Branch director how to improve financial results. Reserves for increasing the financial performance of the enterprise

  • Zapolskikh Yulia Alfredovna, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University
  • Mukhametyanova Gulnaz Valerikovna, bachelor, student
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University

The activities of any enterprise are focused on obtaining certain results. However, some enterprises confidently achieve their goals, while others are less successful.

Many people attribute the success of an enterprise to the right choice type of activity, availability sufficient resources and the ability to navigate market economy. Successful planning economic activity An enterprise undoubtedly depends on the correct initial orientation and favorable initial conditions of its activity - the provision of material, financial and labor resources. Management in the broad sense as a complex socio-economic process means influencing a process, object, system to maintain their stability or transfer from one state to another. in accordance with specified goals.

In a market economy, financial performance management is central place in the business life of the subjects.

Efficient activity of enterprises, stable pace of their work and competitiveness in modern economic conditions are largely determined by the quality of financial results management and strive to improve them. .

Each enterprise independently chooses methods and sets of methods to increase financial results its activities, depending on its production and technological capabilities, the amount of capital, the speed of achieving the desired results, the possibility of attracting additional funds and equipment into its production process.

To increase the financial results of an enterprise’s profit, it is necessary to:

  • strive to increase production volume based on improving the quality of products (goods, works, services) improve marketing activities
  • consider and eliminate the causes of overspending financial resources for administrative and commercial expenses;
  • carry out timely markdowns of products that have lost their original quality;
  • improve advertising activities, increase the effectiveness of individual advertising events;
  • improve the skills of workers, accompanied by an increase in labor productivity;
  • develop and introduce an effective system of material incentives for personnel, closely linked to the main results of the enterprise’s economic activities and resource savings;
  • develop and implement measures aimed at improving the moral climate in the team, which will ultimately affect increased productivity;
  • carry out constant monitoring of the conditions of storage and transportation of raw materials and finished products;
  • implement an effective pricing policy, differentiated in relation to individual categories of buyers, which will ensure an optimal combination of selling prices and sales volume and contribute to the growth of sales volume and profit.

Thus, the financial result of an enterprise’s activities is the economic result of financial and economic activities and is expressed in the form of profit or loss, which is defined as the difference between the income and expenses of the enterprise, as well as directly affecting the amount of its equity. The financial result completes the cycle of the enterprise’s activities associated with the acquisition and sale of goods and at the same time acts a necessary condition the next round of his activities.


  1. Volkov, V. P. Enterprise economics: textbook / V. P. Volkov, A. I. Ilyin, V. I Stankevich. – M.: New knowledge, 2009. – 677 p.
  2. Yudina, D.N. Analysis of financial results of unprofitable organizations / D.N. Yudina, D.A. Filatov // Economic analysis. - 2009.- No. 17. - pp. 21-27. .
  3. Taburchak, P.P. Enterprise economics: textbook / P.P. Taburchak. - Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2010. -226 p.
  4. Tolpegina, O.A. Profit figures: economic entity and their content / O.A. Tolpegina // Economic analysis. - 2008.- No. 20. - P. 10-21.

The company's profit is low compared to revenue, and there is a downward trend. All this reduces the liquidity of the balance sheet.

Reasons that influenced this situation:

  • - poor economic relations between supplier organizations, contracts specify too long terms for payment for goods sold, there are no penalties for late payment for goods supplied;
  • - lack of a marketing department at the enterprise. Products LLC does not pursue an active advertising policy and is not looking for new consumers.

In order to improve financial condition The enterprise is offered a plan for the financial recovery of the enterprise, which includes the following provisions:

  • 1. Development and implementation of quarterly monitoring of the enterprise’s activities on the basis of accounting (financial) statements separately for divisions (stores) and consolidated accounting statements for the enterprise as a whole in the following areas:
    • - Revenue, cost, profit.
    • - State working capital.
    • - Indicators business activity and operational efficiency: coefficient of provision with own working capital, profitability of core activities, profitability of working capital.
    • - Cash flow indicators (analysis cash flows according to the current (main), and financial activities).
    • - Indicators financial stability(coefficient of autonomy, ratio of own and borrowed money, bankruptcy forecast coefficient).
    • - Solvency indicators: current, intermediate and total liquidity.
  • 2. Monitoring the dynamics and structural changes in the main indicators of financial and economic activity and analyzing the reasons for the changes throughout the year.
  • 3. Analysis of effectiveness, economic and financial efficiency the largest contracts.
  • 4. Monitoring and analysis of the implementation of internal thematic plans for departments and stores.
  • 5. Identification and reduction of unproductive costs of resources (human, material, production) for each division.
  • 6. Carrying out marketing research and market research in order to form and maintain competitive activities aimed at accelerating the promotion of goods to consumers.
  • 7. Analysis of the causes and closure of unpromising (unprofitable) areas of activity.
  • 8. Tracking the timing of repayment of accounts payable: control over the timing of fulfillment of obligations to the bank, budget and extra-budgetary funds.
  • 9. Analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activities in order to predict the likelihood of bankruptcy using the methodology developed by the Federal Service for Financial Recovery of the Russian Federation.
  • 10. Carrying out changes in the structure of financial management at the enterprise, namely the introduction of a division with the following functions:
    • - internal control (audit) of financial activities;
    • - strategic planning;
    • - analysis of financial and economic activities;
    • - operational management enterprise finances;
    • - work in external financial markets;
  • 11. In order to improve the capital structure in the direction of increasing own funds, increase the additional capital of the enterprise as a result of the revaluation of fixed assets (based on the assessment market value fixed assets).

One of the main directions for improving the organization and maintenance of accounting is related to the automation of processing of accounting information. The advantages of an automated form of accounting: speed of information processing, the ability to quickly obtain information in various areas of analytics, efficiency of control, identification and correction of errors. Full automation of all areas of accounting work will eliminate manual data processing and overcome the time gap between the moment of a business transaction and the moment of its reflection in accounting. The market for software accounting products in Russia is very diverse (for example: 1C-Accounting, Parus, Galaktika, etc.).

The manager of Products LLC is required, first of all, to be able to effectively run a business, that is, to increase profits. There are two main ways to increase profits: the first is to increase the volume of sales and sales of goods, the second is to reduce costs. A thorough economic and organizational analysis can suggest a way out of even a deadlock.

Managing the profit of an enterprise comes down to developing a mechanism for organizational and economic influence based on the results of the enterprise’s work, increasing its efficiency compared to costs, and searching for a set of tools that will allow the enterprise to move from spontaneous income generation to regulated income. At the same time, it is not enough to ensure the profitability of the enterprise only.

The profit must be so significant that it supports all production. IN modern period market competition tougher, but not due to the price factor, but as a result of the emergence of more sophisticated, subtle methods and forms of competition between enterprises in the market. The survival of an enterprise is increasingly determined by the action of factors of an early order, rather than simply saving on any types of direct or overhead costs. It is necessary for the enterprise to devote much more time to such areas as sales and marketing of products, increasing income, than to management, in order to reduce costs.

Currently, it is necessary for the management of the enterprise to pay attention not so much to obtaining maximum profits, but rather to obtaining maximum income. Maximizing profit is mainly associated with reducing production costs. When an enterprise can control the costs themselves (the consumption of their quantity), and the price for each input resource is practically uncontrollable, and in conditions of unslowing inflation and lack of control, the enterprise is extremely limited in its ability to reduce production costs, thereby achieving an increase in profits. Therefore, here there is a need to re-evaluate other qualitative characteristics that affect the increase in enterprise income.

A modern enterprise must meet the following parameters:

  • 1. Have great flexibility, the ability to quickly monitor the range of goods, since the inability to adapt to consumer demands will lead to bankruptcy of the organization.
  • 2. Requirements for the quality of goods have not just increased, but have completely changed their character. It is not enough to sell good products; you also need to think about organizing after-sales service and providing consumers with additional branded services.
  • 3. The structure of production costs has changed dramatically. At the same time, the share of costs associated with the sale of products is increasing. All this requires fundamentally new approaches to management and organization. trading enterprise, which directly concerns profit management.

A special problem is increasing the efficiency of the enterprise's sales activities. First of all, more attention needs to be paid to increasing the speed of movement working capital, reduction of all types of reserves. Naturally, this approach requires a completely different approach to product quality management and supply organization.

When considering profits, the interests of various parties collide: the state, which expects an increase in production and sales of products, an increase in profits, which means an increase in tax deductions to the budget; labor collective who counts on his share of the profits; banks who are concerned about the solvency of the company, the repayment of loans received and ensuring the provision of new ones: the management of the enterprise, striving as much as possible most profits should be left undistributed as a resource, a reserve that allows strengthening the foundations of self-financing.

The manager will have to plan the distribution of profits in such a way as not to cause damage to any party, and at the same time ensure the well-being of the enterprise.

The activities of enterprises should be given great attention to flexible government regulation using economic levers. In Western countries, the state influences them through a system of incentive measures. Accelerated depreciation is achieved by reducing taxable income. Using this method, the state regulates profitability in various sectors of the economy. The fastest depreciation is provided in advanced industries. Among other things, this policy pushes enterprises to accelerate the renewal of fixed capital, equipment, and manufactured products.

The main factors influencing profit include:

  • 1. Competitiveness of products, due to the fact that the enterprise must exist for the consumer and only customers whose needs are met give the organization the opportunity to survive in the market and earn income.
  • 2. High mobility in the market, freedom of economic maneuver, which makes it objectively necessary to take into account market conditions, flexible maneuvering with all available resources to achieve effect.
  • 3. Rhythm and flexibility of the organization, the ability to quickly change the range of products in accordance with consumer requests.
  • 4. Development of measures to improve the range of products, the ability to provide the consumer with a product of higher quality, at the same price, with the same production costs.

All these factors are important for the effective functioning of the enterprise, and only with their help will the enterprise be able to obtain maximum profit. However, the main thing is to satisfy the needs of consumers and determine the set of product groups that are most preferable for successful work On the market.

Profit management should be of a state nature. The tax system must be flexible, stimulate development, and taxes must be clear and stable. It is stability that will lead to an increase in the profit (income) of the enterprise.

The implementation of these proposals will significantly increase the efficiency of profit management in the enterprise.


  • 1. This organization has reserves for increasing profits from the sale of products and services and, above all, for changes in the structure of the enterprise, by increasing the share in the volume of sales of more profitable goods and services.
  • 2. Managing the profit of an enterprise comes down to developing a mechanism for organizational and economic influence on the result of the enterprise, since it allows you to move from spontaneous income generation to regulated income.

The study shows that Snabtekhcenter LLC improved its financial stability in 2012 compared to 2011. This is evidenced by both absolute and relative indicators of financial stability. However, the company does not have enough of its own working capital to form reserves and costs. One of the main reasons for this situation is the low growth rate of sales profits.

Thus, for Snabtekhcenter LLC there is an urgent need to develop measures to strengthen financial stability.

The main directions for improving the financial stability of Snabtekhcenter LLC are:

· growth in revenue and profit from product sales, cost reduction;

· growth in profitability (profitability) of capital (or financial growth) and profitability (profitability) of equity;

· increase in the speed of working capital;

· increasing positive qualitative changes in property status;

· standard or higher than optimal values ​​of the most important indicators of the financial condition of the enterprise, as well as business activity and operational efficiency, etc.

· attracting new financial resources, if there is a choice, then financing through long-term loans is preferable, since it has less liquid risk (at the same time, the cost of debt should not be high)

· improving working capital management: maintaining high turnover rates, reducing sales costs, complying with established standards;

All proposed activities are reflected in Table 3.1.

Table 4. Measures aimed at improving the financial stability of Snabtekhcenter LLC

Event results
1. Revenue growth: Will lead to increased income, increased market share and increased potential consumers
A. by expanding the range
b. through the conclusion of contracts
V. due to revision of pricing policy
2. Cost reduction Will lead to increased sales profits, increased cost profitability and efficiency of resources used
A. due to reduction fixed costs
b. by saving resources
3. Increase in return on capital Will lead to an increase in return on capital and increased financial stability
A. at the expense of own capital
b. through borrowed capital
4. Acceleration of turnover Will lead to the release of working capital, which can be used to develop the main activity
A. by accelerating the turnover of goods
b. by accelerating inventory turnover
V. by accelerating the turnover of receivables and payables
5. Increase in equity Will lead to an increase in the coefficient of independence of the enterprise from external factors development
A. due to growth authorized capital
b. due to rational use net profit
6. Strengthening financial discipline Will lead to strengthening the financial stability of the enterprise
A. by increasing personal responsibility of employees
b. due to increased control on the part of the owner of the enterprise
7. Increasing employee motivation Will lead to increased interest in the results of the company's activities

It is possible to identify two areas of causes and difficulties that cause violations of the stability of the financial condition of an enterprise. These reasons can be formulated as follows:

lack of potential to maintain an acceptable level financial situation(or low amounts of profit received);

irrational performance management (irrational financial management).

The potential ability of an enterprise to maintain (achieve) an acceptable financial condition is determined by the amount of profit received. The main components on which the volume of profit of an enterprise depends are prices and sales volumes, the level of production costs and income from other activities.

Thus, to strengthen the financial stability of Snabtekhcenter LLC, it is necessary to search for sources of increasing the enterprise’s profit. To ensure a stable increase in profit, it is necessary to constantly look for reserves to increase it.

Profit growth reserves are quantitatively measurable opportunities for additional profit generation. We can offer the following profit growth reserves:

Due to a possible increase in product sales volume;

Due to cost reduction.

Calculation of profit growth due to a possible increase in product sales.

To determine the reserves for profit growth due to an increase in sales volume, possible changes in the sources of purchase of goods, the movement of product balances in the warehouse, changes in the balances of goods shipped, including the terms of payment, are analyzed.

The information used to calculate reserves for profit growth from sales of Snabtekhtsentr LLC for 2011 is presented in Table 5.

Table 5. Initial information for assessing reserves for growth of profit from sales of Snabtekhtsentr LLC, thousand rubles.

For 2011, the sales department of Snabtechcenter LLC entered into an agreement for the supply of products to Mebelshchik OJSC (Chita). The volume of product supply, according to the concluded agreement, should amount to 42897.4 thousand rubles. Thus, the volume products sold in 2011 it will increase by 42897.4 thousand rubles. or 5% of the enterprise’s revenue in 2012.

Then the revenue for 2011 will be 900,845.3 thousand rubles.

9+42897.4=900845.3 thousand rubles.

When calculating reserves for profit growth due to a possible increase in sales volume, the results of an analysis of product sales are used.

Let's determine the amount of the profit growth reserve:

An important direction in searching for reserves for profit growth is reducing the costs of selling products, for example, raw materials, fuel, energy, depreciation of fixed assets and other expenses.

Calculation of profit growth due to cost reduction.

Costs can be reduced by reducing material costs and reducing overhead costs.

One of possible reasons high costs - high prices for raw materials, materials, services set by the supplier. In this case, the option to reduce costs is to search for suppliers who charge lower prices. In most cases, alternative suppliers exist.

The reason for high costs can be not only suppliers, but also the enterprise itself. In particular, high costs for lighting, heating, and water consumption may arise due to a lack of control over resource consumption. Purchasing part of the raw materials and materials from a new supplier will reduce the prices of raw materials and materials, and therefore the cost per unit of production, by an average of 1%.

Let us determine the amount of reserve for profit growth due to the planned cost reduction:

With a planned reduction in unit cost of production by 1%, then the cost per ruble of products sold will decrease compared to 2012 data by 0.0096 rubles.

Costs per ruble of products sold will amount to 0.9535 rubles in the planned year 2011.

0.9631-0.0096=0.9535 rub.

The profit growth reserve is determined in the amount of 8236.3 thousand rubles:

P3=857947.9*0.0096=8236.3 thousand rubles.

The calculated reserves for growth in sales profits are summarized in Table 6.

Calculations showed that sales profit in 2011 compared to 2012 will increase by 32.4% and amount to 41,889.0 thousand rubles. Costs per ruble of products sold will decrease by 1%.

Table 6. Measures to increase profits from sales of Snabtekhcenter LLC for 2011, thousand rubles.

Table 7 presents the performance indicators of Snabtekhtsentr LLC for 2011, calculated taking into account the reserves for the growth of profit from sales.

Table 7. Indicators of Snabtekhcenter LLC for 2011 after the events, thousand rubles.

Thus, as a result of the proposed measures, the revenue of Snabtekhcenter LLC will increase by 5%, sales profit by 32.4%, and costs per ruble of products sold will decrease by 1%.


With the transition to a market economy, the role and importance of financial analysis, which is the basis for determining the results of economic and financial activities. Particular attention is paid to determining the financial stability of the enterprise.

Currently, most domestic enterprises are experiencing financial difficulties associated with both external and internal problems- ineffective marketing, ineffective use of funds, ineffective production management, imbalance of financial flows. The combination of these factors necessitates constant diagnosis of the financial situation of the enterprise in order to early diagnose the crisis development of the enterprise and production defense mechanisms anti-crisis financial management, depending on the identified factors and the strength of their impact.

As a characteristic of financial - economic activity enterprises in a market economy are solvency and financial stability. If an enterprise is financially stable and solvent, it has an advantage over other enterprises of the same profile in attracting investments, obtaining loans, choosing suppliers and selecting qualified personnel.

The higher the stability of an enterprise, the more independent it is from unexpected changes in market conditions and, therefore, the lower the risk of being on the verge of bankruptcy.

The study shows that Snabtekhcenter LLC improved its financial stability in 2012 compared to 2011. This is evidenced by both absolute and relative indicators of financial stability. However, the company does not have enough of its own working capital for the formation of reserves and costs, and a deficiency has also been identified with long-term borrowed funds, and it is necessary to note the emerging positive trend of reducing the deficiency.

The total value of the main sources of funds for the formation of reserves and costs increased by 7.1%, resulting in a surplus of funds in the amount of 6597 thousand rubles.

All liquidity ratios are below recommended values. Thus, the absolute liquidity ratio is 0.16 and 0.18 in 2011 and 2012, respectively. Although it has increased, it is still below the recommended value. The low value of the critical or urgent liquidity ratio in 2011 and 2012 indicates the need for constant work with debtors to ensure the possibility of converting the most liquid part of working capital into cash.

The current liquidity ratio is also below the recommended value, however, it has increased compared to the previous period. The ratio of inventories and finished products indicates the need for more fruitful work with consumers of products.

The ratio of assets and liabilities shows that the first liquidity ratio is not met, which indicates the insolvency of Snabtekhcenter LLC in the near future. The A3-PZ comparison reflects forward-looking liquidity. On its basis, long-term estimated solvency is predicted. Calculations show the long-term solvency of Snabtekhtsentr LLC.

Indicators of business activity of Snabtekhcenter LLC in 2011-2012. have improved, which is manifested in the acceleration of turnover, both inventories and current and current assets. Thus, inventory turnover in days accelerated by 5.51 days and amounted to 26.74 days in 2012, in times - by 2.3 turns and amounted to 13.5 turns in 2012.

The turnover of current assets accelerated in 2011-2012. insignificantly - by 0.31 revolutions and amounted to 4.87 revolutions in 2012. In general, the acceleration of turnover has a positive effect on the results of the work of Snabtekhcenter LLC. The third chapter of the work presents a forecast of financial stability indicators for 2011. Characterizing the data obtained, it should be noted that the liquidity of the forecast balance sheet of Snabtekhtsentr LLC still differs from absolute. This indicates the insolvency of the enterprise under study in short term time.

The enterprise under study will be able to completely get rid of insolvency only with the complete liquidation of overdue receivables and payables, or the reduction of accounts payable.

In the planned period, the share of equity capital in the total amount of financing will increase. The amount of borrowed funds will decrease by one ruble of equity capital, which generally indicates a decrease in the financial dependence of the enterprise. It is proposed to allocate 25% of the profit received to the development of the enterprise, to replenish its own capital.

In order to strengthen financial stability, it is necessary to intensify work with debtors aimed at reducing it. At the same time reduce accounts payable.

In general, the restructuring of the balance sheet, based on the results of the implementation of the proposed measures, is effective, as it will increase the financial stability of the enterprise.

Related information.


The main sources of reserves for increasing the amount of profit are an increase in the volume of product sales, a reduction in its cost, and an improvement in quality commercial products, selling it on more profitable markets, etc. (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Reserves for increasing profits

As a result of the work carried out, it was revealed that at SAAZ AMO ZIL CJSC, the cost of products sold was the main factor that negatively affected the financial results of the enterprise.

1. Let’s calculate the reduction in production costs due to growth in labor productivity outpacing growth wages.

Cost reduction = (1-Wage Index/Labor Productivity Index)*Wage share

Let's calculate the share of wages in the cost of production:

(56080/284066)*100% = 19,74%

Let's calculate the wage index:

In the reporting period (2006), the average salary of PPP was 2,505 rubles. If in the planning period the average wage is increased to 2,600 rubles, then the wage index will be 1.04.

The labor productivity index will be 1.06, i.e. it is planned to increase output per employee by 6%.

Labor productivity can be increased through the following organizational and technical measures:

Reducing intra-shift downtime;

Reducing technical interruptions in work;

Increasing work motivation.

It is necessary to find internal reserves for increasing labor productivity at the enterprise.

Then, the reduction in production costs will be:

(1-1,04/1,06)*19,74% = 0,39%

Thus, the growth of labor productivity, outpacing the growth of wages, will reduce the cost of production by 767 thousand rubles.

(284066*0.39%)/100% = 1107.86 thousand rubles.

2. Let us determine the reduction in production costs due to an increase in production volume at constant, semi-fixed costs.

Cost reduction = (1 - Index of semi-fixed costs/Index of production volume)*Share of semi-fixed costs

Since the share of semi-fixed costs in the cost of production is 23.14%, and the production volume is planned to increase by 10%, the reserve for cost reduction will be 2.10%.

Cost reduction = (1 – 1/1.1)* 23.14% = 2.10

Thus, an increase in production volume with unchanged conditionally constant costs will reduce the cost of production by 5965.39 thousand rubles (284066 * 2.10%)

Let's determine the total savings from reducing product costs through the implementation of the proposed measures:

0.39%+2.10% = 2.49% or

1107.86+5965.39 = 7073.25 thousand rubles.

The analysis showed that the most important factor that had a positive impact on the financial results of SAAZ AMO ZIL CJSC was the change in prices for sold products.

Therefore, along with reducing production costs, in order to increase profits, the enterprise should pursue a flexible policy of market prices for products sold.


The economic potential of an enterprise is not limited to the property component; its financial side is no less important, the essence of which is to reflect the rationality of the structure of current assets, as a means of ensuring current payments, sufficiency Money, the ability to maintain the existing or desired structure of sources of funds. If two enterprises have the same composition and structure of property, but one of them is significantly more burdened with debts compared to the other, then the characteristics of economic potential, as the ability, in particular, to generate profit for these two enterprises will be fundamentally different.

From the perspective of the financial activities of any commercial organization, there is an inherent need to solve two main problems:

Maintaining the ability to meet current financial obligations;

Providing long-term financing in the desired volumes and the ability to painlessly maintain the existing or desired capital structure.

These tasks are formulated in terms of characterizing the financial condition of the enterprise from the perspective of short-term and long-term prospects, respectively.

The financial condition of an enterprise from a short-term perspective is assessed by indicators of liquidity and solvency, most general view characterizing whether it can timely and fully pay short-term obligations to counterparties.

When talking about the liquidity of an enterprise, we mean that it has working capital in an amount that is theoretically sufficient to repay short-term obligations, even if the repayment terms stipulated by counterparties are violated. The meaning of the definition is that if the production process and sales of products proceed as normal, then sums of money, received from buyers in payment for the products they received, will be sufficient for settlements with creditors, i.e. settlements for current obligations.

The main sign of liquidity, therefore, is the formal excess (in value) of current assets over short-term liabilities. The greater this excess, the more favorable the financial condition of the enterprise in terms of liquidity. If the value of current assets is not large enough compared to short-term liabilities, the current position of the enterprise is unstable - a situation may well arise when it does not have enough cash to pay its obligations and it will have to either violate the natural technological process, or sell off part of the long-term assets.

The liquidity level of an enterprise is assessed using special indicators– liquidity ratios based on a comparison of current assets and short-term liabilities.

Based on the analysis, we can conclude that the current liquidity ratio of the analyzed organization is decreasing over time by 0.1049 points, i.e. in the reporting period, the organization cannot pay for its current liabilities at the expense of current assets;

the absolute liquidity ratio increased by 0.0003 points, the organization has enough of the most liquid assets to cover short-term liabilities or current liabilities;

The total liquidity ratio also increased slightly, which means that the liquidity of the organization as a whole is increasing.

Naturally, the given coefficients do not exhaust the variety of methods for assessing liquidity and solvency; It is hardly possible to prioritize between certain indicators.

Based on the analysis of liquidity and solvency, we can conclude that the company, compared to the beginning of the year, has sharply reduced its liquidity and solvency.

Having analyzed the financial results of SAAZ AMO ZIL CJSC, we can conclude that the enterprise, based on the results of production and economic activities for 2006, is profitable. For 2006 net profit enterprise amounted to 2398 thousand rubles. and during the analyzed period (2005 – 2006) increased by 829 thousand rubles. (2398-1569) or 52.84% ((2398/1569)*100). Profit from sales was at the level of 9680 thousand rubles. At the same time, the change in the structure of sold products towards products with a lower level of profitability reduced the profit from sales for the analyzed period compared to the previous one by 2104 thousand rubles (9680-11784) or -17.85% ((9680/11784) * 100 ). Profit from sales is influenced by three factors: revenue from the sale of goods, cost of goods sold (products, works, services) and selling expenses.

Negative financial result from other operations in 2006 was 6,338 thousand rubles. improved by 2504 thousand rubles. The profitability of long-term financial investments has also increased. by 2 thousand rubles (+5.45%). Accrued income tax and other similar payments in the amount of 983 thousand rubles. brought the positive dynamics of the final financial result in terms of profit for 2006 to the level of +829 thousand rubles.

As for the overall profitability of the enterprise, we can conclude that the dynamics of its indicators are positive, although its level is not high.

In general, according to the analysis, the SAAZ AMO ZIL plant is profitable. But the management of the enterprise needs to reduce the level of production costs, increase the volume of sales of commercial products, and also reduce commercial expenses. Such measures help to increase the amount of profit.


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22. Kanke A.A., Koshevaya I.P. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. Tutorial.-2e. ed., rev. And additional - M.: FORUM "INFRA-M", 2005. - 288 pp. - (professional education).

23. Kozlova E.P., Babchenko T.N., Galanina E.N. Accounting in organizations. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001

24. Kovalev V.V., Volkova O.N. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise.-M.: PBOYUL Grizhenko E.M., 2000.-424 p.

25. Lyubushin N.P. Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2006

26. Melnik M.V. Economic analysis of financial and economic activities. -M.: Economy, 2004

27. Petrenko N.S. Accounting for industrial enterprise. -M: Service, 2003.

28. Protasov V.F. Analysis of the activities of an enterprise (firm): production, economics, finance, investment, marketing. - M.: “Finance and Statistics”, 2003-536 pp.

29. Prykina L.V. Economic analysis of the enterprise M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003 - 364 p.

30. Pyastolov S.M. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise" Textbook. 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing center "Academy"; Mastery, 2002.-336p.

31. Rusak N.A. Analysis of economic activity in industry.-4th ed., corrected. and additional-Mn.: Higher. school, 1999 398s.

32. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise: 7th ed., revised - Minsk: LLC “New Knowledge”, 2002.-678 p.

33. Chechevitsyna L.N. Economic analysis: Textbook, - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix Publishing House, 2001. 448p.

34. Chuev I.N., Chueva L.N. Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity. Textbook for universities. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2006. 368s.

35. Sheremet A.D. Theory of economic analysis. - M.: INFRA-M, 2002. 467p.

36. Yakutina O.V. Comprehensive economic analysis. Textbook manual, Smolensk 2004. 189p.

In a market economy, financial performance management occupies a central place in the business life of economic entities. Financial condition is characterized by the availability of financial resources necessary for normal functioning, their appropriate placement and effective use. The purpose of financial performance management is to promptly identify and eliminate shortcomings in the development of the organization, find reserves to improve the financial condition of the organization and ensure the financial sustainability of its activities.

Efficient operation of enterprises and economic organizations, the stable pace of their work and competitiveness in modern economic conditions are largely determined by the quality of financial results management. This requires the establishment of an effective financial management mechanism at the enterprise - a tool for increasing the efficiency and controllability of the company, and, consequently, improving the financial results of the enterprise.

Managing financial results is necessary because they allow you to:

  • carry out strategic tasks, support optimal structure and increase the production potential of the enterprise;
  • ensure current financial and economic activities;
  • participate in the implementation of the business entity social policy, which improves psychological climate at the enterprise.
  • V market conditions positive financial results can only be achieved through a general restructuring of enterprise management; integration of all services and departments is necessary.

One of the significant factors influencing financial results is cost. Therefore it is necessary to consider possible ways its reduction.

To identify ways to reduce costs, it is necessary to study the technical and organizational level of production, use production capacity and fixed assets, raw materials and supplies, work force, economic relations.

Material costs at industrial enterprises occupy a large specific gravity in the structure of the cost of production, therefore, even a slight saving of raw materials, materials, fuel and energy in the production of each unit of production for the entire enterprise has a major effect. Reducing production maintenance and management costs also reduces production costs. The size of these costs per unit of production depends not only on the volume of output, but also on their absolute amount. How less amount shop and general plant expenses for the enterprise as a whole, then, other things being equal, the cost of each product is lower.

A serious reserve for reducing production costs is the expansion of specialization and cooperation. At specialized enterprises with mass production, the cost of production is significantly lower than at enterprises producing the same products in small quantities. The development of specialization requires the establishment of the most rational cooperative ties between enterprises.

The following grouping of factors for reducing production costs can be used:

  • increasing the technical level of production: introducing new progressive technology, mechanization and automation production processes; improvement of applied equipment and production technology; improving the use and application of new types of raw materials and materials; other factors that increase the technical level of production.
  • improvement of production and labor organization: development of production specialization; improvement of organization and service; improvement of labor organization; improving production management and reducing production costs; improving the use of fixed assets; improvement of logistics and use material resources; reduction of transport costs; elimination of unnecessary costs and losses; other factors that increase the level of production organization. Increasing the level of specialization and cooperation leads to savings in living and material labor per unit of production;
  • changes in the volume and structure of products: a relative decrease in semi-fixed costs and depreciation; change in product structure; improving product quality.

Ongoing analysis and control of costs and sales profits should be carried out monthly. This will allow timely monitoring of unwanted deviations from the plan, monitoring trends in financial results during the year and the pace of these changes, identifying unfavorable reporting periods associated with rising costs and declining sales, and more prosperous months in which maximum profits are made. The analysis must be carried out with the greatest possible detail of indicators for individual types of products (works, services), cost centers and centers of responsibility for deviations from the norms of variable costs and fixed cost estimates.

It also seems necessary to make a number of proposals to improve the financial performance of the enterprise, which can be applied both in the short and medium term, as well as in the long term:

  • strive to increase production volume by improving the quality of products (goods, works, services) and product sales, as this allows optimizing costs and reducing the price of products, which increases their competitiveness, pursuing an effective assortment policy, improving marketing activities, etc. ;
  • consider and eliminate the causes of overexpenditure of financial resources on administrative and commercial expenses;
  • carry out timely markdowns of products that have lost their original quality;
  • improve advertising activities, increase the effectiveness of individual advertising events;
  • carry out systematic monitoring of the operation of equipment and make timely adjustments in order to prevent a decrease in quality and the production of defective products;
  • when commissioning new equipment, pay enough attention to the education and training of personnel, improving their qualifications, to effectively use the equipment and prevent its breakdown due to low qualifications;
  • improve the skills of workers, accompanied by an increase in labor productivity;
  • develop and introduce an effective system of material incentives for personnel, closely linked to the main results of the enterprise’s economic activities and resource savings;
  • use systems for reducing bonuses for employees in case of violation of labor or technological discipline;
  • develop and implement measures aimed at improving the moral climate in the team, which will ultimately affect increased productivity;
  • exercise constant control over the conditions of storage and transportation of raw materials and finished products;
  • implement an effective pricing policy, differentiated in relation to individual categories of buyers, which will ensure an optimal combination of selling prices and sales volume and contribute to the growth of sales volume and profit.

Return on assets can increase with a constant return on sales and an increase in sales volumes, a faster increase in the value of assets, i.e. accelerating asset turnover (resource productivity). Conversely, with constant resource productivity, return on assets can also increase due to an increase in accounting (before tax) profitability.

Thus, the implementation of the considered measures, the organization of financial management services at the enterprise, as well as systems approach to managing financial results will improve the efficiency of the enterprise and strengthen its position in the market.


1. Endovitsky, D. A. Formation and analysis of the organization’s profit indicators / D. A. Endovitsky // Economic analysis: theory and practice. – 2004. - No. 11. – P. 14-25.

2. Sheremet, A.D. Methodology for financial analysis of activities commercial organizations/ A.D. Sheremet, E.V. Negashev. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 267 p.

3. Volkov, V.P. Enterprise Economics: textbook / V.P.Volkov, A.I.Ilyin, V.I. Stankevich. – M.: New knowledge, 2007. – 677 p.

4. Voronova, E.Yu. Analysis of the cost-volume-profit relationship: graphical representation // Auditor. – 2005. - No. 11. – P.48 – 52

5. Semenov, V.I. Assessing the break-even of a business in terms of payment / V.I. Semenov // Economist’s Handbook.-2008. - No. 8. - pp. 23-28.

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