Safety requirements for cargo transportation. Safety regulations for the transportation of various goods

operation of production equipment in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation and operational documents;

The use of sign and other types of signaling when moving goods by lifting and transport equipment;

Proper placement and stowage of cargo at work sites and in vehicles;

Compliance with requirements for security zones of power transmission, utility and power supply nodes.

2.1.4. Persons who are not directly related to these works should not be allowed into the work sites and equipment. It is not allowed for people to be present or for vehicles to move in the area of ​​possible falling loads when loading and unloading rolling stock, as well as when moving loads using lifting and transport equipment.

2.1.5. Before starting work, the person working on this mechanism must check the presence and serviceability of loading and unloading devices, lifting devices and tools.

2.1.6. Lifting and moving heavy objects by women and persons under eighteen years of age must be carried out taking into account the norms of maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy objects manually and the norms of maximum permissible loads for persons under eighteen years of age when lifting and moving heavy objects manually.

2.1.7. The movement of loads weighing more than 20 kg and over a distance of more than 25 m in the technological process must be carried out using lifting and transport devices or mechanization.

A mechanized method of moving cargo is mandatory for cargo weighing more than 50 kg, as well as for lifting cargo to a height of more than 3 m.

2.1.8. Loading, placement and securing of cargo on rolling stock must ensure the possibility of their safe subsequent unloading.

2.1.9. Cargo unloaded or prepared for loading nearby railway tracks must be laid and secured so that the clearance of the buildings is not disturbed.

Loads (except for ballast unloaded for track work), when their stacking height, counting from the rail head, is up to 1.2 m, must be located from the outer edge of the head of the railway or crane track closest to the load at a distance of at least 2.0 m, and when higher altitude- at least 2.5 m.

2.1.10. Cars must be delivered and removed to loading and unloading areas in accordance with the technological process of work structural unit.

2.1.11. Loading, unloading and preparing cars for loading is permitted only after they have been secured at the unloading front in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on railways Russian Federation and fencing with portable signals in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions for Signaling on Railways of the Russian Federation.

Loading and unloading operations are not allowed during maneuvers with rolling stock.

The procedure for moving cars using small-scale mechanization, depending on local conditions, is established by instructions approved by the head of the railway department.

2.1.12. When opening the doors of covered cars, it is prohibited to stand against the doors in order to avoid falling on the person opening the doors or on the cargo located in the car.

When opening the car door, loaders should be on the side and open the door towards themselves, holding on to its handrails.

2.1.14. It is necessary to close the doors of a covered carriage from the side and move the door by the handrails away from you.

2.1.15. When opening the sides of railway platforms, workers should be located at the ends of the side to avoid being hit by a falling side.

2.1.16. The sides of the platforms should be closed in this order: the end side is raised, while workers should be on the side of the ends of the side, and after one of the workers, while on the car, holds the end side, the remaining workers must lift the longitudinal sides. It is prohibited to stand against the side during these operations.

Opening and closing faulty sides of the platform must be carried out under the guidance of a foreman or foreman.

2.1.17. Work with load-lifting cranes and their operation must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Design Rules and safe operation lifting cranes(cars).

2.1.18. For slinging loads, slings must be used that correspond to the weight and nature of the load being lifted, taking into account the number of sling branches and their angle of inclination. Slings general purpose should be selected so that the angle between the branches does not exceed 90 degrees.

2.1.19. To ensure the safe movement, tilting, loading and unloading of cargo, at each place where loading and unloading operations are carried out using mechanisms, slinging diagrams for the most common cargo, given in Appendix No. 2 (not given) to these Rules, must be developed and posted.

Loads for which slinging schemes have not been developed are moved in the presence and under the direction of the person responsible for safe production crane operations, which determines the safe and reliable way slings. The mass of the cargo is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to these Rules.

2.1.20. When loading and unloading cargo that has cutting edges and corners, gaskets should be used to prevent failure of load-handling devices.

2.1.21. Before the start of loading and unloading operations, a procedure must be established for the exchange of conditioned signals (alarm) between the person giving the signals (slinger) and the operator of the lifting and transport equipment. The signaling used when moving goods by railway cranes is given in Appendix No. 4, and the sign signaling is in Appendix No. 5 to these Rules.

2.1.22. Before lifting and moving loads by crane, the stability of the loads and the correctness of their slinging must be checked.

2.1.23. When loading and unloading, the cargo must first be lifted by a crane to a height of no more than 0.2 - 0.3 m to check the correct slinging. If uneven tension of the slings and unreliable slinging of the load are detected, it is necessary to issue the command “Lower the load”, having previously placed spacers under the load, and re-sling. When moving horizontally, the load or load-handling device must first be lifted 0.5 m above objects encountered along the way.

2.1.24. During loading and unloading operations, unauthorized people are not allowed to be in the work area of ​​the cranes. It is not allowed to lower the load into a gondola car, car body, or lift it while there are people in the gondola car, cabin or car body.

2.1.25. Methods of stacking and securing cargo must ensure their stability during transportation and storage, unloading of vehicles and dismantling of stacks, as well as the possibility of mechanized loading and unloading. Maneuvering vehicles with loads after removing the fastenings from the loads is not allowed.

2.1.26. When moving cargo using lifting and transport equipment, people are not allowed on it. People must be at least 5 m away from the turning radius of the working parts of lifting and transport equipment.

2.1.27. Moving cargo over premises and vehicles where people are located is not permitted.

2.1.28. The movement of cargo should not be carried out when there are people along the route of its movement. The slinger must retire to a safe place after checking the reliability of slinging the load and lifting it to a height of no more than 1 m from the floor (platform) level.

To prevent spontaneous rotation of long and large loads during their lifting or moving, guy ropes should be used, and workers should be at least 5 m from the vertical plane formed by the projection of the nearest point of the load onto the ground.


Lifting a load that is covered with earth or frozen to the ground, laid down by other loads, reinforced with bolts or filled with concrete;

Pulling a load along the ground, floor or rails with a crane hook when the cargo ropes are in an inclined position without the use of guide blocks that ensure the vertical position of the cargo ropes;

Releasing slings, ropes or chains pinched by a load using a crane;

Lifting a load directly from the place where it is installed (from the ground, platform, stack, etc.) using a boom winch, as well as mechanisms for lifting and telescoping the crane boom.

2.1.30. The operation of the crane must be stopped when the wind speed exceeds the permissible limit for the crane, during snowfall, rain or fog, and in other cases when the crane operator cannot clearly distinguish the signals of the slinger or the load being moved.

At the “Stop” signal, the operation of the crane must be stopped, regardless of who issued it.

2.1.31. When performing loading and unloading operations using continuous transport machines (conveyors, transporters, elevators, stackers), uniform loading of their working parts and a stable position of the cargo moved on them must be ensured. Feeding and removing loads from the working part of the machine must be done using special feeding and receiving devices.

It is prohibited to work on the conveyor when the conveyor belt is skewed or when it suddenly stops, as well as to clean the moving belt and clean up spills under the conveyor belt or drums while the conveyor is running. While the conveyor is operating, it is prohibited to repair, move or change the position of the conveyor truss.

2.1.32. If dangerous and harmful production factors arise due to the influence of meteorological conditions on the physical and chemical state of the cargo, loading and unloading operations must be stopped or measures must be taken to create safe working conditions.

2.1.33. Places where loading and unloading operations are carried out, including passages and driveways, must have natural and artificial lighting in accordance with SNiP 23-05, OST 32.120 and industry standards for natural and combined lighting manufacturing enterprises railway transport.

Illumination should be uniform, without the glare of lamps on workers. Types lighting fixtures should be chosen depending on the conditions air environment working area of ​​production premises, properties and nature of processed goods.

2.1.34. At the sites for stacking cargo, the boundaries of cargo stacks, passages and passages between them must be marked. It is not allowed to place cargo in aisles and passages between stacks of cargo.

The width of passages between stacks of cargo must ensure the safety of movement of vehicles and handling equipment.

2.1.35. When laying cargo (except for bulk cargo), measures must be taken to prevent them from pinching or freezing to the surface of the site.

2.1.36. Dismantling of stacked cargo should only be done from top to bottom.

2.1.37. Aisles and storage areas must be leveled and free of holes and ruts. In winter, passages must be cleared of snow, and in case of icing, sprinkled with sand, slag or other anti-slip materials.

2.1.38. For access (ascent) to the workplace, sidewalks, stairs, bridges, and ladders that meet safety requirements must be provided.

2.1.39. When loading cargo onto a vehicle, the driver of the vehicle must leave the cab and direct the placement of the cargo in the back. The cargo in the body is placed on pads. The slingers (loaders) carry out lashing and securing the load in the body according to the instructions of the driver. You can climb into the body of the machine to unhook the slings or check the condition of the load only after the load has been lowered and the slings have been loosened or the forks of the loader are outside the body.

When loading a vehicle, the load should not rise above the roadway by more than 3.8 m and have a width of no more than 2.5 m.

At least two employees are allowed to open and close the sides of the vehicle body. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the cargo is located safely.

2.1.40. The platform side lock must be opened first in the middle, then at the ends of the platform. The worker must be at a distance of at least 1 m from the side of the platform.

2.1.41. On electrified tracks, it is prohibited to climb onto the roofs of cars, onto loaded platforms, gondola cars and containers.

2.1.42. Sites for intermediate storage of goods must be located at a distance of at least 2.5 m from railways and roads.

2.1.43. During intermediate storage of cargo, measures and means must be provided to ensure the stability and reliability of the stowed cargo.

2.1.44. Loading and unloading operations must be carried out in special clothing and safety shoes using protective and safety equipment.

When loading and unloading dusty cargo, dust respirators (ShB-1, U-2K, F-62Sh, Astra-2) and safety glasses must be used, and when working with dangerous goods, filtering gas respirators of the RPG-67 type, RU-60MU respirators must be used. with anti-gas cartridges (A, B, KD, D, G depending on the loads).

When using respirators, their filters should be changed as they become dirty, but at least once per work shift.

Specific types and brands of respiratory protection equipment should be determined depending on the type of cargo being processed.

2.1.45. When working in gas masks and respirators, workers must be periodically given a rest of at least 15 minutes. with a gas mask or respirator removed in a place free from dust or release of harmful substances.

The duration of rest is established by the administration of the structural unit in agreement with the state sanitary and epidemiological inspection center.

2.1.46. To protect the skin from exposure to various harmful substances, workers must be provided with protective pastes and ointments.

To protect hands from exposure to various fats, mineral oils, petroleum products, and organic solvents, protective pastes of the types IER-1, Elote, Mikolan, Biological Gloves and other hydrophilic ointments and pastes should be used. To protect the skin from emulsions, solutions of acids, alkalis, and dust chemicals, it is necessary to use hydrophobic pastes IER-2, Chumakov, 10 percent silicone cream, Selissky zinc stearate ointment and other protective ointments and pastes. To protect the skin from pitch dust, pastes TsNILGIS-1, TsNILGIS-6 and powder TsNILGIS-6 should be used.

2.1.47. When performing work at height, workers must be provided with safety belts and safety ropes. The safety belt and safety rope must be inspected before each use and tested once every six months. The test results must be recorded in a journal, and a tag must be attached to the safety belt, which must indicate the inventory number and test date.

2.1.48. If there is a danger of objects falling from above, those working at loading and unloading sites must wear safety helmets of the established types.

2.1.49. Workers exposed high levels noise, must be provided with personal hearing protection (earphones, ear buds) provided for by GOST 12.4.051.

2.1.50. When receiving work clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment and subsequently during repeated instructions at the workplace, workers must be instructed on the procedure for using these equipment, checking their serviceability and familiarized with the requirements for their care.

Workers wearing faulty and contaminated workwear and other faulty personal protective equipment should not be allowed to perform loading and unloading operations.

2.1.51. All personal protective equipment must be subject to periodic control inspections and tests in the manner and within the time limits established by the regulatory and technical documentation for these equipment.

2.1.52. After finishing work with dusty and dangerous goods, vehicles, trucks and mechanisms, equipment, inventory, containers, protective devices and devices, contaminated harmful substances, as well as places where hazardous substances are scattered (spilled), must be subjected to thorough mechanical cleaning followed by neutralization (if necessary).

The main means of neutralization are alkali solutions (3 percent caustic soda, 5 percent soda ash, 10 percent freshly slaked lime), bleach slurry (one part bleach to three parts water). Decontamination must be carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in sanitary rules during transportation dangerous goods by rail.

2.1.53. After work related to loading and unloading of pitch, pesticides, raw materials of animal origin, toxic potent substances, dust-producing cargo, acids and alkalis, workwear must be subjected to dust removal and, if necessary, neutralization.

The neutralization of protective clothing must be carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in the sanitary rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by rail.

2.1.54. After completion of work and during the break between work, the load, lifting devices and mechanisms (bucket, grab, frame, electromagnet) should not remain in the raised position, the switch in the crane operator's cabin or on the portal should be turned off and locked.

At the end of the work of the tower, portal, gantry crane and bridge loader, the control cabin must be locked, the crane must be secured with all anti-theft devices on it.

2.1.55. After completing the work, it is necessary to put the workplace in order, passages and passages must be free and of the established dimensions, loading and unloading equipment, tools and devices must be cleaned, put in order and stored.

All comments and malfunctions identified during work must be reported to the work manager (foreman, foreman) and shift worker.

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10. Safety rules for transporting goods and materials and during loading and unloading operations

10.1. The boundaries of the roadway of transport routes in workshops must be established taking into account the dimensions of vehicles with transported goods. The distance from the boundaries of the roadway to the structural elements of buildings and equipment must be at least 0.5 m, and when people are moving - at least 0.8 m.

10.2. Venues repair work on transport routes, including trenches and pits, must be fenced and marked with road signs, and in the dark - with light signaling.

10.3. The maximum speed of vehicles on the territory of the enterprise should be set depending on the condition of transport routes, the intensity of cargo and human flows, the specifics of vehicles and cargo. IN production premises the maximum speed of vehicles should not exceed 5 km/h.

10.4. Piece cargo placed above the sides or on platforms without sides must be reinforced during transportation!

10.5. During transportation, barrels with liquids should be installed in the body standing up (neck up). When installing them on top of each other, it is necessary to place spacers made of boards between the containers.

10.6. Flammable liquids and gas cylinders should be transported in special vehicles equipped with spark arresters on the exhaust pipes.

10.7. When transporting liquefied gas cylinders, the cylinders must be placed with safety caps to one side across the body and secured.

10.8. Loads on vehicles must be installed (stacked) so that they do not shift or fall during transportation.

10.9. Oversized and heavy cargo must be stacked in one row on chocks.

10.10. It is not allowed for people to be present or for vehicles to move in the area of ​​possible falling cargo when loading and unloading from rolling stock, as well as when moving cargo.

10.11. Before lifting and moving loads, the stability of the loads and the correctness of their slings must be checked.

10.12. Safety requirements for loading and unloading operations.

10.12.1. Workers authorized to load (unload) dangerous and especially dangerous goods must undergo special training in safe working methods with subsequent certification,

10.12.2. Loading and unloading areas must be equipped with the necessary technological equipment and devices (cassettes, pyramids, racks, ladders, stands, pads, etc.) and have dimensions that ensure a normal scope of work.

10.12.3. Dismantling of stacked cargo should only be done from top to bottom.

Bulk cargo should be stored and selected taking into account the angle of repose for a given type of cargo. The selection of bulk materials by digging is not allowed. When loading and unloading bulk materials, workers are not allowed to be in filled containers.

10.12.4. Loading and unloading operations using a load-lifting crane should be carried out only in the absence of people, both in the cabin and in the body of the vehicle.
10.12.5. Loading and unloading of heavy and long cargo should only be carried out in the presence of a responsible person. 10.12.6. Loading and unloading operations and storage of goods in warehouses and sites must be carried out according to.

technological maps

10.12.8. When handling gas cylinders, in order to avoid an explosion, it is prohibited to hit them, throw them, place them closer than 1 meter from stoves, flammable materials, heating appliances, or leave them in sunlight.

Transportation of cylinders is permitted only with safety caps and in specially equipped vehicles. Cylinders are only allowed to be carried by two workers on special stretchers or special carts.

The overalls, gloves and hands of workers working with oxygen cylinders must be free of oil stains, grease and traces of other flammable substances.

10.12.9. It is allowed to lift and move loads manually, while observing the norms of maximum permissible loads established by the current resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. R 2.2.2755-99 “Hygienic criteria for assessing and classifying working conditions according to indicators of harmful and dangerous factors of the working environment, severity and intensity of the labor process” when lifting and moving (one-time) heavy objects, when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour):

For women:

Optimal - 5 kg acceptable -10 kg

For men:

Optimal - 15 kg acceptable - 30 kg

12/10/10. All tools with sharp edges or blades should be carried in protective cases or in special bags.

12/10/11. Faulty load-handling devices that do not have tags (stamps) should not be located in places where loading and unloading operations are carried out. It is not allowed to have unmarked or damaged containers in work areas.



    This instruction on labor protection during loading and unloading operations was developed on the basis of the “Rules on labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of cargo” (Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection dated September 17, 2014 No. 642n). 1. GENERAL OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS occurs in a variety of conditions and is carried out in various ways: manually, using simple devices and vehicles. Improper loading and unloading techniques, improper placement and stacking of cargo, careless handling of flammable and toxic materials, and improper use of lifting devices and vehicles can lead to accidents. All these circumstances must be taken into account when organizing and performing loading and unloading operations and transporting various cargoes.

    Each employee working on loading and unloading or transporting materials must be well aware of and strictly comply with all the requirements set out in these instructions, and the enterprise administration is obliged to create normal working conditions and provide workplaces with everything necessary for safe work.

    While working, an employee may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:

    moving machines and mechanisms;

    moving parts of lifting machines; transported goods, containers;

    unstable stacks of stored goods;

    increased air mobility;

    increased voltage in the electrical circuit;

    increased level static electricity;

    sharp edges, burrs and uneven surfaces of equipment,

    tool, physical overload.

    In accordance with current legislation, when carrying out loading and unloading operations, it is necessary to provide the employee with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment, provided for by the approved standards for the free issuance of PPE.

    An employee must notify his immediate supervisor about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, about a deterioration in his health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute illness.

    Only workers at least 18 years of age who have passed the mandatory preliminary training are allowed to perform loading and unloading operations and place cargo. medical checkup, labor protection training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements. Workers must be instructed by the immediate supervisor on safe practices during loading, unloading and transportation operations.

    Workers who have a certificate for the right to carry out work are allowed to perform loading and unloading operations and placing cargo using lifting machines.

    Permission to work is carried out by the head of the department.

    Perform only the work assigned by your immediate supervisor. In doubtful cases and upon receipt new job Request from your immediate supervisor additional instructions on how to perform work safely.

    The presence of unauthorized persons during work is not allowed in places where cargo is moved.

    Smoking is permitted only in designated areas.

    While working, you need to be attentive, not be distracted by extraneous activities and conversations, and not distract others.

    While on the territory of the enterprise, you need to be attentive to the signals given by vehicle drivers and comply with them.

    In workshops, pass only along designated passages. Do not walk between machines, machines, or over folded material, parts or workpieces. Do not cross or run across the road in front of a moving vehicle.

    If people work at heights, walk around these places at a safe distance, because An object may fall from a height and cause injury.

    When passing by or being near the electric welder’s workplace, it is prohibited to look at the electric arc. Failure to do so may result in serious eye disease and vision loss.

    When near oxygen cylinders, do not allow oil to get on them, and do not touch them with hands contaminated with oil, because the combination of even a small fraction of oil with oxygen can cause an explosion of great destructive force.

    It is prohibited to turn on or stop equipment that has not been authorized by the immediate supervisor.

    Do not touch electrical equipment: electrical distribution boards, general lighting fixtures, electric drives, terminals and other live parts; it is not allowed to open the doors of electrical distribution cabinets and remove fences and protective covers from live parts of the equipment.

    If the equipment is faulty, you must inform your supervisor and call a repair service. You are prohibited from troubleshooting yourself.

    In the event of an accident, immediately seek medical attention, notify your supervisor, and preserve the scene of the accident until the accident investigation begins.


    Put your overalls in order, remove sharp and cutting objects from pockets. Do not fasten clothes with pins and needles. The work manager must instruct the employee before starting work to comply with labor protection requirements when performing the task.

    Take off wedding rings and other jewelry. Shoes must be closed. Do not wear sandals, flip-flops or other similar footwear.

    Check the serviceability of loading and unloading equipment and personal protective equipment. Defective ones must be replaced with serviceable ones.

    Prepare your workplace:

    the loading and unloading area, passages and driveways are cleared of foreign objects, holes and ruts are eliminated, slippery areas are sprinkled with anti-slip agents (for example, sand or fine slag);

    the serviceable condition of lifts, hatches, ladders in warehouses located in basements and semi-basements is checked and ensured;

    safe lighting of workplaces is provided for work;

    workplaces are inspected.

    It is allowed to start work after completing preparatory measures and eliminating all shortcomings and malfunctions


    It is not permitted to load cargo onto a vehicle without the instructions of the immediate supervisor of the work.

    Do not allow persons unrelated to this work to enter the place where loading and unloading operations are performed.

    When moving cargo on a trolley, the following requirements must be observed:

    the load on the trolley platform is placed evenly and occupies a stable position, preventing it from falling during movement;

    the sides of the trolley equipped with folding sides are in a closed state;

    the speed of movement of both loaded and empty hand trucks does not exceed 5 km/h;

    the force applied by the employee does not exceed 15 kg;

    When moving a load down an inclined floor, the worker is behind the cart.

    It is prohibited to move cargo that exceeds the maximum load capacity of the cart.

    When lifting a load with an electric hoist, it is prohibited to bring the hook cage to the limit switch and use the limit switch to automatically stop lifting the load.

    Loading and unloading operations are permitted subject to the maximum acceptable standards one-time lifting of weights: men - no more than 50 kg; women - no more than 15 kg.

    Loading and unloading of cargo weighing from 80 to 500 kg is carried out using lifting equipment (hoists, blocks, winches), as well as using rollers.

    Manual loading and unloading of such cargo is permitted only on temporary sites under the supervision of a person responsible for the safe execution of work, and provided that the load per worker does not exceed 50 kg.

    Loading and unloading of cargo weighing more than 500 kg is carried out only with the help of lifting machines.

    When moving loads manually, the following requirements must be observed:

    It is prohibited to walk on stacked loads, overtake workers in front (especially in narrow and cramped places), or cross the road in front of moving vehicles;

    manually moving a load weighing up to 80 kg is permitted if the distance to the place where the load is placed does not exceed 25 m; in other cases, carts, trolleys, and hoists are used. It is prohibited for one worker to manually move a load weighing more than 80 kg;

    Lifting or removing a load weighing more than 50 kg requires two people. A load weighing more than 50 kg is lifted onto the employee’s back or removed from the employee’s back by other employees;

    if the load is moved manually by a group of workers, everyone keeps pace with everyone else;

    when moving rolling loads, the worker is behind the load being moved, pushing it away from himself;

    When manually moving long loads (logs, beams, rails), special grips are used, while the weight of the load per worker does not exceed 40 kg.

    The movement of loads of unknown mass using lifting equipment is carried out after determining their actual mass.

    It is prohibited to lift a load whose weight exceeds the lifting capacity of the lifting equipment used.

    When using lifting mechanisms and devices for loading and unloading, study the relevant instructions and rules for their safe use.

    When moving cargo with forklifts and electric forklifts (hereinafter referred to as forklifts), the following requirements must be observed:

    When moving loads with forklifts, the load is positioned evenly relative to the forklift grip elements. In this case, the load is raised from the floor by 300 - 400 mm. The maximum slope of the site when moving loads with forklifts does not exceed the angle of inclination of the forklift frame;

    moving containers and placing them in a stack using a loader with forks is carried out individually;

    movement of goods large sizes is carried out when the loader is moving in reverse and only accompanied by an employee responsible for the safe performance of work, who provides warning signals to the driver of the loader.

    When working together with other employees, you must strictly follow the orders of your immediate supervisor.

    When loading and unloading operations are carried out by several workers, each of them must ensure that they do not cause injury to each other with tools or loads.

    When carrying loads from behind, the worker walking behind must maintain a distance of at least 3 m from the worker walking in front.

    Carry long objects on the same shoulders. Raise, lower and dump long loads at the command of the immediate supervisor.

    When carrying loads on a stretcher, keep pace with a friend. The command to lower the load carried on the stretcher is given by the worker walking behind.

    Moving cargo on a stretcher is allowed at a distance of no more than 50 m horizontally.

    When loading and unloading metal shavings, special care must be taken, since if the compacted mass is ruptured by rebounding shavings, injury can occur. Work must be done with glasses and gloves.

    It is prohibited to place cargo on faulty racks, trestles, or scaffolds.

    Do not stack materials in bulk close to fences and walls. The distance between the material, fence or wall of the structure must be at least 25 cm.

    Stack the load firmly so that it does not fall. Leave passages at least 0.8 m wide between stacks.

    When loading and unloading cargo, do not block designated passages and passages.

    When loading and unloading bulk cargo, the following requirements must be observed:

    Loading and unloading of bulk cargo is carried out in a mechanized manner, eliminating, if possible, air pollution in the working area. If it is impossible to eliminate air pollution in the work area, workers are provided with filter-type personal respiratory protection equipment;

    when loading bulk cargo from a stack, it is not allowed to dig under the ground to form a canopy with the threat of its collapse;

    When transporting dusty loads in an open car body, be sure to cover them with a tarpaulin or matting to protect them from spraying.

    When loading, transporting and moving, as well as unloading and placing dangerous goods, the following requirements must be observed:

    loading, transportation and movement, as well as unloading and placement of dangerous goods are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation of manufacturers for these goods, confirming the classification of dangerous goods by type and degree of danger and containing instructions on compliance with safety measures;

    It is not allowed to carry out loading and unloading operations of dangerous goods if the containers and packaging are faulty, as well as in the absence of markings and warning notices (danger signs) on them;

    places of loading and unloading operations, means of transportation, lifting equipment, used mechanisms, tools and devices contaminated with poisonous (toxic) substances are cleaned, washed and rendered harmless;

    Loading of dangerous goods onto and unloading from a vehicle is carried out only with the engine switched off, with the exception of cases of loading and unloading carried out using a driven pump installed on the vehicle and driven by the engine of the vehicle. In this case, the driver of the vehicle is located at the pump control location.

    When transporting compressed, liquefied, gases dissolved under pressure and flammable liquids, the following is prohibited:

    smoke in the cabin and near the vehicle, as well as in places where dangerous goods are waiting for loading or unloading, at a distance of less than 10 m from them;

    load and unload in public places settlements without special permission from the relevant regulatory authorities and control of the following substances: anhydrous hydrobromic acid, anhydrous hydrofluoric acid, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, carbon chloride (phosgene).

    If for any reason loading or unloading of the above substances is necessary, then the packages with the above substances should be separated from other goods and ensure their movement in a horizontal position, guided by the notes on the labels.

    Transportation of flammable liquids and gas cylinders is carried out by special vehicles equipped with spark arresters on exhaust pipes and metal chains to remove static electricity charges, equipped with fire extinguishing equipment and having appropriate symbols and inscriptions.

    When transporting flammable liquids in separate containers installed on the vehicle, each container is equipped with protective grounding.

    The use of flammable materials is prohibited for securing cargo items containing flammable liquids.

    When loading and transporting cylinders, the following requirements must be observed:

    When loading cylinders into a vehicle body in more than one row, spacers are used to protect the cylinders from contact with each other. Transportation of cylinders without gaskets is prohibited;

    The combined transportation of oxygen and acetylene cylinders, both filled and empty, is prohibited.

    It is allowed to transport acetylene and oxygen cylinders together on a special trolley to the welding station within the same production building.

    Transportation of cylinders to the place of loading or from the place of unloading is carried out on special trolleys, the design of which protects the cylinders from shaking and shock. The cylinders are placed on the trolley lying down.

    During loading, unloading and moving oxygen cylinders prohibited:

    carry cylinders on the worker’s shoulders and back, tilt and handle, drag, throw, push, hit cylinders, use crowbars when moving cylinders;

    allow workers to work in oily clothes and with oily, dirty gloves;

    smoking and using open fire;

    to carry cylinders, grasp the cylinder valves;

    transport cylinders without safety caps on valves;

    place cylinders near heating devices, hot parts and furnaces, leave them unprotected from direct impact sun rays.

    If an oxygen leak is detected from the cylinder (identified by hissing), the employee immediately reports this to the immediate supervisor of the work.

    It is prohibited to load cylinders with dissolved under pressure, compressed, liquefied gas, flammable liquids together:

    with instant detonating wicks;

    with railway firecrackers;

    with detonating fuses, anhydrous hydrochloric acid, liquid air, oxygen and nitrogen;

    with combustion substances;

    with toxic substances;

    with nitric acid and sulfonitrogen mixtures;

    with organic peroxides;

    with food products;

    from the radio active substances.

    It is prohibited to throw or jolt containers containing compressed, liquefied or dissolved gas under pressure.

    Vessels with compressed, liquefied or dissolved gas under pressure are secured during transportation in the body of a vehicle so that they cannot tip over and fall.

    Vessels with liquid air, liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, a mixture of liquid oxygen and nitrogen, as well as flammable liquids are transported in a vertical position.

    When loading, unloading and transporting acids, alkalis and other caustic substances, the following requirements must be observed:

    transportation in glass containers from the place of unloading to the warehouse and from the warehouse to the place of loading is carried out on stretchers, carts, wheelbarrows adapted for this purpose, ensuring the safety of the operations performed;

    loading and unloading bottles with acids, alkalis and other caustic substances, and installing them on vehicles is carried out by two workers. Carrying bottles with acids and other caustic substances on the back, shoulders or in the hands in front of one employee is prohibited;

    unloading and loading areas are provided with lighting;

    the use of open fire and smoking are prohibited;

    carrying bottles of acid by the handles of the basket is permitted only after a preliminary inspection and check of the condition of the handles and the basket and by at least two employees;

    If broken bottles or damaged containers are found, transportation is carried out with special precautions taken to avoid burns from the substances contained in the bottles.

    It is prohibited to carry out loading and unloading operations and placing cargo with acids and other chemically active substances using lifting mechanisms, with the exception of elevators and mine hoists.

    Barrels, drums and boxes containing caustic substances must be moved on carts.

    It is prohibited for workers not involved in servicing these transportations to be in the cabins of vehicles transporting flammable liquids and gas cylinders.

    It is prohibited for workers to be in the bodies of vehicles transporting flammable liquids and gas cylinders.

    When loading and unloading piece cargo, it is prohibited to pull piece cargo from the middle of a stack or heap, as the cargo may collapse and cause injury. Piece cargo should be taken from a stack or heap only from the top.

    Before unloading heavy objects, place pads on the floor so as not to crush your foot when lowering the load.

    Cargo in barrels, drums, rolls (roll-barrel cargo) may be loaded manually by rolling or tilting, provided that the floor of the warehouse is at the same level as the floor of the wagon or vehicle body.

    If the floor of the warehouse is located below the level of the floor of the vehicle body, loading and unloading of roll-and-barrel cargo manually during tilting is allowed along the slopes or slopes by two workers with a weight of one unit of cargo not exceeding 80 kg, and with a weight of more than 80 kg it is necessary to use ropes or loading cars.

    It is prohibited to stand in front of rolling loads or behind roll-barrel loads being rolled along slopes.

    When loading cargo into the body of a vehicle, the following requirements must be observed:

    when loading in bulk, the cargo is distributed evenly over the entire floor area of ​​the body and should not rise above the sides of the body (standard or extended);

    piece cargo that rises above the side of the vehicle body is tied with rigging (ropes and other strapping materials in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturer). Workers tying loads are on the loading and unloading area;

    box, barrel and other piece goods are stacked tightly and without gaps so that when the vehicle moves they cannot move along the floor of the body. The gaps between the loads are filled with spacers and spacers;

    When loading cargo in barrel containers in several rows, they are rolled along the sides or slopes with the side surface. Barrels with liquid cargo are installed with the plugs facing up. Each row of barrels is installed on spacers made of boards and all outer rows are wedged. The use of other objects instead of wedges is not allowed;

    glass containers with liquids in crates are installed standing;

    it is prohibited to install cargo in glass containers in crates on top of each other (in two tiers) without gaskets that protect the bottom row from destruction during transportation;

    Each individual load must be well secured in the body of the vehicle so that it cannot move or tip over while driving.

    Safety when performing loading and unloading operations and placing cargo in containers is ensured by keeping the containers in good condition and using them correctly.

    On the container, with the exception of special technological containers, its number, purpose, dead weight, and maximum weight of the cargo for which it is intended to be transported and moved are indicated.

    The container capacity must exclude the possibility of overloading the lifting machine.

    When performing loading and unloading operations and placing cargo, it is prohibited to use containers that have defects discovered during external inspection.

    When loading, unloading and placing cargo in containers, the following requirements must be observed:

    the container is loaded no more than the nominal gross weight;

    loading or unloading methods eliminate the appearance of residual deformations of the container;

    the cargo placed in the container is below the level of its sides;

    the opening walls of the stacked containers are in the closed position;

    moving containers by dragging and turning is not allowed.

    It is not allowed to sit on the sides of the body, ride on the running boards, the roof of the cab and stand in the body, as well as climb and jump off the car while it is moving.

    It is prohibited to shift cargo from place to place, change seats, smoke or eat while the vehicle is moving.

    While driving the vehicle, ensure that the loads are stowed securely. If the ropes become loose or the side of the car opens, immediately inform the driver, and only after stopping the car, fix the problem.

    Manual loading and unloading of cargo exceeding the length of the vehicle body by 2 m or more (hereinafter referred to as long cargo) requires the mandatory use of ropes. This work is performed by at least two workers.

    When loading long cargo onto spreader trailers, it is necessary to leave a gap between the rear wall of the vehicle cabin and the cargo in such a way that the spreader trailer can freely turn in relation to the vehicle by 90° in each direction.

    When loading and unloading long cargo, the weight of which, taking into account the mass of the vehicle, exceeds the weight of the vehicle or the load on the axle of the vehicle established on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as long heavy cargo), the cargo is insured with ropes in compliance with safety measures:

    when rolling a heavy, long load, it is prohibited to be on the opposite side of its movement;

    When stowing heavy, long cargo in the body of a vehicle, you must not be on the front side of the long cargo on the side of the vehicle cabin.

    Stowing heavy, long cargo in the body of a vehicle is carried out using a crowbar or a wag.

    When loading cargo irregular shape and complex configurations (except for loads that are not allowed to be tilted), the load is located on the vehicle in such a way that the center of gravity is as low as possible.

    Loading of cargo into vehicles is carried out in such a way as to ensure the possibility of convenient and safe slinging during unloading.

    When loading long steel into a vehicle, its individual bundles are stacked parallel to each other without warping.

    Each bundle of high-quality steel with a profile size of up to 180 mm is tied with wire harnesses with a diameter of at least 6 mm in two threads: for a bundle of metal up to 6 m long - in two places; with a longer metal stack - in three places.

    Each bundle of high-quality steel with a profile size of more than 180 mm is tied with wire harnesses with a diameter of at least 6 mm in two threads: for a bundle of metal up to 9 m in length - in two places; with a longer metal stack - in three places.

    When loading pipes with a diameter of 111 to 450 mm onto a vehicle, adjacent rows are separated by at least three spacers made of boards with a cross-section of at least 35 x 100 mm.

    When loading and unloading rolled metal from a vehicle, the following requirements must be observed:

    when unloading rolled metal in the form of round or square section metal in packs, slings with hooks are used. In this case, the pack or rods are attached “to a noose”. After lifting a bundle of metal or rods to a height of no more than 1 m, the slinger must make sure that the sling is correct and move to a safe place determined by the work plan or technological map, and from this place give a signal to lift the load. This order is observed until the end of the work;

    when unloading rolled metal in the form sheet metal necessary:

1) place an auxiliary sling (undersling) under a load, the amount of which should not exceed the rated lifting capacity of the crane, put the loops of the sling on the crane hook and slightly tighten them by lifting the hook. At the same time, the slingers retreat to a safe place determined by the work plan or technological map;

2) at the signal of the senior slinger, the crane driver lifts the captured load to a height of no more than 0.5 m and the slingers insert the main slings into the gap formed, after which the load is lowered into place, and the auxiliary sling is removed from the hook and the main slings are hung on it. The slingers retreat to a safe place, after which, at the signal of the senior slinger, the crane operator can move the load to the stowage site. Laying is done on linings or gaskets. This order is observed until the end of the work.

    Frozen cargo is loosened to restore flowability and ensure unloading. Such cargo should be protected from freezing in winter by:

    dehydration of material;

    layer-by-layer division of material with antifreeze additives;

    material granulation;

    adding surfactant hydrophobic substances that do not prevent freezing, but reduce the strength of the frozen mass.

    Work on unloading frozen cargo is carried out under the supervision of an employee responsible for the safe execution of work.

    Large blocks of frozen cargo are broken off using crowbars, picks, wedges, and jackhammers.

    It is prohibited to be in the receiving device or in the body of the rolling stock while unloading machines of all types are operating.

    Manual loading of barrels of petroleum products onto a vehicle is permitted when the barrels weigh no more than 100 kg and when rolling along slopes with an inclination of no more than 30°.

    When working with petroleum products, the use of open fire and smoking is prohibited.

The load on the pallet should not protrude more than 20 mm on each side of the pallet; for boxes with a length of more than 500 mm, this distance can be increased to 70 mm;

It is prohibited to place long cargo diagonally in the body, leaving the ends protruding beyond the side dimensions of the vehicle, or to block the vehicle cabin doors with the cargo;

    in order to prevent the load from moving onto the vehicle cabin during braking or moving the vehicle downhill, the load is located on the vehicle higher than on the trailer by an amount equal to the deformation (settlement) of the vehicle springs from the load;

    When placing cargo, the following requirements must be observed:

    cargo placement is carried out according to technological maps indicating placement locations, sizes of aisles and driveways;

    when placing cargo, it is prohibited to block approaches to fire-fighting equipment, hydrants and exits from premises;

    placement of cargo (including at loading and unloading areas and in temporary storage areas) close to the walls of the building, columns and equipment, stacking stacks is not allowed;

    the distance between the load and the wall, column, ceiling of the building is at least 1 m, between the load and the lamp - at least 0.5 m;

    the height of the stack during manual loading should not exceed 3 m, when using mechanisms for lifting the load - 6 m. The width of the passages between the stacks is determined by the dimensions of the vehicles, transported goods and loading and unloading machines;

    cargo in containers and bales is stacked in stable stacks; cargo in bags and sacks is stacked in a dressing. It is prohibited to stack cargo in torn containers;

    boxes and bales in closed warehouses are placed ensuring the width of the main aisle is at least 3 - 5 m;

    cargo stored in bulk is placed in stacks with a slope steepness corresponding to the angle natural slope for this material. If necessary, such stacks are fenced with protective bars;

    large and heavy loads are placed in one row on pads;

    placed loads are stacked in such a way as to prevent the possibility of them falling, tipping over, or falling apart, and to ensure the accessibility and safety of their removal;

    When placing cargo (except for bulk cargo), measures are taken to prevent them from pinching or freezing to the surface of the site.

    When placing cargo in warehouses with an area of ​​up to 100 m 2 It is allowed to place cargo on racks and in bulk in stacks close to the side walls of the premises and to the walls opposite the entrances to the premises, provided that there are no mounted electrical equipment, fire extinguishing control systems on the walls of the warehouse premises, as well as hatches in the floor and cable ducts adjacent to the walls.

    When placing rolled metal, the following requirements must be observed:

    passages between rows of stacks or racks are at least 1 m, between stacks or racks in a row - at least 0.8 m;

    Rolled metal is placed in a stack on pads previously laid on the floor. Placing rolled metal on the floor of a warehouse or on the ground of a site without pads is not allowed;

    the height of a stack or rack when placing rolled metal products manually does not exceed 1.5 m;

    ingots and blooms with a cross-section of 160 x 160 cm or more are placed on the floor in stacks or individually;

    the height of the stack does not exceed 2 m with a hook grab and 4 m with an automated load grab;

    When placing rolled metal in a stack or on a rack, square metal spacers with a thickness of at least 40 mm are placed between the bundles and bundles to allow the slings to be released from under them and for greater stability of the placed load. The ends of the spacers should not protrude beyond the stack or rack by more than 100 mm;

    the weight of rolled metal placed on the racks does not exceed the maximum permissible load on them. The maximum permissible load on the rack shelves is indicated on each rack. To avoid rolled metal rolling out, it is prohibited to fill shelves (cells) above the rack racks;

    Long and shaped steel products are placed in stacks, Christmas tree or rack racks; pipes are placed in stacks in rows separated by spacers;

    blanks of measured length from long and shaped rolled products, semi-finished products and finished products are placed in containers;

    thick sheet steel (steel with a thickness of 4 mm) is stacked on edge in racks with support platforms, having an inclination towards the support posts, or flat on wooden pads with a thickness of at least 200 mm;

    thin sheet steel (steel up to 4 mm thick) is laid flat on wooden pads placed across the stack of sheets. Thin-sheet steel in bundles weighing up to 5 tons can be stacked on edge in racks so that bends do not form at the ends;

    metal products supplied in coils are stacked on their ends in enclosed spaces on wooden flooring no more than two tiers;

    Cold-rolled strip is placed on flat wooden pallets in frame racks. The placement is done in tiers, with each subsequent tier shifted relative to the previous one by half the radius of the skein. The third tier is laid in the same way as the first, the fourth - like the second, and so on. Skeins in the upper tier are not placed in the outermost places;

    It is prohibited to place rolled metal metal constructions and workpieces in the security zone of power lines without agreement with the organization operating these lines. Rolled metal and metal structures placed in the security zone of power lines in the event that they are affected by electromagnetic field electrical voltages higher than 20 V must be grounded (except for cases where they are stored directly on the ground, conductive metal structures, overpasses and structures).

    The electrodes are placed in a dry, closed room in original packaging on pallets in frame racks.

    When organizing the storage of petroleum products, oils and greases in barrels are placed on a rack of no more than three tiers and no more than 10 barrels along the length of the stack. Wooden pads are placed under the barrels.

    When mechanized stacking of barrels, the barrels are placed on each tier of the rack in one row in height and in two rows in width.

    When placing petroleum products in containers, the following requirements must be observed:

    the container is protected from direct exposure to sunlight and precipitation;

    open placement of petroleum products in containers is allowed under canopies made of flammable roofing materials;

    Empty containers for petroleum products are placed in stacks no more than 10 m in length, 6 m in width, 2 m in height. The distance from the top of the stack to the protruding structures of the warehouse floor is at least 0.5 m. The stacks are placed from the walls at a distance of at least 1 m; the gap between stacks is at least 2 m, and in a stack every two rows of barrels - 1 m.

    When transporting and moving goods, the following requirements must be observed:

    loads on vehicles are installed (stacked) and secured so that they do not shift or fall during transportation;

    during transportation, the cargo is placed and secured on the vehicle so that it does not endanger the driver of the vehicle and others, does not limit the driver’s visibility, does not impair the stability of the vehicle, does not cover light and signaling devices, license plates and registration numbers vehicle, did not interfere with the perception of hand signals;

    a load protruding beyond the dimensions of the vehicle in front and behind by more than 1 m or on the side by more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the side light is indicated by the identification signs “Large cargo”, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, except In addition, in front - a flashlight or reflector white, at the back - a red flashlight or reflector;

    When transporting packaged cargo, packaging is used using pallets, containers and other packaging means. In packages, loads are fastened together.

    when transporting long cargo with a length of more than 6 m, they are securely attached to the vehicle trailer;

    When transporting long loads of various lengths at the same time, shorter loads are placed on top.

    In order to prevent the load from moving onto the vehicle cabin during braking or moving the vehicle downhill, the load is located on the vehicle higher than on the trailer by an amount equal to the deformation (settlement) of the vehicle springs from the load.

    When moving boxed loads, the following requirements must be observed:

    To avoid injury to hands, each box is first inspected. The protruding nails are hammered, the ends iron strapping retracts flush;

    if it is necessary to remove a box from the top of the stack, you must first make sure that the cargo lying nearby is in a stable position and cannot fall;

    It is prohibited to move the load along a horizontal plane by pushing it by the edges.

    When moving heavy loads, the following requirements must be observed:

    Heavy, but small-sized loads are moved along the stairs of buildings using a cable along boards laid on the steps of the stairs. To facilitate movement, rollers are placed under the base of the load;

    It is prohibited to be on the steps of the stairs behind a heavy load being lifted or lowered using a cable;

    heavy loads are moved along a horizontal surface using rollers. In this case, the path of movement is cleared of all foreign objects. To bring the rollers under the load, crowbars or jacks are used. To prevent the load from tipping over, additional rollers should be placed under the front of the load;

    When lowering a heavy load down an inclined plane, measures are taken to prevent possible rolling or sliding of the load under the influence of its own gravity or its tipping over.

    Transporting workers in the back of a vehicle is prohibited.

    If transportation of workers is necessary, they are located in the cabin of the vehicle.


    Stop work immediately if situations arise that could lead to accidents or accidents, and turn off the equipment in use.

    In case of fire or smoke, call the fire department by calling 101 and arrange to extinguish the fire with the available equipment. primary means fire extinguishing

    The victim or eyewitness of the incident must report each accident at work to the immediate supervisor of the work. If necessary, call an ambulance and provide first aid to the victim.


    Tidy up the workplace, remove all tools and equipment to a storage place or warehouse.

    Take off overalls, safety shoes, inspect, put in order and put back in place.

    Notify the immediate supervisor of any malfunctions discovered during work.

    Wash your face and hands warm water with soap, take a shower.


    Servicing of hydraulic fork carts is carried out only by qualified personnel.

    Carts must be operated in accordance with their operating instructions.

    Before starting work, you must ensure that the trolley is in good technical condition by checking its operation at idle speed.

    When lifting a load, the following safety requirements must be observed:

    Make sure that the weight of the load does not exceed the lifting capacity of the trolley;

    the load must be positioned so that the weight is evenly distributed on both forks;

    slowly move the trolley towards the load, bring the forks completely under the load;

    lift the load using a hydraulic trolley.

    The cart must only be used on a level surface.


    finding people under a raised load and on the load;

    transportation of people, as well as being in dangerous areas,

    exceed the cargo weight limit,

    transport unpackaged cargo,

    ride on a cart,

    brake with your own body,

    repair the trolley yourself,

    use carts in fire hazardous areas and aggressive environments.

    The cargo must be stowed, the container, packaging, and strapping must be in good working order.

    Transportation of non-standard cargo must be accompanied and the dimensions of the cargo are marked with safety signs.

    When unloading, place stops (wedges) under the wheels of the cart to prevent movement and injury to the legs.

    Upon completion of work, install the trolley in a specially designated place.

    Report all malfunctions and violations to the work manager.


When loading the vehicle body bulk cargo it should be located evenly over the entire area of ​​the body and should not rise above the sides.

Box, roll-and-barrel and other piece cargo it is necessary to lay them tightly, strengthen them or tie them down so that they cannot move during movement (sharp braking, starting from a standstill and sharp turns). Gaskets and spacers are also used.

When moving box loads, protruding nails and ends of metal box lining must be hammered in or removed to avoid injury to hands.

Barrels with liquid cargo installed with the plug facing up. Roll-and-barrel cargo may be loaded (unloaded) manually by rolling. These operations are carried out one by one by two loaders manually with the weight of one piece not exceeding 60 kg, otherwise strong ropes and mechanisms must be used.

Glass containers with liquids accepted for transportation only in special packaging. It must be installed vertically with the plug facing up.

Dusting cargo may be transported in open bodies equipped with curtains and seals.

Drivers and loaders involved in operations with dusty cargo must be provided with personal protective equipment - dust-proof goggles and respirators or gas masks (for operations with toxic substances). The respirator filter must be changed regularly (at least once per shift).

Long cargo(exceeding the dimensions of the PS by 2 or more meters in length) are transported on vehicles with spreader trailers, to which the cargo must be securely attached. Operations with long piece cargo (rails, pipes, logs, etc.) must be mechanized; unloading manually requires the mandatory use of strong slings. There must be at least 2 loaders working. Long loads of various lengths are stacked so that the shorter ones are located on top. To prevent the load from moving when braking and moving downhill, the load must be secured.

Loading and unloading panel semi-trailers are made by smoothly lowering (raising) the panels without jerking or jolting. Semi-trailers should be loaded from the front (to avoid tipping) and unloaded from the rear.

Dangerous goods and empty containers from them are accepted for transportation and transported in accordance with the requirements of current regulations. Dangerous goods must be accepted for transportation in special sealed containers. The same requirement applies to empty, non-neutralized containers. All packages containing hazardous substances must have labels indicating: the type of hazard of the cargo, the top of the package, the presence of fragile vessels in the package.

Transportation of bottles with acids must be carried out in specially equipped devices that protect the load from falling and impacts. Bottles must be in baskets and wooden boxes(battens) with durable handles and bottom.

During transportation compressed gas cylinders The following safety precautions must be observed:

Cylinders can be moved to the loading site only on special trolleys that protect the cylinders from shaking and shock, in a lying position and with the valves closed with metal caps;

The vehicle must be equipped with felt-lined racks with recesses according to the size of the cylinders;

Cylinders can be transported in a vertical position only in special containers.

At automatic system pouring flammable liquids the driver must be at the emergency loading control panel, and when loading ammonia water into tanks, the driver must be on the windward side.

Loading and unloading of dangerous cargo onto a vehicle is carried out only with the cabin tightly closed and the engine turned off, with the exception of loading petroleum products and other cargo into a tanker, which is carried out using a pump installed on the vehicle and powered by the engine.

After completing work with dangerous goods, work sites, lifting and transport equipment, load-handling devices and personal protective equipment must be sanitized depending on the properties of the cargo.

Not allowed:

Carry out PRR with dangerous goods in defective containers, as well as in the absence of markings and warning notices on it;

Combined transportation of hazardous substances and food or feed cargo;

Combined transportation of acetylene and oxygen cylinders, with the exception of their delivery on a special trolley to the workplace;

Carry cylinders without a stretcher, throw them, roll them, carry them on your shoulders, holding them by the safety cap;

Smoking and use of open flames during cargo operations with explosive cargo;

Lower the load onto the vehicle, as well as lift the load when there are people in the back or cabin;

Use other objects instead of wooden wedges to wedge the load;

Carry roll-and-barrel loads on your back (shoulder) regardless of their weight;

Be in front of rolled loads or behind rolled loads;

Load hot cargo into wooden bodies;

Transport cargo with ends protruding beyond the side dimensions of the vehicle;

Block the driver's cab doors with cargo;

Load long cargo above bunk posts;

Place the load in a glass container in 2 tiers without appropriate gaskets to protect the bottom row from breaking during movement.

Safety requirements for the transportation of dangerous goods by road

IN Lately due to the gradual increase in deficit natural materials The economy is increasingly using synthetic substances, and consequently, their transportation is expanding. Almost all such substances are classified as hazardous, the transportation of which must comply with special rules.

Dangerous goods (DG) include substances and objects that, during transportation, loading and unloading operations (LOD) and storage, can cause an explosion, fire and damage to vehicles, warehouses, devices, buildings and structures, as well as death, injury, poisoning , burns, radiation or illness in humans and animals.

Transportation of exhaust gases is regulated by special regulatory documents and international agreements. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, such transportation is constantly expanding due to the increase in production and use of artificial materials; on the other hand, participants traffic and the environment should not be exposed to increased risks associated with the possibility of accidents and any other incidents with transported hazardous substances.

The main document that must be followed when preparing and organizing the transportation of hazardous materials is the “Rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by road”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 08.08.95 No. 73 (as amended by orders of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 11.06.99 No. 37 and dated 10/14/99 No. 77). The rules contain a list of exhaust gases by class, instructions on choosing a route for transporting exhaust gases, recommendations on the order of movement of a vehicle with exhaust gases, Additional requirements To technical condition PS, additional requirements for drivers, actions of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the event of a forced stop or traffic accident (RTA), basic information about the hazard information system.

The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (DOLOG) applies to international shipping OG, i.e. transportation carried out through the territory of at least two countries that have signed the agreement. Relevant national agreements are usually consistent with DOLOG, but may also have additional conditions related to local transport (where transport begins and ends on national territory). DOLOG was developed by the UNECE and signed in Geneva on September 30, 1957. The latest edition of DOLOG is the 2005 edition (DOLOG-2005).

The main goal of adopting DOLOG is to improve the safety of road transportation without restrictions on the range of goods transported, except those that are too dangerous for transportation. The latter is achieved by simplifying formal procedures through uniform classification and requirements. To achieve this goal, DOLOG defines requirements not only for the carrier, but also for the cargo owner, manufacturers of containers and PS, as well as traffic control authorities.

Based on ADR 2005, all exhaust gases are divided into classes; some classes have subclasses for a more precise classification of substances.

Dangerous goods are also classified according to the criteria of transport hazard, which increases the area of ​​probable negative impact of these goods when moving them in space. This is the main difference between a transport hazard and a hazard arising on industrial enterprises that produce and consume hazardous substances, where the likelihood of a negative impact of such substances on people, equipment and the environment is stationary, i.e. limited in space.

When transporting dangerous goods on a vehicle, even in daylight hours day, the headlights must be on low beam - a warning signal to other road users about the need to take special care. In addition, on a vehicle transporting dangerous cargo (explosive, radioactive, highly toxic, flammable substances) or non-neutralized containers underneath it, identification marks must be installed on the front and rear in the form of a rectangle 690 x 300 mm, the right side of which is 400 wide mm bright orange, and the left one is white with a black border 15 mm wide. On the left side symbols provide information about the nature of the cargo.

Requirements for tank trucks for transportation liquefied gases, flammable and combustible liquids.

Transportation of flammable liquids, even in small quantities, is permitted only in tanks or metal containers. In this case, fuel trucks must be equipped with grounding circuits that remove static charges.

Equipment for vehicles transporting dangerous goods

Vehicles regularly used for transporting explosives and flammable substances must be equipped with a muffler exhaust pipe positioned to the side in front of the radiator at an angle. If the engine location does not allow such a conversion, then it is permissible to route the exhaust pipe to right side outside the body or tank area and the fuel communication area. The fuel tank must be located away from the battery or separated from it by an impenetrable partition, and also away from the engine, electrical wires and the exhaust pipe and is located in such a way that if fuel leaks from it, it pours directly onto the ground, without falling on the transported cargo. The tank, in addition, must have protection (casing) on ​​the bottom and sides. Fuel should not be fed into the engine by gravity.

In the case of one-time use of the vehicle for the transportation of dangerous goods of classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, it is allowed to install a spark arresting mesh on the outlet of the exhaust pipe of the muffler.

Electrical equipment of vehicles transporting dangerous goods of classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 must meet the following requirements: the rated voltage of electrical equipment must not exceed 24 V; electrical wiring must consist of wires protected by a seamless sheath that is not subject to corrosion, and must be designed in such a way as to completely prevent its heating; the electrical network must be protected from increased loads using fuses (factory made) or circuit breakers; electrical wiring must have reliable insulation, be firmly attached and located in such a way that it cannot be damaged by impacts and friction against structural parts of the vehicle and is protected from the heat generated by the cooling and exhaust system; if the batteries are not located under the engine hood, they must be located in a ventilated compartment made of metal or other material of equivalent strength with insulating internal walls; The vehicle must have a provision for disconnecting the battery from the electrical circuit using a two-pole switch (or other means) located as close to the battery as possible. The switch control drive - direct or remote - must be located both in the driver’s cab and outside the vehicle. It must be easily accessible and identified by a distinctive sign. The switch must be such that its contacts can open when the engine is running without causing dangerous overloads in the electrical circuit; It is prohibited to use lamps with threaded bases. There should be no external electrical wiring inside vehicle bodies, and electric lighting lamps located inside the body must have a strong protective mesh or grille.

For a vehicle with a van-type body, the body must be completely closed, durable, have no cracks and be equipped with an appropriate ventilation system depending on the properties of the dangerous cargo being transported. Non-sparking materials are used for the interior upholstery. wooden materials must have fire-resistant impregnation. Doors or doors must be equipped with locks. The design of the door or doors must not reduce the rigidity of the body. In cases where tarpaulin is used to cover open bodies, it must be made of flame-retardant and waterproof fabric and cover the sides 200 mm below their level and must be attached with metal slats or chains with a locking device.

The vehicle must have a rear bumper across the entire width of the tank that provides sufficient impact protection. The distance between the rear wall of the tank and the rear part of the bumper must be at least 100 mm (this distance is measured from the rearmost point of the tank wall or from protruding fittings in contact with the substance being transported).

Pipelines and auxiliary equipment tanks installed at the top of the tank must be protected from damage in the event of overturning. Such a protective structure can be made in the form of reinforcing rings, protective caps, transverse or longitudinal elements, the shape of which should provide effective protection.

Vehicles intended for the transportation of dangerous goods must have the following working tools and equipment:

  1. kit hand tools for emergency repairs of a vehicle - fire extinguishers, a shovel and the necessary supply of sand to extinguish the fire;
  2. at least one wheel chock for each vehicle, the dimensions of the chock must correspond to the type of vehicle and the diameter of its wheels;
  3. two self-powered flashlights with flashing (or constant) lights orange color, designed in such a way that their use cannot cause ignition of the transported goods;
  4. in case of parking at night or in poor visibility, if the vehicle's lights are faulty, orange lights must be installed on the road: one in front of the vehicle at a distance of approximately 10 m, the other behind the vehicle at a distance of approximately 10 m;
  5. first aid kit and means of neutralizing transported hazardous substances. In cases provided for in the conditions of safe transportation and in the emergency card, the vehicle is equipped with means of neutralizing the transported substance. dangerous substance and personal protective equipment for the driver and accompanying personnel.

Requirements for drivers and accompanying persons involved in the transportation of dangerous goods

When transporting dangerous goods, the driver of a vehicle must comply with the Road Traffic Rules, these Rules and instructions for the transportation of certain types of dangerous goods not included in the nomenclature given in the Rules. A driver assigned to transport dangerous goods must undergo special training or instruction. Special training for drivers of vehicles constantly engaged in the transportation of dangerous goods includes: studying the hazard information system (designations of vehicles and packages); studying the properties of transported dangerous goods; training in how to provide first aid to victims of incidents; training in actions in case of an incident (procedure, fire extinguishing, primary decontamination, decontamination and disinfection); preparation and transmission of reports (reports) to the relevant officials about the incident. A driver temporarily engaged in the transportation of dangerous goods is required to undergo training on the peculiarities of transporting a specific type of cargo.

Drivers constantly engaged in the transportation of dangerous goods are required to undergo a medical examination upon entry to work and subsequent medical examinations in accordance with the established schedule, but at least once every 3 years (Order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated September 29, 1989 No. 555), and also pre-trip medical control before each flight for the transportation of dangerous goods.

Drivers temporarily engaged in the transportation of dangerous goods are required to undergo a medical examination when assigned to this type of transportation and pre-trip medical control before each trip for the transportation of dangerous goods.

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