Devices for transmitting computer data over long distances. Torsion means of communication and information transfer

The history of development.

Experiments in the field of torsion fields, as well as with
some consequences of G.I.Shipov’s Theory of Physical Vacuum and Fitonic
models by A.E. Akimov.

Since the mid-1980s, the defense departments and the KGB have financed
disparate pseudoscientific closed developments revolving around problems
communications, weapons, and non-drug effects on people. In 1986
there was a merger of various groups: they were included in the decision of the Council of Ministers. At
The SCST formed the "Center for Non-Traditional Technologies" headed by the General
Director of Cand. those. Sciences Akimov Anat. Evgen. (in different audiences he
appears either as a specialist in quantum electrodynamics or as
an electronics physicist, or as a communications specialist). Since then, accepted
unitary "ideology" using the terms "spinor" or "torsion"
fields, sometimes combined with the words "bioenergetics". Actually,
heretical currents with three ideologists persist: A.E. Akimov, A.F. Okhatrin
and A.V. Chernetsky. In the report on the development of the Center's work, Akimov speaks of two
periods: 25 years of "fundamental" work and the last decade - active
implementation of "discoveries" in practice.

It is argued that openly and already in full use of the new
fundamental long-range interaction between objects that have an angular
torque, including spin. This interaction explains all the common
fables about "psychics", healers, UFOs and "poltergeists", etc.
At the same time, the creation of a "unified theory of the physical vacuum" was proclaimed.
one of the types of polarization of which is the "torsion" field. Created and
generators of these fields and radiations are supplied (100 thousand apiece). But
no receivers! These fields are registered indirectly by their supposedly biological
action and with the help of the same psychics. Simultaneously (which is several
inconsistently!) it is stated that the problem of transformation has already been solved
"torsion" energy into electrical energy and back with an efficiency of 0.95. Torsion
radiation is characteristic of all objects of animate and inanimate nature (except for humans
in a dying state: the absence of a torsion field is a sure sign

Torsion fields are not absorbed or shielded, but may
focus, transmitted over fiberglass and copper wire. By using
these fields are supposed to solve the widest range of problems of communications, defense,
intelligence, technology, medicine, biology, Agriculture, ecology and
etc., see appendix. It is stated that by now
The following achievements have been recorded:

A) "Address" communication over any distance in any environment.
Information is transmitted in the form of modulation of the intensity of the "spinor"
("torsion") radiation. With the help of a "matched matrix" radiation
"cord stream" at a speed of a million times the speed of light
delivered to the addressee and only to him. (The addressee is a psychic, and the "agreed
Matrix" - his photo!).

B) Gravity compensation. It is claimed to have been observed
controlled weight change.

C) The smelting of ideally amorphous materials in the "torsion

D) Production of energy from a vacuum.

E) Of course, any healing.

Etc. etc.

Committee Supreme Council USSR in science and technology
meeting on 07/04/1991, considered the issue of ongoing in a number of scientific
divisions of the USSR (at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Academy of Sciences of the republics, in research
structures of a number of ministries and departments) research in the field of the so-called.
"non-traditional technologies", in particular, in those referred to in the popular
literature and reports of a number of organizations as "spinor (torsion)" or
"microleptonic" fields.
As formulated by members of the Committee, the
circumstance gave additional grounds to the Ministry of Defense of the USSR,
Ministry of Atomic Energy of the USSR, military unit 10003 of the USSR Ministry of Defense, Innovation Council
under the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR to create the ISTC "Vent" (its
A.E. Akimov became the general director) and deploy financing
these works in the amount of many millions of rubles. According to A.E. Akimov,
only in the defense line, the cost of projects amounted to 23 million rubles, and in
to his other reports, the total appropriations for the totality of various
channels, including through the Military-Industrial Commission under the Cabinet
The ministers of the USSR are up to 500 million rubles (these data refer to not

Let's go back from papers to real wonderful specimens

The device of torsion generators Akimov

A large layer of experimental results concerns the impact
so-called torsion generators for various substances and processes.
Torsion generators were produced various organizations, but the main
mass was released at the ISTC Vent.

"Now I would like to show what the internal arrangement looks like.
this generator, because its element base has nothing to do with
element base of conventional radio electronics and, if such a device got to
experts who deal with traditional techniques, they would find
there are a lot of things that, from the point of view of a traditional engineer, in
in particular, a specialist in radio electronics or radio communications are simply
some meaningless character such as a situation where, for example, two or three
output can by internal circuits from an electrical point of view
short-circuited, but at the same time they give completely different outputs
sensory signals.
"Inside these double cones, exactly in the center, along the axis and along
the center is a special element, which is the primary source
torsion radiation. And everything else that is contained in this device, in
this generator are devices that allow the radiation that
creates in different directions in accordance with the laws of axial
symmetry internal primary source, put together and somehow
modify it. These devices that you see here, this cone and
the second cone from the opposite side and these triangles that
located exactly along the axis of symmetry, along the plane of symmetry, they all have
golden ratio. This cone has a height of 0.618
diameter, and the height of each triangle is also 0.618 in relation to
to its base. As a result of this construction, we have
a number of focuses. Focus at the top of this cone, focus at the top of this cone, and
foci that are distributed over the vertices of these triangles, in which
all the energy of the primary emitter, the primary torsion
According to Akimov and Shipov, torsion fields accompany
electromagnetic fields, and Akimov's design generators configure
torsion component, while shielding the electromagnetic component. This
the class of the torsion field formed by the electron spin was called
electrotorsion. Torsion generators of this type consume power
on the order of tens of milliwatts.

And this is Akimov's portable generator.
Time goes by and progress is not worth it.

This experience proves that it is possible for the Antichrist computer to control and influence chips (chip people) at a distance..... Let me remind you that this radiation passes through dense matter (walls or the earth, for example).
((((When exposed to torsion fields on solutions,
remote communication between solutions located in the coverage area
generator of torsion fields and beyond. The initial solution of calcium phosphate was
poured into two cuvettes of fused quartz, 50 ml each, then cuvettes
were placed in different rooms at a distance of 20 meters. On one of the cuvettes
torsion field was applied. Approximately 60 min. in
fluctuations in the viscosity of the solution were recorded in the second control cell,
similar to fluctuations in the viscosity of a solution under the influence of
torsion field.
Solution samples taken from both cuvettes after crystallization
showed the identity of the structure of crystals, which differed from the original,
and was determined by the frequency of modulation of the torsion field.
Experimental results show that torsion fields
affect interatomic, intermolecular and supramolecular

Biological effects

Torsion experiments were carried out on animals and plants.
The main effect was stated that the torsion field of "right twist"
has a positive effect on the vital activity of living organisms, and the field of "left
swirl" has a negative effect.
Many experiments on biological objects have also been done
Torsion studies went hand in hand with psychophysical
research. Actually, the research activities of Akimov and many
his colleagues had two directions: work with torsion generators and
work with psychics. The main statement, which he
defended: the impact of psychics has a torsion nature. Experiences
testifying to the influence of psychics on physical sensors, actively
conducted by A.V. Bobrov in Tbilisi, and then in Orel, G.N. Dulnev in St. Petersburg,
A.G. Parkhomov in Moscow. In all these experiments, special attention
it turned out to isolate a non-electromagnetic factor of influence by
shielding of sensors and their temperature control.
All of the above plus some other experiments allowed
suggest that the psychobiological fields of psychics and the fields from
torsion generators have the same, or, in any case, close

Alternative methods for assessing PTS have recently been proposed
use the measurement of radioactive natural background by some type
ionizing radiation sensor. When placing a count sensor in the STI zone
pulses (Geiger counter or solid-state scintillation) can be
make an appropriate assessment of PTS. All the rest remain in effect here.
the positions mentioned above, with the exception of magnetic field calibration.
The sensitivity of the ionizing radiation sensor is several orders of magnitude higher
quartz, but the latter has greater stability compared to
all other types of sensors.
These results were obtained in the 90s. In recent years, among
researchers of torsion fields and manufacturers of torsion products became
popular device IGA-1 (Indicator of geophysical anomalies), developed
Yu.P.Kravchenko in the Ufa State Aviation Technical
University (
IGA-1 is an integrated phase detector, i.e.
measures the phase shift of the background electromagnetic signal of a certain frequency
based on the reference signal. It is widely used to search
geopathic zones, as well as searching for pipelines. Unlike
IGA-1 metal detectors are able to find any inhomogeneities underground, and
this property is used incl. to search for bodies under the rubble and to search

The device allows you to register and evaluate even the smallest
phase shift deviations at two different spatial points...
The circuit of the IGA-1 device itself is built on the classical
radioelements and represents a radio receiver of ultraweak fields in
range of 5-10 kHz, but its construction (functional diagram), and also not
very common shape and design of the antenna for a given frequency range,
possibly allows fixing the torsion component as well, i.e. antenna IGA-1
most likely a torsion field sensor. The IGA device is built according to
radio receiver circuit (although this circuit is not quite ordinary, in the 50s there were
regenerative receivers, then they were replaced by superheterodynes, i.e. close to
Judging by the page of users of the device (there are about 150
users in Russia, and 30 abroad), about half of the issued
devices is used to search for geopathic zones, the other half - for
pipeline search. The device is also used by manufacturers of torsion
generators and medical and educational institutions. Experiment with
more than 50 articles are devoted to the device, the device is protected by nine patents of the Russian Federation
For the first time, the fact that the IGA-1 device fixes torsion fields was
announced in September 2004 at the Kyiv conference (the presidium also
Academician Akimov, and in Russia these fields have not yet been officially recognized).
Then in Omsk, a former military doctor Kosov Anatoly Alexandrovich, a veteran
The FSB, working with the IGA-1 device, found a torsion generator,
remaining from the previous cases and tried, really the IGA-1 device
captures this radiation. For 11 years, we have been producing IGA-1 devices with
arrow indication, which shows the border and the presence of an anomaly. From 3
quarter of 2005 began to produce devices with an additional digital
an indication that shows the intensity in relative terms, and
from Omsk, we were confirmed that digital indication can be used to evaluate and
the magnitude of the torsion fields.
Non-electromagnetic component of laser radiation

In the work "Information torsion fields in medicine"
A.V.Bobrov considers a common method of therapy: laser therapy.
This method consists in illuminating a certain
body area. As far as one can tell, laser therapy devices are widely
used in medical practice. The author draws attention to
paradoxical properties of this method:

With the help of a laser, they even affect internal organs, at that
while the laser beam penetrates only a fraction of a millimeter into the skin;

The effect is observed when exposed to a laser beam through clothing
and even a plaster cast;

The effect increases when applied to the irradiated area.
medicinal product (laserophoresis).

The author points out that the existing ways of explaining the mechanism
laser therapy cannot explain these paradoxes, and concludes that here
the torsion component of laser radiation acts, the existence of which
was predicted by A.E. Akimov in the early 90s, and experimentally
found by A.V.Bobrov in 1997
The radiation was subjected to dry yeast in sealed containers.
steel containers. According to their allocation carbon dioxide determined by their
biological activity (indicator of zymase activity). Experiments
showed that radiation is most efficient at a repetition rate
impulses of the order of kilohertz, and that the radiation passed through any
substance ("matrix"), changes the biological effect on yeast depending
on what substance is used as a matrix. And if
to pass rays from the "Bobrov generator" through composite matrices,
biological action depends essentially on the order in which the elements are
on the path of the beam: the most significant contribution is made by the last element, i.e.
closest to the sample (38). It was also found that the efficiency
exposure increases with decreasing wavelength of the emitted light.
If we recall the results obtained by Kurapov and Panov in
metallurgy (there, a nickel plate or
magnesium), then we can talk about a new class of phenomena - the transfer of information about
substance through torsion radiation and the impact of this information on
physical and biological processes.
So, when treating a wound with a diameter of 12-15 cm on the surface of the body
animal about 20 minutes after the first information
exposure, we observed significant changes in exposed tissues throughout
its area. Pus, which completely covered it before exposure, remained in a narrow
strip around the perimeter; in the exposed muscle tissue over the entire area of ​​the wound was
significant blood flow was noted, which caused its significant swelling.
This reaction can be considered as the result of a local effect on
vascular system. From the above, we can conclude that the reaction
organism on the information impact with the use of a therapeutic drug
occurs at two levels - genetic and tissue.
Method of therapeutic effect of incoherent radiation
LEDs are used in a number of medical devices along with other
methods of electromagnetic therapy of non-thermal intensity.

To ensure the transfer of information from the computer to the communication environment, it is necessary to coordinate the signals of the internal interface of the computer with the parameters of the signals transmitted over the communication channels. In this case, both physical matching (shape, amplitude and duration of the signal) and code matching must be performed.

Technical devices that perform the functions of interfacing a computer with communication channels are called adapters or network adapters. One adapter provides interfacing with a computer of one communication channel.

In addition to single-channel adapters, multi-channel devices are also used - data transmission multiplexers or simply multiplexers.

Data transmission multiplexer - a device for interfacing a computer with several

communication channels.

Data transmission multiplexers were used in data teleprocessing systems - the first step towards the creation of computer networks. Later, when networks with a complex configuration and with a large number of subscriber systems appeared, special communication processors began to be used to implement interface functions.

As mentioned earlier, in order to transmit digital information over a communication channel, it is not necessary to convert the bit stream into analog signals, but when receiving information from the communication channel to a computer, perform the opposite action - convert analog signals into a bit stream that the computer can process. Such transformations are performed by a special device - a modem.

A modem is a device that modulates and demodulates information

signals when transmitting them from a computer to a communication channel and when receiving a computer from a communication channel.

The most expensive component of a computer network is a communication channel. Therefore, when building a number of computer networks, they try to save on communication channels by switching several internal communication channels to one external one. To perform the switching function, special devices are used - hubs.

Hub - a device that switches several communication channels and one by frequency division.

In a LAN, where the physical transmission medium is a cable of limited length, special devices are used to increase the length of the network - repeaters.

A repeater is a device that ensures the preservation of the shape and amplitude of a signal when it is transmitted over a distance greater than that provided by this type of physical transmission medium.

Information and computing network


In today's complex and diverse world, not a single major technological problem can be solved without processing significant amounts of information and communication processes. Along with the energy and capital-labor ratio, modern production also needs information armament, which determines the degree of application of progressive technologies. The computer occupies a special place in the organization of new information technologies. The telephone network, and then specialized data transmission networks, served as a good basis for combining computers into information and computer networks. Computer data networks are the result of the information revolution and in the future will be able to form the main means of communication.

Networks have emerged as a result of creative collaboration of specialists in computer technology, communication technology and are the link between databases, user terminals, computers.


The information and computing network is being created to increase the efficiency of customer service.

IVS should provide reliable transmission of digital information.

Both individual PCs and groups of PCs united in local area networks can act as end terminals.

The transmission of information flows over considerable distances is carried out using wire, cable, radio relay and satellite communication lines. In the near future, we can expect widespread use of optical communication via fiber optic cables.

By geographical scale, computer networks are divided into two types: local and global. The local network can be up to 10 kilometers long. The global network can cover considerable distances - up to hundreds and tens of thousands of kilometers. We need to choose and justify the type of the Global Information and Computing Network.

Let's use the elimination method.

Satellite connection. The first communications satellite was launched in 1958 in the United States. The communication line through a satellite translator has a large bandwidth, covers huge distances, transmits information due to a low level of interference with high reliability. These advantages make satellite communications unique and effective tool transfer of information. Almost all satellite communications traffic comes from geostationary satellites.

But satellite communications are very expensive, since it is necessary to have ground stations, antennas, the satellite itself, in addition, it is required to keep the satellite exactly in orbit, for which it is necessary to have corrective engines and appropriate control systems on the satellite, working on commands from the Earth, etc. In the overall balance of communications, satellite systems still account for approximately 3% of world traffic. But the need for satellite links continues to grow, as satellite links become more cost-effective than other forms of long-distance communication at ranges in excess of 800 km.

Fiber optic communication. Due to the huge bandwidth, optical cable becomes indispensable in information and computer networks, where it is required to transfer large amounts of information with exceptionally high reliability, in local television networks and local computer networks. It is expected that in the near future optical cable will be cheap to manufacture and will link large cities, especially since the technical production of optical fibers and related equipment is developing rapidly.

Radio communication. Unfortunately, radio as a wireless form of communication is not free from shortcomings. Atmospheric and industrial interference, mutual influence of radio stations, fading at short waves, the high cost of special equipment - all this did not allow the use of radio communications in the IVS.

Radio relay communication. Mastering the range of ultrashort waves made it possible to create radio relay lines. The disadvantage of radio relay communication lines is the need to install relay stations at certain intervals, their maintenance, etc.

Modem telephone network based on standard telephone line and personal computer.

A modem telephone network makes it possible to create information and computing networks over an almost unlimited geographical area, while both data and voice information can be transmitted over the specified network in an automatic or interactive way.

To connect a computer to the telephone network, a special board (device) is used, called a telephone adapter or modem, as well as the corresponding software.

The undoubted advantages of organizing an information-computing network based on a standard telephone line are that all network components are standard and available, scarce consumables are not required, and ease of installation and operation.

The concept of a protocol.

A fundamental concept in the field of data transmission is the concept of a protocol. Any transfer of data must be subject to clearly established rules, which are known in advance to all participants in the transfer and are strictly observed by them. Protocol - these are agreements and standards that define the rules for the interaction of the same-named levels in the network. Protocols define communication standards. The complexity of the processes of interaction between computers in the network forces them to be divided into seven levels located one above the other. Each level has its own protocol:

physical defines electrical and mechanical standards;

channel controls the logical (information channel); the channel is characterized by a pair of addresses: the sender and the recipient;

network establishes the connection route;

transport controls the transfer of information from its source to the consumer;

session provides synchronization of the dialogue and control of data exchange between interacting subscribers;

representative defines a single protocol that would allow any message syntax to be used;

application provides various forms of interaction between application programs.

Collection of documents

Torsion Link

Collection of documents. Content: Akimov A.E., Tarasenko V.Ya., Tolmachev S.Yu.
The existing networks and complexes of radio and telecommunications are a characteristic and integral part of the modern, as it is often rightly called, information civilization. The rapidly growing information needs of society have led to the creation of ultra-modern information processing and transmission systems based on the latest technologies. Depending on the class and type of systems, information is transmitted using wire, fiber-optic, radio relay, shortwave and satellite communication lines.
However, in their development, radio and telecommunications faced a number of insurmountable physical limitations. Many frequency ranges are overloaded and close to saturation. A number of communication systems already implement the Shannon limit on the bandwidth of radio channels. Absorption electromagnetic radiation natural environments requires gigantic capacities in information transmission systems. Despite the high propagation speed of electromagnetic waves, great difficulties arise due to signal delay in satellite communication systems, especially in communication systems with objects in deep space.
They tried to solve these problems by using other, non-electromagnetic fields, for example, gravitational ones. However, for more than a dozen years this remains only an area of ​​\u200b\u200btheoretical reasoning, since so far no one knows how to create a gravitational transmitter. There are known attempts to use a high penetrating neutrino stream to communicate with submarines, but they also failed.
For many decades, another physical object remained out of sight - torsion fields, which will be discussed in this article. It describes the physical nature of torsion fields and their properties, and based on the results of experimental studies, the authors predict in the very near future the intensification of efforts to create and develop means of torsion communication.
published "in order of discussion" in the journal Electrosvyaz No. 5, 2001

Physical basis of torsion connection.

Torsion fields (torsion fields) as an object of theoretical physics have been the subject of research since the beginning of the 20th century and owe their birth to E. Cartan and A. Einstein. That's why
one of the important sections of the theory of torsion fields is called the Einstein-Cartan Theory (TEK). Within the framework of the global problem of the geometrization of physical fields, dating back to Clifford and strictly substantiated by A. Einstein, in the theory of torsion fields, the torsion of space-time is considered, while in the theory of gravity - Riemannian curvature.
If electromagnetic fields are generated by charge, gravitational fields - by mass, then torsion fields - by spin or angular momentum of rotation. It should be noted here that we mean the classical spin and not the magnetic moment. Unlike electromagnetic fields, where their only sources are charges, torsion fields can be generated not only by spin. Thus, the theory predicts the possibility of their self-generation, and the experiment demonstrates their emergence from curvilinear figures of a geometric or topological nature.
At the beginning of the 20th century, during the early works of E. Cartan, the concept of spin did not exist in physics. Therefore, torsion fields were associated with massive objects and their angular momentum. This approach gave rise to the illusion that torsion effects are one of the manifestations of gravity. Works within the framework of the theory of gravity with torsion are being carried out at the present time. Belief in the gravitational nature of torsion effects especially increased after the publication in the period 1972-1974. works of V. Kopchinsky and A. Trautman, in which it was shown that the torsion of space-time leads to the elimination of the cosmological singularity in non-stationary models of the Universe. In addition, the torsion tensor has a multiplier in the form of a product Gh(here G and h are the gravitational constant and Planck's constant, respectively), which is essentially a constant of spin-torsion interactions. From here the conclusion directly followed that this constant is almost 30 orders of magnitude less than the constant of gravitational interactions. Therefore, even if torsion effects exist in nature, they cannot be observed. Such a conclusion ruled out for almost 50 years all work on experimental search for manifestations of torsion fields in nature and laboratory research.
Only with the appearance of generalizing works by F. Hel, T. Kibble and D. Shima, it became clear that the Einstein-Cartan theory does not exhaust the theory of torsion fields.
In a large number of works that appeared after the works of F. Hel, where the theory with dynamic torsion was analyzed, i.e. the theory of torsion fields generated by a spinning source with radiation, it was shown that in the Lagrangian for such sources there can be up to ten terms, the constants which do not depend in any way, neither on G, nor on h, - they are not defined at all. It does not at all follow from this that they are necessarily large, and torsion effects, therefore, are observable. First of all, it is important that the theory does not require that they be necessarily very small. Under these conditions, the experiment has the last word.
Later it was shown that among physical phenomenology there are many experiments with micro- and macroscopic objects in which the manifestation of torsion fields is observed. A number of them have already found their qualitative and quantitative explanation within the framework of the theory of torsion fields.
The second important conclusion arising from the works of F. Hel was the understanding that torsion fields can be generated by objects with spin, but with zero rest mass, such as neutrinos, i.e., a torsion field arises in general in the absence of a gravitational field. Although work on the theory of gravitation with torsion continues even after that, nevertheless, the understanding of the role of torsion fields as an equally independent physical object like electromagnetic and gravitational fields.
Previously, it was suggested that "true" fields (noncommutative gauge fields or "first class" fields in the terminology of R. Uchiyama) are associated with the physical vacuum (PV).
In the modern interpretation, the PV is a complex quantum dynamic object that manifests itself through fluctuations. The standard theoretical approach is based on the concepts of S. Weinberg, A. Salam and S. Gleshow.
However, at a certain stage of research, it was considered expedient to return to the electron-positron model of P. Dirac's PV in a slightly modified interpretation. Considering that the PV is defined as a state without particles, and proceeding from the model of the classical spin as an annular wave packet (following the terminology of Belinfante - a circulating energy flow), we will consider the PV as a system of annular wave packets of electrons and positrons, and not proper electron-positron pairs .
Under these assumptions, it is easy to see that the condition for the true electroneutrality of the electron-positron PV will correspond to the state when the annular wave packets of the electron and positron are nested in each other. If, in this case, the spins of the nested annular packets are opposite, then such a system will be self-compensated not only in terms of charges, but also in terms of the classical spin and magnetic moment. Such a system of nested ring wave packets will be called a phyton (Fig. 1). The dense packing of phytons will be considered as a simplified PV model (Fig. 1.).

Formally, with the spin compensation of phytons, their mutual orientation in an ensemble in a PV, it would seem, can be arbitrary. However, it seems intuitively that the PV forms an ordered structure with linear packing, as shown in Fig. 1. The idea of ​​orderliness of PV, apparently, belongs to A.D. Kirzhnits and A.D. Linda. It would be naive to see the true structure of the PV in the constructed model. This would mean demanding more from the model than the artificial scheme is capable of.
Let us consider the most important in practical terms cases of PV perturbation by various external sources. This will help to assess the realism of the developed approach.
1. Let the source of perturbation be the charge q. If the PV has a phyton structure, then the action of the charge will be expressed in the charge polarization of the PV, as is conventionally shown in Fig. 2. This case is well known in quantum electrodynamics. In particular, the Lamb shift is traditionally explained in terms of the charge polarization of the electron-positron PV. Such a state of charge polarization of the PV can be interpreted as an electromagnetic field (.E-field).
2. If the source of perturbation is the mass t, then, unlike the previous case, when we are faced with a well-known situation, a hypothetical assumption will be made here: the perturbation of the PV with mass m will be expressed in symmetrical oscillations of the phyton elements along the axis to the center of the perturbation object, as is conventionally shown in Fig. 3. Such a state can be characterized as a gravitational field (G-field).
3. When the classical spin is the source of perturbation s, we can assume that the effect of the classical spin on the PV will be as follows: the spins of the phytons, coinciding with the orientation of the source spin, as shown in Fig. 4, retain their orientation, and those spins of phytons that are opposite to the spin of the source will experience inversion under the action of the source. As a result, the PV will pass into the state of transverse spin polarization. This polarization state can be interpreted as a spin (torsion) field (S-field) or a T-field generated by the classical spin. The formulated approach is consonant with the concept of torsion fields as a condensate of fermion pairs.
Polarization spin states S R and S L contrary to Pauli's prohibition. However, according to the concept of M.A. Markov at densities of the order of the Planck fundamental physical laws may have other than famous species. Rejection of Pauli's prohibition for such a specific material medium as PV is admissible, probably no less than in the concept of quarks.
In accordance with the above approach, we can say that a single medium - PV can be in different "phase", more precisely, polarization states - EGS states. This medium in the state of charge polarization manifests itself as an electromagnetic field E. The same medium in the state of spin longitudinal polarization manifests itself as a gravitational field G. Finally, the same medium, the FW, in the state of spin transverse polarization manifests itself as a spin (torsion) field S. Thus, the EGS polarization states of the FW correspond to EGS fields.
All three fields generated by independent kinematic parameters are universal, or fields of the first class in the terminology of R. Utiyama; these fields manifest themselves both at the macro and at the micro level. Developed representations allow us to approach the problem of at least universal fields from some general positions. In the proposed model, the role of the unified field is played by the PV, the polarization states of which manifest themselves as ECS fields. Here it is appropriate to recall the words of Ya.I. Pomeranchuk: "All physics is the physics of Vacuum." Modern nature does not need "associations". In Nature there is only PV and its polarization states. And "joins" only reflect the degree of our understanding of the relationship of fields.
Previously, it was repeatedly noted that the classical field can be considered as a state of the PV. However, the polarization states of the PV were not given the fundamental role they actually play. As a rule, it was not discussed which polarizations of the PV are meant. In the described approach, the polarization of the PV according to Ya.B. Zeldovich is interpreted as a charge (electromagnetic field), according to A.D. Sakharov - as a spin longitudinal (gravitational field), and for torsion fields - as a spin transverse polarization.
Since it cannot be asserted that other polarization states are impossible, except for the three considered, there are no fundamental grounds for denying a priori the possibility of the existence of other long-range interactions.
It is quite natural to introduce a torsion field at the fundamental level as a generalization of A. Einstein's vacuum equations in the space of absolute parallelism A4. This space is connected
has torsion
which defines the Killing-Cartan metric
corresponding to an infinitesimal rotation of the local reference frame. Einstein vacuum equations R jk= 0 are generalized in the space A4 to the equations
where is the energy-momentum tensor T jk formed by the torsion field.
In the works of G.I. Shipov, torsion fields are not introduced phenomenologically, as in E. Cartan, but at a strict fundamental level. But it turns out that these torsion fields are fundamentally different from the torsion fields in the fuel and energy complex. If torsion fields in FEC are connected with the geometry of E. Cartan, then torsion fields in the theory of FV (TFV) are connected with the geometry of J. Ricci.
In the mid-80s, when industrial samples of torsion generators were developed and began to be produced, a fundamentally new stage opened in the study of torsion phenomena. These generators made it possible to create static torsion fields, torsion wave radiation and torsion (spin) currents. In recent years, as a result of experimental studies carried out in many academic, university and industry organizations, torsion energy sources, torsion propulsion devices, torsion methods for obtaining materials with new physical properties, torsion information transfer, and much more have been developed. Some works have reached the level of technology, in particular, in metallurgy.
Basic properties of torsion fields . Before presenting the most important experimentally observed properties of torsion fields (torsion waves), we note once again that these fields are an independent physical object at the macro level, which has nothing to do with either gravity or electromagnetism. The properties under consideration differ significantly from what we are accustomed to in electromagnetism. They are predicted theoretically and confirmed experimentally.
1. The source of torsion fields is classical spin or macroscopic rotation. Torsion fields can be generated by the torsion of space or be the result of a perturbation of the PV, which has a geometric or topological nature. In addition, torsion fields can arise as an integral component of the electromagnetic field or be self-generated.
In all these cases, we are talking about torsion fields generated at the level of matter. However, according to the TFV, there are primary torsion fields, which are generated by "Absolute Nothing". Just as the source material of the world of matter - elementary particles - are born from the PV, the physical vacuum is born from the primary torsion field.

2. The quanta of the torsion field are tordions. There are reasons to believe that tordions are low-energy neutrinos with an energy of the order of a few electron volts.
3. Since torsion fields are generated by the classical spin, then when they act on certain objects, only the spin state of these objects (the state of nuclear or atomic spins) can change.
4. Torsion fields have axial symmetry with respect to their source (Fig. 5).
5. Torsion fields (T) generated by the classical spin can be axial (T a) and radial (T g)(Fig. 5). Each of these fields can be right (T aR , T rR) and left (T aL , T TL).
6. Torsion charges of the same name (classical spins of the same name ( S R S R or S L S L) are attracted, but unlike (S R S L) - repel.
7. A stationary spinning object creates a static torsion field. If a spinning object or an object with rotation has any non-equilibrium: a change in the angular frequency, the presence of precession, nutation or higher-order moments for massive objects, an uneven distribution of masses relative to the axis of rotation, then such a dynamic spinning object creates wave torsion radiation.

8. Static torsion field has a finite range r0(Fig. 6), on the interval of which the intensity of the torsion field changes slightly (remains almost constant). Conventionally, by analogy with electromagnetism, although the physics of the processes is different here, this interval r0 can be called the near zone. Wave torsion radiation is not limited by the interval r0 and its intensity does not depend on distance.
9. The medium through which torsion radiation propagates is the PV. There are reasons to believe that in relation to torsion waves, the PV behaves like a holographic medium. In this medium, torsion waves propagate through the phase portrait of this hologram. This fundamental physical factor explains the information (not energy) nature of signal transmission, as well as their superluminal propagation speed.
10. For torsion fields, the potential is identically equal to zero, which corresponds to their non-energetic nature. This is the second factor that determines why torsion signals (impacts) are transmitted informationally, and not energetically, that is, without energy transfer.
11. The constant of spin-torsion interactions for static torsion fields with Cartan's torsion, according to existing estimates, is less than 10 -50 , i.e., for such fields, the existence of observed effects is impossible. For wave torsion fields with Cartan torsion (dynamic torsion), the constant of spin-torsion interactions is not theoretically limited. For torsion fields with Ricci or Weizenbeck torsion, there are also no restrictions on the value of the interaction constant, and, consequently, on the intensity of the manifestation of these fields. For torsion fields with torsion generated as a component of electromagnetic fields (electrotorsion interactions), the interaction constant has the order of 10 -3 – 10 -4 .
12. Since the constant of electrotorsional interactions (10 -3 - 10 -4) is slightly less than the constant of electromagnetic interactions (7.3 10 -3), then in natural conditions such torsion effects can cause observable changes or be recorded as observable signals only in those objects , in which there are non-equilibrium states that weaken electromagnetic bonds.
13. Torsion fields pass through natural environments without weakening. This is a natural factor, given that the quanta of torsion fields are neutrinos.
14. The speed of torsion waves is theoretically equal to infinity. Superluminal speeds are not unusual in physics. They were present in Newton's theory of gravity, they form the basis of the concept of tachyons. Without them, there would be no Goldstone's theory of spontaneous symmetry breaking. Superluminal speeds were first observed experimentally by N.A. Kozyrev (later by other scientists), and at the quantum level - by Zeilinger. Without any connection with torsion fields, Russian physicists showed more than ten years ago that the propagation of spin perturbations in a spin medium cannot be screened using methods known to us. In this case, it becomes possible to create underwater and underground communications, as well as communications through any other media.
15. All bodies of animate and inanimate nature consist of atoms, most of which have non-zero atomic and/or nuclear classical spins, which results in the presence of non-zero magnetic moments. Given that all bodies are in the Earth's magnetic field, magnetic dipoles in this field experience precession, which generates wave torsion radiation, since classical spins also precess simultaneously with the precession of magnetic moments. Thus, all bodies have their own torsion fields (radiations).
16. Since different bodies have a different set of chemical elements, a different set of chemical compounds with different stereochemistry and a different spatial distribution of these atoms and chemical compounds in the bodies, then all bodies have strictly individual, characteristic torsion fields.
For solving communication problems, the most significant of these properties of torsion fields (torsion waves) are the following:
- no dependence of the intensity of torsion fields on the distance, which allows avoiding large energy costs to compensate for losses due to their weakening in accordance with the inverse square law, as is the case for electromagnetic waves;
- the absence of absorption of torsion waves by natural media, which eliminates the need for additional high energy costs to compensate for the losses characteristic of radio communications;
- torsion waves do not transfer energy, they act on the torsion receiver only informationally;
- torsion waves, propagating through the phase portrait of the holographic structure of the PV, provide signal transmission from one point of space to another in a non-local way. Under such conditions, transmission can only be instantaneous at a rate equal to infinity;
- for a non-local way of interaction of points in a holographic medium through their phase portrait, the fact of signal absorption on a straight line connecting two points of such a medium does not matter. Communication based on this principle does not need repeaters.
Thus, in the first approximation, we can say that the transmission of information through the torsion communication channel can be implemented at any distance and through any medium by arbitrarily weak torsion signals.
However, in any real messaging system, it is necessary to ensure the transmission of the required amount of information, which is determined by the well-known expression of K. Shannon as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N):

Thus, for torsion channels of information transmission, the only factors that determine the intensity of the emitted signal are the noise in the torsion channel and the required reliability of information transmission. The high speed of torsion waves eliminates the problem of signal delay not only on Earth within our Galaxy, but also on the scale of the Universe.
The properties listed above indicate that in nature there is a carrier that is ideal in its characteristics for transmitting information and communications, for television, navigation and location - these are torsion fields, torsion waves.

Results of experimental studies.

As noted above, outside the near zone, the torsion wave, figuratively speaking, is "smeared" over the phase portrait of the PV (the phase portrait of the entire Universe). Since this hologram covers the entire Universe, no matter how intense the torsion signal is, by “smearing” it in the volume of the Universe, we obtain the value of the specific intensity of the emitted torsion signal per unit of this volume - a quantum of free space, vanishingly little different from zero.
Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that outside the near zone it is impossible to transmit information using torsion signals. However, if we introduce into the structure of the emitted torsion signal the spin sign of some region D V i , holograms of the Universe, then the emitted torsion signal outside the near zone is self-focused in its local region D Vi. The non-local nature of the interaction of individual points of the PV quantum hologram corresponds to the non-local nature of the transmission of a torsion signal from one point of space to another. For torsion communication systems, the role of a spin feature in transmission and reception is played by special spin (torsion) matrices.
A consequence of the above is a very important circumstance. The torsion signal is explicitly present in a small neighborhood of the torsion transmitter and in the local region D Vi torsion receiver, and between them, regardless of the distance, the torsion signal is unobservable - it seems to be absent. This determines the ideal confidentiality of information transfer. The presence of an addressable torsion matrix makes it possible to implement a multicast mode of operation of the torsion communication network.
Like any wave process, torsion signals are characterized by amplitude, frequency and phase, and they can be modulated in amplitude, frequency and phase. In principle, all known types of modulation are possible. Any radiated torsion signal carries the information contained in the carrier and its modulation.
The described approach is also traditional in radio communications in the transmission of information. It can be more complex when information is required to be transmitted in random access multicast systems. One of the options for such a radio communication system are well-known systems in which, in addition to the selected carrier, modulation of this carrier with noise-like signals is introduced, which play the role of an address feature, and, for example, phase modulation of this subcarrier ensures the transmission of information.
In torsion communication systems, this approach in direct form fundamentally unrealistic. An analogue of the coherence of address subcarriers in radio communication is the coherence of spin structures of address matrices in torsion communication.
For the first time in the world, the transmission of binary signals over a torsion channel for information transmission was carried out in Moscow (USSR) in April 1986. These works were preceded by successful experiments in the 70s, performed at the Moscow Research Institute of Radio Communications.
The rich experience in the development of radio communications made it possible to accurately determine the range of parameters of the torsion channel for transmitting information, which would be exhaustive for specialists. However, it was obvious that all these parameters could not be determined at once. Therefore, at the first stage, during experimental studies in real conditions, the task was to obtain an answer to two main questions:
1. Is the very fact of signal transmission via a torsion communication channel realizable?
2. Is the high penetrating power of torsion waves confirmed experimentally?
Based on this, the following experimental scheme was chosen (Fig. 7). The torsion transmitter was located on the first floor of a building near the ring road of Moscow, and the torsion receiver was located in the central part of Moscow. The distance between these points in a straight line was 22 km. The torsion transmitter and receiver did not have devices that acted as antennas, the placement of which, for example, on the roofs of houses, would make it possible to bypass buildings and terrain. Due to the non-electromagnetic nature of torsion waves, the reflection effect, by analogy with the reflection of short waves from the ionosphere, was excluded. Thus, the torsion signal from the transmitter to the receiver could only propagate in a straight line through the terrain and reinforced concrete walls of all buildings located on the signal path.
Taking into account the density of buildings in Moscow, the obstacles to the torsion signal created by buildings were equivalent to a reinforced concrete screen more than 50 m thick. In reality, the situation was even more complicated. It is known that for plains the distance to the horizon line is about 5 km. Therefore, at a distance of 20 km in a straight line between two points on the Earth's surface, the trajectory of the torsion signal passed about 10 km through the thickness of the wet earth, which is practically impossible for commonly used radio communication systems.
At the transmitting end of the torsion communication channel, a torsion transmitter designed by A.A. Deeva. A bioelectronic system was used as a torsion receiver. Her work was based on the property of tissue cells to change the conductivity of membranes under the action of a torsion field. This property was implicitly established by V.A. Sokolova in 1982, and in 1990 by other researchers. The possibility of long-range distant influences of the torsion field on
tissue conductivity following the work of V.A. Sokolova, but on a different hardware basis, was confirmed at the beginning of 1986 in the work performed under the guidance of I.V. Meshcheryakova. In these studies, it was experimentally shown for the first time in an explicit form that when the sign of the torsion field changes ( T R ® T L or T L ® T R) changes the sign of the electrical conductivity of tissues relative to the average level. This indicated the possibility of using a biosystem for receiving binary signals: one binary signal (one sign of the field) can be associated with one level of conductivity of the biosystem, and another binary signal (a different sign of the field) can be associated with another level of conductivity located on the other side relative to the level corresponding to conductivity of the biosystem in the absence of a torsion field.
In the first cycle of experimental communication sessions, signals were transmitted in the address mode to a system of five receivers. At the place where the torsion signal was received, at the transmission waiting time interval (6 hours), the following were not known: the start time of the transmission, the structure of the transmitted signal, and the number of the receiver to which the transmission would be made. The signal was received without errors exactly by the receiver, the address sign of which was used during transmission.
In the second series of experimental sessions for transmitting torsion signals, the torsion transmitter was placed at the receiving point. This corresponded to the zero length of the communication path and the absence of absorbing media. In this case, the torsion signals did not differ in intensity from the signals passing through absorbing media. This was evidence of the absence of absorption of torsion signals by various media. This is exactly what the theory predicted.
The very fact of transmitting and receiving a torsion signal was as significant as the first experiments of A.S. Popov and G. Marconi for the entire further development of radio communications. Successfully completed experiments meant a revolution, the beginning of a new era in the problems of information transmission. With their help, the possibility of remote transmission of torsion information, as well as the transmission of torsion signals through absorbing media without attenuation at low power consumption of the transmitter (30 mW), which was necessary only for the formation of a torsion signal, was demonstrated.
In the future, the technique of receiving torsion signals received intensive development. The first purely technical receivers of torsion waves were independently created by different authors.
In torsion receivers A.V. Bobrov, the conversion of torsion waves into electrical signals was carried out on double electrical layers. Liquid-metal systems or semiconductor junctions were used as electrical double layers. In the works of A.V. Bobrov was the first to use the correlation processing of the received torsion signal in a sliding statistical window. On fig. 8 shows diagrams of torsion signals at the output of five receivers (a - e) and their cross-correlation processing (e). At the output of the correlator, the ratio S/N was over 50.
As converters of torsion waves into electrical ones in G.N. Dulnev used metal-to-metal junctions and fiber optic systems. It is easy to see (Fig. 9) that even the primary signal without processing has the relation S/N> 3. In the studies of G.N. Dulnev was the first to experimentally establish the theoretically predicted effect of spin saturation of nonequilibrium media under the action of torsion radiation on these media.
This saturation effect leads to the fact that the signal at the output of the torsion receiver during the action of the axial torsion field gradually drops to zero. However, this negative effect It turned out to be possible to overcome in fairly simple ways.
In receivers E.G. Bondarenko, for the first time, transitions on films were used to convert torsion waves into an electrical signal, as well as devices for such a conversion with external physical excitation. Apparently, the first systems for recording torsion radiation were created at the beginning of the century by N.M. Myshkin in Russia and T. Hieronymus in the USA, however, the lack of understanding by the authors of the physical nature of the detected radiation did not allow them to assess the significance of these works.
With the exception of the 1986 experiments on the transmission of information via torsion communication channels, all subsequent work was carried out using a unified torsion transmitter, appearance which is shown in Fig. ten ( dimensions 500 x 500 x 400 mm, weight 4.5 kg). This transmitter allows you to tune the carrier, adjust the intensity of the output signal, work with any kind of modulation.
Thus, the compatibility of radio and wire communication with torsion communication is ensured, which corresponds at least to the ideology of R. Sibser's seven-level protocol in communication facilities and complexes.


All research on torsion communication is carried out in accordance with the program "Torsion Communication", which is implemented by the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the Intersectoral Scientific and Technical Center for Venture Non-Traditional Technologies (ISTC VENT). The existing cooperation of co-executing organizations is working. Currently, there are experimental samples of the receiving-transmitting complex of torsion communication, which was created as a base for solving various problems of information transmission, communications, telemetry, control, navigation and location.
Until 1985, work on torsion communication was carried out on an initiative basis. Further (until 1988) progress in this area became possible thanks to the support of the USSR KGB UPS and the apparatus of the USSR Council of Ministers.
The first generators of torsion radiation, developed back in 1980, were patented with a priority of March 29, 1990. Five possible approaches to the creation of torsion generators were outlined in. For the first time, work on torsion communication was reported at conferences in 1995, in the year of the centenary of the invention of radio, which is especially symbolic. Taking into account that neither by 1995 nor now in 2001 there are any published
results in torsion linkage, Russia's priority in this area is absolute and undeniable.
If the preliminary experiments, which showed a low level of noise in the torsion channels, are confirmed, then it will be possible to hope for the implementation of torsion channels for transmitting information with an abnormally high throughput. It will be possible to transmit, for example, an image in the form of two-dimensional matrices as a whole.
From the standpoint of the modern scientific and technical level of radio communications, it is clear what characteristics form the image of any operating system or information transmission complex. At the same time, it is also clear that our current ideas about them were inaccessible to either A.S. Popov, nor G. Marconi. It took 100 years for us to reach the current level of understanding and technical excellence. As for the torsion connection, in the study of this subject area, we have moved much further than A.S. Popov and G. Marconi in the field of radio communications at the beginning of the last century, but there is still a lot to be done. However, already in the next two years, a number of problems of torsion coupling can be solved on the basis of the already developed technology, taking into account significant experimental experience and a large reserve in terms of the element base and hardware units.
Knowing the main advantages of torsion communication, it is easy to predict the appearance of torsion systems for information transmission, telemetry, control, navigation and location, which, in our deep conviction, will replace similar radio engineering systems in the first half of the 21st century.


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Aleksandrov E.B.

On the cover of the Electrosvyaz magazine No. 5 for 2001, the question was put: "Torsion connection: myth or reality?" The question is related to the publication in that issue of the article “Torsion bond - a new physical basis for information transmission systems” (subtitled “Printed in order of discussion”). The proposed review answers this question. Torsion bonding is not a myth. And, moreover, not reality. This is pure bluff.
The article under discussion is supplied with information about the authors: A.E. Akimov - "Director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences - MITPF RANS." (The physics section of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences dissociated itself from this “institute”). V.Ya-Tarasenko - First Deputy Director of MITPF RANS. S.Yu.Tolmachev - Head of the Department of the Academy of the FSB. The department, apparently, is secret, the name is not disclosed. It can be assumed that this is a commercial matter, since the team needed "power" support.
The receptive reader, apparently, has already guessed from the style of this mini-information about the authors that he will not find a good word about this article further. The way it is. Anticipating further analysis, to save the reader's time, we immediately summarize our assessment of this work. The article attempts to legalize a number of large-scale pseudoscientific constructions among communications workers around the discovery of a new fundamental interaction, allegedly made long ago in closed laboratories of the USSR. Under the guise of these (continuously mutating) constructions, for many decades, immeasurable funds were withdrawn from the country's budget under endlessly changing promises of creating a miracle weapon, a miracle communication, a miracle engine, a free energy generator "from the physical vacuum", a "climate machine", a panacea from all diseases, etc. etc. These “research” were financed without control from the scientific community through the so-called “power” and “special” structures and were always “top secret” 2-2.
Hundreds of people from dozens of defense industry institutions and even from some academic institutions were involved in this activity. The composition of the participants was constantly changing (which is not surprising - not everyone will agree to write false reports even for good money), while maintaining and consolidating a small backbone of “ideologists” leaders, the main of which was and remains A.E. Akimov. In early 1991, this activity gained publicity and was subjected to analysis in the USSR Academy of Sciences and in the Commission on Science of the Supreme Council, after which the "Center for Non-Traditional Technologies" headed by Akimov was immediately disbanded under State Committee on Science and Technology. (The latter, however, ceased to exist after the August events). Having lost his official position, Akimov immediately found his place in the new world of “venture” enterprises, retaining connections and support from “special structures” (see the list of co-authors). Since then, secrecy has been forgotten, and a period of intense attempts to enter the market began with miraculous generators of torsion (they are also spinor and microlepton) either fields or radiation. Since none of the many dozens of broadcast promises in the field of defense and civilian equipment has ever been fulfilled (and could not be - simply due to the absence of these almighty fields!), For Akimov's company there was only one guaranteed market segment that did not imply objective evidence of effectiveness these fields are healing. Through the media (including the respectable Izvestia, see, for example, my remark in the September 26, 1997 issue in the Resonance section), rumors began to spread about a powerful “psychotronic” weapon developed in the depths of the old KGB based on the very fields what weapons can be turned for good if desired. An advertisement appeared on the Internet for "torsion generators" that alleviate almost any ailment - at an affordable price: about $ 30 for a Russian and a hundred for foreigners. (We note in passing that these "generators" are as useful as any other amulets. The same is true with delirium - being useless, they inspire people with hope and keep them from going to real doctors.) We don't know how things are going in this business. But we know that this is not enough for Akimov's company, and it is constantly trying to cling to the state budget again. Akimov's interviews constantly appear in the newspapers with promises to solve the energy problem with the help of "energy generators from a vacuum" or to conquer space with the help of "supportless" engines. Not so long ago, it was said on television that a similar project was lying on Klebanov's desk.
An article published in Elektrosvyaz is preparing the ground for an application for state funding for the development of miracle communications - instant, hidden, strictly targeted, all-penetrating, unlimited distance and does not require energy. To bring it to practice, it clearly requires a lot of time and a lot of money. And in our time of rapid change, financial responsibility is ridiculous to think about. The point is small - to get funding! (It is strange, of course, that a great discovery after forty years still requires money to confirm its existence, and that despite intense advertising for 12 years, the predatory West has not reaped the fruits of the millennium discovery).
And now about the article itself. Its complete critical analysis is practically impossible, because there are gaps in logic, errors and contradictions in almost every phrase. This also makes the article almost invulnerable to scientific criticism, since any statement of it is devoid of accuracy, and it is possible to find the opposite in the same text. Some examples of this will still be presented.
The article contains a general introduction, a presentation of the "physics of torsion fields", a description of the "basic properties of torsion fields" and, in fact, a description of experiments on "torsion coupling".
The general introduction is the most reasonable part of the article, containing 4 understandable thoughts in four paragraphs. The first paragraph is general words about the role and types of modern communication. The second paragraph describes the difficulties of communication using electromagnetic fields. There are no special reproaches here, except for tendentiousness and inaccuracies. An example is the phrase about the "giant capacities" required in information transmission systems due to "absorption by natural environments." It is unclear what is meant by gigantic power. When it comes to the widest communication channels - fiberglass - the power is indeed spent to compensate for the absorption in the fiber, but it is small by any account: the total power of light absorbed, say, in a transatlantic cable, is measured in hundreds of watts. The power consumed by global satellite communications is limited by the modest power of satellites. The capacities of terrestrial radio and television broadcasting are relatively large, but by no means due to absorption by “natural environments”. The third paragraph begins with the words "The solution to these problems was tried to be found by applying ... non-electromagnetic fields, for example, gravitational ones." Now, this is a patently false statement. No one has ever come up with such hopelessly absurd ideas. 2-3. It seems that the authors have heard about the large-scale search by physicists for gravitational waves and are trying to match this topic to their own in order to substantiate the logic of the development of the “torsion connection”. Finally, the last paragraph of the introduction contains an abstract of the article.
Section "Physical bases of torsion connection". Here the authors present their solution to the problem of a unified field theory, on which the best minds of mankind have been working unsuccessfully for about a hundred years, starting with Einstein. This entire section is based on the monograph by G.I. Shipov (link from the article). The main current theorist of the group, G.I. Shipov, bluntly evaluates his merits much higher than those of Einstein. An exhaustive description of this work was given by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A.Rubakov. I will cite only his introductory assessment of the book as "replete with elementary errors and illiterate statements and, on the whole, of no scientific value." At the end of his review, Rubakov dwells on the issue of torsion fields, which are given leading importance in Shilov's book, and notes that they have not been discovered as a physical reality.
This section ends with a victorious report (page 26 of the original), announcing the release of industrial "torsion generators" since the mid-80s, which opened a "fundamentally new stage in the study of torsion phenomena." The following are the revolutionized areas of technology: “torsion sources of energy, torsion propulsion, torsion methods for obtaining materials with new physical properties, torsion transmission of information, and much more. Some works have reached the level of technology, in particular, in metallurgy.” No references are given here, although in many newspaper and oral speeches Akimov always speaks of the scientific authorities supporting him, gives the names of the performers and the addresses of many institutions where certain accomplishments have been carried out. (Most often Akimov is published in the newspapers "24 hours", "Arguments and Facts" and in the magazines "Terminator" and "Miracles and Adventures"). For each of these specific references, the "Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the Investigation of the Falsification of Scientific Research" conducted a check and found that in all cases there was a vulgar deception. Many examples of specific proceedings can be found in the monograph of the Chairman of the "Commission" Academician E.PKruglyakov "Scientists from the High Road" [Z]. In a limited number of cases, it was possible to achieve a demonstration of the material achievements of "torsion workers", in particular, to study materials "transformed" by the action of torsion radiation. The examination of these materials ended in a complete fiasco. Examples of this can again be found in the cited monograph [3]. (See also the author's article).
The section "Basic properties of torsion fields" deserves some separate comments, since it fully demonstrates Akimov's main method - to stun an unprepared audience with a stream of scientific phrases that evoke associations with something heard, highly scientific and obscure. And the specialist usually gets into a dead end, because he hears a meaningless cacophony - there is simply nothing to cling to. How, for example, to relate to these two passages: a) “we note that these fields (“torsion”) are an independent physical object at the macro level, having nothing to do with either gravity or electromagnetism” and b) “In addition, torsion fields can arise as an integral component of electromagnetism”... (p. 26). Both of these statements coexist in paragraph 1 of "properties". Further, it is reported that the primary torsion fields are generated by the “Absolute Nothing” (identical to God, as it turns out from the monograph of the adherents of the doctrine) and that the Physical Vacuum — the initial material of elementary particles — is born from the primary torsion field. Hmm...
Akimov's company is very fond of new terms. First, their fields were called spinor, then microlepton, then torsion. "Microleptons" at one time played the role of particles of this field. Now a new particle "tordion" has been declared a quantum of the torsion field, which, presumably, is a low-energy neutrino and that is why they are not absorbed in any medium. At the same time, there is no answer to the inevitable question - how can they be registered at the same time (and Akimovites sometimes register them with the help of an ordinary camera) - there is no answer.
It is interesting to pay attention to the evolution of the relationship between torsion fields and energy. Earlier it was said about torsion fields as a source of inexhaustible energy. One of the former ideologists of the group, A.F. Okhatrin, spoke about an allegedly realized free energy generator based on the “spontaneous decay of microleptons”. The statement of the authors about the creation of "torsion" energy generators was also cited above. At the same time, it is stated that "torsion signals (impacts) are transmitted informationally, and not energetically, i.e., without energy transfer." Or even more specifically, "for torsion fields, the potential is identically equal to zero, which corresponds to their non-energetic nature." This is a quote from point 10 of the properties. Paragraph 6 states that "torsion charges of the same name attract, and opposite ones repel." How can forces exist if the corresponding field has an identically zero potential? Force is measured by the potential gradient. If the potential is identically equal to zero, then its gradient is equal to zero. How can one draw energy from such a field? And how can it repel or attract?
Item 5 states that "torsion fields ( T) generated by the classical spin 2-4, can be axial ( T a) and radial ( T r). Each of these fields can be right ( T aR ,T rR) and left ( T aL ,T rL)". How can a radial vector be right or left - only Akimov's school knows!
Paragraph 8 states that "The static torsion field has a limited radius of action r, over the interval of which the intensity of the torsion field changes slightly (remains almost constant)." In doing so, reference is made to the figure, which shows the "torsion field intensity" as a weakly modulated constant value, which suddenly vanishes at a distance r 0 . Note that this is also a revolution in the concept of “radius of action”, which since the time of Yukawa has been understood as the denominator of the negative exponent, the numerator of which is the distance to the source of the field. And at the same time, the authors talk about the discovery of a new “long-range action” by them! Note that the article does not contain a word about the value of the radius r 0 .
Omitting many other blunders in this section, we will focus only on the central claim of the article - on the infinite speed of information transfer using torsion fields. It hardly needs to be reminded that the authors reject the special theory of relativity (SRT), which is based on the impossibility of transmitting information at a speed higher than the speed of light in a vacuum. I emphasize that we are talking about the speed of information transfer, and not some other. The authors refer to the facts of exceeding the speed of light in various physical phenomena. This kind of sensational reports, indeed, constantly appear, especially in the last decade. All of them have nothing to do with Einstein's postulate. In order not to clutter up the presentation, I will refer to a review article by the famous physicist R. Chao, who made many experiments in this area. He specifically stipulates that all credible demonstrations of this type do not in any way shake Einstein's principle, which is identical with the principle of causality. Indeed, let us assume that, according to Akimov, information appears at the receiving point simultaneously with its departure from the point of origin. How in this case to determine in which direction the information is moving? When relativism is taken into account in this case, cause and effect can arbitrarily change the order. I repeat, the authors reject SRT, which is the cornerstone of physics and has been confirmed countless times by the entire practice of nuclear physics.
On this, talk about the infinite speed of torsion fields (waves, radiation - the authors are constantly confused in these concepts) could be closed. Let us point out a few more absurdities associated with this invention.
Item 9 says that in relation to torsion waves, the physical vacuum behaves like a holographic medium. "In this medium, torsion waves propagate through the phase portrait of this hologram." (The authors again mixed up the terms: the hologram has no phase portrait; rather, it itself can be called the phase portrait of the recorded field). "This fundamental factor explains the informational (rather than energy) nature of signal transmission, as well as their superluminal propagation speed." It's just nonsense. How does this hypothetical situation differ from conventional imaging by an optical hologram? Light, indeed, passes through different paths, but why does its speed become infinite? By the way, if the quantum of the torsion field is a neutrino, then physicists have quite definite ideas about its propagation velocity - it is experimentally known that a neutrino always moves at a speed close to the speed of light. Theoretically, its speed can only be less if this particle has a non-zero rest mass (to which physics is now leaning).
Returning to the idea of ​​a hologram in a physical vacuum, which allegedly directs a torsion signal to a subscriber, it should be noted that the question of how this unique hologram is formed remains completely incomprehensible.
And a final note on this section. Torsion radiation is associated by the authors with spin precession. Only this indication allows you to get some idea about the frequency range of torsion radiation, which for some reason is not mentioned in the article. Spins precess in a magnetic field. This means that in the Earth's field these frequencies lie in the range from hundreds of Hertz to Megahertz. In an artificial field, these will be frequencies up to 10 -10 Hz. As you know, the maximum throughput of a communication channel is proportional to the carrier frequency. How is the mythical "torsion communication channel" from this point of view better than the optical one, the frequency of which is 10 -15 Hz?
Until now, it has not been directly stated how it is known that torsion fields do not exist in nature. Fundamentally, the theory admits the existence of such fields (it was not Akimov and Shipov who invented them!). However, it also imposes severe restrictions on the permissible value of their interaction with matter. This is due, first of all, to the highest accuracy in the implementation of the laws of other well-known "long-range actions" - electromagnetic and gravitational. These laws are confirmed up to 10 8 , which means that any new unknown long-range action must be weaker, otherwise it would have been discovered long ago. In addition, direct special experiments were carried out to search for a hypothetical spin interaction of a non-magnetic nature. In the first such experiment, the nonmagnetic interaction of polarized spins of electrons and mercury nuclei was measured. It was not found at the sensitivity of the experiment, which made it possible to detect such an interaction at a level of 10 -11 from the magnetic interaction of the same objects. Therefore, if something similar to a torsion field is ever discovered, it will inevitably be so negligibly weak that it will not be possible to speak of its applied role. This topic is developed in more detail in the works.
Turning to the concluding section of article [I], it remains to discuss the most difficult question - about the so-called "Results of experimental studies". Any experiment is a decisive argument in the search for truth if it is reliable, which practically means that it has been repeatedly reproduced by independent researchers. And even in this case, it can remain doubtful if it contradicts firmly established laws and facts - collective errors and delusions are possible. (For example, a well-prepared trick can look equally convincing in different audiences and in different performances.) In the considered case of “torsion radio”, there is no faith in the presented results, since these results do not have any independent verification and contradict a number of fundamental provisions of physics.
These experiments are all the more difficult to discuss because their description lacks the most necessary details. For example, none of the graphs has a time scale. Nothing is said about the receiver and transmitter (except for the name of the developer). Nevertheless, having been present at Akimov's early lectures, I take the risk of reconstructing the essence of these experiments.
I am convinced that these experiments were based on the idea of ​​searching for the odious "telepathic" connection, which had been in great vogue since the late 1950s, when Khrushchev's political "thaw" gave rise to a renaissance of interest in "mediumism" or, in the terminology of the time, "parapsychology". ". Our "special services" then received information about experiments in the USA on attempts (which turned out to be invariably fruitless) to establish telepathic communication with submarines (only recently a scandal erupted in the US Senate when it turned out that their services secretly spent $ 20 million on this nonsense - just that!). When I asked Akimov at his report how he received the "spinor signal", he answered ingenuously - through a psychic! And when I expressed distrust of such a receiver, Akimov spoke about the ongoing development of objective reception methods, in particular, by the conductivity of the skin of a psychic! This did not satisfy me either, and then Akimov began to talk about future semiconductor detectors. Since then, in my presence, Akimov resolutely denied the use of psychics in his experiments. In my opinion, his "torsiogram" was obtained by the usual method for these experiments by presenting to the "psychic" - the transmitter one of the elements of the binary code, which the second participant - the "receiver" must guess. It has long been established that "successful" telepathic sessions are based on a tendentious statistical sampling of successful short series of guessing. Of course, the distance between the participants does not matter. (However, much more often the success of telepathic communication was explained by banal fraud). Participation in these experiments of the so-called "torsion" generator, of course, did not matter, but it gave rise to an absurd illusion of establishing a communication channel that does not decay with distance. I admit that initially Akimov sincerely believed in the discovery of "torsion" fields, but he could hardly to maintain this belief over the next decades, faced with the community of physicists.
Broadcast claims of the authors to discover the "fifth force" - a new fundamental interaction - have no basis. Professional searches for new interactions have been systematically conducted by world physics over the past century with a full understanding of the difficulties of this problem in view of the search for obviously extremely small forces. So far they have been unsuccessful. Against this background, A.E. Akimov's long-term advertising of fantastic prospects for numerous applied applications of non-existent fields is simply a continuation of the extortion of public funds, wasted in the past decades under the cloak of secrecy. The depth of immersion of these "scientists" into the abyss of verbiage and unbridled, absolutely arbitrary constructions, combined with the natural unwillingness of professional physicists to deal with illiterate opponents, makes them invulnerable. This could be treated as a kind of religion*, and the question would be settled. The point is small - this religion must be separated from the state. It must be financed by its parishioners, or directly from the endless resources of the "physical vacuum".

Akimov A.E.

The co-authors of the article "Torsion connection - a new physical basis for information transmission systems", published in the journal "Electrosvyaz" No. 5, 2001, are V.Ya. Tarasenko and S.Yu. Tolmachev, instructed me to prepare a response to the review of our article by E.B. Alexandrov “Torsion communication - a bluff”, which we read in the magazine “Electrosvyaz” No. 3 for 2002. In contrast to E.B. Alexandrov, who avoids referring to official documents , we send to the editorial office for the information of the Electrosvyaz magazine a copy of all the documents on which we rely.
On behalf of the co-authors of the article, I express my deep gratitude for the opportunity to acquaint the wide readership of the Electrosvyaz magazine with the achievements in one of the promising areas of knowledge. Preparing materials for publication, we, of course, primarily focused on the profile of the journal. Therefore, in the published article, the emphasis was placed on highlighting the results of our work in the field of telecommunications. Having devoted a certain place in the article to the presentation of the main properties of torsion fields, we thereby wanted to show the possibility of using this physical reality to create new technologies in the field of energy, materials science and mechanical engineering.
Our hopes for a lively and interested response from regular readers were entirely justified. Since the publication, a large number of specialists have approached us with proposals for joint projects. Some of them are currently at the stage of signing research contracts; others, having a technological focus, are going through the stage of introduction into production. At the same time, the range of organizations that have shown interest in our work extends from the media to heavy industry enterprises. I will not hide the fact that the course of recent events pleases us and inspires confidence in the favorable prospects.
Against this background, the review of our article by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.B. Aleksandrov, published in No. 3 of the journal for the current year, sounded dissonant. The first feeling after reading the review is an extreme feeling of surprise, as in the respected scientific journal there could be an article written in a deliberately disrespectful spirit, in a style on the verge of vulgarity. For many decades of work in science, none of the authors of our article has ever met scientific reviews, the subject of which would be speculation, ambiguous hints, outright lies, not to mention the elementary scientific illiteracy of an unworthy junior researcher, not to mention an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences .
A significant part of the review by E. B. Aleksandrov, especially its beginning, contains abstract arguments that are in no way connected with the text of the article under review. It is significant that the review opens with a discussion not of scientific problems, but with the conjecture that “this is a commercial matter,” although this does not follow from any context of our article. The commercial sphere is not interested in science. She is interested in ready-made developments, and the article does not discuss technical issues at all.
It is stated in relation to the authors that “the team needed“ forceful ”support”, apparently alluding to S.Yu. Tolmachev - head of the department of the Academy of the FSB. E.B. Aleksandrov apparently forgot that long time, while working at the GOI, he performed a considerable, if not most, part of the work thanks to the financing of those who are now called " power structures”, and about whom E.B. Aleksandrov now writes so dismissively. When at a meeting of representatives of science with the President of Russia V.V. Putin in 2002, among many problems, spoke about the role of science in solving problems of defense, to no one, unlike E.B. Aleksandrova, the thought did not occur to me to say in this connection that the Russian Academy of Sciences needs power support.
It makes no sense to comment on all these conjectures of the inflamed imagination of E.B. Aleksandrov, which are not related to the content of our article. They contradict both the state of affairs and the documents. However, we will discuss a number of provisions below.
In his review, E.B. Aleksandrov claims that our work was done “in closed laboratories” and “has always been “top secret”. At first, I headed the Center for Non-Traditional Technologies of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR, which was created in accordance with the open Decree of the Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR, Vice President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.P. Laverov (Appendix 1). Then I headed the Intersectoral Scientific and Technical Center for Venture Unconventional Technologies (ISTC VENT) and the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (MITPF). All these organizations are open. That is why they never had either the first department or the regime department. Because of this, by definition, there could not be any secret laboratories in these organizations, and no closed work could be carried out. For all the years of leadership of these organizations, I have not signed a single closed document, even with a low signature stamp DSP. All reports, even on work with the USSR Ministry of Defense, were only open. Many results of a scientific and applied nature can be read in our open publications in the libraries of the country, if you are not too lazy to visit them (see, for example,).
Contrary to E.B. Alexandrov's works on torsion fields as "pseudo-scientific constructions", there is a different opinion in world science. As evidenced by the bibliographic list of works on torsion fields, prepared by scientists from Moscow State University and published at the University of Cologne, about three thousand scientific papers have been published in the prestigious scientific literature since the 19th century. For more than twenty years, the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University has trained specialists in torsion. Once every two years, schools - seminars on torsion problems are held under the auspices of the World Laboratory (Appendix 2). Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.S. Fradkin publishes articles on torsion (see, for example, ). Moreover, E.S. Fradkin seems to have chaired an international conference on torsion in the early 1980s. And only a person who is absolutely ignorant in this field of physics, apparently too lazy to get acquainted with the problems of torsion, can call it pseudoscientific constructions, if not from primary sources, then at least from reviews.
The Center for Non-Traditional Technologies of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR was not "disbanded" despite the lies of E.B. Aleksandrov. After the creation of the ISTC VENT, it was re-profiled, as follows from the circular letter signed by the First Deputy Chairman of the SCST V.A. Mikhailov (Appendix 3), in which the functions of the parent organization on the problem “Torsion fields. Torsion Methods, Means and Technologies” were entrusted to the ISTC VENT.
Another lie planted by E.B. Aleksandrov to the media and the scientific community in the Russian Academy of Sciences and disorienting everyone was information, as he writes in a review, that "for many decades, unmeasured funds were withdrawn from the country's budget." E.B. Aleksandrov in the Certificate, signed by him in May 1991 (Appendix 4), states that I said that 500 million rubles were allocated for work on torsion fields. But I didn’t say anything of the kind in this formulation, and I couldn’t say it, because. no one has ever allocated such money for work on torsion fields. I said that if the program on torsion fields is carried out in full, then, according to my estimates, about 500 million rubles will be required. For any sane person, it is obvious that “required” and “allocated” are far from the same thing.
It was extremely strange to discuss my work at a meeting of the Bureau of the Department of General Physics and Astronomy of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Commission on Science and Technology of the USSR Armed Forces in 1991. At these meetings, not only were neither I, nor the academicians of the USSR Academy of Sciences, participants of work on torsion fields but more than that, all of us were not even invited to these meetings. It is useful to note that, unlike E.B. Aleksandrov, the said Commission of 500 million rubles. spoke more cautiously: "... these data are unverified" (Appendix 5)
A false interpretation of reality is the words of E.B. Aleksandrov that “these “research” were financed uncontrollably from the scientific community.” Everything is perverted here. First, funding issues and, moreover, funding control issues are not a function of science. Secondly, nothing was hidden from the scientific community. Moreover, the scientific community, including the scientific community of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has always been and continues to be an active participant in the work on torsion fields and torsion technologies.
At the first stage of our work, funding was completely absent, and only the belief in the scientific validity of the work could serve as the basis for the desire to work with us. This was the main factor explaining why such leading specialists of the USSR Academy of Sciences as academician M.M. Lavrentiev, academician V.I. Trefilov, academician N.N. technical cooperation (Annex 6). Unfortunately, in those years, torsion generators were very primitive, and it was not always possible to obtain the desired results, as is usually the case in new areas of research.
So E. B. Aleksandrov’s thesis that “even for good money, not everyone will agree to write false reports” is devoid of any grounds. Moreover, beyond any doubt, the participation in these works of N.N. Bogolyubov, the largest not only in the USSR, but also in the world, specialist in quantum field theory, was the highest possible level of expertise, tantamount to approving the deployment of work on torsion fields. And the inconsistency of E. B. Alexandrov’s claims to the role of an expert (reviewer) will be shown again below. To this it should be added that in 1991 the director of the Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician - Secretary of the Department of General Physics and Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.M. Torsion methods, means and technologies” (Appendix 7). But the opinion of the Nobel laureate, as well as the opinion of N.N. Bogolyubov, apparently means nothing to E.B. Aleksandrov.
Against the background of what has been said, it is natural to declare conclusions that could be the result of complete ignorance of the actual state of affairs. E.B. Alexandrov writes in a review: “…none of the many dozens of broadcast promises in the field of defense and civil engineering has ever been fulfilled (and could not be fulfilled - simply due to the absence of these almighty fields!) ...” Let's start with the last one. The absence of "omnipotent fields" is written by a person who has never worked in this area and is not known to a single one among specialists on torsion problems. scientific publication on this issue. Unlike E.B. Aleksandrov, for example, Academician V.L. Ginzburg, who is also not a specialist in torsion, but more erudite, did not deny the existence of torsion fields as an object of physics in any of the publications and argued only about whether they are observable or not.
Now about the first part of the above quote. Along with long periods of work without funding at all, there were situations when contractual work with ministries or commercial structures appeared at short intervals. Thus, at the beginning of 1991, on the initiative of the USSR Ministry of Defense, research was carried out, for which we were paid only a quarter of the planned amount (advance payment for the first stage of work). At the same time, the customer received several dozen volumes, open (!) Reports, in which concrete results were presented, including numerous experimental works.
For example, at the Institute of Problems of Materials Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, fundamental results were obtained on the action of torsion radiation on metal melts. At the same time, there were clearly pronounced changes in the physico- chemical properties these metals (Appendix 8). These results have been published and donated to many libraries. Moreover, they served as the basis for testing, under contract with commercial structures, the technology for obtaining silumin at the Central Research Institute of Materials in St. Petersburg. This technology has been validated in several organizations in Russia and has been demonstrated twice at demonstration swimming pools in Seoul (South Korea). If we add to this that torsion equipment has been produced and sold in Russia for a number of years, the absurdity of E.B. Aleksandrov’s statements about the lack of fulfillment of promises, and the mockery about the “almighty fields” are unfounded. It is difficult to think of a more stupid position for academician E.B. Aleksandrov - in his understanding of the field, there are no fields, and their manifestation is practically not only observable, but is already in real use. And all this, apparently, is a consequence of such a blind faith of E.B. Aleksandrov that he knows everything in physics, which, judging by the nonsense that he writes, he apparently did not even consider it necessary to familiarize himself with numerous publications on these works (see, for example,).
The statement of E.B. Aleksandrov about the references to our results: “For each of these specific references, the “Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the Investigation of Falsifications of Scientific Research” conducted a check and found that in all cases there is a vulgar deception.” At the same time, a reference is made to the book of Academician E.P. Kruglyakov "Scientists from the High Road". Having carefully studied this book, I did not find "all cases" there. In this book, only one example is given, when a certain person came to one of the academic institutes and stated that at the ISTC VENT, as a result of torsion treatment of the copper melt, its conductivity increased 80 times. Instead of requiring, in accordance with common sense, from this person at least the protocols of experiments proving that this result really took place, or calling the director of the ISTC VENT and asking him to confirm the existence of this result, the employees of this institute, despite the obvious nonsense, that this man spoke, rushed to experimentally test the conductivity of copper.
In fact, in the sample that was studied, the electrical conductivity did not increase by 80 times against the control, but fell. The experimenters took the time to test for something that wasn't there in the first place. It was not difficult to establish this before the inspections. It is also striking that long before these events, I personally presented one of the participants in this test, an employee of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR V.G. In this preprint, not only is there no mention of any increase in the conductivity of copper, but the problem of its electrical conductivity is not even mentioned there at all. And this whole performance is presented as a test that led to the establishment of deception. So, E.B. Aleksandrov’s statement that “the examination of these materials ended in a complete fiasco” actually demonstrates the fiasco of unfortunate experts (see A.E. Akimov’s answer to A.V. Byalko’s article in this collection).
It is absolutely unworthy that E.B. Aleksandrov attributed to me that which was not, and could not be. In the organizations that I headed, no work on the so-called microlepton topics was ever carried out. In these organizations, no one has ever been engaged in any healing. Absolute nonsense are the statements of E.B. Aleksandrov, attributing to my organizations the manufacture and sale of torsion generators, as he writes, "relieving almost any ailment." We have never dealt with the mentioned E.B. Aleksandrov work on the impact on climate. All this is the speculation of the author of the review. I had nothing to do with the project, which, as E.B. Aleksandrov, "lay on Klebanov's table." Over the past 10 years, I have never turned to any state bodies, including Klebanov, on any issues. The article in the Izvestia newspaper mentioned by E.B. Aleksandrov also has nothing to do with our work. Now many independent organizations in Russia and abroad are engaged in research and development in the field of torsion fields. Therefore, the mention in any publications of works on torsion topics does not mean at all that these works have at least some relation to us.
E. B. Alexandrov’s assertion that “Akimov’s company is trying to cling to the state budget again” (an excellent example of the style of a scientific review written by a person who apparently considers himself an intellectual) is directly opposite to reality. In the second half of the 1990s, I decided to refuse funding from the SCST programs. In the subsequent period, I made every effort to avoid budget funding, as well as any contact with government structures, although this was not always possible, especially in the first two years after this decision. Sometimes ministries turn to us with proposals to carry out work on torsion topics. But since the initiative does not come from us, but from the ministries, then if E. B. Aleksandrov does not like it, then you need to turn to them, and not to me. There is no more truth in another statement by E. B. Aleksandrov: “The article published in Elektrosvyaz is preparing the ground for an application for budget funding ...”. In the current state of development of torsion communication means, budget funding is not acceptable for us, and commercial funding is not desirable. In view of the foregoing, E. B. Alexandrov’s calls at the end of the review to separate our works from the state were late and therefore lost their meaning.
Based on the foregoing, it is clear that more than a third of E.B. Aleksandrov's reviews are spent on discussing problems related to science itself, for the most part, they have nothing to do with it. Consider the scientific position of E.B. Alexandrov, as he states it in the review. But first, let's pay attention to one important circumstance.
During the 20th century, physics has differentiated to such an extent that general knowledge of physics is usually not enough for a specialist in one field of physics to be able to expertly express judgments concerning another field. Undoubtedly, a specialist in the physics of the world's oceans would not be qualified to review special works in astrophysics or high-energy physics. Under these conditions, the honest and adequate position of a physicist, a specialist in a particular field, if a question from another field arises before him, comes down to only one thing: not to build fantasies based on general ideas, but to turn to specialists who know the problem from the inside.
I have no reason to doubt the high level of EB Aleksandrov's qualifications in optics and interference of atomic states (I read his book on this problem with great pleasure). But, as noted above, he never worked in the field of torsion problems. If he were a specialist in twisting and read what he wrote as a review, he would have every reason to be horrified by the extent of his ignorance. It is impossible to comment on all the nonsense written by E.B. Aleksandrov. for this it is necessary to repeat monographs in order to raise the educational level of an academician. Naturally, it is impossible to do this on the pages of the magazine. Therefore, I will confine myself to commenting on only individual provisions of the review.
Criticizing the provisions of the article, which states that torsion fields are an independent field, and at the same time it is stated that torsion fields are a component of electromagnetism, E.B. Aleksandrov thereby demonstrated ignorance of the primary sources. We are talking about different classes of torsion fields.
A vivid example of the depth of ignorance of EB Aleksandrov of the subject of discussion is his reasoning about the non-observability of torsion fields. Noting that the theory admits the existence of such fields, E.B. Aleksandrov writes: “However, it also imposes severe restrictions on the permissible value of their interaction with matter. This is due, first of all, to the highest accuracy in the implementation of the laws of other known "long-range actions" ... ". And further arguments are given about the fact that if torsion fields existed, then their manifestation would probably be noticed.
More than twenty years ago, during a discussion about biofields, an employee of the IRE of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. Godik, said that when studying the Juna phenomenon, the most modern instruments recorded seven known types of radiation. When asked whether any unknown radiation was recorded at the same time, he answered methodologically accurately: "I cannot measure what I do not know." To detect something as a result of the implementation of a regular experimental physical procedure, it is necessary to have, if not a theory, then at least a model of the process being measured. This makes it possible not only to build a reasonable measurement procedure, but also to formulate the conditions for their implementation, without taking into account which, even with a correctly implemented measurement procedure, it is often impossible to obtain a predictable result.
For example, depending on how the particle spins are mutually oriented, the effects of spin interactions may or may not be observed. Therefore, in the examples given by E.B. Aleksandrov, torsion effects could not be observed, not because they were absent, but because some conditions were not met. To do this, when reading the experiments described by EB Aleksandrov on the non-magnetic interaction of polarized spins of electrons and nuclei of mercury, it is enough to recall the experiments of A. Krish on the interaction of spin-polarized protons with a spin-polarized proton target. In the experiments of A. Krish with unidirectional spins of the protons of the beam and the target, no deviations from the usual observations were recorded. But for the differently directed orientations of these spins, twofold deviations in proton scattering were observed against the quantum chromodynamics model and fourfold deviations against the standard model. In contrast to the work of E.B. Aleksandrov with co-authors, in my work I have given a sufficient number of heterogeneous experiments in which, it seems, torsion effects were observed.
The experiments I have presented can be divided into three groups.
1. Experiments that have a standard explanation, but it seems that their torsion interpretation is more correct.
2. Experiments in which the torsion interpretation seems natural, but can be challenged.
3. Experiments that do not have any standard interpretation, but which have a satisfactory qualitative and quantitative explanation within the framework of the Einstein-Cartan Theory. Very strong effects were observed in these experiments. So the arguments of E.B. Aleksandrov in favor of the opinion that if torsion fields existed, they would be observed, are untenable due to the scarcity and one-sidedness of the information that he owns - they observed, but not always identified with the manifestation of torsion fields (with torsion ). For a number of such most reliable experiments, this was done by V. de Sabbata (see, for example,), whose work, by virtue of the indicated words of E.B. Aleksandrov, is apparently unknown to him, which is natural for a non-specialist even in the Einstein-Cartan theory.
Once again, we have to state the gap between the abyss of ignorance of E.B. Aleksandrov and the real situation in physics, which he does not know to the extent that it seems to him in his categorical judgments in the review. E. B. Alexandrov writes: “If ever something similar to a torsion field is discovered, it will inevitably be ... negligibly weak ...”. "Inevitably" "insignificantly weak" fields turn out to demonstrate incredibly strong effects.
Nevertheless, let's return to the original phrase of E.B. Aleksandrov about torsion fields, that the theory "imposes severe restrictions on the permissible value of their interaction with matter." Alas, here, too, E. B. Aleksandrov’s main argument is his ignorance. If he bothered to read at least the review on torsion fields by A.P. Efremov, available in the former Leninka, then he would know that within the framework of the standard Einstein-Cartan Theory there are many non-linear ways to introduce torsion fields. This is the so-called dynamic torsion theory, which shows that for spinning sources with wave torsion radiation, the theory does not impose the requirement that the interaction constant must be small. It directly follows from this that, contrary to the statements of E.B. Aleksandrov, even the generally accepted standard theory of torsion, the Einstein-Cartan Theory, not to mention the fundamental Theory of Physical Vacuum, does not at all deny the possibility of strong torsion effects.
Apparently, sensing the weakness of his arguments, perhaps not consciously enough, E.B. Aleksandrov insured himself by giving a long list of situations where one can not trust the results of experiments. From this list it follows that in no case can one fully trust the experiment. A sad verdict on experimental physics. If you believe E.B. Aleksandrov, then everything that was considered experimentally proven in physics can be thrown into the wastebasket. But I would like to draw attention to his fundamental methodological error.
E. B. Aleksandrov writes that an experiment “may remain doubtful if it contradicts firmly established laws and facts…”. The academician forgot to clarify when this is correct and when it is not. Let's assume that at the time of I. Newton, experiments with near-light signals would be possible. In these experiments, a violation of the rule of linear addition of velocities is found, which, according to E.B. Aleksandrov, contradicts “firmly established laws and facts.” In accordance with his rules, such results should be rejected, and the authors of the theory (Lorentz and Einstein), who explain the nonlinear addition of velocities, should be declared to be engaged in pseudoscience.
It is no coincidence that a parable in the corridors of the Russian Academy of Sciences is the assertion that if the theory of relativity were destined to be born in the USSR after the Second World War, then a clerk from the patent office with his ideas, in the interpretation of E.B. Aleksandrov, contradicting the dominant doctrine, Newton’s theory, would not have had any chance not only to be heard, but even to be published. The real confirmation of this situation is the demagogic denial of the works of G.I. Shipov. Or the situation with A.P. Efremov's analytical review, which received a positive review from the UFN editors with some technical comments. These remarks were corrected, but more than five years have passed, and the work has not been published without any explanation.
The assertion of E.B. does not follow from anything. Aleksandrov that works on the theory of torsion fields are absolutely arbitrary constructions. Even a cursory glance at G.I.Shipov's book is enough to make sure that the theoretical basis of torsion fields is stated analytically accurately. It is noteworthy that neither Academician E.B. Aleksandrov, nor Academician E.P. Kruglyakov, nor Academician V.L. Ginzburg, nor Academician V.A. Rubakov, could not indicate at least one page from the specified book by G.I. Shipov, where there is at least one mistake in the mathematical calculations, as well as in general no matter how well-founded objections (see G.I. Shipov's answer to V.ARubakov's review in this collection). There are no specific indications of such errors in the review of E. B. Alexandrov. And how simple everything would be for the reviewer - he showed which formula, where and in what, was obtained incorrectly and there was no need to write a long text. Since there is nothing of the kind, it is not our works, but the works of the listed critics, including the review of E. B. Aleksandrov himself, that can be extremely accurately characterized by his own words, “an abyss of verbiage and unbridled, absolutely arbitrary constructions.” By the way, this is another example of the delightful style of the “scientist-intellectual”, which is widely represented in the review.
Returning to the problems of experiments, we note that in reality, if reproducible experiments appear that contradict the conclusions of any theory, then one should not reject them, but at least find out whether these experiments lie outside the scope of the theory. The experimental lack of conformity of the kinematics of the objects of the microcosm does not contradict the mechanics of I. Newton, but lie outside the limits of its applicability.
As the history of physics at the beginning of the 20th century testifies, the discrepancy between the theoretically predicted values ​​of radiation from a black body and those actually observed in experiments served as the basis for the emergence of quantum mechanics. Also, for example, V.N. Tolchin's inercoids do not demonstrate a contradiction of I. Newton's theory and, moreover, do not deny it, but only point to an important class of mechanical systems corresponding to mechanics that lies beyond the domain of I. Newton's mechanics. They point to the existence of non-Newtonian mechanics. So Academician E.B. Aleksandrov is clearly at odds with the methodology of science.
Unfortunately, V.N. Tolchin himself, not being a scientist, took the wrong position, arguing that, since inercoids move due to internal forces, which means that I. Newton's mechanics are incorrect.
Along with the noted facts, the strength of the logical persuasiveness of the arguments of E.B. Alexandrova. At the beginning of our answer, we reproduced a phrase from his review. He wrote that none of the promises in the field of technology was fulfilled "and could not be fulfilled - simply because of the absence of these omnipotent fields!". Let us remember the categorical nature of E.B. Aleksandrov about the absence of torsion fields. But in the second half of the article, he writes no less categorically, but diametrically opposite: "In principle, the theory admits the existence of such fields ...". The author of the review avoids the consequences of these statements. Either the theory “allows” and the fields exist, but then all the reasoning of the review falls apart. Or the theory "allows", but the fields are really absent. But since the theory that "allows" is the Einstein-Cartan Theory, then the reviewer should have concluded that this theory is false. However, the school that E.B. Aleksandrov, does not allow to have his own opinion different from the patriarchs of science, judging by the reckless persistence with which he looks for discrepancies between our works and generally accepted concepts. This is where amazing near-scientific considerations are born. Meanwhile, theories of gravity with different quanta were born in the West. Theories with fractional charges were born in the West. I am sure that most readers of these lines understand that if, before the articles of Western scientists, any of the Russian scientists would come up with the idea of ​​the possibility of the existence of particles with fractional charges, especially if this scientist is not a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the label of pseudoscience would be guaranteed to him immediately .
Only methodological confusion in the minds of E.B. Alexandrov, one can explain his words that "the authors reject the special theory of relativity." Firstly, the works of G.I. Shipov develop the theory of A. Einstein, on the way of generalizing the fundamental principles, and do not reject it. Secondly, it seems that E.B. Aleksandrov and standard physics from the original source, apparently, does not know well enough. A. Einstein himself did not rule out the possibility of violating the principle of causality. And Herok's theorem finally resolved this contradiction. It should be added to this that it would be nice for E.B. Aleksandrov to recall at least the concept of tachyons, not to mention the theory of spontaneous symmetry breaking, apparently beyond his competence, the main equation of which includes imaginary masses that can exist only with superluminal speeds. So the scathing assessments of E. B. Aleksandrov about the “blunders of the section” where superluminal speeds are discussed, the author of the review will have to take at his own expense.
In general, E.B. Aleksandrov’s criticism of what is simply not in the reviewed article lies beyond the bounds of common sense. Thus, referring to those provisions of the article under review, where the problem of the superluminal speed of signals is discussed in connection with the holographic structure of the physical vacuum, he writes: “Light does indeed travel in different ways, but why does its speed become infinite?” The article deals with the propagation of torsion signals, and E. B. Aleksandrov discusses electromagnetic signals. The article talks about superluminal torsion signals, and E. B. Aleksandrov wonders why the light "speed becomes infinite." May the speed of light not become infinite! No problems of light are discussed in the article at all.
In conclusion, I cannot but touch upon the mention of God in the review in vain, although we did not even mention this problem in our article. As the above facts show, the review by E.B. Aleksandrov is filled with lies and conjectures against the background of the author’s deep ignorance of the subject considered in the article. Naturally, a person capable of lying, without shame, without honor and conscience, does not need God.


  1. G.I.Shipov. THEORY OF PHYSICAL VACUUM. Theory, experiments and technologies. Nauka, M., 1997.
  2. HORIZONS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF THE XXI CENTURY. MITPF RANS, Sat. Proceedings, edited by Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences A.E. Akimov, volume 1, Folium, M., 2000.
  3. E.S.Fradrin, Sh.M.Shvartsman. Effective Action of a Relativistic Spinning Particle in a Gravitational Field with Torsion. GOTEBORG Institute of Theoretical Physics 91-18, April 1991.
  4. Melnikov V.N., Pronin P.I. Problems of stability of the gravitational constant and additional interactions. Results of science and technology, ser. Astronomy, v. 41, Gravity and Astronomy, Moscow, VINITI, 1991.
  5. Obukhov Yu.N., Pronin P.I. Physical effects in the theory of gravity with torsion. Results of science and technology, ser. Classical field theory and gravitation theory, vol. 2, Gravity and cosmology. M., VINITI, 1991.
  6. Efremov A.P. Torsion of space - time and the effects of the torsion field. Analytical review. ISTC VENT, M., 1991, preprint No. 6.
  7. V.P. Maiboroda et al. Influence of torsion fields on tin melt. ISTC VENT, M., 1993, preprint No. 49.
  8. V.P.Mayboroda et al. Structure and properties of copper inherited from the melt after exposure to torsion radiation. ISTC VENT, M., 1994, preprint No. 50.
  9. De Sabbata V., Sivaram C. Strong spin-torsion interaction between spinning protons. Nuovo Ciemento F, 1989, No. 101.
  10. Alan D. Krish. Collision of rotating protons. In the world of science, 1987, No. 10.
    See also: A.D. Krisch. THE AGS POLARIZED PROTON BEAM and Yousef.I. Makdisi. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ON SPIN PHYSICS AT THE AGS. On Sat. reports V11 International Symposium ON SPIN PHENOMENA IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS. Protvino September 22-27, 1986. Serpukhov, 1987.
  11. Aleksandrov E.B. and other Restrictions on the existence of a new type of fundamental interaction. ZhETF, 1983, vol. 85, no. 6.
  12. Akimov A.E. Heuristic discussion of the problem of searching for new long-range actions. EGS - concepts. ISTC VENT, M., 1992, preprint No. 7A.
  13. Einstein A. Collection scientific papers. In four volumes. Nauka, M., 1965, v.1, p. 7-35; vol. 2, p. 5-82; vol. 4, p. 278.280
  1. Decree of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR of December 22, 1989 No. 724, On the establishment of the Center for Non-Traditional Technologies of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR.
  3. Circular letter of the First Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology V.A.Mikhailov
  4. Help E.B. Alexandrov dated May 1991
  5. Decree of the Committee on Science and Technology of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 4, 1991 No. 58.
  6. Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation for 1988 - 1989.
  7. Comprehensive program of work for 1991-1995. on the problem “Torsion fields. Torsion Methods, Means and Technologies” of the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR.
  8. Act on the performance of work, signed by Academician V.I. Trefilov on January 5, 1990

Shipov G.I.

In connection with the publication in the journal "Electrosvyaz" No. 3 in 2002 of the review of E.B. Alexandrov "Torsion connection - a bluff", I consider it necessary to draw the attention of readers of the journal to the following factors. Modern science is characterized by a narrow specialization of scientific research, so it is not uncommon for a titled scientist to claim "knowledge of the truth" in those areas of science in which he does not understand, figuratively speaking, even at the level of the Murzilka magazine. What moral right does academician E.B. Alexandrov, who has not written a single scientific work on unified field theory, on the theory of torsion fields, and in general on theoretical physics in its present sense, to speak about the scientific content of the work, which deals with strategic issues of theoretical physics? And there is no need to refer to the opinion of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Rubakov. To his credit, like E.B. Aleksandrov, there is not a single publication on the problems of torsion - he is not a specialist in this field of physics.
As an educational program, let me remind you that the concept of torsion (in its modern understanding - torsion fields) was first introduced in science a century and a half ago in the works of the French mathematician J. Frenet. Already in those days, mathematicians associated the torsion of particle trajectories with the proper rotation of material objects. Developing the work of J. Frenet, in 1895 the Italian mathematician G. Ricci introduced the torsion of space as a function of angular variables. Ricci torsion is known in differential geometry under the name "Ricci rotation coefficients". In my works, it is this torsion that is declared to be a torsion field.
And what kind of torsion fields do Academicians E.B. Alexandrov and V.A. Rubakov? They have no opinion of their own on this subject. Not being specialists, they, of course, use the results of the work of specialists in the Einstein-Cartan theory, namely, F. Hel, De Sabbata, P. Pronin, and others. These scientists are engaged in the study of torsion by E. Cartan, who in 1922 suggested that the torsion of space can be generated by the moment of rotation of matter. Expressing this idea, the mathematician E. Cartan, in my opinion, made two mistakes. First, he did not refer to the work of his predecessor G. Ricci. Secondly, E. Cartan introduced, in addition to the Ricci torsion, the Cartan torsion, which in its mathematical representation does not depend on the angular variables, and which is in no way connected with the real rotation! As a result, Academician E.B. Aleksandrov, appealing to this dead-end direction, contradictory in its initial premises, is trying to assess the possibility of experimental manifestation of Cartan's torsion fields, which have nothing to do with physics at all. Moreover, which have nothing to do with the torsion fields indicated in the article reviewed by him.
The snobbery and self-conceit of A.E. Aleksandrov turned out to be so great that he did not even notice how much he put himself in a stupid position with his incompetence. His ignorance causes such harm to the country, in comparison with which even the supposedly fantastic costs of work on torsion fields turn out to be a drop in the ocean.
One can ask the question, is there an objective judge in the confrontation between the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and scientists, specialists in torsion physics? Of course, there are - these are the results of theoretical and experimental studies of torsion fields, developed torsion technologies, which speak for themselves.

Gennady SHIPOV

The existing networks and complexes of radio and telecommunications are a characteristic and integral part of the modern information civilization. The rapidly growing information needs of society have led to the creation of ultra-modern information processing and transmission systems based on the latest technologies. Depending on the class and type of systems, information is transmitted using wire, fiber-optic, radio relay, shortwave and satellite communication lines.

However, in their development, radio and telecommunications faced a number of insurmountable physical limitations. Many frequency ranges are overloaded and close to saturation. A number of communication systems already implement the Shannon limit on the bandwidth of radio channels. The absorption of electromagnetic radiation by natural environments requires gigantic capacities in information transmission systems. Despite the high propagation speed of electromagnetic waves, great difficulties arise due to signal delay in satellite communication systems, especially in communication systems with objects in deep space.

They tried to find solutions to these problems by using other, non-electromagnetic fields, such as gravitational ones. However, for more than a dozen years this remains only an area of ​​\u200b\u200btheoretical reasoning, since so far no one knows how to create a gravitational transmitter. There are known attempts to use a high penetrating neutrino stream to communicate with submarines, but they also failed.

For many decades, another physical object remained out of sight - torsion fields, which will be discussed in this article. It describes the physical nature of torsion fields and their properties, and based on the results of experimental studies, the authors predict in the very near future the intensification of efforts to create and develop means of torsion communication.

Torsion fields (torsion fields) as an object of theoretical physics have been the subject of research since the beginning of the 20th century and owe their birth to E. Cartan and A. Einstein. That is why one of the important sections of the theory of torsion fields was called the Einstein-Cartan theory (TEK). Within the framework of the global problem of the geometrization of physical fields, dating back to Clifford and justified by A. Einstein, in the theory of torsion fields, the torsion of space-time is considered, while in the theory of gravity, Riemannian curvature is considered.

If electromagnetic fields are generated by charge, gravitational fields - by mass, then torsion fields - by spin or angular momentum. It should be noted here that we have in mind the classical spin, and not the magnetic moment. Unlike electromagnetic fields, where their only sources are charges, torsion fields can be generated not only by spin. Thus, theory predicts the possibility of their self-generation, while experiment demonstrates their emergence from curvilinear figures of a geometric or topological nature.

At the beginning of the 20th century, during the early works of E. Cartan, the concept of spin did not exist in physics. Therefore, torsion fields were associated with massive objects and their angular momentum. This approach gave rise to the illusion that torsion effects are one of the manifestations of gravity. Works within the framework of the theory of gravity with torsion are being carried out at the present time. Belief in the gravitational nature of torsion effects was especially strengthened after the publication in the period 1972-1974. works of V. Kopchinsky and A. Trautman, in which it was shown that the torsion of space-time leads to the elimination of the cosmological singularity in non-stationary models of the Universe. In addition, the torsion tensor has a multiplier in the form of the product Gh (here G and h  are the gravitational constant and Planck's constant, respectively), which is essentially a constant of spin-torsion interactions. From here the conclusion directly followed that this constant is almost 30 orders of magnitude less than the constant of gravitational interactions. Therefore, even if torsion effects exist in nature, they cannot be observed. Such a conclusion ruled out for almost 50 years all work on experimental search for manifestations of torsion fields in nature and laboratory research.

Only with the appearance of generalizing works by F. Hel, T. Kibble and D. Shima, it became clear that the Einstein-Cartan theory does not exhaust the theory of torsion fields.

In a large number of works that appeared after the works of F. Hel, where the theory with dynamic torsion was analyzed, i.e. the theory of torsion fields generated by a spinning source with radiation, it was shown that in the Lagrangian for such sources there can be up to ten terms, the constants which do not depend in any way on either G or h —they are not defined at all. It does not at all follow from this that they are necessarily large, and torsion effects, therefore, are observable. First of all, it is important that the theory does not require that they be necessarily very small. Under these conditions, the experiment has the last word.

Later it was shown that among physical phenomenology there are many experiments with micro- and macroscopic objects in which the manifestation of torsion fields is observed. A number of them have already found their qualitative and quantitative explanation within the framework of the theory of torsion fields.

The second important conclusion arising from the works of F. Hel was the understanding that torsion fields can be generated by objects with spin, but with zero rest mass, as, for example, in a neutrino, i.e., a torsion field arises in general in the absence of a gravitational field . Although work on the theory of gravitation with torsion continues after this, nevertheless, the understanding of the role of torsion fields as an independent physical object, like electromagnetic and gravitational fields, has expanded.

In the modern interpretation, the PV is a complex quantum dynamic object that manifests itself through fluctuations. The standard theoretical approach is based on the concepts of S. Weinberg, A. Salam and S. Gleshow.

However, at a certain stage of research, it was considered expedient to return to the electron-positron model of P. Dirac's PV in a slightly modified interpretation. Given that the PV is defined as a state without particles, and proceeding from the classical spin model as an annular wave packet (following the terminology of Belinfante - circulating energy flow), we will consider the PV as a system of annular wave packets of electrons and positrons, and not proper electron-positron pairs .

Formally, with the spin compensation of phytons, their mutual orientation in an ensemble in a PV, it would seem, can be arbitrary. However, it seems intuitively that the PV forms an ordered structure with linear packing. The idea of ​​PV orderliness, apparently, belongs to A. D. Kirzhnits and A. D. Linda. It would be naive to see the true structure of the PV in the constructed model. This would mean demanding more from the model than the artificial scheme is capable of.

Let us consider the most important in practical terms cases of PV perturbation by various external sources. This will help to assess the realism of the developed approach.

1. Let the charge q be the source of perturbation. If the PV has a phyton structure, then the action of the charge will be expressed in the charge polarization of the PV. This case is well known in quantum electrodynamics. In particular, the Lamb shift is traditionally explained in terms of the charge polarization of the electron-positron PV. Such a state of PV charge polarization can be interpreted as an electromagnetic field (E-field).

2. If the source of the perturbation is the mass, then, unlike the previous case, when we encountered a well-known situation, a hypothetical assumption will be made here: the perturbation of the PV by the mass will be expressed in symmetric oscillations of the phyton elements along the axis to the center of the object of perturbation. Such a state can be characterized as a gravitational field (G-field).

3. When the source of the perturbation is the classical spin, it can be assumed that the effect of the classical spin on the PV will be as follows: the spins of the phytons that coincide with the orientation of the spin of the source retain their orientation, and those spins of the phytons that are opposite to the spin of the source will experience inversion. As a result, the PV will pass into the state of transverse spin polarization. This polarization state can be interpreted as a spin (torsion) field (S-field) or a T-field generated by the classical spin. The formulated approach is consonant with the concept of torsion fields as a condensate of fermion pairs.

The polarization spin states SR and SL contradict the Pauli exclusion. However, according to the concept of M. A. Markov, at densities of the order of Planck, fundamental physical laws can have a different form, different from the known ones. The rejection of Pauli's prohibition for such a specific material medium as the PV is acceptable, probably no less than in the concept of quarks.

In accordance with the above approach, we can say that a single medium - PV can be in different "phase", more precisely, polarization states - EGS states. This medium in the state of charge polarization manifests itself as an electromagnetic field E. The same medium in the state of spin longitudinal polarization manifests itself as a gravitational field G. Finally, the same medium–PV in the state of spin transverse polarization manifests itself as a spin (torsion) field S. Thus, the EGS-polarization states of the PV correspond to the EGS-fields.

All three fields generated by independent kinematic parameters are universal, or fields of the first class in the terminology of R. Utiyama; these fields manifest themselves both at the macro and micro levels. Developed representations allow us to approach the problem of at least universal fields from some general positions. In the proposed model, the role of a unified field is played by the PV, whose polarization states manifest themselves as ECS fields. Here it is appropriate to recall the words of Ya. I. Pomeranchuk: "All physics is vacuum physics." Modern nature does not need "associations". In nature, there are only PV and its polarization states. And "joins" only reflect the degree of our understanding of the relationship of fields.

Previously, it was repeatedly noted that the classical field can be considered as a state of the PV. However, the polarization states of the PV were not given the fundamental role they actually play. As a rule, it was not discussed which polarizations of the PV are meant. According to Ya. B. Zel'dovich, polarization of the FW is interpreted in the above approach as a charge polarization (electromagnetic field), according to A. D. Sakharov, as a spin longitudinal (gravitational field), and for torsion fields, as a spin transverse polarization.

For solving communication problems, the most significant of these properties of torsion fields (torsion waves) are the following:
– the absence of dependence of the intensity of torsion fields on distance, which makes it possible to avoid large expenditures of energy to compensate for losses due to their weakening in accordance with the inverse square law, as is the case for electromagnetic waves;
– absence of absorption of torsion waves by natural media, which eliminates the need for additional large expenditures of energy to compensate for the losses typical for radio communications;
– torsion waves do not transfer energy, they act on the torsion receiver only informationally;
– torsion waves, propagating through the phase portrait of the PV holographic structure, provide signal transmission from one point of space to another in a non-local way. Under such conditions, transmission can only be instantaneous at a rate equal to infinity;
– for the non-local way of interaction of points in a holographic medium through their phase portrait, the fact of signal absorption on a straight line connecting two points of such a medium does not matter. Communication based on this principle does not need repeaters.

Thus, in the first approximation, we can say that the transmission of information through the torsion communication channel can be implemented at any distance and through any medium by arbitrarily weak torsion signals.

In traditional radio communications, large required powers are required to compensate for the attenuation of signals during the passage of signals in free space due to their attenuation according to the inverse square law, as well as to compensate for losses during the passage of signals through absorbing media.

In this case, compensation must be carried out to such an extent that the transmitted signal at the input of the receiver has an intensity exceeding the sensitivity of this receiver.

In addition, taking into account the speed of the passage of radio signals already in satellite communication systems, the signal delay will create certain difficulties. These difficulties grow into serious problems for communication with vehicles in deep space.

Difficulties with over-the-horizon communication lead to the need to build complex global communication networks with repeaters.

In some cases, radio communication can be implemented not only in the region of ultralong waves, but, for example, for underground communication, however, in this case, the speed of information transmission is lost, not to mention the obvious technical difficulties.

A number of radio communication problems are in principle unsolvable, such as, for example, communication with spacecraft descending from orbit, since they are shielded by the plasma that arises around these vehicles when they enter the dense layers of the atmosphere.

Some radio communications issues cannot be resolved because operating systems are close to physically limiting possibilities. Systems with throughput close to the Shannon limits are known.

All these problems are overcome by using torsion coupling. It suffices to point out the three properties of torsion radiation noted above: torsion radiation is not attenuated with distance and is not absorbed by natural media and has a group velocity of at least 10 9 s.

Since torsion signals do not weaken with distance and are not absorbed. then there is no need for large capacities transmitters even on long routes. Due to the absence of absorption by natural media, torsion signals make it possible to provide both underground and underwater communications, as well as communications through plasma. With such a high group velocity, it is possible even within the galaxy. and not just the solar system, solve the problems of communication, control and navigation in real time.

The first experiments on the transmission of binary signals over a torsion communication channel were carried out in April 1986. in Moscow. The torsion transmitter was installed on the ground floor of the building and did not have radio antenna devices. which could be taken to the roof. The torsion receiver was located on the second floor of the building at a distance of about 22 km (Fig. 6). Under these conditions, the torsion signal could only propagate in a straight line from the transmitter to the receiver.

This meant that, in addition to the terrain, taking into account the density of buildings in Moscow, the torsion signal had to overcome a screen equivalent to a reinforced concrete wall more than 50 m thick. For radio communications without a repeater!) This is an almost impossible task.

In the communication sessions carried out, the binary torsion signal of the start-stop telegraph code M2 ​​was received without error when the energy consumption of the torsion transmitter was 30 mW. In additional experiments, the torsion transmitter was brought to the receiver (trace of zero length). At the same time, the intensity of the recorded signal did not change. Thus it was shown. that for a torsion bond, as predicted by theory, the torsion signal is not absorbed or attenuated with distance.

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The Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies opens its doors for additional professional education...
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LESSON TYPE: Lesson learning new material. LESSON OBJECTIVES: Teaching: 1. To form one of the basic concepts of electrodynamics - ...
Astronavigation for the yachtsman “There is only one unmistakable way to determine the location and direction of the ship's path at sea - ...
Environmental factors are quantified (Figure 6). In relation to each factor, an optimum zone can be distinguished (a zone of normal ...