How to feed beets and carrots in July. How to feed beets and carrots with folk remedies

July - time to feed carrots and beets: 5 best remedies

Do you want to grow tasty, large, healthy carrots and beets that you will be proud of? autumn harvest harvest? Be sure to feed the plants in July. During this month, root crops actively grow, wasting nutrients from the soil. And their supply is limited! Therefore, it is impossible to do without help from outside.

Although carrots and beets are unpretentious plants in the garden, they still require careful attention. My experience in growing root crops in the country suggested 3 principles of cultivation: merciless thinning of seedlings after germination, watering as needed and summer feeding.

Basics of July feeding of carrots and beets: carefully

Root crop farming is not a difficult task if you know the needs of the plant. Regarding fertilizing, I can highlight 3 main comments. I recommend listening to these tips and using them in your garden to get a rich harvest:

1. In July, you should not fertilize the bed with root vegetables with fresh manure. For carrots, such a treat is akin to poison: with a high probability, the plant will die in the next week. The beets will survive, but you can only dream of a good harvest.

2. Once mid-July has passed, no longer use mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. Otherwise, carrots and beets will intensively grow tops, and the development of root crops in the ground will suffer. As a result, the harvest will be small and few in number.

3. Carrots and beets are not the most demanding plants when it comes to feeding. For normal development, it is enough to feed only once - in July! But you can’t do without periodic loosening and careful weeding.

Top dressing for carrots and beets in July

I love experimenting with folk remedies. I haven’t tried anything! From my experience, I will highlight 5 traditional supplements that give good results. I hope you will find something suitable for yourself in it.

Improving the taste

At this point I will note 2 substances at once, because the first is suitable for improving the taste of carrots, the second - of beets, solving one problem.

For carrots We use boric acid in powder form. This substance, which is available in every pharmacy, among others useful properties there is one very important thing - it promotes the influx and accumulation of sugar to the fruit. Boric acid makes the taste sweeter. I use it to feed carrots. It is very simple to use the product by preparing a solution: 10 g per 10 liters of water. You can use a garden sprayer for spraying - it’s very convenient, I tell you! But I prefer not to bother: I just water the bed with a watering can, trying to get as much of the tops as possible.

Analogue boric acid for beetssalt . If you feed root vegetables with a weak solution, you will protect them from bitterness. I dissolve 1 tsp. salt in 1 liter of water and spray the beets. To ensure maximum results, I try to repeat the procedure every 10-14 days.

Growing by leaps and bounds

Yeast is useful for all garden plantings. Among all their beneficial properties are improving soil microflora, stimulating growth, increasing plant immunity, and a nutrition accelerator (helps organic matter in the soil break down into substances that can be absorbed by plantings). This means that carrots and beets will begin to actively gain weight.

Advice: They write on the Internet that yeast feeding of beets and carrots is useful in prolonged rainy weather and in general in cold and cloudy summers.

To prepare yeast nutrition, mix in a bucket:

Approximately 10 liters of warm water;

1 packet of dry baker's yeast;

2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.

Place the solution in a warm place for 2 hours. Then you can go water the carrots and beets in the garden.

Nettle infusion: when weeds are beneficial

Experienced vegetable growers recommend using green fertilizer from weeds in the first half of July. The product turns out rich organic substances, which help to grow powerful and healthy root crops.

I make fertilizer like this: I take a small barrel, put in fresh nettles (more than half) and fill it with water. Don’t forget to wear gloves when working with the “jagal” to avoid injury. I put it under tight closed lid to the far corner of the garden for 2 weeks, because, to be honest, the smell will not be pleasant. After 14 days, I dilute the resulting infusion: I pour about 1 liter into a bucket and add water for irrigation. This is good for both beets and carrots!

Ash is a unique handy fertilizer

I confess that wood ash is my favorite way to feed all the plants in the country. The secret is that it contains a lot of micro- and macroelements, needed by plants. Full list depends on the species, age and other characteristics of the tree, but the ash is always rich in potassium and magnesium, vital for carrots and beets. And to get ash, it’s enough to burn a couple of logs! You can simply scatter the ash; for quick and maximum effect, make a watering solution: 3 cups of ash per bucket.

It is performed on different stages using also inorganic species.

Types of feeding

Fertilizer application is effective assistance obtain additional mineral trace elements necessary for the normal development of the vegetable. There are two types of beet feeding: foliar and root.


Used to strengthen shoots and leaves at the initial stage of plant development. Foliar fertilizer for beets is not mandatory and cannot replace root fertilizer, but certain moments is the best assistant for troubleshooting and has a number of advantages:

  • with a solution with fertilizers nutrients distributed evenly throughout the plant;
  • useful material fall on the leaves and are immediately absorbed by the plant, as a result of which microelements are absorbed quickly and in full;
  • the ability to fertilize the plant later development, without the risk of damaging the root crop.


To carry out root nutrition of the plant, nutrients are introduced not under the root, but into special 3-4 cm depressions made between the beet rows. After applying fertilizers to the soil, abundant fertilizer is produced.

Foliar Fertilizer Options

There are several effective options for foliar feeding for root crops.

  • Manganese - prevents the possibility of infection of the plant with a disease such as rotten stem. It is a source of essential microelements. Manganese solution is used to water up to five times per season. In 10 liters warm water dissolve a teaspoon of manganese, and water with this mixture.

  • Urea is a nutrient. Dissolve 10 grams of urea in 5 liters of warm water and leave for 20 minutes. Then you need to carefully crush and spray on the plants without flooding them. It is advisable to perform the procedure in the evening, after 18 hours.

How to feed beets: root feeding

During certain periods of beet growth, the plant needs different nutrition. In fertile soil, fertilizing is used to correct the growth and development of root crops; in acidic soil, constant monitoring is required.

The main components are phosphorus and phosphorus, they are added in the form of organic and mineral substances.

The plant itself will tell you how to fertilize beets. appearance. If the leaves of a plant have lightened, then it lacks, darkened - phosphorus, yellowed - iron, reddened - potassium and magnesium. When the correct fertilizer is applied, the color of the leaves and tops is restored.


The best way to grow beets without nitrates is to use organic fertilizers. Nitrogen is found in mullein or bird droppings. The source of potassium is , sodium is rock salt.

  • - useful fertilizer, in which the ideal ratio of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Beneficial substances remain in the soil for another three years. Initially, liquid fertilizer is prepared from 1.5 kg of chicken manure and 10 liters of water, which should ferment outside for up to 10 days. The resulting mixture is diluted to the desired condition. Feeding with this mixture is carried out only once, at the stage of the appearance of the second pair of leaves.

Important! Water the ground between the rows of beets with chicken droppings so that the fertilizer does not get on the plant, as it can get burned.

The root crop is treated with saline solution three times: when three pairs of leaves appear, when the root crop looks 3 cm out of the ground, and 14 days after the second watering.

Did you know? Thanks to the resulting sodium, the presence of sugar in beets increases, bitterness goes away, and the preservation of the root crop increases.


The first feeding occurs immediately after thinning the beet beds. To do this, dilute 15 g, 15 g of potassium sulfate, 15 g in 5 liters of water. This solution is enough to treat 5 linear meters of beds.

Potassium phosphate fertilizers are added to the second mineral fertilizing. There is a large selection of these fertilizers on sale.

It is important to think about what to feed carrots after germination. To form tasty and healthy root crops, it is necessary to select and apply fertilizer correctly. Not only a deficiency, but also an excess of fertilizing can be harmful to the vegetable.

Before planting seeds in the ground, it is useful to soak them in nutrient solutions. For example, the following recipe is suitable: 1 gram of potassium permanganate and 2.5 ml of any liquid fertilizer are dissolved in a liter of warm water. Traditionally, gardeners like to treat cultivated plants with mullein.

Step by step work

start in spring preparatory work. How can you feed the soil at this stage? Fertilizers are applied to the soil before planting carrots: you can use saltpeter, superphosphate, and potassium chloride.

It should be borne in mind that carrot seeds absorb a lot of water during germination, so you need to water the beds abundantly before and after planting.

How should you feed carrots during the growth period to avoid problems? The standard feeding scheme throughout the entire season of plant growth and maturation includes several stages.

It is necessary to carry out at least four feedings of carrots:

  1. The first fertilizing is carried out after thinning the beds. By this time, several leaves should already appear. A mixture containing potassium magnesium, urea and superphosphate may be suitable. All these components are diluted in 10 liters of water.
  2. The ideal time for the second feeding is considered to be 2.5 weeks after the previous one. You can feed it with ash or buy ready-made fertilizers: Nitrophoska, Mortar or Kemira Universal. The dosage is approximately 60 g per 10 liters of water.
  3. The third feeding is carried out in the summer, when the root crop is gaining strength. Fertilizers should be applied to increase sugar content. Dry ash or an infusion of it may be useful.
  4. What is the last thing to fertilize carrots with? The last feeding in the garden is necessary to reduce the amount of nitrates in the root crop. Conducted a month before harvest. Usually a solution of potassium sulfate or potassium chloride is used along with wood ash.

With this method of care cultivated plants the desired result will be obtained. The tops will be smooth and green, and the root crop will be straight, juicy, tasty and healthy.

For sweetness, carrots are treated in August with boron and manganese. Not only the sugar content increases, but also the vitamin content. You need to take 5 ml of boron and manganese and dilute them in 10 liters of water. Water between rows. After fertilizing, it is recommended to water the beds with clean water.

Carrots can be fertilized for growth with special purchased fertilizers. Dilution must be done strictly according to the instructions included with each package:

  1. The use of the drug Kemira Universal leads to intensive growth of the plant, including root crops. The amount of sugar and vitamins increases. The composition contains useful nitroammophoska.
  2. Gardeners often choose Agricola 4 nutrition for carrots because of its rich composition. The composition contains organic and mineral components. Can be used for root and foliar nutrition. Fertilizing should be stopped two weeks before harvest.

It is important to correctly calculate the amount of each ingredient, since an excess of substances can be more dangerous than a deficiency.

Folk recipes

How can you feed carrots without purchased solutions? Many gardeners prefer to use mineral fertilizers for carrots, and prepare the compositions yourself. Folk remedies based on ash, herbs, yeast and other components are popular.

It is useful to feed carrots with nettle infusion. The grass contains many fertilizing microelements: potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium. Chopped nettle stems are placed in the prepared container and filled with water. Cover with a lid and leave to ferment for a couple of days.

To ensure that the infusion ferments well, you can add a pack of yeast and ash. Before feeding, 60 ml of solution is diluted with 10 liters of water.

If the tops look unimportant, they can be used outside root feeding. To do this, the fermented composition is filtered, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20 and sprayed on the tops. She will not only receive useful substances, but will also be protected from pests.

Among the common ingredients for feeding carrots using folk remedies, wood ash is very popular.

Feeding carrots open ground at any stage of vegetable development it may be accompanied by ash. You can simply sprinkle it on the ground where carrots grow, or you can make an infusion. It is necessary to pour 60-70 g of ash into a liter of boiled water and leave for two days. The resulting solution is diluted in 10 liters of liquid before watering.

Ash not only has useful components, but also can repel many pests. To repel insects, it is useful to cultivate the soil between rows every 10 days.

Is it possible to feed a vegetable with yeast solutions? Yeast feeding will make up for the lack of phosphorus and nitrogen, and enrich the soil with vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the nutritional basis, the quality of the root crop improves and the activity of the beneficial microflora of the earth increases. You can use both fresh and dry yeast.

If you make a recipe from fresh yeast, then take 500 g of raw material and dissolve it in 2.5 liters of water. Before use, the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. You will need 5 g of dry yeast. They are dissolved in 5 liters of water and 35 g of sugar are added. Then the mass should be left to infuse for two hours. Before watering, dilute in water in a ratio of 1:5.

It is recommended to feed carrots with yeast mixtures in warm weather. Their use occurs during the third feeding. It is best mixed with wood ash as the yeast absorbs the potassium.

At any stage of feeding, you can use chicken manure. Before watering the beds between the plants, chicken manure is poured with water, left for 5 days, and then diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. You cannot treat the soil with undiluted chicken manure - this will lead to the death of the vegetable.

After planting, it is recommended to treat carrots with compounds that contain iodine. It activates growth, the taste of root vegetables becomes juicy and enriched with vitamins. Once in the soil or on tops, it acts as an antiseptic. It is enough to dilute two drops of iodine in a liter of water.

Water, milk and iodine will help protect the plant from diseases and pests. Enveloping each leaf, the composition forms a white film that prevents the penetration of pathogens.

You can feed carrots with fresh mullein. But you should not overuse this fertilizer for carrots, as the level of nitrates in the vegetable increases. In addition, the greenery becomes lush, and the growth of root crops stops. You can sprinkle mullein on the ground in the spring while digging, or you can prepare an infusion and spray it on a green plant.

An infusion with mullein is easy to prepare. Manure is poured into the container and filled with water (1:5). It is recommended to additionally add wood ash. Leave to infuse for two weeks. Before watering the beds, the solution is diluted with water (1:10). A month before harvest, treatment with mullein is stopped.

You can get a good harvest of beets or carrots without much effort. These crops are unpretentious and do not require special attention from the summer resident. However, if desired, the yield of these plants can be significantly increased. For this purpose, mineral and organic fertilizers. About how to feed beets and carrots to obtain large quantity juicy and sweet root vegetables, and we’ll talk further.

Preparing beds for beets

It is worth fertilizing the soil in the area allocated for this crop in the fall. To do this, ordinary manure is scattered on the ground (in a layer of 5 cm). Next, the area is dug up using a shovel, breaking up large lumps.

A good answer to the question of how to feed beets in the spring before planting is ordinary wood ash. This “folk” fertilizer saturates the soil simply a huge amount microelements. The addition of ash is also useful because it can neutralize acidic soils. And this can contribute to a significant increase in beet yield.

How to feed beets after germination

The peculiarity of this culture is that it is capable of accumulating significant amounts of nitrates. Therefore, chemical fertilizers should be applied to it with extreme caution. This is especially true for nitrogen fertilizing. The application of potassium fertilizers containing chlorine, on the contrary, can help reduce nitrates in root crops. Also, phosphorus fertilizers are very useful for young beets. The use of preparations of this type accelerates the formation of root crops and stimulates the growth of green mass.

Thus, it will be very useful to feed young beets (after 3-4 true leaves appear on them) with potassium chloride and superphosphate. To do this, not too deep grooves are first made between the rows at a distance of approximately 5-8 cm from the plant stems. Fertilizers are applied in rotation. That is, potassium is poured into the first groove, superphosphate into the second, etc. Next, fill the grooves with soil and water the bed. Potassium chloride is used in an amount of about 5-10 g per meter, superphosphate - 5 g per meter. There is another answer to the question of how to feed beets for growth in the spring. The complex fertilizer “Kemira for beets” stimulates the development of this crop very well.

Fertilizing in summer

Next, let's look at what to feed beets for growth in June. In summer, regular mullein can be used to stimulate the development of all parts of this plant. A very good solution would be to add the same potassium chloride to it (in the amount of 20 g per 10 l). The mullein itself is bred in a ratio of 1x10.

Sometimes, during a rainy summer, nitrogen is washed out of the soil in beet beds, and the plants begin to lack it. In this case, their leaves become lighter and their petioles become thinner. How to feed beets in this case? The answer to this question is simple. In order to correct the situation, you should use regular urea (1 tsp per 5 l). Foliar feeding with this preparation should be done immediately after signs of nitrogen deficiency are noticed.

At the end of July - beginning of August, root crops begin to actively develop. During this period, superphosphate can be an excellent answer to the question of how to feed beets. It should be used in an amount of 5 g per square meter. The last time fertilizing is applied to beet beds no later than 20 days before harvest.

What to do if the beets are unsweetened

Using the plant feeding technology described above, you can get a very good harvest. However, quantity is, of course, not everything. No less important is the quality of the root crops. Sometimes it happens that they acquire a bitter, not very pleasant aftertaste. A good answer to the question of how to feed beets so that they are sweet and juicy is ordinary solution table salt. They shed the soil in early August. Salt is diluted with water in the amount of 1 tsp. by 0.5 liters. This dose of fertilizing is designed for one plant.

Do carrots need feeding before planting?

So, we found out what you can feed beets with to get good harvest. Now let's see what drugs can be used to increase the yield of another popular root vegetable - carrots. This crop is usually fertilized only with minerals. Organics cannot be added to it. If you fertilize carrots with manure, compost or peat, their tops will begin to develop rapidly. In this case, root crops will grow clumsy, “shaggy”, tasteless and will be stored very poorly.

The only thing that is allowed to be done is to plant carrots in the place where crops fertilized with manure or compost grew in previous years.

How to fertilize young carrots

For the first time, this crop is fed two weeks after the shoots appear. In this case, 20 g of potassium nitrate, 15 g of urea and 15 g of double superphosphate are mixed. The resulting composition is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Two weeks after the first feeding, do the second. This time they use complex fertilizer. This could be, for example, “Kemira Universal”, “Nitrophoska” or “Solution”. Fertilizer is applied in the amount specified in the instructions for this particular preparation.

The drug "Kemira" is, in any case, just an excellent answer to the question of what to feed beets and carrots for growth. This fertilizer has a positive effect on the development of root crops and the entire plant as a whole. It also contains substances that increase the content of sugar and vitamins in root vegetables. "Kemira Universal" contains nitroammophoska, which is very useful for plants with percentage nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus 10x20x20.

Feeding carrots in summer

This crop is fertilized for the third time in June, during the period of its active growth. In this case, wood ash is usually used. This substance is simply an excellent answer to the question of how to feed beets and carrots to stimulate their growth and improve the quality of root crops.

The ash should be scattered over the soil in a thin layer, and then watered. After the soil dries a little, it needs to be loosened, while adding fertilizer to it.

The last time the carrots are fed is to reduce the nitrate content in them. As in the case of beets, potassium sulfate or potassium chloride is used for this. The dosage of the first drug is 2 tbsp./l. per bucket of water, the second - 15 grams. for 10 liters. If desired, during this period the beds can be sprinkled again with a small amount wood ash. In this case, the carrot roots will acquire a richer taste and become a little sweeter.

Well, now you know what to feed beets and carrots for growth. With strict adherence to fertilizer application technology, it is possible not only to significantly increase the yield of these crops, but also to improve the taste of root crops.

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