Choosing the right gardening tool to remove weeds. Device for removing weeds with roots Manual root remover how to use

Garden root remover – hand tool for neat and quick removal from the soil of plant roots. It will make it much easier to control weeds without using chemicals, which can damage garden crops and flowers.

A root remover or, as it is also called, a weed extractor consists of a handle and a metal working part attached to it. It is a long blade, tapering downward. The side edges of the blade are slightly curved upward for convenient picking up of roots: by rotating the handle of the tool, it is possible to trim the roots and remove the weed even with a branched root system.

There are other options for this device. For example, with a long T-shaped handle and a working part in the form of tongs. The weed root is clamped between the two blades, and when the handle is turned, it is easily removed from the ground. These root removers are convenient because they can be used while standing.


Width of the working part. Weed extractors with a narrow working part, 15 – 40 mm, are designed to remove single plants with an unbranched tap root system. Models with a wide blade, for example, extending from 45 to 220 mm, are suitable for working with plants that have a branched root system.

Length. There are compact root removers up to 400 mm long, which are suitable for painstaking work in flower beds and ordinary beds. If you have to process a large area with sparsely planted plants, it is better to give preference to a model with a long handle. In this case, you can work standing: total length root remover is more than 1 m.

Material of manufacture. Steel is used for the working part of the tool; for most models it is high-carbon steel, resistant to mechanical stress. Since the metal comes into contact with the soil during operation, an anti-corrosion coating, for example, chromium-nickel, is applied to it.

Gardeners and gardeners know very well how tedious it is to fight weeds on the site. You cannot achieve a lasting effect by weeding them out with your own hands. The remnants of the roots quickly produce new shoots, and the recently removed weed again begins to rampage in the fertile soil. In such a situation, garden weed removal tools come to the rescue, pulling out weeds along with the roots without damaging the surrounding soil. There are several types of weeding tools that are worth considering.

Its second name is sapa. This is the most common tool in a gardener’s arsenal. In addition to the fact that the hoe allows you to quickly weed the beds, it also loosens the soil, hills up and breaks up clods of earth. Working surface Sapa has 3 forms. It happens:

  • rectangular;
  • triangular;
  • trapezoidal.

According to gardeners and gardeners, the most convenient to use is a trapezoidal hoe. It will help pull out even the most powerful weeds, such as burdock, along with the roots.

When choosing this tool for weeding, you need to look at what metal the working part is made of and how comfortable the equipment fits in your hand. The length of the handle should not be too short or, on the contrary, too long.

Weed rake

A weed rake is a special tool that can be used to remove weeds with very long and deep roots. The working part of the device is made of steel with long teeth that can penetrate well into the soil and thereby pull out roots. Then you just need to pull the rake out of the ground, and the weed will remain between the teeth.

Using a rake makes it very easy to keep your lawn tidy. Even a child can easily use them. There is nothing difficult in using the tool. The working part must be made of high-quality metal, otherwise it will quickly deform, bending under pressure during use.

Cultivator-root remover

With the help of this device for removing weeds with roots, you can easily clear your area of ​​weeds. It is convenient to use such a manual cultivator also in the presence of low, highly dense bushes that are prone to constant germination after removing the above-ground part. It can also cope with strong taproots.

The shape of the tool is well thought out, and therefore, when using it, it is very easy to pull out the weed. You can weed even such difficult areas as areas around trees.

V-shaped root remover

A device is used to extract weeds with a highly developed root system. Other equipment is not always capable of performing such a complex task. The only drawback is that the work takes a lot of time, since each weed must be removed separately. At the same time, all actions are easy to carry out, and you can cope with them even without the proper experience and dexterity.

If you need to weed your garden small area, then the fork - perfect option. The curved shape of the tool, when pressed, helps to pull out the root of the plant with maximum force, so it can be easily removed. The device is suitable for plants with branched roots. At the same time as weeding, this garden tool also loosens the soil. Compact size The forks and its efficiency made this device for weeding beds especially in demand.

Fokina flat cutter

A tool for weeding beds that can efficiently and easily remove all small weeds. It penetrates well into the soil to a depth of 5 cm and efficiently pulls out all the weeds. Its use helps avoid tedious manual weeding of the garden. Reach out working part use a flat cutter in the ground, similar to a scythe, and then use your hands to collect all the weeds pulled out in this way. Despite the simplicity of the device, it proved to be highly effective.

Homemade device for weed removal

To make a tool for weeding a garden with your own hands, you need to take a strong, unnecessary shovel and, by cutting off the metal on the sides, narrow the working blade. The edges are sharpened. The root remover obtained in this way penetrates perfectly into the soil and completely extracts even taproots.

Using different equipment to control weeds, you will be able to restore order to your site much faster than with manual weeding. Also, the devices will help to completely remove weeds, without leaving their roots, which will soon sprout new shoots. All this indicates the need to acquire a weeding tool.

Work for plot of land takes a lot of time and effort. To make their lives easier, gardeners use various tools that make it easier to perform many tasks on the ground. You can make a device for removing all weeds with roots yourself or buy a ready-made tool. All of them are quite easy to use and help make your work easier. Let's talk about the most common ones.

Its second name is sapa. It's something between a shovel and a pickaxe. Sapa is the main tool of gardeners - the most beloved, most widespread and universal. Using a hoe, they loosen the row spacing, hill up potato rows, clear virgin areas of weeds, and break up large lumps of earth. The hoe will help plant seedlings and plant various seeds. The working part of the hoe must be made of high-quality steel. This part is made in the shape of a triangle, rectangle or trapezoid (the latter is most convenient to use).

The handle for the hoe should be comfortable in height and thickness and made of wood.

Sapa (hoe) combined

This weed removal device consists of two tools - a glander and a rake. It looks like a rectangular blade made of steel. One side has a sharp edge (sometimes blunt), the other side has several teeth. The tool must be placed on a wooden holder of a convenient length. Using this tool, you can successfully simultaneously remove and collect weeds between rows of plants located close to each other. In addition, it can be used to clear and level the ground before planting. It will help make furrows, hill up plants, and loosen the soil.

Weed rake

This device helps to carefully pull out a weed plant with a long root from the ground using sharp steel teeth. The teeth stick deep into the ground, grasping the root. This can be done without much effort. Removing the root comes down to several movements:

  • insert the tool into the ground where the weed grows;
  • we capture it;
  • pull it out;
  • We remove the weed into a garbage container.

The procedure is clear, targeted and very effective. At the same time, cleanliness is maintained. This tool is convenient to use in flower beds and lawns to destroy weeds with deep roots (dandelions).

Cultivator-root remover

This garden puller will help get rid of the long, rod-shaped roots found in plantain, sorrel, and dandelion. In addition, with its help you can get rid of the roots of old thickened bushes, which can be equated to weeds. The tool looks like a two-pronged fork with flat, wide teeth and a gap between them.

The special arrangement and shape of the root remover teeth helps to do this job quickly and easily. In addition, the device helps to process the tree trunks of fruit trees without harming the roots. The cultivator is easy to handle: it is easy to assemble and operate. The instructions for use will tell you how to assemble it.

V-shaped root remover

This is another option for a root remover. It has a V-shaped blade mounted on a long handle. It helps to easily get rid of weeds with well-branched fibrous roots. This happens quite simply. You use the V-shaped part of the tool to dig up the plant at the very base and remove it from the ground. Long taproots cannot be completely removed, but the bulk of the root will be pulled out. Typically, the root remover is made of high-quality steel.


Your weed control, anywhere, will not be complete without this tool. The tool has the appearance of a curved metal attachment, which significantly increases the strength of the handle. And this, in turn, allows you to easily cope with weeds that have deep and well-developed roots. Forks with teeth bent at an angle of 45 degrees can do shallow loosening, simultaneously removing weeds that are loosely sitting in the ground.

It should be added that the tool is easy to use, highly reliable, and does not take up much space. In addition, it is easy to use on small pieces of land and where weeds are difficult to reach.

Fokina flat cutter

This device is convenient to use against weeds small sizes. The flat cutter can be buried 2-3 cm into the ground. With its help, you can avoid the tedious plucking of small weeds. When working, it is pulled underground like a scythe, parallel to its surface.

You can make a tool for removing weeds yourself; for this you can use old, unusable equipment, as well as other available and easily accessible materials. Easy-to-use devices will greatly facilitate the fight against weeds.


It can be made from a board about 30 cm long and up to 10 cm wide. The board should be processed with a plane, the corners should be rounded and sanded. Then you need to hammer several nails into the board. Determine the quantity yourself. These will be the teeth of the weeder. The thickness of the handle should be made so that it is comfortable to hold in your hands, and its length allows you not to bend over. The handle must be secured firmly.

The weeder is good to use to destroy weeds that have not yet risen.


It can be made from old pitchforks. The teeth should be cut, leaving a length of 10 cm, straightened and sharpened. Then you need to insert a long handle so that you can work comfortably without bending over.


It will always come in handy: both after rain and after watering. It is used to loosen the soil while cutting weeds. To work with wet soil, a lightweight hoe is more convenient. To do this, you need to cut a rectangular hole in the plane of the old hoe. The soil will pass through the hole, which means it will stick less to the working plane.

Hand cultivator

It is made from durable sheet metal. To make it, cut out 4 strips 15 cm long and 3 cm wide, as well as a base bar (any size). Then bend them at a right angle and weld them to the bar. WITH reverse side the holder should be secured. The metal working part of the cultivator must be sharpened. You will get a lightweight cultivator that can be used to loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Root remover

A root weed remover can be made from a spade. Its canvas needs to be cut on both sides, starting from the top, and narrowed towards the bottom. This tool is very convenient for deep cutting the roots of bushes.

Success in the fight against weeds can only be achieved by applying comprehensive measures to destroy them. Special equipment can be of great help with this. Each device fulfills its purpose, so they should be selected individually, in accordance with the circumstances that have developed in your garden.

For every summer resident and gardener we know what it is, because everyone has to fight them. In this article we will get acquainted with the most popular methods, as well as devices for removal.

How to fight weeds in the country: a description of popular methods

For first method- the so-called “traditional” - you will need special garden tools to remove weeds.

You need to take a hoe and cut off the roots of the weeds. Also, in this way you should carry out loosening, which will have a positive effect on the development of cultural crops.

An important part of this procedure is the manual removal of roots and shoots of unwanted vegetation.

The more roots you remove after weeding, the less weeds will appear in the future. Large weeds should be removed by hand; although it is difficult, it is very effective.

Second way characterized by soil cover (), for which both organic and inorganic materials are suitable. This method helps stop the development of weeds due to the lack of sunlight necessary for their growth.
If you use straw or other organic material for mulching, the layer must be at least 6 cm, otherwise weeds can easily germinate. Mulching also helps retain moisture.

Third way consists in the use of chemicals, which leads to the death of the weeds along with the roots. For this purpose, they are used, which come in selective and continuous action.

Did you know? The death of the weed occurs within a week or two.

A continuous herbicide destroys not only weeds, but also the cultivated plant.
selective action kills only specific species (which ones - the manufacturer indicates on the packaging), and does not affect the culture.

Garden weeding tool

Since weeding is the most popular way to control weeds, it is worth taking a closer look at the tools needed to remove weeds.

Suitable for removing plants with developed root systems.
If the teeth of a garden fork are bent at an angle of less than 45°, then it can be used to loosen the soil, while pulling out weeds that are weakly anchored in the ground.

Important! The handle of any equipment should fit comfortably in your hand - this will help avoid pain in the hand.

Allows you to extract long roots from the ground that go far deep.
There are many modifications: Some resemble a fork with two flat and wide teeth, others have a sharp V-shaped blade, and some are a huge corkscrew.

Important! It is common for a small portion of the root to remain in the soil.

Crevice cleaner is a tool that has a blade shaped like the letter “G”.
It is used to remove weeds between the tiles used to lay paths and in other similar places.

Did you know? The function of effectively clearing weeds can be performed by a regular knife.

Hoes for removal

Hoes for weeding the garden come in three types: Dutch type, straight, manual.

Dutch Hoes have a very slightly angled blade that is attached to a long handle.

The tool cuts through the roots of the weeds by weeding the topmost layers of soil.
With straight choppers the blade is attached to the handle middle length at right angles. This allows you to remove weeds using chopping movements.
Hand choppers- these are miniature copies of straight lines, with the help of which still young plants are processed.

Tips that are often found on forums dedicated to

Weeds that sprout from seeds and perennials make life difficult for all summer residents. How to get rid of dandelions on the site, forever facilitating the work in the beds and the development of cultivated plants?

There are several ways to deal with uninvited guests, including:

  • folk remedies;
  • chemicals that inhibit or completely stop weed growth;
  • regular digging and weeding of the garden and flower beds;
  • using special root removers for dandelions.

Growing on roadsides, on city lawns and vacant lots, that is, everywhere, dandelion is a rhizomatous perennial with a powerful underground part and a basal rosette of green lanceolate leaves, which are one of the first to appear from under the snow and disappear only with the arrival of winter.

The danger of dandelion as a weed lies in its easy spread and rapid takeover of territory.

The first flowering occurs in mid-spring, then the plant can bloom up to 2–3 times, scattering hundreds of seeds throughout the surrounding area on light, flying umbrellas. Dandelions are very tenacious, they sprout well, take root in the most unfavorable conditions. But it is not easy to remove the plant because of its branched, strong rhizome.

How to deal with dandelions on garden plot, in garden beds and? The choice of method depends on where the weeds have settled and how many there are.

Fighting dandelions in the garden

For weeds, there is no difference between a vacant lot and a bed planted with tomatoes, squash or garden strawberries. Best time to assess the situation - early spring, when the foliage of dandelions is just gaining strength and the buds have not yet opened.

If there are few dandelions, you can get by with a lot. in simple ways. Compliance with agricultural practices is one of the surest ways to combat dandelions:

  1. The beds that are to be sown or planted with cultivated plants must be dug deeply, simultaneously selecting weeds down to small fragments of rhizomes.
  2. The emerging shoots are weeded out, the soil is regularly loosened so that the seeds that fall into the ground cannot hatch and take root.

Clean soil in garden beds risks becoming covered again with a carpet of dandelions if you ignore the row spacing and garden paths. Due to the density of the soil, it is difficult to weed out weeds on them, but loosening them with a hoe, hoe or hoe is quite possible. If you treat risk areas without waiting for flowering, dandelions do not reproduce, and existing plants quickly weaken.

In the fall, the beds are dug up again. Do the same with tree trunk circles under fruit trees and shrubs, perennial ornamental crops, as well as flower beds with fragrant annuals in the summer.

How to fight dandelions on the lawn using folk remedies

Perennial turf in a lawn or garden should not be dug up; hand weeding is also ineffective here.

An attempt to manually remove the weed will inevitably lead to the breaking of the rhizome, which will soon begin to recover, or damage to cultivated plants in the neighborhood.

How to permanently get rid of dandelions on the site if the shovel and hoe are left out of use? There are several simple folk ways. To remove dandelions use:

  • table salt;
  • boiling water;
  • vinegar essence.

Aggressive compounds applied to the base of the rhizome kill the growing point, lead to inhibition of the weed and its death. Salt is used in dry form or in the form of a concentrated solution. In all cases, means of control:

  • act directly on the selected instance;
  • do not affect nearby vegetation;
  • do not change soil fertility.

Except positive aspects, the use of traditional methods of struggle also has disadvantages. For large specimens, root system which can reach 20–30 cm in length, household products Doesn't work too hard.

Fighting dandelions with a root remover

It is much more difficult to cope with dandelions than in the garden:

  • on lawns;
  • if almost the entire area of ​​the flower beds is occupied by overgrown perennials;
  • The ground in the garden is under turf.

This is where a targeted device for removing dandelions will come in handy, so as not to cause serious damage to the grass, or targeted herbicides or folk remedies.

On lawns and other areas with perennial turf, root removers of various designs provide real help.

The sharpened edge of the tool easily penetrates even through a layer of turf, cuts the soil around the rhizome and easily removes the plant along with the underground part. The holes left on the lawn after using dandelion repellent are small and quickly overgrow, especially if they are filled in and the area is watered generously.

Do the same in the garden. The root remover is a lifesaver in flower beds with densely growing plants.

Using herbicides: how to deal with dandelions in the country

Before you use herbicides to control dandelions in your lawn and garden, you need to make sure that they will not be harmed by the chemicals. cultivated plants and lawn grasses.

Manual weeding or the use of mechanical devices is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Another thing is the use of modern chemical compounds, inhibiting weeds. Herbicides are indispensable if dandelions have taken over the area and it is simply impossible to deal with them manually.

The range of available drugs suitable for controlling dandelions in the garden includes the following drugs:

  • killing all types of green plants that are exposed to the sprayed liquid;
  • selective action, destroying only cereals or rhizomatous weeds.

Broad-spectrum products, for example, Roundup, Tornado, Agrokiller and other drugs, will rid the garden not only of dandelions, but also of wheatgrass, sow thistle and other annoying plants, which can be extremely problematic to remove by other means. However, the effect of such herbicides does not end immediately after spraying. For a few more weeks, the composition suppresses everything that grows in the neighborhood. This applies to both seedlings and seedlings planted in beds. Therefore, large-scale chemical weeding is carried out:

  • pre-covering cultural plantings and the soil underneath them;
  • in early spring, long before planting vegetables, flowers or other useful plants;
  • in the fall, when everything useful is removed from the beds.

Broad-spectrum herbicides that kill all vegetation are used on wasteland, for example, after purchasing a new plot.

Specialized compounds act selectively. But when purchasing this or that product, you need to remember that the wheatgrass chemical will not necessarily help get rid of dandelions, but it can kill them.

Before you get rid of dandelions on your site forever, you need to choose the most useful drug, read the instructions and follow them, without exceeding the permitted dosages.

You can destroy dandelions in beds with potatoes, garden strawberries or on the lawn in front of your house by using the herbicide Lontrel-300D, which also suppresses the growth of sow thistle, perennial sorrel and other weeds. Compositions have been developed especially for lawns that do not affect the growth of cereals, but in a few hours suppress the development of dandelions, meadow chamomile, plantain, and thistle.

When using chemicals, you must use personal protective equipment and, until the solution dries, protect the treated areas from visiting pets and family members.

Herbicides kill aboveground part dandelion and its rhizomes, but cannot affect the seeds. Therefore, it is important to carry out all treatments before the weed fades and the flying seeds ripen on the heads. Plants torn out of the ground are placed in compost, sprinkled with soil, since the seeds can ripen here too.

How to deal with dandelions in the country if it was not possible to prevent the spread of dandelions? In this case, you will have to remember about regular weeding. Dandelion seeds begin to peck as soon as the soil warms up to 10–15 degrees. While the seedlings are small and the roots are weak, removing dandelions by hand is not difficult. Loosening the beds will help in the future.

Mulching or using a film covering the entire area of ​​the ridges, except for the areas where tomatoes, zucchini or other useful crops are planted, helps to significantly reduce the population of weeds. This solution will be especially useful when growing strawberries.

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