Alternant the distance between plants when planting. The variegated Alternanthera plant is a good way to add variety to your flower bed! Alternanthera - care

Family: amaranthaceae (Amaranthaceae).

Homeland: tropics and subtropics of America, Africa, Asia, Australia.

Form: perennial herbaceous or subshrub plant.


Alternanthera is a perennial herbaceous or subshrub plant. Plant height is up to 25 cm. Alternanthera stems are fragile, branch strongly, forming a spreading bush. The leaves are opposite, small, lanceolate. The color of the leaves is very diverse and constitutes the main decorative value of the plant. In the light, the color of the leaves becomes brighter and more intense. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, located in the axils of the leaves, collected in capitate or spike-shaped inflorescences.

About 200 species of alternanthera are known, and there is still a lot of confusion among the species names. Some species grow exclusively in water and are of interest only to aquarists. The main types of alternanthera used in the plant have numerous varieties and forms.

Alternanthera Betzick (A. bettzickiana). Homeland - Brazil. Height up to 15 cm (sometimes up to 20 cm). The stems grow vertically, pubescent at the base. The leaves are spatulate, pointed at the ends. The color of the leaves is two-sided: olive-green on top, yellow-red spotted below.

Alternanthera serrata (A. denticulata). Homeland - South America. Height up to 35 cm. Stems are straight, branched. The leaves are linear, narrow, 3 cm long. The color of the leaves depends on the variety.

Alternanthera is lovely, or alternanthera dear (A. amoena). Homeland - Brazil. Height 10-20 cm. Stems are strongly branched from the base, pubescent below, furrowed. The leaves are oblong, lanceolate, pubescent below, with bright red petioles. The color is green-red-orange.

(A. versicolor). Homeland - Brazil. According to some opinions, it is a type of Betzick's alternanthera. Height up to 15 cm. Strongly branched stems form spreading bushes. Young shoots are pubescent. The leaves are wide, oblong, spatulate, tapering towards the petiole, wrinkled, blunt-pointed, shiny. The color is variegated green-red-pink.

Alternanthera sessile (A. sessilis) is of tropical origin and grows along the banks of water bodies. The length of the stems is 20-50 cm. It spreads by rhizomes and takes root by stems. Thus, a decorative mat is formed along the shore and surface of the reservoir. The leaves are opposite, narrow, and the color ranges from bright green to beet green, depending on lighting conditions.

Growing conditions

In order for the alternanthera leaves to be colored as intensely as possible, the plant should be planted in the sunniest part of the garden. Alternanthera needs warmth; it does not tolerate frost. It prefers calcareous, nutritious soils, but can also grow on neutral soil. Moderate humidity is required.


To decorate a site, alternanthera is most often used as an annual decorative foliage plant, without bothering with the hassle of transplanting it into a greenhouse for the winter.

Alternanthera is the star of carpet floriculture. Its low growth, excellent tolerance to haircuts, and most importantly, a huge variety of colors allow this plant to be used for carpets, floral designs, and figured compositions. With the help of a competent haircut, you can give the alternanthera an ovoid, spherical, comb-like shape.

Alternanthera sessile is used to decorate small plants. In summer it is planted on the bottom in shallow places or along marshy banks.


Alternanthera is very thermophilic, so in winter mother plants transferred from the street to bright greenhouses with a temperature of +12 - +16. Plants that overwinter outside in relatively warm climates still need shelter. Alternanthera is replanted back into the ground only after spring frosts. If night frosts are possible in summer, the plant also needs to be covered.

Alternanthera requires moderate regular watering all year round. It is not allowed to water with cold water. It is not necessary to spray the plant.

The main care activity that an alternanter requires is regular, literally weekly haircuts. Thanks to this procedure, the plant bushes strongly, develops many additional leaves and becomes fully decorative.

Alternanthera sessile is placed in containers at the bottom of the reservoir to a depth of 50 cm. It is necessary to limit its spreading and take it away for the winter in time. Overwinters in a cool room.


Alternanthera propagates by dividing old plants and cuttings. When propagated by division, long roots can be cut off without harming the plant. The planted plants should initially be in a bright and warm place. When propagated by cuttings, the planted alternanthera is first kept under a transparent bag in a very warm place. When young leaves appear on the plant, the bag can be removed.

Diseases and pests

Alternanthera is resistant to diseases and pests. Potential problems include gray mold, aphids, spider mites and whiteflies.

Popular varieties

Varieties and forms of Betzick's alternanthera

  • ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’)- a plant with large yellowish leaves.
  • ‘Juvel’ (‘Juvel’)- large-leaved, tall alternanthera with carmine-red leaves.
  • ‘Kuntzii’ (‘Kuntzi’)- a plant with densely arranged yellow leaves, dull green at the base.
  • ‘Paronychioides’ (‘Barbed’)- low-growing alternanthera with curly pinkish-red leaves.

Varieties and forms of alternanthera serratus

  • ‘Purple Knight’- tall (up to 50 cm) alternanthera with dark purple leaves.
  • ‘Royal Tapestry’- alternanthera with leaves of red, copper-red, purple and burgundy shades.

Varieties and forms of Alternanthera charming

  • ‘Amabilis’ (‘Excellent’)- a plant with olive-green leaves with red spots.
  • ‘Rosea’ (‘Pink’)- low-growing alternanthera with pinkish-red leaves with an orange tint.
  • ‘Ficoidea’ (‘Fig’)- a plant with leaves of pink-violet-green color.
  • 'Metallica'- tall, large-leaved alternanthera with dark brown leaves with a purple tint.

Varieties and forms of alternanthera variegated

  • ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’)- alternanthera with golden yellow leaves.
  • ‘Tricolor’ (‘Tricolor’)- a plant with green-pinkish-red leaves.

Varieties and forms of alternanthera sessile

  • ‘Rubra’ (‘Purple’)- Alternanthera purpurea has pink-red leaves.

Alternanthera is a charming plant that immediately attracts attention. This is a red, blazing fire in the underwater kingdom.

The plant looks great in a variety of aquascapes; as a rule, this plant is used as a focal point. Some Alternanthera species are successfully used in aquariums and ponds: Alternanthera sessilis and Alternanthera reineckii.

Alternanteras were brought to Europe by South American importers in the late seventies. Around the same time, they appeared among our amateur aquarists. The genus Alternanthera Forskal, 1775 belongs to the Amaranthaceae family. There are approximately 200 species in the genus. These are annual and perennial herbaceous plants, bushes and even trees. They are common in tropical and subtropical regions of America, Asia, Australia, Africa, and are even found on the Galapagos Islands.

All representatives of the genus have counter or opposite leaves. The flowers are usually inconspicuous and not conspicuous, but the color of the leaves is so magnificent that several species are widely used in floriculture. Alternanteras, low-growing compact plants used in gardens and parks when decorating carpet flower beds, flower beds, borders, etc. They can be given any shape, as they tolerate cutting quite well. Alternanthera vesikolor looks great, its leaves and stems are dark or copper red, turning to pink; Between the veins on the leaves there are greenish and copper spots. Alternanthera amoena (Lem) Voss and A. bettzickiana are excellent decorations for interiors, their blood-red spots contrast beautifully with the greenery of other plants. Some Alternanthera species are successfully cultivated in aquariums. They were brought to our country under the commercial names "Telantera osiris", "T. lilacina", "T. rubra". All these plants grow, bloom and reproduce well in water. Upon more detailed study by botanists, it was found that these alternanthera should be classified as follows:

Alternanthera reineckii Briquet, 1899 ("Telantera osiris");

Alternanthera sessilis (L. 1753) De Candolle, 1813, having two varieties: A. sessilis var. lilacina ("Telantera lilacina") and A. sessilis var. rubra ("Telantera rubra").

Alternanthera reineckii

Originates from southern Brazil and Paraguay, where it grows as a marsh plant, well adapted to long-term above-water life. This species is the most resistant and easily cultivated underwater conditions. For many years, A. reineckii remains a magnificent addition to decorative aquariums. In nature, it belongs to communities for a long time located in flooded areas. These are huge fields covered with creeping stems with their tops raised above the water. The leaves are sessile, elongated - ellipsoidal in shape, arranged crosswise (each subsequent pair is perpendicular to the previous one). Their length is 2.5-3.5 centimeters, width 0.5-1.5. The upper side is green, the lower side is pink or red. In summer, tiny sessile yellow-green or pinkish flowers appear in the leaf axils. Underwater, the stem grows vertically and quickly comes out in shallow aquariums. Above-water shoots are used to adapt the plant to terrestrial conditions. If you put them under water again, the leaves will fall off. Thus, the tops of the plant, located above the surface of the water, contribute to the preservation of the species when living conditions change.

In an aquarium, Alternanthera rhineca is planted in the middle ground or on the sides, but not very densely, since the plant is very fragile. When submerged, the stems of the plant grow perpendicularly and quickly reach the surface of the water, and in small aquariums (up to 20-25 cm) they grow above its surface and form airy leaves. In this case, the functions of the underwater leaves lose their strength, and the plant sheds them. Therefore, the crown of the stem that has reached the surface of the water must be pinched in a timely manner. This will not only preserve the underwater leaves, but will also force the stem to branch, forming nice bushes that change color depending on the conditions environment. In an aquarium, Alternanthera rhineca grows quickly, by 10-15 cm per month.

Lighting for Alternanthera Rhineca needs to be bright. Fluorescent lamps with a power of 0.5 W/l can be used as sources of artificial light. The color of the leaves and the appearance of this plant directly depend on the lighting in the aquarium. Direct sunlight is also very beneficial for the plant. The duration of daylight is at least 12 hours.

The nutritional value of the soil for Alternatera Rhineca has no of great importance. The plant receives most of its nutrients directly from water. Coarse sand is suitable as a substrate, since root system Reineck's alternanthera develops much better in it. Mineral fertilizing is very useful for rapid growth. Alternanthera rhineca should receive a sufficient amount of nitrogenous substances and trace elements. It is necessary to add divalent iron salts to the water 1-2 times a month (for example, inkstone) at a dose of 0.1-0.2 mg per 1 liter of volume.

Alternanthera rhineca reproduces vegetatively. Cuttings are taken from fairly large stems with 4 pairs of leaves and left to float at the surface of the water. The cuttings quickly form roots, after which they can be planted in the ground.

Alternanthera Reinecka also grows well in a humid greenhouse. For optimal plant growth, moist nutritious soil, bright lighting and an air temperature of 26-30 ° C are required. In such conditions, alternanthera forms dense thickets of bright purple color.

Alternanthera sesilis

The process of adaptation to water conditions The falling of the lower leaves does not interfere, since new decorative bushes are formed. With sufficient lighting in the aquarium, the upper side of the leaf is usually green, the lower side is light green or pinkish; in partial shade or shaded areas - olive-brown and violet-red, respectively. But, unfortunately, this plant has a less intense red color than other Alternanthera species cultivated in our country. It grows equally well in shaded areas and in direct light. Sufficiently mature, well-formed parts of the stems that have at least four pairs of leaves should be planted in the aquarium. This is the only species of the genus that reproduces quite quickly under water, forming powerful bushes. Groups of 10-15 plants look most attractive. They are good for decorating the back walls of small aquariums. In large species aquariums, groups of alternanthers are placed in the middle part in free places, where they form islands with an area of ​​20-30 square centimeters. Alternatera sessile is characterized by the fact that in its terrestrial form it has a dense, highly branched stem, and in conditions of low humidity it is creeping. The seeds are small, whitish.

Alternanthera sessilis var. lilacina found in warm areas throughout globe. This plant adapts well to different forms existence and can grow both underwater and on land. The color of plants is very variable and depends on cultivation conditions. Usually the upper side of the leaf is olive green, the underside is dark red to purple. But sometimes forms appear in which the leaves on both sides are colored intense red. IN middle lane The plant can be successfully cultivated in open ground in summer. To keep this alternanthera in an aquarium, it must be grown in conditions of high air humidity (85-95 percent) of a tropical paludarium at a temperature of 20 to 30 ° C. Young, not yet flowering shoots, when planted under water, easily take root and relatively rarely die. The plant is insensitive to chemical composition water, tolerates both partial shade and excess light equally well, the optimal pH value of water is about 7. The basic rule when growing this alternanthera is to create fairly stable conditions in the aquarium. It grows well in crystal clear water without algae.Alternanthera sessilis var. rubra- the plant is emergent and can be easily cultivated in a moist paludarium. It grows very quickly: in 3-4 weeks the stem reaches a length of 15-20 centimeters with a large number of leaves. The underwater form forms branched, creeping stems above the ground, and only a third of them straighten and also begin to branch strongly near the surface of the water. In general, they reach a length of 50-60 centimeters. The leaves are opposite, 3.5-5.0 long and 0.8-1.7 centimeters wide. On both sides they are painted ruby ​​red. The stem is also red.

Pressed to the ground by a pebble, it forms an independent pair of leaves a large number of white roots and takes root easily. The flowers are completely sessile, red or pink; they appear in the axils of the opposite pair of leaves. Since this plant comes from the tropics, it begins to bloom around the equinox, when there is 12 hours of light per day, that is, the length of a tropical day. These plants are usually planted in an aquarium in groups of 3-5 or more shoots. The most suitable place is in the middle part of the pond, where they are placed in front of taller green and yellow-green plants. Under water, they take root within ten days, but subsequently they do not grow as quickly as in a paludarium, and retain their decorative appearance well for 2-6 months. When the leaves begin to fall, the plants should be replaced with new ones. To do this, you need to have an additional greenhouse, growing new adult plants from cuttings in it, which need the highest possible air humidity and diffused lighting. In aquarium conditions A. sessilis var. rubra needs good light and slightly acidic water.

Alternanteras are amazingly beautiful plants that serve as decoration for decorative aquariums. They also look great when cultivated in open reservoirs of garden plots, where you can create compositions with both aquatic forms and those that have emerged to the surface of the water and rooted on coastal soil.

All of the above is just the fruit of observing this type of aquarium plant and collecting various information from owners and breeders. We would like to share with visitors not only information, but also with live emotions, allowing you to penetrate the world of aquariums more fully and subtly. Register on, participate in discussions on the forum, create profile topics where you will talk about your aquatic organisms in the first person and first-hand, describe their content features, share with us your successes and joys, share your experience and learn from the experience of others. We are interested in every bit of your experience, every second of your joy, every awareness of a mistake, which makes it possible for your comrades to avoid the same mistake. The more of us there are, the more pure and transparent drops of goodness there are in the life and everyday life of our seven billion society.

Beautiful photos with an alternanthera in an aquarium

Video of Alternanther in an aquarium

Alternanthera- a plant from the amaranth family, there are about 200 species in the genus, widespread in the tropics and subtropics of America.

Some are edible, most are weeds, but a few species are known as popular garden and potted plants with ornamental leaves. The following types are most widespread.

Altemanthera dentata- a strongly branched plant up to 40-50 cm tall with ovate or lanceolate leaves 8-9 cm long and 5 cm wide.

Small white flowers are collected in a capitate inflorescence with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm.

It is distinguished by wider leaves, broadly ovate or spatulate in shape.

The plant is bushy, the stems are sometimes creeping. The flower heads are white or yellowish, located singly or 2-3 in the leaf axils.

Numerous garden forms with varied leaf colors are known in culture: Brazilian Red Hots- leaves are green with pink and purple spots; Grenadine- leaves are purple with bright pink splashes; Ruspberry Rum- leaves are very dark with pink tips; Little Ruby- leaves are pink-red; Mai Tai- green leaves with cherry and cream spots; Party Time- leaves are green with red spots; Red Carpet- the color of the leaves combines green, bronze, red and golden colors; Snowball- leaves are slightly corrugated, green with a creamy edge; Yellow- leaves are yellow.

Alternanteras are heat-loving plants; they can be grown in open ground only in the warm season, as they freeze slightly during the lightest frosts. However, during the summer months they can decorate garden plot as border or container plants. Lush foliage in a variety of colors will add a splash of color to a flower bed or garden container when combined with other plants. In the southern regions, alternanthera is used to create attractive carpet flower beds.

IN winter time plants are kept in pots in a bright room at a temperature of 12-15°C and moderate watering. In the spring they are taken from cuttings using a mixture of peat and sand for planting. Rooted cuttings are planted in open ground at the beginning of June, and at the end of summer before the onset of the first autumn frosts, they are again put away in pots indoors. The soil for planting needs to be light and fertile; heavy clay soils are not suitable.

During the period of active growth from February to the end of August, plants require regular feeding once every two to three weeks with complex fertilizer for indoor flowers. In indoor culture, Alternanthera lends itself well to shaping; with the help of regular pruning and pinching shoots, it can be easily given the desired shape.

Alternanthera represents perennial, which is often grown as an annual. Valued for its unpretentiousness, decorative leaves.

It reaches a height of up to 20 cm. The flowers are not decorative, as they are very small and inconspicuous. In addition, alternanthera rarely blooms. There are more than 200 species in the genus, some of the species (A. Reineka) grow exclusively in water and are often used for landscaping aquariums.

Types of alternanthera

  • Multicolored– reaches a height of 15 cm; with proper care, the plant forms a lush bush. The leaves are green and red.
  • Bettzika– the bush reaches a height of 20 cm. The leaves are pale green on top, with yellow and red spots on the bottom.
  • sedentary– reaches a height of 20 cm, the leaves are bright green or dark red.
  • Darling– reaches a height of about 10 cm, the leaves are shiny, green-red, pubescent below.

Care and cultivation of alternanthera

The plant is unpretentious and grows well in sunny and shaded areas, but in the sun the leaves acquire a richer and brighter color. Alternanthera is not demanding on soils, but develops better in nutritious soils containing lime. Some species feel better on moist soils, along the banks of artificial reservoirs (near the water itself).

The plant is provided with moderate watering throughout the growing season. Excess moisture in the soil negatively affects the condition of alternanthera (with regards to certain species).

Complex mineral fertilizers applied throughout the growing season, 1-2 times a month.

For tillering and giving the desired shape, regular haircuts are carried out. Pruning stimulates the formation of side shoots.

Some gardeners grow alternanthera in containers. For growing in containers, a substrate is used from a mixture of leaf, turf soil, humus and sand. In summer, the plant is kept outdoors, and in winter it is moved indoors. In winter, the alternanthera is kept at a temperature of about 10-15 degrees Celsius, in a bright place. Water as needed.

Reproduction of alternanthera

The plant is propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings, which are cut in the fall. The cuttings are rooted in a nutrient substrate in a warm and bright place and under a plastic bag. The cuttings are buried in the soil up to the first leaf. Water moderately as needed. With the appearance of new leaves, the plastic bag is removed. The tops of grown cuttings are pinched, and thanks to pinching, new side shoots are formed. In May, young plants are transplanted into open ground. 2-3 cuttings are planted in one planting hole (or pot, if you plan to grow in a pot).

The division of the bush is carried out in the spring. To do this, the mother bush is transplanted into a pot in the fall and moved indoors. The bush is kept in a bright place throughout the winter, where the air temperature is maintained at about 15 degrees Celsius. In winter, the plant is watered moderately as the substrate dries. In May, the bush is divided, the long roots are trimmed and the divisions are planted in a permanent place.


Alternanthera is used to create carpet flower beds, mixborders, alpine slides. Looks good as a border plant. Some species are suitable for landscaping the coastal zone of water bodies.

Diseases and pests

May be affected by gray mold as a result of overwatering. Sometimes it may suffer from spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies.

The name comes from the Latin word alternans, translated as “changeable”. The genus includes about 200 species of annual, perennial herbaceous and semi-shrub plants. The alternanthera plant is native to tropical and subtropical regions of America, the Galapagos Islands, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Gardeners grow many species in their garden plots, some are used as plants for ponds.

The species of this plant differ in the size and color of the leaves. The foliage is lush, the flowers are small and look unattractive against the background of the leaves. The color of the leaves, depending on the species, varies from light green to bright red. For gardeners, this plant is valuable due to its decorative value. The height of the bushes can be 25 cm. Characteristic feature This type is that the color changes depending on the brightness of the light. The alternanthera flower is bred both for the garden and for the aquarium.

Among the herbaceous plants for open ground, Alternanthera brasiliensis is distinguished. The leaves have an unusual color - green-red with an orange tint.

From aquarium plants Alternanthera Reineck stands out. The leaves are green-red in color, their length is about 4 cm. The bush is fragile and brittle.

Varieties are narrow-leaved, triangular-leaved, merchant-leaved, large-leaved.

Types and varieties

A large number of species and forms of alternanthera are combined into four groups:

  • large-leaved, tall. A bright representative of Juvel - the most attractive among large-leaved plants. The leaves, especially the upper ones, have a carmine-red color. atropurpurea - dark brown leaves.
  • Narrow-leaved, low-growing. The best representative of A.amoena f. rosea is a low plant with carmine red leaves.
  • Narrow-leaved and curly-leaved. Example A. paranychioi - des nana compacta height about 10 cm. Leaves are brown with a red tint. A. r. aurea major (‘chroma-tclla’) - leaf color is bronze-yellow.
  • Broad-leaved and triangular-leaved. Representative A. versicolor - has shiny dark purple leaves with pink-red and white spots. This species is very responsive to cold weather and grows quickly.

Alternanthera rhineca

The birthplace of this aquatic plant is South America. Belongs to the Amaranth family. The root system is fibrous and grows strongly. The roots are thread-like, thin and long. The bush is very similar to long grass, the stem is erect. The leaves are arranged perpendicularly, their length is 4 cm, width 1.5 cm. The leaves have a pointed apex and taper downward. The cuttings are short. The color of the leaves is different: dark brown with a red tint above, purple below. Plant length 20-50 cm.

Alternanthera rhineca is considered a decoration for any aquarium. In summer, small yellow-green or pink flowers appear in the axils of the leaves. While underwater, the stem grows vertically upward, and at shallow depths it quickly comes out. At the same time, the plant sheds its underwater leaves. To maintain the beautiful appearance of the underwater bush, the crown of the stem must be pinched in time. After this procedure, the plant begins to branch, forming many beautiful bushes. The plant is fragile, but it grows quite quickly, adding up to 10-15 cm per month. It prefers the following conditions: hardness 2-12°, pH 6.2-6.8, temperature +24...+28 degrees. Normally tolerates a drop in temperature to +20 degrees, but growth slows down. A weekly replacement of up to 25% of the water volume is required.

Alternanthera violet

Alternanthera violet

Also Alternanthera Lilacina or Large Anther. It has an erect, elongated stem. Leaves elongated shape, dark green or reddish-green above, dark green below Dark red. They are up to 5 cm long and up to 2.5 cm wide. The height of this aquatic plant is approximately 50 cm. Flowers form on the tops of the shoots.

Alternanthera sessile

Alternanthera sessile

This plant is native to tropical waters of South America and belongs to the amaranth family. The plant is not demanding in terms of its maintenance. The stems are long, the leaves are pointed, lanceolate, arranged in pairs. The color of the leaves is brownish-green, lilac-red, pink-green. When the leaves are exposed to light for a long time, they turn red with a hint of brown. The optimal temperature for uniform growth in the aquarium of this aquatic plant is +22…+28 degrees. As the temperature decreases, the growth of Alternanthera sessile slows down. It is desirable that the water be soft and slightly acidic. It is recommended to change the water 2-3 times a month. The color of the leaves depends on the intensity and brightness of the lighting: the more intense the light, the brighter and more beautiful the color. The root system is weak. Propagated by cuttings.

This species includes two subspecies:

Alternanthera sessilis var. lilacina- distributed throughout the world in warm climates. Adapts well to different conditions habitats - both surface and underwater. The color of the leaves depends on the growing conditions. The most common color of the leaves is green-purple. Does not make great demands when breeding in an aquarium. Unpretentious to light intensity and water quality. When planting young shoots, they take root well. But the only condition that must be observed when growing this subspecies is ensuring the stability of the aquarium environment.

Alternanthera sessilis var. rubra. For the most part surface subspecies It grows at a high speed, up to 20 cm per week, and produces many leaves. When growing a plant in aquatic environment, it branches greatly, some of the stems make their way to the surface of the water, where they begin to branch again. The stem and leaves have a bright ruby ​​color. The flowers are colored with reddish hues. For flowers to appear, long daylight hours are required - up to 12 hours.

Alternanthera Betzica (Betzikiana)

Perennial herbaceous plant, 20 cm high. Erect, pointed leaves, spatulate, drooping down. There are flowers at the ends of the stems. Loves warmth, cannot tolerate temperatures below 18 degrees. This type has varieties:

  • with yellow leaves
  • with reds
  • with green

This Brazilian alternanthera has a favorite habitat near wetlands, both in water and on land. The height of the bush can reach 50 cm. The leaves can be of a wide variety of colors: yellow, olive-red, dark red, green, light yellow, pink, and can even be variegated. When growing a plant in an aquarium, it is trimmed - this is done in order to give the bush a decorative appearance, and also so that the bush begins to sprout side shoots. Under good conditions, it begins to bloom with small pink flowers. Water temperature +24...+30 degrees, dH 4-12°, pH 6.8-7, water filtration and bright lighting are required, with daylight hours of at least 12 hours. A weekly change of up to ¼ of the volume of water with fresh water is required.

Alternanthera betzikiana green

Alternanthera betzikiana green

Prefers wetlands in Brazil, with stagnant water and quiet currents. It can grow both under water and in open ground along the banks. The leaves are green, boat-shaped, oblong. The bush is small, spreading, up to 15 -20 cm high. The plant must be trimmed periodically to obtain more decorative look, in order to start growing large number side shoots. In good conditions, it begins to bloom with small pinkish flowers. It grows quite quickly. This plant can be used both for aquariums and for decorating greenhouses. Bushes are planted at a distance of 6-8 cm from each other. Prefers a temperature of +24...+30 degrees, acidity pH 6.8-7.0. When the temperature drops to +18 degrees, the plant dies. A weekly replacement of ¼ of the water in the aquarium with fresh water is required. Daylight hours are 12-14 hours.

This type of alternanther loves sunlight, so if possible you should allow sunlight to enter the aquarium. But this must be done carefully, as it can provoke the growth of algae. The brighter the light entering the aquarium, the brighter the color of the leaves.

The soil should be coarse sand or a mixture of sand and fine gravel. The thickness of the soil is at least 3 cm. Pieces of clay can be placed under the roots.

Alternanthera multicolor

Alternanthera multicolor

Alternanthera multicolor is native to the tropics and subtropics of America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. It is a perennial herbaceous or subshrub plant. A bush prone to branching at the very base. This indoor plant not fussy to care for. The height reaches 25 cm. It has fragile stems. The leaves are small, lanceolate, opposite. The color of the leaves is very diverse. Depending on the brightness and intensity of the light, the color of the leaves changes color. Plants that grow in the shade have pale green leaves. It blooms with small flowers that are located in the axils of the leaves. Flowers form capitate or spike-shaped inflorescences.

Alternanthera serratus

Alternanthera multicolor

Not a species used for aquariums. The plant is native to South America. The leaves are dark purple in color and ovate or lanceolate in shape. Leaf length 8-9 cm, width 5 cm. Plant height 40-50 cm. Stems are erect, prone to branching. Small white flowers of Alternanthera serrata form a capitate inflorescence, the diameter of which is 2-2.5 cm.

Alternanthera aquatic

Alternanthera aquatic

The scientific name is Alternanthera aquatica. This is a large floating plant. Its homeland is the Amazon River basin, along the banks of rivers and swamps in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and South America. The shoots are long, about 3 meters, stretching out of the water several meters in length. Well-developed roots hold tightly to the ground or silt. The stem is hollow inside and filled with air. The leaves are green, 12-14 cm in size, evenly distributed on the stem. They have a wedge-shaped base. The petiole is about 8 cm. Roots grow under the leaves, located in the water. If the stem is damaged or torn, the plant does not drown due to its interesting structure: at the site where the leaf forms there is a kind of partition. It turns out to be a system like a float. The plant grows very quickly, therefore, it is necessary to periodically thin out the leaves. Alternanthera is quite easy to care for. But due to its enormous size, it can only be bred in very large aquariums, which is not always possible at home. It is better to plant it in a container with a clay substrate. The water should contain various trace elements, potassium, phosphate and nitrates. Water temperature +15...+28 degrees, hardness dH 2-15°, acidity pH 6.0-7.5. CO2 feeding is not necessary. Requires bright lighting. The duration of daylight should be at least 12 hours a day. In good conditions, aquatic alternanthera can bloom. Flowers are about 6 mm, with yellow stamens and pistils, measuring about 6 mm.

Alternanthera purpurea

Alternanthera purpurea

It is also called alternanthera cardinalis or cardinalis. The plant is native to the waters of South America. In reservoirs, having reached the surface of the water, it begins to grow above the water. In an aquarium, it does not produce above-water shoots. Maintaining the plant is relatively simple. It stands out clearly among other aquarium greens due to the color of its leaves: bright red below and green above. The leaves are wavy, lanceolate. The maximum height of the bush is 40 cm. Adaptation of the plant to a new place occurs in about 2 weeks, then it begins to grow quickly. Acceptable temperature is +20...+26 degrees, hardness dH 2-4°, acidity pH 6.3-7.5. It is demanding on the quality of water: it is advisable to replace ⅕ of the water in the aquarium twice a week. In low-quality old water, plant development slows down. It loves bright lighting, because the color of the leaves and the overall appearance of the bush depend on the brightness and duration of the lighting. Even in the matter of lighting, you need to know when to stop, since if the norm is exceeded, the leaves may become overgrown with algae, which can lead to the death of the plant.

Alternanthera lilac or large anther

Alternanthera lilac or large anther

It lives in quiet, low-current waters of South America. Outwardly very beautiful plant. It stands out against the background of other greenery in the aquarium with its bright leaf color. They have an elongated elliptical shape. They are located opposite each other. The leaves are red-green or dark green on top and burgundy underneath. The leaves are 5 cm long and 2 cm wide. Flowers form in the part of the plant that is located above the water. In aquariums, the height of the anther can reach 50

Alternanthera red

It grows in wetlands, along the shores of lakes and rivers in South America. It got its name because of the bright red color of the leaves. The stem is erect, 20 cm high. The leaves have a small stalk, the shape of the leaf plate is simple, sessile. It grows slowly. Under good conditions, the plant blooms and produces above-water shoots. Flowers small size and unsightly to look at. This plant is very beautiful with its color and stands out in the aquarium against the background of green vegetation.

Alternanthera mini

Alternanthera mini

The plant is red, low growing. This is a dwarf form of Alternanthera rhineca.
Gained fame in Europe in 2007. The length of the stems is no more than 20 cm. Many side shoots extend from it to the sides. The maintenance requirements are in many ways similar to the alternanthera rhinek: moderate illumination, water temperature +22...+28 degrees. The growth rate is low. It can be propagated by shoots or by dividing bushes.

Alternanthera lovely or sweet

Alternanthera lovely or sweet

This plant is native to Brazil. Perennial herbaceous plant of the Amaranthaceae family. Grown in open ground. It has a small height, about 15-25 cm. The stem may have a few shoots on the sides. The leaves are small and oval shaped. The leaves can be green, burgundy and red-orange. The flowers are small, located at the ends of the shoots. Prefers temperatures of +18...+28 degrees, in winter +10...+15 degrees, medium-moist soil. Loves feeding with minerals and organic fertilizers. Propagated by cuttings. Alternanthera charming is a charming plant that looks great in compositions against the backdrop of green plants.

Alternanthera splendida

Alternanthera splendida

The plant is distributed along the banks of rivers, lakes and swamps in the tropics of South America. The stem is erect or creeping. Height is from 20 to 40 cm. Aquarium enthusiasts rarely breed this species. A lot of light is needed for growth and bright colors. Loves iron feeding. Temperature range +22…+30 degrees. The color of the leaves depends on the lighting power and water quality. On both sides, the leaves are pink, red or even purple-red.

Alternanthera rosea

Alternanthera rosea

This aquarium plant is native to South America. A very beautiful bush with a long stem and leaves, with a color ranging from pink-red to dark purple. Long lashes spread along the surface of the water and are pink in color. When the lashes grow, they rise above the surface of the water, and, as they grow, they begin to sink into the water under their own weight. Alternanthera, which is completely submerged, grows very slowly. This species is not very popular among aquarists. Prefers water temperature +24…+28 degrees. Tolerates temperatures down to +20 degrees, while growth slows down. Needs periodic refreshment of water.

Alternanthera garden, form “Osiris”

The material for selection was collected in the tropics of Brazil. The stem is erect, long, herbaceous, green. The weak root system consists of one clump of white thin roots. The leaves are simple, petiolate, arranged oppositely. Petioles are shorter than leaves. The color of the leaves is different - the top is soft green with a yellow coating, the bottom is green, sometimes with a crimson coating. The length of the leaflet has a ratio of 2:1 to the width.

Plant care

The peculiarity of the alternanthera is that it can be grown both in a pot at home and in an aquarium. Caring for it is not difficult, but there are rules:

  • There should be bright lighting. The brighter the light, the more intense the color of the leaves. With a lack of light, the leaves will become green and pale.
  • Air temperature in summer is +24...+28 degrees, in winter +15...+17 degrees.
  • It is advisable to provide high humidity. Only with high humidity does the alternanthera begin to bloom. More often, flowering occurs when the plant is grown in an aquarium.

Development cycle

The life cycle of development is understood as ontogeny - the individual development of a plant from the moment of formation of the zygote until the death of the above-ground and underground parts. In gardening, there is a group of plants called “letniki”. Alternanthera is a perennial herbaceous plant cultivated as an annual.

The soil

When grown in open ground, Alternanthera does not like loamy areas, shaded areas, or poor soils. Prefers nutritious, moisture- and breathable, neutrally acidic soils.

When growing a plant at home, you should use a greenhouse mixture enriched with humus, a mixture of peat with garden soil and clean sand (all in equal parts), as well as turf, sand, humus and garden soil with big amount last year's foliage (all in equal shares).


If the alternanthera is grown in an aquarium, then naturally it does not need watering. But periodic replacement of water with fresh water is necessary, since in old stagnant water the plant begins to grow very slowly.

When growing a bush at home, for example, in a pot, watering should be moderate. It is necessary to water when the top layer of soil dries, with warm water. Excess moisture in the soil can lead to rot.


When breeding a plant in an aquarium, bright lighting is necessary, since the color of the leaves directly depends on the quality of the lighting. It also loves direct sunlight, but it is preferable to use artificial light, using LB type lamps. You cannot use incandescent lamps with high power, as they can cause burns on the shoots, which will stretch and rise above the surface of the water. Daylight hours are 12 hours.

Diseases and pests

At home, indoor alternanthera causes many problems. gray rot, appearing due to excess moisture. In case of disease, it is necessary to destroy all affected parts of the plant, and treat the remaining bushes with copper sulfate or another fungicidal preparation. Whiteflies, aphids and spider mites also cause great harm.


It lives under the leaves, where it lays larvae. The larvae leave sticky marks and the leaves begin to wither. This pest is easy to detect - just shake the stem and the insects will immediately take off. The plant must be ventilated, as the whitefly loves humidity.


Aphids feed on plant juices and leave sticky residues of their vital activity. Aphids reproduce on stems, forming large black colonies. You can fight this pest with soapy water, which is used to wash the plant. Also sprayed with infusion of garlic, alder, onion, and tobacco. You can use insecticides - Aktar, Fitoverm, Karate.

Spider mite

It leaves behind a powdery white residue. A little later, a cobweb forms between the leaves, and the leaf begins to dry. To get rid of this pest, plants are washed with soapy water, you can also spray with infusion of garlic or onion peel. Insecticides used are Actellik, Fitoverm and Neoron.

But you have to be very careful, as some of the drugs are toxic. Apply them in room conditions dangerous.

In any aquarium, a variety of fish swim along with the vegetation, which not only hide behind the leaves of plants, but also prefer to bite off and break them off. Alternanthera leaves are fragile and they will be in danger near ancistrus and other similar large fish. A damaged plant will look spoiled and may even stop growing. To be in the vicinity of this plant, it is necessary to select the right fish and calculate the ratio of fish and plants in the aquarium.

Planting and propagation


In an aquarium, soil is not so important - usually buy ready-made mixtures, which are already intended for aquarium plants. But adding coarse sand has a good effect on plant growth.


There are two ways to grow a new plant:

  • seed;
  • vegetative (cuttings and division of an old bush);

The seed method is labor-intensive, because quite often alternanthera does not produce flowers. The second method is most widespread.

Cuttings - Cuttings are taken in advance in the fall. And they plant them in the ground. The container must be covered plastic film, place in a illuminated place without direct contact sun rays. Dig the cuttings up to the first leaf, provided that the length of the workpiece must be at least 8-10 cm and have 8 leaves. Next, you need to water the soil and ventilate. When the first new leaves appear, the film is removed from the container. As soon as it is clear that the cuttings have begun to actively grow, the tops of the shoots need to be pinched. This will promote the appearance of side shoots. The preparations can take root within 8-10 days. At the end of spring - from May, when night frosts stop, the plants are transplanted into open ground. To obtain a more lush and beautiful bush, several seedlings are planted in one hole. If you want to grow a plant indoors, then select a small pot for the seedlings.

When propagating Alternanthera in aquarium conditions, the torn stalk is simply left to float on the surface of the water. After a short period of time, roots will appear, and then you can plant the bushes in the substrate.

Use in landscape design

Alternanthera is ideal for decoration personal plot. It is most often used as an annual decorative foliage plant. In this case, there is no need to replant it in a greenhouse for the winter.

This plant can rightfully be called the star of carpet floriculture. It is small in stature, tolerates shearing well and has a large number of colors, which is ideal for using this plant for carpet beds, borders, alpine slides, floral designs, and figured compositions. With the help of a professional haircut, you can give your bush different shape- ovoid, spherical, comb-shaped.

This plant is also a decoration for any underwater landscape. It attracts attention with its bright color and serves as the main element of the aquarium installation. Alternanthera is used to decorate not only aquariums, but also ponds. These species include Alternanthera sessilis, Alternanthera reineckii.

Alternanthera rhineca is an ideal plant for those who want to create a tropical exotic atmosphere in the aquarium. The growth rate is quite high, about 15 cm per month, which allows you to quickly bring your planned compositions to life. When creating compositions, you do not need to plant the bushes very densely, as they are quite fragile. You should not forget to pinch the upward-stretching stems in time. This will lead to an increase in their branching and give even more beautiful view plant.

This species is used for growing in greenhouses. Under good conditions, the plant will grow into lush bushes with bright purple leaves.

Alternanthera violet is used to decorate aquariums, ponds and greenhouses in humid tropical climates. Thanks to the different colors of the upper and lower sides of the leaves, the plant has a simply fabulous appearance. It is a decoration for any aquarium. Bushes should be planted in small groups in the center or closer to the side walls of the aquarium. This will give the underwater landscape a very picturesque look.

Alternanthera sessile is used to decorate small bodies of water. In the summer, it is planted at the bottom in shallow places or along marshy banks. In small aquariums, they decorate the walls of the container with it, planting up to 15 plants. In large volume aquariums, it is planted in places in the middle, which makes it possible to form beautiful bushy islands.

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