Wolf in sheep's clothing or sacrificial lamb? A sheep in wolf's clothing, or what is a social person? Wolf in sheep's clothing.

This material for preparing the training is the exercise “Wolf in sheep's clothing» allows participants to get to know each other better. Since the game component plays a large role in this training exercise, it contributes to a more complete disclosure of the qualities of the participants: characters, behavioral styles, etc.

Plus, it is also a very entertaining and interesting game!

Action plan

Briefly, the exercise looks like this:

1) Prepare blank cards;

2) On one of the cards write “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”;

3) Participants ask each other various questions;

4) You can answer “Yes”, “No”, “I will not answer”;

5) The wolf always answers lies;

6) The whole team needs to find the wolf.

How to use creativity techniques

After conducting the training exercise, you can discuss with the participants what signs they used to find the wolf.

The group size can be any.
Materials needed: note paper, pens.
Time to complete: 10 minutes.

Usage example

So, let’s look at how this happens in a training setting, taking a closer look at each of the points of the action plan described above:

The trainer prepares blank cards and writes “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” on one of them. And distributes these cards to the participants. In this case, the participants should not know which of them received the “wolf in sheep’s clothing” card.

The participants in the exercise are given the task of determining which of them is a wolf.
To do this, they move freely around the hall in which the training takes place and ask each other different questions. The main requirement for these questions: the questions should not be obvious, like “Are you a man”, “Is the sun a star?”

Participants in the training can answer questions only with the answers: “Yes”, “No”, “I don’t want (will not) answer.”

5-10 minutes of time are allotted for the task. A time limit allows you to add dynamism to this exercise. During this time, participants must determine which of them is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

If the participants did not complete the task within the allotted time, then they are given another time (5-10) minutes to still find the wolf in sheep's clothing.

Work in a competitive environment for some time, and encountering a wolf in sheep's clothing will be inevitable. A classic example is the story of a vigilant shepherd warding off predators from his flock. But the wolf still penetrates the herd, wearing sheep's clothing to do so.

Each of us must learn to avoid such people. Outwardly, wolves may look quite harmless, but at the same time they have their own hidden motives. Such people use the most different ways to hide true intentions from others.

In this case, a wolf is a person who shows you kindness when you are around, but undermines your authority when you are not around. He fishes out your ideas and then passes them off as his own and gets promoted. Such individuals think only about their own benefit at the cost of the lives of others.

Benefits of camouflage

A person will not resort to manipulating someone if it does not give him anything. But when there is still a potential benefit, then in order to achieve the goal, he will hide his true intentions until the last. By hiding them under a mask, the wolf has the opportunity to force those around him to do what he wants. He realizes that such behavior is unacceptable in society and can lead to conflict if his cards are revealed.

Thus, wolves get what they want without putting in almost any effort. And by the time they take him out to clean water, the wolf will already enjoy the results of his “work”.

Signs that you are a manipulator

1. He is trying to seize power by taking it away from someone. The wolf needs others only as tools to achieve personal goals. He doesn't care what happens to other people. At work, during a presentation, such a person may make you look bad while at the same time trying to prove himself to his superiors.

2. The wolf seems cute, but sooner or later he will show his fangs. If he reveals himself, people will want nothing to do with him. The wolf will play the role of a friend and good man, but he will not be able to pretend 24 hours a day, because sooner or later his aggressive nature will manifest itself. A wealthy person who frequently breaks laws will try to convince others of his goodness by making generous donations. This money helps him avoid problems, but if someone challenges the wolf to an argument, his behavior will quickly ruin the reputation he has created.

3. To achieve his goal, he manipulates other people's emotions. By appealing to your emotions, the wolf is looking for an opportunity to get ahead. He studies your wants and needs, and then gives one minimum required, with whom you will be calm and will not start complaining. Imagine that your boss is such a wolf, and you are dreaming of a vacation. He will play on your feelings, trying to dissuade you from your plan or reduce the number of vacation days.

4. At first the wolf is charming. Wolves are true professionals in the field of manipulating people. They show false interest in everything you do to win you over to their side. But once the wolf gets what he wants from you, he will do everything in his power to keep you off the hook.

For example, this is what colleagues do who pretend to be your friends in order to shift their responsibility onto you. If they see that you are upset about something, they will even make some kind of surprise to gain your sympathy even more. And after that they will continue to use you.

5. His stories are full of gaps. By opening the wolf, you will make it squirm. To get out, he will begin to improvise, and this will make his situation even worse. A classic example is suspecting someone of infidelity. When you ask why he or she came home so late, the response will either be angry or give you an implausible explanation.

How to identify a wolf?

Prepare well first. Find out how the wolf reacts to a given situation, or present it with a hypothetical problem to get acquainted with its train of thought.

The wolf will tell you anything to show you in the best possible light. Find evidence that supports or refutes his words and look at the person's reaction. Trust him and he will behave like yours best friend, and if you don’t believe it, you will cause a surge of aggression in him.
If your gut tells you that there is a wolf lurking in the herd, pay attention and take action.

Ask as much as possible

There is nothing wrong with asking questions to get to the truth. All members of your company are in danger. Since wolves often tell lies, you can bring them to clean water if something doesn’t add up in their next “fairy tale.”

When they express their opinion, ask them why they think the way they do or how they know it. They may not have enough information to respond adequately and the lie will be revealed.

Wolves always pretend to be someone else and tend to speak without thinking. Therefore, during an argument or discussion, such people will not be able to understand the cause of the problem.

Wolves also usually say what they think you would like to hear. Ask them for additional information, they will be confused, because their knowledge is very superficial. And no matter how much you want to keep the discussion going, they still won't have anything to say.

Wolves are everywhere

Although we hope that every person has only good intentions, this is not always the case. There are people who pursue only their own interests, and they absolutely do not care who suffers from this. Wolves are present almost everywhere. You can't get rid of them, but by learning to recognize them, you can avoid the traps they set.

We use some expressions based on context and tradition, but isn’t it nicer to know exactly where this or that stable phrase came from? And the point is not even in erudition and vanity and the opportunity to shine in a decent society, but in a genuine understanding of the phrase that we pronounce. Understanding is always better than mechanically reproducing some, albeit wise, thoughts. So, today we will look at the expression “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”, its history and meaning.


We think that the genealogy of the object of study will not make a special impression on the reader, because this book has given many pearls of wisdom to humanity. We are, of course, talking about the Bible. Jesus Christ, using this apt image, warned current and future generations against false prophets. If anyone is interested, re-read the Savior’s Sermon on the Mount. We remind you that it is found in the Gospel of Matthew.

And how insightful Jesus was. Indeed, many, using his name, promised people salvation, but in some roundabout way, saying that not all Christians are chosen, but only a few: those who choose their path will be saved. Okay, let's leave it at that. As long as the conditions that give rise to despair exist, there will be those who want to profit from it. After all, it has long been known that sects are, first of all, entities that generate income for their leader. Of course, this thought is followed by another. But we will keep silent about it so as not to fall into heresy, otherwise you never know.


Having an idea of ​​the background, it is not difficult to understand the meaning of the phraseological unit “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” This is what they say about a person who hides evil intentions under the guise of virtue. Unfortunately, reality is rich in such “wolves”. In any profession where rivalry between people is especially acute, you can find similar episodes when people take advantage of the misfortune of another or simply bait him. This behavior is often found in acting or modeling environments. You will say that we are reproducing cliches and stereotypes, but no one has refuted them yet. Moreover, if we focus on the material that Russian channels broadcast, then, on the contrary, we are rooted in the opinion that this is how everything happens. Among people of liberal professions, competition is off the charts, a place in the sun is expensive, which means that a variety of methods are used.

But don’t think that we don’t like people in creative professions and that’s why we slander them. Similar competitive fight typical for almost any organization. Man is an extremely quarrelsome creature. The 20th century nevertheless changed man, and now he thinks purely individually, and besides, the cult of being different from others, which is developed today, makes itself felt. As a result, we get competition between everyone and everyone. This may seem strange, but even in small groups intrigues are woven and rumors circulate. In other words, you can always and everywhere find a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Movie example

Reality is good. But the problem is that the examples from Everyday life are not remembered. Another thing is films, especially popular ones. If you choose the right and bright illustration, the meaning of the phraseological unit will remain in memory forever.

Do you remember the movie “Last Action Hero” (1994)? The film is notable for the fact that it ridicules the clichés of an ordinary Hollywood action film. And there is, of course, a traitor - an old friend who suddenly appears, and in the end it is discovered that he works for bandits, and he himself is a wolf in sheep's clothing. In this case, his name is John Practis. But Danny immediately warned Jack: you cannot trust the man who played Antonio Salieri in Amadeus (1984). But everything is in vain.


The easiest way to find out what the meaning of the phraseological unit “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” is in one word is to choose an appropriate replacement for it. Let's do so. The list turned out to be as follows:

  • Judas;
  • hypocrite;
  • pretender;
  • double-dealer;
  • crooked.

Perhaps the most modern of the replacements would be “hypocrite.” Well, the noun fully reflects the meaning of the phraseological unit that we looked at today.

Since I started encountering wolves in sheep's clothing, I have found myself reflecting on these situations and trying to learn something from them. My stories about them have some similarities with those that I have heard from others. I've written articles about this and that, so I wanted to take some time and learn something useful from these situations. We must know how to identify a wolf.

The Bible warns us: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”(Matt. 7:15). It is also said that in last days many false prophets will arise and deceive many (Matt. 24:11). What this means to me is that we must learn to distinguish between a wolf in sheep's clothing and false prophets. This does not mean that we will become judgmental or cynical, it means that we will be able to protect ourselves and those around us. We must protect the sheep in our churches. Protect converts. We must do what God commands us in Matthew 10:16: “...be wise as serpents and simple as doves”. Many believers fall into a wolf's trap because they want to believe in the best in people. I do not encourage you to believe the worst, but I ask you to be wise.

The problem is that wolves in sheep's clothing look like sheep from afar. Until you get close to them. This is the danger of falling into the enemy's trap. But I have encountered wolves more than once, so I learned to quickly identify them. Below is a list of ways I have learned to tell the difference between a wolf and a sheep:

1. Wolves will have problems with spiritual authority. Jesus knew what authority was and what it meant to be under authority. He said that he did nothing except what he saw the Father do (John 15:19-20). True prophets are not rebels. They recognize power. In my experiences with wolves, I noticed that such people had problems with spiritual authority.

Wolves won't admit it, but watch them carefully. Is there spiritual authority over them? During one such encounter with a WWOSH (a wolf in sheep's clothing), the man pretended to have authority over him, but after I discovered that he was a wolf, his pastor, who was supposed to be his spiritual head, contacted me . It turned out that this VVOSH has been having problems with this for a long time. In the case of another VVOSH, I caught him lying to the pastor. If it happened once, you can still attribute it to the person’s immaturity. But in this situation it happened again and again.

2. Wolves will try to manipulate and control you. VVOSH can seem like the sweetest creatures on earth as long as they see that you can be controlled. They will use tactical intimidation and often you will not even understand what is really happening. This is not from God. God does not manipulate or control, and those who say that they are from God cannot do so.

3. When fighting wolves, remember - they thirst for blood. We are all familiar with conflict situations in which we act more than incorrectly, but the wolves take a step forward. Once they have tasted blood, they will try to taste it again through arguments and conflicts. Suddenly they will become angry. They will justify their actions using false Christian clichés. I once had a conversation with VVOSH, who thought that his task was to destroy anyone who even slightly contradicted him. He believed that God had appointed him to be a kind of “bouncer.” But God doesn't do that kind of thing. Even while hanging on the cross, Jesus said: “Father! Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."(Luke 23:34). And while God doesn't expect you to be a pushover, I've seen wolves act like rabid animals. It is the nature of the spirit by which they are guided. Please be careful and remember that your enemy is not a person, but Satan, whom that person has given access to in his life. This is a spiritual question.

4. Wolves will behave one way with those with influence, but completely differently behind closed doors. Once I was on a prophetic team with a man who, as it turned out later, was VVOSH. He was one of the nicest people to the leaders and to me until the conflict arose. We were in a room prophesying to a woman. When she left, he turned to me and said that “Satan told him about me.” This man instantly turned from a prophesying lamb to one who was ready to attack me.

5. There is rotten fruit in the life of a wolf. The Bible is clear that we must learn to discern spiritual fruits in a person's life. Is he a man of peace, patience, goodness and self-control? Don't get me wrong: we all fail in these areas. But what situations seem to haunt them? Do they constantly wreak havoc and disorder? Constantly pissing you off?

6. Wolves are often very accurate in spiritual gifts. Please note that just because someone has a spiritual gift does not mean they are sent by God. Often I have seen people mistake wolves as such because they had some kind of gift or because the “prophetic word” seemed very plausible. Pastors, please do not place them in ministry simply because they have gifts. Watch their lives, otherwise, if you are not careful, they will devour your sheep.

7. Wolves were not always wolves. I don't believe that wolves have always been like this. Most often, these are gifted people who simply got lost at some point along the way. In my two serious encounters with wolves, both men were somewhat similar. These were people who had problems with their fathers, and their wounds were never healed. They were guided by the idea of ​​success, which was to take the path of morality. At some stage they were deceived and their minds were darkened. They both believed that they were used by God, but they did not bear fruit. The good news is that I believe that these people, along with other VVOSH, have not gone so far that they cannot repent and turn to God. I believe that the Lord still wants to use them, but first they will have to go through the process of circumcision.

Perhaps you (like me) have had the bitter experience of encountering a wolf in sheep's clothing. The good news is that now it will be easier for you to identify such a wolf. Wolves can be difficult people. Pray for them from a distance. Treat them as God commands you. Be wise and keep moving forward.

Anna M. Equino – A sought-after author, ministry guest, and prophetic voice. Her books Cursing or Helping the Church? and Confessions of a Ninja Mom are available everywhere. The book "Marriage in Time" is being prepared for release in July 2017. Please visit its website annamaquino.com.

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O'Delves ArenaVoivode Damirus

But who knows, warrior? On the table lay a note and a handful of coins for drinking a mug of Shiz-beer. And who ordered a drink and sat at this table, God forbid, I don’t remember - even in the morning there are a dime a dozen visitors in the tavern!
*Nods his head towards the bouncer dozing under the tree.*
Maybe the bouncer will remember. He trudged into the city with me, he said, security is needed when such important evidence is delivered!
Bouncer, did any of the inn's customers seem suspicious to you this morning? Do you remember who was sitting at the table where the note was found?

*Yawns protractedly as he approaches you.*
Beyond the distance? What's in the very corner? Hmmm... There was some guy sitting there in a cloak and a hood pulled right over his eyes. I drank a mug of Shiz beer, threw the coins on the table - I make sure no one leaves without paying - and walked out the door.
*A smug expression appears on his face.*
I'll even tell you where he went! Towards the Kurgan, crying. I was looking around out of boredom, and that’s when I noticed it.
Your powers of observation, bouncer, will serve us well!

We need someone completely inconspicuous or...

*Completes the sentence for you.*
… vertically challenged. Like Tindolin, warrior, fairy Tindolin. This little one...
*Coughs embarrassedly.*
Ahem-ahem... I wanted to say: she’s so tiny that her kidnapper won’t even notice! Try to persuade the fairy to help us.
Your goal: Go to the fairy Tindolin and ask for help in tracking down the kidnapper.

It has begun for you. We wish you good luck!

Yarmorochnaya SquareTindolin

Hmm... We didn't think about that.

*Smiles sweetly.*
I think I know what we should do, warrior! I need to sprinkle my wings with Twilight dust, then I will become practically invisible. Wait a minute!
*Climbs into a flower bud and a moment later flies out of there with a mortar in his hands, which is larger than the fairy herself.*
Take a mortar, warrior, and grind 50 Twilight Crystals into dust - this should be enough to cover my wings and hide their radiance.
Your goal: Grind 50 Twilight Crystals in a mortar. and bring the resulting Twilight Dust to Fairy Tindolin.

Received: Mortar 1 pc.

You poured the Twilight Crystals into a clay mortar and ground them into dust. Take the resulting Twilight Dust to Fairy Tindolin. Received: Twilight Dust 1 pc. Seized: Twilight crystals 50 pcs.

Your goal: Go to Kingala Village and hide the ransom in the wooden barrel at the entrance to the Abandoned House.

Seized: Twilight dust 1 pc., Mortar 1 pc.

Kingala village Abandoned house barrel

You have been attacked by Lingraonts.
09:12 The battle “Attack on the Triumvirator” has begun.
09:12 You entered the Abandoned House and, as soon as you approached the barrel to place the ransom, the ferocious inhabitants of this terrible place attacked you from all sides.
The battle "Attack on the Triumvirator" is over.
09:20 Having dealt with the evil spirits that attacked you, you hastened to put fake diamonds in the barrel. Return to Tindolin. Seized : Fake diamonds 1 pc.
(in battle, all the undead that are in the house with a full arsenal: Lingraonts, Zermerkh, Galmahar, Revrat, Phantom, and skeletons and ghouls of all levels are summoned)

Yarmorochnaya SquareTindolin

Ask about surveillance results
*The fairy’s cheeks were flushed from her fast flight.*
Oh, warrior, how tired I am! I've been chasing your kidnapper for an hour! Either he’s walking along a country road, or he’s turning into the forest - I can barely keep up with him! But I still tracked it down!
Tindolin, don’t be tormented, tell me who he is and where he went!
I don’t know who he is! I can’t see the face under the hood, and how can I figure out who it is from behind?!

*Sighs tiredly.*
Ufff... In general, the warrior, at first he headed towards the Kurgan crying, but soon turned onto the main road and went in a completely different direction. He wandered through the steppes and villages, as if in delirium, or perhaps confused his tracks, but in the end he came...
*Makes big eyes.*
You won't believe it!
Where have you come, Tindolin? Enough talking in riddles, let's get to the point!

No, no, warrior, it was definitely not a governor! He slept like a hero. Hee hee hee! Yes, he snored so much that the whole Arena was shaking. He will be surprised when you tell him that the kidnapper was right next to him all this time!
Your goal: Go to Voivode Damirus and tell him what Tindolin saw.

O'Delves ArenaVoivode Damirus

The City Arena cannot be confused with any other place, Voivode, but we need to figure it out before making accusations! In the meantime, we’ll find out, we need to take all the coaches into custody. Don't bring Shear, the boy will suffer!

You are right, warrior, for safety reasons, all suspects must be taken into custody.
*Barked at the warrior standing next to him.*
Immediately take all Arena coaches into custody! Keep your eyes on them! You are responsible for them with your head!
*Hesitating a little and catching his breath.*
Yes, and take this Glum under arrest too!
*Turns to you.*
Interview them all properly, warrior. And if it turns out that this is the work of a fraudster, I will demand that you apologize to the entire coaching staff of the Arena! Complete the task!

Your goal: Talk to all the suspects in the kidnapping: the scammer Glum and the Arena trainers. Then return to Governor Damirus.

We interview all 5 characters (4 trainers and Glum on the weeping mound), return to the governor in the arena.

O'Delves ArenaVoivode Damirus

Suspects interviewed
Warrior, having taken the Arena trainers into custody, we are interrupting the training of the recruits! We need to find out as soon as possible whether any of them are involved in the kidnapping!
Unfortunately, we have reached a dead end, governor. All the coaches unanimously claim that last night they slept soundly in their rooms and did not leave the Arena. Some of them may be lying!
I know how to bring a criminal to light, warrior, and acquit the trainers!
*Speaks in a low voice.*

I have no doubt that my trainers were not involved in the kidnapping! This is the work of Glum - you'll see!
*Addresses you.*
Go to the old witch, warrior, she is an expert at brewing potions and elixirs. Surely he knows how to loosen the tongue of suspects! Maybe he’ll prepare a potion of truth or some other decoction with a similar property.
Your goal: Go to the witch Gredeya and ask her to prepare a potion that will force the suspects to tell the truth.

Wild forestWitch Gredeya

A drug, you say? Cough, cough... I'll give you some advice, warrior: don't be lazy and visit the herbalist for Pravdik! This strange flower will help you figure out who is telling the truth and who is lying shamelessly...
Your goal: Go to the herbalist Foglio and ask for the strange flower Pravdik.

Masters GuildHerbalist Foglio

Ask for truth
*Places parchment scrolls in bag.*
Good day to you, warrior. I’m going to wander around the neighborhood, look for strange plants - maybe I’ll find something interesting. What are you doing?
I’m helping the governor in the investigation, and we can’t do it without your help, herbalist. I need a Pravdik to interrogate the suspects and determine which of them is telling the truth and which is lying.

*Shakes his head sadly.*
Eh, warrior, I would be glad to help, but the only place where Pravdik can now be found is the underground greenhouse of the gnome Seraphim. And he, as you know, lives on Khair, on enemy soil, and you and I are barred from going there! Of course, such a brave warrior like you could get to the dwarf’s home, despite the dangerous path, but it would be a waste of time to put yourself at risk: Seraphim has become grumpy, rarely communicates with magmars, and does not want to interact with people at all.
Your goal: Return to the witch Gredeya and find out where else you can find Pravdik.

Wild forestWitch Gredeya

If so, warrior... Cough, cough... So you'll have to get one of the Conlegret game cards! Have you heard of this one?
Who on the mainland hasn’t heard about the magic game?!
Did Pravdik know that there was a Map in it?
*Shuffling with slippers, he wanders towards the shelf with volumes.*
So it's just a drawing! Although skillfully applied, it’s a drawing.

*Shushes you displeasedly.*
Don't interrupt, warrior, show respect to my gray hairs! Let me finish!
*Takes a manuscript from the shelf.*
There are shamans in the northern lands who can recreate objects from images. Of course, the resulting artifact loses magical power, but retains the basic properties.
*Leaves through the manuscript and shakes his head.*
If you want to get Pravdik, get a card from the game Conlegret with his image and go to the Islands of Eternal Cold to the Yeti shaman.
Excuse me, but wouldn’t it be easier for you to brew a potion of truth and give it to me?

Well, if you think it’s easier, I’ll tell you what you need to get for the drug. Uborg's milk fang, ten webbed feet of chaos creatures, tears of the River Maiden, Bogelf slime, a jug of water from an ancient spring in an elven temple...
*Looks at you point blank.*
Do you have any of these ingredients, warrior?
This means that you need to find the “Pravdik” card and go to the Yeti shaman - there is no other way out.

I'll give you one more piece of advice, warrior. If you can’t find the “Pravdik” card, look into the tavern. I heard that there is a cunning fellow there who, for a decent fee, will provide you with the necessary card from the game Conlegret.
Your goal: Find the “Pravdik” card and take it to the Yeti shaman. You can get the card yourself or buy it from Katala.

The card can be bought by hand, at an auction/exchange, obtained by unpacking the deck, or received from Katala in exchange for 100 city charters:

Mary's TavernKatala

Buying a card with the image of Pravdik
*Shuffles the cards, winking slyly at you.*
Let's play a game, warrior? I bet 50 marvelous glasses.
I know how to sit down at the table to play with you: before I have time to look back, all my Wonderful glasses will be with you! Better tell me, do you have a Pravdik card?
*With a deft movement he takes out a card from under the table and places it on the table.*

And look for yourself, here she is!
*Covers the card with his palm.*
100 City Certificates - and the map is yours. Deal?
*Place 100 City Certificates on the table.*
Take it!

Wandering IslandShaman Tuigun Tuigun will be able to do this, but you will need help. Rrrr... Warrior s big land bring a lot of snow into the cave, a lot of snow, like on the peaks of the mighty Ualuay, so that the spirits are happy. They love the cold, and when Tuigun performs a ritual, a lot of heat is released - this offends the spirits and then they leave. This cannot be allowed! Rrrr... Beware of predatory animals! They can attack you and eat you!
Your goal: Collect 20 snowdrifts on the Islands of Eternal Cold. and bring it to the Yeti shaman.

Get ready to fight - periodically, immediately after assembling a snowdrift, quest bears will attack (in 20 snowdrifts, 11 attacks were made on me), neither money nor energy drops from them:
You have been attacked by a Wild Ice Bear.
15:36 The battle “Attack on the Triumvirator” has begun.
..... 1220HP
15:36 Approaching a large snowdrift, you heard a dissatisfied growl and a Wild Ice Bear appeared from behind the snow mound. Smelling prey, the beast pounced on you.
15:37 The battle “Attack on the Triumvirator” is over.
(the mob hits with physical power first, with the remaining life level around 250HP, it switches to casting with damage -66, regardless of whether you are in the block or not)
You have collected enough snow for the Yeti Shaman to perform the ritual. Take the snowdrifts to Tuigun.Quest - A wolf in sheep's clothing.

Snowdrifts have been mined
*Watches excitedly as you throw snow around the cave.*
Black clouds hang over the peaks of the mighty Ualuay, a snow storm will break out soon! We must begin the ritual, warrior, it’s time.
*Throws the Conlegret card into the fire and, knocking on a huge tambourine, whispers a spell in an unknown language. The snow in the cave begins to melt, and a purple flower appears above the fire. The shaman places it on the tambourine and brings it to you.*

The spirits were favorable! Here is your flower, warrior from the mainland.
Thank you, shaman. Tell me, is it true that the Pravdik you created is not as powerful as the real one?

Rrrr... That's right! A real Pravdik changes color if a lie is told in front of him, but a copy does not. If you want to know whether someone is telling the truth or lying to you, hide the flower in your pocket and ask the question twice. It is impossible to lie both times under the influence of the flower, and it is also impossible to tell the truth twice. But to find out which answer is not a lie, you need to think carefully. Rrr...
Your goal: Take the received Ephemeral Pravdik to Voivode Damirus and tell him how it works.

15:59 Received: Ephemeral truth book 1 pc. Seized: Snowdrift 20 pcs.

O'Delves ArenaVoivode Damirus

*Doubt in the eyes.*
Hmm... Until we try the flower in action, we won’t know, warrior, how great its power is. Let's start interrogating the trainers and that scoundrel Glum!
Your goal: With the Ephemeral Truther in your backpack, interrogate the scammer Glum and the Arena trainers for the first time. Then return to Voivode Damirus.

Interrogation of the swindler Glum 0/1
Interrogation of trainer Avverdok 0/1
Interrogation of Coach Versong 0/1
Interrogation of Coach Shimmur 0/1
Interrogation of Coach Crudon 0/1

We go through dialogues with 4 trainers and Glum and return to the governor

O'Delves ArenaVoivode Damirus

It turns out that we need to interrogate the suspects again and compare everything said with what we have already heard. Hmm... Difficult task, I hope you can figure it out, warrior.
Your goal: With the Ephemeral Truther in your backpack, interrogate the scammer Gloom and the Arena trainers for the second time. Then return to Governor Damirus.

Interrogation of the swindler Glum 0/1
Interrogation of trainer Avverdok 0/1
Interrogation of Coach Versong 0/1
Interrogation of Coach Shimmur 0/1
Interrogation of Coach Crudon 0/1

Again we go through the dialogues with all 5 characters. Dialogues with each are below (for convenience, I present the results of both interrogations):

Mound of weepingRascal Gloom

TrainingCoach Crudon
TrainingCoach Shimmur
TrainingCoach Avverdok
TrainingCoach Versong
O'Delves ArenaVoivode Damirus This is coach Avverdok, the governor.
This is the swindler Glum, the governor.
This is Coach Crudon, the voivode.
This is Coach Shimmur, the governor.
This is Coach Versong, the governor.

If the choice is not correct, then after the dialogue the “offended” coach attacks:

Second interrogation conducted
*Looks at his notes in surprise, checks everything again and shakes his head.*
You are completely confused, warrior, and accused an innocent person of a crime! We hurried, and here is the result! It was necessary to more carefully check the answers of the suspects, think logically and weigh everything so as not to tarnish the good name of the coach. Hmmm... It’s possible to get into a fight: coaches are hot-tempered people! I wouldn’t be surprised if he harbors a grudge and wants to get even.

16:22 You were attacked. Insulted coach.
16:22 The battle “Attack on Triumvirator” has begun.
16:22 Offended by the baseless accusation, the coach attacked you. Protect yourself
..... 1394HP

Correct answer: Coach Shimur

Second interrogation conducted
*Looks at his notes, checks everything again and nods resignedly.*
If you follow logic and trust Pravdik, then this is Shimmur, you are right. I can’t believe that one of my coaches committed a crime! This is a shame for all of us!
*Clenches fists.*
I will shake the soul out of Shimmur, but I will find out what pushed him to take the bandit path!

So tell me, where are you hiding the boy? Where did he hide the diamonds received as ransom? Answer immediately!

Where is the blacksmith's assistant, the trainer?

*Stunned by what I heard. He tries to get up from the bench, but dizziness makes him sit back.*
Voivode! Warrior! Why are you tormenting me with questions and keeping me in custody like a criminal? What other boy are you talking about? What kind of diamonds? Explain clearly, just don’t shout - your head is shaking and it seems like it’s about to split! I... I... I don’t remember a thing... I don’t even know how I ended up here...
Don't remember anything? Do you remember how the blacksmith’s assistant was kidnapped? Or do you also not remember how the ransom was taken from the Abandoned House?

*There was horror in his eyes. He stares at you in surprise.*
Did I do all this? Warrior, I swear by Sheara, this is the first time I’ve heard about this! I remember how I finished my workout and went for a walk to go to sleep. I walked and thought about how to teach one beginner how to lunge correctly, otherwise things weren’t going well for him. I wandered somewhere far away, it was already dark, and then... I don’t remember, for the life of me, I don’t remember anything else!
What do you say, governor? It's all strange.

O'Delves ArenaVoivode Damirus

Incriminate the coach
Now I don’t believe a single word this bastard says! He doesn’t remember how!
*Gives orders to the guards.*
Guards! Search the trainer's room! Even if you turn everything upside down, find the diamonds and at least something that will help us find where this scoundrel is hiding the kid!
*After searching the room, one of the guards gives the governor a bag of fake diamonds and a piece of parchment. The voivode angrily shouts to the coach.*

What do you think this is, coach? Where did it come from in your room, huh?
What's that scrap of parchment there, voivode? What's written on it?

*Unfolds the scrap and shows you a message written in familiar handwriting.*
For 24 hours, the noise of galas, laughter and ringing of herds will float down from below.
*Turns to you.*
Warrior, it seems to me that this unfinished message is addressed to us! The kidnapper prepared it in advance: he wanted to get a ransom and give us a hint indicating where to look for the blacksmith’s assistant. We must immediately find the place mentioned in the note and free the boy.
Your goal: Determine what place the kidnapper wrote about and free the blacksmith's assistant. The note read: “DANOSITSA RUM OF GALAS, LAUGHTER AND RINGING OF PASSWAD FLOWS FOR DAYS FROM BOTTOM FROM BOTTOM...”

We go to the tavern, go up to the second floor along the stairs on the left, click on the door on the left:
You knocked down the door with your shoulder and barely had time to jump to the side when the frightened blacksmith’s assistant jumped out of the room and ran away, not realizing that you were his savior.

O'Delves ArenaVoivode Damirus

Great job, warrior! With your help, we managed to catch the kidnapper and free the boy. By the way, we need to decide what to do with the coach... I don’t like this story - I’ll still have to deal with his sudden memory loss. But that will come later, but for now, accept the reward from me personally and complete one more small task: visit the blacksmith and tell him that the investigation is ongoing.
Received: Great Talisman of Harmony 3 pcs., 10000 experience, 100 reputation of your city, 2 60 ., You have completed quest "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing".

After completing this quest it becomes availablequest " Who framed Coach Shimmur? ".

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