Zinaida is a Jewish name. Name meaning: Zinaida

Meaning and origin: divine daughter (Greek).

Energy and Karma: in terms of its energy, the name has significant sharpness and assertiveness. Perhaps one can catch some hint of dreaminess and romanticism in it, but if it exists, it is thoroughly drowned out by the sonority of the word. You could even say that the name Zinaida sounds like a victory marching song, or rather, like the beginning of its melody. Of course, one way or another all this should be reflected in the character of Zina herself.

Secrets of communication: you shouldn’t cross Zinaida’s path once again, but if something like this happens, then the dispute can only be resolved through a compromise. In the end, having infringed on her, even unwittingly, in one thing, try to give in on something else. And don't forget to emphasize this if you want to maintain your relationship with her.

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  • Planet: Mars.
  • Name colors: light green, brown, red.
  • Talisman stone: carnelian, amber.

Meaning of the name Zinaida option 2

Ancient Greek origin, means: born of Zeus, from the family of Zeus. A somewhat arrogant, coldish girl. She often quarrels with her friends and loves to be first in everything. He tyrannizes parents, especially grandparents, and does not tolerate refusals in anything.

At school he strives to be the teacher’s right hand, somewhat curries favor with his elders, and respects strength. Don't mind gossiping. She studies well and cannot hide her joy when she is cited as an example to other students.

Having matured, she discovers good taste, she develops coquetry, and her mental lability allows her to hide the sharp edges of her character. At this age Zinaida- a regular at dance evenings and discos. She is rarely a beauty. But she is charming and knows how to present herself favorably and effectively. If we add to this that Zinaidas are almost always passionate people, then we can understand why they do not complain about the lack of attention from men. Zinaida smart. A leader in mentality, she skillfully hides this, demonstrating, on the contrary, subordination to a man; later, when she is already connected to him by marriage, the despot hiding inside her breaks out. The husband must agree with this, otherwise the family will face protracted quarrels and unstoppable scandals, or, on the contrary, immediately resolutely insist on his own. In the family, she is in charge of finances and always knows better than anyone what to do for her husband and children, how they should act and what to say.

Zinaida is meticulously engaged in landscaping the apartment, is somewhat stingy, but, seeing beautiful thing, he won’t spare the money. He perfectly prepares all sorts of homemade liqueurs, liqueurs and wines; on occasion he will not refuse to drink, and sometimes he shows a noticeable penchant for drinking.

Zinaida makes good accountants and pharmacists. Zinaida's teachers stand out for their pickiness.

“Summer” Zinaidas have a softer character, and Zinaidas with patronymics Olegovna, Aleksandrovna, Stanislavovna, Karlovna and Semyonovna are those with a complex character. There are great chances for a successful marriage with Stepan, Yuri, Vladimir, Pavel, Efim. Less favorable are marriages with Ivan, Stanislav, Dmitry, Denis, Peter, Taras.

Meaning of the name Zinaida option 3

Zinaida- “born of Zeus” (Greek)

A somewhat arrogant, coldish girl. She often quarrels with her friends and loves to be first in everything. He tyrannizes his parents, especially his grandparents, and does not tolerate refusal of anything. At school he strives to be the teacher’s right hand, somewhat curries favor with his elders, and respects strength. Don't mind gossiping. He studies well and cannot hide his joy when he is given an example to other students.

Having matured, he discovers good taste, constancy, a peculiarity of the psyche that allows him to hide the sharp corners of his character. At this age, a regular at evenings, dances and discos, shows great effort in mastering the technique modern dance. She is rarely a beauty. But she is charming and knows how to present herself favorably and effectively. If we add to this that Zinaida almost always a passionate nature, you can understand why she does not complain about the lack of attention from men. Zinaida smart. A leader in mentality, she skillfully hides this, demonstrating to the man that she is ready to obey him in everything. Later, when the marriage bond is concluded, the despot hidden within her breaks out. The husband must come to terms with this, otherwise the family will face protracted quarrels and unabating scandals, or, on the contrary, boldly protest in a decisive form and always stand firmly on his own.

Zinaida she meticulously takes care of the improvement of the apartment, she is somewhat stingy, but when she sees a beautiful thing, she will not regret the money. He makes excellent homemade liqueurs, liqueurs and wines; on occasion he will not refuse to drink, and sometimes he shows a noticeable tendency to drink.

Prone to infectious and viral diseases.

She makes a good accountant and pharmacist. Zinaida- The teacher is too picky.

"Winter" Zinaida has a softer character.

“Autumn” - in addition to everything that has been said, it is also practical, thrifty, and a little stingy. Can work as an assistant, accountant, store manager, mid-level manager at an enterprise, or at a research institute. The name matches patronymics: Alekseevna, Naumovna, Borisovna, Sergeevna, Boyanovna, Samoilovna, Gavrilovna.

“Summer” is always in the center of attention and knows how to present herself. Eccentric. She is a leader in the family and in the team, energetic, smart, active.

“Spring” is selfish, extravagant. May be an actress, music worker, pharmacist. The name matches patronymics: Vissarionovna, Veniaminovna, Aleksandrovna, Stepanovna, Lazarevna, Leonidovna.

Zinaida with patronymics Olegovna, Aleksandrovna, Stanislavovna, Karlovna and Semyonovna refers to natures with a complex character.

Meaning of the name Zinaida option 4

Unbalanced, complex, labile (i.e. unstable) natures. Cunning, touchy. They don’t get married for a long time, but if they do, the marriage is short-lived, since in the family they are the “leading leaders”. They also show their character at work, becoming teachers, foremen, heads of departments, etc.

Painful. They give birth to boys. Zinaida has a big disadvantage - a tendency to drunkenness, and a great advantage - refined taste.

Meaning of the name Zinaida option 5

Zinaida- from Greek from the genus of Zeus, godlike.

Derivatives: Zinaidka, Zina, Zinakha, Zinasha, Zinuha, Zinusha, Zinulya, Zinusya, Zinya, Zisha, Ina, Ida.

Folk signs: If dirt spreads across the ground on Zinaida and the horse’s hoof is filled with water, then the fallen snow will immediately establish a winter path.


She is a leader by nature. But if necessary, she knows how to submit to a man, so much so that he will not notice her natural leadership and even some arrogance. After all Zinaida can be charming, impressive, and graceful in communication thanks to her lively, sharp mind. She is somewhat tight-fisted, but the family only benefits from this, receiving everything they need for a comfortable, comfortable life.

Meaning of the name Zinaida option 6

ZINAIDA - from the family of Zeus (Greek).

Name day: October 24 - Holy Martyr Zinaida, sister of the Apostle Paul; in the name of Christ she healed the sick, thereby converting many pagans to the faith of Christ; was stoned.

  • Zodiac sign - Scorpio.
  • Planet - Pluto.
  • Color - green.
  • A favorable tree is pine.
  • The treasured plant is the chrysanthemum.
  • The patron of the name is Scorpio.
  • The talisman stone is emerald.


Zinaida She is somewhat arrogant and cold in behavior, but knows how to smooth out the sharp edges of her character. She is charming and can present herself favorably and effectively. She has a passionate nature, a sharp mind; a leader in mentality, she will submit to a man when necessary. Zinaida somewhat tight-fisted, but does not spare anything for his family.

Meaning of the name Zinaida option 7

Zinaida- a common name. It gives its owner a certain coldness and complexness, which many Zinas try to cover up with rudeness as they age. Insolence actually liberates them somewhat, but at the same time it turns off people who do not accept such a manner of behavior. In a constant struggle with internal timidity, the Zinas strive to become leaders, trying to command and lead. If they do not always succeed in this work collective, then in the family Zinaida she certainly dominates, she is in charge of finances and, as it seems to her, she always knows better what to do for her husband and children, how they should act and what to say. Here she is a dictator.

Zinaida always dresses with taste and pays attention to her appearance a lot of attention. They try to look impressive, believing that this is one of the important conditions giving power over others. As for health, Zinaidas are often sickly. Their big drawback is their affinity for alcohol.

The female name Zinaida came to Eastern Slavs from Greek language and, according to researchers, is directly related to the god of thunder and lightning. Its origin is associated with the ancient Greek name Zenais, which means “belonging to Zeus,” “from the family of Zeus, Zeus.” Translated from Arabic it takes on the meaning of “beautiful”, and from Latin it is translated as “caring”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Patron Planet: Pluto
  • Talisman stone: emerald
  • Color: green
  • Wood: pine
  • Plant: chrysanthemum
  • Animal: scorpion
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character Traits

The powerful and complex energy of the name Zinaida lies in the combination of two ancient Greek names - Zina and Ida, which in modern translation interpreted as "beautiful" and "fertile". Its secret lies in the fact that the name is endowed by nature with the strength to overcome difficulties and temptations, the expectation of change, longevity, hard work and a dual hidden character that makes such a girl question and double-check everything.

As a child, the girl Zinaida especially stands out for her diligence, perseverance, and exactingness. She achieves results by any means. Respects intelligence and strength, prefers friendship with children of influential parents, knows how to behave with adults, and knows how to ingratiate himself beautifully and naturally. In his youth he behaves a little arrogantly with his peers. She has a subtle sense of perception of the world, trusts only intuition, and is prone to daydreaming and creativity.

The representative named Zinaida skillfully masks her negative traits and character flaws. He loves money and luxury, but hides an exorbitant craving for hoarding. She can make a scandal for no reason, but she is not capable of meanness. Interested in the intimate lives of friends and strangers, gossip. Any information serves as food for thought, analysis and not always correct conclusions.

With age, Zina's character changes. She becomes more withdrawn and focused, less talkative, impulsive and curious.

Interests and hobbies

Zinaida has been interested in design since childhood. She arranges her room on her own, comes up with various decorations, and loves to craft and sew. This hobby later often affects the girl’s choice of profession. She enthusiastically reads books, loves traveling, and cooks delicious food. Interested in chemistry, parapsychology, magic.

Profession and business

Zinaida likes responsible and complex work. She finds application for her abilities in science, pharmacology, architecture, and floristry. The “entrepreneurial spirit” in this woman’s character allows her to create family business, achieve success in trading. Such a person is capable of being a doctor, a translator, and even a theologian.


At the “Balzac age” he feels fatigue and chronic fatigue. They are associated with stress and a weakened immune system. Even such a strong woman as Zinaida needs rest and peace. But the most important thing is getting rid of negative thoughts and emotions.

Sex and love

At first glance, Zina looks cold and strict. But men show great interest in her. A girl with this name attracts attention beautiful figure, graceful manners, mysterious behavior. She knows how to be weak, but the sharp heels of her shoes accurately select a vulnerable spot in the character of the admirer. It is not easy to leave such a woman. It’s as if she was born in order to turn men into “voluntary henpecked men.”

Family and marriage

Zinaida gets married early and patiently bears the “cross” of marital fidelity. She constantly hides her desire for freedom from her family. Dissatisfaction with the situation in the home and society turns her into a domestic tyrant. More often than not, such a family collapses. The divorce can be very loud due to the exorbitant “appetite” of this woman for property rights. The only exception is the summer owner of the name, who may not marry for a long time, and her late marriage turns out to be happy.

Zinaida is a patient and kind mother. If the goal of her life is focused on children, then she will definitely achieve positive results. But it can also happen that excessive care and attention turn into a “noose” for the child with maternal love.

Zinaida is a rather rare name, undeservedly forgotten in our time. Meanwhile, this name is almost divine - Zenais was the name of the beloved daughter of the supreme deity of ancient mythology, the ruler of gods and people - greek god Zeus. Translated from ancient Greek, the name Zinaida means “divine” or “born of God.”

This is rare, original, bright and beautiful name has a tremendous influence on its owner. Among the owners of this name are many women who have forever left their mark on history: Soviet actress Zinaida Kiriyenko, Russian artist Zinaida Serebryakova, scientist-historian Zinaida Udaltsova, poetess and playwright Zinaida Bitarova and many others.

Name day patron saints of Zinaida

The patroness of all Zinaidas is considered to be the martyr Zinaida of Tarsus, the sister of the Apostle Paul. Throughout her life, the woman healed the sick in the name of Christ, which converted many pagans to the Christian faith. For her holy faith in Christ, idolaters stoned the preacher to death.

In our time, people pray to the icon of the holy martyr Zinaida of Taria for the healing of mental and physical illness.

Zinaida celebrates her name day once a year - October 24 (October 11 to church calendar, old style).

Characteristics of the name

The most important qualities Zinaida of all - a sober mind, cold calculation and penetrating abilities. WITH early age Zina understands perfectly well when to remain silent, and when to let out emotions and scream - you can be sure that she will never miss her benefit.

Zina knows what she wants from early childhood and achieves what she wants with enviable tenacity. She has a sharp mind and trusts it much more than her heart. The desire to achieve one’s own at any cost can easily turn into egocentrism - Zinaida will be firmly convinced that everyone around her should act as she wants. And if in ordinary life Zina manages to hide her egocentrism from others, then she can more than take it out on family members and subordinates.

You shouldn’t argue with Zinaida; it’s difficult to convince her. But a woman is not capable of meanness, she will not wish harm to a person. Zinaida's strong will is combined with no less high morality. Despite her stubbornness and tough character, Zina will not sacrifice the interests of other people for the sake of her goal.

The name Zinaida endows its owner with longevity, hard work, love of change, as well as a dual character that forces a woman to question and double-check everything. Any information serves as food for thought, analysis, and not always correct conclusions.

Despite everything, Zina is a pleasant person to talk to - she skillfully masks her shortcomings and negative character traits. A woman loves money and luxury, knows how to beautifully flatter and flirt, and is drawn to communicate with influential people.

Zinaida rarely has natural beauty, but she knows how to present herself favorably and effectively, so she has no shortage of fans.

With age, Zinaida's character may change in better side- a woman will learn to get around sharp corners, become a little softer and more flexible.

Zinaida has a sense of beauty, an understanding of harmony and beauty. She has some psychic abilities, often gets carried away occult sciences. However, her subtle spirituality, spiritual beauty and peacefulness are often hidden behind a rebellious character, a critical mind, and a desire not to take anything for granted.

One more thing positive quality Zinaida - loyalty to friendship, constancy and reliability. But it is very important for her to learn not to follow her passions, otherwise Zina will easily slide into gluttony, sybaritism and laziness, which she will try to disguise behind ostentatious intelligence and politeness.

Zinaida in childhood

Since childhood, Zinaida has strived for leadership; she wants to be the first in everything, and because of this, she often conflicts with her peers. She respects power and authority, so she strives to be in sight of teachers, curry favor with them and with class leaders.

Zina is a good student and really likes being set as an example. She has an excellent memory; the girl can easily recall events that happened many years ago. He often graduates from school with a gold medal.

In adolescence, all girls dream of unusual and mysterious names, and Zinaida is no exception. Being very young, the girl will strive to join semi-elite companies, she will want to join the “golden youth”, but with age this will pass - sober calculation, and not ambitious thoughts, will prevail.

Young Zinaida's behavior always shows arrogance and some coldness; she can constantly terrorize her parents until she achieves what she wants. As a teenager, she becomes a regular at discos and club parties, and even then she begins to be drawn to a luxurious and carefree life.

Her complex character prevents Zinochka from having many friends, but with those she has, she will be friends all her life. She will gather around her a close-knit and devoted circle of friends who will be able to solve any problems.

Parents need to teach the girl to forgive insults and treat others with respect. The child must understand that the world does not have to revolve around her alone. If Zinaida’s behavior cannot be corrected, adult life her relationships with others will not be easy.

Sexuality of Zinaida

Since adolescence, Zinaida has enjoyed increased interest among men - and this despite the lack of obvious natural beauty. She attracts attention with her bright appearance, manners, graceful figure and mysterious behavior.

Zina knows how to obey a man, appear weak and vulnerable. But Zinya’s sharp heels unmistakably find a weak spot in the chosen one’s character, and he can become henpecked without noticing.

When it comes to sex, Zinaida is not the most passionate partner, but if she loves her man, she will try to please him, maybe even surprise him. She will never refuse sex to her husband and will show maximum tenderness and caution. Zinaida knows how to diversify her sex life, but not by frequently changing sexual partners, but by being open to sexual experiments.

Married Zinaida, compatibility with male names

Zinaida is a passionate and easily carried away nature, so she usually gets married early and out of great love. She is attracted to strong and passionate men, but she usually marries a potential henpecked man and a mama's boy.

Soft and feminine on the outside, the woman has a despotic character, which is especially pronounced in marriage. Often, Zinaida’s first marriage collapses, and during the divorce proceedings, Zinaida will fleece her ex-betrothed like a stick. It is not easy to leave such a woman, only if she herself wants it.

Having driven her husband “up to his heels,” Zinaida will still be forever dissatisfied - now because her husband does not show the proper strength of character. The husband can only come to terms with his wife’s commanding nature, or the marriage is doomed to failure.

Zinaida will quickly take all finances into her fragile hands, and her house will always be a “full cup.” She always knows better than anyone what her family members need.

Zinaida is a zealous and even a little stingy housewife, but she will not spare anything to furnish her family nest. She is practical and there will be no room in her house for extra rubbish. Zina is an excellent cook, loves canning and doing handicrafts. You can be sure that Zinaida will do everything to make her house the envy of others.

She can be capricious, demanding, responsible towards others, but at the same time be responsive, generous, and caring towards loved ones.

Zinaida's children will be more drawn to their father - the despotic nature of their mother will weigh them down. Zina is strict in her upbringing and does not spoil her children.

A woman needs to understand that for happy marriage just one financial well-being not enough, rather the opposite - mutual respect and trust are much more important. Unfortunately, such wisdom comes to Zinaida only with age.

A successful marriage is possible with men named Ivan, Bogdan, Vladimir, Zakhar, Grigory, Mikhail, Yuri and Stepan. You should avoid relationships with Roman, Yaroslav, Denis, Danila, Vadim, Alexander, Ignat and Anton.

Zinaida's health

In general, Zinaida has good health, but even such an energetic woman needs rest and peace, which she often forgets. Stress can greatly weaken nervous system women, especially in old age. Zinaida needs to learn to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions.

Under no circumstances should Zinaida drink alcohol, even in small quantities - she has a natural predisposition to alcoholism. A woman should be attentive to heart and liver disease, and beware of radiculitis and rheumatism.

Longevity was granted to Zinaida by nature, but on the condition that she gives up alcohol and smoking.

Business and career

Despite the fact that Zinaida has a strong will, she sets insignificant tasks for herself, so she rarely gets to the top of the career ladder. If she doesn't like her job, she will easily leave it and find another one.

You can safely entrust responsible and complex work to Zinaida, she will cope with it superbly. An entrepreneurial spirit will allow a woman to achieve success in trade and in running her own business.

Zinaida has excellent speaking skills, so she can be involved in politics, journalism or journalism. Zina will definitely enjoy work related to finance, accounting, record keeping and organizational activities.

Zinaida will make a good bank worker, secretary, economist, salesman, merchandiser, notary or lawyer. She can become an excellent leader - work for results will be of paramount importance to her.

A teacher or educator, Zina will turn out to be overly picky, even despotic, so she should not go into this profession.

Talismans for Zinaida

  • Patron planet - Pluto.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Scorpio.
  • The most successful time of year is summer, the best day of the week is Tuesday.
  • The color that brings good luck is green, brown, emerald.
  • Totem plant - Chrysanthemum and pine. Chrysanthemum - beautiful flower, symbolizing longevity, happiness and fidelity. Pine is a symbol of constancy, strength, masculinity and good luck. In the East, pine is associated with longevity and resistance to all life’s troubles, and in Christianity, pine represents vitality and devotion to faith.
  • The totem animal is the scorpion, which is a symbol of wisdom, justice, and also some duality. It appears small and harmless, but is deadly poisonous.
  • The talisman stone is emerald. It is considered a stone of wisdom, pragmatism and prudence. Emerald helps you move along career ladder, enhances mental abilities and concentration, gives the gift of foresight. But Zinaida should know that emerald brings good luck only to decent and moral people, while it promises only misfortune and illness to hypocrites and liars.

Horoscope for Zinaida

Aries- an uninhibited and straightforward personality with leadership habits. Always says what he thinks, without caring about the feelings of others. He always acts decisively and on a grand scale, but not always successfully. Men are crazy about Zinaida-Aries - she knows how to present herself effectively. She needs a husband strong man, otherwise he will immediately become henpecked.

Taurus- a patient and reliable woman who knows her worth. He doesn’t flaunt his virtues, doesn’t try to prove anything to anyone, but always stands firmly on his own. She leads a calm and measured life; in marriage she happily hands over the reins of power to her husband.

Twins- an optimist and lover of life, she looks at the world with wide open eyes. She gets carried away easily, but also easily gives up what she has started for the sake of another, more interesting idea in her opinion. He often changes his place of work and changes his partners no less often. Inconstancy is its main drawback.

Cancer- a kind and sensual woman who is afraid of change. She becomes attached to people, to the team, to her husband, and is terrified of changing anything in her life, even if she is not happy with it. He loves order in everything and cannot stand chaos in anyone, including in the soul. In love, one is always guided by the heart, not the mind.

Lion- a born artist, and she plays not only on stage, but also in life. She changes her roles depending on the circumstances, adapts well to people and easily gains trust. Men often become its victims without noticing it.

Virgo- an easy-to-communicate, inquisitive nature who knows how to win over her interlocutor. She knows how to think rationally and take advantage of any situation. She values ​​her freedom very much, so she needs a husband who will not limit her in anything. In addition, he will have to take on financial support for the family.

Scales- a generous and delicate person who will never intentionally offend anyone. Her thoughts are usually pure and noble, but with those around her she usually behaves slightly aloof and as correctly as possible. The advances of men are pleasant to her, but Zinaida-Libra knows how to remain faithful to her man.

Scorpion- a changeable and obstinate person who does not know how to control his emotions. If she is interested, she will work hard until the result is achieved; if interest disappears, Zinaida immediately quits the job she has started. It’s the same story with men: today she loves, tomorrow she is not interested in him.

Sagittarius- a vain and ambitious nature, very insecure. She knows how to hide her ambitions and desires; at first glance, she seems to be a strong and confident woman. But her soul is always in turmoil, she is never completely frank. In men great success doesn’t use it because she behaves unnaturally - Zinaida is very afraid that her partner will be disappointed in her and leave her.

Capricorn- a practical and confident woman who knows how to inspire and justify trust. She is persistent and patient, clearly follows her goal, while there are not enough stars in the sky, she always thinks realistically and pragmatically. Cannot stand coquetry and hypocrisy. Zinaida-Capricorn was created for the family; she will become a reliable and loyal friend to her husband.

Aquarius- independent and impetuous nature, able to think outside the box. You can entrust her with any task - she will bring it to its logical conclusion without putting it off indefinitely. Able to separate the important from the unimportant. Prefers to be friends with men with whom he enjoys success.

Fish- a nervous and sensual woman who often remains misunderstood by others. She has her own view of the world - sophisticated and pretentious. Zinaida-Pisces has practically no girlfriends, but she has a lot of male fans who are attracted by her mystery and detachment. But her demands are too high, so no man can meet them. All that Zinaida lacks is a little simplicity.

DOB: 1933-07-09

Soviet and Russian actress, singer, People's Artist of the RSFSR

Version 1. What does the name Zinaida mean?

Zinaida - from Greek. from the genus of Zeus, godlike.

Derivatives: Zinaida, Zina, Zinakha, Zinasha, Zinuha, Zinusha,
Zinulya, Zinusya, Zinya, Zisha, Ina, Ida.

Folk signs.

If dirt has spread across Zinaida and the horse’s hoof is filled with water,
then the snow that falls will immediately establish a winter path.


She is a leader by nature. But if necessary, he knows how to submit to a man, so much so that he
and will not notice her natural leadership and even some arrogance. After all
Zinaida can be charming, impressive, and graceful in communication thanks to
a living, sharp mind. She is somewhat tight-fisted, but the family only benefits from this,
getting everything you need for a comfortable, comfortable life.

DOB: 1894-07-03

Russian actress, wife of Sergei Yesenin and Vsevolod Meyerhold

3 version of the meaning of the name Zinaida

Ancient Greek origin,
means: born of Zeus, from the family of Zeus.

Somewhat arrogant
parents, especially grandparents, do not tolerate refusals in anything.

At school strives
to be the teacher's right hand, somewhat curries favor with elders, respects strength. Not
away from gossiping. She studies well and cannot hide her joy when she is brought to
example to other students.

Having grown up, he discovers
good taste, she develops coquetry, mental lability allows her to hide
sharp edges of character. At this age, Zinaida is a regular at dance evenings
and discos.

She is rarely a beauty.
Since Zinaidas are almost always passionate people, one can understand why
they do not complain about the lack of attention from men. Zinaida is smart. Leader
according to her mental makeup, she skillfully hides this, demonstrating, on the contrary, subordination
to a man; later, when she was already connected with him by marriage, the despot, who was hiding
in it, breaks out. The husband must agree with this, otherwise the family will face protracted
quarrels and unstoppable scandals, or, on the contrary, immediately resolutely insist on
his. In the family, she manages the finances and always knows better than anyone what her husband should do.
and children, how they should act and what they should say.

thing, you won't spare the money. Perfectly prepares all kinds of homemade liqueurs, liqueurs and wines,
on occasion he will not refuse to drink, and sometimes shows a noticeable tendency to drink.

From Zinaida
good accountants and pharmacists are coming out. Zinaida-teachers stand out for their

have a softer character, and Zinaida with patronymics Olegovna, Alexandrovna,
Stanislavovna, Karlovna and Semyonovna are natures with complex characters.

Great chance of success
marriage with Stepan, Yuri, Vladimir, Pavel, Efim. Less favorable marriages
with Ivan, Stanislav, Dmitry, Denis, Peter, Taras.

DOB: 1869-11-20

Russian poetess and writer of the era " silver age»

4 version of interpretation of the name Zinaida

ZINAIDA - from the family
Zeus (Greek).

Name day: October 24 - Holy Martyr Zinaida, sister of the Apostle
Paul; in the name of Christ she healed the sick, thereby converting many pagans to the faith of Christ;
was stoned.

Zodiac sign
- Scorpion.

Planet - Pluto.

Color - green.

Auspicious tree
- pine.

Treasured plant
- chrysanthemum.

Patron name
- scorpion.

Talisman stone
- emerald.


in behavior she is somewhat arrogant and cold, but knows how to smooth out the sharp corners of her
character. She is charming and can present herself favorably and effectively. She's passionate
nature, sharp mind; a leader in mentality, she will submit to a man when necessary.
Zinaida is somewhat tight-fisted, but does not spare anything for her family.

6th version of the meaning of the name Zinaida

- “born of Zeus” (Greek)

Somewhat arrogant
cold girl. She often quarrels with her friends and loves to be first in everything. Tyranite
parents, especially grandparents, do not tolerate refusal of anything. At school strives
to be the teacher's right hand, somewhat curries favor with elders, respects strength.

Don't mind gossiping.
He studies well and cannot hide his joy when he is given an example to other students.
Having matured, he discovers good taste, constancy, and a special mentality that allows
hide the sharp edges of character. At this age, a regular at evenings, dances and discos,
shows great diligence in mastering the technique of modern dances.

She is rarely a beauty.
But she is charming and knows how to present herself favorably and effectively. If added to
Because Zinaida is almost always a passionate person, you can understand why
she doesn't complain about the lack of attention from men. Zinaida is smart. Warehouse leader
psyche, she skillfully hides it, demonstrating to the man that she is ready to obey in everything
to him. Later, when the marriage bond is concluded, the despot hidden within her breaks out
out. The husband must come to terms with this, otherwise the family will face protracted quarrels and unabating
scandals, or, on the contrary, boldly protest in a decisive form and stand firm
always on his own.

is meticulously engaged in landscaping the apartment, is somewhat stingy, but, seeing the beautiful
thing, you won't spare the money. Perfectly prepares homemade liqueurs, liqueurs and wines, with
In any case, he will not refuse to drink, and sometimes shows a noticeable tendency to drink.

Located towards infectious and viral

She makes a good accountant
pharmacist. Zinaida the teacher is too picky.

has a softer character.

- in addition to all that has been said, she is also practical, thrifty, and a little stingy. Can work
assistant, accountant, store manager, mid-level manager at the enterprise,
at a research institute.

The name matches the middle name:
Alekseevna, Naumovna, Borisovna, Sergeevna, Boyanovna, Samoilovna, Gavrilovna.

- always in the center of attention, knows how to present himself. Eccentric. She is the leader of the family
and in a team, energetic, smart, active.

- selfish, extravagant. May be an actress, music worker, pharmacist.

The name matches the middle name:
Vissarionovna, Veniaminovna, Alexandrovna, Stepanovna, Lazarevna, Leonidovna.

with patronymics Olegovna, Aleksandrovna, Stanislavovna, Karlovna and Semyonovna
refers to natures with a complex character.

7 version of the meaning of the name Zinaida

Zinaida - common
Name. It gives its owner a certain coldness and complexness,
which many Zins try to cover up with rudeness as they get older.

Insolence actually liberates them somewhat, but at the same time it turns people off,
not accepting such behavior. In a constant struggle with inner timidity,
Zins strive to become leaders, try to command and lead. If it's not for them
always succeeds in the work collective, then in the family Zinaida certainly dominates,
she is in charge of finances and, it seems to her, always knows better what to do for her husband and
children, what they should do and what they should say. Here she is a dictator.

Zinaida always dresses with taste and pays a lot of attention to her appearance.
They try to look impressive, believing that this is one of the important conditions that gives power
over others. As for health, Zinaidas are often sickly. Big them
Disadvantage: addiction to alcohol.
Is this the correct interpretation? (7)

Meaning of the name Zinaida: this name for a girl means “belonging to Zeus,” “divine daughter.”

Origin of the name Zinaida: Greek

Diminutive form of name: Zina, Zinasha, Zinulya, Zinusha, Zinya, Zisha, Ina, Ida.

What does the name Zinaida mean? Stubbornness and a penchant for perfectionism help her in her work. Girls prefer professions related to finance and documentation. She will marry a calm, hardworking man and establish her own rules in the family.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Zinaida celebrates her name day once a year: October 24 (11) - The Holy Martyr Zinaida was sister St. Apostle Paul; In the name of Christ she healed the sick, thereby converting many pagans to Christ; She was stoned for her faith in Christ.

Signs: If on Zinaidin's day mud spreads across the ground and a horse's hoof is filled with water, then the snow that falls will immediately establish a winter path.


  • Zodiac – Scorpio
  • Planet – Pluto
  • Zinaida's color is green
  • Auspicious tree - pine
  • Treasured plant - chrysanthemum
  • Patron – Scorpio
  • Talisman stone – emerald

Characteristics of the name Zinaida

Positive features: The name Zinaida gives activity, generosity, and the ability to have great feelings. As a rule, despite her fragile appearance, Zina is distinguished by her particular strength of character. She knows what she needs in life, does not doubt the correctness of her choice and follows her goal. The little girl is a cheerful singer, a joker, and her father's favorite. IN school age she can become seriously interested in philosophy, capable of studying foreign languages. She openly expresses her opinion and is not afraid to enter into discussions. With age, a girl hides her straightforwardness and firmness, knows how to look elegant and impressive, but her strength of character is manifested in everything.

Negative features: The name Zinaida brings selfishness, straightforwardness, assertiveness, arrogance, impatience, and masculine firmness. A woman named Zinaida strives to be first, does not tolerate encroachment on her independence, but can consciously give her life to service to a strong man or a high idea.

Personality of the name Zinaida: What character traits does the meaning of the name Zinaida determine? This is the "iron lady". Endowed with will, perseverance and remarkable talents, she has been making her way to the heights of success since her school days. She is always well dressed, fast, decisive, she is irresistible to infantile, poetically minded men, or even just “mama’s boys.” Having married such a person, who is necessarily already known, if not famous, Zinaida either completely subjugates him to her will, or after a few years (or even months) leaves the obstinate man.

The girl is capricious and impatient, does not like refusals, she will be able to win and get what she wants. It is necessary to educate with great patience, to instill respect for the authority of elders, and the ability to forgive insults. Not a single family secret will escape a keen eye. As a teenager, she loves her parents very much and is devoted to them to the point of oblivion. She is very inquisitive, loves history, theater, cinema, music, and ancient painting.

At school Zinochka - right hand teacher, loves to be set as an example for others, is a little arrogant, strives to be a leader among her friends. She is faithful to her friends, and often remains so in adulthood.

Zinaida has a strong will, gives great importance high morality. She has a practical mind, capable of adapting to any life circumstances. It hurts to experience disappointments and failures, remembers grievances. The meaning of the name Zinaida has an amazing memory. This girl will reconstruct any event that happened many years ago, from a month and a year down to the smallest detail. Zina always knows what to do and what to say in each specific case. She will never sacrifice her interests, but she is also incapable of meanness. The person with the name knows and appreciates her work; she can work as an accountant, salesperson, secretary, pharmacist, teacher.

Most often, the girl is beautiful, and also knows how to present herself favorably and effectively. Zinaida has no end to suitors, but she marries a “mama’s boy” with whom it is difficult to family life, and in material terms there is no sense - everything that Zina has, she earned herself, working like a convict for two rates. It happens that Zinaida gets tired of her childish husband and she is left alone.

Zina is quite self-centered, convinced that everyone around her should live exactly as she sees fit. The girl knows everyone’s responsibilities to society, to themselves and, of course, to her personally.

Zina is very practical, thrifty, and a little stingy. But if he sees a beautiful and high-quality thing, then he will not regret the money. She perfectly prepares various homemade tinctures and won’t refuse to drink them herself.

If everything is going well in her marriage, she is absorbed in it: she is busy improving the apartment, sewing, knitting, cooking, and becomes less sociable.

Zinaida and her personal life

Compatible with male names: A successful marriage of a name with Bogdan, Vladimir, Voislav, can happen with Alexander, Anton, Afanasy, Bazan, Budimir, Vadim, Danila, Denis, Dobrynya, Ignat, Roman. The name Zinaida is also combined with Seraphim, Yaroslav.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Zinaida promise happiness in love? Zina is attracted to strong and powerful men. She becomes their ally, but sometimes she can learn a bitter life lesson. At the very beginning of their acquaintance, Zinaida hides strong character traits from a man, but in marriage she will prove herself firmly, on a par with a powerful man. Because of this, constant clashes and even brawls are likely, but a girl with this name does not give up her position and becomes even more closely attached to her husband. The bearer of this name good mother, “she watches over her daughter and protects her son.”

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: She is smart and calculating. In his actions he relies on logic. She can realize herself in politics, research work, and journalism. Zina with a short intellectual level can become a leader in production or agriculture, realizing his vanity and amazing performance.

Business and career: She Zinaida attaches great importance to prosperity and abundance. At the same time, she is generous and patronizes those in need. She is a good housewife, she knows how to spend money rationally, accumulate it and increase it.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Zinaida: The girl is predisposed to diseases of the excretory and reproductive systems, arthritis and rheumatism.

The fate of Zinaida in history

What does the name Zinaida mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Princess Zinaida Alexandrovna Volkonskaya (1792–1862) was one of the most beautiful and intelligent women of her time. Having married Prince Nikita Grigorievich Volkonsky, she first lived in St. Petersburg, where, both in rank and wealth of her husband, and in her intelligence and beauty, she occupied a high position at court. When, after 1812, she left Russia, she occupied the same brilliant position abroad, especially in Teplice and Prague, where Emperor Alexander, who was in Germany at that time, loved to be in her company, just as then, when she lived in Paris, Vienna and Verona.
  2. Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova (1884-1967) - a wonderful Russian artist, came from a family of talented architects, painters and sculptors. Everyone in the family lived by art; it was so commonplace that the girl’s special talent and desire to become an artist did not surprise anyone. Zinaida Serebryakova entered great art with her self-portrait painting “Behind the Toilet” (1908). The most significant is Whitening the Canvas (1917). Serebryakova was a person of high spirituality and exceptional talent.
  3. Zinaida Slavina (born 1941) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1986).
  4. Zinaida Khostikoeva (1937 - 1995) - Soviet Ossetian poetess. In North Ossetia, Khostikoeva’s works are included in school curriculum on Ossetian literature for grade 11.
  5. Zinaida Palvanova (born 1944) is a Russian poet.
  6. Zinaida Sharko (born 1929) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1980).
  7. Zinaida Tudvaseva (born 1947) - Russian linguist and philologist, researcher of the Komi-Permyak language, leading methodologist on the Komi-Permyak language.
  8. Zinaida Bitarova (born 1950) - poetess, prose writer, playwright.
  9. Zinaida Zhuchenko-Gerngross is a staunch monarchist and opponent of revolutionary parties, a provocateur.
  10. Zinaida Tulub (1890 - 1964) - Soviet writer.
  11. Zinaida Donets - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ecology and Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Ecology, Yaroslavl State University.
  12. Zinaida Sidelnikova (1920 - 1996) - editor of the book editorial office of the Orlovskaya Pravda publishing house, Oryol and Prioksky book publishing houses, journalist, in 1944-1946. editor of works by J.V. Stalin.
  13. Zinaida Udaltsova (1918 - 1987) - famous Soviet scientist-historian, teacher, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1976), director of the Institute general history Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Zinaida in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On Spanish translated as Zenaida, in French:Zenaide.

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