Storing legumes at home. How to store beans at home - secrets of experts

All gardeners have long known what to grow good harvest beans are half the battle. It is equally important to preserve it until the next season, especially if homegrown vegetables are used as seed.
So, how and where to store beans in winter? You can use one of the following options:

  • in fabric bags in the refrigerator or on the balcony;
  • V glass jars;
  • in the freezer.

Before using one of the above methods, you should prepare the legumes for storage.

Preparing beans for storage

To ensure that the beans are well preserved, they are first dried. To do this, sort out the pods and put them in a dry place where they will not be exposed to direct Sun rays.
When all the pods turn yellow and the beans rattle slightly when shaken (about a week), they need to be husked and the beans re-examined. If holes are found, such beans are thrown away, since they may contain grain bugs that will damage the entire crop.

If you do not plan to use the beans for planting, to kill the bugs, the beans are heated for an hour in a slightly open oven.

Storing beans in the refrigerator and on the balcony

When you need to store small supplies, beans in fabric bags can be temporarily (while the weather is still warm) on the shelf in the refrigerator door. As the temperature outside drops, the bags are taken out to glass balcony. The storage issue is simpler for residents of the private sector who have a dry storage room or shed - this perfect option. The beans are placed in cardboard boxes, in which holes are first made so that the beans can “breathe”.
The advantages of such storage are that in a cool room the pest larvae die, and the beans do not germinate. However, this method is not very suitable for those who have open balconies– in severe frost, the beans will freeze. It will also be inconvenient to store large volumes in the refrigerator.

Storing beans in glass jars

The advantage of storing in jars is that the beans can last for several years. The top of the container must be closed with a lid. IN Lately Quite often they are also used to store beans. plastic bottles. Before pouring beans into them, you need to thoroughly dry the container.
Cans and bottles of beans are stored in a closet (away from radiators). To combat bugs, add a few cloves of garlic, Bay leaf or dill seeds.

Storing beans in the freezer

Beans can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months. This method works well for green beans. Before placing in the freezer, the pods are cut into small pieces (5 cm) and blanched for several minutes in boiling water. Then you need to let them cool and dry a little. Place the cooled green beans into bags or into small containers with a lid. Release the air from the bags and tie tightly.
When storing regular beans in the freezer, do not boil them; simply wash and dry them.

Proper storage of beans in winter - video

Beans are a plant that is often compared to meat in its protein content. A member of the legume family is distributed almost everywhere To the globe and has 97 varieties. White, red, brown and black - whatever colors nature has endowed the edible seeds of this crop.

The plant is cultivated in many gardens or summer cottages, and dishes made from it are loved and in demand. When the harvest is harvested, the question always arises of how to properly store beans at home so that they do not lose their taste and beneficial properties.

How to store beans - choosing a method

In our country, the most common bean is the common white bean. Some people grow it for its harvest, while others simply enjoy its flowering. The plant's birthplace is considered Latin America, it was from there that the legume spread throughout the globe. It is known that the Aztecs cultivated many types of culture, which greatly surprised the sailors.

When harvesting, it is important not only to collect the beans correctly, but also to preserve them so that bugs do not infest them or their taste properties do not disappear. The plant is very useful and for a long time people have not only used the beans, but also dried the green pods for medicinal purposes. Currently the culture is stored:

  • beans;
  • pods.

The purpose of preserving the harvest in beans varies. Some people plan to use the vegetable for food, while others are trying to save the beans for seeds to plant next year. In both cases, experts recommend doing this correctly, since the methods of storing seeds for use in food and for sowing differ significantly.

Summer resident's rules for harvesting and drying

Experienced gardeners adhere to a specific plan for working with legumes and do not skip any of the stages. To preserve beans for a long time for the winter you need:

  • harvest on time;
  • prepare it correctly;
  • place for the winter.


The bean harvest begins in August-September. During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor the plant. If its shoots dry out and lie down, and the pods are filled with juice, then the time has come. The crop is completely pulled out of the soil and suspended at some distance from it in whole bushes.

Drying outside

At the next stage, a cloth or blanket is spread under the bunch of crops to make the fallen bean fruits easier to collect, and left alone for several days. Drying the bush usually lasts up to 7 days. When the bean pods have completely dried and opened, the stage of peeling the fruit begins. To do this, the remaining beans are extracted from them.

If you don’t want to bother with weathering entire bushes, you can harvest and prepare the crop in another way. Immediately remove the seeds from the pods and dry it in a natural way separately. To do this, on hot days on a flat flat surface newspapers are laid out, on which the beans are scattered in one layer. This drying method also takes 3-7 days. It is recommended to bring in the legume crop to be ventilated at night so that it does not become saturated with moisture from the morning dew, which will significantly increase the period of its heat treatment in the sun.

This method of preparing for winter storage is suitable both for products that are planned to be eaten and for future seeds.

Drying at home

To dry beans at home, you can also use the oven. To do this, pour the crop onto a baking sheet and expose it to heat for 1 hour at a temperature of 50-60 degrees Celsius. After which the legumes are dried again, having already set the indicator to 70 degrees. The process takes 6-10 hours.

You can also store beans in pods in the same way. To do this, they are plucked from the bushes, sorted for suitability, and the tails are cut off. After which the crop is washed and drained on a paper or cloth towel. At the next stage, the workpiece is cut into pieces 3-4 cm long and also laid out on a baking sheet. The temperature effect on beans in pods is the same as on regular “stripped” beans.

Where to store legumes - jars, bags or boxes?

After this, the dried harvest is poured into containers for storage. For this they usually use:

  • banks;
  • packages;
  • fabric bags;
  • boxes.

When choosing a container for further preservation of the processed crop, you need to make sure that bugs do not infest it during wintering. In addition to the usual grains, beans during storage can be dangerous:

  • weevil;
  • mukoed;
  • flour beetle;
  • grain moth;
  • food moth;
  • bread grinder


To prevent these unexpected “guests” from appearing in the stored harvest, additional heads of garlic are placed in a glass vessel along with the beans. If the jar is small, then you can put a couple of unpeeled cloves there. In the case where the beans were dried in the oven at high temperature, then all the pests inside the beans simply died. You can also sprinkle the crop with dill seeds or ash. . During further cooking, these natural anti-pest agents are easily washed away, cleaning the workpiece before cooking.

The weevil beetle and other pests do not tolerate the substances released by garlic and dill seeds.

If the crop was dried outside, then there is a possibility of a bug. To minimize the loss of preparations, the beans are collected in a bag and placed in the freezer for a while. The pests are afraid of the cold, and therefore they will soon fall out, and the beans can be safely stored throughout the winter. It is important to seal the preparations hermetically to minimize the access of oxygen inside the container. To do this, the jars are covered with glass or iron lids. Plastic lids “breathe” and therefore are not used when storing legumes.

Bag or box

Before storing legumes in a cloth bag, it is soaked in salt and then dried. This will help avoid excess air penetration into the crop during wintering. If you keep beans in boxes, it is recommended to line the bottom with several layers of newspaper, as beetles do not like printing ink.

After distribution into containers, the workpieces are put into the refrigerator. When is the temperature environment reaches a stable winter minus, starting from -7 degrees Celsius, stocks are transferred to the street, to the cellar or to the balcony. In winter, bags or packages can be hung under the roof or ceiling so that rodents do not get them.

Ideal conditions for storing legumes are considered to be a humidity of no higher than 50% and a temperature of about -10 degrees Celsius.

Cooking in pods - will freezing help?

To preserve beans in green, juicy pods, you can freeze them. To do this, the legumes are washed, and the stems-tails from the shell are cut off on both sides. Next, the harvest is cut into small pieces and placed in a pan with just boiled water.

The beans in the pods are in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, after which the workpiece is taken out and laid out on a cloth or paper towel to drain the water. At the next stage, the harvest is divided into bags and frozen in the freezer. Having prepared vegetables in any acceptable form, the housewife provides her family with a healthy product for a long period. In a great way to survive the lack of meat dishes in the diet will be a supply of legumes for fasting and people on a diet.

There are practically no problems with green beans: they can be frozen or canned according to any suitable recipe. With grain fruits, everything is more complicated: due to high humidity or incorrect temperature, the crop spoils.

It is impossible to keep beans fresh: even in an airtight container, the shelf life is a maximum of a week. But if you dry the beans thoroughly, you can extend their “life” time. Suitable for long storage smooth, elastic pods, not wrinkled or stained.

The alternative becomes heat treatment in the oven: 4-5 minutes is enough. at a temperature of 90 degrees. The pods need to be husked after they become yellowish and dry, and a crack appears along the line of the sash.

The prepared beans are placed in jars or containers, tightly closed and placed in a cool place. dark place. The optimal storage temperature is no higher than 5 degrees.

How to store beans to prevent bugs

One of the main enemies of the crop is the bean weevil. These are small bugs that appear in beans at the ripening stage. Insects actively reproduce, laying larvae in the beans. It is difficult to notice the grain, but thanks to proper preparation and storage insects are destroyed.

Cold is destructive for bugs, but at temperatures above +5, active reproduction of insects occurs.

To avoid this, it is advisable to put the beans in the refrigerator for the first time.

A basement, cellar or balcony are suitable for winter storage. Beans can be placed in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes lined with newspaper on the inside. Canvas bags are also used, which must be hung so that the crop receives natural ventilation.

If you find out in advance how to store beans and carefully follow all the recommendations, the beans will survive the winter well and retain everything beneficial features. Only whole, unsprouted, mold-free fruits can be used for food.

In nature, all living things are found in the food chain. Beans with their nutritional properties are no exception. Where it is grown, specific insects and bean grains live. When infected in the habitat, with grains, these insects spread, getting to places where beans do not grow, but there are a lot of them as a result of storage.

Therefore, all warehouse premises are treated with insecticides on a schedule in order to destroy not only the weevil, but also other insects in the warehouse. The question of how to store beans for winter consumption is related to to a greater extent precisely with its preservation from bruchus, the bean grain.

How to store beans for the winter?

Storing beans and green pods is initially different. Green beans can be preserved using all known methods, frozen and stored this way for a long time. maximum benefit during the winter. But to preserve grain beans, other conditions must be created. Considering that beans are very useful product, which replaces meat in its composition, it is easy to spoil stocks without following storage rules.

The herbal product should be protected:

  • from improper drying and laying of wet grain;
  • from storage in conditions of high humidity;
  • non-compliance with temperature conditions.

When beans are stored, even correctly, their nutritional value decreases over time, and the cooking time increases.

Of all the bugs that pest grain and legume seeds on beans, the most common is the bean weevil or bruchus. These insects are quarantine pests. They live in a narrow range where beans have long been cultivated. They arrive with seed material and gradually multiply. Therefore, the task of the quarantine service is to prevent the spread of the beetle to new territories.

Recently, we stopped this insect from reaching the Far East on a Chinese ship carrying beans from India. The insect and its live clutches were found on the ship in food beans. Security measures have been taken. Bruchus often comes from the fields of Transcaucasia, they have their own species. Therefore, in home plots, each bean should be examined before planting and the seeds with holes in the bean should be destroyed by burning. This pest came to Russia at the beginning of the last century, at the height of Civil War when there was no quarantine service. So far no grains have been observed in black beans.

How to preserve beans so that bugs do not infest you can be understood by knowing the biology of the beetle. The weevil actively reproduces in summer and winter in heated rooms, giving 5-6 generations. In nature, eggs are laid in ripening beans, up to 30 eggs each. But the masonry is extended over time. Oviposition is found on the valves of the pod or on an unripe bean in a crack or gnawed hole. The larvae will develop in 10-11 days and invade the beans. After 21 days, the caterpillar turns into a pupa and after 10 days an adult insect is obtained.

At cold temperatures of 0-1, the death of larvae and pupae occurs within a month, at -12 within a day. So cold method storage can protect food supplies from destruction. Beetle in southern regions during mild winters it is not destroyed and can colonize storage facilities during warm times. They colonize crops and manage to produce 4-5 generations. Damaged beans lose their viability. In colonized seeds, black dots of passages and excrement are visible through the shells.

The initial drying of the grain before loading is of great importance. In good weather, the beans pulled out from the garden should lie in the sun for a few more days before opening the doors or, collected in brooms, hang in a draft on racks. For food purposes, beans are threshed and prepared for storage in winter.

Saving bean seeds at home

How to store beans for seeds in winter is a different story. Pods with intact leaves and without the slightest flaws are selected. After drying in the sun, the beans in pods are packed in a canvas bag and kept in the refrigerator until cold weather sets in. Later, the bag is taken out into the cold and hung up so that rodents do not eat it. The pods are disassembled before planting. Another way to store seeds is to sprinkle them with ash and store them in an airtight glass container. By adding a head or several cloves of garlic to the package, the safety guarantee increases.

There are several ways to store beans at home for the winter. Ambient air humidity should be no more than 50%, and the temperature stopping biological development 10, that is, before frost sets in, the storage location is the refrigerator. Store in linen bags, you can put a garlic head inside.

If there are a lot of beans, they can be stored in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes, but inside there should be a layer of ordinary black and white newsprint. Printing ink also prevents insects from settling in. Of course, the safety of the product will be guaranteed winter storage in a cold place.

Another way to preserve beans for the winter is to use heating of commercial grain. When heated in the oven to 90 0 for several minutes, the beneficial properties of the beans will be preserved, but the contents will die. After this treatment, in dry containers with airtight lids, the beans will last for more than one winter. Another way is to heat it at 10 for an hour.

The lids under which beans are stored can be glass or metal. Polyethylene - breathable. Linen storage bags must first be soaked in a saline solution and dried.

When storing beans in a warm place open form If the humidity is disturbed, the beans may sprout or become moldy. Bean sprouts should not be consumed. How planting material it can be used when sowing time has come.

Proper storage of beans - video

Before storing beans, they are removed. Beans are harvested different ways, depending on the purpose. Proper harvesting ensures high crop productivity. The collection and storage of beans, as well as the features of pest control, will be discussed in the article below.

Green bush and yellow waxy varieties are harvested as soon as they ripen. This technique stimulates the growth of new pods. Climbing varieties provide harvests 2-3 times a season. Early harvesting ensures that the beans are aromatic.

Harvesting and storing beans: time to harvest bean pods

  • For culinary needs. In this case, the fruits are harvested at the stage of milky ripeness of the blade. The cut pod is not stored for a long time. Beans need to be cooked or sent to freezer.
  • For obtaining seeds. The pods are suitable after they turn black or completely dry.
  • Storage in pods. Collected at a time when the valves are juicy and green, the pod length is up to 5 cm.

How do you harvest beans on a blade at your summer cottage?

As soon as a week has passed after the formation of ovaries on the beans, they begin to collect the crop on a blade. During this period, sugar varieties produce juicy small fruits that break with your fingers when pressed.

  1. The parameters of the beans are length 4-15 cm, width 0.6 cm, thickness 1.2 cm. This is ideal, but you should strive to maintain the parameters.
  2. The collection period is maintained from 4 to 8 days.
  3. Timeliness. Neglect of this parameter leads to the fact that the quality of the beans deteriorates. Hard fibers are formed in the fruits, which impairs their quality. Special care is required for sugar bean varieties.
  4. Collection time. Morning is the optimal time to collect juicy fruits. At sunny noon, their quality decreases due to increased fiber.

The bean harvest, harvested on a shoulder blade, is stored for a maximum of 3 days, after which the fruits are unsuitable for use. From one square meter area at good performance The harvest yield is 1 kilogram of fruit.

To harvest beans for grain, they wait until the stage of biological maturity of the fruit, at the onset of which the leaves are soft and thin. Although, appearance in some varieties it does not change during the ripening period. Harvesting for grain requires the following requirements:

  1. Harvesting beans in the morning will prevent the beans from cracking and spilling. In the afternoon, the number of beans collected decreases significantly.
  2. Plants are pulled out of the ground when beans are harvested. They are tied into sheaves, which are secured with rope and tied under a canopy for ripening. The beans are thus dried.
  3. In dry weather, the sheaves are ripened on the ridge, laying burlap for the crumbling beans.
  4. Fruit cleaning (threshing) is done after 6-18 days.
  5. Threshed grain is prepared for long-term storage.
  6. Beans are harvested from July to mid-autumn. Early harvest(June) is produced by a crop planted in a greenhouse.

Tip #1. Don't rip all the bean bushes out of the ridge. Cut off half and leave root system in the ground for saturation with minerals.

Preparing bean seeds for storage at home

Proper preparation is the key to preserving the harvest until the next planting season. Ripe fruits need to be threshed and dried, spread on paper in one layer. Be sure to turn the beans over during the drying period to ensure even drying.

If the plants were planted in seedlings, but the lower tier of the bush is left for grain. When the leaves lighten and the pods dry out, pick the beans. Hull the grains and put them in a warm place to dry.

How to package the harvested beans for different purposes?

  1. When collecting green fruits, you should not waste time. Beans lose moisture. In this form it is not suitable for further processing and storage. When harvested, green pods are packed into vegetable boxes, covered with polyethylene or similar material, and sent to places of consumption. It is recommended to store them for two days, observing temperature regime(from 0 to +2°C) and humidity 87%.
  2. Harvested beans for seeds are placed in canvas bags and placed on pallets or in nets. Storage parameters are maintained without heating or moistening the seeds. When the humidity increases by more than 13%, the grain is passed through a cleaning machine or dried in dryers.
  3. A small batch is packed in canvas bags without peeling. This operation is carried out as needed. The temperature is maintained from +10°C to +15°C with sufficient ventilation.

Storing beans at home, harvested on a blade

Bean blades are stored for no more than 10 days in the refrigerator, maintaining a temperature of +4°C - +7°C. Humidity is maintained within 95%. Freezing extends the shelf life of the blades. Preparation for freezing consists of:

  • washing and cutting the pods into 2.5 cm pieces;
  • blanching in boiling water;
  • cooling the beans;
  • layout in plastic containers or packages.

Then the container is placed in the freezer. To freeze bulk beans, you need to keep the pods dry. This will prevent them from freezing to each other.

How are beans intended for grain stored at home?

Use glass containers with tight-fitting lids to prevent pests from entering.

By observing the basic conditions, you can increase the storage time for a long time:

  1. Dry thoroughly. The beans are scattered in a single layer on paper and stirred regularly to ensure even drying of the beans.
  2. Only ripe beans are used. The biological maturity of the pods is characterized by thinning and softness of the valves. Having missed the required period, we wait for them to crack and the seeds to spill out.
  3. Provide protection from insects. The enemy of beans during storage is the grain. Penetrates into fabric bags and containers with loose packaging.

Reliable remedies against weevil are:

  • glass container with screw cap;
  • vacuum canning method - pumping air out of the vessel.

Methods for storing green and asparagus beans for farmers

Let's take a closer look at ways to store green and asparagus beans:

Tip#2. Follow these rules to maintain the viability of beans for more than three years.

How to save a bean harvest from weevil - prevention and control measures?

Let's look at pest control methods and preventative measures.

Purpose of the events Execution Rules
Preventive measures against weevil Fumigation of seeds and treatment before sowing.

On the day of sowing, treat with rhizotorphin (bean) and micronutrients.

Housewives' tricks for preserving the harvest. Maintaining a cool temperature (no more than 8ºС). A balcony, a vegetable section of a refrigerator, or an unheated utility room are suitable.

Separation of affected and healthy seeds. The crop is immersed in a saline solution of one bucket of water and 3 kg of table salt. Spoiled fruits float to the surface, they are separated, the rest are washed and dried.

Rules for home storage of beans in glass containers

Don’t be afraid to add garlic when storing beans; its smell will disappear during cooking.

If you place beans in a regular jar, you risk losing the harvest. To prevent this from happening:

  1. Heat the beans in the oven or oven (temperature 60ºC). This way you will destroy the larvae and eggs of the bean’s enemy – the grains.
  2. Cool the beans and place them in a glass container with a screw-on lid.
  3. Add two cloves of garlic.
  4. Screw the cap on tightly.

Storing the bean harvest in winter

During the warm season, beans are stored at a cool temperature. During the winter months, grains are protected from freezing. Severe frosts will harm the germination of seed material. Place harvested in the utility room of a house or apartment. Store in a tightly closed container, mixing the beans with the ash from the pods. Green beans are frozen by first cutting them and blanching them in boiling water. Capsules are pickled, canned or dried for winter.

What should you not do when storing beans at home?

Use comfortable ones for drying Appliances to save time and in wet weather.

Let's look at what you shouldn't do when storing beans at home:

  1. Leave fruits with even dots, which indicate pest damage.
  2. Do not shell the beans, which reduces the quality of drying of the beans and leads to rotting of the pods.
  3. Wash the harvested crop before storing it.
  4. Continue to store and consume fruits with a coating on the seed.
  5. Use containers that can accumulate condensate.
  6. Store near a heat source.

Mechanized methods for harvesting beans and their comparative characteristics

Let's look at the most popular mechanized methods of harvesting beans.

Means Advantage Peculiarities
Single row header RCM-11 Mowing and threshing beans.

The cleaned grain is put into bags for storage.

There are 2 trays for filling beans into bags.

Easy to manage and configure.

Simultaneous collection of two rows.

For production or farming
FA-4A bean harvester Possibility to turn over the rolls.

Cleaning from 4, 8, 12 rows.

Threshing the crop.

Does not pick up collected windrows.
Combine harvester "Niva"
Equipped with:

1. picker;

2. elements of threshing equipment;

3. lifting block.

Performs the necessary functions when harvesting beans.

Application for large volumes.

Use mechanized bean harvesting methods when large sizes landing

Mistakes summer residents make when collecting and storing beans

Be sure to peel the seeds to dry them and remove damaged fruits.

Untimely and poor-quality harvesting. They skip the morning hours when the fruits are juicy. They pick the pods by hand, which leads to their breakage. It is safer to cut with scissors, holding the pod with your hand.

Do not maintain tightness when storing fruits in glass containers. This leads to damage to the beans by pests and loss of the harvested crop.

They do not prepare the soil before sowing. Planting on ridges for the first time requires enrichment with nodule bacteria. It is enough to add soil to the ridges from the places where beans used to grow or add special bacterial preparations.

Bean bushes are not left to obtain seeds. Separately grown seed plants provide high-quality material and do not reduce crop productivity.

Category: “Questions and answers”

Be sure to study life cycle bean pests and ways to combat them

Question No. 1. How many pods should we leave on the bush to collect for seeds if we eat fresh fruits?

Pods left to be harvested will reduce the overall bean yield from that bush. Leave separate bushes for seeds that are not touched until harvested.

Question No. 2. Can I mix “Contact Plus” and “Commander” when sowing beans?

Yes. These drugs work well together.

Question No. 3. Is there a way to increase the quality of storing beans in glass jars?

Option - mix the fruits with ash obtained from burning dry pods. The container is taken with a screw cap.

Question No. 4. I sow crops according to the recommendations lunar calendar. Is it necessary to coordinate the collection of beans with his data?

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