Wise quotes about love. Statuses, quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases, words, wise thoughts about life with meaning, short, funny, beautiful, that touch to the core, smart, sad to tears, interesting, funny, strong, winged: the best selection

In which everyone can find a topic close to themselves. These words convey internal experiences and can make others understand a person’s attitude to what is happening and life in general.

Statuses with meaning, smart

  • “An opportunity to learn something should not be missed.”
  • "By turning to the past, we turn our backs on the future."
  • “A person is omnipotent as long as he is not busy with anything.”
  • "The meaning of success is moving towards it. There is no end point."
  • “He who has conquered himself is not afraid of anything.”
  • “You can see a kind person right away. He notices the good in everyone he meets.”
  • “If they don’t reach your bar, this is not a reason to lower it.”
  • “Emotions come from thoughts. If you don’t like the state, you need to change your thinking.”
  • “It doesn’t take much effort to be pitied. But to be envied, you will have to work hard.”
  • “Dreams remain dreams if you don’t go for them.”
  • "Pain is a sign of growth."
  • "If you don't strain a muscle for a long time, it will atrophy. It's the same with the brain."
  • “As long as I don’t lose heart, I can handle any other downfalls.”
  • “It’s much easier to complain about the state than to throw trash in the trash.”

Smart statuses about life with meaning

  • “Don’t listen to those who say that you are wasting your life. Because while they are talking, you are living.”
  • "Thoughts shape a person."
  • "Whoever is given by nature to speak can sing. He who is given to walk can dance."
  • "The meaning of life is always there. You just need to find it."
  • "Happy people live here and now."
  • “Only after experiencing great losses do you begin to understand how few things are worthy of attention.”
  • “There is a parable about a dog who whined while sitting on a nail. It’s the same with people: they whine, but they don’t dare get off this “nail.”
  • does not exist. There are decisions you don't want to make."
  • “Happiness is killed by regrets about the past, fear of the future and ingratitude for the present.”
  • “For something new to come into life, you need to make room for it.”
  • speak for the person themselves."
  • “Nothing will change in the past.”
  • "Taking revenge is the same as biting a dog back."
  • “The only thing worth chasing is big dreams that you don’t lose sight of along the way.”

Smart statuses with meaning are just a grain of centuries-old wisdom developed by people. Individual experience is equally important. In the end, a person’s vital right to act in accordance with his own worldview.

about love

Statuses with meaning, smart statements are also dedicated to the most celebrated feeling - love, the intricacies of the relationship between a man and a woman.

  • “In true love a person learns a lot about himself.”
  • "To be unloved is simply bad luck. Not to love is grief."
  • “The only thing a person cannot get enough of is love.”
  • “Love should open horizons, not keep you prisoner.”
  • “For a person in love there are no other problems.”
  • “No person can be understood and accepted as much as a loved one.”
  • “There are two phases in a woman’s life: first she must be beautiful in order to be loved. Then she must be loved in order to be beautiful.”
  • “It’s not enough to love. You also need to allow yourself to be loved.”
  • “Finding love is easier than becoming the person they are looking for.”
  • "A wise woman never scolds her man in front of strangers."

About relationships between people

For the most part, statuses with meaning, smart quotes reflect the world of human relationships. After all, this aspect is relevant at all times and is replete with its subtleties.

  • "You can't tell people about your failures. Some people don't need it, others are only happy about it."
  • "Don't be greedy - give people a second chance. Don't be an idiot - don't give a third."
  • "It is impossible to help someone who does not want it."
  • “Happy children are those of parents who spend their time on them, not money.”
  • "If our hopes were not met, it is only our fault. There was no need to raise high expectations."
  • “When judging another person, it’s worth thinking about - do you know everything about your own future?”
  • "Your people don't leave."
  • "Being able to let go of those who want to leave is a quality kind person. We must give others the opportunity to make their choice."
  • “It is much easier to understand others than to understand yourself.”
  • "Don't pay attention to those who undermine your self-confidence. It's just their problem. Great people inspire."
  • “It is much better to see the good in a person and be mistaken than to consider him a scoundrel and then regret it.”

Smart statuses with meaning about life do not have to be used for posts in in social networks. You can find in these statements a rational grain for developing your personality, developing your own opinion and striving for harmony.

  • Only strong love can smooth out those minor misunderstandings that arise when living together. Theodore Dreiser
  • The love of a woman is more to be feared than the hatred of a man. This is poison, all the more dangerous because it is pleasant. Socrates
  • There is no greater happiness in life than finding your soul mate, only the pain of losing her is stronger.
  • The one who is loved the least is truly loved.
  • It sometimes happens that life separates two people only to show both how important they are to each other.
  • It always seems to us that they love us because we are good. But we don’t realize that they love us because those who love us are good. -
  • I decided to go through life with love. Hatred is too heavy a burden.
  • IN family life the most important screw is love... Anton Chekhov
  • Life is too short... There is no point in wasting it on trifles... Do as your heart tells you... Don't try to be strong... Just try to be happy and loved...
  • How smaller woman we love, the easier it is for her to like us.
  • There is no need to give people hope for mutual feelings if there are none at all, because you are wasting their lives waiting for your answer.
  • Love wounds in the heart do not always kill a person, but they heal for a very long time, painfully and painfully, bleeding from time to time and reminding themselves even after years...
  • A life driven not by love and generosity, but by hatred and envy, is not real life.
  • Men desire sex, women desire love. And everyone is doing the same thing.
  • How scary life becomes when a person appears whom you are afraid of losing
  • Living a great life means showing love to yourself.
  • Love lies in wait for us in the most unexpected moments of life, turning our lives in an unknown direction.
  • Love is the wisest and most appropriate answer to the question about the meaning of human life.
  • The truth is that no matter what circumstances you find yourself in, no matter how happy or unhappy you are, you can completely change your life with one thought or one action, as long as it is filled with love.
  • It only takes a few seconds to say “I love you,” but it takes a lifetime to show how much you love you!
  • Love is the desire to live.
  • Loving one person's entire life is a privilege, and it doesn't matter if you have to pay for it with long-suffering.
  • If you are away for a short time, I am ready to wait for you all my life.
  • You can say “I love you”, “I love you”, “I love you”, “Je t"aime” you can very quickly, you can confess your love in literally three seconds. But to show exactly how you love, sometimes you need whole life...
  • Life is longer than hope, But shorter than love.
  • Living is the same as loving: reason is against, healthy instinct is for. Samuel Butler
  • Love life - life will love you too. Love people - people will love you back.
  • If you truly want to be successful and happy in everything you do, in every area of ​​your life, you must radiate and show love at every opportunity, every opportunity. Expressing love and kindness should be as natural to you as breathing in and out.
  • A man always wants to be a woman's first love. Women are more sensitive in such matters. They would like to become a man's last love.
  • To the one who has known first love, it seems that he knows everything about life - and he is right.

Wise statements about life and love with meaning from great people - philosophers and writers, sages and geniuses of past centuries. The whole world knows these people. Their words have become the rules of life for millions of people on the planet. Quotes from the past, but they have so much life meaning.

Jean-Paul Sartre, quotes

“True freedom begins on the other side of despair.”

“A person is not the sum of what he has, but a derivative of what he does not yet have, but may have.”

“Stating “I can” leads to a positive result; saying “I can’t” does not lead to any result.”

“Smart people are not evil; anger presupposes narrow-mindedness.”

“Love has nothing to do with possessions. Its highest manifestation is to provide freedom.”

“The same stupid thing should not be done twice; in the end there is quite a lot to choose from.”

“Dying is not everything. It's important to die on time."

“A woman, a friend or a city is not abandoned in one fell swoop.”

“You cannot become a saint by working sixteen hours a day.”

“We cannot tear out a single page from our lives, although we can easily throw the book itself into the fire.”

“A person has a hole in his soul the size of God, and everyone fills it as best they can.”

“We are only important in our decisions.”

“Only those who don’t row have time to rock the boat.”

“If you break down victory into its smallest details, it cannot be distinguished from defeat.”

“Nothing changes as often as the past.”

Albert Camus, quotes

“After a certain age, each person is responsible for his own face.”

“When religion meets politics, the Inquisition is born.”

“It’s easier to live with a bad reputation than with a good one, because a good reputation is hard to maintain, you need to be on top all the time - after all, any failure is tantamount to a crime. With a bad reputation, breakdowns are forgivable.”

“Men and women either devour each other too quickly in what is called the act of love, or they gradually form the habit of being together. Most often there is no middle ground between these two extremes.”

“The mind is powerless before the cry of the heart.”

“True concern for the future is to give everything to the present.”

“Injustice is either cooperated or fought.”

Confucius: Wise Quotes Chinese philosopher

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.

Confucius was once asked the question: “Is it right to return good for evil?”
To which he replied: “You need to respond to good with good, and you need to respond to evil with justice.”

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.

I’m not upset if people don’t understand me, I’m upset if I don’t understand people.

If someone wants to seriously offend you, it means it’s even worse for them.

We accept advice in drops, but give it in buckets.

There are three ways for a person to act wisely: the first, the most noble, is reflection; the second, the easiest, is imitation; the third, the most bitter, is experience.

The attraction of hearts gives birth to friendship, the attraction of the mind - respect, the attraction of bodies - passion, and only all three together give birth to love.

You can curse the darkness all your life, or you can light a small candle.

Never tell anything good or bad about yourself. In the first case, they won’t believe you, and in the second, they will embellish it.

When it is obvious that a goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your plan of action.

It doesn’t matter how fast you move towards your goal, the main thing is not to stop.

In fact, life is simple, but we persistently complicate it.

If you want to feed a person once, give him a fish. If you want to feed him for life, teach him to fish

If they spit in your back, it means you are ahead!

Beware of enjoying pleasures that may cost your neighbor tears.

When your parents are alive, do not go far, and if you do, make sure your place of stay is known.

Best Oscar Wilde Quotes

We cannot stand people with the same shortcomings as us.

You love everyone, and loving everyone means not loving anyone. You are equally indifferent to everyone.

A person is very embarrassed when he speaks on his own behalf. Give him a mask and he will tell you the whole truth.

To be good means to live in harmony with yourself.

There is a kind of voluptuousness in self-flagellation. And when we blame ourselves, we feel that no one else has the right to blame us anymore.

People call their mistakes experience.

Be yourself, the rest of the roles are taken.

To regain youth, you just have to repeat all its follies.

You should never trust a woman who tells you her age. A woman capable of this is capable of anything.

As one witty Frenchman said, women inspire us to do great things, but always prevent us from doing them.

Women exist to be loved, not to be understood.

There are only two real tragedies in life: one is when you don’t get what you want, and the second is when you get it.

People always laugh at their tragedies - this is the only way to bear them.

The best quotes from Frederic Stendhal

Trying to be yourself is the only way to succeed.

Love is the only passion that is paid with the same coin that it mints.

When we are confident in the love of a woman, we are interested in the degree of her beauty; when we doubt her heart, we have no time to think about her face.

A great man is like an eagle: the higher he flies, the less visible he is; for his greatness he is punished by spiritual loneliness.

Extremely beautiful women cause not so much amazement at the second meeting.

Flexibility of mind can replace beauty.

The ideal woman should be a mistress in the living room and a courtesan in bed.

Love forgives everything, except for voluntary absence.

In love-passion, perfect happiness lies not so much in intimacy as in the last step towards it.

A woman considers herself beautiful if she is well dressed.

When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water than the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, after less than two months, the water of the source becomes bitter.

The greatest pleasure that Love can give you is when you take your loved one's hand for the first time.

Love has only one law: you need to make your loved one happy.

Try asking a person in love what the meaning of life is. Any lover. It is not necessary that he be an academician or a philosopher. In a state of love, any person knows what the meaning of life is - love. The Polish writer Stanislaw Lem, although a science fiction writer, noted absolutely correctly and realistically: we do not need to conquer space, we are in the stupid position of a man striving for a goal that he is afraid of. Human needs human.

To prove this, the site suggests reading wise sayings and other great people about love. So, a selection of quotes about love with meaning, short and not so – for your attention.

Beautiful quotes about love

True intimacy usually starts from afar.
Vladimir Zhemchuzhnikov

Love is the universal energy of life, which has the ability to transform evil passions into creative passions.
Nikolay Berdyaev

Love is poor if it can be measured.
William Shakespeare

Love can change a person beyond recognition.

When you love, you want to do something in the name of love. I want to sacrifice myself. I want to serve.
Ernest Hemingway"A Farewell to Arms!"

But if you lose faith in love, the world will lose its beauty. Songs will lose their charm, flowers will lose their fragrance, life will lose their joy. If you have experienced love, then you know that this is the only true happiness. The most beautiful songs are those that your beloved sings in your presence; the most fragrant flowers are those that he presents; and the only praise worth hearing is praise from him. Simply put, life only gains color when it is touched by the gentle fingers of Love.
Raja Alsani

What is thirty million worth if it can’t buy you a trip to the mountains with your girlfriend?
Jack London "Time Can't Wait"

Love is when you want to experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under lilacs strewn with flowers, and in the summer you want to pick berries with someone and swim in the river. In the fall, make jam together and seal the windows against the cold. In winter, they help survive runny noses and long evenings, and when it gets cold, they light the stove together.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski"Martina"

Quotes with meaning about love

What is love? In the whole world, neither man, nor the devil, nor any other thing inspires as much suspicion in me as love, for it penetrates deeper into the soul than other feelings. Nothing in the world occupies so much, binds the heart so much, like love. Therefore, if you do not have a weapon in your soul that tames love, this soul is defenseless and there is no salvation for it.
Umberto Eco "The Name of the Rose"

How can you love someone without loving them for who they really are? How can you love me and at the same time ask me to completely change, to become someone else?
Romain Gary "Lady L."

If you want someone to stay in your life, never treat them with indifference!

Being unattainable means that you touch the world around you with caution. You don't eat five partridges, you eat one...You don't use people and push them until they shrivel into nothing, especially those people you love.
Carlos Castaneda"Journey to Ixtlan"

We also have an excellent selection of meaningful quotes about relationships. These wise sayings will help you understand your relationship with your partner.

Quotes about life and love

We are the bridge across eternity, rising above the sea of ​​time, where we rejoice in adventure, play in living mysteries, choose disasters, triumphs, accomplishments, unimaginable incidents, testing ourselves again and again, learning to love, love and love.
Richard Bach "Bridge Over Eternity"

It is useless to spend your whole life on one single path, especially if this path has no heart.
Carlos Castaneda"The Teachings of Don Juan"

Quotes about love for every day

Love is when the center of the universe suddenly shifts and moves into someone else.
Iris Murdoch

Love knows neither measure nor price.
Erich Maria Remarque

In essence, love begins again all the time.
Madame de Sevigne

The sum of our lives is made up of the hours in which we loved.
Wilhelm Busch

You truly love only once in your life, even if you didn’t understand it yourself.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Love knows no "why".
Meister Eckhart

To die of love is to live by it.
Victor Hugo

Of course, not all love ends happily. But even such a feeling is beautiful, despite the fact that, for example, it is unrequited or breaks your heart.

Quotes about unrequited love

A broken heart gets wider.
Emily Dickinson

The best way mending a broken heart is breaking it again.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Longing for what was lost is not as painful as longing for something unfulfilled.
Minion McLaughlin

Trying to forget someone means remembering him all the time.
Jean de La Bruyère

Love is so short, oblivion is so long...
Pablo Neruda

All love is terrible. All love is a tragedy.
Oscar Wilde

If two people love each other, it cannot end happily.
Ernest Hemingway

But we believe that everyone will find their love - mutual, bright and for life. Love, which is suitable for the following statements and phrases.

Quotes about love are wise and beautiful.

Love is stronger than death and fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move.
Ivan Turgenev

In the world of evil, stupidity, uncertainty and doubt called existence, there is one thing that is still worth living for and which is undoubtedly as strong as death: it is love.
Henryk Sienkiewicz

Love is the heart of everything...
Vladimir Mayakovsky

You can live with love and without happiness.
Fedor Dostoevsky

The best thing about me is you.
Shannon Crone

If loyalty to someone gives you pleasure, it is love.
Julia Andrews

Marriage means more than love. The most important thing here is respect.
Agatha Christie

The article contains statements and quotes famous people about life values ​​and feelings.

Beautiful statuses, quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases, words about life that touch to the core

Many people know that if a person reads a lot, he develops his thinking and improves his soul, instilling new features into it. Reading is very useful in order to “think and speak beautifully,” but not everyone likes to do this, due to their busyness or laziness.

In such cases, phrases taken separately out of context with different important semantic meanings come to the rescue. Such phrases, depending on the words and their number, are called “quotes”, “statuses” or “aphorisms”. You can take them as a basis for your life, decorate your daily motto with them, or simply write them down to remember and “feel.”

Some words are written so well that they can touch the most secret depths of the soul, bring to tears and reflection. These lines must be remembered in order to understand some life values and come to something in terms of philosophical understanding of your meaning in life.

Beautiful quotes about life:

Quote text Author of the quote
1. The real devils are those that live in our hearts and we should fight them every moment in life. M. Gandhi
2. You make rules for others, exceptions for yourself. Sh. Lemel
3. In life, you should only make friends with an intelligent person, because you never know what to expect from a fool. Rumi
4. It was necessary to live in such a way that old age would not be ashamed of meaninglessly lived years. M. Gorky
5. We are losers, if only because we will all die someday. Fowles
6. A useless life is much more to be feared than death. Brecht
7. You can survive everything, but death is impossible O. Wild
Beautiful quotes about life

Short statuses, quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases about life with meaning

Great people who became famous for their successes and achievements have repeatedly spoken about life and its meaning. You should trust such people without a doubt, because they, like no one else, saw all the shortcomings and advantages of human life.

Quotes and aphorisms:

Quote text Author of the quote
1. A man should never torment himself with the question of whether life is worth living. This is the task of the fetus in the womb. S. Johnson
2. I was once asked: “Does life have meaning?” and I answered: “It depends when!” D. Samoilov
3. If you don't give value to life, it won't have it. I. Bergman
4. You shouldn’t love the meaning of life as much as life itself. F. Dostoevsky
5. I can safely say: “If you started looking for the meaning of life, you are sick!” Z. Freud
6. If life asks you a question, wait for the answer only at the end. E. Short
7. If you conduct a dialogue with life, it is not the questions that are important, but the answers. M. Tsvetaeva
8. Not having a goal in life is like not having a head. Assir
9. Having seen people, I can definitely say that a person lives in this world to become rich, not happy. Stendhal
10. The most unbearable feeling is to live and have no meaning. N. Karamzin

Quotes about the meaning of life

Cool statuses, quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases about life

In some cases, life should be approached with a little humor and positivity. So you can give yourself good mood and enjoy every day you live.

Quotes and aphorisms:

Quote text Author of the quote
1. Sometimes it seems to me that my whole life is a merry carnival, because everyone enters it in their own mask. Unknown
2. All our lives we try to accumulate funds for a “happy” old age, but if we still can’t do this, we should probably postpone old age and stay young. Unknown
3. If a person is truly kind, then a feeling of guilt and shame gnaws at him even in front of a dog. A. Chekhov
4. When “touching” a person, we can do only two actions: lift him or pull him down, there is no other way. Washington
5. Life is nothing more than work and you must finish it with dignity. Tocqueville
6. If life is fun, there is no point in losing its meaning. Juvenal
7. Only a pregnant woman can hide the secret meaning of life. Nemov
8. A man does three important things in life: he plants a tree, builds a house and conceives a son. However, no one says that after this he must “water, repair and feed” all his life. Unknown
9. Unfortunately, all the best things in life lead to obesity. Unknown
10. You should not look at life pessimistically, more pessimistically than it looks at you. Unknown

Life sayings

Smart statuses, quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases, words about life

Quote text Author of the quote
1. Set goals in life, because goals are dreams that come true by a specified date. H. Mackay
2. He who lives only for himself is, unfortunately, dead to others. Publilius Syrus
3. The meaning of life is very simple to understand - it is just your path to happiness. Dovgan
4. If you have helped a friend at least once in your life, you have already lived your life not in vain. Shcherblyuk
5. Finding the meaning of life can be very difficult, but building it with your own hands is easy. Frankl
6. Unity and harmony are a happy existence. Seneca
7. If you have realized your significance in life, you have realized your worth. L. Tolstoy
8. Man's main concern is to fulfill his duty. I. Turgenev
9. You cannot strive for a great goal and not think about yourself. I. Turgenev
10. We live only to act. I. Fichte

Quotes about life

Statuses, quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases, words about life that are sad to tears

Quote text Author of the quote
1. I hadn’t given up yet, but I was already looking for the strength to fight. E. Remarque
2. For myself, I realized one thing: I can no longer become either a soft romantic or a kind melancholic, but I can become quite a good alcoholic. F. Begbeder
3. Our world consists of such fragile things that literally everything breaks: lives, dreams, hearts. N. Gaiman
4. A person is never able to change at all. Yes, when they put him on his shoulder, he will promise anything, but as soon as you breathe freely, he will immediately become the same. E. Remarque
5. The irony of life is hidden in the fact that it is not the one whom you consider your enemy who is capable of inflicting the most acute pain, but the one who yesterday promised to give you happiness. O. Roy
6. My life is a train. In its best moments, I am a passenger looking out the window. At worst, I’m lying on the rails. Unknown
7. If you ask me if I love you, I will answer “Yes.” But I won’t say anything about the fact that I love you more than yesterday, and I definitely won’t say that tomorrow I will love you less than today.” P. Coelho
8. What's so beautiful about being alone? “It’s good because no one can leave you.” E. Remarque
9. IN certain moment you invariably understand that everything in this life must come to an end. Bret Easton Ellis
10. Life is a deep river and you drown in it not because you don’t know how to swim, but because just standing on the bank is unbearable. S. Lukyanenko

Sad words about the meaning of life

Interesting statuses, quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases, words about life

Quote text Author of the quote
1. Sometimes a person can be loved less than air balloons. This is strange, because the ball inside is empty, but a person has an infinite number of feelings inside. Unknown
2. The worst thing is to wait for luck and not get it. Then you just turn back to look at your life and see how much time you wasted, and it’s too late to move. E. Grishkovets
3. Life is so amazing and contrasting that people are ready to boldly plunge into a rotting swamp just because a few green bills will float on the surface. P. Sellers
4. It's a shame that people lose interest in life. They refuse to fight, and life refuses them. P. Coelho
5. The biggest human mistake is that most life, he thinks about what is still ahead. Alisa Freindlich
6. Throughout his life, a person plays with two toys: his own destiny and other people’s feelings. Unknown
7. If you find something you love in life, it will kill you later. Ch. Bukowski
8. Life will become easier if you learn not to lie about your feelings. E. Lepikhova
9. Think, decide, act. Every minute your life doesn't get longer. Unknown
10. A little patience, a sense of humor and comfort and everyone can find their place on this planet. S. Maugham

Interesting quotes about life

Funny statuses, quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases, words about life

Quote text Author of the quote
1. In life, at first everything is good, then very good, and then so good that it can be bad. Unknown
2. When climbing the tree of “life”, you should very carefully avoid woodpeckers on your way. Unknown
3. The main thing is not to find your place in life, but to find it on time so that it is not busy. Unknown
4. If you often torment yourself with bad thoughts, eventually they will begin to take root inside you. M. Proust
5. It is very easy to find happiness in life; happiness is a favorite job that you want to go to in the morning and cozy home, where you want to return after work. E. Leonov
6. Don't get upset if people talk behind your back. This means that either you are ahead, or they cannot keep up with you. Unknown
7. Don't be upset by the mistakes of the past; after all, they are the wisdom of the future. Unknown
8. Poor old age is better than stupid youth. E. Lepikhova
9. For your happiness you bear responsibility only you and no one else. Unknown
10. When you turn your face to the past, you automatically turn your back on the future. Unknown

Statuses about life, funny and funny quotes, aphorisms

Strong statuses, quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases, words about life

Quote text Author of the quote
1. What is life? Nothing more than an illusion. B. Pascal
2. Even if a person is not very good, his life is always worth saving. D.B. Shaw
3. You can change your life only by completely changing your thoughts. D. Carnegie
4. What does life consist of? 10% from your thoughts and 90% from your perception. S. Maugham
5. Life needs to be loved much more than its meaning. F. Dostoevsky
6. If you put off life “for later”, it will pass by. Seneca
7. I love life to the point of indecency! S. Dali
8. The more you take risks in life, the more alive you are! Osho
9. Life is short, but the memories of years well lived are eternal! M. Cicero
10. A life lived well gives pleasure. Leonardo da Vinci

Powerful sayings about the lives of famous personalities

Winged statuses, quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases, words about life

Quote text Author of the quote
1. If something in life doesn’t “stick”, you need to urgently switch to nails! Unknown
2. Life is in full swing beyond the boundaries of what is permitted! I. Karpov
3. I don’t understand, am I rushing life, or is life rushing me? I. Sivolob
4. If happiness happens in our life, all the remaining days we live in its moments. A. V. Ivanov
5. If you torment yourself with questions about the meaning of life for too long, life can end. A. Rakhmatov
6. Life is nothing but self-expression! A. Rakhmatov
7. Life is a fire that is lit by luck! G. Alexandrov
8. If there were no enemies in my life, it would not be joyful. R. Nixon
9. If you have time, it’s better to think about the meaning of life before you die. Unknown

Beautiful statuses about life

Positive statuses, quotes, aphorisms, sayings - motivators

Quote text Author of the quote
1. Life is a problem that no one has ever been able to solve without making mistakes! Unknown
2. The smarter a person is, the less he understands the meaning of life. L. N. Tolstoy
3. In life, you shouldn’t share your problems with anyone, because many are completely indifferent to them, while others are glad that you have them. Unknown
4. There is no place for hatred in life; life is short if it is full of hatred. Unknown
5. Time can heal absolutely everything, just give it time. Unknown
6. Not being on time is the worst thing in life! Unknown
7. You can only make a first impression once; you can’t make it a second time! A. Pease
8. Life is short and therefore you should have time to say everything unsaid! P coelho
9. Every day can be good, it’s just important to remember the good in every day. E. M. Earl
10. Our lives are made of what other people make us feel. O. Balzac

Sayings about the meaning of life

Statuses about life for girls and women

Quote text Author of the quote
1. In order for a woman to be happy, all she needs is a black skirt and a sweater, as well as a man who will lead her by the hand. Yves Saint Laurent
2. If people tell you that you have chosen the wrong path, then you are going right. A. Jolie
3. A happy woman should not waste her life on diets, Bad mood and greedy men. F. Ranevskaya
4. The main thing is to understand that life should not be comfortable. D. Rowling
5. If you want to be happy, you should not only do everything in spite of your enemies, but also in defiance of your friends! D. Rowling
6. No matter how fast you run, you cannot escape from yourself. D. Picoult
7. There are two types of women: some are afraid of rain, others enjoy it. B. Marley
8. If a woman values ​​herself low, life will not offer her anything more valuable. S. Henie
9. Nothing is wrong in the world; even broken aces can show the correct time twice a day. P. Coelho
10. Only a rare person lives “today”, while others are always making plans for “tomorrow”. D. Swift

Aphorisms about life and women

Statuses about happiness in a woman’s life, about family life

Quote text Author of the quote
1. A family is not a ball of thread, but a whole web consisting of patterns and different colors, knots and loops. D. Setterfield
2. A truly happy woman has two names: “mother” and “wife”. Unknown
3. Family happiness is when a man is pleased to come home, and a woman is pleased to welcome a man at home. Unknown
4. You can find a replacement for absolutely everything in this life, but you cannot find a replacement for your family. P. Escobar
5. It doesn’t take much intelligence to create a family, but you need to learn how to maintain it. This requires enormous patience, humility and forgiveness. Mother Teresa
6. In a family, the main value is patience, because love is never enough. A. Chekhov
7. Family is the most important thing a person has in life. If you don't have a family, you have nothing. D. Depp
8. When a person perceives family as a value, his marriage will be strong and strong. P. Gumerov
9. A good marriage would occur more often if the spouses did not live together. F. Nietzsche
10. To achieve peace, it is enough to quit everything and go home to love your family. Mother Teresa

Clever sayings about life

Statuses about the life of Omar Khayyam, statements, quotes

Quote text Author of the quote
1. The lower a person’s soul, the higher his nose is turned up. Omar Khayyam
2. If you can't make a woman happy, you shouldn't pursue her. Omar Khayyam
3. When you love a person, you also love all his shortcomings. Omar Khayyam
4. The one who loses heart dies before anyone else. Omar Khayyam
5. A man who has a beloved woman cannot be seduced. Omar Khayyam
6. If you offend a friend, you will instantly make an enemy, but if you hug an enemy, you can find a friend. Omar Khayyam
7. Wisdom should be used, and not hurt by it to other people. Omar Khayyam
8. Only someone who is worse can think badly of a person. Omar Khayyam
9. You should not envy someone who is richer than you, because after the dawn there always comes a sunset. Omar Khayyam
10. Fear not material poverty, but soul poverty. Omar Khayyam

Quotes from Omar Khayyam

Statuses about a happy life and love

Quote text Author of the quote
1. If a person loves, he sees his soul mate exactly as God created him. F. Dostoevsky
2. Only another heart can reach the heart. Moskvin
3. You need to learn to love from an early age, as a child. F. Nietzsche
4. Love does not demand or ask, true love has the power to trust. Hesse
5. Any problem can be solved only with the help of love. K. Carey
6. A jealous person loves himself more than his significant other. La Rochefoucauld
7. Only then does love make sense when it is mutual. L. F. Buscaglia
8. A woman was created not to be understood, but to be loved. O. Wilde
9. He who forgets about himself loves deeply. J. Rousseau
10. Love is stronger than death. I. Turgenev

Beautiful sayings about love

Statuses about life for guys and men: quotes, aphorisms

Quote text Author of the quote
1. A single man knows much more about women than a married man. G. Mencken
2. A real man always achieves women's desires. Unknown
3. With some men you want to spend an eternity, but definitely not your life. K. Norris
4. A woman's strength is a man's weakness. Voltaire
5. If you want to improve your relationship with a man, learn to play with his inner child. F. Nietzsche

Statuses about time, moments: quotes, aphorisms

Quotes about time

Statuses about the purpose in life: aphorisms, quotes

Quote text Author of the quote
1. You can only be happy when your goal is happiness. Unknown
2. Living with purpose is the purpose of life. Unknown
3. It is enough for a person to be given a goal in life and he will be able to give his all in any situation. I. Goette
4. A person who has a purpose in life can live a hundred years. A person who has no goal in life will not be able to open his eyes. Unknown
5. Strive forward - that's it the main objective life. M. Gorky

Statuses about patience in life: aphorisms, quotes

Quote text Author of the quote
1. Marriage is about patience. Each spouse is sure that it is he who suffers the most. Unknown
2. Patience helps to wait until muddy water the dirt will settle. Then you can make the right decision. Unknown
3. Patience is a noble feeling, but it’s impossible to live your whole life now. Unknown
4. There is nothing more magnificent than patience. Buddha
5. Sometimes, in order to get something better in life, you have to be patient a little. Unknown

Quotes about patience

Statuses about mistakes in life: aphorisms, quotes

Quote text Author of the quote
1. If you don't forgive a mistake, you will make it yourself. Unknown
2. Let mistakes teach you experience. Behind the sunset comes a great dawn. S. Chinmoy
3. Other people's mistakes should be taken into account, and not learned from them. Unknown
4. Absolutely no one can be immune from mistakes. If you commit them, you always have a chance to correct them. Unknown
5. The main mistake is not listening to your heart. Yu. Kolchak

Statuses about boomerang in life: aphorisms, quotes

Quote text Author of the quote
1. Life is a continuous boomerang: what you give is what you get. O. Gavrilyuk
2. Evil returns like a launched boomerang. N. Rozbitskaya
3. Some boomerangs don't come back just because they choose freedom. S. Ezhilets
4. Many people should learn from the boomerang: they launch you, and you come back and hit you in the face. F. Begbeder
5. A “correctly” abandoned man can come back like a boomerang. G. Stein

Statuses about people who meddle in other people's lives: aphorisms, quotes

Statuses about changes in life for the better: aphorisms, quotes

Video: “The meaning of life: quotes and statuses”

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