Cities of the Republic of South Africa. Cities and provinces of South Africa

South Africa or the Republic of South Africa is perhaps one of the most famous African powers. A long period European colonization served South Africa well. In the tropical wilderness, highly developed cities with a European character, East London, Cape Town or Port Elizabeth, look completely unique, characteristic and original. Colonization left its mark on various spheres of social, cultural and political life: widespread in the country English language, the cities are full of Old World architecture, and the country's traditions and cultural foundations are very reminiscent of those from the suburbs of London. Ethnic composition The population was already heterogeneous, but with a new admixture of European blood it became simply inimitable.

The most appropriate adjective to describe this country is diverse. Nature and relief vary significantly in different areas: in the north-west there is a predominance of lush vegetation, a humid subtropical climate, in eastern plain is located on the picturesque coast of the Indian Ocean, dominates temperate climate, in the south of the country the Drakensberg Mountains rise, which make their own adjustments to the nature of the relief and climate in the region. And in the west, the area of ​​South Africa shrinks by 100 thousand square meters. km of the Namib Desert, these lands are deserted, not suitable for cultivation and not inhabited. The interior of the country is occupied by plains, also relatively deserted, the Kalahari savanna, the Karoo Desert and shrubby heaths.

The diversity of the population, their languages, traditions and cultural foundations is also amazing. One can only wonder how such a diverse public gets along in one power.

General information about the Republic of South Africa

South Africa is the most developed country on the African continent, and compared to all the states of the world economic community, South Africa does not look poor. According to the UN classification, South Africa belongs to middle-income countries. However, the proportion of the population (mostly black) living below the poverty line remains relatively high in the country.

The area of ​​South Africa is 1,220,000 square meters. km, the country ranks 24th in the world in terms of area, but slightly more than half of the land is suitable for living and economic cultivation.

Government structure and legal system of the country

In 1961, South Africa became an independent state. Before this, the lands were alternately under the rule of Holland and Britain. However, with the advent of independence, the country did not take a dramatic step towards social and economic progress, because it still had an apartheid regime aimed at genocide of the black population. During this period, many independent states ceased diplomatic relations with South Africa, the UN passed resolutions recognizing apartheid as neo-fascism, South Africa was forced to refuse to participate in the Olympic Games, but the country's government never abandoned the policy of separatism of the black population. Only in 1989, with the coming to power of a new government, did the development of a democratic society begin. However, despite all the democratic and peacekeeping measures aimed at tolerance and guaranteeing equal rights for all ethnic groups, in South Africa there is still a gap between the living standards of “white” and “black” citizens. In 1994, South Africa regained membership in the Commonwealth of Nations.

According to the form of government, South Africa is a parliamentary federal republic. Administratively, the state is divided into 9 provinces.

Level of economic development, main areas of the national economy

The Republic of South Africa has a fairly high level of GDP per capita (26th place in the world), especially among African states. Rich Natural resources, powerful energy, transport infrastructure and high-productivity Agriculture- These are well-developed areas of the South African economy. The geography of the country, the unpredictability of the climate and landscapes do not contribute to the large-scale development of the agro-industrial complex, but, nevertheless, South Africa is a major exporter of food, peanuts, tobacco, wine, corn, etc.

The transport sector is dominated by air and railway transport. The sphere of domestic air transportation functions perfectly, communication between distant cities is based on it. Roads in South Africa are in good condition, but their system has not yet been finalized; in some areas you can find complete impassability. Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban have international airports. The state airline is South African Airways.

The leading industry in terms of profitability is, of course, gold mining. More than 15% of the world's gold comes from South Africa. The country is also known in the world as a diamond exporter. It was the rich deposits of these natural minerals, discovered in the 19th century, that contributed to the massive colonization of South Africa by greedy Europeans. The state also exports platinum (85% comes from South Africa), zirconium, coal, palladium, etc.

Composition of the population of South Africa, demographics, religion

The harsh apartheid in South Africa was replaced by a regime of widespread tolerance towards representatives of all ethnic groups and cultures. The new brand of South African society is the Rainbow Republic, a power in which all nations live in harmony on the principles of mutual respect for each other's traditions and cultures.

The population of South Africa according to 2010 data is more than 47 million people. However, natural growth is very low, during recent years the number of citizens remains virtually unchanged due to the high mortality rate, especially among the black population.

National composition of the peoples of South Africa:

  1. The largest ethnic group is black citizens (80%). These are representatives of the Ndebele, Koso, Zulu tribal groups, as well as emigrants from disadvantaged Nigeria and Zimbabwe.
  2. The white population is 10%, the highest percentage on the African continent. This group is filled by the descendants of British, Dutch, and Portuguese colonialists. This is still the most privileged social stratum, but the reason for this is already the high level of education and labor activity"white" citizens. They mainly inhabit the large cities of South Africa: Cape Town, Pretoria, Johannesburg.
  3. Third: “colored” ethnic groups (8%), they consist of descendants of mixed marriages between the indigenous population, Asians and Europeans.
  4. Asians make up 2% of all citizens. This group includes descendants of emigrants from India, China, and Malaysia who settled South Africa in the 19th century.

South Africa's population density is varied. Average 40 people per 1 sq. km, but the megacities are very densely populated, especially Cape Town, Pretoria, Durban, Port Elizabeth, East London.

The population of South Africa is mainly Christian, but some social groups practice Hinduism, Islam and local traditional religions.

Life expectancy in South Africa

The country has a low life expectancy rate. Among men - 43 years, among women - 41. The highest mortality rate is among the black population, it is due to insufficient medical care and artisanal methods of treatment. The main cause of natural mortality among blacks: drug addiction and its consequences, AIDS, skin cancer due to high levels of harmful ultraviolet radiation.

85% of the South African population speaks writing, while the level of education among “whites” is very high.

The unemployment rate in South Africa is close to critical (29%), especially among blacks. In some cities there are still dysfunctional, criminal black neighborhoods where racketeering, prostitution, and drug trafficking flourish.

Traditions, customs and culture of the peoples of South Africa

Some traditions and customs that the population of South Africa still adheres to are perplexing to a resident of the 21st century.

For example, early marriage is common among indigenous peoples. It is accepted that a girl can get married at 13 years old.

The diet of some indigenous people completely excludes fish and seafood, because, according to their beliefs, the water where fish live is fraught with evil and danger. Let us remind you that the length of the South African coastline is one of the largest in the world, amounting to 2,798 km.

However, based on the antediluvian customs of some ethnic groups, it is impossible to judge the level of cultural development of the entire country. In fact, South Africa is quite advanced, and although the development of public culture was given impetus by European colonialists, after independence the country continued to develop.

South Africa has produced world-class musicians and writers, laureates Nobel Prize. The famous author of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the literary father of the elves, John Tolkien, was born in South Africa.

Official languages

South Africa is an interesting country and can set an example for many in how to resolve interlingual conflicts that occur in highly developed countries. The state has a very diverse national composition, which led to multilingualism. The country has 11 official languages: English and 11 dialects of local tribes. Most of citizens speak several languages.

After the fall of totalitarianism, the right to one's own official language The indigenous population of South Africa also received.

In the last decade, a new hybrid language, Tsotsitaals, a kind of cross between Afrikaans, Zulu and several other dialects, has become very widespread among the black population.

Major cities of South Africa, their attractions

The population of the state is the only one in the world that can boast of three capitals. The main one is Pretoria, where the government building is located, but the South African parliament is located in Cape Town, and the courts are concentrated in Bloemfontein.

Cape Town is also known as a tourist destination, full of colonial architectural attractions, as well as the natural landmarks of the Cape Peninsula and the Cape of Good Hope, and is also a famous wine region with beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate.

The Eastern Cape region and its tourist capital Port Elizabeth are famous as a coastal resort with sandy beaches, elephant and zebra national parks, etc.

Johannesburg is the most populous metropolis in South Africa, it is not as developed in in terms of tourism, but is famous as an industrial and technological center.

The large town of Durba is located near the relict Lake Santa Lucia, which is listed world heritage UNESCO.

In the northwest is the entertainment capital of the country, Sun City, known as the Las Vegas of Africa, the city is built in the center of the diamond and gold district.

How did South Africa open up to the world after the football championship in 2010?

In 2010, South Africa hosted the most high-profile sporting event - the FIFA World Cup, which was held for the first time on the African continent.

A number of sports facilities and football arenas were built especially for the grandiose football event. Matches were held in the cities of Pretoria, Rustenburg, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth, Polokwane, Mbombela, Durban, Cape Town, and Johannesburg. The final took place in the city of Johannesburg.

After the football championship, this African country changed its primitive status in the eyes of the world community. But the tournament did not contribute to the massive development of tourism in the country, which is hampered by the low level of medicine and the high level of crime.

South Africa is a “civilized” Africa: this is especially noticeable in the country’s large cities. There are seven million-dollar cities in the Republic of South Africa, and their population is growing rapidly every year - for example, in Cape Town over the past six years it has increased by 1.5 million people! About the cities that visiting will make your tour to South Africa more interesting and informative, we will tell you in this material.


The largest city in South Africa is Johannesburg: its population, together with its suburbs, exceeds 4.5 million people; about 8 million Africans live in the entire urban agglomeration. It’s difficult to call Jozi a tourist place, but there are many attractions here: more than twenty museums, perfectly preserved buildings of the Central Library and the old city post office, the Gold Reef City amusement park, dedicated to the times of the “gold rush”. In Soweto, which is a satellite city Johannesburg, we recommend visiting National Museum Nelson Mandela and a wonderful zoo.

Cape Town

The Western Cape Province is home to many world-famous South African attractions, so starting to get to know the country from its capital, Cape Town, is logical and, by the way, very convenient. There is a large international Airport. From Cape Town excursions start Cape of Good Hope And Cape Point, walks along the Atlantic coast. Read about our trip to Cape Town and its surroundings in our photo story.


Durban is the beach capital of the country: here is the coast Indian Ocean the most prestigious resorts are located South Africa . All year round V Durban It's warm and humid, so the city, formerly called Port Natal, has no shortage of tourists. The Zolotoy Bereg entertainment complex and other centers of the same high level offer travelers entertainment for every taste and budget. IN Zimbali , Ballito and other resort towns included in the Durban agglomeration, there are many excellent beaches and interesting diving sites.


The capital of South Africa, Pretoria, is a beautiful and tranquil city that combines former Victorian grandeur with the brilliance of modern high-rise buildings made of glass and concrete. At the entrance to Pretoria rises Voortrekker - a monument dedicated to the Great Exodus to the north of Boer farmers and housing a museum. In the city, several forts have been preserved since the Boer War, there is an amazing botanical garden and several dozen museums, in particular, the Paul Kruger House Museum, the Window of Africa Museum, the Melrose House, the Transvaal Museum and the complex at the Cullinan Diamond Mine, where A diamond weighing 3,106 carats was mined.


Judicial capital South Africa and a city in which several thousand bloom simultaneously in the spring rose bushes, Bloemfontein can be called a piece of old Europe in Africa. The gardens and parks of Bloemfontein are a favorite vacation spot for both citizens and tourists. The visiting card of the city is the National Women's Memorial, which is visible from almost anywhere in Bloemfontein, and from the observation deck on Naval Hill you can see other sights of the city. In addition to museums and old Victorian mansions, Bloemfontein worth to visit national park Golden Gate Highlands and the KwaKwa Mountains, as well as travel to the Basotho ethnic village where the Sotho people live.


Travelers traveling to the diamond capital tour to South Africa, go to see the giant Big Hole Quarry: in the “Big Hole”, more than a kilometer deep, dug by hand, 2,722 kilograms of diamonds were mined over the 40 years of operation of the mine. IN Kimberly you can take a real trip back in time - be transported to the age of “diamond fever”, sit in a tavern where diggers once rested, and even try to mine diamonds yourself! In the vicinity of the city, other entertainments are offered - rafting on the Orange River, visiting national park Valbos, the source of the Eye of Kuruman and the Vonderwerk cave with its famous rock paintings.

South Africa(South Africa)- a state in southern Africa.

South Africa is considered the most economically developed country on the African continent, its economy ranks twentieth in the world in terms of growth rates.

South Africa is the only African country that has managed to develop its own nuclear weapon. Subsequently, the country adopted a nuclear-free status and completely renounced nuclear weapons.

South Africa is the former largest Dutch colony, and in the future also a British colony; there are a lot of immigrants from the Netherlands and people fluent in Dutch in the country.



The country's population is 49 million people.

The capital of the country is Pretoria. This is not the largest city in South Africa.

Other major cities are Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban. The largest city in South Africa is Johannesburg. Its population is 4 and a half million inhabitants. Second most populous city South Africa- Cape Town. It is home to 3 and a half million inhabitants. There are no other cities with a population of over a million people in South Africa.

South Africa shares land borders with Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. In addition, there is an enclave within the country - the state of Lesotho. It is surrounded on all sides by the border with South Africa.

The coast of the country is located on two oceans: the Atlantic and Indian.

The country is entirely located in the Southern Hemisphere, quite far from the equator, so the climate here is similar to European - there is a change of seasons, with astronomical winter (cold period) lasting in the calendar summer months, and astronomical summer (heat period) lasting in the calendar winter months. South Africa and Lesotho are the only African countries, on the territory of which a stable snow cover forms in winter.

There are almost no forests in South Africa - the forest area in this country occupies only 0.2% of the total area of ​​the country, so trees are rare here.

The Republic of South Africa has a relatively simple administrative division; it is divided into 9 provinces: Western Cape, Northern Cape, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, North Western, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo.

South Africa has two time zones. The difference with Greenwich is +2 and +3 hours; the time in this country coincides with Moscow and Kyiv time.

There are also mountainous regions in South Africa: The largest mountain systems are: the Drakensberg Mountains, the Cape Mountains, the Roggeveld ridge, the Great Escarpment massif, the Waterberg ridge, the Witwatersrand ridge.

The highest point in South Africa is Mount Njesuti. Its height is 2737 meters.

Most rivers in South Africa dry up during the dry season, but there are also large rivers that never dry up. The most large river- Orange. Its length is 1865 km. Another major river is the famous African Limpopo River.

The largest freshwater lake in South Africa is Sibaya.


South African railways are considered the most developed railways in Africa. The length of South African steel mains is almost 27,000 km, but they are all narrow gauge - the so-called Japanese gauge with a width of 1067 mm is used. Passenger services are well developed, with passenger trains running regularly between Pretoria, Johannesburg and Cape Town. The country has railway connections with other countries - Lesotho and Mozambique.

Roads in South Africa are also considered to be of the best quality in all of Africa. There are also high-speed highways of excellent quality connecting the capital and major cities of the country.

The total length of roads in the Republic of South Africa is 52,000 km, which is a very good indicator.


The Republic of South Africa has an interesting history.

The main stages of the history of South Africa:

a) the territory of the country in ancient times - the settlement of the territory of South Africa by primitive tribes (before the 1st millennium BC), settlement by the Bushmen - the ancestors of modern South Africans (before 1652);

b) Dutch colony (since 1652) - the arrival of the Dutchman Jan van Riebeeck and his founding of the Cape Colony (April 6, 1652), the beginning of the mass resettlement of colonists from the Netherlands, the wars of the Dutch colonists with the Xhosa tribe, the capture of the Cape Colony by the British (1797);

c) British colony (from early XIX century) – defeat of the Netherlands from Napoleonic France(1806) and the capture of the Dutch colonies by the British (until 1833);

d) The period of the Anglo-Boer Wars - the discovery of diamond deposits (1867), the discovery of gold deposits (1886), the formation of two Boer republics - Orange and Transvaal, the first Anglo-Boer War (1880-1881), the second Anglo-Boer war (1899-1902);

e) Union of South Africa (since 1910) - the unification of the Cape Colony, the Orange Republic and the Transvaal Republic into one state, turning the country into a dominion of the British Empire;

f) The apartheid period (since 1948) – discrimination of the black population by whites, Nelson Mandela’s struggle against apartheid;

g) the end of Apartheid, free South Africa (since 1994) - the holding of the first democratic elections and the victory of Nelson Mandela.


South Africa is considered a country rich in mineral resources.

The country ranks first in the world in terms of gold reserves.

In addition, South Africa leads the world in reserves of manganese ore, chromite, platinum, vanadium, fluorites, aluminum raw materials, corundum, and asbestos.

The country ranks first in Africa in coal production.

Natural gas is also produced in the country.

Other minerals also include uranium, iron ore, titanium, antimony, lead, zinc, nickel, apatite, diamonds, copper, tin, and silver.

The only strategic hydrocarbon that is completely absent in South Africa is oil. The state is forced to import it in full from other countries.


South Africa has two types of climate. It is coldest in the south of the country, near the coast. These areas are farthest from the equator; they have a temperate climate with a pronounced change of seasons. In winter, stable snow cover very often falls (snow also constantly falls in the kingdom of Lesotho, since this country is located high in the mountains and is surrounded on all sides by the territory of South Africa). In winter there are often frosts, sometimes up to 15 degrees below zero. Summer is not hot; in the south of the country there is rarely thirty-degree heat.

IN central regions and in the north of the country (closer to the equator) the climate is subtropical. The change of seasons here is weakly expressed; in winter there is no snow or frost, and summer is very hot and humid. The climate in the center and north of South Africa is very similar to the Mediterranean.

When planning a trip to this country, you should not forget that the country is located in the Southern Hemisphere, which is why the peak heat occurs in winter calendar months, and the peak of cold weather is in summer. If the trip is planned to the southern coast of the country in summer, warm winter clothes with you - required. After all, when Europe is in the July heat, in the south of South Africa there is snow and it can be frosty. These subtleties must be taken into account.

The provinces and cities of the Republic of South Africa are presented to your attention.

South Africa

a state in the southern part of the African continent. In the north it borders with Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe, in the northeast - with Mozambique and Swaziland. Inside the territory of South Africa there is the enclave state of Lesotho. South Africa is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in Africa and has the largest proportion of white, Asian and mixed populations on the continent. South Africa is located at the southern tip of Africa. The length of the coastline is 2,798 km. Has an area of ​​1,219,912 km². In terms of population, the Republic of South Africa is in 26th place in the world - 49.9 million people live in the country. South Africa is now a unitary state. The country's territory is divided into 9 provinces.


Cape Town

The second most populous city (after Johannesburg) in the Republic of South Africa. Located in the southwest of the country, on the Atlantic coast, near the Cape of Good Hope. Capital of the Western Cape Province, legislative capital of South Africa. Part of the Cape Town metropolitan area. According to the 2011 census, Cape Town has a population of 3,430,992. Cape Town has an area of ​​2,499 km²: it is larger than other cities in South Africa.

Provinces and cities

Western Cape

Province in southwestern South Africa. In the south it is washed by the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Formed in 1994 after administrative reform in the country. The administrative center of the province is the city of Cape Town. Population 5,822,734 people.

  • Stellenbosch - city ​​in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Cape Town. The center of South Africa's largest wine region.
  • Beaufort West - a city in South Africa in the Western Cape Province. Population: about 46,600 inhabitants. Christian Barnard, who performed the first heart transplant, was born in the city.
  • Knysna - a town and popular tourist resort in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It is part of the Garden Route tourist region.
  • George - a city located in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, with a population of about 203 thousand people and with total area 1072 km².
Northern Cape

The largest of the provinces of the Republic of South Africa, it occupies 30% of the territory and is geographically located in the northwestern part of the country. In the west the province borders Atlantic Ocean, in the south with the Western Cape, in the north with Botswana and Namibia. Despite the fact that the province is the largest in the country, it ranks last in terms of population. The administrative center of the province is the city of Kimberley.

  • Kimberly - A city in the Republic of South Africa, it is the center of the Northern Cape Province. It is on a plateau located on the border of the Northern Cape and the Free State. The city is located in the valley of the Vaal River, which is a tributary of the Orange River. The city has secured the status of the country's diamond capital. Kimberley, along with the town of Ritchie and extensive countryside, forms part of the local municipality of Sol Plaatje, which has a total population of more than 230 thousand people. (2002).
  • Upington - a town in the Khara Hayes Local Municipality of the Siyanda District of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. Population - 121,189 inhabitants (2012). The city is named after Thomas Upington, who was Prime Minister of the Northern Cape from 1884 to 1886.
Eastern Cape

One of the provinces of the Republic of South Africa. Formed in 1994 from part of the former Cape Province, as well as the quasi-independent bantustans of Ciskei and Transkei. The Eastern Cape is bordered by the Western Cape (to the west) and the Northern Cape (to the north-west), the Free State (to the north) and KwaZulu-Natal (to the north-east), and Lesotho ( in the north). In the south it is washed by the Indian Ocean. Most of the province is mountainous and hilly, the highest point being 3001 m above sea level. The large conurbation of Port Elizabeth is located in the Eastern Cape Province. The administrative center of the province is the city of Bisho.

  • Bisho - a city in the Republic of South Africa, is the administrative center of the Eastern Cape Province. The legislature and other government departments of the Eastern Cape are headquartered in the city. The word Bisho means buffalo in the Xhosa language and is also the name of the river that runs through the town.
  • East London - a city on the south-eastern coast of the Republic of South Africa in the Eastern Cape Province. Located on the coast of the Indian Ocean. Most of the city is between the Buffalo and Nahoon rivers. The country's only river port. More than 400 thousand people live in the city, more than 1.4 million people live in the agglomeration. The city is the second most populous in the province after the city of Port Elizabeth.

Province of South Africa. Formed in 1994 by uniting the province of Natal (the old Portuguese name is “Rozhdestvenskaya”) and the former bantustan of KwaZulu. The province's territory is 94,361 km², almost the same size as Portugal.

  • Pietermaritzburg - a city in the Republic of South Africa, the center of the province of KwaZulu-Natal and its second most populous city (according to the 1991 census, its population was 228,549 people, now it is estimated from 350 to 500 thousand people). The area of ​​the city is 649 km².
  • Durban - the center of the third most populous agglomeration of South Africa (3.45 million inhabitants in 2007) after Johannesburg and Cape Town, is located in the urban district of Ethekwini, KwaZulu-Natal province. Largest port in the region. Tourism Center (thanks to high level infrastructure and services, warm ocean currents and beaches). Founded in 1835.
Free State

One of the provinces of the Republic of South Africa. The territory completely coincides with the territory of the old Orange Free State province, and the new name is a common abbreviation of the old one. The province produces up to 70% of South African grain, in addition, there are rich deposits of gold and diamonds. The administrative center of the province is the city of Bloemfontein, which is also the judicial capital of South Africa.

  • Bloemfontein - a city in South Africa, the center of the Free State province, the judicial capital of the country.
  • Bethlehem - a city in the east of the South African province of Free State. The city is located in the heart of a picturesque natural region in the north-east of the Free State.
  • Sasolburg - a city in South Africa, the administrative center of the Fezile-Dabi district and the local municipality of Metsimaholo. The name means "Sasol Corporation City" in Afrikaans.
  • Krunstad - a city in South Africa, the administrative center of the local municipality of Motsghaka. The name translated from Dutch means “city of the crown”.
  • Welcome - a town in the Lezweleputswa region of the Free State province of South Africa. According to population estimates for 2010, Welkom became the most populous city in the province, overtaking Bloemfontein. One of the youngest and most dynamically developing cities in South Africa.
North Western Province

The sixth largest province of the Republic of South Africa. It borders in the north with Botswana, in the west with the Northern Cape Province, in the south with the Free State Province, in the southeast with Gauteng Province, and in the east with Limpopo. Established in 1994 after administrative reform. The administrative center of the province is the city of Mafikeng. The largest city is Rustenburg.

  • Mafikeng - a city in South Africa, the center of the North-West Province, located on the border with Botswana, 1400 km from Cape Town and 260 km from Johannesburg. In 2001 the city's population was 49,300 people. Located on a steppe plain at an altitude of 1500 m along the banks of the Molopo River.
  • Rustenburg - a town in the Bojanala Platinum region of the North West Province of South Africa at the foot of the Magaliesberg mountain range. Founded in 1851.

One of the provinces of the Republic of South Africa. Established in 1994 after administrative reform. Gauteng is the most economically developed province in South Africa. In terms of territory, it ranks last (1.4% of the country). The administrative center of the province is the city of Johannesburg.

  • Johannesburg - the largest city in South Africa by population. Locals they call it “Joburg”, “Jozi” and “Egoli”. Johannesburg is the center of Gauteng province, the richest province in South Africa. In 2010, matches of the FIFA World Cup were held in Johannesburg. The population of the municipality is 4,434,827 inhabitants.
  • Germiston - the administrative center of the Ekurhuleni urban district in the province of Gauteng.
  • Pretoria - the capital of the Republic of South Africa, the center of the Gauteng province, is located in the northeast of the country on the non-navigable Apis River. One of the most modern cities in Africa. Pretoria is one of the "three capitals" of South Africa, serving as the administrative capital (executive) and de facto national capital along with Cape Town (legislative) and Bloemfontein (judicial).

One of the provinces of the Republic of South Africa. Until 24 August 1995 it was called Eastern Transvaal. Until 1994 it was part of the Transvaal province. The name of the province translated from the Zulu language means “place where the sun rises.”

  • Mbombela - a city in the north-east of South Africa, the capital of the Mpumalanga province. Located on the banks of the Crocodile River, 100 kilometers west of the border with Mozambique, 330 kilometers east of Johannesburg.

One of the provinces of the Republic of South Africa. It has existed since 1994, when it was separated from the Transvaal under the name Northern Transvaal. From 1995 to 2003 it was called simply the Northern Province, then it received its current name. The administrative center of the province is the city of Polokwane (formerly called Pietersburg).

  • Polokwane - the administrative center of the local municipality of Polokwane, the Tropic of Capricorn region and the province of Limpopo. Population 508,272 people.

    Flag of the Republic of South Africa ... Wikipedia

    - (eng. Municipalities of South Africa) refer to a lower administrative level than the provinces territorial division. They form the lowest self-governing level of administrative-territorial division, and operate on... ... Wikipedia

    This article is about the coat of arms and history of the coats of arms of the Republic of South Africa. You can read about the coat of arms of the Republic of South Africa (Afrikaans Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek) here. Coat of arms of the Republic of South Africa ... Wikipedia

    The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa is the supreme law of South Africa. It provides the legal basis for the existence of the state, establishes the rights and responsibilities of its citizens, and determines the structure of the government of South Africa. The current Constitution... ... Wikipedia

    - (English: District municipality), or “Municipalities of category C” are districts of the South African Republic, which include mainly countryside. Districts are divided into local municipalities. Some parts of South Africa due to their... ... Wikipedia

    In the Republic of South Africa, according to its 1996 Constitution, 11 official languages ​​are recognized (more than 23 in India alone). Before official languages the states were English and Afrikaans, but after the fall of apartheid on ... ... Wikipedia

    This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

    Holidays of the Republic of South Africa: Date Name 1 January New Year March 21 Human Rights Day Friday before Easter Good Friday Monday after Easter Family Day April 27 Independence Day South Africa May 1 Labor Day June 16 ... Wikipedia

    Economic indicators Currency South African rand International organizations ACP Statistics GDP (nominal) 505 billion (2009) Economic active population 18 million ... Wikipedia

    This page needs significant revision. It may need to be Wikified, expanded, or rewritten. Explanation of reasons and discussion on the Wikipedia page: For improvement / May 23, 2012. Date of setting for improvement May 23, 2012 ... Wikipedia

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