This simplest but most powerful mantra that attracts money from unexpected sources is Shrim Brazi. Mantras will help you attract money and luck

A mantra is a sacred set of words that create a certain vibration aimed at getting what you want. They are compared to prayers, incantations and psalms. Words contain powerful energy and have a significant impact on consciousness, emotions and even material objects. They are used to achieve many goals, such as wealth, prosperity, opening cash flow, attracting luck, success, love and more. There are a variety of mantras for each type, but in order to achieve results, you need to work with them correctly. Powerful mantras to attract money will help in as soon as possible allow financial difficulties.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

    How to read sacred words correctly?

    Before you start working with a magic set of words, you need to familiarize yourself with how to pronounce them correctly. After all, the final result depends on it. You don’t just need to mindlessly say them out loud, you need to sing them, not read them. The sound should be harmonious and correct. The most important thing is to maintain the accuracy and rhythm of pronunciation. Only in this way reproduced sounds create positive energy vibrations that attract what you want. A mantra is not a prayer; you cannot add anything on your own here, otherwise it may negatively affect the result. A correctly selected combination of sounds has a positive effect on the development of events in the near future. During pronunciation, under no circumstances should you be distracted by extraneous thoughts; you must fully concentrate on the process.

  1. 1. You need to choose a quiet and peaceful place where there will be no distractions.
  2. 2. Before you start reading, you need to meditate: focus on what you want and mentally imagine that it has already become a reality.
  3. 3. To achieve maximum results, you need to work with one mantra. After achieving what you want, you can move on to the next one.
  4. 4. When pronouncing the sacred text, the face is turned to the east.
  5. 5. It is recommended to monitor your breathing: it should be smooth and natural.
  6. 6. Sounds are pronounced in the same key in a chant manner.
  7. 7. The ideal number of readings is 108 times.
  8. 8. The best time to read: before dawn, at noon or at sunset.

At first, it will be difficult for beginners to concentrate on the process without being distracted by extraneous thoughts, so you need to choose a secluded place. After some practice, you will be able to read mantras to yourself anywhere, in any free moment: while doing household chores or while traveling around the city.

Before starting classes, you need to relax and be positive. Take a comfortable position so that numb limbs do not cause discomfort. Before you start work, you need to clearly formulate your desire: it is written in an affirmative form, without containing the particle “not”.

The optimal time to work with one mantra is 21 days. Difficulties may arise in how to recite the mantra 108 times without losing count. This is why there are rosary beads with 108 beads. They can be purchased at a specialty store or made yourself.

It is not always possible to read it exactly in the right quantity. Magic words are repeated any number of times divisible by three: 3, 9, 18 or 27, so when it is not possible to work with the mantra 108 times, you can use another number.

After completing work with one mantra and moving on to another, it is recommended to purchase new beads. During the work process, the material is imbued with special energy, which is not advisable to mix, otherwise a negative effect will occur.

There is a huge difference between how mantras and prayers are read. In prayer, it is allowed to rearrange or omit words and add something of your own. The sacred text of the mantra must be reproduced in the smallest detail.

While working, you can use scented candles or oils to help you relax and get into the right frame of mind.

Attracting financial abundance

To attract financial flow into your life, you need painstaking, conscious work. It is necessary to discover the abundance within yourself and not focus on urgent results. Although happiness does not lie in money, when it is not enough to satisfy basic needs, there is little pleasure. Mantras that attract financial well-being and prosperity still do not lose their relevance.

Natalya Pravdina most dedicated her life to studying the works of the East, she recommends using the following powerful mantras to attract abundance:

  • Ganesha: “Om Sri Ganeshaya Namah” - helps to eliminate all obstacles that arise on the way to the goal, opens financial flows.
  • Tibetan: “Om Padma Krodha Aya Jambala Sri Dhaya Hum Pe” - attracts abundance and prosperity into life.
  • Goddess Lakshmi: “Om Hrim Shrim Lakshmi Byo Namaha” - the best female meditation practice. Attracts success in business and gives financial abundance.
  • Kubera: “Om Vaishravanaya Vidmahe Yaksha Rajaya DHIMAHI Tanno Kubera Prachodayat” - sends rain of money to active and purposeful individuals.

Mantras for money and wealth will not bring instant results in an instant. To achieve the desired effect, you need to work with them daily, believing in success.

Important information:

  1. 1. Under no circumstances should you read mantras while under the influence of alcoholic beverages. This work must take place in a clear mind.
  2. 2. Haste does not contribute to obtaining good result. If there is not enough time, you need to postpone reading until the evening or postpone it to the next day.

Don't despair if financial side life leaves much to be desired. Negative thoughts attract even more troubles. You need to work with a selected set of sacred words, believe in success and not expect an instant effect. In the coming month, all financial desires will come true.

Ancestors eastern civilization We were confident that mantras for attracting money are powerful energy, with whose help we can really ensure well-being and prosperity. Not everyone knows that the word “mantra” in India is used to describe the “key” to the locked doors of the Universe. Usually, this is a listing of the names of gods who are responsible for various areas of life. Contemporaries by deity mean the energy flows of the Universe. It is generally accepted that the sequence of enumeration and the form of our speech have a direct impact not only on the mind and state of a person, but also on the objects around him.

To achieve results, it is important to correctly pronounce mantras to attract wealth. You must be aware of them and read them not silently, but out loud. And not in a patter, but as if in a sing-song voice. Your voice should sound in unison with the energy flows of the Universe that need to be attracted. In addition, sounds and syllables must sound without distortion, because each has a specific meaning that influences the sequence of events in the world around us.

Some Slavs do not understand how one can pray, while reciting the same text for hours to fulfill one desire. Not everyone can do this and it looks fantastic, but mantras for attracting good luck and prosperity, the practice of their use and the results already obtained convince us that “the impossible is possible.”

Almost everyone agrees that everything in nature is balanced. But today its laws do not fully apply. According to Vedic and Tibetan philosophy, this is why energy problems arise. But regularly reading or listening to a mantra helps restore natural balance. The main thing is to repent of your mistakes. In response to the request, money will appear, and in the amounts that are needed. and everyone can sing “songs”.

Mantras are similar to prayers

Christians have a negative and distrustful attitude towards mantras. However, European culture also uses slander and various conspiracies. Their roots go back to pagan times. They were pronounced while observing a certain ritual for a specific purpose. This is how people gained strength and exerted a mental influence on surrounding objects and the course of events, using only the energy of sound vibrations.

The mantras of the Slavs have adapted over time. During the strengthening of Christianity, sorcerers, sorcerers, and healers began to use them. Even today such magic is extremely popular, because its secrets are widespread throughout the world. World Wide Web. Unfortunately, not everyone uses it only for good.

Conspiracies, of course, are not the only legacy of the formation of Christianity. Powerful prayers have become much more widespread. They are also phenomenal sounds that can miraculously influence reality and, for example, heal from illness. However, prayers are based on the interaction between man and God. In them, Christians ask the Creator for forgiveness, help and mercy. They are different in text and meaning, so they can be considered an analogue of mantras. After all, they are based on words and their power of sounds. A certain sequence of words represents the harmony of sounds to which the Universe listens and responds.

For a long time, when people lacked money, they resorted to prayers to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, who, according to legend, performed quite a few miracles. At the link above you will read about the three miracles that Spyridon performed.

Choosing the Ideal Mantra

There are different mantras for attracting money, the powerful power of which helps in choosing a source of income. There is no point in reading several different ones at the same time. All you have to do is choose one. It will work quickly. The main thing is to follow the rules and order of meditation and believe in success. You need to recite the mantra daily and soon you will be confident that you are walking the right path.

How to solve the problem of choosing a financial mantra? You can contact your teacher. Or rely on intuition or a hint from the mind. Having made a decision, it is better to find its audio recording and listen to it several times. This will help you reproduce the sound of the hymn perfectly and achieve the desired effect.

Mantras for attracting financial success are a special class of Vedic hymns, small texts, which do not have to be perfectly accurately repeated. Even if you replace one or two words, the mantra will not be weaker.

According to the guru, charged water can be used to attract wealth. It's easy to do. The mantra must be learned by heart and written down. Put on the water, play the audio recording and repeat the recording test. Having completed the ritual of chanting, place the vessel in such a place that the light of the Moon falls on the water. Then you should read the mantra out loud with your palms outstretched towards the Moon until you feel that its light fills your body through your palms. Finally, the charged water is drunk in small sips. Regularly performing such a ritual is correct.

It is believed that for successful business necessary on the full moon ring finger Put on a silver ribbon or ribbon with your left, not right, hand. The greatest effect is achieved in the case of a full moon that falls on Monday.

Three most powerful mantras to attract wealth:

  • “Om Gam Ganapataye Sarve Vighna Raye Sarvaye Sarve Guarve Lamba Daraya Hrim Gam Namah”

  • "Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah"

  • "Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha"

Three versions of the mantra for Ganesha, who is considered the main god of abundance and wisdom. It is recommended to recite one of your choice 108 times every day, in front of the Ganesha figurine, such daily manipulations will turn the figurine into souvenir shop into a talisman to attract money. Gifts in the form of coins and sweets should be presented to Ganesha so that he transforms them into financial energy.

Mantras of the treasurer god Kubera

God Kubera ensures success in all financial endeavors. When reciting, to enhance the power of the mantra, it is recommended to use artifacts such as yantras and plates painted with pictures from the world of Kubera.

Reciting a mantra to attract money, the powerful power of which can solve all financial problems, should become a habit. But reading them as memorized poems at school is not enough. That's all from reading a mantra, the main thing is that any mantra must be supported by true aspiration and desire for what you are asking the Universe for.

The sacred words of mantras help overcome difficulties, improve mood and well-being. Sacred sounds reveal hidden abilities and cleanse karma. Wealth mantras occupy a special place in Hindu rituals. Cherished words will make it possible to attract financial flows into life and open up new prospects for earning money.

In this article

How to choose a wealth mantra

In Hinduism, there are many prayers to deities with which you can increase the number of rustling bills in your wallet. How to choose the one that suits you and achieve the desired effect.

  1. To get started, listen to several mantras online performed by different singers. Choose with your soul: the sounds will penetrate your subconscious and create images that are close and understandable to your worldview.
  2. Listen to the selected text every day. Memorize the sequence of words and pronunciation of syllables.
  3. To make the task easier, sing along with the selected performer as if to a soundtrack.
  4. Over time, you will learn to read the mantra on your own, both out loud and silently.

Among popular performers of meditative texts, the singing of Deva Premal is considered especially original. This is a German singer practicing the new age movement. The Sanskrit mantras in her compositions successfully combine the beauty of sacred sounds and modern arrangements.

Deva Premal. Mantra performer in New Age style.

The video below contains the mantra sung by Deva Premal. Moola Mantra strengthens the connection with the Divine, grants liberation and spiritual growth. It is believed that chanting or listening to this mantra brings health, wealth, happiness, and spiritual experience.

Regularity of reading the wealth mantra

Each sacred verse has its own ritual of pronunciation and interaction with it. The frequency of reading the mantra and the time of working on the problem are individual. Some verses are recited once a week or on a specific day and hour of the month. The position of the Moon is also taken into account. The classic pronunciation of the mantra is 108 times, unless otherwise specified in the reading rules. A beginner is advised to chant or recite the mantra as many times as is comfortable. To avoid confusion, use a rosary for your work.

  1. The basic rule for reading sacred text is not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts and external stimuli. Therefore, take care of privacy and peace in advance.
  2. Appeals to higher powers do not tolerate fuss and haste. Choose the right time to work with mantras. It is better if it is early in the morning: the awakening of nature symbolizes the beginning of a new day and life cycle.
  3. To meditate on wealth mantras, use the magic of smells. droplet essential oil jasmine will enhance monetary energy. Add it to the aroma lamp, apply one or two drops of liquid to your temples and wrists. Money scents also include patchouli, cedar and pine. Find out through experience which one is right for you.

The aromas of wealth will enhance money energy

Use incense sticks and cones to create a meditative mood. Fumigate the room with incense smoke. They will help you concentrate and relax.

Which gods should you ask for wealth?

Hinduism is a religion that worships many deities. Brahma occupies the dominant place in the pantheon. According to the teaching, it does not have a permanent appearance, but takes on three forms. This is Brahma - the Creator, Vishnu - the Preserver and Shiva - the Destroyer.

The most famous supreme deity responsible for wealth is material well-being and wealth is Ganesha. He is usually depicted as a man with the head of an elephant.

The video contains a mantra for wealth and prosperity:

Mantras to God Ganesha

Here are some texts that should be spoken while offering praises to Ganesha.



The Ganapataye mantra is considered one of the most powerful. . Please note that this text only works with regular practice. Don’t be lazy to say the words of prayers, and Ganesha will pay attention to requests for well-being.


Another Ganesha wealth mantra, also very effective.


Mantras to Goddess Lakshmi

The goddess of prosperity and a successful life - Lakshmi - is no less popular among Hindus. Mantras addressed to her have powerful energy that can attract cash flows. The Lakshmi mantra should be read while the Moon is waxing.


In European and Russian occult traditions, conspiracies for wealth and prosperity are usually pronounced on the rising Moon. It is believed that as the newborn month grows and gains strength, so too do cash flows concentrate and merge into a powerful river of wealth and prosperity.

Bija mantra Mahalakshmi

Bija mantras consist of only one, less often several syllables. They are the quintessence of the energy of the deity to whom they ascend. According to the Vedas, these short sounds have enormous power and can change consciousness and the surrounding reality. The one who pronounces these syllables directly addresses the deities. Subtle vibrations of ancient mantras work wonders.

Bija mantra Mahalakshmi is a short call to wealth to the goddess Lakshmi. The effectiveness of SHREAM sound has been tested for centuries. It is pronounced when they want to pay homage to the patroness of the Moon, Lakshmi.

Mantras recited to celestial bodies

Hindus deify the Sun and Moon and pay homage to other planets. It is customary to ask for wealth for oneself and fertility for the earth from the Moon and Jupiter. Mantras recited to these planets help achieve well-being and prosperity.

Mantra for the Moon

It is customary to directly address the earth's satellite during the full moon. The night should be quiet, windless and clear.

  • stand firmly on the ground with both feet;
  • raise your hands to the sky;
  • concentrate and say the words of the wealth mantra out loud.


The mantra should be chanted 12 times during the twelve full moons. According to legend, on the thirteenth time you will receive what you ask for.

Mantra for Jupiter

The supreme ruler of the sky, Jupiter, was revered back in ancient Rome. Hindus offer prayers to this celestial body, making a request to send prosperity to the house.


The video contains a mantra that opens a money channel:

Mantras for addressing the Universe

In Hinduism, an appeal to the Universal Mind is practiced. These short wealth mantras help to establish contact with Higher Powers.










Do not try to learn and practice all the mantras listed above at once. Choose the one that you like or is easier to read, perceive and pronounce. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired effect.

Wealth mantras, like other spells, work only if a person is ready to receive benefits from the Universe. Not a single prayer works on its own, without our participation. Do not consider achieving wealth as the main goal in life, be generous and wise, then Higher power They will hear the call and respond.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Another of our spiritual “helpers” in attracting wealth is mantras. Eastern sages wrote this: “There is a mantra for everyone. All your problems can be solved if you find the right mantra!” This mantra must be practiced regularly, pronounced correctly and set the right intention. In this article we will discuss with you mantras for attracting money. How to do all this, and what mantras for money exist - read below.

Mantras for money: features

If you read mantras for money for one day or start practicing “when you remember,” it will not bring any effect. Regularity and long-term reading are important (1-2 months, unless other conditions are specified). In this case, the mantra opens up for you and begins to have a beneficial effect on your life.

Some more important tips:

  • Before practicing mantras, it is useful to form and speak an intention. This is what you would like to get out of practice. Usually the intention begins like this: “I direct the fruits of reading this mantra to …” then you indicate what you need for this moment. This could be an increase in income, a new job that’s right for you, money for something specific, or faster repayment of debts/loans.
  • The selected mantra for attracting money is read daily, the number of repetitions is 3, 9, 27 or 108 times. It is convenient to count this number on a rosary. In addition, they help you concentrate and fully immerse yourself in reading.
  • When reading, it is useful to visualize the image of the Divine to whom you are addressing. So, while reading wealth mantras to Ganesha, imagine the image of this Helper and turn to him. It’s also very good to visualize your goal - new workplace, paying off debt, new level of income and what you spend it on. These thoughts should be positive and bright!
  • Before reciting the mantra, take a few deep breaths to concentrate. It is better to read the mantra in a secluded place where no one will disturb you. And don’t rush to finish the practice! It is important for you to “immerse yourself” in the mantra and feel the power of these sacred words.

Another important advice– be respectful of the mantras, be open to changes, because they will definitely happen. And take advantage of the chances that life will give you! After all, mantras for money are not a magical miracle, they will not make you a millionaire right away, but will simply open up new ways for income, give you chances and happy accidents.

Mantras for attracting money

Below you will find some effective mantras that you can use to practice. But don't mix them, don't read them all at once! Take time for each and let it bear fruit.

-OM GURAVE NAMAH – mantra of Jupiter, which is responsible for human well-being, prosperity long years. It is read on Thursdays, the day of Jupiter. Very effective in combination with charity, meditation, positive thinking and other upayas.

-OM HRIM SHRIM LAKSHMI BYO NAMAHA or OM SRI MAHA LAKSHMIYE NAMAH- a respectful appeal to the Goddess Lakshmi, a mantra for wealth and the acquisition of all kinds of material wealth. When practicing this mantra, you need to visualize the image of Lakshmi and turn to her. For convenience, you can read before the image of this Goddess.

-OM SRI GANESHAYA NAMAH– worship of Ganesha, an effective mantra for attracting money, keeping it and rational use. This powerful mantra also removes obstacles in business and attracts helpers and valuable connections. When reading, it is important to visualize the image of Ganesha.

These are the basic money mantras that you can use to practice. It is also useful to “connect” astrology and see what period you are currently living in, which planets and how they influence your financial sector. Working at these deep levels helps to attract long-term prosperity into your life.

Find out if you have a talent for studying astrology. Send us a private message

Mantra for getting huge wealth

Om - gam - ganapataye - sarva - vighna - raya - sarvaya - sarva - gurave - lambo - daraya - hrim - gam - namah

With this mantra you can get enormous wealth, consisting of both valuable things and money.

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