Do-it-yourself internal sewerage in a private house: regulatory requirements and practical recommendations. How to make a sewer system in a private house? How to properly install sewerage in a private house


A modern sewer system in a private house is a complex of sewerage equipment, communications and engineering equipment - pipelines, cesspools, septic tanks.

The main function of the sewer system is to collect wastewater from the place where it appears into one network and transport it to the disposal facility.

If the sewerage system is designed correctly, takes into account all the requirements of SNIP and operates it correctly, then it will become the key to comfort and coziness in a private home or.

And vice versa - a neglectful attitude towards sewerage construction can lead to mistakes, which, in turn, will cause dire consequences -.

If the sewer network layout is broken or drawn up incorrectly, this will certainly lead to saturation groundwater fecal components, and well (well) water will be unsuitable for drinking.

And the saddest thing that can happen is that with a large volume of wastewater, the building may flood, and this means that anything can happen to the foundation, walls and basement. Not to mention the smell that accompanies all these troubles.

A sewerage project for a home should be drawn up based on data from a specific area. Therefore, it is important to follow some recommendations that are common to all projects. The sewerage system in a private house must be based on “three pillars”. This:

  1. External sewerage.
  2. Sewage tank.

General principles and rules of construction

An autonomous sewer system is built and operates in the same way as a city network. The wastewater generated in the house must be collected in one pipeline and discharged into a septic tank or into.

Further dirty water It is cleaned several times and dumped into the soil. Or it is spent on economic purposes. Based on this, it is not difficult to understand that the home sewage system is very simple.

From each water consumer (faucet, mixer, shower) you need to lay pipes that are connected to a common riser.

The general sewer drains wastewater into a septic tank, which serves to purify the water.

Any sewer consists of two parts:

  1. The internal network consists of a plastic pipeline and plumbing fixtures.
  2. The external network is the same pipeline, filter collectors and a septic tank (cesspool), which is located on the site outside the house.

What does a sewerage system diagram consist of, and how can you create it yourself for a private home?

You can develop a simple sewerage scheme yourself - knowledge is enough for this building regulations and SNiP. More complex sewer systems require the participation of professionals, because even a small miscalculation will cause large and serious problems.

A standard simplified sewerage scheme includes one common riser, a pipeline through the sewerage elements, external pipeline and a reservoir.

How to plan and draw up a diagram correctly?

  1. IN one-story house the kitchen and bathroom should be located nearby, and as close as possible to the place where the sewage drains to the street.
  2. IN two-story house the toilet should be on each floor, so it is better to place rooms with high humidity one above the other, so that it is more convenient to connect all the pipes to a common riser.
  3. The layout of the internal sewerage system should have as few connections, junctions and joints as possible.

When building a two- or three-story cottage with several bathrooms, toilets, a swimming pool, a jacuzzi and other amenities of civilization, you need to use more complex circuit sewerage.

It may be necessary to install several septic tanks, several common sewer risers, and even pumping station. Therefore, for such complex work it is necessary to hire specialists.

Competent calculation of the scheme, simplicity and reliability of the sewer system, taking into account all the details - all this can only be done by a professional.

Before developing a project, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. How - through a central water supply or from a well (well).
  2. What plumbing fixtures and in what quantity will be installed in the house.
  3. Where is it planned to build a septic tank ( cesspool).
  4. The climate in a given area is the amount of annual and monthly precipitation, seasonal temperature changes, and so on.
  5. How will the septic tank be cleaned - independently or using sewer equipment. Organization of access roads to the septic tank.

If the sewerage and water supply diagram for the house is drawn up correctly and competently, then it should include the following points:

  1. Sewage diagram of a private house indicating all the wiring, with the quantity and size of materials.
  2. Layout of sewer pipes and risers.
  3. Indicating turns in the sewer system.
  4. Locations in external sewer networks.
  5. Pump locations.

Internal networks

The construction and dimensions of the internal sewerage network in the house are determined by the size of the premises and relative position water consumers.

With help PVC pipes all drainage objects must be connected to a common sewer riser.

The pipeline is connected either with special fittings or in a socket, without the use of fittings. Several other existing methods of connecting pipes are by welding or gluing.

The assembled sewer must be attached to the walls of the house or to some load-bearing structures clamps or clips.

Also sewer pipe needs to be secured next to the tie-in into the common riser, and next to.

This ventilation method is excellent when laying several sewer risers. But it is not recommended to install more than five valves on the entire sewerage system.

The aeration valve cannot completely replace ventilation pipe , because the air movement through it passes only in one direction - into the sewerage system. Therefore, gas can accumulate in the room, and it must be removed outside.

Professional terms

Here are a few special, most common plumbing terms. If you know what this or that word means, it will be easier for you to navigate both when purchasing plumbing fixtures and when installing your own sewerage system in the house.

  • The vacuum valve is designed to provide the sewage system with air when the system is discharged, which can sometimes occur inside it. The vacuum valve protects the premises from the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewage system.
  • BA is an element of the riser of the sewerage system, which is located in the area above the pipe supply and has a connection with the external environment.
  • Outlet - a pipe that connects sewer well, located at the end of the system, with common network sewerage in the area outside the building. The outlet pipe is installed at the very end of the sewerage system.
  • The supply line is a pipe that connects all the plumbing to a common riser or to a drain pipe.
  • Sewer network (sewer network) - a system of all sewerage devices and devices, pipes and shut-off valves.
  • Riser - sewer pipes installed vertically. The riser ensures the removal of sewage water.
  • Discharge pipe - drains sewage outside the premises.

Sewerage can be installed in the house different ways. But the main thing is to choose the right sewerage system for your home, for your individual needs.

A cozy country house is the dream of every city dweller, which can be overshadowed by the lack of practical, functional communications. Indeed, private houses are classified as residential buildings, and modern man I'm used to living in comfort. You perceive resources such as electricity and water supply not as a luxury, but as natural needs, which are quite normal and even natural to have in your private home. Needless to say how important normal sewerage is in it.

Purpose and choice of sewerage

Wastewater disposal has a specific universal name - sewerage. It can be centralized, that is, connected via pipes to central sewer networks (usually in a city), or autonomous.

Need in autonomous sewerage it is very strongly felt outside the city or in the private sector, consisting of individual houses and buildings. These can be not only residential, but also public, industrial buildings, whose activities involve wastewater disposal.

As one of the most important utility systems, sewerage can be divided into two main parts:

In order to correctly and rationally choose the type of sewerage system for your private home, and not make mistakes, be guided by the following parameters:

  • Number of consumers (residents) in the house;
  • The volume of water consumption per person, taking into account all plumbing fixtures in the house;
  • Dimensions of the adjacent plot;
  • Soil properties;
  • Degree of groundwater occurrence;
  • Features of the climate.

More details all current rules sewerage arrangements are described in SNiP 2.04.03-85. “Sewerage. External networks and structures."

Types of autonomous sewerage for a private house

There are different ways to arrange drainage in a private home. Each of the methods listed below has its own advantages and disadvantages, weighing which it is usually not difficult to make your optimal choice.

  • cesspool- the most ancient and simplest method of waste disposal, which not long ago had no analogues at all. The primitive design of such a sewer system is a shallow pit with unreinforced walls and without any bottom protection. After it is filled, the hole is covered with earth, and a new one is made in another place. The construction of a cesspool is more or less practical with a very small volume of wastewater, not exceeding 1 m3. Modern version the cesspool is arranged with reinforced concrete or brickwork its inner part, and a gravel cushion (20 - 30 cm) for soil post-treatment of wastewater. The principle and scheme of operation are very simple: water from the drains, falling to the bottom of the pit, seeps through the gravel base, fecal dense masses accumulate in the pit, and are periodically pumped out by sewer trucks. Speeds up the wastewater treatment process by adding aerobic bacteria, which also help fight unpleasant odors. The cesspool is designed for a small number of plumbing fixtures, and in modern country houses practically nothing is done. Main disadvantages: low permeability, the bottom of the pit should be located at a distance of a meter from groundwater;

  • Photo: cesspool from concrete rings without bottom

    Construction of a cesspool, regulated by SNiP rules. To prevent contamination of soil and groundwater, its location must be no less than:

    • 3 m from the fence;
    • 5 m from a residential building;
    • 10 m from the garden;
    • 20 - 50 m from a source of drinking water.

  • Storage container or tank– ready and inexpensive option Such containers are widely available on the market today in HDPE plastic. You can also equip it yourself, using concrete rings and metal tanks. Principle and scheme of operation: wastewater flows into the container through connected pipes by gravity. Specialized plastic sewer tanks are reinforced over the entire area with stiffening ribs, which also make them as stable as possible during installation. Their body is quite durable. They are equipped with an inspection hatch for pumping out wastewater, which should be insulated for the winter. The deepening of such tanks does not require wastewater control, and does not require any special preparation. The only drawback is that the container needs to be emptied frequently.
  • Important!
    The location of such a tank on the site of a private house must be foreseen in advance, since it must be convenient for subsequent cleaning using a sewer truck.

  • Septic tank– autonomous sewer device, providing for wastewater treatment. There are single- and multi-chamber septic tanks, with a passive or forced cleaning process. The simplest is a single-chamber septic tank. In essence, this is the same cesspool, the bottom of which is strewn with a sand and gravel cushion. You can make it yourself from a large container, reinforced concrete rings, or by strengthening the pit with brickwork. The walls of such a septic tank are carefully waterproofed to avoid soil contamination. Disadvantage: low permeability of wastewater, periodic replacement of silted sand and gravel bed.

  • Photo: single-chamber septic tank with sand and gravel bed

    A two-chamber septic tank is a more advanced design, but its design is simple. It provides several compartments: a settling tank and a filtration well. Such a septic tank is made from ready-made HDPE or fiberglass, providing technologically advanced water seals that allow wastewater to flow in only one direction. There are also inspection hatches and additional chambers for preserving oxygen with vents. This is done so that natural aerobic bacteria can be used in the first chamber of this septic tank, helping the cleaning process and eliminating unpleasant odors. Oxygen is required for them, since this process is accompanied by fermentation and decomposition into the elementary components of the main waste biomass.

    Photo: diagram of a two-chamber septic tank

    This simple structure is often made with your own hands, monolithic or prefabricated from reinforced concrete rings. Its internal part is reliably waterproofed. The material is relatively comfortable, but extremely durable with sufficient waterproofing measures. A monolithic septic tank can be made quite spacious. Its production is more labor-intensive than prefabricated concrete, since to pour concrete it is necessary to install formwork and a connecting reinforcing cage that strengthens the structural elements. The pouring process itself is associated with filling, compacting and subsequent drying of the resulting structure. Such work should be done only during the warm period of the year. Made concrete septic tank They are assembled from separate concrete rings, welding them together “in mortgages”, and coating the joints with mortar and bitumen. The resulting well is divided into two halves by a partition in which a small pipe outlet or blocker is placed. Plastic two-chamber septic tanks sometimes provide soil post-treatment in the form of an additional chamber with water diffusers into the soil through pipes. The output of a two-chamber septic tank produces purified water for technical needs. The septic tank itself needs to be periodically cleaned of flotation cake and sludge accumulations using a sewer truck.

    Photo: monolithic concrete septic tank

    A septic tank with biofiltration is a structure of several separate or interconnected chambers, the filtration process in which occurs in a passive mode. Operating principle: multi-stage filtration using various bacteria. The best solution will be used in the first stage of purification anaerobic bacteria, which do not need oxygen. In the inner part of its last chamber, saturated with oxygen from the aeration tank, a biofilter is placed. It consists of a lattice with a colony of aerobic bacteria placed on it, and a backfill made of expanded clay or granular polymer. This chamber creates ideal conditions for the life of bacteria. The water here is purified up to 95%, which makes it quite suitable for technical needs.

    Photo: diagram of a septic tank with biofiltration

    Three- and four-chamber septic tanks are the most advanced in this moment septic tank designs for private homes. They are produced by companies that produce specialized equipment for autonomous closed sewers. This means that they do not need any soil treatment. Such devices are so advanced that the usual rules of retreat from residential buildings, penetration into the soil, control of groundwater and climatic changes do not apply to them. All chambers are united by one durable plastic housing and connected by blocking pipes, the cleaning process is controlled by an electronic sensor system, and the movement of wastewater through its internal part is ensured by one or two powerful pumps that can easily cope with volley discharges of water. To provide life support for aerobic bacteria, oxygen is also forced into the septic tank chambers. This septic tank needs to be cleaned once every 3-6 months (depending on the volume of wastewater). And it’s not even difficult to do it yourself without the help of specialists. All that is needed for its operation is a small pit slightly larger than the septic tank itself, pipes and power supply. They are also called deep stations biological treatment Wastewater. The only drawback is that it is not a cheap pleasure. However, wastewater treatment with such systems is possible up to 98%!

    Photo: diagram of an autonomous sewer system for a private house

When deciding to properly install sewerage in your private home, you need to pay attention to the following features:

  • Before starting all work, it is necessary to make a project of the entire sewer system, which will display its entire diagram, pipes with all elements, a septic tank, as well as calculations for its permeability;
  • It is best to insulate external sewer pipes so that the water in them does not freeze in frosty weather. Recommended pipe diameter is 100-110 mm, minimum angle slope of gravity sewer - 5 o;
  • Connections of sewer pipes must be reliable and sealed, any leaks are excluded.

Equipping a private home with an autonomous sewer system is a very important and not so difficult job. Guided by the rules of SNiPs and SanPinas, you can assemble it yourself, equip it reliably and correctly, providing yourself and your loved ones with exceptional comfort for many years.

Important! Biological treatment plants require some maintenance. First of all, it is necessary to maintain an optimal population of anaerobic bacteria by periodically adding a special concentrate to the appropriate compartment. Do not use overly aggressive products in everyday life chemical substances which can destroy bacteria. The installation must be connected to the power supply.

The cleaning process is carried out in stages:

  1. In the first section, occupying largest volume, pollutants are separated into fractions. Heavy and insoluble substances sink to the bottom. This chamber must be periodically cleaned using a vacuum cleaner;
  2. In the second section (aeration tank), wastewater is enriched with atmospheric oxygen using the aeration method. Here, the active phase of cleaning occurs using biological decomposition using bacteria;
  3. In the third section, the settling tank, activated sludge is settled;
  4. From the fourth section, where water is supplied by a jet pump from the secondary settling tank, completely purified water is discharged from the treatment device through an overflow pipe or drain pump.

Installation of internal sewerage in a private house - diagram and recommendations

The internal sewage system includes the following elements;

  • Plumbing fixtures: , ;
  • Sewer riser and ventilation pipe attached to it;
  • Branch lines;
  • Check valve.

Horizontal pipelines are installed with a slope. When installing sewerage in a private house, the standard slope indicators are often neglected, doing it “by eye”, significantly exceeding the recommended coefficient. As a result, sewage solids do not have time to be washed out of the pipes along with water and accumulate inside, creating traffic jams.

Table of the dependence of the slope on the diameter of sewer pipes for a private house pipes

Diameter, mm Optimal slope Minimum permissible slope
50 0,035 0,025
100 0,02 0,012
150 0,01 0,007
200 0,008 0,003

The connection of branch pipelines to the riser is carried out using oblique tees and crosses. Installation of sewer pipes, utility and technical rooms is allowed open method. Fastening is carried out using special couplings with dowels, or the pipes are placed on supports. In residential premises, as a rule, hidden installation is performed. Sewage pipelines are located in technical niches and shafts, boxes, under the floor. To carry out maintenance - periodic cleaning, the main riser and sewer drain lines are equipped with inspections in accordance with the standards:

  • Sewer riser on the lower and upper floors of a private house;
  • Branch lines to which three or more plumbing fixtures are connected;
  • At pipeline bends (this is where solid insoluble waste residues most often accumulate);
  • On leprous horizontal sections every 8 m.

Video of installing a sewer system in a private house with your own hands, correct laying of pipes with a slope:

Which pipes to choose

The optimal pipe material for sewerage in a private home is polymers. Products made from them are light in weight and can be installed by hand without the assistance of assistants. The industry produces a large number of adapters, tees, crosses and couplings across the entire range of used diameters. Installation is carried out without the use of specialized equipment and does not require long training or special skills. The approximate material is not subject to corrosion and aggressive influences household chemicals, has a long service life. The following polymers are most often used for sewerage in a private home:

  • HDPE (high density polyethylene)- affordable, but sensitive to temperature changes. The maximum operating temperature should not exceed +40°C;
  • PP()– has good performance characteristics, maximum operating temperature is +100°C, withstands aggressive chemicals and significant mechanical stress, and has a fairly high cost;
  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride)- a material with an optimal combination of cost and quality. Can be used for both external and internal sewerage. Impact resistant ultraviolet radiation, mechanical influences medium intensity, temperatures up to +70°C. However, during long-term use, plaque may appear on the walls, which leads to clogging.

Pipe connection

The most common method of installing a plastic pipeline is a socket connection. It is performed if the pipe or fitting has the appropriate structural element- bell The connection process is as follows:

  • The bell and smooth end are cleaned of dirt;
  • It is inserted into a special recess inside the bell rubber compressor ensuring tightness of joints;
  • Lubricate the smooth end of the other pipe with silicone grease or ordinary liquid soap, after which it can be easily inserted into the socket until it stops;

Important! It is necessary to provide for the possibility of thermal expansion. To do this, a mark is made on the smooth part of the pipe with a marker, after which it is pulled out 1 cm from the socket.

Stages of work on installing a sewer system in a private house with your own hands

The sequence of arranging the sewer system of a private house can be divided into several stages:

  1. Determination of the amount of wastewater, volume and productivity of the septic tank;
  2. Determining the location of the septic tank on personal plot in accordance with sanitary standards;
  3. Installation of an internal sewer network;
  4. Installation of external treatment facilities;
  5. Laying pipelines and connections for external treatment facilities and internal sewerage.

Calculation of septic tank volume

Table of water consumption standards for a private residential building.

Type of housing and type of life activity Consumption, l/day per person
Residential building equipped with running water and sewerage system without bathtub125÷160
A residential building equipped with a water supply and sewerage system with a bathroom and a local one looks like this:

V = n × Q × 3 / 1000 , Where

V – volume of the septic tank in m3;

n – number of permanent residents;

Q – average water consumption per person in m3;

3 - amount of days full cycle cleaning (according to SNiP).

For example, with an average consumption of 0.2 m 3 / person / day, taking into account a three-day reservation, for a family of 4 people you will need a septic tank with a volume of 2.4 m 3. To make calculations easier, we have developed a convenient calculator especially for our readers.

Calculator for calculating the required volume of a septic tank based on the number of residents

For year-round use of a private residential building During seasonal use of a country house
Gravel, crushed stone0.15÷0.200.18÷0.24
Coarse sand0.10÷0.150.12÷0.18

Table of the volume of household waste per 1 linear meter of underground filtration field pipeline:

Composition of the filtrate Maximum volume of treated sewage, m 3 /day per 1 linear meter of drainage pipeline
Up to 500 500÷600 More than 600
Gravel, crushed stone, coarse sand0.012÷0.0250.0096÷0.02250.0084÷0.02
Fine sand, sandy loam0.006÷0.0200.0048÷0.180.0042÷0.016

Table of the volume of domestic waste per 1 linear meter of filtration trench pipeline.

Do-it-yourself internal sewerage wiring in a private house

The efficiency of the sewer system of a private house, as well as the ease of arranging it with your own hands, depends on the layout of the entire structure. It is considered optimal if the kitchen and bathroom are located as close to each other as possible; this minimizes the length of the sewer pipeline and allows you to connect all plumbing fixtures to one riser. When installing the internal sewage system of a private house with your own hands, you must consider the following factors:

  • it is necessary to connect directly to the main riser of the sewer system at the minimum possible distance from the pipe, this will reduce the likelihood of blockage of the plumbing fixture;
  • It is recommended to connect other plumbing fixtures to the sewer network above the level of the toilet connection, this will eliminate the possibility of fecal matter getting into the drain lines;
  • The pipeline must be rotated using several angle bends. For example, two at 45° or three at 30°, this will provide a smoother turn and avoid clogging;
  • The sewer riser must be led to the roof, where a fan hood is mounted on it, providing a sewer system inside; Methods for connecting a toilet to a sewer riser

    Installation and equipment of a sewerage tank

    To install a septic tank, regardless of its model, a pit is dug with dimensions slightly larger than the dimensions of the tank. A sand cushion about 10 cm thick is placed at the bottom of the pit. It is compacted and leveled as much as possible. To install septic tanks in a pit, it is recommended to use lifting construction equipment, since some models have quite a significant weight. In most cases, fastening elements are provided on the housing. After installation, the container must be leveled. Depending on the design, it may be necessary to install neck extensions.


The installation of a sewer system requires the most scrupulous attitude to all stages of the process, including depth, slope, and reliability of connections. Each of these factors has a great impact on the quality of operation of the entire system. Negligence is unacceptable here; if you do not have confidence in your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals.

Laying depth of the sewer system

Modern sewer systems significantly improve the standard of living in a private home. If in previous years a toilet on the street was perceived as an unpleasant necessity, inseparable from a private home, today it is a sign of laziness of the owners or their extremely low income. Moreover, in the first case, you can get out of the situation by hiring professionals who will do absolutely all the work.

The depth of the pipeline depends on the depth of the septic tank.

Advice! The pipe laid between the building and the septic tank must be straight. Knees and turns will cause blockages.

Before installing a sewer system, it is worth finding out what the average freezing depth is in your region. The pipes need to be laid a little lower than these figures. Typically, the depth at which sewer pipes are located in a private house in the south is more than 50 cm. In the central part of the country, where the climate is harsher, the depth of sewer pipes in a private house is at least 70 cm. These figures are especially significant if sewer pipes are located under platforms or under paths, which are cleared of snow in winter.

Features of laying sewer pipes

Laying of sewer pipes must be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  • you need to use pipes of the required diameter;
  • it is necessary to observe the standard slope norm (about 0.03 m per 1 linear meter of pipe);
  • it is permissible to use pipes from different materials, but in one pipeline the pipes must match in material.

The depth of the pipeline can be determined based on the following points:

  • the nature of the site (its topography, soil features);
  • The point where the sewer pipe exits the house.

The angle of inclination is needed so that the wastewater flows by gravity, in this case there is no need to install a pump, and excess dirt will not accumulate inside the pipe, which can cause blockages. For the same purpose, the outer part of the system is made without turns. Inside the premises, the sewerage installation scheme in a private house allows for pipe rotations; this will not become a serious obstacle to the functionality of the system. If you allow the outer part of the sewer system to turn, you will definitely have to tear off these pipes. Consequently, neglecting these rules can create very serious problems that cannot always be solved quickly.

Advice! If it is impossible to lay a sewer pipe without turning, you need to make a well at the turning point, into which you can always penetrate and remove the blockage in this area. This technique allows you to lay a sewer pipeline in any area.

Why is laying depth important?

The main reason for the need to be overly careful about the depth of pipe laying is the possibility of freezing. If this happens in the middle of winter, residents of the house will be left without the ability to use the sewer system until warmer days when the ice melts. Even minimal ice build-up inside the pipes will lead to blockages and a decrease or complete cessation of permeability. This is a natural result of narrowing the lumen of the pipe. Getting rid of blockages in places where pipes turn in external system wells contribute.

This convenient device allows you to monitor the operation of the sewer system and eliminate emerging problems in a timely manner. It’s not very difficult to make, but it brings a lot of comfort to the process of operation.

Taking into account the depth of soil freezing is a fundamental requirement. In order not to spend money on constructing deeper trenches than necessary, you need to have a clear understanding of the depth of soil freezing in a given area. Below is a table that will help you navigate this issue.

How to properly install thermal insulation?

In cold regions, it is recommended to supplement the sewer pipeline with thermal insulation. This technique allows you to extend the service life and eliminate the possibility of freezing at very low temperatures. Most often, polyurethane foam is used for this purpose. If you wrap the pipe in polyurethane foam and make a polyethylene shell on top, the pipe will not be afraid of frost.

If you lay pipes below the possible freezing point, the pipes will never freeze. In this case, additional protection is provided in case of extreme cold. When performing thermal insulation, special attention is paid to joints and turning points. It is these zones that tolerate the effects of cold rather poorly. So insulation of turning points is mandatory.

In Europe, a more technologically advanced method is used. An electric cable is placed next to the pipeline; if necessary, it acts as a heater for the pipe. For many residents of our country, this method is too expensive, because paying for energy is not the smallest expense item. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the depth of pipe laying. IN central regions It is better to choose a depth of 1m. And in the northern regions, it is advisable to dig deeper trenches and carry out high-quality thermal insulation. For this you can either use fiberglass. If the pipes are located above the ground, they are also insulated with similar materials. Since they can be filled with water, .

Video - Installation of external sewerage and insulation

The interior of the sewer system of a private house

For uninterrupted operation of the sewerage system, the following pipe diameter requirements must be observed:

External part of the sewer system of a private house

The main requirement is to ensure proper slope. The only correct drainage is gravity. Too low a speed will cause blockages. Moving wastewater too quickly will accelerate the destruction of pipes.

The scheme for laying sewerage in a private house includes a description of the characteristics of the pipe exiting the premises. The rules for removing the pipe from the house depend on the type of foundation. With a strip foundation, the outlet is arranged on the side. For slab installations, the pipe is laid from top to bottom; for this, a section of pipe and a 45° elbow are used. To install a sewer system, a sleeve pipe is laid in the foundation in advance, through which the main pipeline is then routed. Such a base is needed to protect the pipeline from excessive pressure and potential destruction.

From the exit point to the septic tank/cesspool, the pipe is laid evenly, without bends. The drainage pipe is inserted into the septic tank at the top. This is done to provide a place for waste to accumulate.

In order not to make a mistake about the depth of pipe installation, you need to find out how things are going with your neighbors who have already installed a drain for themselves. If they have problems with pipe freezing, you will need to bury your pipe further. No matter how deep the pipe lies, a slope is required in any case. Usually make 2 - 3 cm per linear meter.

  1. First, you should make a detailed diagram of the pipeline layout inside the house. This will reduce time and financial costs by providing all the best options.
  2. The pipes are routed towards the riser or septic tank, sharp corners are excluded.
  3. The riser on each floor must be equipped with a tee designed to service the sewer system for quick cleaning.

Toilets in nature are becoming a thing of the past over time, and the comfortable amenities of our modern times should please everyone. People living in a private house, into which it is impossible to drain water, often dream about the benefits of civilization. But ordering services for installing an autonomous sewer system is not a cheap pleasure. Not everyone knows how easy it is to make a sewer system in a private house with your own hands.

For the correct functionality of an autonomous sewer system in a private house, you need to understand many factors, know the existing nuances and do the installation yourself sanitary rules and standards. When preparing a drainage system diagram, you need to carefully study the layout of a particular building. Also, you should take into account the location of the premises where the inflow and outflow of water will occur. The ideal solution will be if all internal equipment is connected to one pipe. Which will drain water into a septic tank or into a drainage pit.

In a competent design scheme for the layout of a pipeline system, you should calculate the slope of the pipes used. If the slope is incorrectly calculated, inconvenience and unnecessary expenses may occur. The slope when installing internal and external pipelines will differ.

The slope angle is responsible for changing the position of the pipe on the surface, relative to the horizon line. A large slope is only possible on short sections. There are simple methods for determining the slope of a pipe. But to install an autonomous sewer system in a private house with your own hands, it will be difficult to calculate the correct slope of the pipes. It is important that the calculation of the slope in a private house is carried out using a non-calculation method.

Correct installation of the internal sewerage network in a private house

To pave internal sewerage, it is important to consider the location of other water consumers and the size of the premises. All plumbing facilities can be connected to the water supply.

Installation diagram of internal autonomous sewage system:

Installation diagram of external autonomous sewage system

Pipe laying process

A very difficult and responsible process in installing an autonomous sewer system with your own hands is laying pipes. This process requires help, as independent work will affect not only the speed of the process, but also its quality.

When installing a sewer system with your own hands, it is important to calculate the depth of the pipes. Because the functionality of your pipeline depends on the depth.

It is necessary to remember the exact angle of inclination of the pipes. The volume of the pipe in a system without pressure determines its slope. To ensure the required slope, various places you need to install the pipeline differently.

Correct pipe routing and riser installation

To prevent the pipe from freezing in winter, it needs to be insulated. To do this, it should be taken out into an asbestos-cement pipe, having previously been wrapped with heat-insulating material.

What is a cesspool for?

A cesspool, in other words, is a well without a bottom. When installing a pipeline with your own hands, it is possible to leave soil instead of the bottom and lay out the walls from brick or concrete. Once in the pit, wastewater is filtered from feces and solid waste and seeps into the ground. Waste that has settled at the depth of the pit must be removed over time.

You can use a cesspool provided that the water flow per day does not exceed 1 cubic meter. meters. Wastewater penetrating to the bottom depth will be treated by microorganisms. If the rules are not followed, they will not have time to process it and contamination of sources near the cesspool will occur.

Special pumps for removing sewage

Pumps in drainage system in a private home, should be installed if your plumbing drains are below ground level. Also, pumps should be used in case of too long distance before drain hole or septic tank.
Pumps (also known as solofilters) are used to eliminate household sewage that flows from the house into the depths of the cesspool. They are the most economical way, and also effective.

How is it possible to arrange drainage of wastewater from the basement or basement, two options:

  • Firstly, you need to install a pump, with output to a gravity system and with rise to the required height;
  • Secondly, install a container for sewage. Then carry out the wiring into the cesspool from the private home sewerage system.

Pumps on the market exist in large quantities, you just need to choose the one that suits your parameters.

Pump operation stages:

  1. When the water rises, the built-in sensors are triggered and turn on the pump.
  2. Particles falling from the toilet are collected in a basket at the depth of the well.
  3. The pump has a built-in special mechanism that grinds the trapped particles to the size of passage through the basket opening.
  4. Pumps suck in liquid along with solid particles and raise them to the desired height.

Proper plumbing connection

Plumbing connection diagram:

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