What to do if it says it is impossible to read the data. Solution: Unarc dll returned error code

Sometimes Code 1 blue screen errors related to hardware can be caused by corrupted random access memory (RAM). If you are experiencing random computer reboots, beeping sounds on startup, or other computer problems (in addition to BSOD 1 errors), then it is highly likely that your memory is corrupted. In fact, almost 10% of application crashes on Windows OS are caused by memory corruption.

If you have recently added new memory to your computer, we recommend temporarily removing it to make sure it is not the cause of the Code 1 error. If this action clears the BSOD, then that is the source of the problem, and therefore the new memory is either incompatible with some other device. either your equipment or is damaged. In this case, you will need to replace new memory modules.

If you did not add new memory, the next step is to run a diagnostic test on your computer's existing memory. A memory test will scan for severe memory failures and intermittent errors that could be causing your Blue Screen of Death 1.

Although the latest Windows versions contain a utility for testing RAM, I highly recommend using Memtest86 instead. Memtest86 is a testing tool software BIOS-based, unlike other test programs run in the Windows environment. The advantage of this approach is that the utility allows you to check ALL operating memory for Code 1 errors, while other programs cannot check memory areas occupied by the program itself. operating system and other running programs.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove errors containing Error 6 keys is not recommended unless you are a PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can render your PC inoperable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster [Download] (developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any Error 6-related issues. Using Registry Cleaner [Download] can automate the process of searching for damaged registry entries, references to missing files (for example, causing the error%%error_name%%) and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy is automatically created, allowing you to undo any changes with one click and protecting you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors [Download] can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows Registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall Windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before you manually repair the Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting the part of the registry associated with Error 6 (for example, The Sims):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the Error 6-related key (for example, The Sims) that you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to Select the folder where you want to save your backup copy of The Sims key.
  11. In field File name Enter a name for the backup file, such as "The Sims backup."
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your The Sims-related registry entry.

The following steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information about editing the registry manually, please check out the links below.

After downloading an archive containing the installer of a game, a message appears indicating that the archive is damaged: “Unarc.dll returned an error code...” A similar failure occurs during installation after unpacking performed using the Inno installer.

The error code can be indicated by a number from 1 to 14. But the archive may be in order. Let's look at different causes of errors and ways to fix them.

If you are a gamer, then you may sometimes encounter unarc.dll errors.

The message “unarc dll returned error code 1” indicates problems unpacking the archive. Usually in this case, unpacking on another device is carried out without complications. The following options are possible:

  1. The problem occurs due to the presence of a defender on the PC, which blocks the unpacking of the archive and the launch of the game/program. Therefore, you just need to disable the defender. Done this way:
  • In Control Panel, search for Windows Defender.
  • After launching the defender, go to the “Options” button.
  • Disable the defender in the "Real-time protection" section.

Another antivirus may also block the program. Disable your antivirus temporarily, but remember that you will be putting your PC at risk.

  1. The archive was damaged during download.

You can check its integrity in the Total Commander program. Go to “File”, click on “Check Archive”. If the program shows an error, download the file you need from another location.

Code 6

This error most often appears during the installation process of a program/game. If you receive the message “unarc dll returned error code 6,” please note that the cause is usually the hard drive. Check by copying the file to another medium (flash drive, disk). If the transfer is successful, it means that the problem is in your computer - its hard drive. We fix it by following the steps of the algorithm:

  • Launch Command Prompt. When activating, select run as administrator.
  • Enter “Chkdsk C: /F /R” into the command line - for the FAT file system, Chkdsk C: /F /R /B for the NTFS file system.
  • Pressing "Enter" will run the command. Please note that checking and correcting the disc will take up to 5 hours.

There is a solution for such cases too. Since it is impossible to manually correct such failures (even if original libraries copied from another computer with a similar OS or downloaded from the Internet are integrated into the system), they must be restored. We do not consider rolling back the system, because the components could have been damaged quite a long time ago, and there is no checkpoint for recovery.

You can check the system with the sfc scannow command, which is entered in the appropriate console. The easiest way is to use special utilities like DLL Suite or Microsoft Fix It!, which will perform all operations automatically without user intervention.


To conclude the topic, it remains to add that the most common failures are precisely archived data errors, so it is better not to use various kinds of repacks, but to install the games you like or love using official distributions. Only in this case can we guarantee that the installation will be successful and that no problems will arise during the installation process.

Just in case, archiver programs should also be kept up to date, because new versions with which archives are created require more powerful compression using updated algorithms, and outdated modifications may not support such technologies.

Finally, issues related to damage to RAM sticks and any other physical failures were not considered here.

When extracting from the archive and installing repacks of pirated versions of video games and computer programs, users encounter errors with the unarc.dll library. This problem is common among gamers and appears on computers with Windows 7 and 8. The error code may be different, the main thing you should pay attention to is the notification text in the sign. If you see such an error, do not rush to download RePack games again or from another source, even if you see a message that the archive cannot be unpacked because it is damaged. In fact, there is a 99% chance that everything is fine with the game or program files. Here the matter is different. And to figure it out, you need to pay attention not to the error code, but to the message after ERROR.

This is how the error is described in this screenshot:

If the description contains the words “failed CRC Check”, it means that the downloaded archive actually has errors (it is damaged and cannot be unpacked). What to do in such a situation is clear: download the assembly from another site and unpack it. And if the error description contains the words “decompression failed” (see screenshot below the text), everything is fine with the archive and we look for the problem on the computer.

If you see in the notification sign that “unarc dll returns error code 7,” it means that your computer does not have the archiver program necessary to unpack the game files. Often such errors occur when installing pirated versions of programs and computer games. Licensed assemblies contain all the necessary libraries, since the developers do not set themselves the goal of reducing the size of the archive with files. Also, during assembly, official games and programs are archived using proven “packers and unpackers” of files. But when creating repacks, “pirates” often archive large volumes of games using non-standard archivers that have a high compression ratio. Most often used:

Downloading a universal archiving program or a new build of the game solves the library problem unarc.dll in 92% of cases. And the remaining 8% are individual problems. If the methods we suggested did not help you, look for a specific reason. Let's look at them in more detail.

Cyrillic in the folder name

This is, by the way, one of the most common problems when installing a computer game. If the folder where you install a game or program contains Russian letters, errors may occur during installation or startup.

The way out in such a situation is simple - write English name games and reinstall it. Perhaps this will solve the problem with installation or startup.

Incorrectly configured pagefile.sys (Windows swap file)

You should look for the cause of the error in the OS swap file. This system file may be incorrectly configured (insufficient in size) or missing from the system altogether (you deleted it for some reason). When you unpack a game that is too large, the system uses RAM and page file resources. If the volume is too small, you will see a “decompression failed” error message. There is only one way out - configure pagefile.sys.

To do this, click on Win+R and enter the following command in the window: sysdm.cpl

On the "Advanced" tab, go to "Options":

From there, go to the “Advanced” tab, where you need to select the “Virtual Memory” section. To change its parameters, click on the corresponding button. You will see a window:

The volume for the paging file is selected automatically, as evidenced by the checkbox next to the corresponding item. Uncheck this box and select a disk location for the paging file. It is advisable not to place it on the system disk. It will be optimal if the paging file is placed where there is the most free space. Now we need to specify its size. It should be equal to the amount of RAM. Once you have decided on the size, click on the appropriate button to change its parameters. Save your settings.

RAM (random access memory)

This reason is rare. Possibly due to a library error unarc.dll caused by a malfunction of one of the RAM sticks. To check this version, use two options. The first one is not fast, inconvenient and not suitable for untrained users. First, remove all RAM modules, and then turn on one at a time and check whether the archive with the game or program is unpacked.

The second option is faster and more reliable. You can use special utilities to check RAM modules. We recommend for advanced users. Beginners can test RAM like this:

Click Start and write “Diagnose computer memory problems.” Clicking on the icon will open a window:


Library downloaded to PC unarc.dll will not solve the problem, perhaps it will only change the error code number. If the methods we have discussed do not work, there is only one way out - to reinstall the system.

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Many fans of modern computer games, when installing them on a personal computer, have probably encountered such a problem when the installation is about to complete, but instead of successful completion, a message appears like “Unarc.dll returned error code 6.” What could be the cause of this problem? How to correct the situation in this case? Now we will look at this issue using simple examples.

What does the failure “Unarc.dll returned error code 6” mean?

Before you begin to solve problems associated with this type of error, you need to understand the reasons for their occurrence. In most cases, they only occur when using unofficial installation assemblies downloaded from the Internet. Such assemblies are also commonly called Re-Pack. Most often, these are, unfortunately, not “native” distributions of computer games, but custom sets that may lack some important components. Moreover, they are usually presented in the form of archives, when working with which many problems can arise. A special decompressor program, as well as two dynamic libraries Unarc.dll and ISDone.dll, are responsible for installing computer games. Error code 6 s various descriptions failure may indicate the most common causes of problems. These include the following reasons:

  • Damage to the downloaded archive with loss of integrity;
  • creating an archive with a higher version of the archiver than the one used for unpacking;
  • failures in dynamic libraries;
  • viral infection of the archive contents.

Errors in installation distribution components

For a gamer, the most unpleasant situation is the occurrence of an installation error at the final stage of installing the game. The installation may be 95-99% complete when a critical failure suddenly occurs. The reason for this problem is very simple. The Unarc.dll component produces error 6 if installation and unpacking of the last missing components suddenly becomes impossible. These are, as a rule, precisely those archives in which content is retrieved last. With official distributions this problem does not arise only because the set contains its own decompressor, and the files themselves are in the form of self-extracting archives. During the unpacking process, the installer accesses the archiver installed on the system. This archiver must correspond to the modification of the program with which the archive was originally created. In the description, you can often find phrases like “Decompression failed” or “Unarc.dll returned error code 6.Error.Filerea doperation failed.” The first error indicates that the archiver cannot decompress the file contents. The second error indicates that the installer cannot recognize (read) the file.

Unarc.dll returned error code 6: how to fix the failure in the simplest way

The first and easiest way to resolve the error if the archive is damaged is to try to download it to your computer again. Very often situations arise in which the file simply does not load. If downloading the file again does not give a positive result, and the archiver reports in an error message that reading RCCheck data failed, then you need to look for an undamaged archive on another resource and download it to your computer.

Solving problems related to archivers

When the installer accesses the archiver installed in the operating system, or the user independently extracts the contents of the archive during the installation process, a situation may also arise when a warning appears that Unarc.dll returned error code 6. The problem most often lies in the fact that the version compression program lower than the one with which the archive was compressed. The most simple example is an attempt to unpack archives created using WinRAR fifth modification with a similar application of the fourth version. To get out of this situation, you need to try installing the desired version of the archiver or replacing it with any other equivalent, for example, 7_Zip or WinZIP. As for packaging an archive using the 7-Zip program, in some cases non-standard enhanced compression methods may be used that do not support WinZIP and WinRAR. In this case, content extraction must be performed by the original application.

Problems associated with viral infection

One cannot underestimate such an important factor as viral infection. Both the archive itself and the dynamic libraries that are involved in the game installation process can be infected. In the first case, you need to check the archive for viruses before unpacking it. In the second case, it is recommended to perform a full check of all computer system by activating in-depth analysis.

How can I fix failures of dynamic components that are involved in the installation process?

The message “Unarc.dll returned error code 6” may appear if the dynamic components themselves fail, as a result of a critical impact on the OS. This may be due to incorrect shutdown, system component errors, and voltage surges. There is also a solution for such cases. Since it is impossible to manually correct such failures, even if original libraries are integrated into the system, by copying them from a computer with a similar operating system or downloaded from the Internet, it is necessary to restore them. In this case, we will not consider system rollback. The components may have been damaged for quite some time, and there is simply no checkpoint to restore them. You can check the system by entering the sfcscannow command in the appropriate console. You can use special utilities for this purpose such as MicrosoftFixIt! or DLLSuite. These programs will automatically perform all operations without user intervention.


In conclusion of this topic, I would like to add that the most common failures are errors in archived data. For this reason, it is better not to use so-called re-packs. The best solution The problem in this case will be installing your favorite computer games using official distributions. Only in this case can we give a 100% guarantee that the installation will be completed successfully and that no problems will arise during the installation process. Also, just in case, you should keep archiver programs up to date. New versions of the programs used to create archives offer more powerful compression using updated algorithms. Outdated modifications may simply not support such technologies. In this review, we also did not consider issues related to failures physical plane, for example, with damage to the RAM sticks.

When installing games or programs that are commonly called “repacks,” the error “Unarc.dll returned error code 7” often appears. How to fix it? There are several ways, since the error itself may have several causes that are in no way related to each other. One solution to the problem helps some people, another helps others, in this article we decided to list them all, as well as give some recommendations for those for whom the troubleshooting tips, which are most often the solution to the problem, will not help.

When does the "Unarc.dll returned error code 7" message appear?

Most often, as already mentioned, when installing games and programs, from which, when removing the components responsible for checking valid permissions (license, keygen, etc.), the necessary ones were incorrectly cut out normal operation program files. The games whose repacks most often encounter this error are the following:

Fallout 4,
- Outlast (Outlast 2),
-Dark souls,
-Resident evil,
- Witcher,
- Bioshock infinite,

The list goes on for a long time. In most cases, users who are not helped to resolve the issue with the Unarc.dll library by being asked to download another repack (for example, from Mechanics), in order to correct the error when installing the game, can do the following:

Error with Unarc.dll - fix it by changing the archiver

We pass along the way: Start - Control Panel (to display full list also select on the right in the corner View: Category - Switch to Small icons) - Programs and components and see what archiver you have. The most common are WinRar, 7-zip, WinZip, Hamster Archiver (we do not recommend installing). The logic is simple - if you have, say, Winrar, remove it and install WinZip or 7-Zip. If you have a 32-bit version of the archiver, install the 64-bit one, this often helps.

This could also be the reason, because when installing the game, the error “Unarc.dll returned error code 7” appears, followed by the comment “ERROR: Archive data corrupted (decompression fails)”, which in the correct translation means “Archive data is corrupted (unpacking error)” ". That is, the reason is either in the archiver, which cannot extract data from the archive, or in the data itself, which was initially damaged in the archive. If you install the game from an unpacked folder, the archiver is also used, the installer unpacks many archives during the installation process. Another possible reason related to archives is an antivirus program or SmartScreen filter, which prevent archive contents that they consider to be suspicious from being unpacked on your computer. But more on that below.

Manually adding a swap file

The archive may not be unpacked properly due to insufficient RAM, into which the installer cannot write the installed files. It is recommended to install the paging file twice as large as the actual installed physical RAM. Do the following: Start - right-click on This PC - Properties - Extra options system - Advanced - Item Performance (Options) - Advanced - Change - Uncheck "Automatically select the size of the paging file" if it is checked - Check the box "Specify size" - Specify (depending on the availability of free space on drive C) 16000 megabytes and above - click "Set" - OK - OK, reboot, check whether the message Unarc.dll returned error code 7 now appears?

Unarc.dll returned error code 7 - to fix it, disable SmartScreen

The SmartScreen filter is a kind of addition to the existing antivirus program in Windows. It makes sure that content that reaches your computer from the Internet or other sources does not run without permission. If SmartScreen “does not trust” your folder or archive with a program or game, during installation you may receive an error for the Unarc.dll library, since user actions will be blocked. A number of users and system administrators consider the SmartScreen filter to be useless in everyday use and recommend disabling it.

The Smart Screen filter is disabled in Windows 10 as follows:

Press the key combination Win+R (Win is the key with Windows icon in the bottom row of the keyboard) and enter regedit in the window that appears, press Enter. The Registry Editor starts. Next, go to the left to the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Policies\ Microsoft\ Windows\ System. Click on System, on the right in the empty space that appears, right-click, select “Create” - “32-bit DWORD Value”, give the name EnableSmartScreen (necessarily without spaces) and the value 0 for it. Save, reload.

Tips on how to fix the error "Unarc.dll returned error code 7" if the previous ones did not help

- Make sure that the disk on which you are unpacking the archive has enough free space. remember that files after unpacking can weigh much more than in the archive. That is, if the folder with the installer weighs, say, 5 gigabytes and you have 10 gigabytes of free space on your disk, when installing the game the error “Unarc.dll returned error code 7” may well appear, since after unpacking into temporary directories the folder will weigh in total more than 10 gigabytes,

Disable your antivirus program, if it is free, remove it altogether for the purity of the experiment. Or in the settings, specify the folder from which the installation takes place - a folder that the antivirus program should not monitor, add it to the exceptions.

If, when installing a game, it is possible to select the installer language, select Russian instead of English, this sometimes helps,

Select any drive other than the system drive (that is, drive C) as the installation location.

Search for the unarc.dll library on your computer. If it is there, remove it, it may interfere with the normal installation of the game or program in this case,

Start - Control Panel - Accounts users - Change User Account Control settings - Slider down, click OK - Yes,

Rehash the torrent, if the game is downloaded from a torrent, often the message “Unarc.dll returned error code 7” disappears after that. Sometimes it helps to re-download the entire torrent with the game after deleting the existing one,

Copy the installer files to a folder on the disk where there are no Russian letters (Cyrillic), for example, to a previously created folder named G on drive D or C,

Update your drivers motherboard, flash the BIOS to the latest one, this often helps fix the error.

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