How to make it from plastic bottles for the dacha. Crafts from plastic bottles - creative ideas for garden and home design (100 photos)

Creative people will always find a way to make something unusual out of ordinary things that we don’t pay attention to and sometimes just throw in the trash.

So plastic bottles in skillful hands turn into real works of art. From plastic bottles can be made interesting furniture, home garden decor items.

What are the advantages of things made from plastic bottles?

Many summer residents, having seen in this everyday material, useful material, can build from it:

  • greenhouse;
  • country shower;
  • small shed;
  • equipment for the playground;

And other interesting buildings and structures.

Why is this material so in demand? Firstly, this is a very accessible material. If everything is done with special care and thoroughness, the structures will turn out beautiful and will surprise even a professional designer.

The second important advantage is that by not throwing plastic bottles in the trash, you help preserve the environment. Plastic is a hard-to-degrade material.

As for the disadvantages of this material, it is that if you want to assemble a large structure, you will have to collect the material for a long time, because bottles come in all kinds of types.

But many people can collect required material for quite a short time. For example, by cleaning the park area, thereby doing a good deed for nature. Some people ask friends and neighbors for help, and they bring their own bottles.

Let's return to the advantages of using plastic bottles as building material. Plastic is a very soft and easily processed building material. Anyone can learn how to process it.

Having acquired initial skills in working with plastic, you can begin to create masterpieces. It's better to act according to the season.

By summer it’s good to make structures for children’s playgrounds, some country houses, for example, a shower, in autumn-winter decorations on christmas tree, and in the spring you can start building a greenhouse or greenhouse.

It is very good to involve children in this activity; they will be very interested, especially if you tell them that by doing so they are helping nature.

Interior items for the home made from plastic bottles

To build furniture, you will need many identical plastic bottles. The furniture turns out to be very durable and comfortable. And if you follow a certain technology, you can make a sofa or pouf springy.

From tightly wound seven bottles, you will get a stable base for a pouf, which, if desired, can be very beautifully sheathed and stuffed with soft material.

To design small table for newspapers or working on a laptop, you will need 4 racks, a sheet of chipboard that will serve as a top.

The table legs can be hidden by placing a tablecloth on the tabletop. As for larger bottle projects, such as a sofa, it will require a lot of material, perseverance and patience.

Home decor made from plastic bottles

If you want to decorate your home a little, but have some plastic bottles on hand, then you can make beautiful vase for flowers.

Remember that to give the edges of the vase beautiful shape can be done by heating it over a candle. This will make the plastic soft and you can bend it with tongs.

Structures on a personal plot

You can easily build a simple washbasin from a plastic bottle; you just need to fill the bottle with water and hang it upside down.

The lid is unscrewed a little and the water flows down. You can also make a bench from plastic for relaxing at your dacha or an interesting figurine of a gnome.

You can easily make an interesting cosmetic bag from the plastic bottom of a bottle; you just need to sew a zipper along the edges.

This item will also come in handy for those who love to knit. You can place a ball in this ball, and let the end out, and hang it wherever it is convenient. Then the ball will not constantly roll away.

Photos of fake plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are a real boon for creative people. Even beginners with no experience can independently make a variety of crafts from this material. Recycling plastic not only makes the raw material practical, but also saves environment, improving the environment. Unusual ideas With step by step description will help you make crafts to decorate the garden and decorate your summer cottage.

Original ideas for crafts from plastic bottles for the garden step by step

Plastic bottles are considered an affordable raw material; making funny figures does not require any creative skills. As additional tools Need scissors, paints, stationery knife, as well as other available materials. For getting beautiful crafts It is recommended to stock up on other plastic products – cups, plates, spoons.

Flowers: how to make an open bud

Buds of daisies, roses, bells and lilies of the valley - with all this you can decorate your garden space without much effort. Look great large flowers, made from five-liter plastic bottles. To get started, you need to prepare the bottoms of the bottles, scissors, and acrylic paint. The step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. Bottle bottoms must be cut along lines that are clearly visible. The incision is not made all the way, leaving 2-3 cm in the middle.
  2. From each petal you need to cut 1-2 thin strips and curl them beautifully towards the center.
  3. Fire is used to give the flower its shape. You can take matches or a lighter: bring the bottom of the bottle to the fire and turn it in the desired direction. The bottle begins to melt, taking on a different shape.
  4. At the final stage, the product must be painted with acrylic. You can use a brush or a foam sponge - this will prevent streaks from being visible.

The photo shows that such products are suitable for decorating flat surfaces. You can decorate the fence with plastic flowers, place them in the garden near the house, and also equip the tiled path with them.

Palm tree - an exotic garden decoration

A palm tree made from plastic bottles will help add a touch of the tropics to your dacha. Making such a garden decoration item is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the sequence of steps. First you need to prepare the materials: a large number of brown and green plastic bottles, a stationery knife, tape, a tube for decorating the barrel and a thick rope. The master class looks like this step by step:

  1. Creating leaves.
  2. Creating a trunk.
  3. Assembly of all parts of the structure.

To make a palm tree crown, you need to cut off the bottom of green bottles, and cut the upper part into small strips and bend them in the other direction. There is no need to touch the lid and neck. Depending on the number of bottles, the palm will be thicker or vice versa. After this, you need to take brown bottles, cut off the bottom and make stripes from it towards the neck. There should also be a lot of bottles. To assemble the tree, a rope is tied to each lid, secured inside. The palm tree will serve as an excellent decoration for an inconspicuous corner on the site.

Swan: designing a reservoir area

The white bird is the most common craft in garden plots. It’s easy to do, and the result is an original figure. To get started, you need to prepare one five-liter bottle, as well as a knife, a mesh for decorating the wings, and putty. An interesting swan is created like this:

  1. The horizontal side of a plastic bottle is cut off.
  2. A hole is made through the lid, a thick wire is inserted, bending it - this will be the neck.
  3. To give the product a round shape, it is covered with sand.
  4. Make a stand: spread the putty in an even layer on polyethylene and wait for it to harden.
  5. Small rolls of putty are rolled into a rope and form the neck of the bird.
  6. Using a spatula, the material is applied to the bottle itself, making feathers.
  7. To make the wings, a metal mesh is used - it is inserted on the sides and also puttied.

A swan will look beautiful if you draw its eyes and draw feathers on its body.

Pig: a simple master class

Another simple decorating tutorial garden plot by recycling plastic bottles. The pig looks original if you organize a small flower bed inside for summer flowers. To make a pig, you will need one five-liter bottle, as well as a knife, a can of paint, a brush, a pencil, wire, a black marker, cardboard and plastic glue. You need to do the following:

  1. Cut out piglet ears from cardboard and paint them with pink paint.
  2. Leg blanks can be made from the cut off upper parts of plastic half-liter bottles.
  3. In a five-liter bottle, cuts are made with a knife: for the ears, for attaching the legs and for the tail.
  4. The wire is twisted in a convenient way, inserted into the hole.
  5. Finally, the pig is spray painted in the chosen color.

You can place soil inside the pig and grow small flowers: to do this, you need to cut a hole below the ears, making an oval.

Minions: bringing the cartoon to reality

Modern DIY crafts from plastic bottles step by step for beginners involve making popular cartoon characters. These master classes are for children, so an adult can complete the task without any problems by involving a child in the process. You can try to make a beautiful and funny minion:

  1. You will need one or more (according to the number of minions) bottles with a volume of 1.5 liters or more.
  2. There is no need to trim anything here, because the man himself has an oval shape; it is enough to depict the minion’s face as accurately as possible.
  3. The top of the bottle is painted yellow, the lower part is in a blue tint.
  4. On yellow background draw eyes like minions.

You can remove several wires from the cover - this will be funny human hair. Such figures will decorate the garden and add a touch of humor to the exterior.

Flowerbed: how to make a basis for growing flowers

The most simple option Making a garden flower bed will use a tire from a wheel. The result is a large flowerbed in which you can plant flowering plants. To work, you will need a large number of small bottles of the same type, glue for plastic, and a tire from a wheel. Paint can also be useful if you want to change the color of the bottles.

The prepared wheel is installed in the desired location of the future flower bed or in the garden. The tire can be painted any color, or left black. Bottles are gradually glued to the top of the wheel, row by row. Toward the top, the throat of the flowerbed will be a little narrow, so you will need to properly pour the soil for future plants. If you don’t want to leave the bottles transparent, you can paint them in the chosen shade before work.

Decorative ball - an original figure in the garden

In order to make a dense and openwork ball with your own hands, you will need to prepare several dozen plastic containers from under water. It is advisable to take bottles with a volume of at least 1 liter. The basis for gluing the bottles will be a ball of cement; it is not difficult to make. To do this, you need to mix water and cement with sand in a ratio of 1:3. The process then looks like this:

  1. The bottoms of all bottles are cut off.
  2. Each bottom is painted in specific color, you can use several shades and make a rainbow ball.
  3. When the bottoms are ready, they are attached to the cement base.
  4. You can secure the products with strong glue or insert them into the cement while it is still wet.

The result is an original and unusual ball that will decorate the space near the house. The sphere can be placed near the gate, and can also be made the center of the composition in the garden.

Sheep: how to do it step by step

To create a sheep, elongated bottles are useful. It is necessary to prepare the container:

  • 1.5 liters – 4 pcs;
  • 2 liters – 11 pcs;
  • 1 liter – 3 pcs;
  • 2 liters – 20 pcs. with a figured bottom.

You also need some bendable wire and a can of white or gold paint. The top parts with necks are cut off from liter bottles, and one bottle is inserted into another. Process of creation:

  1. Ears are cut out of a liter container and secured with wire.
  2. The body and neck are made from two-liter bottles.
  3. The head is attached to the neck, the legs of the sheep are made from 1.5 and 2 liter containers.
  4. For curly wool, the sheep are connected with curly bottoms using wire.

At the final stage, the sheep is collected and coated with paint. The eyes and nose are made from corks of a contrasting color.

Owl: decorating trees

To country house shines with new colors, it is important to properly decorate the yard space. Another idea for this is to create a figure from PVC bottles in the form of an owl. To do this you need to prepare 5 containers Brown, tin lids, transparent container, glue gun, pliers, acrylic paints and threads. Instructions:

  1. The bottom and throat are cut off, and cuts are made along the edges.
  2. The cut fringe is pulled together with a thread: the upper part of the bottle will serve as the head, and the lower part will serve as the tail.
  3. The remaining bottles are useful for making wings: they are cut into rectangles and painted white.
  4. Using a glue gun, the wings are fixed to the base.
  5. The eyes are made from tin lids - they can also be tinted and a drawing of the pupils made.

The night bird will fit perfectly into the design of the site; it can be placed on a tree branch.

Peacock - an unusual solution for the site

Another colorful, but no less easy to make bird is the peacock. His beautiful and colorful feathers will amaze guests country house, because the peacock will become the center of the composition. In order to make it yourself, you need to take pieces of foam plastic - they will be the base and body. The remaining elements are made from plastic bottles:

  1. Feathers are cut out from containers of different sizes, after which they are painted with acrylic and glued along the perimeter of the tail.
  2. Feathers in the form of a fringe can be made with thin scissors on a green bottle.
  3. The beak is made from the top of the container by cutting out a triangle and secured to the head with nails.
  4. The legs are made from the tops of small bottles with necks and wire.

At the final stage, the bird needs to be assembled: the legs are attached to the body, after which it is covered with feathers. Next, the wings and tail are attached - the peacock is ready!

Donkey: DIY decorative figure

Continuing the animal theme, you can make a donkey out of bottles. It can be installed near fruit tree, setting up a hive for bees there. If desired, the donkey can be used as a flowerbed by attaching a cart made of wooden branches to its back.

The body is made from a five-liter container, the front and hind legs– from kefir or milk containers. The animal's face can be made from a keg bottle of beer or kvass. The ears are made of plastic or cardboard. The entire donkey is covered with gray spray paint, a braid is attached to its muzzle, a cut bottle with soil is hung on the side and a flower is grown there. Another simple option self-made– use of polyurethane foam in combination with bottles.

Frog: composition for an artificial pond

A frog figurine would be appropriate where there are ponds or artificially constructed fountains on the site. She can coexist with a swan, turtle, fish, ships. All you need to create is two two-liter bottles, the top of which is cut off. To work, you only need the bottoms. Paws are made from flat parts– cut out according to a pre-designed template.

The crucial moment is painting the frog. First the background is tinted green, this may require several layers. Then, with a thin brush, draw out the eyes, muzzle, and draw the phalanges on the paws. If desired, you can make a crown for the frog - it is also made from a plastic bottle. The neck is cut off to form arrows, painted golden – the crown is ready.

The imagination of gardeners does not end with the ideas listed - original crafts from plastic bottles to the garden are replenished with the following master classes:

  • butterflies;
  • snowmen;
  • trains;
  • candies;
  • robots;
  • penguins;
  • cats;
  • dogs;
  • cockerels;
  • towers.

Plastic containers are distinguished by the fact that they do not rot after precipitation: a gardener can safely go to the city during the rainy season without worrying about appearance products. To prevent the paint from slipping, after painting you need to coat the figure with varnish. So original and easy to make garden figures will delight the residents of the site for many years.

Don't rush to throw away used plastic container, because you can still find one for it useful application. In a new review, the author has collected the most interesting and practical examples of what else you can use unnecessary plastic bottles for.

1. Decoration in a marine style

To create a unique decoration in a nautical style, you will need a small plastic or Glass bottle, which should be filled with plain water and attributes of the seabed: sand, shells, large pearl-like beads, coins, shiny beads and glass fragments. When all the components of the composition are folded, drop a drop of blue food coloring into the bottle, a few drops vegetable oil and some glitter. All that remains is to tighten the cork well and the stunning decoration is ready.

2. Stand for books and magazines

Simple manipulations will allow you to turn an unnecessary milk or juice canister into convenient stand for books, newspapers and magazines.

3. Faucet attachment

You can cut out a convenient faucet attachment from a shampoo bottle, which will allow your child to wash their hands or wash themselves without outside help without flooding the entire floor.

4. Napkin holder

A bottle from detergent can be used to create a bright and practical napkin holder, the design of which is limited only by your imagination.

5. Stationery organizer

Instead of just throwing out regular bottles of shampoo and shower gel, make them into bright and cheerful coasters in the form of funny monsters. To begin, simply cut off the necks of the bottles and mark the locations of future cuts. You can cut out a variety of different things from colored paper or fabric. decorative elements, like eyes, teeth and ears, and attach them to the bottles using superglue. It is best to attach finished products to the wall using double-sided tape.

6. Containers for cosmetic accessories

Cut-down plastic bottles are perfect for creating adorable containers for storing makeup brushes, makeup, ear sticks and other small items.

7. Poof

From a large number of plastic containers you can make a charming pouf, the creation process of which is quite simple and straightforward. First you need to make a circle from plastic bottles of the same height and secure it with tape. The resulting structure must be well wrapped with a sheet of foamed polyethylene, securing all joints with tape. The base of the ottoman is ready, all that remains is to sew a suitable cover for it.

8. Bracelets

Plastic bottles are an excellent basis for creating original bracelets. Use fabric, thread, leather and any other materials to decorate the unsightly plastic base.

9. Stand for sweets

The bottoms of plastic bottles of different sizes, painted in the desired shade, can be used to create an impressive multi-level stand for convenient and beautiful storage sweets.

10. Scoop and spatula

Plastic milk and juice canisters can be used to create a practical scoop and handy little spatula.

11. Protective cap

A simple cap, which can be made in no time from an ordinary plastic bottle, will help protect your phone from snow or rain.

12. Lamp

A small plastic canister can be a wonderful base for creating an original lamp.

13. Jewelry organizer

An amazing multi-level organizer that can be made from several bottoms of plastic bottles strung on a metal knitting needle.

14. Pots

Containers for storing spare parts.

Capacious containers made from unnecessary plastic canisters, which are perfect for storage, will help you clean up and maintain order in your garage. small parts, nails, screws and other small items.

17. Toy

Armed with scissors, felt-tip pens and paints, you can turn unnecessary plastic containers into fun toys, the creation process of which, as well as the result itself, will undoubtedly attract the attention of children.

Continuing the theme with your own hands.

Interest in DIY crafts from plastic bottles, probably will never disappear, because an incredible amount of them accumulates in the house. And besides, if you really want to do something creative, keep your children occupied during the holidays or vacation at the dacha, or do something cheap and practical, then best material than PET containers are hard to imagine.

That is why today you will find another, but very interesting selection of the best ones that are suitable for all the tasks mentioned above.

DIY crafts from plastic bottles photo

Of course, there is no ranking of the best, simplest works, because everyone has their own requirements both for the master class and for the finished result. For many, the result is not as important as the creative process itself, but for others, useful and practical DIY crafts from plastic bottles, photo which you can see in our article, will serve for a long time and will become excellent helpers on the farm.

So we can conditionally divide all the options into useful, decorative and mixed works, that is, those that also perform a practical function, but at the same time, say, decorate the interior (carved).

For example, such works include original pendants and lampshades for lamps, photographs of which you can see above. They are created from many top parts of the container, that is, before doing the work, you will only need to cut off the top third and leave the bottom for some other work.

Methods for decorating pendants can be different - it can be applique with fabric, ropes, laces, stones, the surface can be painted both inside and outside with paints, and can be perforated with interesting patterns.

Before you is the process of performing such DIY crafts from plastic bottles step by step, which results in a wonderful lampshade for a small lamp (of course, it should be LED lamp which does not heat up or heat up surrounding objects like an incandescent lamp, which could cause a fire). We cut off the upper part and leave the lower part to create.

Try to finish the edges with hot surface so that they are not sharp, or when gluing the cord, place it behind the underside of the plastic. In our example, the craft is made using a technique similar to papier-mâché, when tape or polyethylene is glued to a plastic surface specifically so that the lace does not stick to it.

The lace is well impregnated with PVA during the process, so when the glue dries, you can simply remove the bottle from the inside and only the rope frame will remain. But if this technique is too complicated for you, then leave the bottle inside, just decorate it with paint or another layer of rope.

This way you can create magnificent New Year's decorations if you leave transparent plastic inside, and treat the top and bottom with hemp, inserting a small Christmas decoration. in the same style can become a nice vase or interior decoration in oriental style, it all depends on your imagination and on the interior of the room where you are going to hang your new homemade decor.

There is nothing more beautiful than, but only on condition that these flowers are made carefully, using an interesting technique, using several shades of plastic, as in the master class presented to you above. And, on the contrary, there is nothing worse than terrible and clumsy flowers, for example, from a cut bottom, somehow painted with paint. There is no beauty or aesthetics in such decor, even country cottage area It is not recommended for anyone to decorate like this.

Do-it-yourself dacha crafts from plastic bottles

A real treasure trove interesting tips always concerns decoration do-it-yourself dachas. Crafts from plastic bottles always help us make country life a little more beautiful, more convenient, and more practical. And for families with children these are: great way and keep the kids occupied for a while, and entertain them with ready-made garden decor.

For quite a long time, empty containers have been used as containers for seedlings or as small pots (plant pots) for flowers, herbs, and salads. All this can be organized so beautifully that you get both a country house decor and a useful system for storing fresh herbs for the kitchen and cooking.

Just such examples are shown in the photo, and it works Golden Rule, that if the plants are beautiful in themselves, have lush, elegant greenery and bright flowers, then the bottles can not be decorated at all or the decorations can be minimal. On the other hand, if you are growing kitchen herbs like parsley or watercress directly on summer kitchen, then a great idea would be to decorate such pots, make decoupage or other types of applique for them.

Attracting birds to your site using feeders is great idea, both for winter and summer. Many people simply don’t think about how many pests an average sparrow or starling can eat in one summer season. Moreover, the more grain and seeds the birds have at their disposal, the less attention they will pay to valuable cherries. You have options DIY garden crafts from plastic bottles- not only cute feeders, but also a drinking bowl, which is also very necessary for a comfortable stay for birds in your garden.

They may be valuable for their decorative value, but useful things created using ordinary plastic in the country are no less needed.

We present to your attention an interesting broom for outdoor cleaning, because, as any summer resident knows, in suburban conditions any broom or broom wears out escape velocity, especially if you need to remove fallen leaves or fruit. To get a broom, you need to assemble a structure from a long stick and a cross board, the initial blank will resemble a mop.

Using self-tapping screws, several lids are attached to the horizontal board, as shown in the photo, into which the necks can be screwed. The containers themselves are cut into strips using scissors or a cutter, first cutting off the bottom. Try not to make the strips too thin, otherwise the broom will ultimately work worse; you need all the “twigs” to retain their elasticity.

DIY children's crafts from plastic bottles

Entertainment or creation interesting decor– ideal DIY children's crafts from plastic bottles must combine both of these concepts. It would not be very pleasant if, as a result of painstaking and exciting work, you ended up with something not very beautiful. Therefore, when choosing among a variety of ideas, pay attention not only to the ease of execution, but also to the end result, which must definitely find its place in the nursery.

For example, such a place can very easily be found by a stand for pencils and pens, made in the shape of a space monster, not at all scary, but very funny.

To work, you will need a suitable container, preferably already painted, so that you do not have to use additional paint from a spray can, as well as paper for applying the applique - face, hands, teeth, and so on. For more delicate natures, pencil cases with images of cats are suitable, which are also quite simple to make; the faces are not glued on, but carefully drawn with markers of different colors.

DIY crafts from plastic bottle caps

If the rest of the material has already gone to beautiful, then we suggest you use absolutely all the spare parts and make DIY crafts from plastic bottle caps, intended for children. It is the lids that accumulate a lot in the household, due to their durability, good shape and variety of colors, they can be very easily used as educational toys, objects for appliqués and even for didactic material that helps children's development.

The photo shows options for games that you can organize with or for children using multi-colored plastic covers. Worthy of attention is the option of turning the caps into chips for playing tic-tac-toe.

And if you insert small magnets from the back inside the lids and secure them with glue, you will be able to play not only on a specially drawn field, but also on any iron plate or refrigerator.

Animal toys created on the basis of lids will help you make a home puppet theater; with their help you can easily tell any fairy tale, from classics to stories of your own composition. As for drawings, this is a great way to teach children to count in their senior years. preschool age or learn colors in junior.

To do this, circles are depicted in the figure different color, and the baby will need to find a suitable one among all the multi-colored lids and place it on right place. The result is a simple and quite exciting game.

DIY crafts from plastic bottles for children

Fulfill DIY crafts from plastic bottles for children may not be very simple, because plastic is difficult to process, you need sharp scissors or a knife, special paints, hot glue and more. Therefore, it will be better if you do all the work together, as a friendly team, trusting the children to complete simple steps, and leaving for myself work with cutting or processing surfaces at high temperatures.

In the photo you can see how easy it is to make small toys if you combine the bottom, stable part with the top. They can be securely connected with glue, or they can remain autonomous, looking like neat boxes. Be sure to paint it using acrylic or stained glass paints; children will like it much more. The idea of ​​bottle nesting dolls painted in folk style is also interesting. To create them, you just need to find containers of different volumes, but of a similar shape, that could fit into each other.

This master class on making a lampshade based on a container and many plastic spoons - great option for more complex collaboration. But the finished product will turn out so interesting and elegant that it can be used to decorate the interior, especially in a modern style.

Many homestead owners create all sorts of products from plastic bottles to decorate their place. You can create real works of art by spending a minimum of money.

Not only decorative items are made from plastic, but even furniture. All you need is a knife, an awl and a little imagination.

In this article we will look in detail at how to make crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands.

Decorating the site

What kind of homemade products you won’t see on personal plots. There are flowers, animals, and trees. You can create beautiful sculptural compositions that will not only decorate the garden, but will also give you a great mood.

Let's look at a couple of instructions for beginners that will help you easily create crafts from plastic bottles. It will be a palm tree and a pig.

Bottle palm

To make a palm tree you need to create a frame. Its length should be equal to the height of the tree.

Take bottles of the same size, cut off their bottoms and place them on top of each other. Then the leaves are cut out. They are attached to the top of the created structure. When everything is ready, the palm tree is painted green.

Funny pig made from bottles

The pig will look great anywhere in the garden. To make it you will need:

  • 5 liter bottle;
  • four bottle necks for making legs;
  • one top part from a bottle, which is cut into two parts to make ears;
  • wire for tail;
  • two beads for eyes;
  • glue;
  • pink paint.

The parts are connected and secured with glue. The finished product needs to be painted. You can use oil or spray paint. To prevent the piglet from being blown away by the wind, you need to pour sand into it.

In addition to its decorative function, the structure can serve as a flower bed. To do this, the top is cut off, filled with soil and flowers are planted.

Crafts made from plastic bottles for the garden can serve as flower beds, borders or paths. To make a path, bottles are inserted into the ground with their necks.

Both whole and cut plastic are used. It is important to fill the bottles with soil so that they do not become deformed when they are walked on.

Use of bottles on the farm

Bottles are used not only for decoration. These can be used to make a dustpan, washbasin, or pest trap.

Undoubtedly, everyone needs a container for storing some items. To make it, just cut off the neck.

The washbasin is also very easy to make with your own hands. The bottom of the bottle is cut off and holes are made through which the rope is threaded. The structure is hung in the desired place and water is poured. To wash your face, just unscrew the cap a little.

To make a trap, you need to cut the container in half. To catch insects, some kind of bait is placed at the bottom. For example, sugar syrup with yeast is suitable for this.

Will need hot water, in which sugar and yeast will dissolve. The cooled liquid must be poured into the trap. Not only flies and wasps, but also mosquitoes will flock to this delicacy.


Even a child can make a scoop. First you need to outline its shape and then cut it out.

Can be made from plastic flower pots, greenhouses or containers for seedlings. Descriptions of such crafts made from plastic bottles can be found on the Internet at large quantities, but to create something unique, you need to show your imagination.

It is fashionable to build a self-watering device from plastic containers. To do this, cut the bottle, make holes on the sides and insert the hose into the neck. With the help of such a device, the plants will be perfectly hydrated.

For plants that do not like surface watering, make the following device. The bottom of plastic containers is not completely cut off. A trench is opened on the side of the plant where stones are placed. The bottle is buried upside down.

Then pour required quantity water for irrigation. You can place the bottles upside down, but in this case you will need to make holes in the container.

Plastic containers are also used to heat plants. To do this, bottles are filled warm water and place them around the plant.


For inspiration you can look various photos crafts from plastic bottles. You don't need to put in a lot of effort to make original decoration or a useful item for your garden that will last for many years.

Photos of crafts made from plastic bottles


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