Technical characteristics of drywall and features of this material. Drywall (gypsum plasterboard) and its types: application, main dimensions and prices Prices for various types of primer

Leveling walls has ceased to be a problem since drywall appeared on the market. Gypsum plasterboard or gypsum board can be considered an ideal building material both in terms of its properties, its range of applications, and ease of use. The properties of the material and its types are described in this article.

What is drywall?

Plasterboard sheet, as the name implies, consists of pressed gypsum, enclosed on both sides in thin and durable paper. Its surface is perfectly flat, the material itself is quite durable, can withstand heavy loads, but at the same time it is easy and simple to work with.

Thunder of plaster and paper base In the process of producing drywall, adhesives and foaming agents for gypsum are used. Cardboard performs two functions: it is part of the reinforcing frame and at the same time an excellent basis for applying finishing finishing materials (decorative plaster, wallpaper, paint, etc.).

Properties of drywall

The material is safe for health and environmentally friendly, which is why it is so popular. Here are the main advantages of drywall:

  • Ideally flat surface;
  • Environmental friendliness, fire safety;
  • Ability to absorb and release moisture;
  • Good sound insulation properties;
  • Cheapness;
  • Easy to process.

Drywall purchased in a store is completely ready for installation and use; it does not need to be prepared or processed in any way, following complex instructions.

The disadvantages of gypsum plasterboard include its ability to get wet and collapse from excess moisture. Drywall absorbs water, so it is not used for outdoor work.

The second disadvantage is that the material crumbles; if you hammer a nail into it, you cannot hang anything heavy on such a nail - the fasteners will easily fall out.

How is drywall used?

The use of plasterboard in construction is the so-called “dry construction”. Sometimes this material is also called “dry plaster”, “wall board”. Masters find a lot different solutions construction problems using this unique material, we list the main ones:

  • Leveling walls and ceilings, using as “dry plaster”;
  • Providing heat and sound insulation;
  • Creation decorative elements, arches, two-level ceilings and so on.;
  • Construction of partitions and internal structures.

In not so distant times, it was impossible to level the walls and ceiling without a master plasterer. The process was complex, slow and very dirty. And the result is sometimes unpredictable if mortar poor quality or the specialist has “crooked hands”. With the advent of drywall, all work came down to attaching perfectly even sheets to the wall and sealing the seams between them.

Drywall is attached to special guides. They come in different heights. In this way, a gap is provided between the wall and the sheets. This air gap provides thermal and sound insulation, and if this is not enough, layers of insulation can be laid.

Craftsmen have come up with technologies that make it possible to make a complex profile out of it and secure it in the right place, which is very useful in the construction of arches, boxes and other decorative elements.

Most quick way do internal partition– fix two sheets of drywall on a special metal or wooden frame and put a sound absorber between them.

Types of drywall

The technical characteristics of different types and brands of gypsum boards differ; you need to know the main characteristics so as not to make a mistake in your choice.

Some manufacturers have sheets of shorter lengths, but they are more expensive, although they are easier to work with. These small sheets are best suited for ceiling works in small rooms such as toilet, bathroom, corridor, for example

Types of gypsum board edges

In addition to the division into varieties, different types drywall have Various types edges. Varieties by type of edge:

  • PC – straight edge. Designed for dry installation and does not require laying joints. It is used when covering the surface in several layers, for internal layers.
  • UK – edge with thinning. It is used when gluing with reinforcing tape followed by putty.
  • ZK – rounded edge. Used when using putty, but without reinforcing tape.
  • PLC – edge, semicircular on the front side. It is used without reinforcing tape, with further putty.
  • PLUK - an edge, semicircular and thinned on the front side. Requires the use of reinforcing tape and putty.

More often than others, types of drywall with beveled edges UK and PLUK are used, since they allow seams to be sealed without the formation of protrusions.

IN Lately An element such as arched design of any kind.

Drywall arches not only decorate the space, they visually stretch it upward.

Drywall arches not only decorate the space, they visually stretch it upward. Due to the availability of building materials and the ease of working with gypsum boards, it is possible to construct a plasterboard arch with your own hands. All that is needed is tools, plasterboard, putty, correct calculations, instructions for installing arches and a little patience.

Types of plasterboard arches

Types of plasterboard arches.

There are several types of plasterboard arches. Today in the construction industry there are the following options:

  1. Classic design made of gypsum plasterboard.
  2. Modern arch made of plasterboard.
  3. Semi-arches.
  4. Arches in hi-tech style.

Classic designs made from this material are used in interiors decorated in the same classic style. The main difference between a plasterboard arch in a classic style is its smooth, symmetrical outline. After finishing finishing work, the transition from the wall to the bend of the arch is almost impossible to notice due to the fact that the radius of the bend is equal to half the width of the opening. Recently, the classic plasterboard arch has been abandoned in favor of other types due to the loss of lighting and the effect of artificially lowering ceilings.

A modern plasterboard arch is designed in the Art Nouveau style. Such openings look more open, higher, with clearly defined corners, if provided for in the design. IN this moment These are the most popular types of plasterboard arches. In addition, calculating the bending of such arches is very simple - just determine where the semicircular area of ​​the opening begins.

The modern appearance of arches perfectly sets off complex structural elements such as a multi-level ceiling or emphasizes the minimalist design of a living space, being one of its elements. If necessary, they can also have built-in cabinets or shelves for displaying collections and for a mini-library.

Semi-arches are widely used in apartments to delimit zones. For example, from a large kitchen create a dining room and work area It is possible using a semi-arch. This form of opening is non-binding and at the same time a winning option for designing transitions in an apartment. In addition, they perfectly complement the room as a division element - for example, a semi-arch above the bed with built-in shelves.

Arches in hi-tech style. They are designed using straight, sharp, chopped lines.

Well, the last view arched openings- in hi-tech style. They are designed using straight, sharp, chopped lines. The other arch options are still not as pretentious as these. They are most suitable for decorating offices, non-residential buildings or apartments in the techno style.

It is recommended to install arches with ceilings of at least 1.7-2 m, otherwise they will visually suppress and make the room smaller. Although when making the right choice The type of arch and its proper execution can be used to play up low ceilings in such a way that the room seems to move apart.

Drywall is more suitable for constructing arches than other construction options, as it is easy to handle and can maintain the required level of humidity in the apartment.

Arch device technology

The openings are made according to the same pattern with minor deviations.

The first step will be to calculate the place where the arch will be built, and required quantity building material that will be needed during installation. To arrange the structure, you need to take two wide sheets of plasterboard, from which you will cut out a semicircle of the device, and a strip of plasterboard of smaller thickness to arrange the lower part of the product.

The first step will be to calculate the location where the arch will be built and the required amount of building material that will be needed during installation.

Correctly carried out calculations will allow you to bring your design idea to life without overpaying extra money.

In addition to plasterboard, when installing an arch of any chosen type, you will need profiles for attaching plasterboard sheets to the wall. The profile itself must be securely fastened with screws along the edges of the end of the opening where the arch will be located. To do this you will need a drill and a small construction material- screws.

You can cut the required contour of the arch from plasterboard sheets using a jigsaw. But first you need to outline the sheets, drawing semicircles of the future design. This can be done with a simple pencil or pen - just not by eye. An error in bending - and the system will not only not decorate the interior of the apartment, but will also significantly worsen it.

Particular attention should be paid to the sheet of drywall from which the end part of the opening will be cut. It will need to be bent in an arc. How to do this without breaking the sheet?

To make a neat bend, you should wet the bottom part of the plasterboard sheet, roll it over it with a special needle roller, moisten the same side with water (it is important not to overdo it here), then carefully place the cut-out plate from the plasterboard sheet on a pre-curved template along the bend of the arch. This way the plasterboard sheet will take the required shape of the arch, gradually dry out and not break.

All elements of the plasterboard structure must be fastened using self-tapping screws.

After final installation of the system, it is necessary to apply a plastic perforated corner in order to hide the joints of the plasterboard sheets.

Putty arched structure

The very last step is to putty the plasterboard arch on all sides. This is necessary in order to hide all the seams and unevenness of the material. Putty can be carried out more than once - at least 2-3 layers, but no more than applied to the wall closest to the arch.

Putty can be carried out with the same material that was used during all renovations in the apartment. What type of putty is presented on construction market better? Basically you can use any. Putty is necessary so that in the future the wallpaper can be easily removed in order to stick new ones.

One nuance that must be observed when installing the arch is that the putty must be applied as evenly as possible - any unevenness on the arch will not only be clearly visible, but will also spoil the entire effect of the beautifully designed opening.

Drywall has long, firmly and for a long time won its rightful place among the variety of materials for construction work due to ease of installation and the presence of many useful physical properties.

Still, it is interesting what guides professional builders and designers in their daily practice, giving preference to this material, which is popular today.

Some examples of how drywall is used in construction are presented in the photo below.


Drywall is a plate that has a gypsum core, framed on both sides by sheets of facing cardboard.

The gypsum base of gypsum plasterboard includes various additives that give the resulting material certain beneficial properties. Based on the type and purpose of additives present in the raw materials, drywall is usually divided into the following categories:

  1. GCR is the most regular drywall, no additives at all. Its purpose is to cover wall structures and ceilings in buildings with permissible temperatures and low moisture content in the air.
  2. GKLO - fireproof plasterboard with reinforcing inclusions. This type of material was created for the construction of structures in places where special attention is paid to fire safety.
  3. GKLV is a type of drywall that is not susceptible to the harmful effects of excess moisture and contains antifungal and hydrophobic additives. The choice of cardboard for creating such plates is also not simple - impregnated. This type of material can be used even in places with high levels of humidity, however, subject to the use of additional, water-resistant decorative mixtures.
  4. GKLVO – waterproof and fireproof plasterboard, a mix of GKLV and GKLO. It is appropriate to use it where, along with high humidity, high temperatures are also recorded.

Reasons why you should choose drywall

  1. Light weight. This quality greatly simplifies the installation process and avoids unnecessary load on load-bearing walls.
  2. Environmental friendliness. This material “breathes” and is absolutely not harmful to the inhabitants of the living space.
  3. Plasticity when moistened. This feature of drywall allows you to model parts of a unique non-standard shape of varying complexity. To achieve this effect, the sheet is pierced with a needle roller and moistened with water. In this state, it is easy to construct any element with radial lines from it. In addition, after drying, the material restores all the “necessary” properties. It is this fact that has become one of the most compelling reasons for such widespread use of plasterboard in construction. After all, neither stone, nor ceramic, nor wooden products are modeled so easily.
  4. Fire resistance. Gypsum, which is the base component, is completely non-flammable.
  5. Easy to install. Assembling plasterboard forms does not require any special equipment.

Weaknesses of drywall

Where is the use of drywall contraindicated?

  • in poorly heated buildings;
  • in buildings with high humidity (more than 80%).

What are the consequences of incorrect use of drywall?

  • the formation of mold and rot;
  • deformations of forms;
  • peeling and destruction of the decorative layer.

To prevent such unpleasant surprises from occurring, care should be taken to install air conditioners in your home when there is excess moisture in the air. Their operation will significantly increase the service life of gypsum plasterboard elements.

Where is drywall usually used in construction?

  1. For creating wall structures and piers.
  2. As a substrate for arranging floor coverings.
  3. For the manufacture of suspended ceilings.

Drywall is very convenient when you need to redesign rooms without major changes. Lightweight plates do not weigh down the structure. Simply put, plasterboard partitions play a role similar to that of stationary screens.

In addition, it is easy to hide surface defects in the form of chips, cracks, etc. behind plasterboard plates.

And especially high quality drywall Knauf can play the role of an excellent substrate for laminate, linoleum or ceramic tiles.

Structures made of plasterboard, the standard thickness of which is 1.25 cm, can be decorated not only with wallpaper, but also with something heavier. For example, finishing tiles, artificial stone etc.

Structures made from LGK

  1. Arches and domes.
  2. False fireplaces.
  3. Partitions.
  4. Columns.
  5. Niches made of plasterboard.
  6. Boxes for masking wires of lighting systems and other communication lines.
  7. Multi-level plasterboard ceiling.
  8. Various elements irregular shape for room zoning.
  9. Other non-standard products.

Assembly of drywall elements

There are some differences in the process of installing various drywall elements, but the materials, tools and basic operations are almost the same.

What to prepare in advance

  • Pencil and tape measure for marking.
  • A sharp knife for cutting leaves.
  • Self-tapping screws and screwdriver.
  • Metal profiles.
  • Insulation material.
  • Waterproofing primer.
  • Construction mesh.
  • Putty.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Finishing material.

Installation process

You can better navigate the information about the use of drywall by watching the video below.

Installation of plasterboard sheets on the ceiling

Drywall (its other names are plasterboard sheet, as well as dry gypsum plaster) is a very well-known building material used in interior decoration. It is a two-layer sheet. One layer is cardboard, and the second is hardened plaster with filler. This finishing material is environmentally friendly, fire-resistant, able to “breathe” (pass moisture through itself and maintain a certain humidity in the room), has no odor and is able to provide high level sound and thermal insulation. Standard Sheet plasterboard has a width of 120 centimeters.

The use of plasterboard in construction and repair

There are several types plasterboard sheet. This is ordinary plasterboard (GKL), then moisture-resistant (GKLV), used in rooms with high humidity - bathrooms, etc. And there is fire-resistant plasterboard (GKLO and GKLVO).

A plasterboard ceiling is installed on a steel or wooden frame. Used as an underlying layer for the floor. Often this building material is an excellent means for a designer to realize his bold ideas. After all, a plasterboard sheet has the ability to bend perfectly, which makes it possible to remake partitions, walls and ceilings to your liking.

Dry gypsum plaster in a wet state with a thickness of 9.5 and 12.5 mm is very plastic, and vice versa when dry. This circumstance makes it possible to mount panels in any elements of different configurations: vaults, cylinders, plasterboard arches, domes. This is a sheet of drywall a designer's dream.

Let's see what else is interesting about drywall material. The sheets are bent only along their length and either the back or the front side can be convex. Plasterboard walls allow you to build into them any windows and doors made of wood, aluminum, steel or plastic. You can bend the plasterboard board, or you can cut or saw it. Using the tools at hand, you can cut out a shape of the desired length and width, and, if necessary, make a hole in the panel. For switches, and not only for them, it is better to make holes right in front of the cladding.

The use of drywall allows you to reduce work time due to the fact that it can be assembled plasterboard structures outside the construction site. If you are planning to buy drywall, then it makes sense to take the entire installation kit: screws, metal profiles, tools, gypsum glue, tape for sealing seams, etc.

As for the order of work on processing the seams between the sheets. The quality of a wall or ceiling lined with plasterboard is influenced by how well the connecting seams are made. The seams are carefully sealed with putty.

The following mixtures can be recommended: SEMIN CE 86, Vetonit Gyproc Siloite, KREISEL 601. After filling the joint with the solution, a strip of a special fiberglass reinforcing mesh is applied, after which a layer of putty is reapplied.

Sealing seams between sheets of gypsum board

When starting to work with plasterboard, the master must clearly know what he is doing. Both the qualifications of the worker and the humidity and temperature in the room are important - it is important that they are stable for two days before and two after processing the seams.

Areas of application of drywall

To briefly summarize the areas where drywall can be used, we will highlight several main ones:

  • Leveling and updating walls, their cladding;
  • Interior partitions made of plasterboard. Mounted on a frame made of metal or wood. It is also used for constructing non-load-bearing walls, decorative podiums, etc.;
  • Ceiling plasterboard finishing. There are plasterboard ceilings different types- regular, suspended or multi-level;
  • Production of decorative interior items.

The ease of working with drywall provides builders and designers with a wide choice of creating a variety of interior elements without unnecessary costs.

Drywall is a building material that makes it possible to carry out so-called “dry plaster”, without unnecessary dirt when finishing works. The use of plasterboard panels significantly reduces the time and cost of the work performed. Therefore, today the use of plasterboard is becoming popular in construction or repair, insulation of residential, office and premises industrial purposes provided there is no high humidity.

Gypsum is a natural stone, having a relatively small weight, formed from sedimentary rocks. Its astringent properties were known to the ancient Egyptians, who actively used it in construction and plaster mixtures. In the nineteenth century, gypsum as a building material found a new use: the owner of a paper mill, American Augustine Sackett, invented the “board” to increase sales of his products, holding together several layers of paper with gypsum mortar.

Modern drywall is a sandwich of two sheets of cardboard with a gypsum “filling” placed between them, with protected end edges - an invention of American engineers of the early twentieth century.

The popularity of using plasterboard is explained by its properties, which can significantly reduce the time and financial costs of construction and repair work. This is, first of all:

  • Low specific gravity;
  • Environmental Safety;
  • Ease of processing and installation;
  • Fire properties;
  • Low moisture content;
  • Good sound absorption;
  • Low cost.

There are several types of plasterboard panels. Today you can purchase ordinary plasterboard panels that are suitable for dry rooms, as well as plasterboard sheets intended for rooms with high humidity or fire hazard:

  1. Standard drywall - designed for ordinary walls;
  2. Ceiling - thinner, with reduced weight, used to level ceilings and create multi-level structures;
  3. Moisture-resistant - used for finishing rooms with high humidity - bathrooms, entrance rooms;
  4. Fire resistant - least affected high temperatures and an open source of fire. Widely used for cladding fireplaces and walls adjacent to the heating source;
  5. Arched – used by designers when modeling curved shapes;
  6. Acoustic - the excellent sound-absorbing properties of this material make it indispensable in production premises or offices with increased level noise.

Thanks to the use of plasterboard sheets, it is possible to insulate a room in a short time by laying between outer wall and a plasterboard panel with a layer of mineral wool. “Dry” plaster is especially popular: finished plasterboard panels the walls are a perfectly flat surface, which can later be processed with all types of finishing materials - painted, whitewashed, wallpapered, applied decorative plaster.

The availability and ease of processing of the material allows it to be used by owners of apartments or private houses for independent repairs. Experts widely use plasterboard sheets to model space, realizing the wildest design fantasies. Using drywall, you can quickly and inexpensively build your own interior walls, dividing a large room into two separate ones.

Features of working with drywall

Like any building material, drywall has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when working with it. We must not forget that gypsum itself is a fragile material, therefore, even reinforced with cardboard sheets, it is afraid of mechanical loads and deformations. For the same reason, if it is necessary to cut a plasterboard sheet, it is necessary to use a thin cutting tool– a construction knife is well suited for this purpose.

It is recommended to store drywall sheets in a horizontal position on flat surface, to avoid their deformation. As a last resort, to save space, you can place plasterboard panels vertically, leaning the top edge of the first sheet against the wall, while the bottom edge of the sheet should retreat from the wall at a distance of no more than 10 - 12 cm. All other sheets should be installed in a dense layer to the first – this way unnecessary deformations can be avoided. In addition, even moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard should not be left without the necessary protection in an open space, in order to avoid damage to the material under the influence of natural precipitation.

Compliance with the basic rules for storing and working with drywall greatly facilitates its use, even when making home repairs or remodeling with your own hands. It should be remembered that when arranging an additional wall, gypsum boards must be mounted on a pre-prepared rigid frame made of wooden beams or metal profile using fastening materials. Plasterboard panels are attached to the wall in several ways:

  1. On a wooden frame;
  2. On a metal profile frame;
  3. On the wall surface using building mixture or glue.

Mounting on a wooden frame

This type of fastening is mainly used in the construction frame houses in USA. The difficulty of using it in our conditions lies in the need to level out possible differences on the wall surfaces. To do this, you have to either cut off the most protruding parts of the wall, or place additional bars in the places of the largest recesses. The frame itself consists of racks and lintels, which are pre-attached to the wall, and then a sheet of plasterboard is sewn onto them.

One of the disadvantages of this method is the need to use high-quality dried material, since insufficiently dried wood becomes deformed when dried, as a result of which the entire wooden structure can become warped. However, in forest-rich regions, the use wooden structures more popular, since the cost of timber here is significantly lower than the cost of a metal profile.

In order to sheathe walls with plasterboard on a wooden frame, the following tools are needed:

  • Level and plumb line for mounting the frame (you can use a laser builder);
  • Construction tape, ruler;
  • Wood saw;
  • A hammer drill for punching holes in the wall for fastenings;
  • Construction knife or file for cutting drywall sheets;
  • Screwdriver.

The walls must first be cleaned of peeling layers of plaster, wallpaper, dust, and dirt. Using plumb lines or a laser plotter, find the unevenness of the wall and install signal beacons. After this, you can mark the future wooden frame using a tape measure, level, plumb line or laser tool. When constructing a wooden frame, it is recommended to use wooden beams with a cross-section of 60 - 40 mm.

  1. The horizontal guides are attached. Previously, small notches are made on them in the places where the vertical posts are attached in accordance with the markings;
  2. Using self-tapping screws, vertical posts are attached to horizontal bars.
  3. The panels are attached to the vertical posts using self-tapping screws, at a distance of about 15 cm. In this case, it is necessary to partially recess the head of the screw so that it does not protrude on the surface, creating unevenness.

To equip a wooden frame, it is necessary to take timber treated against fungus and pests with a moisture-resistant composition.

Tip: to enhance heat and moisture insulation, you can insulate the walls before installing a wooden frame mineral wool and foil covering.

Installation of plasterboard panels on a metal frame

The most common way of attaching plasterboard panels and installing false walls is to use a metal profile under the frame. The construction industry offers metal profiles specially designed for drywall and other special devices. Most often, two types of profiles are used - D and W. The first is smaller in size, it is used when forming a plane for fastening panels. The second is used for mounting the frame on the walls. In addition to these two main standard sizes, there are two profile options for each of them: C and U, support and guide. You can learn more about the purpose of these profiles and the specifics of their use on construction sites.

Usage metal structures makes it possible to create an ideal surface for any initial curvature of the walls.

To install plasterboard panels on a metal frame you will need:

  1. Metal tape measure;
  2. Construction level is at least 80 cm;
  3. Plumb;
  4. Twine;
  5. Rule;
  6. Reverse drill or screwdriver;
  7. Perforator and dowels;
  8. Construction knife, file, grater for working with drywall;
  9. Metal scissors for cutting profiles.

Starting to form metal frame, it is necessary to prepare the adjacent surfaces in advance: the walls must be plastered, and the floor must be perfectly flat; if necessary, a screed must be applied. Preliminary marking is carried out, where all irregularities are taken into account, including defects in the corners between adjacent walls, and an accurate drawing of the frame is built.

The profile is fastened using special clamps, forming a frame for plasterboard panels. The principle of marking and arrangement of a metal frame is identical to the arrangement of a frame made of wooden beam, taking into account the characteristics of the metal profile, its varieties and methods of fastening.

Important: the front part of the racks and lintels must lie in a single plane.

It is convenient to lay the necessary communications, soundproofing and heat-saving materials between the wall and the frame. The metal frame has a minor drawback: it is a good conductor of sound, so when using it, it is recommended to use insulation that muffles any sound source. This property of a metal profile frame should also be taken into account when installing interior walls.

Using construction adhesive when covering walls with plasterboard.

Provided that the walls that are planned to be “dry plastered” using gypsum plasterboard sheets do not require additional leveling or insulation, plasterboard panels can be attached directly to them using construction adhesive mixtures.

This type of installation is the lowest budget; it can be easily done by even a novice home craftsman with his own hands without the use of special tools or additional materials.

For work you need: sheets of plasterboard, adhesive building mixture or putty, a sharp knife for cutting plasterboard, construction tape.

Advantages of adhesive installation:

  1. Easy to attach;
  2. Short terms of work;
  3. Space saving;
  4. Minimum set of tools and materials.

Perhaps the most important advantage glue method is the opportunity even for “dummies” to level the surfaces under finishing with your own hands.

The main disadvantages of this method are the inability to use heat and sound insulating materials between the wall and the panel, as well as difficult access to electrical wiring and other communications hidden under plasterboard panels, if necessary.

Using drywall to decorate rooms

As already mentioned, plasterboard is used not only to create interior partitions, cladding walls or ceilings, but also to decorate rooms, create separate zones, and spectacular reliefs.

The use of this material allows designers to transform a boring room, changing the space visually, using, if necessary, smooth lines of transition from one plane to another, creating decorative elements such as false fireplaces, arches, niches for lighting or objects of art.

In addition, to mask communications or divide a room into separate zones in modern apartments you can install false columns of square or semicircular type. In spacious rooms, you can make real round or ribbed columns by installing decorative niches or shelves in them.

Using gypsum boards for interior renovation and room decoration allows you to bring to life any creative idea. This material is relatively low cost, requires minimal skills to work with it, and makes it possible to significantly transform the space, giving the room an updated, well-groomed look.

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