Twin towers name. World Trade Center

True story the Twin Towers blown up in New York and what they really symbolized

Fifteen years ago, on September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center complex was bombed in New York. 2996 people were killed, over 10 thousand were injured of varying severity. Both twin skyscrapers (Twin Towers) ceased to exist. Another building of the complex, the Marriott Hotel, was buried under the rubble of the first tower. The frames of the four others survived, but they were deemed beyond repair and demolished.


The idea to build the World Trade Center (WTC) in Manhattan was proposed by the famous billionaire brothers back in the late 1950s. David and former mayor of New York at the time Nelson Rockefellers. They were supported by the local Port Administration. Construction of the complex began in 1966 and cost, according to some estimates, $1.5 billion.

The World Trade Center skyscrapers were designed by an American modernist architect Minoru Yamasaki, who is believed to have won the competition because he proposed to build the towers quickly and cheaply. He worked together with Antonio Brittaiocchi and by Emery Roth & Sons. Before starting to build the two giants of steel, glass and concrete, Yamasaki created hundreds of models. Perhaps he felt that the most grandiose and modern building in the world at that time would become his swan song and therefore tried to express his idea in it. “The World Trade Center should be a symbol of faith in the power of man,” the architect said more than once.

When creating the project, Yamasaki mixed his Gothic tastes and the architectural and ethical ideas of the great Le Corbusier. Subsequently, some critics called the architectonics of the WTC towers limited and boring, and the poverty of form, in their opinion, served as an “indicator of internal disaster.” Some considered these buildings to be the embodiment of the social system existing in the United States.

When the first of the colossi appeared in New York, critics called it “the biggest finger in the sky.” A specialist in technical history Lewis Mumford regarded Twin Towers as "an example of the unintentional gigantism and technological exhibitionism that is now eviscerating the living fabric of every great city." Many people also did not like the narrow (only 46 cm wide) windows of the office premises of the towers. According to the prevailing opinions at that time, the architect made them this way because he was terribly afraid of heights.

However, there was also an opinion that the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center represented a man and a woman. As confirmation, it was pointed out that Yamasaki emphasized the male tower with an elastic antenna, and the female tower with an observation deck gateway. He and She seemed to be on the move towards the Hudson and all of America. The woman, as always, was half a step behind. Perhaps this was an architectural representation of Adam and Eve leaving Paradise? The architect himself definitely did not speak out on this matter.


Dozens of low-rise buildings were demolished to clear space for a grandiose construction project near the city's port. 1.2 million cubic yards of earth were removed and transported to create a 21-meter-deep foundation under the skyscrapers and the Plaza, an underground space that later housed shops, restaurants, banks, airline ticket offices, travel agencies, a new metro station, and maintenance workshops for the twin towers. , warehouses and an underground garage for 2 thousand cars.

When constructing skyscrapers, an engineering idea was used that was first used to create the IBM office center in Seattle. In this case, the designers also used a structural model of a rigid “hollow tube” of closely spaced columns with a diameter of 990 mm, with floor trusses 83 cm thick, expanding towards the central part. Many steel columns inside the building became the load-bearing part that supported the entire building. The “stiffening ribs” were complex-profile steel floors. This concept made it possible to create spacious spaces inside, not cluttered with unnecessary structures.

The buildings' 64.5 m wide façade was a prefabricated steel lattice with columns 476.25 mm wide. They protected the entire structure from wind and other external overturning loads. The location of the “wind supports” outside the surface of the building prevented the transfer of forces through the membrane of the floors to the center. There were 61 steel beams along each of the four sides of the building along the entire height. Cables were stretched between them along the entire height. They, as well as a package of cables inside the elevator shafts, provided design flexibility. In general, the towers were a combination of steel cages from factory-produced modules measuring 10x3 m and weighing 22 tons. The external columns of the buildings were finished with a silver aluminum alloy. This gave the impression that the skyscrapers had no windows at all. Although there were as many as 43 thousand of them.

The Twins were the first supertall buildings designed without masonry. A special “dry-wall” system was developed for them, fixed in a reinforced steel base. The floors were supported by a series of lightweight trusses on rubber panels located between the outer columns and the elevator section. Both “brothers,” as the designers claimed, were capable of withstanding hurricane winds and should have withstood even the event of a ram by a medium-sized aircraft, such as a Boeing 707.

They were constructed mainly from glass, steel and concrete using duralumin and durable titanium. In total, about 400 thousand cubic meters were needed for construction. m of cement, 200 thousand tons of steel and 20 thousand sq. m. m glass.


The first tower was built by 1970. But officially the World Trade Center in New York was opened only on April 4, 1973 after the second one was put into operation. The complex included five more ground-based structures. Among them are the high-rise Marriott Hotel, a commodity exchange and the 8-story palace of the American Customs House. 8 floors in both high-rise buildings (7-8, 41-42, 75-76 and 108-109) were technical. Other, with total area more than 1 million sq. m, were rented.

The height of the World Trade Center skyscrapers (North Tower - 110 floors, 417 m, South Tower - 104 floors, 415 m) was a constant topic of jokes and anecdotes at that time. Here's one of them. At a press conference after the opening ceremony of the World Trade Center, Yamasaki was asked: “Why two buildings of 110 floors each? Why not one in 220? His answer: “I didn’t want to lose the human scale.”

In the 1990s, the World Trade Center towers housed 10% of all the offices in lower Manhattan. Almost 500 companies had offices there. Thus, in the South Tower, 25 floors for the head office were rented by the investment corporation Morgan Stanley, which manages capital worth $487 billion, and 5 floors were occupied by the Oppenheimer fund with a “modest” $125 billion under management. Fuji Bank was located on four floors . 3 floors each were occupied by the New York Stock Exchange, the insurance company AON, the telecommunications company Verizon (capitalization $17.5 billion), the architectural firm Manciani Duffi (recognized as the best interior designer in 2000) and the law firm Thacher, Proffit & Wood . The computer corporation Sun Microsystems, the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, and the insurance agency Frenkel&Co had modest, only 2 floors.

On a typical day, 50 thousand employees and 200 thousand visitors and tourists came to work at the World Trade Center. On the 107th floor of the North Tower there was a fashionable and expensive restaurant “Windows to the World”. Americans loved to celebrate weddings and celebrate various significant events there. In the 1990s, tens of thousands of tourists climbed to the observation deck of the South Tower every day. On a clear day, through the suicide fence, they could survey the surrounding area within a radius of 78 km.

The system of 99 elevators in skyscrapers was designed in such a way that high-speed lifts from below went to the beginning of the 2nd and 3rd sections of the building, starting on the 44th and 78th floors. From there, “local” elevators took passengers to the desired floor. Each sectional elevator could lift 55 people at a speed of about 8.5 m per second. In total, the World Trade Center complex had 239 elevators and 71 escalators, which were controlled by a computer center. The windows in the two towers were washed automatically 3 times a week using special machines on moving steel cables.


A huge design advantage of the New York twins was that the buildings' steel beams were connected to supports located less than a meter apart from each other, forming the outer walls of the building. While the vertical supports of most other American skyscrapers are located at a distance of up to 6 m from each other, and the main load in them is transferred to the combined diagonal pillars, damage to which, as a rule, leads to the immediate destruction of the entire building.

The disadvantage was the lack of foam fire protection systems, which could cope with burning aviation fuel. Concrete is guaranteed to withstand flames for an hour or two. But 91 thousand liters of aviation fuel, which were used to fill both planes sent by terrorists to the World Trade Center buildings, turned the winged cars into thermal bombs. When the combustion temperature exceeded 800 °C, the steel supports began to melt. However, it was later discovered that this was not the main reason for the collapse of Gemini.

A few years after the tragedy, experts unequivocally established that the cause of the collapse was a gradual shift in the center of gravity in the buildings as a result of a fire. The outer columns could not withstand the extraordinary stress.


(based on materials from foreign press)

FOR REFERENCE: Minoru Yamasaki American architect who combined the international style with neoclassical features. Born in Seattle, USA, on December 1, 1912, into a Japanese family with American citizenship.

In 1949 he founded his own company. In 1951 he received an award from the American Institute of Architects for a residential complex in St. Louis, USA. True, already in 1972 these buildings were destroyed as “morally obsolete and socially burdensome.”

Among the most famous buildings designed by Minoru Yamasaki are the US Consulate in Kobe, Japan (1955), Lambert Airport in St. Louis, USA (1956), McGregor Memorial Community Center in Detroit, USA (1958), Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia (1961) and Eastern Province Airport in Riyadh (1985).

He built skyscrapers and at the same time was terrified of heights. While working on the WTC buildings, Minoru Yamasaki divorced his wife, married another, then divorced and married again, then again. Eventually he divorced again and returned to his first wife.

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the events of September 11, 2001. In the morning, in New York, after the attacks of hijacked (according to the official version, of course) passenger planes, the towers of the World Trade Center collapsed. According to media reports, in the evening in Washington, another passenger plane crashed into one of the Pentagon towers.

It was with this plane that the investigation subsequently had the most problems, since its fragments and the remains of passengers were not found, and the hole in the wall was significantly smaller than the wingspan of this plane.

These are far from the only oddities associated with the collapse of the Twin Towers.

The official death toll is 2,843. There is colossal destruction in New York, but in the midst of this destruction they find a completely intact car, in which there are untouched and clean Korans and the passports of the hijackers. I immediately remember the phrase of the main character of the film “Beware of the Car,” Detochkin: “The beer has just been delivered, but the roach has just been caught.”

Already on September 11, President Bush declared that this was an action of Arab terrorists. CIA chief George Tenet announced the interception of al-Qaeda communications on September 11. Suddenly it turned out that everything was intercepted, but nothing could be prevented!

The investigation revealed many inconsistencies with the official version. For example, for 40 minutes after the hijacking of the planes there was no communication between the Federal Agency civil aviation and Aerospace Defense Command North America. Journalists noted confusion in the testimony of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. The authorities admitted that they were warned by the intelligence services about the impending terrorist attack, but nothing was done. Also on September 11, ironically, military exercises were held, during which it was planned to simulate the hijacking of aircraft. In Gilbert Chesterton's story “The Broken Sword,” to the question: “Where does a smart man hide a pebble?” Father Brown replies: “Among the pebbles on the seashore.” What better cover than training?

Nevertheless, despite all this confusion, the Keene-Zelikow commission came to an absolutely ironclad conclusion - this is a terrorist attack for which Al-Qaeda is to blame. The commission was unable to answer a number of questions. Why did the towers fall exactly? Why did firefighters hear explosions inside the towers?..

There are some other oddities. For example, a representative of the FEMA organization - the American analogue of our Ministry of Emergency Situations - Tom Kenny, in an interview on September 12, said that the rescue team arrived in New York on Monday, September 10, so that on the morning of the 11th the rescuers could immediately begin work. Mayor Giuliani also said that on September 10, rescuers were stationed at Pier 92, which became the command center for the rescue operation after the explosion. The question arises: is this thorough preparation for an unexpected terrorist attack?!

NewsWeek magazine of September 24, 2001 reported that on September 10, a group of Pentagon officers canceled their flights for the next morning. And in February 2002, it became known that a group of businessmen who usually held their meetings in the shopping center in the towers held them on September 11 at an Air Force base all the way in Nebraska.

According to the observation of Victor Friedman, the author of a very interesting study on the terrorist attack, in the first days of September there was purposeful activity on the stock exchange. In his opinion, some people were well aware of the future explosions, because the ratio of put options and call options was such that some people made $10-15 billion at once. And the owner of the towers, Israel's great friend Larry Silverstein, received $5 billion in insurance.

There was evidence before the terrorist attack. One of the astonishing events happened in June 2001, when ufologist William Cooper, the famous author of the book “The Pale Horse,” made a statement that in September, or at the latest in October, serious terrorist attacks would occur in the United States, and that they would be blamed on a man named Osama bin Laden. This man had unique information, so it is not surprising that at the end of 2001, Cooper was shot and killed by police, accusing him of first resisting the police and then trying to escape. The police were not informed that Cooper was a disabled Vietnam veteran, and instead of one of his legs he had a prosthetic - you couldn’t run. To finish the police topic: according to eyewitnesses, after the first tower collapsed, the police were urgently sent to the second and began to drive people away from the tower (“and the roach had just been caught”).

Also, unconditional evidence is the fact that already in July 2001, during negotiations with Pakistan, the Americans openly stated that they would capture Afghanistan in October. In September, even before the bombings, Britain conducted its largest concentration of naval forces off the coast of Pakistan in its annual Essential Harvest maneuvers. At the same time, NATO maneuvers in Egypt end with 40 thousand soldiers being transferred to Pakistan.

Americans generally have a wonderful tradition of creating situations similar to September 11 to resolve geopolitical problems. For example, on February 15, 1898, an explosion occurred on the American battleship Maine in a roadstead in Havana. Battleship crew: 266 people, of which 260 were black and 6 were white officers. There is information that when the explosion occurred, there were no white officers on the ship. The Americans blamed the Spaniards for the death of their ship, which became the reason for the American-Spanish War. As a result, Cuba became an American semi-colony.

The next issue in the American crossbow program is the incident with the Lusitania liner. Although the Lusitania was sunk on May 7, 1915, and the United States entered World War I on April 2, 1917, the sinking of this ship was a turning point in creating a warlike mood among Americans. This interesting historical event should be described in more detail. Although the Lusitania was a passenger ship carrying 1,200 people (195 of them Americans), it carried - in violation of all wartime rules - 6 million ammunition for the Entente countries, paid for by the House of Morgan. The Germans, having learned about this, made an advance payment to fifty American newspapers and asked them to publish an advertisement stating that they did not recommend American citizens to sail on the Lusitania, since the ship was carrying ammunition and, according to wartime rules, automatically became a target. But only one American newspaper in Des Moines, Iowa, published this announcement; 49 other newspapers abstained because the US State Department advised them to wait until the circumstances were clarified. The circumstances, naturally, were not clarified, and the Lusitania set sail. She crossed the Atlantic, since the Germans did not sink her, entered the English Channel and began to wait for the pilot ship Juneau. After a long wait, the captain of the Lusitania suddenly received a message that the First Lord of the Admiralty, Churchill, had sent the pilot ship Juneau very far away, and they would have to wait a long time for it. The Germans watching the ship understand that they can’t wait any longer and they need to sink the liner, because 6 million ammunition loads are very serious. The order is given to “destroy.” The British intercept this order, but take absolutely no action. The Lusitania is successfully sunk, which becomes one of the incidents belli for the US entry into the war.

One cannot help but recall the events of December 7, 1941, when 3.5 hundred Japanese planes attacked the American base at Pearl Harbor, destroying 200 planes and 4 battleships, including the battleship Arizona, killing more than 2 thousand Americans. As a result, the United States had a reason to declare war on Japan. Since then, American researchers have done a lot to clarify this situation. It has now been practically proven that a little over a year before the events at Pearl Harbor, the Americans cracked the Japanese codes. This suggests that they were well aware of Japan's plans. However, Roosevelt did not lift a finger, because he needed a reason for America to enter the war.

Speaking about Roosevelt, it would not be amiss to mention the following: the scheme “Roosevelt’s New Deal solved all the problems of the United States” is just a myth. Yes, he solved some problems, but he also created new problems. These problems were so serious that in the mid-30s, Roosevelt had a very dangerous rival on the American political scene - Louisiana Governor Huey Long. It was Huey Long who became the prototype for the main character of Robert Penn Warren's novel All the King's Men, Willie Stark. Huey Long was a left-wing populist who created property redistribution societies throughout America. By 1935, 8 million people had signed up. In 1935, Huey Long was killed, as expected - by a loner. This tracing paper is known to us from the history of the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers, Martin Luther King, and Lincoln. By the end of the 1930s, America was faced with a choice: either serious social reforms, which could, however, lead to upheaval, or World War(by the way, Roosevelt began using the term “world war” six months earlier than Hitler).

Undoubtedly, Pearl Harbor solved the problem of declaring war on Japan - after all, Roosevelt went to the elections with a firm promise to prevent America from being drawn into war. At the same time, both he and the forces that stood behind him understood perfectly well: in order to become the hegemon of the world capitalist system, America must enter the war, or more precisely, force majeure circumstances are needed that will force the United States to start a “retaliatory war.” Ironically, one of the last commissions that examined the Pearl Harbor problem in America ended its work on September 11, 2001. Experts concluded that the Japanese torpedoes were too old and weak to penetrate the Arizona's armor. Something else happened. Most likely, there was an explosion on the Arizona itself. But since the towers exploded on September 11, the events at Pearl Harbor - “a thing of the past” - hardly bothered anyone anymore.

In the list of American incidents, we can recall the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964, which became the reason for the US entry into the Vietnam War. The Americans shouted to the whole world that the North Vietnamese fired at them in neutral waters. Then it turned out: the DRV sailors opened fire on a ship that had invaded the territorial waters of their country, but this was later, when the United States had already used this incident they had provoked to start military action.

As we can see, Americans have a very rich history of crossbows. Anyone who wants to know the true story will easily find out. Anyone who doesn't want to will sincerely believe that al-Qaeda and a man named bin Laden are behind the explosions.

Much has already been written about this character, but it is worth talking about him briefly, because this figure clearly shows how overt and, to an even greater extent, covert American politics are structured.

Bin Laden was born in 1957. In December 1979, at the suggestion of his patron, Prince Turki al-Faisal, who headed the intelligence services for more than 20 years Saudi Arabia, bin Laden began to manage the financial side of the CIA's covert operations in Afghanistan. He controlled using systematized information, a matrix, which in Arabic is called “Al-Qaeda” (translated as “database”). Subsequently, this became the name of that ghostly organization (many researchers do not believe in its existence), which the Americans blamed for the explosion of the Twin Towers.

After the end of the war in Afghanistan, Islamists split into those who believed that America was the enemy, and those who believed that America should be friends and contacts. Bin Laden ended up in the camp of Hassan Al-Turabi, the leader of the anti-Americanists. In 1996, Osama declares jihad against the United States and Israel. In 1998, after the terrorist attacks in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi, where almost 300 people were killed and 4,500 were injured, the United States blamed bin Laden for everything and put him on the wanted list. Then all terrorist attacks, including the events of September 11, begin to be blamed on him. In 2011, we were informed that Osama had been killed in a special operation. According to very authoritative people from Western intelligence agencies, bin Laden was not alive after 2007. Speaking about the massacre of '11, I would like to draw attention to the morals of the modern American elite. The media showed how the top officials of the state gathered in front of the TV screen in the White House to watch a show of how a person would be killed. Only “Wow!” they didn’t say, as in the case of Gaddafi, the picture is otherwise identical - joyful contemplation of a bloody murder. By the way, all the American special forces who participated in this operation, after 1.5 or 2 months, while carrying out the task, were ambushed under rather strange circumstances, and almost all were killed. Either they were really removed in order to hide the loose ends, or they were simply hidden in this way from possible revenge.

What is also surprising in the story of “terrorist number 1” is that the bin Laden family had a privileged position and long-standing ties with both the Bush family and the Saud family. One example is enough. In 1979, Islamists staged a bombing and seized a mosque in Mecca. They shot the pilgrims and seized the mosque. The trucks and plans for the mosque were delivered to the terrorists by one of bin Laden's older brothers. All participants in this terrorist attack were captured and executed. Except for one, the one who provided them with trucks, because he is from the bin Laden family. In fact, the Bushes, the Sauds, the bin Ladens are one economic cell. It is significant that the finances of bin Laden’s group in America were in charge of the CarlyleGroup, which occupied 11th place in the American military-industrial complex. The group was created in 1987 and included people such as former CIA chief Frank Carlucci, former British Prime Minister Major, and George W. Bush. Bush Jr. himself repeatedly crossed paths with representatives of the bin Laden family. In particular, when he made money from illegal economic transactions in the HarkenEnergy Corporation, he borrowed a lot a large amount from one of bin Laden's older brothers and could not give it away. This older brother later died on a plane while flying over US territory. Some journalists believe that this could have been done on the orders of the father of the unlucky debtor - then President Bush Sr.

Let us return, however, to September 2001. Events immediately after the terrorist attack developed at a frantic pace. Already on September 12, Congressional Resolution No. 1368 “The US Right to Self-Defense” was issued, effectively legalizing the right to aggression. On September 13, in order to warm up the population, the White House is evacuated - supposedly the danger of explosions remains. On September 14, Congress authorizes Bush to "use any force against any country, organization, or individual that prepared, carried out, or facilitated the terrorist attacks of September 11." October 7 Bush announces that he has ordered attacks on terrorist and Taliban camps in Afghanistan. This is how the American one begins military operation"Unshakable freedom."

Interestingly, a memo from senior US analyst Wong to the US Army Institute for Strategic Studies states: “Current public support for the war effort is comparable in level to that which followed the attack at Pearl Harbor. Americans say today that they believe military action is appropriate, that they are in favor of a long war and that they have the will to endure all the negative consequences of war.”

Even earlier, on September 11, Henry Kissinger wrote: “The government must be entrusted with the mission to provide a systematic response that will lead, we hope, to the same result as the attack on us at Pearl Harbor - the destruction of the system responsible for this attack. This system is a network of terrorist organizations that hide in the capitals of certain states.”

What is very significant and symbolic is that both Kissinger and Wong remember Pearl Harbor. Kissinger must know that Pearl Harbor was a provocation. He equates Pearl Harbor and September 11th, and thus indirectly speaks out. Isn’t it strange that already on September 11 he knows which terrorists did this and links them with Baghdad and Kabul.

In September 2000, the US government unveiled a blueprint for the "New American Century" - Rebuilding America's Defenses. Among its authors are Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush (brother of Bush Jr.), Donald Rumsfeld. The project says: “The process of transformation (of the world - A.F.), even if it brings revolutionary changes, will most likely be long, unless some catastrophic and accelerating event occurs, like a new Pearl Harbor” (sub. me. -A.F.) And again - Pearl Harbor as a model, as an approach. People who know full well what Pearl Harbor was say that they need a new Pearl Harbor. About the same in early XVII century, Ivan Bolotnikov, already surrounded by the troops of Vasily Shuisky, sends letters throughout the country with a request to announce some new Dmitry. He knows that Dmitry is a false prince...

In 2003, the American-British aggression against Iraq begins. And if Afghanistan is geopolitics and drugs, then Iraq is geopolitics, oil and a course towards reshaping the Arab world, towards creating a patchwork quilt called the “Greater Middle East” in the interests of American TNCs. It must be said that drug trafficking and the interests of the clans that control drugs play a very large role in all changes in the Middle East, from American aggression against Afghanistan to the so-called “Arab Spring.” Before the American invasion, the Taliban had reduced heroin production in Afghanistan, but after the invasion it increased sharply. The American invasion of Iraq provided the American military establishment with a very significant source of income. Moreover, not only the American, but also the British establishment, since the heroin production zone in Afghanistan, as one of the American generals let it slip, is the area of ​​​​responsibility of MI6. In general, according to analysts involved in drug trafficking, 90% of drug trafficking production is under the control of three intelligence services: MI6, CIA and Mossad, and 10% is in the hands of various mafia structures. Today Blair is free to repent and say that sending troops into Iraq was a mistake, but the job was done, and no one answered for it.

In a series of Freudian slips: In September 2002, the Bush administration released a document called the US National Security Strategy. There is simply a wonderful phrase in it: “The events of September 11th opened up new gigantic opportunities for us.” An amazing thing: the United States speaks openly about its plans and capabilities, but the world media is silent!

When the Soviet Union shot down a South Korean Boeing that had invaded its territory, the world press went crazy. She branded the Soviet Union in vain. I will not discuss here and now the question of whether the USSR really shot down a passenger Boeing or some other Boeing, and the passenger was landed in Okinawa, having taken a 25-year non-disclosure agreement from the South Koreans, which ended in 2008 . Let me remember something else: five years later, in 1988, over the territory of the Persian Gulf (not over the territory of the United States!), an American aircraft carrier shot down an Iranian Boeing. 300 people died. Ronald Reagan said that it was a pity that people died, but the captain of the aircraft carrier, although he made a mistake, acted absolutely correctly, since he considered that the plane was a threat. The world media did not criticize either Reagan or the United States - it is clear: it is one thing when the USSR knocks down something, this is unacceptable; it’s another matter when the “democratic and free state of the USA” does the same thing - this is permissible.

The fact that September 11 allowed the Americans to solve a number of foreign policy problems is one side of the matter, the external one. No less important inner side. One cannot but agree with those journalist-analysts who believe that the explosions of September 11 were the prologue to a change political regime USA. No, the façade has remained the same, but there have been dramatic changes inside the country. The executive branch has created new structures that make it possible to extend domestic policy methods that, in the 1990s and earlier, the CIA and armed forces used outside the country. America has de facto become military empire. This is very well told in Chalmers Johnson's trilogy "Blowback", "The sorrows of empire" and "Nemesis". Strangely, only the last part of the trilogy was translated into Russian. Chalmers Johnson is a famous analyst and CIA man. In the late 1990s, he, concerned about what was happening in the United States, wrote this trilogy, in which he showed that during the Clinton presidency, behind the Monicalevinsky façade smiling from ear to ear, very important changes took place in the United States. According to Chalmers Johnson, the military had taken de facto control of the United States. And the events of September 11 made it possible to turn this de facto into de jure. How?

On October 8, 2001, the Office of Homeland Security was created in the United States. It was headed by Tim Ridge. This event marked the beginning of a profound reform of the American state apparatus. This Bureau became equivalent to the National Security Council, and, in fact, turned into something similar to the Bureau of War Mobilization during World War II. Adopted on October 26, 2001, the “Patriotic Act” sharply expanded the powers of investigative agencies, strengthened control over the American population, favoring police brutality. Thus, in the name of terror, the police state was institutionalized and legalized in the United States.

In November 2002, under the pretext of protecting against terrorism, Bush signed the “Total Information Awareness” program into effect. This program allows the US government to collect any information about anyone of interest in all databases around the world without any restrictions. Admiral John Poindexter was appointed responsible for this program. In Russian they say about such people: “there is no place to put brands.” This man was involved in the Irangate scandal, which erupted in 1986-1987 during the Iran-Iraq war in connection with the secret import of weapons into Iran from countries such as Israel and the USA.... The investigation lasted a very long time, and only in 1999 he received 18 months in prison for destroying documents that indicated his guilt.

In addition to this “Total Information Awareness,” the Americans launched another information control program - “The Matrix” (what a name!). Under the guise of collecting anti-terrorism information, this program collects information about all US citizens and their preferences. It is not without reason that many analysts say that if in the 1990s the United States turned from a republic into a military empire, then after the events of September 11 it is rapidly turning into a new Reich, into a fascist state. In the February 2002 article “The Rise of the Fascist American Theocratic State,” journalists John Stanton and Wayne Madsen write: “Historians will remember that between November 2001 and February 2002, democracy as it was envisioned by the framers of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution , died. And while democracy was dying, the fascist and theocratic American state was born.”

As the English say: “Every acquisition is loss and every loss is an acquisition” (“Every acquisition is a loss, and every loss is an acquisition”). The Russians say it differently: “Don’t make trouble while it’s quiet.” During the Bush presidency, American neocons awakened forces in the Middle East that they are now unable to control. America is overextended. Americans need to leave the Middle East in their old capacity and come in something different. During the shift change period, they need controlled chaos, and this is now being created by the Islamists, whom R. Labeviere called “ watchdogs globalization the American way." As often happens in history, a certain event, while solving short-term measures, creates medium-term problems. To solve medium-term problems, medium-term measures are needed, and they give rise to long-term systemic problems that cannot be solved without changing the system. Today it is clear: the situation in the Middle East is out of American control, the chaos is becoming uncontrollable and is turning against the “masters of chaosogens” who stumbled in Syria, or more precisely, in the positions of Russia (as well as China, Iran and some other forces). In this situation, it is impossible to exclude a nervous breakdown for the outgoing hegemon, especially if the president becomes a woman who in the States was nicknamed “Killary Clinton” (to kill). American journalists count about 400 strange deaths between the Clintons. If this is so, then we have before us simply the second edition of Bonnie and Clyde, only not the movie version. It must be remembered that people who are not inclined to restrain nervous impulses, be it in everyday life or foreign policy, understand the language of power well. Then they keep their promises. Gaddafi believed without having the strength - and paid the price. Regarding such characters, who are now often called “partners,” Shakespeare’s Hamlet once spoke like this: “...whom I will trust as I will adders’ fanged.” That's how we should believe in the reset proposals and much more.

...As for the events of September 11, we will most likely never know the whole truth about them. Yes, in fact, the whole detailed truth is on this moment and is not required. Almost everything was clear from the very beginning - there is a wonderful clarifying question: cui bono? (who benefits?). I think that now that America finds itself in a situation much worse than at the end of the twentieth century, we should again expect war. The CIA is on standby. The only thing is that, unlike Mossad and MI6, they work very roughly, clumsily, using white threads. But that’s what their media is for, or rather, SMRAD (Media of Mass Advertising, Agitation and Disinformation), which these white threads paint over with black. US journalists have been so successful that even a significant part of their professors - the country's intellectual elite - believe that bin Laden blew up the towers on September 11th. In such cases, I answer them: “And Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. Moreover, he acted, of course, alone - like earlier Booth, who killed Lincoln, and Sirhan Sirhan, who shot Robert Kennedy.” The investigation is over - forget it. But we are unlikely to forget the events of September 11, since it was with this provocation that it seems that the last desperate offensive of the most aggressive segment of the Anglo-American elite began, seeking to save itself at the cost of most of humanity.

Exactly 45 years ago, on April 4, 1973, the World Trade Center, designed by Minoru Yamasaki, was inaugurated in the Financial District of Manhattan in New York City. The architectural dominant of the complex were two twin towers, each with 110 floors - North (417 m high, and taking into account the antenna installed on the roof - 526.3 m) and South (415 m high). They became a world-famous symbol of New York.

The idea of ​​​​creating the World Trade Center in New York was born long before this. In 1943, the New York State Legislature passed a bill allowing New York Governor Thomas Dewey to begin planning for construction, but development was suspended in 1949.

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, economic growth in New York City was concentrated in downtown Manhattan. To stimulate redevelopment in other areas of Manhattan, David Rockefeller proposed that the Port Authority build a shopping center in Lower Manhattan. However, construction began 30 years later.

The architects of the project were the Emery Roth & Sons bureau and Minoru Yamasaki, who came from a family of emigrants and had previously built the buildings of the Pacific Science Center in Seattle, the Pruitt-Igoe residential complex in St. Louis (Missouri), etc. Yamasaki was afraid of heights, so all his projects are distinguished by narrow vertical windows. The windows of the World Trade Center buildings were only 46 cm wide. Yamasaki explained that in this way he strives to create a feeling of security for a person who could go to the window and lean on it with both hands, feeling safe.

Yamasaki's original plan called for the twin towers to be 80 stories high, but due to Port Authority building requirements, the height of the buildings was increased to 110 stories. Opened in 1973, the towers are the world's tallest skyscrapers. In addition to the towers, the WTC plan included the construction of four low-rise buildings and the 47-story 7 World Trade Center (built in the mid-1980s).

The main factor in limiting the height of buildings was the installation of elevators - the higher the building, the more elevators were required to service it, requiring more cumbersome elevator shafts. Yamasaki and engineers decided to use new system with two "skylobbies" where people could move from a large express elevator to local elevators that went to the desired floors in their section.

Preparations for construction began in 1965 with the purchase of the Radio Row area and the demolition of existing buildings, mainly residential and small shops. Many local residents refused to move to other areas, so the start of construction was postponed several times. A group of small business owners sued the Port Authority, challenging the relocation of their businesses from the area, but the Supreme Court refused to accept the case.

The complex was built on an embankment site, so the foundation, 20 meters deep, had to be made using complex technology to prevent water from breaking through from the Hudson into the construction area. This work took 14 months. In August 1968, construction began on the center's North Tower, and seven months later on the South Tower.

Engineers from Worthington, Skilling, Helle & Jackson decided to build the towers using a tube-frame system, without the use of load-bearing beams and columns - the steel columns in the core of the building, as well as in the external wall, were located so close to each other that they formed a rigid wall structure , which could withstand almost all lateral loads: wind and gravity. This made it possible to increase usable area twin towers.

The walls consisted of 59 columns on each side, each modular part included three columns, three stories high, connected by lintels, which in turn were welded to the columns and created new modular parts.

The columns were protected with sprayed fire-resistant material. To ensure the comfort of people inside the building, a series of experiments were carried out, after which engineers developed viscoelastic shock absorbers to absorb some of the vibrations, as some experienced nausea and dizziness in the towers.

A rectangular core of 27x41 m was constructed in each tower. Elevator and communication shafts, toilets, and auxiliary rooms were placed in it. It was built from 47 steel columns. The space between the outer wall and the core was covered with floor structures that connected to the outer wall in such a way as to reduce the amount of vibration. In this case, lateral loads were transferred from the outer wall to the central core.

The total cost of constructing the towers amounted to $900 million. The complex was inaugurated on April 4, 1973.

The design of the constructed World Trade Center drew criticism from urbanists and many architects. The Twin Towers have been called "glass-and-metal cabinets," "an example of the aimless gigantism and technological exhibitionism that is currently eviscerating the living fabric of every great city."

However, very quickly the towers became one of the symbols of New York along with the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty. Their image adorned postcards, the towers appeared in the screensavers of TV series ("Friends", "Sex in big city") and movies ("King Kong" 1976).

Before the world-famous terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, when the towers and other buildings of the complex were destroyed, the World Trade Center experienced a major fire and another terrorist attack.
On February 13, 1975, floors 9 to 14 of the North Tower burned down. The fire spread due to the fire of telephone wires in the shaft between floors. The fire was brought under control within several hours and no one was injured.

On February 26, 1993, a truck carrying 680 kg of explosives drove into the underground parking lot of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The explosion killed six people and injured more than 1,000 people. The goal of the terrorists was to destroy the North Tower, which, according to their calculations, was supposed to fall on the South Tower, which was supposed to lead to the destruction of both and mass casualties. After the terrorist attack, the alarm and fire safety systems were replaced.

On September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked two American Airlines planes and flew them into the North and then the South Tower. The first plane crashed into the North Tower between the 93rd and 99th floors, trapping 1,344 people on the upper floors, unable to use the elevators or emergency exits.

In the South Tower, one of the staircase openings remained intact, but not everyone was able to use it before the collapse. The South Tower collapsed at 9:59 am, the North Tower at 10:28 am. As a result of the terrorist attack, 2,752 people died - 200 of them jumped out of windows. 20 people were pulled out alive from the rubble.


World Trade Center. New York Twin Towers - Fallen Brothers

New Yorkers called the Twin Towers the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center, which were destroyed on September 11, 2001 as a result of a terrorist attack. This event became national tragedy for USA. It was not for nothing that the terrorists chose the Twin Towers as their target, because they were the national pride of the country, a symbol of democracy and a symbol of the greatness of the American people. Today we are reminded of Twins Towers by a huge memorial built on the site of the tragedy. In many Hollywood films released before the events of September 11, we can see a panorama of the City of Dreams of New York, in which the towers of the World Trade Center are always present. Gigantic “twins” were also traditionally depicted on tourist postcards of those times. And how many souvenirs were made related to these towers! Unfortunately, now these trinkets are more likely to remind us of the sad:

However, this article was not planned as an essay in memory of the fallen colossi, but rather as a story about an architectural masterpiece that fell into oblivion, but, nevertheless, retained a good memory of itself. It is natural that there is no project exactly copying the World Trade Center in the plans of American city planners. Why strive to repeat success? Let the Towers “live” in our hearts.

However, in addition to the memorial, it was decided to build several high-rise buildings on the area once occupied by the World Trade Center. Indeed, why shouldn’t such a tasty area of ​​Manhattan be empty? The Freedom Tower skyscraper, which will have a height of over 500 meters, is already at the construction stage. It will be approximately completed by 2013. In addition to this office building, there are 4 more projects, but they still only exist on paper. 3 high-rise towers and one residential building have been developed. These giants will grow next to the memorial on Greenwich Street.

Before we begin the story about Twins Towers, let's give a little explanation. The World Trade Center was in fact a complex of seven buildings, which included the ill-fated North and South Towers. Each of the towers contained 110 floors, but the height varied - for the South Tower it was 415 meters, and for the North Tower - 417. Nearby was the 22-storey Marriott hotel, which had the abbreviated name WTC-3. Three more buildings, WTC 4-6, each had 9 floors, and WTC 7, located across the street from the rest of the complex, contained 47 floors.

History of construction

The idea to build a grandiose skyscraper was born in post-war years. The US economy was actively recovering from the recession caused by World War II. In the 50s, most large companies located their offices in New York, namely in Manhattan. Influential businessman David Rockefeller, using the guarantee of his brother Nelson (who served as the city's governor), proposed to begin construction of the World Trade Center here. The project was supported by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The entire project was led by the Manhattan Creative Association, the head of which was David Rockefeller. It was assumed that the World Trade Center, upon completion of construction, would contain about 4% of all office real estate in the city.

For some time, the project remained only in the minds of his associates, but at the end of the 50s, the World Trade Center began to work closely. This was mainly due to the political situation in the country. In those years, US citizens had a noticeable decrease in faith in the further development of democracy and the prosperity of the country. It was then that the authorities decided to bring Rockefeller’s ideas to life, creating the World Trade Center “with the sauce” of a national project. According to the authorities, the gigantic complex could rally the entire people of America around itself. Famous architects vied with each other to propose their projects, but preference was given to the design of Minoru Yamasaki. This American architect of Japanese origin was the author of many beautiful projects, including: the airport in St. Louis, the Concrete Institute, and the Institute of Arts and Crafts in Detroit. Together with Minoru Yamasaki, the architect Antonio Brittechi, as well as the company Emiri Roth and Sons, worked on the concept of the World Trade Center.

In 1964, by order of the Port Authority, the first drawings of the future twin towers with a reduction of 130 times were created, and on August 5, 1966, construction of skyscrapers began.

From the very first days, various technical problems began to arise at the construction site. The site of future construction turned out to be not stone, but artificial soil, which was a mixture of cobblestones, sand, and pebbles. Therefore, to build the foundation of the Twins Tower, much more concrete was required than originally planned; this circumstance led to a sharp increase in construction costs.

Then they had to solve a complex engineering and technical problem. On the site of future skyscrapers, it was necessary to demolish about 160 buildings, but at the same time preserve all utilities (gas pipeline, water supply, sewerage, electrical cables, etc.), as well as the nearby high-speed highway and road network.

Another important problem was the underground line railway, passing in this place. It was impossible to close it, since every day tens of thousands of people traveled by subway to work and home. The authorities decided not to build alternative transport routes, as this would further increase the costs of building the towers. Therefore, the New York subway line operated until a new one was launched, with a station in the lowest tier of the World Trade Center complex.

More than 1.2 million cubic yards of earth had to be removed from the ground during the construction of Twins Tower. The formed pit became not only the foundation of the twin towers, but also the Plaza was organized in it, which is a huge space that housed a parking lot for 2000 cars, a new underground railway station, restaurants, offices of various companies, banks, warehouses, shops and etc.

According to the plan proposed by Minoru Yamasaki, the Twins Towers were to become not only the tallest skyscrapers in the United States of America, but also in the world. And this meant that the Twin Towers should be given greater height than the Empire State Building, which at that time firmly held the title of the largest building on the planet. An interesting thing was invented for this engineering solution. In fact, the towers were a very strong hollow metal pipe, created from columns with trusses for floors. Along the walls of the building there were 61 beams made of special steel. Each column had a diameter of 476.25 mm, they were installed tightly to each other. The distance between the beams was only 558.8 mm. Each such steel block weighed as much as 22 tons, and the height was equal to 4 floors of the future building! In total, about 210,000 tons of heavy-duty steel were used in the construction of the skyscrapers. The floors between floors were made of concrete slabs and corrugated steel, which were attached to the load-bearing elements of the entire structure. Steel columns were erected inside the buildings for future elevators.

The Twin Towers were the first building in the world without the use of masonry and engineers were afraid that high pressure air flow can disrupt normal work elevator shafts. Therefore, a special engineering system was developed for elevators, which was later called “dry-wall”. For a standard elevator system serving a skyscraper, it would be necessary to use almost half of the entire floor area of ​​the lower tier in order to place elevator shafts in it, which was not economically viable. Therefore, specialists from the Otis Elevators company have developed a special system, called “fast” and providing for the transfer of passengers on the 44th and 78th floors of buildings. Such an elevator system made it possible to reduce the number of elevator shafts by half compared to the traditional system. As a result, the Twins Tower complex had 239 elevators and 71 escalators. Each elevator was designed for a load capacity of 4535 kilograms, that is, it could simultaneously lift 55 people. The speed of the elevators was 8.5 meters per second. By the way, engineers also used this system of “transfers” when designing other skyscrapers that were born much later than Gemini.

During the construction of the facility, financial difficulties arose more than once, but despite this, construction not only did not stop, but also continued rapidly. In 1965-1970, New York authorities could not fully finance construction, so loan bonds were issued. In 1970, a major economic crisis struck, as a result of which payments on bonds were stopped by the authorities. At first, the administration decided to freeze construction for several years. But then this seditious idea was abandoned, because the prestige of the United States could have suffered greatly from these measures. Then economists developed another way of financing and the money was found. Taxes for entrepreneurs were raised, lease agreements for office space in the World Trade Center skyscrapers were concluded (with prepayment), etc.

Construction of the North Tower was completed in 1971, and two years later the South Tower was also commissioned. The official opening date of the World Trade Center in New York is April 4, 1973.

Characteristics of the World Trade Center Towers

As a result, the twin towers became the tallest skyscrapers in the United States. Each “giant brother” had 110 floors. The height of the 1st WTC building was 526.3 meters including the antenna. The last floor in the South Tower rose 411 m from the ground, and in the North Tower - 413! The depth of the foundation was 23 meters underground. The length of power cables exceeded 5,000 kilometers, and the total power electrical network amounted to about 80,000 kW. Thus, the builders really managed to bring to life the “Project of the Century,” which became one of the symbols of the United States and the pride of the American people.

IN last years During the existence of the Complex, about 50,000 people came to work at the World Trade Center every day, and another 200,000 people a week visited the World Trade Center as tourists.

An Observatory was established in the South Tower on the 107th floor. The observation deck offered a magnificent view of the city. In the North Tower, on the level between the 106th and 107th floors, there was a chic restaurant “Windows on the World”, which was opened in 1976 and was the highest “high-rise” food outlet in the world.

At that time, no one could have imagined that these towers would ever fall. After all, the frame of the building, according to engineers, could withstand a blow of colossal force, for example, when rammed by an airplane. Moreover, the towers were not afraid of the strongest gusts of wind that raged at an altitude of 400 meters. The design of the skyscrapers was highly durable and stable, thanks to facades made in the form of steel frames and aluminum modular sections built into them. These elements measured 10x3.5 meters. All technical tricks were in vain, since when the planes crashed, it was not the destructive force of the collision that played a decisive role, but heat. As a result of the explosion of fuel tanks containing over 5000 liters of gasoline, the steel was instantly heated to 1000 degrees Celsius! This is what triggered the collapse.


Currently, on the site of the twin towers, construction is underway of three new skyscrapers, under the working names Tower 2, 3 and 4, and a tower 541 meters high, which received the symbolic name Freedom Tower. All new buildings will be strikingly different from the first towers that fell in the terrorist attack. The groundbreaking ceremony for the new World Trade Center was held in July 2004, and construction began on April 27, 2006. The site is being developed by Larry Silverstein, a real estate entrepreneur. According to the plan, the completion of the Freedom Tower should take place before 2013. In addition to this tower, the new World Trade Center in New York will also include a residential skyscraper, three high-rise office buildings, a museum and memorial to the victims of the tragedy of September 11, 2001, as well as a concert and exhibition center. Many Americans dubbed the 540-meter skyscraper the "Tower of Fear" because... during its construction will be used innovative technologies, preventing destruction during a terrorist attack of any force. In particular, it is planned to cover the first 52 meters of the building in a concrete frame, and for exterior finishing use prismatic glass; this is the only way to avoid the notorious “stone bag” visual effect.

16 years have passed since the terrible fall of the Twin Towers in America on September 11, 2001. But the memories of that day still haunt millions of Americans. The destinies of many people were changed forever.

How many people died?

In addition to American citizens, representatives of other countries were also among the dead. Among the dead were 96 citizens from the former Soviet Union. At the end of the search and rescue operations, experts stated that approximately 10,000 fragments of human bones and tissues were found at the site of the fall of the buildings, which significantly increases the initial statistics of the incident. Fragments were found much later, in 2006, when Deutsche Bank was being reconstructed. Average age the number of deaths was 40 years.

Course of events

On September 9, terrorists hijacked four planes and were able to fly two of them to the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, and one to the Pentagon. The remaining plane crashed in Pennsylvania after the passengers were able to overpower the hijackers.

The day that started out bright blue sky, ended in a twisting mass of smoldering smoke from twisted metal where the huge buildings of the shopping center once stood. As a result of this incident, 2977 people died.

People's memory

The tragedy of September 11 occurred almost two decades ago. A quarter of Americans are too young to remember this disturbing event. “I have three children who do not remember the incident at all, since they were not born yet. But we, of course, do not want to forget, even as we live and face new challenges,” says one of the Americans.

So, in remembrance of that day, 23 images hang here, serving as reminders of what no American should forget. The tragedy has acquired enormous proportions. Witnesses to what happened can tell a lot.

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were symbols for New Yorkers. For decades, people looked up to them, and the structures stood firm. It was an encouraging sight. According to the American’s recollections, he visited the towers many times and looked at them many times. On the morning of September 11, he had just finished voting in Brooklyn when he looked up and saw one of the towers on fire. Just minutes later, a second plane crashed into another tower. Something was wrong.

When President George W. Bush was informed of the tragic incident, he was at a school event. The expression on his face, captured in the photograph, expresses almost every emotion. At that time, none of the government members knew what serious consequences this terrorist attack had for the country.

Major fire

The impact of the two fire jets was devastating. It broke steel structure towers and contributed to the ignition of fires that ultimately led to the destruction of the buildings. Warplanes took to the skies. Every non-military flight in US airspace was ordered to land.

Thousands of people were truly trapped on the upper floors of the towers. Many died instantly when the planes crashed into the buildings, and many more died when fires broke out and towers began to collapse. Some citizens jumped out of windows to escape the fire and smoke. A total of 2,606 people died in the towers.

The weather was wonderful, the sky was bright blue. The wind carried a massive plume of smoke over the city and New York Harbor. “Manhattan looked as if 10 megatons had exploded in it,” British writer Martin Amis later wrote.

Terrible outcome

The structure of the towers was so damaged that their collapse was an inevitable consequence of the impact. At the time, however, no one expected such a terrible outcome. People in the streets around the World Trade Center fled in panic. Buildings began to collapse one by one and fill the streets with rubble and dust.

The fires burned for hours and smoldered for days in a mass of twisting steel and rubble. Lower Manhattan, below 14th Street, will later be closed to non-rescue traffic.

The area around the World Trade Center was a scene of complete devastation. Smoke and dust hung in the air. Countless cars, trucks and rescue vehicles were destroyed.

Destroyed tower structure

The feeling of tragedy was everywhere. The New York City Fire Department lost its chaplain, Reverend Michael, who was killed by falling debris.

Little remains of the elegant facades of the Twin Towers, which Japanese architect Minoru Yamasaki designed to include narrow window openings and soaring arches.

Two 110-story towers overlooking the city were compressed into a twisted mass of molten metal. Welders spent months cutting away steel so the damaged structure could be dismantled.

Rescue work

The New York City Fire Department rushed to the scene and suffered incredibly high casualties as they tried to rescue people from the burning towers. As a result, 343 brigade members died during the suppression operation. The strong men could not stand it; tears kept running down their cheeks.

In the following days, rescuers arrived in New York from neighboring cities and states. The sight of the bodies in the rubble brought indescribable horror. A contrasting sign of indomitability was the moment when American flags were raised over the site of the tragedy.

Loved ones have posted photos of missing friends and family members in the desperate hope that they might be alive.

Tragedy brought everyone together

A city pulled together is something many Americans have never seen. Citizens lined the streets to cheer on the National Guard and rescue workers as they arrived in Manhattan for the mission that became known as Ground Zero.

The Americans were consumed by a thirst for revenge. Soon national troops were stationed in Afghanistan.

These attacks were not limited to New York. The Pentagon was also hit hard, killing 125 people.

The view of the Pentagon was also terrifying, but the military headquarters building itself did not collapse.

A new tower rose to Ground Zero along with a memorial. This gave many Americans a sense of pride when it opened. But this is not enough to make people forget this terrible day, on which many lives were cut short. America itself at this moment changed radically.

The new architecture of lower Manhattan stands proudly above New York City. Here is the famous Oculus, from where you can once again look at the endless space of the city from above.

Commemorative Memorial

In memory of the enormous losses of the 2001 terrorist attacks, a museum was opened in New York, the exhibition of which is constantly expanding. According to American media reports, the memorial was visited by more than 900 thousand people.

Here you can see fragments of the steel frame of skyscrapers, a mangled fire truck that participated in putting out the fire, many photographs depicting those killed on that ill-fated day and stunning videos.

Viewers can also see the jacket of a fighter who took part in the elimination of the largest terrorist Osama bin Laden, and a symbolic coin that belonged to the CIA officer who tracked down the dangerous terrorist.

The exhibits on display at the memorial provide citizens with an opportunity to pay tribute to the courage of the many people who sacrificed their lives for their country.

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