Creative project "set of sofa cushions". When the pillow appeared Hmao story about sewing a pillow

Today we can no longer imagine our life without pillows, but initially they were intended only for wealthy people. The history of the pillow begins in the times of Ancient Egypt. Archaeologists found the first specimens in the pyramids.

The Egyptians invented them because they were afraid of ruining their intricate hairstyle while sleeping. The pillow of that time was a curved plank on a stand. Images of gods were placed on pillows so that they could protect the sleeper from evil forces.

Wooden pillows were also common in Japan until the 19th century. Pieces made of stone, metal or porcelain were traditionally Chinese. These were solid stands shaped like a rectangle.

The appearance of the first soft pillows in history was noted in Greece. They didn't have any general communication with Egyptian or Chinese versions. The Greeks valued comfort more. The bed was a cult object for them, as they spent their time on it. most of your day. This is why soft mattresses and pillows were invented in Greece. Difficulties in making dyes, as well as sewing techniques, turned the pillow into a piece of art. Now richly decorated pillows have become real expensive goods.

Already before our era, every wealthy Greek (5th century) had pillows. They were made different sizes, and animal wool, grass, bird feathers and down were used as filler. The cover, which had a rectangular or square shape, could be made of leather or thick fabric.

At first they were distrustful of pillows in Ancient Rome. But soon they were appreciated there too; the Romans especially loved down pillows. Goose down was used to create them. Military commanders often sent their subordinates to get down for pillows, freeing soldiers from military service.

In those days it was believed that pillows were capable of possessing magical effect. So, for example, Nero always had his bracelet made of snakeskin under his pillow. He did this, wanting to make his night sleep stronger.

Octavian Augustus wanted to own the pillow of a Roman patrician who was mired in debt. All his property was sold. The emperor ordered the purchase of a pillow on which a man who had a sea of ​​debts slept so peacefully.

Kitty? Machine? Or maybe a whole baby elephant? Nowadays there are pillow toys for every taste. They are colorful, soft, beautiful, and will definitely become a favorite toy for children. Toy pillows are necessary items for any children's room, which give it its own unique style and serve as decoration.

The history of the pillow itself goes back centuries. Then they were small rectangular stands for the head, which helped noble nobles, pharaohs and rich people keep their hairstyles intact during sleep. IN different countries Such stands were made from different materials: stone, porcelain, metals, wood and even precious stones. The use of such pillows was not a way to achieve a certain comfort, but rather a necessity.

The first to make soft pillows were the ancient Greeks. They filled them with bird feathers, hay and pet hair. Centuries later, pillows began to be used during horseback riding, placed in carriages, and even under the feet during prayer. And most importantly, they became accessible to all segments of society and differed only in the quality of the elements used. The most expensive pillows were decorated with unique patterns, precious stones and gold embroidery. They could easily be called objects of art and real masterpieces.

As a rule, such pillows are designed in the form of animals, cars and boats, or simply in the form geometric shapes. For their production, only the most modern, high-quality and environmentally friendly clean materials. Therefore, they are absolutely safe for children of any age. With such pillows you can play in bed and on the floor, sit or sleep on them. Children love to have pillow fights, jump and frolic in them, and build barricades and entire fortresses out of them. Such pillows replace ordinary soft toys for children, help develop fantasy and imagination, and instill taste and a sense of style. Soft friends are great for plots role playing games. The child can invent different stories and act out scenes with pillows.

Also, nowadays it is customary to pay special attention to comfort and health, which is why orthopedic pillows for children and adults. They help support the head and neck during sleep and maintain proper body shape so that the spine can take a break from stress. That is why orthopedic pillow toys began to appear on sale, helping not only to avoid health problems for children, but also to take a place in their children's rooms as their favorite toys.

By playing role-playing games with pillows, the baby’s personality develops, the development of his cognitive processes is activated, and the foundations are laid for mastering new, more complex species activities. While playing, kids reflect in the roles they try on themselves everything they see around them: events, adult behavior patterns, etc. Participation in role-playing game makes you feel like part of a team.

In the 21st century, the range of pillow toys on the shelves of children's stores has become so wide that you can now choose a pillow for a child based on his preferences and interests, the required shapes and sizes, with different fillings and coverings. Or even have it made to order. These days, stores are amazing in variety. soft toys. It is impossible to count all the manufacturers involved in the production of pillow toys. Such companies include Craftholic, SmallToys, Plush Land, 1TOY, ABtoys and Plan Toys.


Many people think that the structure of the word “pillow” indicates a direct relationship to an object that can be placed “under the ear.” But the interpretation of the meaning is folk. In fact, the etymological dictionary explains otherwise. First in Old Russian language there was a word “dodukha”, meaning something airy or inflated. Widespread use of the word "pillow" dates back to the 13th century, and the meaning is literally defined as "something dear and close."

The history of the first pillows is preserved in ancient Egypt. True, the purpose of these items among the pharaohs and noble Egyptians was different: they kept their hairstyles while sleeping. These could be wooden concave pillows on a stand, as well as stone, metal or porcelain, which depicted gods protecting people during sleep. The Japanese used similar items until the 19th century. Jade pillows, popular in China, were shaped like a person lying down with a special comfortable recess for the head. Gradually, people came to the conclusion that a pillow is necessary not for preserving hairstyles, but for comfortable rest.

Ancient Greece is considered the birthplace of the first soft pillows, and these ordinary everyday objects became wonderful works of art, as the covers were embroidered with beautiful patterns. Noble Greeks loved to lie on a soft bed, and the presence of pillows added significance to the owner.

The ancient Romans obtained the first pillows as spoils during their military conquests. They especially liked those filled with goose down, so the commanders sent the most accurate shooters to hunt wild geese. But most Romans used sleeping objects made from grass, bird feathers, or animal hair. Not everyone had the opportunity to purchase these items, since they were very expensive, so only wealthy people could use them.

If you imagine a medieval castle, with a cold stone floor, constant drafts, then the introduction of innovation will become clear: pillows became not only an attribute of a luxurious warm bed, but also, placed under the feet, represented a means of protecting them from the cold. The convenience of soft pillows was fully realized a long time ago. They did not forget to place them under their knees during prayers, on the saddle of a horse, in stretchers and carriages.

In the old days in Rus', soft feather and down pillows were a luxury for the rich, and the common people stuffed them with hay or horsehair. They formed an integral part of the bride's dowry. In the East, there was a custom to fill pillows with plants that emit pleasant odors, which were later prepared for medicinal purposes.

This well-known attribute of our sleep appeared a long time ago. The first mentions of objects used as pillows take us back to distant centuries BC. In the ancient tombs of the pharaohs The world's first pillows were found. Pharaohs used them to maintain their intricate hairstyles while sleeping. The pillow, which was placed on a stand, was also accompanied by two curved tablets with images of gods, supposedly designed to help the person who had gone to sleep, since his Ka (soul) was flying freely from the body at that time.

The stories are familiar to other equally interesting pillows. Eg, V Ancient China Depending on the degree of wealth, important mandarins rested on pillows made of stone, porcelain, or even metal pillows. There is even a pillow made of precious metals - this is such a rectangular shape stand completely encrusted with jewels.

Almost until recently, the most common pillows among the Japanese had wooden pillows. Here, too, it was possible to determine from the pillow what wealth its owner possessed. Because the rarer the type of wood from which it is made, the correspondingly more expensive the pillow.

The very first to use a soft pillow for sleeping smart ancient Greeks. They filled their pillows with light bird feathers, sheep's wool and dried grass. The Greeks sewed the pillow itself from thick fabric, and more often from tanned leather. They embellished this item in every possible way: either with skillful embroidery, or with beads, or with fringe. Of course, the pillow, which the craftswoman worked diligently on, cost big money. Therefore, only the rich could afford such a work of art. Important, wealthy Greeks loved to lie on soft beds and various mattresses, so they did not skimp on decorating their bed. In general, having a pillow among the Greeks was considered a sign good manners. In this regard, the workshops could offer their customers pillows for every taste and budget, not that various shapes and size.

In Ancient Rome feather pillows were so popular that the military nobility exempted some of their soldiers from military service specifically so that they could get fluff for their pillows. There is also an interesting story in history about a pillow and an emperor. Emperor Octavian Augustus wanted to have the pillow of his bankrupt subject under his head. He was convinced that the debtor’s pillow probably had magical properties that provided the sleeper with a sound, undisturbed sleep - after all, the person who for a long time He was deeply in debt, and then completely lost all his property.

The facts of suffocation with a pillow in history are also well known.. In this way, they got rid of both adult unwanted rulers and very tiny heirs. Otherwise, ambitious court intriguers could not get closer to the coveted position in high society or power. Thus, when Emperor Tiberius was poisoned by order of Caligula, and he was in his death throes for a long time, they hastened to strangle him with a pillow. Or here’s another case when a church minister who flatly refused to bless Ivan the Terrible was strangled with a pillow. Many crown princes and greats of this world experienced death in their own bed “thanks” to the pillow: this is Paul I, and the son of Peter I - Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, and John X, and his newborn grandson Louis XIV— Haile Selassie, who was strangled by his aunt.

But not all stories about pillows in bed are necessarily sad. Let us remember the Kama Sutra, where the knowledge accumulated over many centuries and generations is collected. She offers more than one love position that is unimaginable without the help of a pillow.

Or here oriental tales: a multi-colored couch, comfortably furnished with luxurious satin and silk pillows, where the Sultan and his beautiful concubines recline.

During the Middle Ages Castles made of cold stone did not warm up well and therefore there were always problems with drafts blowing across the floor. The inhabitants of such mansions came up with pillows for their feet that protected them very well from the cold. Later, pillows were placed under the knees during prayer, on saddles for the comfort of riders, and they were equipped with stretchers, carts, and carriages.

In Rus', few people knew what a pillow was made of feathers or down - it was a luxury item. Peasants used pillows stuffed with hay and horsehair, and beautiful girls prepared embroidered pillows for their dowry.

Throughout the history of pillows, fillers have been great amount various materials. Sometimes it depended on custom, as in the east, where aromatic pillows are a traditional thing. Leaves of pleasantly smelling herbs were also placed in it. Later, such pillows were made for the purpose of treatment. Some peoples have a custom at Christmas to put spruce branches in the pillow, so to speak, for good luck. During fortune telling, Russian beauties placed a twig under their pillow to find out the name of the groom.

There are also funny, funny traditions associated with pillows. For example, students for better memorization material before the exam, place the textbook under the pillow. Once upon a time in England there was a custom that if a husband placed an ax under his wife’s pillow, she would soon give birth to a boy.

Today, the old favorite - the feather pillow - is increasingly being replaced by its relatives filled with foam rubber and artificial fibers. But whatever the filling of your pillow, let it be comfortable for you.

Sleep peacefully and soundly with a healthy sleep! 🙂

The history of the pillow goes back to Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) and Ancient Egypt. In ancient times, only rich, privileged people could use them. The first pillows were found in the tombs of the pharaohs. They were invented in order not to spoil an intricate hairstyle in a dream; there was no talk of any comfort then.

The pillow at that time was a curved plank on a stand. However, they also wore symbolic meaning- on these “headrests” gods were depicted protecting the sleeping person from dark forces. Hard pillows that preserve hair while sleeping also existed in Japan. They could be made of wood, porcelain, stone or metal. Such pillows were quite popular until the 19th century. Exquisitely painted, some of them were real works of art. For thousands of years Chinese dynasties used pillows made using wood, jade, bamboo, porcelain and decorated with designs of animals, plants, people and geometric shapes, and traditionally they were rectangular in shape.

Hard pillows were preferred due to popular beliefs that soft substances took away energy and had a bad effect on blood circulation. But already in Ancient Greece The first pillows with soft fillings appeared. The first soft fillings were straw, reeds and bird feathers. The Greeks valued convenience and comfort very much. A wealthy person in Greece spent a lot of time in bed, so much attention was paid to the softness of pillows and mattresses, and their appearance. These pillows are already reminiscent of today's ones - soft, rectangular or square shape. The cover was made of fabric or leather.

From ancient Greece, pillows migrated to Ancient Rome as a trophy. The Romans were initially distrustful of the pillows, but soon came to appreciate them. The Romans especially liked pillows stuffed with goose down: commanders began sending the most accurate shooters to shoot wild geese, freeing them from service.

It was believed that pillows had a magical effect; they were original talismans that protected their owners during sleep, from evil spirits and negative energy. There was a large number of beliefs and magical rituals. Nero, for a sounder and safer sleep, put a snakeskin bracelet under it. Octavian Augustus acquired the pillow of a heavily indebted Roman patrician. “I want to own the pillow on which a man with so many debts slept peacefully,” he said.

Indian pillows helped the great Buddha restore his health. Buddha weakened from hunger and self-torture; he lay on the ground, barely alive. And suddenly he caught the wonderful aroma of the leaves of a tree growing nearby. Buddha got up from the ground and filled a bag with these leaves. This is how the pillow turned out, which Buddha put under his head and fell asleep. After sleeping on a wonderful pillow, Buddha began to feel better, and he had the strength to continue on his journey.

Pillows were most popular in Arab countries. The houses of the sultans were decorated with embroidered, painted pillows with tassels and fringes. Richly embroidered and decorated pillows were a sign of the owner's wealth.

In the Middle Ages, they began to use special small pads under the feet that protected the feet from the cold. The castles had stone floors; heating could not warm large rooms during the frosty period. Therefore, pillows of this kind were popular in those days. It was also during this time that the first prayer pillows appeared. During religious ceremonies and services they were placed under the knees.

In Rus', embroidered pillows have always been part of the dowry. They appeared a little later decorative pillows. The poor stuffed their pillows with hay and horsehair; down and feather pillows were considered a luxury.

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