Care at 40. Special care from a cosmetologist

ELLE has compiled a guide to age-related changes after 40 years and ways to deal with them.

We have selected seven main signs of aging in the fifth decade. However, this does not mean at all that you are the owner of the full set - most likely, no more than three signs are noticeable. Don’t discount genetics - look at photographs of a parent or relative you resemble (this is not always your mother, but maybe your father or grandmother) at the age of 40+ in order to sensibly assess the prospects and decide on preventive measures.

What we have: Loss of elasticity, uneven skin tone

What to do: To minimize these symptoms, a simple moisturizer may not be enough. Swelling occurs due to fluid that accumulates under the eyes. Caffeine helps remove it - not in liters with milk and sugar, but as part of beauty products. Creams with vitamin K lighten dark circles - the result of blood accumulation in the vessels under the eyes. Train yourself to sleep on your back - this habit, among other things, helps with wrinkles on your face. If the cause of the tortured look is deep-set eyes or the absence of a fat layer under the eyes, fillers or lipolifting (transplantation of the fatty tissue itself from one area to another, for example, from the abdomen to the face) will save you. Or maybe it's just time for you to go on vacation?

What we have: Loss of volume in cheekbones and cheeks

If sunken cheeks are a sign of illness or malnutrition, then drooping cheeks are a sign of age and further proof of gravity. Roundness on the face is characteristic of youth (not to be confused with excess volume as a result of addiction to carbohydrates). Smiling and laughter cause deep wrinkles around the mouth, especially noticeable on a haggard face. But we don't recommend giving up laughter: after all, it prolongs life. Besides, even if you stop smiling, the force of gravity will still be there.

What to do: The solution is to add volume to the cheekbones and cheeks. For this, there is lipolifting or injections of restylane or hyaluronic acid, which lift the cheeks, thereby smoothing the nasolabial furrows.

For neck skin care after 40 years, make yourself a new friend - neck and décolleté cream. In the composition, look for plant extracts, oils and polymers for a lifting effect. Ultrasound will also help with sagging and sagging under the chin. However, do not expect dramatic changes for the better: we are talking about a lift in the range of millimeters. Therefore, non-invasive techniques work best on early stages and as a preventive measure. The only 100% solution to excess skin under the chin is a scalpel.

Eyebrows become thinner

Why does this happen: eyebrow hair loss can be either a symptom of a disease (hypothyroidism) or a common age-related phenomenon.What to do: You can use drops with bimatoprost, which enhance the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, but you should consult your doctor before using them. In addition, proper eyebrow makeup using a pencil and gel will make them thick, like 15 years ago.

I think I look older with makeup

Why does this happen: don't you think? The powder contains silicones, which, settling in the folds of wrinkles, make them more noticeable.What to do: Buy a water-based liquid foundation with luminous particles and apply it with a sponge. Then “run” a cotton swab along the folds of your face, collecting excess product.

I suddenly got dark circles under my eyes

Why this happens: With age, the delicate skin around the eyes thins and becomes more transparent, so that blood vessels can be seen through it.

What to do: Use a night eye cream with retinol, a vitamin A derivative that stimulates collagen production and firms the skin. To disguise circles, apply concealer and highlighter under your eyes.

The skin on the face is no longer elastic

Why does this happen: the causes of sagging facial skin are sun exposure, as well as age-related thinning of the fat layer (alas, only on the face) and collagen destruction.

What to do: creams and lotions provide only a temporary effect. To restore elasticity to the skin for a long time, you will have to resort to injections of fillers and adipose tissue. Consult your doctor.

No matter how much I sleep, I still look tired

Why does this happen: over the years, the skin and muscles of the face weaken and lose elasticity, the fatty tissue from the area around the eyes falls down, creating “bags”. Swelling of the skin increases with salt and even sleeping position.

What to do: blepharoplasty will help get rid of “bags” under the eyes. To reduce puffiness, place an extra pillow under your head while you sleep, and apply cold compresses to the area around your eyes in the morning.

Facial care began to take a lot of time! I don't have it!

Why it happens: Effective skin care doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. It is enough to regularly apply sunscreen.

What to do: Carry powder with SPF in your purse to maintain protection throughout the day. In the morning, apply an antioxidant serum to your face, followed by a BB cream with SPF, antioxidants and radiance effect. Use a retinol cream at night. All this will take no more than 5 minutes!

Why do I have wrinkles above my upper lip?!

Why this happens: Even if you have never smoked and do not like to drink from straws, wrinkles above the upper lip will still develop, even from unconscious frequent lip movements. What to do: lip products with peptides and collagen, as well as products with retinol and hyaluronic acid will help strengthen the skin in this area.

Okay, wrinkles, but what to do with the hairs on the chin and upper lip?!

Why does this happen: by the age of 40, the formation of estrogen decreases and the influence of androgens increases. The result: dark, thick hair pops out on your upper lip and chin at the most inopportune times.

What to do: use any methods, pluck with tweezers, remove with wax, but refrain from shaving, because you do not want ingrown facial hair. If there is significant growth of facial hair, consult a gynecologist.

The desire of every woman to remain young, beautiful and “fresh” is understandable. We all want to look younger than our age, however, the aging process begins to make itself felt from a relatively early biological age.

From about 25 years of age, the epidermis of every woman’s face begins to lose the necessary resources for its healthy functioning and remaining in its previous positions. Subcutaneous fat tissue is lost, gradual dehydration occurs, and in the deep structures of the dermis it ceases to be produced in sufficient quantities. "proteins of youth"- collagen and elastin.

The reserves of hyaluronic acid also decrease - organic compound, which retains moisture molecules in the intercellular space.

The result of all these processes is the same - the skin becomes more flabby, sluggish, weak and loose.

However, you are quite capable of delaying them a little. And if you have already reached middle age, face masks after 40 years will help you with this.

The nuances of self-care at the age of forty

Skin care for the face and body should begin as early as possible. Literally - it is even shown young girls who strive to protect their beauty from an early age.

How can you take care of yourself during this period? "second youth", when the midlife crisis has already been experienced, and it seems that something has opened up "second wind"?

Alas, despite the elation, not all women look decent after 40 years. Many people begin to be puzzled by their appearance even when their face has undergone significant changes. Let’s make a reservation right away - if now you look pretty bad and your skin is covered with wrinkles, you probably won’t be able to cope with such cosmetic defects on your own.

How can you look younger at 40?

If you reconsider your lifestyle, start eating right and exercising, taking the necessary vitamins and mineral complexes, give up bad habits and start using home and/or professional cosmetology products, you are guaranteed to get a chance to look much better.

But, we repeat, if the skin and soft tissues of your face have already suffered inevitable changes, all that remains is to contact a qualified specialist in the field of aesthetic medicine.

Aspects of facial skin care after 40 years are multifaceted and varied. Perhaps you should start by reviewing your lifestyle as a whole, and only after that move on to using local remedies.

You may be surprised, but most women who throw away thousands of dollars when buying miraculous elixirs of youth simply lead an incorrect lifestyle, and therefore do not see any results at all.

If you do things differently and pay attention to seemingly trivial factors, you can get by without making expensive purchases while still looking like a millionaire.

Facial rejuvenation is impossible without the following actions:

  1. drinking plenty of fluids.
  2. The first thing that biological aging processes hit is moisture resources. It is against the background of dehydration that your skin becomes weaker, more vulnerable and prone to wrinkles. And it is not enough to use a moisturizer to replenish the water deficiency in the cells. First of all, the liquid must come there from the inside, which means you must consume enough water per day to keep your face “fresh.” Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water every day (excluding soups, broths, coffee, dairy and fermented milk products; we are talking only about clean drinking water here); balanced diet. If your body does not get enough micronutrients from food - nutrients
  3. , you may not count on the “magical” properties of topical products. If for some reason you are forced to follow a strict diet, do this only under the supervision of a treating specialist, and only when taking specially designed multivitamin complexes; rejection of bad habits. It's no secret that alcoholic drinks
  4. provoke congestion or swelling. And since your skin no longer has the enviable contractility that it had in its youth, this whole process is imprinted on your face. What can we say about smoking, which provokes the activation of free radicals that penetrate to the depths of your skin and begin their destructive “work” there?; sedentary and inactive lifestyle. It has been clinically and practically proven that those who exercise (at least minimally, at home) look much more cheerful than those who prefer a lifestyle of constant physical inactivity. Exercise exercise
  5. at least in the form of traditional exercises or gymnastics. And try to walk more often in environmentally friendly areas - this will allow your metabolic processes to activate and saturate the skin with oxygen; local care. And of course, one cannot fail to mention this

important nuance as local care. Don’t be lazy to thoroughly cleanse your skin and systematically nourish it. Perform masks and massages, use an anti-aging cream selected in strict accordance with the type and current needs of your skin..

Strictly following all the simple rules from the above list will give you a good mood and ensure an attractive

appearance vegetable oils cosmetic or medicinal purposes. They help strengthen the skin, increase its elasticity, contractility and natural turgor. It is optimal to combine their application with a massage of your face. Here it is best to turn to lymphatic drainage techniques, for example, Japanese Asahi massage.

Try it and you will definitely notice its lifting effect!

How else to take care of yourself at 40? We advise you to contact a competent cosmetologist so that he can select the proper care for you among professional products. And of course, you can periodically turn to home cosmetology products to renew your skin, make it smooth, velvety and radiant.

There are many recipes for face masks after 40 years. Their implementation is aimed at leveling the main problems of this age - sagging tissues, weakening of the skin, the formation of fine wrinkles and more contrasting furrows.

The best masks are made based on the following products:

  • cocoa powder mixed with hot milk or water to a thick paste;
  • fatty homemade cottage cheese;
  • cream;
  • sour cream;
  • bee honey, strictly natural;
  • yolks of chicken or quail eggs;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • food gelatin.

Any component is mixed with water, juice (freshly squeezed citrus juices or biostimulated aloe vera juice are especially useful in this case) or milk.

It is important to obtain a dense, viscous, plastic mass that can harden on the face and cover its surface with an even layer.

The following active ingredients can be added to the resulting composition:

  1. base vegetable oils. The most suitable oils here will be hazelnut, macadamia, jojoba, avocado, almond, black cumin, argan, shea, grape or apricot seed;
  2. essential oils. It is optimal to choose a concentrate of rosewood, neroli, patchouli, lavender;
  3. oil solutions of vitamins. Pay attention to vitamins B, A and E, as well as concentrates of folic and ascorbic acids.

You can vary the ingredients according to your own preferences, however, do not forget to consider your skin type. If your skin is dry, you should not use drying ingredients such as egg white. If your skin is oily, avoid using thick oils with a heavy texture.

Hello, dear beauties! You are familiar with the situation - family, children, work take up all your time, and you have no strength left to take care of yourself. Many, only having reached the age of forty, suddenly realize that if they do not continue to pay attention to themselves, then old age will come much earlier than the “intended date” and begin to intensively take care of their appearance, paying mainly attention to the face and décolleté area.

In fact, having picked proper care taking care of your body after 40 years, you can not only maintain, but also improve your overall physical condition, and therefore your appearance. We will tell you how to do this using affordable means at home.

Movement is our everything!

This is perhaps one of the most important factors providing decent care, as well as maintaining the health and beauty of the body after forty, and even after 50 years.

When you move, blood circulation accelerates, which means the condition of the lymphatic system improves, which has a very good effect on the condition of the skin. Strong muscles support joints, physical activity strengthens bones, thereby preventing the development of osteoporosis.

Choose the loads that are suitable for you and will help you stay in shape:

  1. Cardio: walking, running, cycling, swimming, dancing.
  2. For flexibility: different types yoga, stretching.
  3. For strong muscles: exercises with weights, possibly your own weight.

You will do the right thing if you combine cardio with stretching exercises or strength training (by the way, read about - an article from a practicing trainer).

On the one hand, almost all of these types physical activity are easily doable on your own at home, except, perhaps, for swimming.

On the other hand, if you work out in the gym, you will have emotional support from like-minded women. Another very important point– before starting classes in a group, you will receive advice from a specialist who will select an individual program for you to achieve the desired result.

Physical activity is also a body care product that can rejuvenate the skin more effectively than a cream or mask.

Natural body care

At this age, even while caring for the body folk remedies, take into account the changes that occur in the body after forty years.

When carrying out caring procedures, do not forget about contraindications. If there are wounds, scratches, or inflamed moles on the skin, it is better to refrain from mechanical impact on the skin. Also keep in mind that some of the ingredients used in the care may cause you to be allergic, which means you should not use them.

Well, if there are no contraindications, go ahead to beauty and health!

Youth of the body is joy for the soul

  • Coffee and honey scrub.

Sleeping coffee has magical properties; if you add honey and a little soap gel to it in equal proportions, you’ll get a scrub for an invigorating morning shower.

Coffee essential oils will help you wake up, ground particles with gel will cleanse dead cells from your skin, and honey will nourish it useful substances. By adding a little olive oil to the scrub, you will additionally moisturize and tone your skin, leaving the shower refreshed and energetic.

  • Peeling from salt and soda.

Make a peeling from a mixture of a tablespoon of salt with the same amount of regular salt. baking soda. Add a little shower gel and water until you get a thick paste. Apply this mixture onto clean skin in a circular motion, massage for about two to three minutes, don’t forget about your back - a regular washcloth will help you rub the mixture over your back.

Are you rubbed? Rest for a couple more minutes, then rinse thoroughly warm water. You will see how smooth and soft your skin has become. If you rub coconut or olive oil– the result will simply delight you. It is better to do this before bed so that the skin is renewed overnight.

Baths with essential oils make the skin glow and at the same time increase self-confidence.

  • Cosmetic baths.

Cleopatra also took milk baths, understanding them. But not only milk will benefit your skin; add decoctions and infusions of herbs to the water, for example, chamomile, string, parsley, calendula, yarrow - this way your body will receive a lot of useful substances.

A liter of herbal decoction will be enough for one bath. It’s easy to make: boil five tablespoons of any herb (or herb collection of your choice) in one and a half liters of water, strain, pour into the bath.

Or make a mixture of essential oils: bergamot, rose, jasmine, neroli, add a little - literally 3-4 drops to the bath, lie down, enjoying the fragrance.

After finishing the procedure, do not wipe yourself, let the skin dry on its own, because all these oils are . If you have stretch marks, massage the problem areas while they are damp. In order to get rid of cellulite, add citrus essential oils - lemon, lime, orange - to the bath.

Summer, oh summer! Body and heat

The sun is our friend, and, alas, our enemy, especially after forty and fifty years. Age-related changes in the skin under the influence of bright sun rays become even more noticeable, and what’s more, tanning, so beloved by many women, is more likely to lead to the appearance of age spots, and then, lo and behold, neoplasms on the skin. Therefore, before going outside in the summer, you must definitely use special creams with SPF filters for your face and open areas of the body.

Another problem that arises under the hot rays of the summer sun is sweating; after forty years it becomes even more pronounced. In order to reduce discomfort, you need to take a contrast shower, it is better if you do this in the morning and evening.

Body care in summer days It is good to complement it with cool douses of water with the addition of oak bark and St. John's wort.

Decoctions of sage and mint can be taken orally, because they help well with hyperhidrosis:

  • Pour a tablespoon of crushed flowers and leaves into a glass of boiling water, cool, and drink instead of tea.

Tips for moisturizing your skin on a hot day:

  • Get yourself a portable shower. Take a small spray bottle, fill it with regular clean or thermal water. Spray yourself with water periodically. Fine sprays will not only moisturize the skin of your face and body - they will help invigorate you.
  • In the morning, wipe your body skin with a piece of ice made from a mixture of water and green tea, it's very refreshing.

Day after day: effective daily care

The secret of beauty after forty years is regular and varied body care. If you do procedures occasionally, you are unlikely to achieve a lasting effect. Don’t forget to also change the composition of your care products, because the body needs different substances.

How to take care of your body in the daily hustle and bustle:

  • The shower is your main humidifier, it is also a cleanser, take it daily, your body will thank you for it;
  • Use a night body cream that suits you before bed, and a day cream in the morning when leaving the house;
  • Get enough sleep - preferably at least 8-9 hours. During sleep, restoration processes occur in the body;
  • Try to move more, walk;
  • Have sex - after forty years it becomes almost a guarantee against the onset of;
  • Rejoice! Every little thing, the sun, a drop of rain hanging on a branch, the smile of a passerby. Expect good things from life, because we get what we expect or what we fear, so it’s better to expect something wonderful and joyful, isn’t it?

Pleasant, happy surprises to you, our dear readers! Thank you for reading our articles, we are always happy to help you maintain youth and beauty. Subscribe to site updates, we will be happy to answer your questions and take into account your wishes!

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A topic such as facial care after 40 years is very difficult for many women. Unfortunately, at this age, the face of any representative of the fair sex has already undergone age-related changes, and no cosmetics can restore the skin pristine view. But it is up to you to choose skincare products that can give your face a fresher, healthier glow, as well as slow down the appearance of deep wrinkles and loss of elasticity.

Basic advice from a cosmetologist on skin care after 40 years looks like this:

  • Regularity;
  • Complexity.

If you thought the secret was hidden somewhere else, you're wrong! The main task is to select full list necessary products and use them regularly, not forgetting to pay attention to your skin.

As the 40-year threshold approaches, the skin enters the stage of withering, and age-related changes begin to appear more clearly on it.

The main signs of skin aging:

  • Dull color, pigment spots;
  • Spider veins;
  • Puffiness under the eyes;
  • Increased dryness;
  • Porosity;
  • Furrows, creases on the forehead, on the bridge of the nose, around the eyes, deepening of the nasolabial folds;
  • Loss of density;
  • Oval deformation;
  • Ptosis of the eyelids;
  • Loss of firmness and elasticity.

Facial skin care after 45 years will be based on ways to prevent these problems or reduce their manifestations.

Experts say that following simple rules and recommendations will help preserve the elastic turgor and density of the skin for a long time.

Important! Don't forget that your heredity also plays a big role in maintaining youthful skin. If you have a tendency to have low synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as early menopause, then your skin will age much faster, and in this case, only a consultation with a cosmetologist will bring significant results!

What is required of you:

  1. Regular facial care after turning 40. It should be based on the use of anti-aging cosmetics;
  2. Take care to moisturize your skin;
  3. Tone your face;
  4. Do not wash your face with tap water. Ideal to use mineral water;
  5. Drink plenty of clean water;
  6. Take care of each area of ​​your face individually;
  7. Do not use a large number of decorative cosmetics;
  8. Use products from trusted cosmetic brands with SPF filters;
  9. Don't forget to visit a beauty salon for specialized care.

Proper facial skin care can prolong youth and a fresh appearance for a long time.

To mature age look several years younger, you don’t need to invest hundreds of thousands of paper notes in your care and don’t leave the comfortable couches of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, you just need to devote 10-15 minutes to yourself every day for care.

Facial care for 40 years in stages:

  1. Cleansing. To remove dirt and makeup, use filtered, melt or mineral water, as well as foam or milk for washing;
  2. Toning. To tone the skin and activate metabolic processes, lotions, tonics, and serums are used. Store-bought products can be replaced with chamomile, green tea, herbal infusions, and ice cubes;
  3. Hydration. The best option to replenish moisture in cells - this is a day cream with a moisturizing effect. It must contain filters for ultraviolet protection;
  4. Nutrition. This can be achieved with night creams. Especially effective means contain retinol.

Important! Monitor the microclimate in the room where you spend most of your time. Follow this care plan daily.

Watch this video to never make mistakes in skin care after 40!

When entering the aging phase, the skin on the face requires rejuvenating anti-aging care in a salon. This is a must if you want to admire your reflection in the mirror for many years. A professional cosmetologist will eliminate defects and you will be able to see dramatic changes.

Effective anti-aging procedures:

  • Laser. With the help of grinding, the upper layers of the dermis are removed and the regeneration process is started;
  • Botox and Dysport. “Beauty injections” are injected into areas of pronounced wrinkles;
  • Mesotherapy. The doctor injects special cocktails that stimulate cellular renewal. Cosmetologists advise carrying out mesotherapy once a year;
  • RF lifting. Warming up the internal structures of the dermis using radio waves, which helps to thicken the skin;
  • Contour plastic. Introducing fillers to tighten sagging areas and smooth out furrows;
  • Peeling. Chemical compositions cause exfoliation of the upper layers of the dermis and stimulate collagen and elastin fibers.

Facial skin care at home after 40 years is not capable of providing radical rejuvenation, like professional techniques.

Facial care after 45 years at home

Basic step-by-step facial skin care at 40 years old must be supplemented with scrubs and masks. The frequency of procedures is up to two times a week.

Recipe No. 1 Honey mask

Honey is useful for anti-aging facial care at home.


  • Honey – 2 tbsp;
  • White of 1 egg;
  • Wheat flour.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, mix thoroughly. Add flour until a thick but elastic paste is obtained. Apply the mixture to a previously cleansed face and leave for a quarter. Wash with mineral water. It is recommended to lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

Recipe No. 2 Yeast mask

Yeast has a lifting effect on the skin and significantly tightens ptotic areas.


  • Yeast – 10 gr.;
  • Rye flour;
  • Water.

Dissolve the specified amount of yeast in water. IN ready mixture Gently fold in the flour. Using water, bring the mixture to a creamy state. Cover your face and décolleté with the mask. Wash off after 20 minutes. This option is suitable for facial care in the fall, when the skin needs additional nutrition.

Recipe No. 3 Fruit mask

There is nothing better to nourish the dermis with vitamins than fruits. They refresh and saturate every cell.


  • Strawberries – 3 pcs.;
  • Strawberries – 3 pcs.;
  • High fat cottage cheese – 2 tbsp.

Mix these components thoroughly with a fork until a uniform mass is obtained and apply to the surface of the face. Wash off the residue after 10 minutes with heated water.

Recipe No. 4 Vegetable mask

Vegetables are also useful when applied externally.


  • Eggplant;
  • Zucchini;
  • Cabbage.

Using a fine grater, grind the vegetables and combine in a bowl in a 1:1 ratio. Gently distribute the thoroughly mixed mixture and leave for 10 minutes.

Each type of skin has its own functional characteristics, so when selecting care products and techniques, it is necessary to take this factor into account.

Care for dry skin after 40 years

Start with cleansing. Wash with mineral water. To care for dry skin at 40 years old, it is important to ensure that creams and serums contain oil extracts and vitamins. Cosmetics must contain moisturizing components and UV filters.

Important! Do not use preparations or recipes based on alcohol in your care; it dries out the epidermis and causes irritation.

Care for oily skin after 40 years

If your skin actively produces sebum, it requires thorough cleansing. Special foams, lotions and tonics are suitable for this purpose. Buy them in strict accordance with your age and skin type.

For moisturizing, products based on aloe juice and vitamin E are used.

Proper care oily skin for a person aged 40 years is aimed at preventing the active functioning of the sebaceous glands and enlargement of pores.

The face is divided into small areas, each of which differs in density. Facial skin care at the age of 40 should be carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of each of this zones.

To remove defects and prevent the appearance of new ones, you need to know what is considered the best remedy for facial skin care. What criteria should you pay attention to?

Skin around the eyes

When you reach a certain age, swelling appears under the eyes, and small rays of facial wrinkles appear along the outer edges. Due to the accumulation of fluid and blood, dark circles form.

Sensitive skin in the eyelid area is devoid of fat, so it requires careful care using creams based on vitamin K. This component will eliminate the accumulation of blood in the vessels and remove swelling.

Nasolabial folds

Active loss of moisture occurs in this zone. Over the years, this process intensifies and strong creases appear. To eliminate the defect, it is useful to use moisturizers and massage daily.

If the wrinkles are pronounced, then only a cosmetologist can even them out. For this purpose, filler injections are used.

Cheekbones and cheeks

As the 40-year mark approaches, the skin on the cheeks becomes flabby and goes down. This is due to a lack of moisture in the dermis. The problem cannot be solved with simple home care; you need to visit a cosmetologist. Filler injections or lipolifting are used to lift cheekbones.

Neck and décolleté

When carrying out daily facial care, do not forget about this area. Take care of its regular moisturizing, because the neck quickly loses its tone and against the backdrop of a beautiful young face It will look ridiculous and will definitely show your age.

The salon may offer you a tightening using microcurrents, biorevitalization or ultrasound.

Age-related changes are an indispensable companion for a person. It is impossible to always remain a young woman; the years will still leave an imprint on your face. But thanks to modern cosmetology and the beauty secrets of our grandmothers, you can skillfully disguise your age and delay the moment of old age for for long years.

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