oil fields have been discovered within the district. The largest of them, Messoyakha, Pelyatkinskoye, Deryabinskoye, are located in the Ust-Yenisei region.

The Messoyakha field is in production. Gas is delivered via a gas pipeline through the town of Dudinka to the Norilsk industrial region. The exploitation of the field (together with Soleninsky) is carried out by the Norilskgazprom enterprise, which produces an average of 3-4 billion m3 of gas per year. In Dudinka, a condensate processing plant with a capacity of 40-46 thousand tons of fuel operates on the basis of this gas.

Two large gas condensate fields have been prepared for development - Pelyatkinskoye and Deryabinskoye.

In the northeast of the district, in the Khatanga region, on the left bank of the Khatanga Bay, small oil deposits (Nordvikskaya, Ilyinskaya and Kozhevnikovskaya) were discovered.

In the south of the Ust-Yenisei and Dudinka districts on the left bank of the river. Yenisei (110-120 km from Dudinka) is the Suzunskoye oil and gas field, also prepared for development.

Near the Suzunskoye field, seismic exploration work is underway in the highly promising Pendomayakhsky area with a resource potential of 60 million tons of conventional hydrocarbons.

On the right bank of the river. Yenisei, in its lower reaches an oil deposit was discovered at the Payakhskoye field, where prospecting work is underway to clarify its morphology and size in order to estimate oil reserves.

According to experts, it is the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug in the 21st century that can become Russia’s main reserve for increasing oil and gas reserves on a large scale, where there will gradually be a smooth transition of the main oil and gas production areas of the West Siberian oil and gas basin.

Geology. In accordance with current legislation in the field of environmental protection, for reporting period 19 agreements were prepared and concluded between the District Administration and water users for the use of surface water bodies.

In January-September 2004, work began in 2003 in the field of subsoil use to process large-scale satellite imagery materials, the purpose of which was to identify areas promising for hydrocarbon raw materials. Another important direction of this work is replenishing the database of multispectral space surveys for reference objects and creating their remote bases.

A comprehensive airborne geophysical survey was completed over an area of ​​10 thousand square meters. km, as a result of which the initial data were obtained for constructing structural-tectonic diagrams of the basement and thickness of Meso-Cenozoic deposits. The results of airborne geophysical work will make it possible to identify promising areas for oil and gas.

As a result of seismic exploration in the northwestern part of the Siberian platform, a large oil and gas promising structure was identified - the North Pyasinsky swell.

Work continued on a set of ground-based geological and geophysical methods to assess the oil and gas content of promising areas. A complex of geophysical and geochemical methods was carried out. For the first time in Russia, within the framework of the project, geochemical research using the GORE-SORBER method was carried out with the involvement of JSC Coordination Center ROSGEOFIZIKA (St. Petersburg) and the international corporation WL Gore & Associated Inc. (Germany).

As part of the audit and assessment work for hydrocarbon raw materials (oil) in Eastern Taimyr, an assessment was carried out resource potential Eastern Taimyr for oil, developing a strategy for regional oil exploration for the near future, preparing the territory for parametric and exploratory drilling, assessing economic risks during the development of the Nordvinskoye oil field.

All work was carried out with supervisory support, ensuring quality control of field materials when obtaining new data on geological structure and oil and gas potential of the district.

Work continues on the creation of the Natural Resources geographic information system. For 9 months of 2004, databases on deposits (fuel and energy resources and solid minerals), a stratigraphic and paleontological database, as well as a database of stock literature on the geology of the district territory were created.

Trading Opportunities

On the territory of the district, hard coal is mined for the needs of enterprises and the population of the Khatanga region. The volumes of industrial and agricultural products produced are insignificant and are sold on the domestic market of the region.

Constant foreign economic activity is carried out by OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel, whose turnover in export volumes accounts for more than 99%.

Main foreign economic activity joint stock company is aimed at export, through the export of metals through the Dudinsky seaport, to foreign countries.

It is believed that the ancient territory of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug began to be developed back in the Neolithic period. Russian servicemen and traders began to develop the Yenisei Okrug, only then did its territory become part of the Russian state. The formation of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug occurred in 1930, at the same time entering the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In former times, Taimyr was part of the Yenisei province, and its administrative center was Irkutsk. The Taimyr Autonomous Okrug became a subject of the Russian Federation in 1992. And its rich history and cultural attractions attract people to the territory.

Geographical position

The Taimyr Autonomous Okrug is located on the Taimyr Peninsula of the same name, as well as its extreme tip - this means several Arctic islands, Cape Chelyuskin and the north of the Central Siberian Plateau. It is noteworthy that this district is the only place in Russia that is completely outside the Arctic Circle. Also, its area is the largest district on Russian territory.

The neighbors of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug are the Republic of Sakha from the east, the Krasnoyarsk Territory from the south, the Evenki Autonomous Okrug from the south-east, as well as the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the western part. In addition, the Yenisei and Khatanga bays wash the northern coast of the district.

Let us note that forty percent of the land in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is occupied by the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug. To calculate its total area, you need to add up the territories of the Netherlands, France and Great Britain.

Natural resources

The Taimyr Autonomous Okrug is attractive because it is a little-studied region of the Russian Federation; in total, only three percent of its territory has been explored. Various mineral resources and minerals. Unique volumes of coal reserves are stored in the three largest coal basins, their total weight is 92 billion tons.

In addition, it is necessary to note the most beautiful forest resources of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, while its most of occupied by coniferous forests, where tourists are so eager to get to. After all, here you can endlessly admire the deciduous forests of birch, spruce and Daurian larch, which are considered the northernmost on planet Earth.

Local tourism

Tourists and travelers are invited to visit three nature reserves in the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug. The Great Arctic Nature Reserve deserves special attention, where picturesque nature allows you to get closer to the local flora and fauna. Since the transport infrastructure is being improved very well, health and tourism complexes will soon be built, which will have no analogues in the world. That is why foreign and domestic investors became so interested in the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug.

The Taimyr Biosphere Reserve is definitely worth a visit. It is noteworthy that here you can plan or book tourist routes in advance. For example, if you want to observe the Taimyr fauna, then you should go on scientific and educational tourism. However, it is worth taking into account the period of visit and the natural conditions of the year. The management of the reserve also offers sports tourism. In spring, small groups of tourists organize dog sledding excursions. Therefore, a special nursery for breeding sled dogs was created at the reserve.

During ethnographic tourism, you can see the places of residence of the nomadic peoples of the Dolgans and Nganasans, who lived in the eastern part of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug.

→ Taimyr Autonomous Okrug

Detailed map of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug

Taimyr Autonomous Okrug on the map of Russia. Detailed map of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug with cities and villages. Satellite map of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug with districts, villages, streets and house numbers. Explore detailed maps from the satellite services "Yandex Maps" and "Google Maps" online. Find the desired address, street or house on the map of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug. Zoom in or out on the map using mouse scroll or touchpad gestures. Switch between schematic and satellite map

Taimyr Autonomous Okrug.

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Map of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug with cities, districts and villages

Satellite map of Taimyr Autonomous Okrug

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Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug - Wikipedia: Date of abolition of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug:
September 13, 1937 Population of the former Taimyr Autonomous Okrug:
38372 people Area of ​​the former Taimyr Autonomous Okrug:

879.9 thousand km²

Avamsky district Diksonsky district Dudinsky district Ust-Yenisei district Khatanga district

Taimyr Autonomous Okrug existed until 2007; from January 1, 2007 - Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Taimyr Autonomous Okrug- one of the subjects of Russia, which is located beyond the Arctic Circle. The territory of the district is washed by the Laptev Sea and the Red Sea. There is the northernmost point of Russia - Cape Chelyuskin.

The administrative center of the district is the city Dudinka, whose population is only 32 thousand people. Such large rivers of Russia as the Yenisei and Khatanga flow through the territory of this region.

Climate of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug arctic and very harsh. The average temperature in summer is from +2 to +13, and in winter - - 30 C. Therefore for a long time Taimyr District was uninhabited.

Particularly diverse animal world districts. The rarest species of predators and mammals live there - reindeer, polar bear, wolverine, sable, etc. In the waters of the seas that wash the shores of the district, you can see bearded seals, walruses and seals.

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