Fences and hedges made of poles. Garden buildings made from unsanded poles at the dacha Necessary tools and additional materials

Fence made of poles and wire

A simple, cheap and beautiful fence can be built from poles and wire, which is nailed to the outside of the poles.

Such a fence will be stronger if the lower ends of the dry poles, which are then dug into the ground, are tarred, and the nails, staples and wire are covered oil paint. It is advisable to paint the sawn-off ends of the poles with the same paint to protect them from moisture. However, if the poles are fresh, there is a chance that they will take root and you will have a hedge.

The wire will stretch better and the fence will be stronger if you make supports for the posts and stakes. Stones are placed under the lower ends of the supports or supports are dug into holes filled with rubble. Several holes are dug for the supporting fence posts. large sizes than the diameter of the pillars, and fill it with rubble and fragments of stones. To make a fence, you can use old slats, tying them at the top and bottom with thick wire. The fence sections woven in this way are nailed to posts dug in at a distance of 2–3 m from each other.

The lower ends of wooden fence poles can be impregnated with resin or paint. You can use for this purpose a piece of pipe with a diameter larger than the diameter of the poles. The pipe is fixed into a tripod made of thick wire, its lower end is placed on a brick, filled with resin and heated over a fire. The lower ends of the poles are immersed in the melted resin and held for several minutes so that they have time to soak.

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I want to mark and protect the boundaries of my territory with a strong fence. But it is not always possible to immediately install a durable and strong stone or metal fence.

Such a fence will be more durable if the lower ends of the dry poles, which are then dug into the ground, are tarred, and the nails, staples and barbed wire are coated with oil paint.

As a temporary fencing of the area, you can build a simple fence of poles.

Another one, also very a budget option- a wattle fence made of vines or twigs. Such an environmentally friendly and beautiful hedge is cheap and looks great.

Fence made of poles

The sawn ends of the poles must be coated with oil paint to protect them from moisture.

Made from relatively thick poles, a strong and reliable wooden fence is suitable for marking the boundaries of a property and protects it well from the penetration of livestock. Wicker fences can be used to delimit an area into zones and use them as a decorative element. A beautiful and carefully made wicker fence made of walnut or birch twigs also performs very well the function of fencing the outer boundaries of the site.

Materials and tools for building wooden fences

When choosing drying oil, pay attention to its smell. High-quality drying oil has virtually no odor.

  • wooden posts for vertical supports;
  • cross poles;
  • resin or drying oil for impregnating wood;
  • shovel or hole drill for digging holes for supports;
  • sledgehammer for hammering posts;
  • hammer;
  • axe;
  • wire cutters;
  • strong flexible wire;
  • twine or fishing line;
  • nails, staples.

Operating procedure

  1. First you need to clear the area and mark the lines along which the fence will be installed. It is convenient to make markings tautly using small pegs of twine.
  2. Next, you should calculate the number of support posts required and designate the locations for them. Typically made of wood, they are installed at a distance of 2-3 m from one another.
  3. Dig holes for supports using a narrow shovel or a special earth drill.
  4. Slightly sharpen the lower end of the support posts to make it easier to drive them into the soil.
  5. Impregnate the part of the pillars that will be buried in the ground with resin or drying oil. This impregnation will help protect the wood from rotting too quickly, and the fence will last longer.
  6. Place the posts in the holes and drive them with a sledgehammer to the required depth. If necessary, the base of the pillar is additionally strengthened with stones or strong wooden supports. It will be much more convenient to build a fence if you use double posts as supports. The ends of the poles are then laid between them, which gives additional strength to the entire structure. Pairs of support pillars are fastened together with metal brackets.
  7. Install and secure the transverse poles with nails, starting from the bottom. The ends of the poles should also be impregnated with resin so that they do not absorb moisture. Instead of impregnating with resin, the fence can be painted.
  8. Use wire to tighten the poles and supports at the points where they are attached. This will give the building additional strength and stability, and the fence will not collapse. Instead of wire, metal staples can be used to strengthen the structure.

Wicker fence

To build a fence you will need the following set of materials and tools:

If you are creating a large fence, then it is better to prepare rods up to 3 cm thick, but if it is a small decorative fence, then up to 2 cm thick will be suitable for it.

  • vertical stakes with a diameter of 6-10 cm;
  • a large number of twigs or vines;
  • hammer;
  • sledgehammer;
  • hatchet;
  • sharp knife;
  • awl;
  • side cutters;
  • nails;
  • wire;
  • resin for impregnation of the lower part of the supports.

The best time to harvest rods for wattle fence is the end of winter before the movement of tree sap and late autumn. Twigs made of hazel, willow, birch, young alder, and willow vine are suitable for construction. If it is not possible to prepare the material yourself, you can buy rods at a nursery.

To make the rods flexible and make the fence easier to build, they need to be soaked in water for 2-4 days before starting work. Using hot water this time can be reduced. A steam bath for several hours makes the rods comparable in flexibility to boiled pasta, which allows you to build a fence with minimal labor. After drying, the rods acquire their former rigidity and strength.

Stages of fence construction

In order to color your rods, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate, stain, inkstone, as well as various varnishes (preferably matte).

  1. Clear the area and mark the areas where the fence will be located.
  2. Mark locations for installing support stakes.
  3. Dig holes for stakes. The number of supports depends on which method of weaving the rods you choose: vertical or horizontal. The distance between the stakes also depends on the thickness of the rods, but it should be no less than 30 cm. A vertically interwoven fence is more voluminous, and thicker and less flexible rods can be used for it. Horizontal weaving allows you to make a fence unusually decorative, especially if you use not the simplest weaving.
  4. Place the pegs vertically and drive them in with a sledgehammer to the desired depth.
  5. If the rods in the fence are located vertically, then it is necessary to stretch the wire between the supporting posts or secure the horizontal crossbars.
  6. They always start weaving a fence from the bottom. The rods are woven starting from the thicker end. The direction of movement when weaving must be changed all the time, otherwise the fence will turn out to be uneven in thickness.
  7. The weave must be knocked down more tightly with a hammer all the time. After a month, the rods will finally dry out, and up to 25% of the thickness will be lost. If the weaving is not tight enough, the fence will be weak.
  8. The lowest row of rods must be strengthened: nailed to the support peg and tied with wire. This will prevent the weaving from “sliding” down and coming into contact with the soil.
  9. In the same way, the top row of rods is strengthened during horizontal weaving.

There are many weaving options. With some skill you can make the most ordinary wattle fence stylish decorative element while maintaining all functionality. A wicker fence is not only environmentally friendly, but also very beautiful.

If you take fresh ones for weaving willow twigs and when weaving, stick them into the ground with “collars”, they can take root and sprout. A fence woven from twigs will turn into a living one in a few years, adding beauty and naturalness to the area.

This fence will go well with a small village house and bathhouse:

A fence made of poles is a fence that is classified as open views designs.

The materials used for it are poles of sufficient thickness, made by hand, and illicit wood that was left over when clearing the forest.


A lightweight end-to-end fence made of poles and bars looks original and competes with chain-link mesh in functionality.

It is used both for external delimitation of areas and for internal zoning, for decorating flower beds, hedges, and gazebos.

Such fences are popular due to their low cost and aesthetics. To build a fence from poles with your own hands, the rods can be intertwined, installed diagonally or vertically, getting an original look for the structure.

A fence made of thick poles around the vegetable garden - reliable protection from cattle and at the same time beautiful design its borders.

Photos of fences

The structures shown in the photo are an example of what a fence made of poles, assembled with your own hands, looks like.

If you intend to build a fence from poles with your own hands, take into account several details:

  • To make the fence look beautiful, select poles of the same size.
  • Dry them before starting work so that the fence does not become deformed later.
  • Apply an antiseptic to the wood: this will protect it from rot and destruction.
  • Tar the bottoms of the wood posts to prevent them from rotting.
  • Secure the poles to the supports (horizontal and vertical) using nails, staples or metal wire.

List of materials

To build a fence you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Wooden pillars for vertical supports.
  • Cross bars.
  • Strong wire and wire cutters.
  • Sledgehammer.
  • Shovel/hole drill.
  • Resin/drying oil for impregnation of wood parts.
  • Ax and hammer.
  • Staples, nails and twine (fishing line).

Installation instructions

How to build a fence from poles with your own hands step by step:

  1. Clear the area of ​​debris and mark lines where the fence will go. For marking, you will need pegs with twine stretched between them.
  2. Calculate how many supports you will need and mark the locations for the holes. As a rule, the interval between pillars does not exceed 2-3 meters.
  3. Dig holes for them with an earth drill or a narrow shovel.
  4. Slightly sharpen those parts of the posts that will be in the soil: this will make it easier to drive them in.
  5. Impregnate the hewn ends of the posts with drying oil or resin, protecting them from rotting.
  6. Install the supports in the holes and drive them into the ground to the required depth using a sledgehammer. If necessary, reinforce the base of the post using stones or strong wooden supports. If possible, install double posts rather than single ones, securing them with staples. The ends of the poles placed between them will give the fence greater strength.
  7. Place the transverse poles, nailing them in: you need to start from the bottom. It is recommended to impregnate the ends of the transverse strips with drying oil or resin so that they do not absorb water. A light through fence will look more interesting if you replace the resin with moisture-resistant paint.
  8. Use wire to tighten the poles and supports at the attachment points. This way the structure will gain additional stability and will not collapse. Instead of flexible wire, you can use metal staples.

A fence made of poles most often serves a decorative function. Low fencing made from natural materials is used in landscape design. Ranch fences delineate pasture and farmland areas. In this article we will look at the main types of such fencing and describe the installation process of a standard structure.

Popular types of pole fences

Cross pole fence (“ranch”)

A fence made of transverse poles is most common, since such structures at the same time reliably protect areas from the penetration of large animals, are easy to install and are attractive in appearance.

Photo No. 1: “ranch” cross-bar fence

For the construction of a fence, thick poles made by yourself from illicit wood, which can be found everywhere, are optimally suited.

Fence made of vertical poles

A fence made of vertical poles is a more complex structure. For construction, rods or not too thick tree trunks are intertwined between horizontal logs.

Photo No. 2: vertical wire fence

Photo No. 3: vertical fence made of thin birch trunks and branches

Before installation, the poles are cleared of branches and twigs. To ensure that the structures last as long as possible, the end ends of the pickets are impregnated with resin and protective compounds.

Fences made of poles installed diagonally

To build such a fence you will need long poles. Their lower and upper ends are impregnated with resin. Metal wire is used for fixation.

Photo No. 4: a fence made of poles installed diagonally

Wattle is the most difficult lightweight fence made of poles to build. Construction will require a large number of long thin rods. They are intertwined between support posts driven vertically into the ground.

Photo No. 5: fence

Advantages and disadvantages of pole fences

Fences made from poles have a number of advantages.

  • Low cost and environmentally friendly. Natural materials for fencing can be found in the nearest forest.
  • Attractive appearance. Fences made of poles look beautiful and interesting.
  • Easy to install. Any of the above structures can be installed independently.

Both continuous and through fences are erected from poles. Constructions open type do not interfere with the cultivation of crops. The areas remain breathable. A solid pole fence protects the territory from prying eyes and the penetration of small animals.

The disadvantages of fences include:

  • short service life, only structures made of thick poles and supports will last long;
  • low level of security, such fences will not protect the site from intruders.

These disadvantages explain the fact that pole fences are usually erected for decorative purposes and to delineate farmland.

DIY fence made of poles

You can install a not too long fence made of poles with your own hands in a few days if you have the materials. Installation work will not require serious effort and financial costs.

Below we will take a closer look at how to install a ranch fence with your own hands.

Material calculation

Take measurements and calculate the number of supports and crossbars needed.

Note! The ideal pitch for installing posts for a ranch fence is 1.5–2 m. This way you will get the strongest possible fence. In addition, long poles and poles are much more difficult to find in nature.

The optimal height is 1.2–1.3 m. Each section will consist of 4 crossbars.

Do not forget to take into account that you will have to install 2 supports at each intermediate point, and thick logs/beams with drilled/hollowed out grooves in the corners. This is necessary to increase strength characteristics.

Where can I get poles and poles?

You will find unmarketable wood for construction in the nearest forest. If the fence is not too long, collecting materials will not take much time.

Important! Wood delivered to the site must be dried. Otherwise, the constructed fence will be deformed and lose its attractiveness.

If you don’t want to search, you can buy fence poles and support posts at a construction site. When purchasing, pay attention to the moisture level of the materials.

Photo No. 5: fence poles at a construction site

Necessary tools and additional materials

To build a ranch fence you will need:

  • twine and pegs;
  • bit;
  • garden auger or shovel;
  • crushed stone of medium fraction;
  • bitumen-based impregnation;
  • hammer;
  • tamping;
  • resin or drying oil for processing pillars and poles;
  • nails or wire (for fastening the crossbars);
  • metal brackets (for connecting double supports).

Step-by-step installation of a fence made of poles

Installation of a ranch fence is a 3-step process.

Stage 1. Marking the area

Stretch a rope around the perimeter of the future fence and drive pegs into the places where the supports will be installed. Make sure the wedges are placed correctly so you don't have to redo anything later.

Photo No. 6: site marking

Stage 2. Installation of pillars

To install the posts, use the butting method.

Image No. 1: pole butting diagram

  1. Drill a hole 1.2–1.5 m deep.
  2. Apply a bitumen-based impregnation to the part of the post immersed in the ground.
  3. Place the support in the hole.
  4. Holding the post upright, fill the hole with crushed stone and a small amount of sand. Tamp the pillow every 20 cm.

Important! Before butting the corner posts, use a chisel to hollow out grooves in them for mounting the crossbars. It is inconvenient to do this on already installed supports.

Stage 3. Installation of crossbars

Install wooden fence posts in the desired locations. Use nails and/or wire for fastening.

After installing each section, connect the double pillars with metal brackets and treat the ends of the supports and crossbars with resin or drying oil.

Photo No. 7: finished fence made of poles


As you can see, nothing complicated. If you want to build a decorative fence yourself, get started.

If protection from intruders and service life come to the fore, it is better to buy a wooden fence in Moscow, characterized by greater functionality, from a reliable construction company.

Ideal building material for the master who plans to equip his dacha light garden buildings are unsanded poles. They retain the beautiful textured bark and natural line of the tree. You won’t find two identical ones among them. Garden buildings made of unsanded poles at the dacha will fit perfectly into the architecture of the estate rustic style. Due to their somewhat rough appearance, they were called “rustic”.

Poles are tree trunks no more than 6-7 cm thick, cleared of branches and twigs. They are used in light garden buildings, combined with thicker ones, which are used as the base of the structure. Its rigidity is ensured by diagonal bridges and spacers. Thin unsanded poles - comfortable material for filling elements of any structure. You can prepare them yourself, for example, in hazel thickets that need periodic thinning. Long pine poles can be purchased at the lumber market. To give the structure an original and slightly wild look, use dry, gnarled and gnarled branches.

The most common option for rustic construction is a light fence or fence made of long poles. They are based on support pillars and horizontal crossbars if the poles are mounted vertically. Thin poles can be fastened together with galvanized wire, rolled out and, after cutting off the excess, hung on poles. You will get a picturesque roll fence.

In order for the hedge to take on a complete look, it will need a rustic gate. A frame, which is best made from planed timber, fastening it together will help give it strength. metal corners. The poles are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. It is preferable to make a gate at the dacha from unsanded birch poles. Their white bark is pleasant to the touch and glows slightly at dusk.

In order for a fence made of poles to serve you for a long time, the lower ends of the poles should be tarred or dipped in used machine oil overnight. A good option for preserving wood is burning it with a blowtorch flame. From precipitation, sawed poles, as well as metal fasteners of garden buildings, must be coated with oil paint.

An arch or one, made with your own hands from unsanded poles, will become a support for vines and climbing plants. Well, crafts such as country benches and armchairs will undoubtedly decorate your garden and give it a touch of rustic prostate and comfort.

In conclusion, we will give for home craftsmen the types of connections of poles in various garden buildings:

This way you can connect the support and the horizontal crossbar. To do this, use a hacksaw to make a rounded notch at the end of the support. The horizontal pole should fit tightly into it. We secure the joint with a long nail.

Two horizontal poles can be connected on one support in this way. We make identical cutouts at their ends and place them on the support and on top of each other. We fasten the resulting connection with a nail.

We connect two horizontal poles at right angles like this. On the top you need to make a V-shaped groove with a hacksaw. The upper pole is placed on the lower one. We hammer a nail at the place where they connect.

There is another option for connecting two horizontal poles - by inserting “half a log”. To do this, we make a couple of transverse cuts on each pole to the middle of the pole. Use a chisel to remove excess. You can fasten the poles in this way using glue.

To connect a horizontal pole with a vertical one, we make a V-shaped groove on the latter with a depth of at least 2.5 cm. We sharpen the end of the horizontal pole, fitting it to the cutout in the vertical one. We connect and secure with wire.

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