Lesson “Methods and techniques in physics lessons. Active methodological techniques

Teaching methods are ways of joint activity between teacher and students aimed at solving learning problems.

Reception is component or a separate side of the method. Individual techniques may be part of various methods. For example, the technique of students recording basic concepts is used when the teacher explains new material, when working independently with the original source. In the learning process, methods and techniques are used in various combinations. The same method of student activity in some cases acts as an independent method, and in others as a teaching method. For example, explanation and conversation are independent teaching methods. If they are occasionally used by the teacher during practical work to attract the attention of students and correct mistakes, then explanation and conversation act as teaching techniques included in the exercise method.

Classification of teaching methods

In modern didactics there are:

    verbal methods (the source is the spoken or printed word);

    visual methods (the source of knowledge is observable objects, phenomena; visual aids); practical methods(students gain knowledge and develop skills and abilities by performing practical actions);

    problem-based learning methods.

Verbal methods

Verbal methods occupy a leading place in the system of teaching methods. Verbal methods allow the shortest possible time convey a large amount of information, pose problems to students and indicate ways to solve them. The word activates the imagination, memory, and feelings of students. Verbal methods are divided into the following types: story, explanation, conversation, discussion, lecture, work with a book.

Story - oral, figurative, consistent presentation of small-volume material. The duration of the story is 20 - 30 minutes. Method of presentation educational material differs from an explanation in that it is narrative in nature and is used when students report facts, examples, describe events, phenomena, experience of enterprises, when characterizing literary heroes, historical figures, scientists, etc. The story can be combined with other methods: explanation, conversation, exercises. Often the story is accompanied by a demonstration of visual aids, experiments, filmstrips and film fragments, and photographic documents.

A number of pedagogical requirements are usually presented to the story, as a method of presenting new knowledge:

    the story should provide the ideological and moral orientation of teaching;

    include a sufficient number of vivid and convincing examples and facts proving the correctness of the proposed provisions;

    have a clear logic of presentation;

    be emotional;

    be stated simply and accessible language;

    reflect elements of personal assessment and the teacher’s attitude to the facts and events presented.

Explanation. Explanation should be understood as a verbal interpretation of patterns, essential properties of the object being studied, individual concepts, and phenomena. An explanation is a monologue form of presentation. An explanation is characterized by the fact that it is evidential in nature and is aimed at identifying the essential aspects of objects and phenomena, the nature and sequence of events, and revealing the essence of individual concepts, rules, and laws. Evidence is ensured, first of all, by the logic and consistency of presentation, persuasiveness and clarity of expression of thoughts. While explaining, the teacher answers the questions: “What is this?”, “Why?”.

When explaining, various means of visualization should be well used, which help to reveal the essential aspects, topics, positions, processes, phenomena and events being studied. During the explanation, it is advisable to periodically pose questions to students in order to maintain their attention and cognitive activity. Conclusions and generalizations, formulations and explanations of concepts and laws must be accurate, clear and concise. Explanation is most often resorted to when studying theoretical material of various sciences, solving chemical, physical, mathematical problems, theorems; when revealing the root causes and consequences in natural phenomena and social life.

Using the explanation method requires:

    consistent disclosure of cause-and-effect relationships, reasoning and evidence;

    use of comparison, juxtaposition, analogy;

    attracting vivid examples;

    impeccable logic of presentation.

Conversation - a dialogic teaching method, in which the teacher, by posing a carefully thought-out system of questions, leads students to understand new material or checks the assimilation of what has already been studied. Conversation is one of the most common methods of didactic work.

The teacher, relying on the knowledge and experience of students, by consistently asking questions, leads them to understand and assimilate new knowledge. Questions are posed to the whole group, and after a short pause (8-10 seconds) the student’s name is called. This has great psychological significance - the whole group is preparing for the answer. If a student finds it difficult to answer, you should not “pull” the answer out of him - it is better to call another.

Depending on the purpose of the lessons, they are used different kinds conversations: heuristic, reproducing, systematizing.

    Heuristic conversation (from Greek word“eureka” - found, discovered) is used when studying new material.

    The reproducing conversation (control and testing) has the goal of consolidating previously studied material in the students’ memory and checking the degree of its assimilation.

    A systematizing conversation is carried out with the aim of systematizing students’ knowledge after studying a topic or section in repeating and generalizing lessons.

    One type of conversation is an interview. It can be carried out both with groups as a whole and with individual groups of students.

The success of conversations largely depends on the correctness of asking questions. Questions should be short, clear, meaningful, and formulated in such a way as to stimulate the student’s thoughts. You should not ask double, suggestive questions or encourage you to guess the answer. You should not formulate alternative questions that require clear answers like “yes” or “no”.

In general, the conversation method has the following advantages:

    activates students;

    develops their memory and speech;

    makes students' knowledge open;

    has great educational power;

    is a good diagnostic tool.

Disadvantages of the conversation method:

    takes a lot of time;

    contains an element of risk (a student may give an incorrect answer, which is perceived by other students and recorded in their memory).

Conversation, in comparison with other information methods, provides relatively high cognitive and mental activity of students. It can be used in the study of any academic subject.

Discussion . Discussion as a teaching method is based on the exchange of views on a particular issue, and these views reflect the participants’ own opinions or are based on the opinions of others. This method is advisable to use when students have a significant degree of maturity and independence of thinking, and are able to argue, prove and substantiate their point of view. A well-conducted discussion has educational and educational value: it teaches a deeper understanding of the problem, the ability to defend one’s position, and take into account the opinions of others.

Working with a textbook and book is the most important teaching method. Work with the book is carried out mainly in lessons under the guidance of a teacher or independently. There are a number of techniques for working independently with printed sources. The main ones:

Note taking- summary, a brief record of the content of what was read without details or minor details. Note-taking is done in the first (oneself) or third person. Taking notes in the first person better develops independent thinking. In its structure and sequence, the outline must correspond to the plan. Therefore, it is important to first make a plan, and then write notes in the form of answers to the questions in the plan.

Abstracts can be textual, compiled by verbatim extracting from the text individual provisions that most accurately express the author’s thoughts, and free, in which the author’s thoughts are expressed in his own words. Most often, mixed notes are compiled, some wordings are copied from the text verbatim, while other thoughts are expressed in your own words. In all cases, you need to ensure that the author’s thoughts are accurately conveyed in the summary.

Drawing up a text plan: The plan may be simple or complex. To draw up a plan, after reading the text, you need to break it into parts and title each part.

Testing - a summary of the main ideas of what you read.

Citation- verbatim excerpt from the text. The output data must be indicated (author, title of work, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, page).

Annotation- a brief condensed summary of the content of what was read without losing the essential meaning.

Review- writing short review with an expression of your attitude about what you read.

Drawing up a certificate: certificates can be statistical, biographical, terminological, geographical, etc.

Drawing up a formal logical model- verbal and schematic representation of what was read.

Lecture as a teaching method, it is a consistent presentation by the teacher of a topic or problem, in which theoretical principles, laws are revealed, facts, events are reported and analyzed, and the connections between them are revealed. Individual scientific positions are put forward and argued, various points of view on the problem under study are highlighted, and correct positions are substantiated. A lecture is the most economical way for students to obtain information, since in a lecture the teacher can tell scientific knowledge in a generalized form, drawn from many sources and which are not yet in textbooks. The lecture, in addition to presenting scientific positions, facts and events, carries the power of conviction, critical assessment, and shows students the logical sequence of revealing a topic, question, scientific position.

For a lecture to be effective, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements for its presentation.

The lecture begins with a statement of the topic, lecture plan, literature and a brief rationale for the relevance of the topic. A lecture usually contains 3-4 questions, a maximum of 5. The large number of questions included in the content of the lecture does not allow them to be presented in detail.

The presentation of the lecture material is carried out in accordance with the plan, in a strict logical sequence. The presentation of theoretical principles, laws, and the disclosure of cause-and-effect relationships is carried out in close connection with life, accompanied by examples and facts) using various visual aids and audiovisual means.

The teacher continuously monitors the audience, the students’ attention, and if it falls, takes measures to increase students’ interest in the material: changes the timbre and tempo of the speech, gives it more emotionality, poses 1-2 questions to the students or distracts them with a joke for a minute or two , an interesting, funny example (measures to maintain students’ interest in the topic of the lecture are planned by the teacher).

During the lesson, lecture material is combined with the creative works of students, making them active and interested participants in the lesson.

The task of each teacher is not only to give ready-made tasks, but also to teach students how to complete them on their own.

The types of independent work are varied: this includes working with the chapter of a textbook, taking notes or tagging it, writing reports, abstracts, preparing messages on a particular issue, composing crosswords, comparative characteristics, reviewing student responses, teacher lectures, drawing up reference diagrams and graphs, artistic drawings and their protection, etc.

Independent work - an important and necessary stage in organizing a lesson, and it must be thought through most carefully. You cannot, for example, “refer” students to a textbook chapter and simply ask them to take notes on it. Especially if you have freshmen in front of you, and even a weak group. It is best to first give a series of supporting questions. When choosing the type of independent work, it is necessary to differentiate students, taking into account their capabilities.

The form of organizing independent work that is most conducive to the generalization and deepening of previously acquired knowledge and, most importantly, the development of the ability to independently master new knowledge, the development of creative activity, initiative, inclinations and abilities is seminar classes.

Seminar - one of the effective methods of conducting classes. Seminar classes are usually preceded by lectures that define the topic, nature and content of the seminar.

Seminar classes provide:

    solution, deepening, consolidation of knowledge acquired at lectures and as a result of independent work;

    formation and development of skills creative approach to mastering knowledge and independently presenting it to an audience;

    development of student activity in discussing issues and problems put up for discussion seminar class;

    Seminars also have a knowledge control function.

Seminar classes in college settings are recommended to be conducted in second- and senior-year study groups. Each seminar lesson requires extensive and thorough preparation by both the teacher and the students. The teacher, having determined the topic of the seminar lesson, draws up a seminar plan in advance (10-15 days in advance), which indicates:

    topic, date and teaching time of the seminar session;

    questions to be discussed at the seminar (no more than 3-4 questions);

    topics of the main reports (messages) of students, revealing the main problems of the seminar topic (2-3 reports);

    a list of literature (basic and additional) recommended for students to prepare for the seminar.

The seminar plan is communicated to students in such a way that students have sufficient time to prepare for the seminar.

The lesson begins with an introductory speech by the teacher, in which the teacher informs the purpose and order of the seminar, indicates what provisions of the topic should be paid attention to in student speeches. If the seminar plan provides for a discussion of reports, then after the teacher’s introductory speech, reports are heard, and then there is a discussion of the reports and issues of the seminar plan.

During the seminar, the teacher poses additional questions, trying to encourage students to move on to a discussion form of discussing individual provisions and questions posed by the teacher.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher sums up the seminar, gives a reasoned assessment of the students’ performances, clarifies and supplements individual provisions of the seminar topic, and indicates which issues the students should work on additionally.

Excursion - one of the methods of acquiring knowledge is integral part educational process. Educational and educational excursions can be sightseeing, thematic, and they are usually conducted collectively under the guidance of a teacher or specialist guide.

Excursions are a fairly effective teaching method. They promote observation, accumulation of information, and formation of visual impressions.

Educational and educational excursions are organized on the basis of production facilities for the purpose of general familiarization with production, its organizational structure, separate technological processes, equipment, types and quality of products, organization and working conditions. Such excursions are very great importance for career guidance of young people, instilling a love for their chosen profession. Students receive a figurative and concrete idea of ​​the state of production, the level of technical equipment, and the requirements modern production To vocational training workers.

Excursions can be organized to a museum, company and office, to protected areas for nature study, to various kinds of exhibitions.

Each excursion must have a clear educational, educational and educational purpose. Students must clearly understand what the purpose of the excursion is, what they should find out and learn during the excursion, what material to collect, how and in what form, summarize it, and write a report on the results of the excursion.

These are brief characteristics main types of verbal teaching methods.

Visual teaching methods

Visual teaching methods are understood as those methods in which the assimilation of educational material is significantly dependent on the visual aids and materials used in the learning process. technical means. Visual methods are used in conjunction with verbal and practical teaching methods.

Visual teaching methods can be divided into two: large groups: illustration method and demonstration method.

Illustration method involves showing students illustrated aids: posters, tables, paintings, maps, sketches on the board, etc.

Demonstration method usually associated with the demonstration of instruments, experiments, technical installations, films, filmstrips, etc.

When using visual teaching methods, a number of conditions must be met:

    the visualization used must be appropriate to the age of the students;

    visualization should be used in moderation and should be shown gradually and only at the appropriate moment in the lesson; observation should be organized in such a way that students can clearly see the object being demonstrated;

    it is necessary to clearly highlight the main thing that is essential when showing illustrations;

    think through in detail the explanations given during the demonstration of phenomena;

    the demonstrated clarity must be precisely consistent with the content of the material;

    involve students themselves in finding the desired information in a visual aid or demonstrated device.

Practical teaching methods

Practical teaching methods are based on the practical activities of students. These methods develop practical skills and abilities. Practical methods include exercises, laboratory and practical work.

Exercises. Exercises are understood as repeated (multiple) performance of a mental or practical action in order to master or improve its quality. Exercises are used in the study of all subjects and various stages educational process. The nature and methodology of the exercises depends on the characteristics of the academic subject, the specific material, the issue being studied and the age of the students.

Exercises by their nature are divided into oral, written, graphic and educational. When performing each of them, students perform mental and practical work.

According to the degree of independence of students when performing exercises, they are distinguished:

    exercises to reproduce the known for the purpose of consolidation - reproducing exercises;

    exercises to apply knowledge in new conditions - training exercises.

If, while performing actions, the student speaks to himself or out loud, comments on upcoming operations; such exercises are called commented exercises. Commenting on actions helps the teacher discover typical mistakes, make adjustments to the actions of students.

Let's consider the features of using exercises.

Oral exercises contribute to the development logical thinking, memory, speech and attention of students. They are dynamic and do not require time-consuming record keeping.

Writing exercises are used to consolidate knowledge and develop skills in its application. Their use contributes to the development of logical thinking and culture writing, independence at work. Written exercises can be combined with oral and graphic exercises.

To graphic exercises include student work on drawing up diagrams, drawings, graphs, technological maps, making albums, posters, stands, making sketches when conducting laboratory tests. practical work, excursions, etc. Graphic exercises are usually performed simultaneously with written ones and solve common educational problems. Their use helps students better perceive educational material and promotes the development of spatial imagination. Graphic works, depending on the degree of independence of students in their implementation, can be of a reproductive, training or creative nature.

Creative works students. Doing creative work is an important means of development creativity students, developing skills for purposeful independent work, expanding and deepening knowledge, and the ability to use it when performing specific tasks. Students' creative work includes: writing abstracts, essays, reviews, developing coursework and diploma projects, performing drawings, sketches and various other creative tasks.

Laboratory works - this is the conduct by students, on the instructions of the teacher, of experiments using instruments, the use of tools and other technical devices, i.e. this is the study by students of any phenomena using special equipment.

Practical lesson - this is the main type of training aimed at developing educational and professional practical skills.

Laboratory and practical classes play an important role in the learning process of students. Their significance lies in the fact that they contribute to the development in students of the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to solving practical problems, to conduct direct observations of ongoing processes and phenomena, and, based on the analysis of observation results, learn to independently draw conclusions and generalizations. Here students independently acquire knowledge and practical skills in handling instruments, materials, reagents, and equipment. Laboratory and practical classes are provided curriculum and related training programs. The teacher’s task is to methodically correctly organize students’ performance of laboratory and practical work, skillfully direct students’ activities, and provide classes necessary instructions, teaching aids, materials and equipment; clearly set the educational and cognitive goals of the lesson. It is also important, when conducting laboratory and practical work, to pose students questions of a creative nature that require independent formulation and solution of the problem. The teacher monitors the work of each student, provides assistance to those who need it, gives individual consultations, and fully supports the active cognitive activity of all students.

Conducted laboratory works in an illustrated or exploratory manner.

Practical work is carried out after studying large sections, and the topics are general in nature.

Problem-based learning methods

Problem-based learning involves the creation of problematic situations, i.e. such conditions or such a situation in which the need for processes of active thinking, cognitive independence of students, finding new yet unknown ways and techniques for completing a task, explaining yet unknown phenomena, events, processes.

Depending on the level of cognitive independence of students, the degree of complexity of problem situations and methods for solving them, the following methods of problem-based learning are distinguished.

Reporting presentation with problematic elements . This method involves the creation of single problem situations of minor complexity. The teacher creates problematic situations only at certain stages of the lesson in order to arouse students’ interest in the issue being studied and concentrate their attention on their words and actions. Problems are solved as new material is presented by the teacher himself. When using this method in teaching, the role of students is rather passive, the level of their cognitive independence is low.

Cognitive problem presentation. The essence of this method is that the teacher, creating problematic situations, poses specific educational and cognitive problems and, in the process of presenting the material, implements indicative solution problems posed. Here, using a personal example, the teacher shows students what techniques and in what logical sequence they should solve problems that arise in a given situation. By mastering the logic of reasoning and the sequence of search techniques that the teacher uses in the process of solving a problem, students perform actions according to the model, mentally analyze problem situations, compare facts and phenomena and become familiar with the methods of constructing a proof.

In such a lesson, the teacher uses a wide range of methodological techniques - creating problematic situation in order to formulate and solve an educational-cognitive problem: explanation, story, use of technical means and visual teaching aids.

Dialogical problem presentation. The teacher creates a problematic situation. The problem is solved through the joint efforts of the teacher and students. The most active role of students is manifested at those stages of problem solving where the application of knowledge already known to them is required. This method creates quite wide opportunities for active creative, independent cognitive activity students, provides close feedback in learning, the student gets used to expressing his opinions out loud, proving and defending them, which, in the best possible way, fosters the activity of his life position.

Heuristic or partial search method used when the teacher sets a goal to teach students individual elements independent decision problems, organize and conduct a partial search for new knowledge by students. The search for a solution to a problem is carried out either in the form of certain practical actions, or through visually effective or abstract thinking- based on personal observations or information received from the teacher, from written sources, etc. As with other methods of problem-based learning, the teacher at the beginning of the lesson poses a problem to the students in verbal form, or by demonstrating experience, or in the form of a task, consisting in the fact that, on the basis of the information received about facts, events, the structure of various machines, units, mechanisms, students draw independent conclusions, come to a certain generalization, establish cause-and-effect relationships and patterns, significant differences and fundamental similarities.

Research method. There are few differences in the activities of a teacher when using research and heuristic methods. Both methods are identical in terms of constructing their content. Both heuristic and research methods involve the formulation of educational problems and problematic tasks; the teacher controls the educational and cognitive activities of students, and students in both cases acquire new knowledge, mainly by solving educational problems.

If in the process of implementing the heuristic method, questions, instructions and particular problem tasks are proactive in nature, i.e. they are posed before or in the process of solving the problem, and they perform a guiding function, then with the research method questions are posed after students have basically completed with the solution of educational and cognitive problems and their formulation serves as a means for students to control and self-test the correctness of their conclusions and concepts, acquired knowledge.

The research method is thus more complex and characterized by more high level independent creative search activities of students. It can be used in classes with students who have a high level of development and fairly good skills in creative work, independent solving of educational and cognitive problems, because this method of teaching in its nature is close to scientific research activities.

Selection of teaching methods

In pedagogical science based on study and generalization practical experience teachers have developed certain approaches to the choice of teaching methods depending on various combinations of specific circumstances and conditions of the educational process.

The choice of teaching method depends on:

    from the general goals of education, upbringing and development of students and the leading principles of modern didactics;

    on the characteristics of the subject being studied;

    on the characteristics of the teaching methodology of a particular academic discipline and the requirements for the selection of general didactic methods determined by its specificity;

    on the purpose, objectives and content of the material of a particular lesson;

    on the time allocated for studying this or that material;

    on the age characteristics of students;

    on the level of preparedness of students (education, good manners and development);

    from material equipment educational institution, availability of equipment, visual aids, technical means;

    on the capabilities and characteristics of the teacher, the level of theoretical and practical preparedness, methodological skills, and his personal qualities.

By choosing and applying teaching methods and techniques, teaching worker strives to find the most effective methods training that would ensure high quality knowledge, development of mental and creative abilities, cognitive, and most importantly, independent activity of students.

What methods of work were used in the lesson? General assessment of their application.

And how was the clarity expressed in the lesson: what demonstration tools were used, what illustrations were carried out? How were students' emotional experiences used? Evaluation of the use of these funds.

Did students work independently during the lesson and what forms did it take? Evaluation of the methodology for this work.

How was the reinforcement of new material in the lesson and repetition of what was learned organized?

Was there any variation in repetition?

How did the teacher pose the questions, their editing, sequence?

What is the individual approach to students and assessment of this type of work?

Was homework prepared and when was it given to the class?

How was the understanding of completed homework, lesson material, and past material taken into account during the lesson?

Teacher's behavior in class

Teacher's speech: correctness, clarity, accuracy, expressiveness, moderation.

Knowledge of the material.

Teacher literacy.

Mastery of technology (writing on a chalkboard, illustrations, demonstrations, laboratory work).

Knowledge of subject methodology.

The general nature of the teacher’s behavior in the classroom.

Lesson evaluation

What new did the lesson teach the students? Was it distinguished by its integrity and completeness? Is the dosage of material in the lesson correct?

The connection between the topic of the lesson and the previous material and how was it expressed?

Did the teacher maintain consistency in the lesson - didactic and logical?

Did the lesson raise questions for further work?

How was the correctional and educational work expressed in the lesson: sensorimotor education, structural simplicity of the lesson? Development of a range of ideas, comprehension of educational material, whether comparisons were made, whether generalizations and conclusions were made, illustrative material in the lesson.

What skills did the lesson teach the students and what skills did it develop in them?

Did the students understand the lesson material?

How did they develop certain skills?

Have the skills been practiced?

General assessment of educational work in the lesson.

How does the teacher evaluate his lesson?

General assessment of the selection of educational material, methods of work in the classroom, educational work, and teacher behavior.

What changes could be made to the lesson flow and working methods?

Assessing the pace of the lesson.

Overall assessment of the lesson.


“Methods and forms of educational work”

1. Teaching methods in a special school

Teaching methods are both a historical and a social category. Educational institutions are being reformed, the content of education is changing, following this, the ways of teaching and learning are changing, the school is faced with new tasks, the content of education is changing, and therefore teaching methods are changing. For this purpose, new means are used or traditional ones are improved.

From a philosophical point of view, the teaching method is called a form of content movement in the educational process. Consequently, any educational content cannot be introduced into the educational process outside of the method. One of the main tasks of a teacher is the optimal choice of teaching methods to provide education, upbringing, correction and development of students.

In the pedagogical literature there are various definitions of teaching methods. For example, in the theory of the formation of mental actions P.Ya. Galperin and N.V. Talyzina designs different methods of educational activity than in the theory of N.A. Menchinskaya and in the concept of problem-based learning by M.I. Makhmutova. Many didactics in their interpretation of the teaching method proceed from the understanding of learning as a joint activity of the teacher and students.

Teaching methods- these are the methods (types) of interconnected work of the teacher and students, with the help of which mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities is achieved, the worldview of students is formed, and their abilities are developed.

Any method must perform educational, educational, corrective and developmental functions if it is applied correctly, corresponds to the content of the lesson, is chosen adequately for the psychophysiological characteristics of students, if it is used not in isolation, but in combination with other teaching methods. Yu.K. Babansky noted that it is impossible “to find a universal method, a universal means or form of education suitable for all conditions,” it is necessary “in each specific case to evaluate the existing conditions and choose the best option for the learning process specifically for that situation” 1.

When choosing a method, the teacher must proceed from the fact that in given specific conditions this particular method will have the greatest educational, corrective, developmental and nurturing effect.

Teaching methods in the educational process of Type VIII schools closely interact with each other. Therefore, it is more correct to talk about their effective, optimal combination. This is determined by the goals, content of the lesson, the psychophysical characteristics of the students, the composition and preparedness of the class, etc., as well as the skill and personal capabilities of the teachers themselves.

Teaching methods are implemented through techniques, in certain forms and using certain means.

Methodical techniques- specific methods, elements of the method, reflecting the individual actions of the teacher and students in the learning process.

The variety of methodological techniques and their combinations, the introduction of new ones demonstrates the creativity and skill of the teacher, increasing the effectiveness of the teaching process.

Teaching methods are varied and numerous, so there is a need to systematize and classify them. By now

1 Babansky Yu.K.

time there is no uniform classification of methods. Different authors, when offering their classifications, base them on different characteristics. It should be noted that any classification of methods is relative, since in practice, as already noted, the methods are used in a complex and mutually integrate.

M.N. Skatkin and I.Ya. Lerner 1, based on the nature of students’ cognitive activity, subdivide methods explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, problematic, partially exploratory And research.

Yu.K. Babansky 2 identified the special functions of individual groups of teaching methods and proposed the following classification:

    methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities of students, the dominant function of which is to organize the cognitive activity of students through sensory perception and logical comprehension educational information, independence in the search for new knowledge;

    methods of stimulation and motivation of cognitive activitytelnosti, the dominant function of which is stimulating-motivational, regulatory, communicative;

    methods of control and self-control of educational and cognitiveactivities, whose dominant function is control and evaluation activities.

We will consider in more detail the traditional, historically established classification in practical activities, based on sources of knowledge: verbal, visual And practical methods of teaching mentally retarded children.

This classification, like all others, is criticized, in particular, by certain representatives of psychological science, who note that the word is not a source of knowledge, but the most important component of the cognitive process, that the word creates an image of a phenomenon, and this is a stage in the process of formation knowledge, and therefore the word cannot be considered as a source. However, the word can act both as a means of generating knowledge and as its source. This has been proven by the historical practice of teaching and the experience of life itself.

Each group of methods (verbal, visual, practical) includes related types. So, types of verbal methods, used in the VIII type school are teacher's storyclarification, conversation, work with a book. They are traditional, but in modern conditions they should be considered not only in terms of communicating ready-made educational information, but to a greater extent as a means of developing students’ thinking and their creative capabilities. So, in the process of a conversation or story, you can not only

1Lerner I.Ya. Didactic foundations of teaching methods. M: Pedagogy, 1981.

2 Babansky Yu.K. Teaching methods in a modern secondary school. M.: Education, 1985.

present educational material, but also answer students’ questions, and with a well-thought-out system of questions from the teacher, provoke mental activity in students.

TO visual methods teaching mentally retarded schoolchildren are of various types observations children, illu methodstrations And demonstration method.

The main feature of this group of methods is that the main source of knowledge when using them is the image (observable objects, phenomena, various visual aids). These methods are usually used in Type VIII schools in combination with verbal teaching methods, but can also be used with elements of problem-based learning and be creative in nature.

The use of visual methods in teaching is closely related to the implementation of the principle of visibility. However, these concepts cannot be mixed, they are different. Visualization is an important principle of learning, proclaimed by Ya.A. Komensky. This principle is implemented in almost all lessons in Type VIII schools; it is combined with any other methods. Thus, the use of visualization in the process of applying verbal methods was discussed above, but in those cases it was the word that was the source of information for students. When visibility becomes the main source of knowledge, it acquires the function of a method. The teacher conveys knowledge by showing, and the students’ activities are aimed at visual perception of objects and phenomena. Observing the demonstrated manuals (on their own, and more often with the help of the teacher’s carefully thought-out questions that organize the child’s perception), students reason, make simple generalizations and conclusions.

TO practical methods training used in a special school of the VIII type includes exercises, laboratory and practical work, experiments, educational and productive work.

Practical teaching methods are based on the practical activities of students, which should be carried out under the guidance of a teacher and using elements of visualization. The question of the cognitive significance of practical actions for mentally retarded students was considered by V.G. Petrova. The use of practical methods is associated with the active activity of students’ receptors and analyzers, with the development of their general labor activity. At the same time, of course, the role of verbal thinking and speech in the implementation of practical actions is not denied.

So, the main source of knowledge when using practical teaching methods is action, that is, the activity performed by students.

The choice of teaching methods is determined by a number of factors: the objectives of the school at the current stage of development, the academic subject, the content of the material being studied, the age and level of development of students, as well as their level of readiness to master the educational material. The choice of teaching methods is influenced by the correctional focus of education in a special school, preparing students to master a specific profession, as well as solving problems of social adaptation.

Methods and techniques that contribute to conducting an effective lesson.

A bad teacher teaches the truth

A good one teaches you how to find it.

A. Diesterweg

At present, unfortunately, most teachers do not strive to change their teaching style: “there is no time and energy to comprehend anything new, and there is no point in it. Traditional lesson- How dear person, everything in it is close and clear: even if it does not always satisfy modern requirements, but in the lesson - everything is familiar, familiar, understandable - traditional"

So maybe it’s not worth changing anything?

The main task of a teacher is not only to give students a certain amount of knowledge, but also to develop their interest in learning and teach them how to learn.

A lesson is the main form of organizing the educational process, and the quality of teaching is, first of all, the quality of the lesson.

Without well-thought-out teaching methods, it is difficult to organize the assimilation of program material. That is why it is necessary to improve those methods and means of teaching that help to involve students in cognitive search: they help teach students to actively, independently obtain knowledge, excite their thoughts and develop interest in learning.

The choice of method depends on many conditions: learning goals; level of preparedness

students; age of students; time allotted for studying the material;

school equipment; theoretical and practical preparedness of the teacher. Every

The teaching method contains its own set of techniques that help the most

effectively implement the method in practice.

We know many methods:

Verbal methods (the source is the spoken or printed word);
visual methods (the source of knowledge is observable objects, phenomena; visual aids); practical methods (students gain knowledge and develop skills and abilities by performing practical actions);
problem-based learning methods.

Verbal methods occupy a leading place in the system of teaching methods. Verbal methods make it possible to convey a large amount of information in the shortest possible time, pose problems to students and indicate ways to solve them. The word activates the imagination, memory, and feelings of students. Verbal methods are divided into the following types: story, explanation, conversation, discussion, lecture, work with a book.

Visual teaching methods can be divided into two large groups: the illustration method and the demonstration method.

The illustration method involves showing students illustrated aids: posters, tables, paintings, maps, sketches on the board, etc.
The method of demonstrations is usually associated with the demonstration of instruments, experiments, technical Problem-based learning involves the creation of problem situations, i.e. such conditions or such an environment in which the need for processes of active thinking, cognitive independence of students, finding new unknown ways and techniques for completing a task, explanation still unknown phenomena, events, processes.

And there are even more different techniques.

But we all remember this well and use it in our work. I would like to dwell on those techniques that not every teacher has heard of, and even if they have heard, they do not always apply.

For example, such effective lesson techniques

  • "Basket of Ideas"
  • Creating a cluster
  • "Notes in the margins"
  • Drawing up a marking table ZUH
  • Writing a syncwine
  • Essay writing
  • "Lecture with feet"

Reception “Basket” of ideas, concepts, names...

  • This is a technique for organizing individual and group work of students at the initial stage of the lesson, when their existing experience and knowledge is being updated. It allows you to find out everything that students know or think they know about the topic being discussed in the lesson. You can draw a basket icon on the board, in which everything that all students together know about the topic being studied will be collected.

Technique “Creating a cluster”

  • The meaning of this technique is an attempt to systematize existing knowledge on a particular problem. It is associated with the “basket” technique, since the contents of the “basket” are most often subject to systematization. A cluster is a graphic organization of material that shows the semantic fields of a particular concept. The word cluster in translation means a bunch, a constellation. Clustering allows students to think freely and openly about a topic. The student writes down the key concept in the center of the sheet, and from it draws arrows-rays in different directions, which connect this word with others, from which in turn the rays diverge further and further. The cluster can be used at a variety of stages of the lesson.

Technique for compiling a marking table “ZUKH” (I know, I learned something new, I want to know more)

  • One of the possible forms of monitoring the effectiveness of reading with notes is the compilation of a marking table. It has three columns: I know, I learned something new, I want to find out in more detail, which corresponds to the abbreviation ZUKH.
  • In each of the columns it is necessary to include the information obtained during reading the text. A special requirement is that you write down information, concepts or facts only in your own words, without quoting a textbook or other text with which you worked.

Technique “Writing a syncwine”

  • Translated from French, the word “cinquain” means a poem consisting of five lines, which is written according to certain rules. What is the point of this methodological technique? Compiling a syncwine requires the student to briefly summarize the educational material and information, which allows him to reflect on any occasion. This is a form of free creativity, but according to certain rules.
  • The rules for writing syncwine are as follows. The first line contains one word - a noun. This is the theme of syncwine. On the second line you need to write two adjectives that reveal the theme of syncwine. On the third line they write three verbs describing actions related to the topic of syncwine. The fourth line contains a whole phrase, a sentence consisting of several words, with the help of which the student expresses his attitude to the topic. It could be popular expression, quotation or phrase composed by the student in the context of the topic. The last line is a summary word that gives a new interpretation of the topic and allows you to express a personal attitude towards it. It is clear that the theme of syncwine should be, if possible, emotional.

Technique “Writing an Essay”

  • The meaning of this technique can be expressed in the following words: “I write in order to understand what I think.” This is a free letter on a given topic, in which independence, manifestation of individuality, discussion, originality of problem solving, and argumentation are valued. Usually the essay is written directly in class after discussing the problem and takes no more than 5 minutes.

I focused partially only on those techniques that children perceive with pleasure.

All of the listed methods and techniques for organizing work in lessons meet the requirements of new standards and help to involve greatest number students in

educational process, increase interest in the subject. Guys in the process of learning

master the skills of selecting information, setting goals and solving problems that

will be useful to them not only in the educational process, but also in life. Interaction and

cooperation contributes to the formation of a culture of behavior.

Kvakina Tatyana Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher of Russian language and literature
Educational institution: MKOU Krasnooktyabrskaya secondary school
Locality: Chuvashi village, Kirovo-Chepetsk district, Kirov region
Name of material: article
Subject:"Active teaching methods in Russian language and literature lessons in the context of the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard"
Publication date: 08.05.2017
Chapter: secondary education

Active learning techniques

in Russian language and literature lessons

in the context of the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.


Nowadays, modernization processes also affect schools; they are associated with

transition from a knowledge paradigm of education to an activity-oriented one, focusing on






meta-subject and subject results of mastering PLO (main educational

program) involves not only updating the content, but also changing approaches

to the organization educational process aimed at implementing the requirements

Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) (Federal State Educational Standard).

The main task today is to transfer students into self-development mode.

Our school in 2015-2016 academic year began implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the main

school. This is my second year working under the new standards. Little experience so far

some developments. Working according to the Federal State Educational Standard is difficult, but it is possible and interesting. Are changing









standards, lesson



those who came



were taught to work according to the Federal State Educational Standard, and we, teachers, turned out to be less prepared than the children.

My task now, unlike previous work, when it was possible

clearer and more accessible

explain everything in the lesson, show it,




the weakest

activity. I must organize the lesson so that the children independently master


on one's own


various problems: cognitive, educational and practical, life. That's why

I had to rethink my

pedagogical experience and respond to questions in a new way

questions: how to teach, how to develop children’s ability and desire to learn, what is

universal learning activities and how to continue to shape them.

Universal learning activities.





ability to learn. In this regard, those UUDs that are introduced become very relevant

a) Personal:

formation of the foundations of civic identity;

legal awareness, interpersonal relationships;

choice of specialized education and readiness for further self-education.

b) Regulatory:

ability to set goals and objectives,

be able to control your actions,

plan future results.

c) Communication:

ability to work in a group,

coordinate your actions

negotiate and maintain contacts;

speech activity.

d) Cognitive:

meaningful reading and conscious work with information;

design and research work;

studying various actions and operations and the ability to apply them in practice.

"At the heart of development

UUD is based on a system-activity approach. Activity

the student is recognized as the basis for achieving the developing goals of education –

knowledge is not transferred to finished form, but are obtained by the students themselves in the process

cognitive activity".

System-activity approach.

Features of Federal State Educational Standards LLC (federal










student's personality. It gives children the opportunity to grow up to be people who






based on their existing theoretical knowledge, will have the skills to





make decisions based on the analysis. The student is now in charge








A whole system of didactic principles ensures the implementation of technology

system-activity method in practical teaching:

operating principle;

principle of continuity;

the principle of a holistic view of the world;

the principle of psychological comfort;

principle of variability;

principle of creativity.




process of research activities, so children acquire knowledge

personal significance. As a teacher, I only direct the activities of my students.

Activity-oriented lessons on goal setting can be distributed

into four groups

Lessons in discovering new knowledge.

Lessons on skills development and reflection.

Lessons of general methodological orientation.

Lessons in developmental control.

Features of a modern lesson within the framework of systemic activity

approach. As part of changing approaches to educational process she herself is changing

the structure of the lesson, although in essence all the same stages of the lesson were highlighted earlier.

Modern lesson of Russian language and literature in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

the new generation should include the following main steps. I won't tell you

list them, but if anyone is interested, I can offer a constructor

lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard. (Gromova Victoria Ivanovna and Storozheva Tatyana Yurievna)

2) What are the requirements for modern lesson Russian

language and literature in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard:

Fine organized lesson in a well-equipped office should have

good beginning and good ending;





clearly formulate the topic, purpose, objectives of the lesson;

the lesson should be problematic and developing: the teacher himself aims at

cooperation with students and is able to direct students to cooperate with

teacher and classmates;



search engines



student activities;

the students themselves make the conclusion;

minimum reproduction and maximum creativity and co-creation;

the focus of the lesson is children;

taking into account the level and capabilities of students (class profile, student aspirations,

children's mood);

the ability to demonstrate the methodological art of a teacher;

the lesson should be good.

3) Now let’s take a closer look at some of the methods of working within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Motivation stage. I consider the motivation stage to be one of the important stages in the lesson.

students to activities in the lesson. Children should be surprised, go ahead, and







solve a problem, investigate an issue, find a solution. Motivation can be in

at the beginning of the lesson and at any stage of the lesson. There are different methods of motivation.

In the Russian language lesson I use rhyming exercises, grammar

fairy tales, because children are very sensitive to words and images.


children's reception



A universal technique aimed at attracting interest in the topic of the lesson. He

involves transferring the learning situation to unusual conditions or environments. Can

transport yourself


let's go


come up with










Reception "Associative series". To the topic or specific concept of the lesson you need

write down association words in a column. The output will be as follows. If the row turns out




draw up


using the written words, then listen, compare with the dictionary version,




explain new topic, at the end of the lesson, come back and add or erase something.









a direction that elevates feeling to a cult. Or in a literature lesson you can offer

game with words. When studying the writer’s work, looking at his portrait, let the guys




will be interested in the lesson material.



For students

are offered





getting to know him. The results obtained are discussed together. This kind of work with





information, information

consider it thoughtfully, critically, draw conclusions about the accuracy and value of this






expressive and clear speech. Difficult to pronounce words are spoken in chorus.

Appropriate, improvements, journalistic, overturning

Reception “Delayed guessing”. A universal TRIZ technique aimed at

activating the mental activity of students in the classroom. Forms: skill

analyze and compare facts; ability to identify contradictions; skill

find a solution with available resources. 1 reception option. At the beginning of the lesson the teacher

gives a riddle ( amazing fact), the answer to which (the key to understanding) will be

open in class when working on new material. Reception option 2. Riddle

(amazing fact) give at the end of the lesson to start the next lesson with.

Example. At the beginning of the lesson, I announced that our conversation would be about poetry, just the name

have to

For students


poems published on separate sheet, of course, without specifying a name

Reception of "Parables". Used at the motivation stage. Example "Once upon a time a Sultan

decided to put his viziers to the test. “Oh, my subjects!” - he turned to

him, - I have a difficult task for you. I would like to know who will solve it. He led them

into the garden, in the corner there was a rusty door with a huge lock. “Whoever opens the door will become

first vizier." Some courtiers only shook their heads, others began to lock

look, others began to hesitantly push the door, but they were convinced that

will be able to open it. One by one they left. But one vizier carefully examined and

leaned his shoulder against the door. He pushed her and - oh, miracle! - she began to give in,



opened up.

you rely not only on what you see and hear, but also believe in your own strength.”

How do you understand the main idea of ​​the text? How will she help us in class?

O native language, about its history, about the origin of many words and expressions, as well as

information about the science of language learning. Example. It is a known fact that V. Hugo, having finished

novel "Les Miserables", sent the manuscript to the publisher, enclosing a letter in which

there was not a single word. The letter consisted of a "?" Publisher immediately

responded with a wordless letter: “!”

Motivation technique “Quotes, proverbs, sayings, riddles.” Example. "Language -

this is the history of the people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. Therefore, the study and

saving the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing to do, but

urgent need." (A.I. Kuprin.)


just a minute"

we use.









For example,


it turns out that it comes from the word SPEAR: in the old days this coin depicted

horseman with a spear. The noun RUBLE is historically connected with the verb CHAPPING:

V Ancient Rus' when exchanging large silver or gold bars (bars)

chopped into pieces. This was required if the item cost less than

Using visual aids in the classroom, especially since ICT makes the teacher’s task easier

student motivation.

The result of effective school motivation is one thing - sincere interest


On goal setting stage children must formulate their own goals,

and not only subject, but also personal (Why do I need this?).

We often make a table “I know. I want to know. Found out" To the last column

We return to our table at the end of the lesson. This is also a technique of the reflection stage

educational activities.

I teach children how to plan work in a lesson, determine the sequence

our work. As a teacher, I can only guess how the lesson might go.



Determine the sequence of our work.)

Update stage.

Reception « Intelligent

warm-up." Can

lesson with intellectual












generalize, highlight the main thing.

Reception "Crossword"

Crossword puzzles in the classroom are about updating and consolidating knowledge, attracting

attention to the material, intellectual exercise in an entertaining way. Students

They love solving riddles, puzzles and crosswords.







according to


studying a topic, write down your thoughts.

Known information and assumptions in the first column, and new information in the second


makes a wish


sentence), the student tries to find the answer by asking questions to which the answerer

can only say “yes” and “no” or “both yes and no.” Example. During the lesson I did

syntactical analysis of the sentence “He reads fables all night, and these are the fruits of these





a word chosen by the teacher from a given sentence for the purpose of repeating information

different sections of the language. People ask me questions: Does this word have two syllables? (Yes it

function part of speech? (no) Is this word conjugated? (no) This word is used in

second part of the sentence? (yes) etc. and, based on the teacher’s answers, at the end

Finally, students find a solution to the problem.

Reception "Dictation for backfilling."

Similar thematic dictations in a comprehensive manner

check the assimilation of knowledge in any section of spelling. Example. Prim

the devil in black silk clothes sat on a hard sofa and drank cheap acorn

coffee, occasionally clinking glasses with his reflection in the heavy, glossy samovar standing

on a chocolate-colored brocade tablecloth. The devil was a big glutton and, despite

heartburn and a sore liver, I ate gooseberries and condensed milk. After eating and

threatening his reflection with his finger, the devil, smartly shaking his bangs, set off

tap dance. The clatter of his hooves was so strong that in the basement

they thought there was a horse prancing overhead. However, the devil was not a very skilled dancer

and, having made one not entirely successful leap, crashed into a samovar and burned his patch,

covered with soft fur. The burn was very severe. The devil is saddened by the scanty sheep

rushed to the barrel of soaked apples and stuck the burnt patch into it.

“They say it’s true that God doesn’t protect the uncared for,” cursed the devil












the correct answers. Each “jockey” must find his own “horse”. This toy

applicable even in lessons of learning new material. Her most unpleasant feature is


to the team



requires a certain formation of a culture of behavior.





activating the mental activity of students in the classroom. Allows you to include in

game shell big number monotonous examples or tasks. Forms:

study skills; skill to work in team; the ability to listen and hear each other.




similar tasks for speed and accuracy.

Imagine that you

you work as a newspaper editor and are responsible for the release of the next issue, and in the text

errors have crept in, find and correct them. The fastest team wins

and will complete the task more correctly.

Reception “Linguistic tasks”.

This type of work is very useful both for

lesson and as additional homework. Systematic solution






who themselves begin to offer the class independently composed tasks. Not

this is always successful, but after some adjustment on the part of the teacher

The assignments are really interesting. Example. Task 1. In the coastal

hotel “Fonetics”, located in the resort town, must stay in

single, double, triple and quadruple rooms sounds [ы], [ж],

[A], [P], [U], [B], [W], [O], [P], [C]. Help the hotel administrator resettle everyone

these sounds so that there are no complaints about inconvenience from guests.

Task 2. Dunno decided to help Morphology collect things in hiking trip. IN





spellings, commas, adjectives. What things will Morphology have to release?

from a backpack? Problem 3. Given: 1) specialist, r..recommendation, selective 2) cr..tery,

use..beat, g..state 3)t..territory, support..rat, representation 4)motivate,

b..zirovatsya, pronunciation. Solution. Find: In which row is missing in all words

unstressed checked vowel of the root?

Technique “Morpheme Constructor”.

What will happen

word, if from the word

grew up, take the prefix, take the root from the word snowflake, take the root from the word alarm clock

suffix, from the word day to take the ending. (Snowdrop)

Technique “Vocabulary dictation “Guess the word”. Example: dictation “Guess the word











invention; the predominant meaning of something

(a priority); - person chosen

in any way





(delegate); - elected member of the legislative assembly (deputy); - a person who loves

his homeland (patriot).

Technique "Phonetic constructor". Example. Collect a word from the following

sounds: t soft, c hard, two vowel sounds a, c hard, b hard (wedding).

The "Fourth wheel" technique. This is finding

in the group of extra items.




fall in love


“Spelling of imperative verbs”

On stage of primary consolidation of knowledge I use hand raising games.






student activities and relaxation. Example - the game " Soft sign or

solid sign? The teacher names the words. If the word starts with b, the students raise

right hand, if with b - then left. The same can be done with adjectives and



a physical minute.


stay where you are. If it’s communion, we get up. Those who stood up explain why

they decided so.




come up with synonyms for the word COLD? Who can remember more words with double


Who can come up with more words with the same root for the word school?

name more words with the same root RAST-RASH-ROS?

Technique “Who will complete the task faster and more correctly?” During the lesson when

children perform the exercises independently, those who complete them faster and

More correctly, I give ratings. The first three notebooks are to be checked. Usually it's alone

and the same students, but they compete with each other to see who is more correct.

Reception "Dreamer".

The topic of the lesson is written on the board. Name 5 ways

application of knowledge, skills and abilities on this topic in life.

At the stage of independent work with self-test can be used


Mini projects

fit into one lesson. Their development is most productive in the classroom

reflections. Example Mini-project “Polysemantic words”, which consists

in the following: students must make a flower whose petals are

meanings of a polysemantic word. While working on this project, children, first of all,










"Phraseological units"




illustrate a phraseological unit, remembering its metaphorical and figurative nature.

The complexity of the task and at the same time its interest lies precisely in the fact that

the guys must come up with a metaphorical image themselves that would reflect everything






The activity method allows you to search for truth in the form of dialogue. Therefore

Working in groups and pairs is very important. Children are involved in active work, each

wants to speak out, there are no indifferent people. And I listen to all opinions. Discussing in

questions in dialogue, children solve the problem themselves and draw conclusions. I'm just a little

I guide them and lead them to the discovery of new knowledge. After the discussion, I will summarize:

I introduce






actions or cluster.

I think it is very important to teach children to work in pairs, groups, to teach

listen to the opinions of others, express your own, and draw conclusions. Working in pairs




cognitive, communicative.

The technology for forming groups is as follows. To organize a group, children sitting

at the first desk, they simply turn to those who are sitting at the second desk and so on

differing in degree of level (low, medium, high). Pairs from

two weak students– they have nothing to exchange with each other. The teacher needs

only regulate the noise level in the classroom when working in groups. I'm warning you

On stage


I use



Students are asked to complete a series of sentences. 1. At the Russian language lesson

I feel like….. 2. I think that Russian language lessons

pass…… 3. What I love most about Russian language lessons is…. 4. I don't

I really like…… 5. If I were a Russian language teacher, I would…..

Reception "Pyaterochka". The guys outline the outline of their palm and write in

your opinion about the lesson. The thumb is important and interesting to me.

Index finger – it was difficult for me. Middle finger- for me it was

not enough.




The “Super Control” technique is also interesting for children. Test text

students develop for each other. Write assignments on one sheet of paper,

other answers. During the lesson they exchange tasks and complete them. According to their own

Answer sheets are checked for completion. On this test the student receives

three marks - for assignments, completion and answers with verification. It's worth the effort.

The average rating is given.



in a way






a) insert the missing letters, form a word from them, and it








(concepts) c) take a prefix from the word “train”, take the root from the word





“win-win lottery” - draw a ticket with a task option.

I pay great attention to students’ thoughts about what was difficult for them,

What difficulties did you experience and why? Reflection is carried out on different stages

lesson. For example, before starting work in pairs, you can ask the question: How do you like it?

Will working in pairs help? At the final stage, you can ask: What are the difficulties?

met, What new did you learn in class? How can this knowledge be used in

life? (reception “Dreamer”)

Preparing to work according to new standards, studying innovative technologies,





“Tell me

a word..."

I use it at the end of the lesson.

“I realized that...”

"I learned…"

“I think that...”, etc.

Reception “Question to the text”. Before studying the educational text, children are given

draw up




number of questions, their type. At the end of the lesson you can give the task to make up questions

to consolidate educational material or mutual examination at the next lesson or

You are given the task to create questions that you can easily answer yourself. So

In this way, we indirectly identify the level of mastery of the material and obtain a list

questions for a survey in the next lesson.

P r i o m"Sinquain"




individual work, but first you need to compose it as a whole class. Can

turn on




how much





syncwine: Epithet Bright, colorful Expresses, attracts, pleases Beauty

At different stages I use the “Create a Passport” technique.





essential and non-essential features of the phenomenon being studied; creating a short

characteristics of the concept being studied, comparing it with other similar concepts

(Russian language, mathematics, the world, literature). This is a universal technique

drawing up





plan. For example ,







(make up

Gerasima (“Mu-mu”); in Russian – parts of speech, members of sentences, parts

words, linguistic terms..

There are actually a lot of techniques, it’s impossible to talk about them all. I advise

you book by T.Yu. Baturlakina “Methodological manual

to create a modern





institutions of secondary vocational education and NGOs), Armavir, 2013.

Criteria for lesson effectiveness using a system-activity approach:

1. Lesson goals are set with a tendency to transfer functions from teacher to student. Teacher

systematically teaches children to carry out reflexive action (evaluate their

willingness to reveal ignorance, find the causes of difficulties, etc.)

2. Various forms, methods and techniques of training are used to increase

the degree of student activity in the educational process.

3. The teacher knows the technology of dialogue, teaches students to put and address

4. The teacher effectively combines reproductive and problem-based forms of teaching,

teaches children to work according to rules and creatively.

are given







control and evaluation



6. The teacher achieves understanding of the educational material by all students, using

there are special techniques for this.

7. The teacher strives to evaluate the real progress of each student, encourages and

maintains minimal progress.

8. The teacher specifically plans the communicative tasks of the lesson.

9. The teacher accepts and encourages his own position expressed by the student,

a different opinion, teaches the correct forms of their expression.

10. The style and tone of relationships set in the lesson create an atmosphere of cooperation,

co-creativity, psychological comfort.

11. In the lesson there is a deep personal impact “teacher - student”

(through relationships, joint activities, etc.)

That. Main feature educational process

in the activity approach system

is that the student becomes the center of activity, and the teacher acts as






activity, initiative, independence.

Advantages and disadvantages.





activities. Among them, the most important result is a change in student motivation.




preserving the motives for educational and cognitive activity in the student’s soul. And this is in





material awakens students to take a closer look at the previously unknown

and figure it out.

Positive changes have also occurred in the activities of students. Self-sufficient

More time is devoted to work in the lesson than before, and its nature has become

exploratory, creative, productive.

As a teacher, I am called upon to teach children creativity, to cultivate creativity in every child.









problems, think critically, engage in discussion, communicate. Therefore, in










educational process.

Certain problems during approbation of Federal State Educational Standards LLC:

improvement of program and methodological potential is required;

The stable methodology for conducting a lesson that has developed over previous years is still

slows down the introduction of new forms and technologies;






perfection of techniques, technologies of project method;

poor development individual approach in educational activities;

lack of diagnostic materials for assessing mastery of meta-subjects

action complicates the teacher’s activities;




improve and develop in collaboration with parents.





materials and the most modern equipment will not give results if you do not start with

myself. Even formed communicative, professional, information

competencies will not yet ensure the fulfillment of the objectives of the standard. Guaranteed success

realizing the goals of education according to the new standard can become a new consciousness,

a new position, a new attitude towards teaching.

Features of the construction of the lesson of the module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”.

I structure the lesson from the perspective of achieving subject and meta-subject results. The set goals are realized by observing certain requirements for the construction of the lesson.

Determining the stages of the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson motivation stage (knowledge updating). This builds students up emotionally and ensures that their experiences are connected to the new knowledge they are about to learn.

Formulating the lesson topic and defining objectives – this is also a separate stage, since independent discovery of the topic of the lesson and its goals allows not only to form regulatory educational actions, but also at the same time supports the motivation of students, helps them to identify the questions to which they need to find the correct answers.

Studying new material, systematizing and consolidating the learned knowledge takes most lesson. For this it is used problematic stage situation (search for a solution to the problem). After securing acquired new knowledge, we move on to forming an attitude, determining the student’s position towards the acquired knowledge, transferring the lesson to a personal level, using reflection stage, analytical stage, working with information.

The use of various techniques and methods in teaching this course is the main task. It is very important not to turn the lesson into a moralizing conversation. In lessons, try to create conditions for students to understand norms, rules and accept them through search, research, and the collision of different points of view. Use different types of activities, such as independent work, pair work, group work.

It is important at each stage of the lesson to evaluate the effectiveness of the work, returning to the questions formulated at the beginning of the lesson.

Methods and techniques for working in the classroom.

Active methods training is based on a practical orientation, built on game action and the creative nature of learning, interactivity, various communications, dialogue and polylogue, the use of knowledge and experience of students, a group form of organizing educational activities, involvement of all senses in the process, an activity-based approach to learning, movement and reflections. All active teaching methods used in ORKSE lessons can be divided into three groups:

· methods used at the beginning training session to create a favorable microclimate for the lesson,

· during its implementation

· and reflection.

Active learning methods (AMT) should arouse in students the desire to independently understand complex issues and, based on an analysis of existing factors and events, develop an optimal solution to the problem under study for its implementation in practice.

Active forms of classes are such forms of organizing the educational process that contribute to a diverse (individual, group, collective) study of educational issues, active interaction between students and teachers, a lively exchange of opinions between them, aimed at developing a correct understanding of the content of the topic being studied and how to practical use.

For each stage of the lesson, its own methods are used to effectively solve specific tasks of the stage.

At the beginning of the lesson you can use gaming methods. In the first lesson “Russia is our Motherland” the possibilities of the game “How we are alike” can be used. All students sit in a circle. The host invites one of the participants into the circle based on any real or imagined similarity with himself. For example: “Sveta, please come out to me, because you and I have the same hair color (or we are the same height, etc.).” Sveta comes out into the circle and invites one of the participants to come out in the same way. The game continues until all participants are in a circle. The teacher leads the children to the idea: if we are all in one big circle, then we are all somewhat similar to each other.

In the process of working on the topic of the lesson, I use the following methods:

Heuristic method – a method of cognition that is used to solve creative problems in the process of discovering new things. For example, discussing a problem situation: What to do if you are offended?

Method of moral discussions - used to create a problem situation that is understandable to students, which is relevant to real life and includes three to four questions . For example, based on analysis and evidence of the legitimacy of the “hero’s” behavior, choose various options answers. This method allows students to do independent choice in similar life situations.

Research method. They are used in the organization of training, in which students become researchers: they independently identify a hypothesis based on the data, draw conclusions and generalizations, and become familiar with the concepts on their own. For example, they prepare drawings, select examples, compose stories and fairy tales. For example, in a lesson on the topic: “ Golden Rule morality” select passages in the text with which they completely agree or those where they would like to argue. They formulate rules that must be followed by all people to live together in society.

Of particular interest was the form of work - interview. The guys write questions and interview their relatives about family traditions.

Problem-based learning. This method is used to increase interest in the subject. It manifests itself especially clearly when studying the topics “The Golden Rule of Morality” and “Justice”.

The main types of reading used are:

· introductory reading (extracting basic information or highlighting individual fragments);

· learning reading (extracting complete and accurate information with subsequent interpretation of the content of the text);

· exploratory reading (finding specific information or fact);

· reflective reading (comparing different points of view and different sources of information, comparing illustrative information with text information).

The use of printed aids (reproductions, illustrations, etc.) is aimed at creating a figurative perception of the material being studied, at establishing internal connections of the course not only at the theoretical, but also at the visual level.

Working with textbook texts helps to understand the essence of the phenomena and facts being studied. Taking into account the age characteristics and level of preparation of 4th grade students, the use of texts of a small volume of didactic and allegorical content (proverbs and sayings, parables, stories, fables, poems, etc.) can be considered optimal.
The use of various tasks for individual topics is aimed at developing general educational communication skills:

· tasks for composing questions to the text;

· tasks to search for information in a text (with a short answer in the form of a sentence, phrase or word);

· multiple-choice tasks (of a test nature);

· drafting a text plan;

· tasks of a logical nature (selection of synonyms, continue the chain of words);

· working with deformed text (insert a word; restore the sequence of sentences, etc.);

· tasks for transcoding text into another format (drawing a diagram, table, illustrating, etc.);

· assignments to the text (answering questions, headings, composing questions independently).

Use in lessons game exercises in the application of acceptable methods of behavior, mastering the skills of effective communication helps to establish good interpersonal relationships, increase communication skills, strengthen respect for others and self-esteem, and adjust one’s behavior.

Working in groups allows you to stimulate independent work, students’ thinking, ability to work in a team, increases the efficiency of mastering educational material, forms in the minds of students a consistent logical structure of knowledge, methods, concepts used in a given subject.


Exercise “Decipher the word.” Imagine that the word “communication” requires decoding, but an unusual one. It is necessary to use each letter included in the word in order to characterize the concept of “communication”. For example:

O - unification, openness;
B - proximity, safety;
Ш - generosity;
E - unity, like-mindedness;
N - necessity;
And - sincerity, truth.


Enter the words in the table: prudence, kindness, love, courage, modesty, humility, patience, diligence, chastity, generosity, so that the name can be read in the selected vertical cells ancient Greek philosopher, the founder of the science he called “ethics”.

Vocabulary dictation.

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Page creation date: 2017-11-22

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