How to open a profitable quail farming business. Quail farming as a business: profitable or not, profitability, useful tips

Almost every market segment is interesting in its own way to one or another entrepreneur. Thus, today we can identify very few industries that were developed by someone. However, as practice shows, such segments still exist. But here it is worth mentioning that they are being developed not because they bring small profits, but because entrepreneurs do not know the basics of a particular business. After all most businessmen are engaged in a business that quickly brings in money. No one is interested in long-term projects. Only a seasoned businessman of the old school can see them.

Indeed, such industries are characterized by a long period of “swinging”. In other words, they will not immediately bring profit, since promoting such a segment requires spending a certain amount of time, and not every person has enough time. Another characteristic feature is the sales market. It can be small or very large. This kind of instability scares people away.

All of the above features characterize unfamiliar business sectors. One such industry is quail farming. Research by some experienced entrepreneurs has shown that the segment is not fully developed in other countries of the world. A visit to European, American, Japanese and Chinese farms showed that the quail breeding business exists in the form of some small or medium-sized businesses. Therefore, creating a large enterprise that will specialize in growing quails is a primary task for any entrepreneur who wants to “plunge” into this area of ​​business. But before? Rather than selling a factory, it’s worth thinking about a small enterprise from which you can begin the thorny path to the stars. In the process of creating this enterprise, you need to create a business plan for breeding quails in order to take into account all the nuances, investments and other characteristic features business.

Market Description

As sad as it may sound, the domestic market does not bring in the required amount of profit. There are a lot of factors to blame for this. First of all, you need to consider the number of quail eggs produced per day. In Russia, this figure does not exceed 350,000 units, while in Japan, the same figure is 7,000,000 units, and in China – 70,000,000 units. All these exorbitant sums were never even dreamed of by the domestic market. The second point is the demand for this product. Quail and quail eggs are exotic products. Therefore, many people are simply afraid to purchase them.

All these factors have a rather negative impact on the popularity of this business. The payback period is very long, as is the amount of investment required. Therefore, an experienced and established market player can “play” in quail breeding. Smaller entrepreneurs cannot afford to promote such a business. As mentioned earlier, quail farming is a long-term project, so it requires maximum patience and time.

As for demand, according to many luminaries of modern business, this negative factor can be overcome through marketing operations, which must be carried out by specialists in their field. Statistics prove this fact. Already after the first “volleys” towards the consumer, the demand for quail eggs increased several times. Therefore, the problem of consumption is no longer a problem at all.

What sells better: quail or eggs?

Quails are comparable to chickens because they exist in different types. Quails come in meat and egg varieties. The first species appears to be quite large individuals, weighing up to 300 grams, but when it comes to laying eggs, they lag very far behind their direct relatives. Egg quails weigh an order of magnitude less, however, they are capable of producing about 350 eggs annually. Thus, the first species is used as food, and the second exclusively for laying eggs.

For domestic restaurants, quail carcasses are of absolutely no value. They are too large for one serving, so cooking them is not profitable. But almost everyone willingly buys eggs, from restaurants to ordinary traders. Quail eggs are so popular due to their extremely beneficial properties. They contain a lot nutrients, making them an excellent dietary food. The Japanese also developed another property of quail eggs. After World War II, quail eggs were proven to have a positive effect on the health of people who were exposed to radiation. And this is not the entire list of the positive aspects that quail eggs provide to those who consume them.

Just a couple of years ago, quail were something amazing on modern market. But now it is a perfectly acceptable product. Moreover, many people began to breed these birds right on their farms along with other poultry. The entire Internet is practically filled with information about diets using quail eggs and other wonderful properties of this product. This all indicates that the domestic market is quite ready to accept this segment, so you should not be afraid to develop it.

The process of promoting the business of raising quails at home is quite long, but this does not mean that there are absolutely no positive aspects in it. Although an entrepreneur with sufficient funds should start such a business, a novice businessman can also try. The main thing is that he is not too lazy to study the market and draw up a competent business plan for quail breeding.

As for the advantages, several can be distinguished from the entire array. Firstly, quail breeding is characterized by high turnover. This factor develops thanks to rapid growth chicks that will subsequently produce about 280 eggs. If you initially purchase no more than 500 chicks, then by the end of the year their number will increase ten or even fifteen times, depending on care and maintenance.

Secondly, a characteristic feature of the business is the compactness of production. This is thanks small sizes the bird in question. On an area of ​​0.5 square meters you can fit about a hundred quails. As we understand, such compactness allows us to concentrate huge volumes of production in small spaces.

Thirdly, quails are not picky when it comes to caring for them. Two people can handle this task quite well. The main condition is to maintain the temperature in the room at +18 and give the quails special food. It is very difficult to find ready-made food, since it is practically not available on the domestic market. But there is still a way out of the situation. You can make the food yourself, you just need to add certain ingredients, namely:

  • 30% wheat
  • 25% corn
  • 5% barley

And all this needs to be mixed with ground shell, fish meal and cake (sunflower).

So, at this stage of the business plan, we can highlight the main elements necessary for breeding quails:

  • To develop your own farm, which will amount to 1000 birds, you will need about $1000.
  • $2,000 will be required to provide special blocks, which will consist of 12 cells.
  • A small household incubator will cost $200.
  • You need to spend $200 on food every month.
  • The lighting and climate control system will cost $100, and this amount includes its installation.

But the income can please the owner of a small business:

  • Selling eggs will bring in $800 per month.
  • Sales of quail meat will bring in $300 per month.
  • Thus, net income will be $900.

The payback period for the farm will be 5 months.

These numbers are quite attractive. They will increase as the farm grows. The larger the farm, the greater the profit itself.

Nuances of the quail business

In general, the business of raising quails at home can bring a stable income if it is properly organized. Keeping quails is not difficult; everything depends solely on the process of care itself, which needs to be organized. All subsequent actions will be related exclusively to marketing. A quail is a quail. They will lay eggs and increase their numbers. But the advertisement will not appear on its own. Therefore, the products need to be promoted on the market. Then there will be clients, and if there are clients, there will be profits.

Many experts in the field of quail farming advise starting an enterprise with several hundred heads. This will allow you to reduce large costs at the very beginning of your activity.


The process of breeding quails is a whole science that takes years to learn. Therefore, many entrepreneurs do not want to engage in this business because they do not want to waste their time. But taking into account all the characteristic features of this business, we can conclude that it is capable of generating large profits if you put all your efforts into its development.

In conditions of the economic crisis and the high cost of “entry” into existing entrepreneurial niches, one of promising directions to organize your own business is a quail business. This type of activity has a number of undeniable advantages that allow you to achieve a stable profit within several months:

The disadvantages of raising quails as a business include:

    relative newness of products for Russian market;

    the need for regular care and feeding;

    increased labor costs when procuring meat relative to larger poultry.

Production of quail eggs in Russian Federation does not exceed 400,000 pieces per day, while in Japan, with a comparable population, daily sales of quail eggs rarely fall below 7,000,000. For most regions, quails remain an exotic curiosity and preference is given to traditional chicken.

Russian consumers are just beginning to get used to the presence of quail eggs and meat on store shelves and on the menus of public catering establishments. This opens up impressive prospects for quail farming as a business, as neighboring countries show a steady increase in interest from buyers.

Material and production base for poultry breeding

You should not immediately set up a large poultry farm to make sure that the quail business is profitable. It is enough for a novice poultry farmer to acquire a flock of up to 500 birds. Quails reach egg-laying age very quickly, from 5 to 8 weeks from the moment of birth. A herd of 500-600 heads can easily be served by one person with a daily workload of no more than 3-4 hours.

Your own business - what you need to breed quails

To start a quail business you need small area, since the birds are as compact as possible. One meter, when placing cages in several levels, can contain up to 300 heads. For housing, it is recommended to use a separate room with an area of ​​about 20 m², in which it will be convenient to care for the livestock, store and prepare feed mixtures.

The initial equipment set will consist of cage batteries, containers for storing feed and eggs, and equipment for cutting carcasses. A business plan for breeding quails should include an incubator for hatching chicks and a special container for young animals (brooder).

Business plan: what and how much it costs

The cost of individual equipment and breeding birds may vary depending on the specific region and seasonality. The size of the initial investment depends on whether cages and special containers are purchased in finished form or made independently. Registration may be an additional expense item. legal entity and renting premises in the absence of own premises.

Based on the size of the herd of 500 heads, corresponding to the business plan for raising quails at home, the material costs for the first initial stage quail business organizations will be:

    cell battery - 8-12 thousand rubles. (at the same time, the cost of the material is 2-3 thousand rubles);

    purchase of quail stock - 20 thousand rubles. (the cost of quails for breeding is 40 rubles per chick);

    food (for the first time) - about 3 thousand rubles;

    small-sized incubator - from 7 to 12 thousand rubles;

    brooder for young animals - from 3,500 rubles.

If you have the necessary skills and free time, you can make cages for adults and a brooder yourself, which will significantly reduce initial costs.

A business plan for raising quails should take into account the costs of lighting and maintaining the necessary temperature regime, depending on the time of year and electricity tariffs. To more effectively pluck slaughtered poultry, it is recommended to purchase a special centrifuge, since manual processing of small carcasses can be extremely inconvenient.

Income and main expenses in the manufacture of products

One hen, starting from 2 months of age, produces 250-300 eggs per year. After reaching the age of 8-12 months, the productivity of quails decreases and it is recommended to use them for meat. When slaughtered, one quail carcass yields 200-350 g, depending on the breed.

The profitability of a business is determined by the cost of manufactured products and the speed of sales. It is realistic to sell quail eggs at a price of 1.5-2 rubles. per piece, meat - 60-90 rubles. per carcass. The slaughter of poultry can begin at 8-10 weeks, when their growth ends. Meat breeds reach optimal eviscerated carcass weight at 6 weeks.

It is advisable to assess profitability from the 5th month from the date of acquisition of the first livestock. By this time, laying hens have achieved stable productivity, and excess males can be sold for meat. When using an incubator, the number of birds can be increased several times, so for ease of calculations, a business plan for quail with a herd size of 1000 laying hens and 200-250 males is used.

A thousand quails lay approximately 300,000 eggs per year. In addition, you can additionally obtain at least 4,000 meat carcasses for meat with full reproduction of the productive population. Based on this, you can calculate the approximate revenue from industrial quail breeding with the timely sale of poultry farm products:

    egg - 450-600 thousand rubles;

    meat - 240-360 thousand rubles;

    total: 690-960 thousand rubles per year.

Separate items of income may include:

    sale of breeding birds over 1 month old;

    implementation bird droppings as a highly effective nitrogen-containing fertilizer;

    self-production cages, drinkers and feeders with their subsequent sale.

Various payments as taxes and fees must be deducted from the amount of revenue, subject to registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur(if we regard quail breeding as a business focused on wholesale sales of products).

The main mandatory expenses affecting the profitability of the quail business will be payment for:

    poultry feed - 144 thousand rubles;

    heating and light - approximately 25 thousand rubles.

A herd of laying hens of 1000 heads can be cared for by 2 people with part-time work. With such a production volume, it is advisable to use the model family business, when profit and salary are essentially the same thing. Involving a third party labor force is included in the business plan for quail breeding when it becomes justified: when the number of hens increases to 5,000 laying hens or more, and there are reliable sales channels for the products.

Quail breeding - livestock reproduction technology

Quails are unpretentious and capable of keeping as compact as possible. It may seem that raising poultry on an industrial scale is possible even on the balcony of an apartment using boxes, cardboard boxes. This approach is justified only when growing quail as home business mainly for personal use. An area of ​​a mini-farm that is too small will be physically inconvenient for caring for several hundred birds, and excludes the possibility of expanding the quail business at home.

Growing and feeding

Stable productivity of the quail population requires certain housing conditions and regular monitoring of the condition of the birds. Any farm requires constant human control without days off or vacations. A quail poultry farm as a business requires care, which consists of the following:

    maintaining optimal levels of lighting, humidity and air temperature;

    creation of conditions for maintenance and reproduction;

    ensuring adequate nutrition and clean water;

    inspection of livestock, culling of birds with suspected disease or aggressive behavior;

    timely cleaning of cells;

    egg collection and poultry slaughter.

With a flock size of 500-600 individuals, the quail business requires 2-4 hours a day of care, which one person can do very well. For a flock of 1-2 thousand birds, the efforts of two people will be required, for 5 thousand - three or more.


The right premises is where to start quail business. Quails are kept under moderate lighting of 20-30 lux, which is fully provided by 40 W incandescent lamps. With more intense lighting, the birds behave aggressively and begin to peck each other. Daylight hours should last 16-18 hours. The humidity in the room should be at least 65%; in dry air, quails begin to peck out their feathers.

The temperature regime is maintained between 18 and 24°C, special attention should be paid to avoiding drafts. More resistant to diseases than other poultry, quail are extremely sensitive to air currents with high temperature differences.

Housing cages

50-100 individuals can be placed on one square meter of cage space; multi-tier batteries are usually used. The number of floors depends on the convenience of care. The material used for the cage is a profile, galvanized mesh and metal sheets. Wooden materials are inconvenient to clean and quickly deteriorate, facilitating the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

The height of the cages should not exceed 30 cm so that the bird does not jump, injuring its neck and head. The floor of the cage is sloping so that the laid eggs roll into a special chute. Facilities for food and water are placed outside.


Finding ready-made feed intended only for quails is quite difficult. Typically, the feed manufacturer specifies this type of poultry when selling universal mixtures. To create an optimal ratio of nutrients and beneficial microelements, you can make food for quail. The business plan will only benefit from this.

To produce feed, crushed grain of wheat, barley and corn is required, so it is advisable to purchase a special crusher. It is better to purchase grain in advance at farmers markets at the time of harvest.

In addition to grain, feed mixtures must contain a source of calcium: bone or fish meal, crushed shells, shells. Fine gravel and sand, necessary for the bird’s digestion, are thrown into the feeders. The taste of the product and the profitability of breeding laying quail for eggs as a business depend on the feed. The composition of the feed can be changed depending on the age category.

For birds from 1 to 4 weeks (as a percentage of the total weight of the mixture):

  • wheat – 9.6;
  • barley – 7;
  • corn – 40;
  • bone meal – 3;
  • fish meal – 5;
  • soybean meal – 30;
  • dry return – 3;
  • salt – 0.4;
  • herbal flour - 1.

For 5-6 weeks of age:

  • wheat – 25;
  • barley – 7;
  • corn – 40.5;
  • bone meal – 3;
  • fish meal – 5;
  • Sunflower meal – 9;
  • dry return – 3;
  • crushed chalk, ground shell - 1;
  • salt – 0.5;
  • herbal flour – 1
  • wheat bran – 5.

For birds from 7 weeks, including laying birds:

  • wheat – 15;
  • barley – 7;
  • corn – 40;
  • sunflower meal – 10;
  • soybean meal – 10;
  • wheat bran – 5;
  • fishmeal – 5;
  • crushed chalk, ground shell - 1;
  • bone meal – 4;
  • herbal flour – 2.4;
  • salt – 0.6.

In order to enrich the feed with biologically active substances, you can add special premixes (P1-1, P5-1, P6-1) at a rate of 1:100.

Raising young animals

When kept in compact conditions, the females' instinct to incubate eggs atrophies, so an incubator must be used to hatch new chicks. For fertilization, males are placed in cages at the rate of 2-5 per 10 females. The age of birds most suitable for breeding is 2-7 months.

Before being placed in the incubator, eggs with visible damage, non-standard shapes, sizes and colors are rejected. It is recommended to check the contents of eggs with an ovoscope to select eggs with double yolks, cloudy contents and other defects.

The incubator must maintain a certain temperature and humidity level:

    12 days – 37.7°C and 55-60%;

    from 12 to 15 days inclusive – 37.2°C and 55%;

    from day 16 – 37°C and 70%.

During the first day, the brood should be carefully protected from drafts. The temperature in a special container (brooder cage) should be maintained between 35-37°C during the first week. Then the temperature gradually decreases to 30-32°C during the second week and to 24-26°C during the third. Afterwards, the young animals can be placed in cages with adults.

Breeding quails for meat or eggs, which business to choose?

There are breeds specifically designed for both meat breeding and increased egg production. Paradoxically, it is not always advisable to breed only meat breeds.

This applies to the sale of carcasses to catering establishments. A standard portion of poultry meat rarely exceeds 200 g, while the weight of a meat quail carcass is 300 g. It is not profitable for a restaurant or cafe to cut up a carcass, so they are more willing to purchase meat from smaller egg-bearing breeds.

Breeding meat breeds is economically profitable with established sales in retail chains or for poultry farms wishing to expand their product range without changing production technology. In these cases, the profit from the sale of quail meat will be significantly lower, because the buyer has to take into account his profit margins from subsequent resale.

It seems most rational to breed not very small egg-bearing breeds and make efforts to sell both eggs and quail meat. The business, in any case, is that laying hens produce eggs, and the birds have to be slaughtered before the age of 1 year, and the resulting eggs and meat need to be put somewhere.

Sales of finished products

Any production constantly faces the problem of selling products. There is no doubt about the ability of quails to consistently produce eggs and meat, but finding a market in modern Russian realities may take quite a lot of time.

Managers farms, who have already achieved significant results in quail breeding, are advised to start with word of mouth.

At the initial stages of implementing a business plan, you should try offering quail eggs and meat to your friends and relatives. From them, information can go further, subject to setting a price favorable to buyers. This distribution channel cannot be considered truly reliable, but it will help you make a profit while working with other potential buyers, such as wholesale and retail chains and restaurants.

You should not seriously rely on small stores that do not have a developed network. Low purchasing power and insufficient customer traffic will not allow reaching any significant volumes. In this case you will need to spend own funds for delivery and packaging of products.

When promoting products to retail chains and catering establishments, you should inform the potential buyer obvious advantages. 100 g of quail eggs, with comparable volumes of useful microelements, proteins and fats, contain half as much carbohydrates and several times less cholesterol. This makes quail breeding products more useful and suitable for dietary nutrition. In addition, the valuable properties of quail eggs make it possible to remove radionuclides from the human body.

Sale of quail meat and eggs to poultry farms

Establishing connections with large suppliers of farm products in the region can be considered quite reliable. In this case, you will have to give up part of the profit, but the farm will be spared the need to obtain most of the permitting documentation. In addition, wholesalers are freed from having to worry about distribution channels.

Large producers of poultry products, as a rule, are interested in expanding their own range for their counterparties, but often do not have the opportunity to create an additional production chain. When working with wholesalers who undertake work with the end consumer, it is necessary to constantly maintain stable supplies in the required volumes.

A bird like a quail without unnecessary problems Can be bred indoors. The perfect solution- insulated balcony. If the balcony area is about 2.5 square meters, then it can accommodate 500 laying hens: for 200 birds, only 1 square meter of space is enough.

  • The room temperature should be between 19 and 23 degrees Celsius. Therefore, in the cold season, when breeding quails on personal plot heating will be needed. In home apartments, the problem of heat is usually not addressed;
  • Average air humidity is 60%. If the air humidity is less, the bird's feathers will begin to fall out;
  • Quails need lighting. But it should be dim. For a balcony or other separate room, a 40 W lamp is sufficient. With brighter lighting, birds begin to peck each other;
  • There should be no drafts in the room.

Quail must be well fed to ensure that the meat and eggs are of sufficient value and that the bird is healthy. Since the quail business is not widespread in Russia, there is no special feed mixture for quail.

But experienced quail breeders noted that the bird prefers food containing:

  • Barley - 1 part;
  • Ground shell - 1 part;
  • Wheat - 6 parts;
  • Corn - 5 parts;
  • Sunflower cake and/or fish meal - 7 parts.

Quails are bred in cages of approximately 40-50 birds. Beginning entrepreneurs often build cages on their own, but the material - metal mesh - must be purchased independently. You can also buy ready-made cells.

Ready-made business plan for raising quails at home

Quails reach maturity at the age of 2 months. Egg-laying bird breeds produce 300 eggs per year and 100-120 grams of meat. Meat breeds - 200 eggs per year and 200-250 grams of meat. But every year the bird must be slaughtered, since egg production is noticeably reduced.

It turns out that in a year of life the bird will lay eggs for 10 months, which is 160-240 eggs from one quail. This figure reaches about 100,000 units per year.

The most difficult thing in this business is finding places to sell products. If the farm is still small (500 birds), then the first buyers of eggs and meat should certainly be your relatives and friends. In this case, you need to focus on the usefulness of eggs and meat, their dietary and nutritional qualities. This will not be superfluous, since the high value of these products has been proven by Japanese scientists.

The main competitors of quail eggs and meat are considered chicken eggs and their meat. Inform customers about the value of quail eggs and meat. Then sooner or later they will make a choice in favor of quails.

Your first customers will definitely tell their friends about buying your products, and those will tell other people. And so your customer base will expand, almost like a nuclear reaction.

To sell eggs and meat in stores, you must collect a certain list of documents confirming that the products meet all standards. Collecting documents is a very troublesome task.

Therefore, you should establish contact with local poultry farms: they do not stand on ceremony with documentation, and they buy quail eggs very willingly. The price of the products will be lower, since the farm will need to resell it on the market under its own, recognizable brand for a profit. But this method of selling eggs and meat is very attractive.

Quail carcasses and eggs can be sold in restaurants. But when collaborating with any commercial organization, it is necessary to establish regular deliveries of products, otherwise you risk losing a place to sell the goods.

What you need to breed quails

So, to begin with entrepreneurial activity you will need 500 quails, 10 cages and food.

You can create a suitable microclimate by spending electrical energy on lighting and heating the room. The conditions for keeping the birds are described above.

All that remains is to collect the eggs in a timely manner, remove the droppings and slaughter the birds.

In a year, 1 bird eats 10 kilograms of food. 500 laying hens will require 5 tons of feed per year.

Since raising offspring using quail hens is unprofitable, it is necessary to purchase an incubator. Using an incubator you can reproduce offspring all year round. Then there will be no problems with a shortage of poultry, and you will bypass some crises in business development.

What and how much does it cost?

  • 500 quails at 100 rubles each - 50,000 rubles. This figure is very arbitrary. On the market you can find poultry for 50-150 rubles, depending on the breed of bird. Therefore, the cost of purchasing quails can vary from 25,000 to 75,000 rubles;
  • Cages for 40-60 places - 10 pieces for 1000 rubles - 10,000 rubles;
  • Feed at the rate of 150 rubles per year per 1 bird - 75,000 rubles;
  • Electricity costs - 13,000 will be enough;
  • Small incubator - 5,000 rubles.

As a result, 153,000 rubles will be spent in the first year. If you make the cages yourself and choose cheaper poultry breeds, the costs can be reduced to 130-135 thousand rubles.

All subsequent years you will spend only on feed and providing the birds with light and heat - no more than 90,000.

Now let's calculate the income:

  • Since egg production decreases per year and the birds are slaughtered, we will count the number of eggs received in 10 months. On average, this figure reaches 200 eggs. One egg costs 1.5 rubles. Total, from one bird per year - 300 rubles due to eggs. With 500 laying hens - 150,000 rubles;
  • A kilogram of quail meat costs 300-400 rubles. One carcass - 100 grams. 500 carcasses - 50,000, or 50 kilograms, which is equivalent to 17,500 rubles per year;
  • The litter can also be sold. This is a very valuable fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. For 1 bag of litter you can get about 1000 rubles. You will be able to collect 2-3 bags per year, which will average 2.5 thousand rubles.

Total income for 1 year: 170,000.

Thus, the business of breeding quails at home pays off in one year with interest, and the subsequent keeping of birds will generate an income of about 80,000 rubles per year, which is about 7,000 rubles per month.

The income is small. But don't forget that we are talking about a quail farm on your balcony. As your customer base expands, your bird population will increase by 3-4 times, or even more. Revenues increase accordingly.

Then net profit will be 21-28 thousand rubles, which is average wages. And this is when caring for quails is extremely simple - you only need one or two assistants, who will always be found in the family.

Let's sum it up

By calculating the costs and income of a quail breeding business, you can make a clear choice in its favor.

To successfully develop a business you need:

  1. Provide optimal climatic conditions for poultry;
  2. Build cells;
  3. Buy quails;
  4. Provide adequate nutrition for the bird;
  5. Remove droppings and collect eggs in a timely manner, monitor the egg production of each bird, and slaughter it for meat;
  6. Buy an incubator for raising offspring;
  7. Find a place to sell products;
  8. As you expand your product sales locations, expand your business. But for regular supply to large shopping centers without intermediaries, a population of 5,000 laying hens or more is required.

You are only 8 steps away from a prosperous and easy life. If you manage to find your niche in the quail breeding business now, then in the future you will be able to establish yourself with the best side, and new competing entrepreneurs will not be able to displace you in the market.

Video on how to build a quail farming business

Breeding quails - by investing 35,000 rubles, in just 2 months you will be in profit. Introducing step by step guide, which will sort everything out.

Capital investment in breeding: from 35,000 rubles.
Payback of a quail business: 2-3 months.

Breeding quails at home can really be an excellent alternative to running a chicken or geese business.

In addition to small investments in the start, this idea is also attractive due to its ease of implementation.

At the same time, they can lay very actively: 50 females can lay up to 45 eggs a day!

As you can see, there are many advantages, although there are also disadvantages.

Let's take a closer look at the pitfalls of business, how to organize the implementation of an idea and which breeding method to choose.

Important nuances of raising quails at home

On the Internet you can find many positive reviews about the quail breeding business.

Indeed, many entrepreneurs have established their own sales channel and are successfully developing their business.

However, beginners should not be completely optimistic.

After all, this idea has several significant nuances that are rarely discussed:

    Moreover, do not forget to subtract at least ¼ of them that you send to the incubator.

    There is a myth that quails do not get sick.

    This is not true, it’s just that these birds make it easier to cut problems at the root and extinguish the epidemic in its infancy.

    In addition to diseases, the productivity of quails can be affected by... anything!

    Temperature changes, stress, food changes, even noisy guests.

Under what conditions can quail breeding be arranged?

Interesting fact:
In Japan, schoolchildren eat two quail eggs before classes. This helps improve memory, vision, strengthens nervous system, and also helps the development of the entire organism as a whole.

The first thing you must learn is the correct temperature regime.

Quails are not the most finicky birds.

But temperature deviations will cause some problems.

It will be too hot, the birds will start flying less.

Too cold and they might even die.

How to choose a cage for breeding quails?

You can make a cage yourself or buy a ready-made one.

No matter what kind of “dwelling” is suitable for quails.

Please note the requirements for the birdhouse:

    In case you didn't know, quails lay straight to the bottom of the cage.

    Therefore, it is imperative to install an egg receiver that will prevent them from breaking.

  • The main material for cells is metal.
  • In this case, extra space can cause more harm.

    Quails are prone to sudden flights.

    So a height of more than 20 cm can be traumatic.

  • Feeding and feeding devices are installed at the front of the cage.
  • The droppings can be used to make effective fertilizer, the sale of which will bring additional income.
  • To reduce the risk of disease and contamination of eggs, install a special tray for quail excrement.
  • There is no mistake - statistics show that, unlike chickens, the closer the birds sit, the better they lay eggs.

What kind of personnel is needed to breed quails?

Raising quails, like any other bird, requires hiring only a few people.

For those who want to take everything into their own hands, let us remind you: in the quail breeding business there are no weekends or holidays.

If you don't agree to spend every day at the cage, hire helpers.

A small flock can be served from start to finish by two people: removing droppings, monitoring the condition of the birds, feeding and watering them, monitoring indoor conditions, and preparing bait.

Don’t forget about the process of selling products: the meat will need to be cut, the eggs will need to be packaged, and all this will also need to be delivered to customers.

This work is really “non-dusty”, but it takes a lot of time.

If you want to save money, you can ask your loved ones for help.

But if finances allow, hire the following people:

Search for sales channels for quail meat and eggs

The search for sources of sales of household products should be sought immediately.

After all, eggs cannot be stored for a long time, but birds will lay eggs actively.

A portion will be spent on family needs and passed on to friends and relatives.

But when it comes to business, it is obvious that more serious clients will be required.

This is the only way to cover the costs of raising quails, and in the future receive income from it.

The market analysis algorithm looks like this:

    Find out which clients nearby could start buying products from you or become points of sale.

    These could be markets, fairs, shops, supermarkets, cafes.

    Consult their management to determine the volume of demand for yourself.

    Based on these data, it is possible to determine the number of livestock for home breeding.

    An important point: what documentation is required for eggs and meat?

    At a minimum, you need to be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

    In addition, more serious partners may require quality certificates.

    Analyze your competitors - under the guise of clients or by studying their websites.

    Determine their product prices, strengths and weaknesses.

    It is important to highlight competitive advantages that will make you stand out in the eyes of your clients.

    Yes, quail farming at home is also worth promoting to increase profit margins.

    You don't have to use expensive TV advertising.

    Available methods of guerrilla marketing, with a skillful approach, also bring worthy results.

How much money do you need to raise quails?

It has been mentioned more than once that raising birds at home requires a very modest investment.

But what exactly is the amount we are talking about?

Capital investments in raising quails at home

Monthly investment in quail farming

An entrepreneur should not forget that in addition to capital investments in quail breeding, monthly expenses will also be required.

You need to keep this in mind and not be tempted by just a small amount of initial investment.

Income from quails will begin to compensate for these expenses only after a few months.

The video below presents the main features of quail breeding:

Conclusion about the profitability of quail breeding

The debate about the profitability of raising quails at home is not closed.

Some were able to turn it into a large-scale profitable business.

Others complain about low income.

To draw a conclusion for yourself, you need one in which you can calculate your indicators.

Be sure to use methods to improve business efficiency:

    Purchase and add mineral fertilizer for quails to your food.

    This is beneficial for the health of the birds and the quality of their egg production.

    Watch the width of the holes between the rods.

    Ideally, only the head should go through so that the quail can eat.

    These birds react very poorly to bright light.

    It causes them excitability, aggression and even a decrease in egg production!

  • If you do not give quails vitamins during the changing seasons, their feather cover may completely fall out.

As you can see, raising quails at home will require a small investment that can pay off in just a couple of months.

But you shouldn’t count on large income in the future.

For profits to grow, the business will definitely need to scale.

But there is potential for this, because poultry meat and eggs always remain in the “grocery basket”!

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Recently, such a branch of agriculture as quail breeding has become very popular. It is generally accepted that such a business is based solely on the sale of eggs, however, this is not entirely true.

Quails are also valued for their healthy dietary meat, fluff and other qualities. Poultry farmers use quail farming as a business. Whether such an investment is profitable or not, we will consider in the article.

When opening your own business, you first need to decide what you need market. One of the largest industries can be called food industry. The market is crowded with various food products, so to start your own business you need to find a niche whose products are in great demand, however, there are few such goods on offer.

Such a niche can confidently be called quail business. The demand for products in this area today is huge, but the buyer sees a limited amount of goods on the shelves. So is it profitable to breed quails?

Experienced businessmen assure: raising quails is also profitable because almost everything is used. Only the paws and beaks of birds are used anywhere. Raising quail as a business has many advantages. Quail farming involves the sale of eggs and other products:

  1. Quail meat. The product is highly valued for its nutritional properties. Quail meat is considered dietary due to its low fat content and high level useful substances.
  2. Eggs. It is believed that quail eggs are much healthier than chicken eggs. Regular consumption has a positive effect on the body: rejuvenates the skin, strengthens the immune system. In addition to the vitamins contained in eggs, this product is also hypoallergenic.
  3. Feather. Selling quail fluff also brings considerable profit. Feather is a natural material for stuffing pillows.
  4. Litter. Counts the most valuable fertilizer for the soil and is highly valued in agriculture or on home plantings.
  5. Bones. Ground quail bones are used as calcium supplement for livestock. This product can also be fed to the quails themselves as a healthy complementary food.

Action Plan

In order for the business to bear fruit and not become a waste of time, before starting work it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan. There is no clear scheme for compiling such guidance. The plan should contain the main points and reflect the sequence of steps.

First you need to decide what direction it will be production. Quail breeding is often found as a business for producing meat and selling eggs. To determine which industry will be more profitable, it is recommended to combine both types at the initial stage of building a business.

In order for a business to generate income, products must be sold. Today's products are not widely used demand, so you need to look for regular customers. In addition to agreements with supermarket chains, it is necessary to artificially “stir up” consumer interest. For these purposes, both advertising and various exhibitions and sales of products are suitable.

Another promising industry is the service sector. Cafes, restaurants or motels serve as an excellent market for quail products.

Poultry farmers say breeding is the most profitable channel for sales. young animals and selling it to existing quail farms. The demand for chicks does not fade depending on the season, so the profit from such sales can be called constant.

Choosing a breed for breeding

So, the outline of the business plan is ready, the purpose of breeding is also known. Now you need to decide breed of quail. Each species has its own characteristics, so you need to carefully consider which bird is suitable for your future farm.

There are two types of quail breeds: broiler and egg-laying. A business plan for a quail farm can combine breeding of both.


Texas quail were bred as meat breeds Therefore, keeping such a bird primarily involves fattening the “livestock”.

Externally, quails of the Texas breed are characteristically “fleshy”: well-defined breasts, rounded physique. The limbs, neck and tail are short. Birds belong to large species. The breed is also called the white giant.

The average individual brings about 250 grams of meat. At correct By fattening a bird, you can achieve a weight of half a kilogram. Mostly males go to fattening. Females that are overweight cannot lay eggs. The Texas breed's egg production is low. However, even meat breed can produce 280 eggs per year.

When fattening poultry, it is necessary to follow the rules and choose the right diet, since the purpose of rearing is to obtain meat, not fat.


Manchurian birds have a golden tint to their feathers. They belong to the universal meat and egg species. They have a low egg production, however, the egg is much larger than that of representatives of other breeds. One female brings about 180 eggs per year.

The average carcass weight is 300-350 grams. Total mass depends on the conditions of keeping and diet of the quail.

- meat type quail. They have an appearance similar to their wild relatives. Females are significantly larger than males and weigh about 300 grams. The advantage of the breed is that by the age of two months the bird gains sufficient weight for slaughter.

Female begins to lay eggs at the age of 45 days. The first of the eggs are unsuitable for incubation. Good feeding helps produce 200 eggs in one year.

California breed

Californian The bird is a rather difficult breed to breed, so these quails have not become widespread. Breeding the breed makes sense only from a decorative point of view, and does not bring profit as such.


Japanese breed quail includes both meat and egg species, as well as universal individuals. An adult weighs 150 grams, which is average. The egg production of females is quite high. One quail produces more than 300 eggs throughout the year.


Large sized bird with characteristic white plumage of the sternum and brown body. Females of the breed weigh 180 grams, and males reach 150.

Breeding this breed carries more decorative character. However, females have good productivity: 280 eggs per year.


Poultry farming can be done even in a small area. Even suitable for this spruce summer cottage plot medium size.

unpretentious regarding the conditions of detention, and also do not incur large costs. It is also worth noting that poultry eggs are not susceptible to infection. salmonellosis, therefore suitable for consumption even in raw form.

The most profitable quails as a business are those related to meat and egg production, so novice poultry farmers are advised to take a closer look at such breeds.

Incubation of quail eggs

When breeding quails, the business plan must take into account important nuance: During the formation of breeds, females spent their ability to incubate eggs.

Therefore, to breed young animals you will need incubator— special equipment for a quail farm. You can make such a device with my own hands, and buy it in the store. A medium-sized incubator holds about 400 eggs. If the incubation rules are followed, the number of young animals will be high. The duration of the procedure is 17 days. On day 1, incubation ends.

Rules for raising young animals at home:

  • The temperature in the incubator should be between 38-38.5 degrees and be stable. Temperature changes are excluded.
  • Air humidity must be maintained within 50%.
  • Special equipment is used to measure temperature and humidity.
  • After all the chicks have hatched, it is necessary to select the temperature experimentally by observing their behavior. If the babies in the brooder are lying in a pile, then the temperature needs to be increased. At comfortable conditions In the brooder, the chicks sleep on barrels with their paws outstretched.
  • After two weeks, the temperature should be lowered to 25 degrees. When babies reach one month of age, the temperature can be reduced to normal - 20-23 degrees.
  • For the first two weeks, the chicks need light, so the light regime is maintained around the clock. After 15 days, the chicks are transferred to normal mode.
  • To hatch quails, moderate lighting is required. It has been noticed that when the light is too bright, birds begin to peck at each other. To prevent fights, it is recommended to use lamps with dim red light in the equipment.

Feeding quails

Mini quail farm provides keeping both adults and young ones. It is necessary to feed the chicks with high-quality food. You can use feed or boiled eggs. Also, from the very first days, young animals must be provided with vitamins and minerals.

It is important to ensure that there is always food fresh. Leftover food should not be left in the brooder as the hot environment promotes the growth of microorganisms. After pecking at spoiled food, the chicks can become poisoned.

Complete nutrition for chicks Can administer from the fourth day. Also during this period you can give your babies crushed corn porridge.

During the second and third weeks, it is better to feed the chicks only with compound feed. The following are allowed as complementary foods:

  • a small amount of carrots,
  • greenery,
  • meat products.

All pieces of food necessary grind The chicks should be fed from vacuum drinkers of a suitable size.

Water is only used boiled. Young animals often drown in drinking bowls, so small pebbles must be placed at the bottom.

On day 20, you can transfer the chicks to adult food.

To reduce feed costs, quails are raised on mini farms feeders outside the cell. The bird feeds by sticking its head through the bars of the cage. The method is especially relevant for females, since when they become obese, they stop laying eggs.

Females are best fed specialized food for laying hens. You also need to add mineral supplements to their diet: chalk, sand or shells and vegetable components: greens, fruits, carrots.

The feeding scheme for adult quails provides for three meals a day, calculating 30 grams of food per quail. There is not only no need to overfeed egg-bearing females, but it is also categorically undesirable.

Fattening of meat species

Quail farm as a business will bring considerable income if you fatten poultry for the purpose of selling meat.

When the chicks reach age puberty, they are separated. Males and rejected females are sent for “meat” fattening. For fattening for meat you need special conditions Contents: the temperature is considered optimal around 22 degrees, and the light needs to be dim.

Meat breeds fed four times a day. The amount of feed required is slightly larger. In the morning feeding, greens and herbal ingredients are added to the food. Grain feed should be added to the evening diet.

Fattening lasts about two months. Slaughter becomes possible when poultry will gain the required weight. Before slaughter, quails are kept on a hunger strike for six hours. Only drinking from drinking bowls is allowed.

In winter, it is necessary to keep quails in special cells. This must be taken into account when building a quail farm with your own hands. For convenient cleaning, they are equipped with a mesh floor. The temperature on the quail farm should be about 16 degrees. Temperature changes negatively affect egg production.

For fattening poultry, the best temperature is considered to be 22 degrees Celsius.

Under the wrong conditions, birds are susceptible to a number of diseases, and acts of cannibalism can also occur. A poor quality diet can cause problems such as oviduct prolapse, feather loss, lethargy, loss of appetite and lethargy in birds.

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