Perfect soft-boiled eggs. Soft-boiled eggs, hard-boiled, in a bag

Now I will tell you my shameful secret! I only learned how many minutes to boil eggs when I started teaching my daughter how to cook. Before that, I threw the product into boiling water and went about my business. Then she wondered how long they would take to cook and decided: it’s time, or let them stay there a little longer. The daughter needed to be given specific knowledge, otherwise she would categorically refuse to learn. So: we cook chicken, quail, ostrich and goose eggs hard-boiled, in a bag, soft-boiled. Eggs... tasty, healthy and satisfying. An ideal breakfast, a good addition to, and on Easter - the main decoration of the table.

Do you, friends, always manage to cook it so that the yolk is a little viscous and amazingly tasty, and the white is firm? How long should you cook so that the eggs do not overcook and the yolk does not turn blue?

I looked through a bunch of information on the Internet, looked through my cookbooks, and asked my friends. And I was literally discouraged: the answers were very different. I share with you all the information I have obtained, friends.

How many minutes to boil eggs

The cooking time directly depends on the size of the eggs, and therefore is adjusted by 1 - 2 times.

Boil hard

  1. Chicken. Place the product in water and place it on the stove.
    After the water boils, 7-8 minutes should pass and the eggs are ready.
  2. Quail. It is generally recommended to use quail eggs raw, will bring more benefits. In addition, they are resistant to salmonella and the product is completely safe. If you want to cook it into a salad, put it in boiling water and leave for no more than 5 minutes. Longer cooking (15 minutes) will lead to loss of beneficial properties.
  3. Ostrich is cooked using the same technology as chicken, only the cooking time increases significantly due to its size. Cook them over low heat for at least 1 hour and 10 minutes. There is one trick that helps make the process much faster: pierce the shell with a knitting needle, mix the contents and pour into boiling water.You will get a poached egg, but I warn you right away, some skill is required in preparation.
  4. Goose, since they are large in size, is cooked for about 15 minutes, technology for cooking chicken, etc.

Boil an egg soft-boiled

Did you know that the soft-boiled product is much healthier than all the others? The body absorbs them almost completely, the product is digested faster.

  • Start cooking chicken using hard-boiling technology: place them in water.
    After boiling, keep on low heat for 2 minutes, then the yolk and white will become equally liquid. Cook for 3 minutes - the yolk will be soft-boiled and the white will be almost solid.
  • An interesting way to prepare it: put it in boiling water and cook for just a minute. Then remove from the stove and leave covered for 5 minutes.
  • Quails are cooked in almost the same way, but no more than two minutes.
  • Ostrich will be soft-boiled after cooking for 50 minutes.
  • The goose will be soft-boiled after 6 minutes.

How many minutes to boil an egg in a bag

Place the eggs in water, add salt and cook for 4 minutes, but no more.
Second option: place immediately in boiling water for a minute. Then turn off the heat and keep covered for 7 minutes.

Rules for boiling eggs

I'm sharing with you some neat tricks:

  • Fresh eggs (4 days or less) are cooked a little longer, for 2-3 minutes.
  • You can peel eggs quickly and without problems if you pour them over at the end of cooking. cold water.
  • My friend, the cook, gave another piece of advice: you need to mash them a little, then put them in hot water. The liquid will get under the shell and the eggs will clean quickly.
  • Use a small saucepan, the eggs are less likely to burst - they will not knock against each other and burst, since they will lie tightly.
  • The product will not burst in salt water. Take two tablespoons of salt per liter of water, then even if the shell cracks, the protein will not leak out.
  • Advice that I remember from childhood: knowledge of physics will help to prevent the shell from cracking. Before starting cooking, pierce the egg with a needle from the blunt side - there is an air sac there; if you pierce it, the air will come out. The reason the egg cracks is because high temperature the air expands.
  • If you want to check whether the egg is cooked, rotate it on the table. Spins quickly - cooked, slowly - raw in front of you.

Perhaps every housewife and bachelor knows how long to boil a soft-boiled egg after boiling. The process of cooking chicken eggs takes 3-10 minutes. , if you start counting from the beginning of the water boiling. Eggs with a hard yolk are obtained if they are cooked for about 10 minutes. in boiling water, eggs “in a bag” - about 5 minutes, but for soft-boiled cooking only 3 minutes are enough.

Fresh eggs purchased directly from the owner of home-made hens can be boiled a little longer than store-bought ones - 8 minutes soft-boiled and 13 minutes. with full boiling.

Having found out how long to boil eggs bought in a store or purchased from the owner of domestic chickens, let’s move on directly to describing the process of preparing eggs.

How long to boil hard-boiled eggs after boiling

Before boiling, eggs should be thoroughly rinsed with water if any dirt is visible on them.
Fill the pan with cool water.
Put chicken eggs into a saucepan with water, so that the water covers the eggs by about 1-1.5 cm. It is not recommended to put eggs in hot water, because firstly, it is very likely that the eggs in this case will crack, and part of the contents of the egg will float in the water, and secondly, the cooking time in this case will increase by at least one and a half times. To ensure that the eggs do not crack, just before cooking, add either 1 tsp. salt, or 1 tsp. 9% vinegar.

Light the burner, wait until the water boils, and then note the time depending on the desired result (for hard boiling it is 7-10 minutes).
As soon as the time is up, you need to quickly take out the boiled eggs and place them in an already prepared pan with cold (preferably ice) water. If you do this right away, without delaying, the eggs will be easy to peel.
Take out the cooled eggs and beat each one on all sides on a hard surface, or using a spoon.
Remove the shell from the eggs and voila! Boiled chicken eggs can be served at the table, decorating other dishes, or consumed as an independent food product.

How long to cook quail eggs

The same rules apply to quail eggs. The process of their preparation only speeds up by half, unlike a chicken egg.

The process of cooking chicken eggs is complete!

Quail eggs: benefits and harms, how to take them

Surprisingly, a sign of the freshness of boiled eggs is the fact that they are difficult to peel. To make it easier to remove the shell from the eggs, you can add 1 tsp to the water at the beginning of cooking. salt, and upon completion of cooking, the eggs should be immediately dipped into ice water and left there for about five minutes. After cooling, the egg can be peeled by first tapping its entire surface, and then freeing the egg from the shell by prying it off with your fingernails.

To ensure that the egg cooks evenly, you can roll it several times over the surface of the table before cooking.

Quail eggs: benefits and harms for men

Quail eggs are extremely beneficial for men; they also say that quail eggs do not contain salmonellosis!

The more time it is cooked, the less digestible a quail egg is by the body. And eggs eaten after 20 minutes of cooking generally have a negative effect on a person’s well-being.
The taste of an egg does not depend in any way on what color it is - white or brown.

You need to boil the eggs in a saucepan without a lid, so that the water boils, but not too much. This is achieved by setting the burner switch to the middle position.

It is best to place eggs on the fire in a small saucepan. In this case, the water temperature will reach its climax sooner and, therefore, cooking will require less time.

Quail eggs: benefits and harms for women

The beneficial properties of eggs have been studied for a long time and do not pose any danger to women. Therefore, there is no harm from quail eggs for women!

If you don’t have enough time, after cooking, you can first hold the eggs in ice water for a little while, and then start peeling them directly under a running stream of cold water.
Calorie content (per 100g) of one chicken egg: the nutritional value of a boiled egg is 160 kcal.

Chicken egg weight: 1 egg weighs about 53 (±3) g. Larger eggs weigh approximately 65g.

The shelf life of eggs is about a month in a cool place, not necessarily in the refrigerator. It is better to consume boiled eggs immediately or no later than 3 days after cooking, otherwise they should be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 2-4 weeks.

Eggs that float to the top should not be used as food. This means that they have already deteriorated. It will take 5 to 10 minutes to cook scrambled eggs by frying them. How to cook so-called poached eggs? Poached eggs require 1-4 minutes. The amount of time depends on how much you want to boil the yolk. The degree of boiling of an egg can be determined by spinning the egg around its axis on the table surface. Is the egg spinning vigorously? - that means it’s boiled. Eggs intended for a holiday salad are always boiled properly, about 10 minutes.

One chicken egg contains:

  • cholesterol 210 mg (recommended daily intake should not exceed 300 mg);
  • phospholipids (microelements that help lower cholesterol);
  • fat (contained in the yolk) – 5 g, 1.5 g of which negatively affect health;
  • amino acids – about 10g;
  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E, D, biotin, vitamin PP and vitamin B9);
  • minerals in large quantities(especially Fe and Ca).

How long should you boil eggs?

How many minutes does it take to cook an egg in a slow cooker? Using this useful technique, eggs with a soft yolk are prepared in 5 minutes, in a bag - also in 5 minutes, 10 minutes. it will take to boil them hard.

How to boil eggs in the microwave

Eggs will become hard-boiled in the microwave in 18 minutes. But you shouldn't do this. After all, eggs explode in the microwave if you don’t make a hole in them in advance to allow excess air to escape. Now you know for sure how to boil eggs in the microwave! If you don’t understand, we’ve prepared a cool selection of videos:

How to boil eggs in an egg cooker

It will take 7 minutes for the egg to be completely cooked in the egg cooker.

How to cook eggs in a pressure cooker

In 5 min. You can cook hard-boiled eggs in a pressure cooker.

How to boil eggs without eggshells

Crack the egg using a fairly sharp object and carefully pour the contents into a plastic egg container. Covered with lid Boil the container in boiling water for no more than 5 minutes.

How to cook eggs in an air fryer

Prepared chicken eggs should be placed on the grill in the middle and cooked for 5 minutes. on each side at t=205˚F.

How to properly cook an egg

If, at the end of cooking, during the process of peeling the egg, it is discovered that it is undercooked, you must again lower the egg into a container of cool water and cook until the egg is completely boiled.

How to boil eggs so they peel well

And remember how much time you need to cook eggs, the question depends on this - how to boil eggs so that they clean well - you need to add salt to boiling water and only then the shell will come off immediately, quickly and will not break your egg!

Eggs are a very popular product. They are often found on tables in solo form and as one of the ingredients in salads and sauces for various dishes. Being very nutritious, eggs are considered extremely healthy. They can be boiled and fried. And if problems with frying rarely arise, then not everyone knows how to properly boil eggs while maintaining the desired taste.

Options for cooking eggs

The cooking time determines how the egg will taste and look.

Hard boiled eggs. So that the yolk does not lose its color and the white is tasty, you need to boil the eggs in slightly salted water for 9-11 minutes. If after cleaning it turns out that the product is not fully cooked and is soft enough to the touch, you can put it in hot water and cook for another minute or a minute and a half.

Eggs “in a bag”. Such eggs have a special taste and appearance: their white is already quite thick, but the yolk is creamy and as if undercooked. To make such an egg, it should be boiled for 5-5.5 minutes.

Scrambled eggs. Boil soft-boiled eggs for 3-4 minutes. It takes about 3 minutes to cook an egg when you want to get a thin version of both the white and the yolk. Increasing the time to 4-4.5 minutes will ensure that the white becomes noticeably denser, the yolk inside will remain the same liquid. It is worth considering that if the cooking time is very short, the egg will ultimately remain almost raw. It is edible, but the taste may be specific.

Poached eggs. Pour water into a large saucepan, add salt and bring to a boil over high heat. Carefully break the eggs into cups. And then pour it onto the surface of the water. In a situation where they sink to the bottom, the product should be carefully picked up with a spatula and returned to the surface of the boiling water, while reducing the heat under the container with the eggs to a minimum. These eggs are boiled for 4 minutes, you can focus on the state of the protein, which should gradually thicken.

Tricks and subtleties

To make this simple and quick dish truly appetizing, you need to know for sure not only how many minutes to cook the eggs until they are ready, but also remember some secrets. This information will help you get the desired result the first time.
  1. You should not use very fresh eggs for cooking, otherwise they will take longer to cook and will become worse to clean afterwards.
  2. Any spoiled foods should not be eaten, this also applies to eggs. To check their freshness, you need to put a small amount of cold water in a bowl and put the eggs in it. If any of them float to the surface entirely, then they are spoiled. Eggs that have floated halfway should be eaten urgently, as their expiration date is almost over.
  3. If you don’t want to have difficulty cleaning, you need to add a little salt, soda or vinegar to the water before cooking. And after boiling the eggs, cool them with enough cold water for 2-5 minutes.
  4. A cracked egg can be wrapped in foil and then placed in water. It is the foil that will prevent the contents from leaking out of the shell.
  5. To prevent eggs from breaking in the dish during cooking, the heat should not be at maximum. The bubbling water will cause the light eggs to bang against each other and also against the sides of the container. Therefore, this product should be cooked over low heat as soon as the water boils.
  6. If the eggs are sent into already boiling water, then they should be warmed up a little first. You can do this under running warm tap water or, by removing the eggs from the refrigerator, leave them in the room for about an hour. Then the risk that the thin shell will burst in boiling water will be minimized.
  7. Eggs cannot be called a completely perishable product. It is believed that hard-boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, but it is still better to eat them either immediately or within 3-5 days.
  8. An overcooked egg will have a blue-gray yolk, and the whole egg will become tasteless, like rubber. Therefore, you should not cook eggs for too long (up to 20 minutes) in the usual way.
  9. Another trick on how to deal with the eggs so that they are easy to peel: when they are almost ready, without removing them from the water, the eggs should be lightly beaten on the sides with a spoon or knife so that the shell cracks. And cook for the remaining 1-2 minutes in this form.
  10. To prevent the eggs from bursting and the whites from leaking out from the inside, before cooking you can carefully pierce the shell from the blunt end. This will help get rid of the air pocket, which causes cracks in the shell during cooking.
  11. It is worth considering that dark-colored eggs take longer to cook than light ones. The fact is that the yellow-brown shell is slightly thicker, and therefore the cooking time increases by 1-1.5 minutes.
  12. To check which egg is inside after cooking in the case when it was not possible to keep track of time, you can simply roll it, twist it on flat surface. If it rolls and spins quickly, it means it’s hard-boiled.
  13. Ready-made eggs can be reheated without any problems if necessary. Without cleaning, just pour boiling water over them for one minute.
  14. When choosing a container for cooking, it is better to give preference to small saucepans and ladles, then the eggs will definitely not break during the cooking process. If you want to steam them using a sieve, the container with water should be large (at least 1.5 liters). The fire under it needs to be turned on high, carefully hang the sieve and wait up to 15 minutes.
  15. During the cooking process, there is no need to cover the container with eggs with a lid. And it’s better to gently stir them from time to time, this will allow the yolk to gather entirely in the center of the white.
Boiled eggs can be completely different: runny, with a deliberately undercooked yolk, or dense, hard-boiled. But with any cooking option there are general recommendations, which must be followed.
  • Before putting the testicles into the water, they must be thoroughly washed. It's better to do this under a little warm water so that the product stored in the refrigerator reaches room temperature and the shell does not burst during cooking.
  • The water in the container chosen for cooking should completely cover the eggs, but there is no need to pour too much of it. Enough for proper cooking, if the liquid level is 1-2 centimeters above the eggs. If you lower the testicles into already boiling water, then this should be done as carefully as possible, preferably using a deep spoon. Salt must be added immediately, not during cooking.
  • Cold water with eggs is brought to a boil at maximum heat, after which it is reduced to medium. In the case of already boiling water, the fire becomes quieter as soon as it is lowered into the container required quantity testicles.
  • In order to decide exactly how long to boil eggs, you need to imagine what result you want to get in the end. On average, this product takes from 3 to 11 minutes to prepare. The time also depends on the size of the eggs and the color of the shell. Homemade fresh eggs are boiled until hard-boiled for about 13-15 minutes. The time is counted from the moment the cold water boils.
  • As soon as the eggs are brought to the desired stage of readiness, the dishes with them are removed from the burner. You don’t have to drain the liquid in the pan, but simply place the container under the tap, turning on cold water. Leave the eggs in this form for 5-8 minutes, during which time they will cool down and the shells will become easier to come off.

What and how to boil eggs

To prepare boiled eggs, small pans with not very dense walls or ladles are most often used. However, you can also use different kitchen utensils, for example, or . What are the secrets proper preparation eggs in this case?

Eggs in the microwave. Cooking eggs this way can be difficult, as there is a risk that they will simply explode under the influence of heat. To prevent this from happening, you can first wrap the testicles in foil. Then place this product in a microwave-safe cup or mug, add cold water and add a little salt to the liquid (no more than one teaspoon). Cook the eggs in the microwave at medium power (up to 500 W) for about 6-10 minutes.

Eggs in a slow cooker. In this case, no additional tricks are required, it is only important to know exact time, on which to set the device timer. For eggs to be soft-boiled in a slow cooker, 4-5 minutes is enough. For hard-boiled eggs, the time increases to 10 minutes.

Eggs in an egg boiler. The process of cooking eggs with this kitchen device is quick and very simple. Thanks to the variety of available modes, it is not difficult to choose the right one. So, for example, the cooking time for a hard-boiled egg will be 5 minutes.

Eggs in a steamer. Eggs placed in a steamer bowl need to be cooked for about 17-19 minutes to get a “cool” result, while it is better to place in the device those whose shells have been wiped dry from water. If you are preparing any other dishes at the same time as the eggs, then you need to cook the eggs for 23-25 ​​minutes.

Quickly boil eggs in . When it is not possible to keep track of time, you can resort to an interesting cooking method. After waiting for the water in which the eggs are boiling, you need to cook them for about 2 minutes, then turn off the heat and move the pan to an adjacent burner, closing the lid. Since the water does not cool down at one moment, this will allow the product to reach the desired degree of readiness, while the eggs will not be overcooked. Exposure time is up to 20 minutes.

Eggs in cling film or bag. If the shell is cracked and you don’t have foil on hand, you don’t need to throw the egg away right away. It can be poured into cling film, making a little bag, or into a bag, then tied tightly with thread and lowered into boiling water. The time it takes to cook such an egg depends on the desired result, and the taste will not differ from the usual one.

How to boil quail eggs

Quail eggs in Lately are becoming more and more popular. They are believed to bring great health benefits, especially for children. They differ from the usual chicken eggs not only in size and color, but also in the time required for their preparation. And, unlike chicken eggs, doctors advise quail eggs to be consumed raw half an hour before meals.

The process of boiling quail eggs does not differ from the traditional version, based on general recommendations on how to cook eggs correctly. They can also be prepared in various containers, and for easy cleaning, pour in ice water after removing the dishes with eggs from the stove.

The cooking time for quail eggs will be as follows:
  • hard-boiled – up to 5 minutes;
  • “in a bag” - about 3-3.5 minutes;
  • soft-boiled – no more than 2 minutes.

How to boil eggs, video lesson from the chef

Knowing how to cook eggs correctly, it will be impossible to get an undercooked result or an egg whose yolk will take on an unappetizing color and the taste of the product will become unpleasant. Taking into account various tricks will allow you to cope with a number of problems that may arise when you first try cooking eggs.

How long to boil soft-boiled eggs after boiling, how to prevent eggs from cracking, and how to cook this useful product? - these questions worry many people, although it would seem that there is nothing simpler than boiled eggs. However, in such simple matter It is very important not only to strictly follow certain rules, but also to carefully monitor the time. Just a few extra minutes can turn a delicious egg with a bright yellow yolk into a rubbery mass covered with
greenish coating.

How to get a soft-boiled egg?

There are several options for how to boil eggs. In each case you will get completely different dishes. You can cook eggs hard-boiled, in a bag or soft-boiled. And in fact, not every person is able to cook such a popular product correctly.
First, it’s worth understanding what all these concepts mean. And if everything is clear with a hard-boiled egg, then few know what the difference is between a soft-boiled egg and one in a bag. They differ in the state of the yolk. In the first case, the yolk should remain completely liquid, and in the second, the upper part of the yolk should harden, but the middle should not be completely cooked.
And strange as it may seem, the hardest thing to do is boil a soft-boiled egg. Very few people manage to do this, because often people miss the moment and instead of the expected result, they end up with an egg in a bag. Let's figure out how long to cook soft-boiled eggs after boiling.

Cooking time for hard-boiled, soft-boiled and poached eggs

Time plays a decisive role in boiling eggs. And it is detected not from the moment the eggs hit the pan, but from the moment the water boils. So medium-sized hard-boiled eggs are boiled for about 7-9 minutes, “in a bag” - 5-6 minutes, and soft-boiled - 2-3 minutes. Although all this is very conditional, because the time for boiling eggs depends not only on their size, but also on color, shell and freshness. It is known that eggs with white shells cook faster than those with brown shells, and all because of the greater density of the latter.

How to cook eggs properly

The technology is simple, but each of its stages must be strictly followed.
Stage 1– very carefully, so as not to break, wash each egg

Stage 2– pour cold water into a small saucepan and alternately use a tablespoon
lay spoonfuls of eggs. The water should cover them completely. It is imperative to lay eggs in cold water, since they will simply crack when immersed in boiling water.

Stage 3– put the pan on medium heat, and after the water boils, reduce it a little and note the cooking time;
Stage 4– pour cold water over the boiled eggs and let them cool completely – they will be much easier to peel

Stage 5– using a spoon or on the table, break the shell on all sides and carefully peel. It is better to peel soft-boiled eggs only on one side and remove the contents with a spoon.

By the way, you can boil soft-boiled eggs in another way. First you need to take the eggs out of the refrigerator and wait until they come to room temperature. Then you need to bring the water to a boil in a saucepan and carefully add the eggs. After a minute, remove the pan from the stove, close the lid and leave for five minutes. Thanks to this procedure, only the white will have time to cook, and the yolk will remain liquid.

Tips for boiling eggs

To make the process even easier, you need to know and use in practice
a few important points:

  • Never cook eggs directly from the refrigerator - there is a very high probability that they will
    will burst when water heats up;
  • if the eggs are very fresh, they should be cooked 1-2 minutes longer;
  • When boiling eggs, always use a timer, because it is very easy to forget about them and end up with a rubbery white and a green yolk;
  • A cooking saucepan is a must small size so that the eggs in it do not knock against each other and burst at the moment of boiling;
  • To avoid cracking of the shell, you can add a pinch of salt to the water.

However, no matter how you cook the eggs, in combination with a salad of fresh vegetables and
In any case, with toasted croutons they will become a complete breakfast and will give you energy for the whole day.

How many minutes should you boil soft-boiled eggs until the whites are completely set and the yolk remains runny? To do everything perfectly, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • if you want the contents to be liquid, put a few in the pan, wait for bubbles and let them boil for 2 minutes;
  • If you don't like very runny whites, but want to enjoy the spreadable yolk, put the eggs in cold water, wait until they boil, and cook for 3 minutes. In this case, the protein will be jelly-like, but not completely solid;
  • To cook soft-boiled eggs with a fully set white part and a runny yellow center, place them in the bubbling salted liquid, leave for 1 minute, remove the pan from the burner, cover and leave for 5 minutes. Before placing eggs in boiling water, warm them slightly. room temperature, otherwise they will crack.

If you are going to soft-boil quail eggs, cut the cooking time in half.

In the "bag"

Quite an interesting and unique method of cooking eggs. Honestly, this dish is not for everybody, but everyone should try it. Place the food in cold water, wait until it boils and wait four minutes. Or put them in boiling water and wait one minute, then turn off the stove and leave for seven minutes. The result will be something between the soft-boiled and hard-boiled method.


Many people believe that it is simply impossible to make a mistake when cooking using the hard-boiled method - wait until the end and you won’t go wrong. However, if you keep food in boiling water, it will turn out tasteless and will not have an appetizing appearance.

Place the eggs in the pan, wait for the first bubbles and after a minute reduce the power to low. Cook over low heat for seven to eight minutes. If the dish is overcooked, the protein part will become rubbery in consistency, and the “sunny” center will be covered with a gray coating.

Cooking secrets

  • salt the liquid in the proportion of 2 tbsp. l. per 1 liter, and even if the shell cracks, the protein will remain inside;
  • do not put food in boiling water directly from the refrigerator - let it cool at room temperature, otherwise the shell will crack;
  • All eggs have an air sac at the blunt end. If you pierce the shell with a needle in this place, then during cooking it is guaranteed to remain intact;
  • Do not cook in a large pan. Firstly, the boiling time increases, and secondly, in boiling water they will knock against each other and crack;
  • if you come across fresh eggs just from a chicken, keep them in boiling water for half as long;
  • arrange a “contrast shower” by immediately removing them from the stove - then it will be easier to clean them;
  • Half a minute before the end of cooking, tap the sides of the shell with the blunt end of a knife. This simple manipulation will allow you to clean them much faster.

If you remember these simple rules, then you can learn once and for all how to cook the most delicious chicken eggs for any dish. By the way, you can water your home plants with cooled water after cooking. It contains a lot of calcium, which has a beneficial effect on flower growth.

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