Children's sections from 7 years old for girls. Sports activities

Parents trying to raise healthy child, carefully select sports sections for children. Figure skating ranks high on this list, and this is no coincidence. Exercises not only strengthen the immune system and form correct posture, but also lay the foundations for perceiving a world that is full of beauty and harmony.

Children's sports club "Crystal Skate" invites everyone to the figure skating section. You can start training from the very beginning early age(from 3-4 years old), while achieving high sports results– does not become an end in itself. It is important that during classes, health improves, and the child develops such useful qualities in life as discipline and composure. The club is open for permanent enrollment in health and sports sections, part of which includes training on ice with the study of skating, jumping and spinning techniques.

Children's sports clubs from 7 years old in Moscow

Typically, parents want to find children's sports clubs from the age of 7 in Moscow, so that the child can begin training simultaneously with studying at a regular school. Both first-graders and high school students can enroll in the figure skating sports section.

The training program of the sections includes:

  • general physical training: protozoa strength exercises, as well as speed and endurance complexes, which are carried out in game form, turning classes into an exciting pastime;
  • special physical training: mastering the key elements of figure skating - basic moves, jumps, spins, positioning, etc.;
  • choreography: classes at the barre alternate with routines on mats; in the learning process, good posture and grace are developed, as well as coordination of movements and a sense of rhythm;
  • jazz-modern: learning the basics of dance, combining modern and classical techniques, helps the child to relax and show his talent.

How to enroll a child in a sports section through the Moscow City Services Portal (PSU)? (electronic recording)

Detailed (step-by-step) instructions on how to enroll a child in a sports section through the City Services Portal (PSU) of Moscow. Necessary requirements: a computer with Internet access. Each stage of registration can be controlled and tracked. On this moment- this is the fastest and most convenient option for enrolling a child in a sports section.

How to choose the right sport for a child?

From childhood, parents strive to develop their child. Moreover, more and more often, mothers and fathers give preference to spiritual and intellectual development, pushing aside physical activities to the background. This is a serious mistake in the education process, because... in our adynamic times, it is vital to maintain high level not only the intellectual but also the physical condition of the child. There can be no academic success without proper physical fitness. This is the first thing parents need to think about.

At what age should you start playing winter sports?

Winter sports are generally beneficial for children, because they all involve high physical activity and exposure to fresh air, and they develop coordination, courage and willpower well. But before you send your child to the figure skating section or put him on alpine skiing, you need to weigh everything very well and foresee a lot.


Strength sports equipment. Barbell and dumbbells.

In this article, we invite you to pay attention to the classic strength training in sports - dumbbells and barbells. These simple but effective sports equipment for increasing muscle mass, sculpting the body and strengthening the body have a rich thousand-year history.

Power types sports: judo or sambo?

In this article, we invite you to pay attention to the classic strength training in sports - dumbbells and barbells. These simple but effective sports equipment for increasing muscle mass, sculpting the body and strengthening the body have a rich thousand-year history.

Ice skating in summer is an interesting and enjoyable activity, but the skating experience can be spoiled by improperly selected roller skates. Before purchasing them, find out what to look for.

How to choose the right sleeping bag

Sports activities are impossible with nicotine addiction. This is especially evident when women smoke. Moreover, women's dependence on smoking is much more pronounced than men's. And if a woman smokes, then it is much more difficult for her to fight this addiction. We hope that the following tips will help you deal with this.

Sports sections for children

Modern child- this is first of all school, lessons, and again school. The main time spent is sitting. A sedentary lifestyle is the main scourge of our time. Adynamia and decreased physical health as its consequence are a natural result of this. Returning home, he eats lunch while sitting, does his homework while sitting, and he just needs to move more. Development must occur harmoniously and this can be achieved by engaging in the right kind of sport.


What sport is most beneficial for a child?

The fact that playing sports has a beneficial effect on health and physical fitness has been known for a long time, as well as the fact that children definitely need to go to some sections. Physical activity can help correct posture and also develop moral and volitional qualities.

From the beginning of the first school year The life of a seven-year-old is not limited to just lessons at a school desk. Parents try to make the most of their child’s free time by enrolling him in all sorts of additional activities. And, sooner or later, adults still wonder where they can send their child at 7 years old. Let's see which options are best for this age.

Sports activities and clubs for children from 7 years old

First of all, create a competent daily routine for your child. He should have time for school, rest, homework, walks and games. Find out the lesson schedule and immediately add recuperation and learning at home to your schedule. Determine your comfortable bedtime (ideally before 10 p.m.). The remaining time can be distributed among additional workloads in the form of developmental clubs and sections for children over 7 years old. At the same time, do not forget to take into account your baby’s hobbies and type of temperament.
The spine of a first-grader experiences serious stress - being in a static position for a long time, wearing a heavy backpack. To strengthen it and improve the baby’s physical fitness in general, it is useful to accustom him to sports activities. We invite you to find out with us what to do with a 7-year-old child, and here is a list of the most popular sections:

  • Karate, boxing, aikido and other types of wrestling - usually children from 5 years old are recruited, and for seven-year-olds you can consider the option of practicing professionally and going to competitions. Martial arts They discipline the children very much, teach them endurance, perseverance and form a strong character. For classes you will only need a uniform;
  • Dance club - for children over 7 years old, this is an excellent opportunity to throw out accumulated energy and develop artistry, flexibility, and a sense of rhythm. This age is associated with the desire to imitate, and children grasp new knowledge literally “on the fly.” The choice of directions is very diverse: from classical dance to pop. If your child finds it difficult to decide, go to trial lessons or watch competitions on TV. In addition, dance classes for children from 7 years old can be held at professional basis, which involves traveling to training camps and foreign competitions. On initial stage does not require serious investments;
  • Sports and rhythmic gymnastics are aimed at active children from 7 years old, although younger children are also welcome. Trains flexibility, charisma, makes the body hardy and obedient. For classes you need to purchase costumes, shoes and props;
  • Team games (football, hockey, volleyball, basketball) - teach well-coordinated interaction and understanding within the team, endurance, and quick reaction. A uniform and special shoes will be required;
  • Winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, figure skating) - before choosing this option, evaluate whether the winters in your city are suitable for such outdoor activities. Children will need full equipment - from boots to skis, snowboards and accessories. Quite an expensive sport;
  • Swimming strengthens the muscle corset, shapes posture, and trains all muscle groups. Suitable for those who are not afraid of water. Before visiting, you must collect certificates about the child’s health status and purchase a swimming cap. When choosing a pool, carefully study the method of water purification and chlorine content - failure to comply with these standards can harm children.

Children's sections for girls from 7 years old

From the list sports activities Dancing, gymnastics, swimming, and figure skating are suitable for little girls, although many people like to engage in wrestling such as aikido and karate.
Besides sports sections, little ladies will be interested in visiting clubs in drawing, modeling, music, vocals, theatrical performances, and handicrafts. Based on your daughter’s interests, you will certainly choose something that will suit her and brighten up her daily leisure time.

Children's sections and clubs for boys from 7 years old

Growing men like team games winter views sports and, of course, wrestling. When deciding which sport to enroll a seven-year-old boy in, analyze his inclinations and problem areas. Sport disciplines and teaches responsibility, and the child must be ready for this. If disputes arise within the family and difficulties about which section to send your child to at the age of 7, consult with a doctor, coaches, and teachers at school. This way you will gain comprehensive knowledge about your child, his abilities and behavior, and will be able to accept correct solution. And, most importantly, the boy himself wants to attend the club and looks forward to the next lesson. Only then will it be beneficial and make learning productive.

Your child has grown up, become more active and independent, and you have decided to enroll him in one of the sports sections. However, you are faced with a difficult question - which one? After all, firstly, preschoolers are not accepted into all sections. Secondly, if you are guided by your preferences, you would be happy to send your child, for example, to hockey. But, unfortunately, your child is a girl! Or, for example, have you dreamed of playing chess all your life, but your son is too active and cannot sit still for five minutes? How to choose the right section for a child? This is what we will talk about today.

Features of choosing a sport for a child: how to take into account body type, health and temperament when selecting a section?

Take a closer look at your child's body type. Determine its type. This is very important, because in different types sport has certain requirements. For example, tall height is important for basketball. But in gymnastics, tall height can become a hindrance. Are you worried that your child is prone to obesity? Overweight children first need to get involved in sports. In the section they will lose weight and increase their self-esteem. Let's look at how to determine what body type a child belongs to.

How to choose a sports section based on your child’s body type?

Asthenoid type

The child is thin, he has long legs, and the shoulders and chest are narrow. The child slouches, shy of unfamiliar company. Such children achieve success in gymnastics, basketball, golf, cycling .

Thoracic type

Children of this physique are characterized by mobility and activity. They have well-developed shoulder girdles and chests, and fairly wide hips. All sports that develop endurance are suitable for them. They love speed. For example, they make good football players, hockey players, skiers, figure skaters, kayakers .

Muscle type

Characterized by a massive skeleton and well-developed muscle mass. Such children can be safely enrolled in sections weightlifting and water floor . They will achieve results by playing hockey.

Digestive type

Children with this physique are not tall, they have a well-developed chest, and there are deposits of fat mass. They are a little clumsy and slow. Sections are perfect for such children athletic gymnastics, shooting, throwing.

We've sorted out body type, now let's move on to temperament. After all, it depends on him whether your child will like the section and what sporting successes he will achieve in the future. A special Eysenck test will help determine.

How to take into account a child’s temperament when choosing a sports section?

  • If your child is sanguine, a leader by nature, a section may suit him fencing or karate.
  • Emotional choleric people most suitable team sports.
  • Phlegmatic people will be willing to play chess, study gymnastics or figure skating.
  • Melancholy will captivate sailing, rowing and shooting lessons.

The health status of your child must also be taken into account. Not all sports are suitable for children with existing health problems. For example, myopic children should not be sent to volleyball, football, basketball, and tennis sections. Playing hockey is not recommended for children with a history of chronic diseases. Figure skating is contraindicated for children with pulmonary diseases or pleural diseases.

Before assigning your child to participate in a particular section, we strongly advise you to consult with his or her doctor.

What sport is suitable for a boy 5-7 years old: types of sections, pros and cons

Review of sports sections for boys 5-7 years old: pros, cons

Kind of sport pros Minuses
Figure skating

The optimal age (if you want to engage in this sport professionally) is from 4 to 6 years.

This sport is suitable for almost all children who do not have a history of diseases such as: asthma, lung disease, myopia.

You should not send children with a weak nervous system or vestibular disorders to the figure skating section.

This sport develops coordination of movements and flexibility.

Strengthens ligaments and muscles.

Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Boosts immunity and improves blood circulation.

The child becomes resilient and efficient.

This sport is considered traumatic.

Figure skating is a rather expensive sport. As a rule, all equipment is purchased at the expense of the parents.


The optimal age to start is 4 to 5 years.

Suitable for almost all children. Of course, not everyone will become champions, but nervous system and the back muscles will strengthen everything.

It is not advisable to enroll children who have had seizures in the section.

Swimming will strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation, and strengthen your child.

Children who require a rehabilitation course after injuries and operations can be enrolled in this section.

Swimming is an excellent prevention of all spinal diseases.

Chlorinated pool water can cause allergies.

At first, it is possible that the child will get colds more often.

Sometimes children develop chronic rhinitis.

Horseback Riding

You can start riding horses after 6 years of age.

Horseback riding is not recommended for children with heart disease, thrombosis, or diseases of the pelvic organs.

"Hippodrome therapy" is widely used in medicinal purposes after injuries and is recommended for children with cerebral palsy and children with autism.

Horseback riding develops the muscles of the back and legs.

Improves coordination. It has a powerful relaxing effect and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

There are practically no downsides. Perhaps the equipment is not too cheap.

Officially, boys over 5 years of age are accepted into the section.

Children with myopia, heart disease (congenital and acquired defects), and spinal diseases should not play hockey. Playing hockey has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, circulatory system, increase immunity.

Children who play hockey practically do not get colds, they are brave and sociable.

Hockey is a dangerous sport.

Hockey lessons take a lot of time. Equipment for children is expensive.

Martial arts

The optimal age to start practicing martial arts is 6 years old.

This sport is contraindicated for children suffering from cardiovascular diseases, spinal diseases, vision problems and musculoskeletal problems. Eastern martial arts allow you to gain the necessary self-defense skills and forget about all your fears and phobias. The child becomes bold and courageous.

Thanks to classes, the child’s active physical development occurs and his immunity is strengthened.

There is a risk of injury. Important right choice trainer.
Acrobatics Acrobatics classes are contraindicated for children with scoliosis or severe myopia. It is not recommended to enroll children suffering from epilepsy, heart disease, or asthma in the acrobatics section. Acrobatics promotes the harmonious development of the body.

Strengthens and normalizes metabolism.

Allows you to get rid of clumsiness and trains the vestibular apparatus. Develops all muscle groups.

Risk of injury. As a rule, these are bruises, sprains, dislocations.

What sport should a 5-7 year old girl participate in?

Sports for girls 5-7 years old

Sports for girls Who is this sport suitable for? pros Minuses

Real classes rhythmic gymnastics start from 5-7 years.

Rhythmic gymnastics is not physiotherapy, therefore children with excess weight and scoliosis will not be enrolled in this section. Gymnastics perfectly disciplines children and provides general physical training.

Rhythmic gymnastics strengthens the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, improves immunity, and stabilizes metabolism.

This sport teaches you to listen and hear music and develops taste. Gymnasts beautiful figure, correct posture, plastic movements.

Risk of injury.

It is officially believed that girls can start playing this sport at the age of 10.

Not recommended for: children with problems with the spine, heart, or respiratory system. Harmonious muscle development, proper breathing, flexibility and agility. A dangerous sport.
Swimming There are no restrictions. Swimming allows you to correct your posture, learn to breathe correctly, improves immunity, and improves blood circulation. Chlorinated pool water can cause allergic reactions.

It is considered a one-sided sport. Therefore, it is recommended that girls start playing this sport no earlier than 11 years old. Otherwise, one side of the body will be developed more than the other. Of course, there are plenty of exercises to avoid this, but is it worth the rush?

Girls can be enrolled in tennis at 4 and 6 years old. But these will be developmental and health-improving activities.

It is not recommended to send children with spinal problems, peptic ulcers, flat feet, or neurological diseases to tennis. Tennis makes the body flexible, strengthens joints and the cardiovascular system.

Develops flexibility, speed, and intuition in children. Tennis is a non-traumatic sport.

A financially expensive sport. Coaching sessions are expensive.
Figure skating

From the age of 4-5, girls are willingly accepted into the sections.

Girls with flat feet, neurological problems, poor eyesight, or pulmonary diseases should not be enrolled in the figure skating section. Exercises can strengthen the immune system, increase endurance, and improve blood circulation. Figure skating improves the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Expensive sport. Quite traumatic.

You can start mastering intellectual game at 4-5 years old.

There are practically no contraindications. However, a girl who is too active - an emotional choleric person - is unlikely to be carried away by sitting for a long time at the chessboard. Chess develops in children such skills as: independence, perseverance, ability to analyze and make decisions. Excellent development of analytical thinking. There are no cons.

When choosing one or another, try to take into account all the features of his character and temperament. But remember, sport is simply necessary for the development of a healthy and harmonious personality.


Review from Marina

My daughter and I express our gratitude to coaches Vladimir Zrelov and Pavel Zrelov for interesting training! Individual approach, despite how many people in the group are studying at the same time. Both Vladimir and Pavel are kind, calm, attentive trainers. My daughter is ready to study every day! Thank you very much for the great job!
And in general, we really like the European Gymnastics Center - cool equipment, the ability to register online for classes at a time convenient for us, and not tied to a specific time, a large number of centers throughout Moscow! Super! We are very pleased!


The first competition "Coming into force"! We are still very far from reaching the ranks, but the children (especially the adults) tried! Thanks to our EUROPEGYM (Lokomotiv) for the excellent organization of the competition, for the festive, exciting, positive atmosphere! It was especially interesting to watch the older children (in particular my daughter), with what struggle, awareness and responsibility they approached the tests, which was unexpected for me. The results of the eldest child pleased me very much (47th place out of 134 children in the age group 7-11 years old)! The younger one, of course, had more fun and failed half of the tests, but what can you take from a little, hooligan, big-ass man who’s not even 4 yet! But the best part is that absolutely all the children received medals, balls and rubber bracelets “Coming into Strength”, so the end of the competition was truly festive, joyful and bright! Many thanks to our coaches Konstantin Pavlov (coaches his daughter - age 7-11 years) and Alexander Smirnov (coaches his son - age 3-5). Everyone deserves an award! It’s a pity that there are only 3 medals in big sports!


Review from Maria

My daughter and I have been studying in a 1.5-3 year old group for several months. An excellent center, I am glad that all the equipment is in excellent condition and clean. Special thanks to our coach Gareev Radmir. He is wonderful, with a very attentive, calm and friendly approach to children. The lesson program is varied and intense. The child really looks forward to classes and is very happy. Thank you very much to Radmir for his attitude and work!


Review from Julia

We study at the center with the whole family: parents in the 18+ group at the same time as children in the 5-7 group. Every time we go to class it’s like it’s a holiday. This center is just a godsend for us: 1) Family subscription, 2) you can start training at any level of training - everyone is given essentially individual task. I started with zero preparation. 3) Simultaneous training for the whole family - no one gets bored in the corner. 4) flexible class schedule - you can go to your age group any day, to any trainer. 5) I especially want to note the discipline in the classroom. The trainers are smiling, polite, but consistent.
Over the course of six months, the children became noticeably stronger and fitter. If in the youth sports school they train with the capable and focus on the strong, then here they train with everyone and rejoice in overcoming themselves even in small things. Thank you for making sports a joy!


Review from Olga

I would like to thank the wonderful coach Radmir Gareev! Thanks to a well-structured training process, the son happily goes to classes, and then, with no less joy and pride, upon returning from training, he declares: “I worked out well today!” The son became more interested in a sports lifestyle, which immediately affected his physical development. Both children and parents are very pleased with the results of the classes! Thank you very much!


Review from Olga

My son has been going to a group led by Dmitry Kalyuzhny since September. The child studies with great pleasure and does not want to go to classes with anyone else. The result was visible within a month. The perfect combination discipline and ability to understand and communicate with children. Thank you very much for your professionalism.

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