How to clean chrome plastic. Effective methods for removing rust from chrome surfaces

The term "Chromed" refers to metal coated with a thin layer of chromium. This also means that when cleaning chrome surfaces, you should be very careful not to wear it off. By following the steps below you can protect your chrome items.

You will need:

  • Water
  • Rag
  • Cleanser: (choose one)
    • Chrome Cleaner
    • Baking soda
    • Flour
    • Glass cleaner
    • Dishwashing liquid
    • Alcohol
    • Table vinegar
    • Lemon juice
  • Nail brush
  • Lemon zest
  • Metal Polishing Cloth
  • Used antistatic wipe
  • Carnauba wax paste (available at auto parts stores)
  • Short hair brush

How to clean chrome surface:

  1. If possible, wash the dirt off the metal with water first. If this is not possible, wipe the chrome surface with a damp cloth.
  2. Select a cleaner from the list above and use it with a damp cloth or nail brush to clean the chrome surface. Baking soda is especially good for cleaning stains from chrome surfaces.
  3. Rinse off the cleanser thoroughly.
  4. If dark spots appear on the chrome surface, rub them with lemon peel or a metal polishing cloth, then rinse the area thoroughly.
  5. Rub the chrome surface until it shines with a dry cloth.
  6. Coat the metal with a thin layer of carnauba wax to help it retain its shine longer. Be careful not to get any wax into the joints, as it will collect dirt over time and be difficult to remove.
  7. If wax gets into the joint, remove it with a short-bristled brush. If you don’t have such a brush, you can use a regular one. paint brush by cutting off excess lint or wrapping it with tape.
  • Always use the least abrasive or weakest cleaners first and, if they don't work, move on to stronger ones.
  • It's easy to overdo it when cleaning chrome surfaces. Do not use excessive force when cleaning.
  • Polishing a chrome surface should only be used if necessary to remove stains.
  • A small amount of baby oil can be used to remove stains from chrome surfaces.
  • Never use chlorine bleach or strong acids on chrome surfaces as they will cause small holes in the chrome.
  • If you need to store your chrome item for a long time, cover it with a layer of Vaseline to protect it from corrosion.

Restoring chrome previously applied to the surface of a metal or plastic product is not so easy. Despite high level development modern technologies, there are not many truly effective methods for solving such a problem. It is especially difficult to carry out the chromium restoration procedure at home.

Applying a layer of chrome to products for various purposes carried out in order not only to improve their decorative characteristics, but also to form a reliable protective coating on them. Chrome-plated parts are well protected from corrosion; in addition, the chromium layer increases their strength and, accordingly, wear resistance.

The most common technology by which a chrome layer is applied to a product is the galvanic method. This method involves treating the part in an electrolytic solution through which an electric current is passed, and allows the formation of a protective layer of chromium on its surface. The same technology is used to restore chromium.

How to care for chrome plating

Chrome-plated products can be found almost everywhere today, but most often chrome is applied to parts used to complete automobiles. Due to the nature of vehicle operation, chrome-plated elements of a car are subject to the most negative influence external factors. That is why special attention should be paid to the care of such parts. In order not to restore or change them in the future if the chrome coating becomes damaged or loses its attractiveness, it is enough to monitor their condition and regularly perform simple preventive work. Every car enthusiast who cares about the appearance of his car is able to perform such work. vehicle.

To maintain the chrome plating in its original condition and prevent damage that requires its restoration, it must be regularly wiped with a foam sponge or soft cloth soaked in warm water. When performing such work, do not use a rough cloth or a hard sponge, which could leave protective layer minor scratches and abrasions, which will lead to tarnishing.

It is important to know that the chrome layer on the surface of the product is quite critical to changes temperature regime. Therefore, in order to eliminate the need for a chrome restoration procedure, when operating a car in the cold season, it is best to protect chrome parts with a special oil spray, and carry out their cleaning and maintenance in a warm garage.

Cleaning chrome parts

Any vehicle owner is interested in the question of how to delicately clean a chrome part, so as not to have to deal with restoring the chrome. To carry out such a procedure efficiently, it is not necessary to contact specialists; you can do it yourself, using the simplest means:

  1. chalk, crushed to powder;
  2. ammonia;
  3. chrome polish;
  4. microfiber wipes;
  5. regular Coca-Cola.

How to clean a chrome-plated surface and restore its original shine using such simple means?
  • Most a budget option cleaning chrome plating involves the use of a paste-like mixture of crushed chalk, tooth powder and ammonia. A part cleaned with this mixture acquires its original shine. To maintain shine for a long period, it is advisable to cover the treated surface with a layer of colorless varnish, which will reliably protect it from minor mechanical damage.
  • Many car enthusiasts prefer to clean chrome plating with Coca-Cola, which is also quite effective way. This is explained by the fact that this drink contains orthophosphate acid, which has strong oxidizing and, accordingly, cleaning properties.
  • Chrome polishing is done using special pastes that can be purchased at any automotive store. This paste is applied to a microfiber cloth, with which the treatment is carried out.

Chromium restoration procedure

Recovery chrome parts is a much more complex procedure than restoring painted products to their original appearance. It is possible to qualitatively restore the damaged chrome layer only using special equipment and Supplies, many of which cannot be purchased at a regular hardware store.

Therefore, in cases where a chrome car wheel or other chrome-plated car element needs to be restored, it is best to contact specialists. However, know how to restore chrome plating to give it its original attractiveness and protective properties, will not be superfluous for any car enthusiast.

The chromium restoration procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Typically, chrome coatings need to be removed from rust, which can not only worsen their decorative appeal, but also significantly reduce their protective properties: corrosion begins to actively attack the base metal on which chrome is applied. First of all, traces of corrosion must be removed from the chrome coating to be restored, for which a grinding machine is used. Using such a tool, all the unevenness that is present on it should be removed from the surface being treated. On initial stage To perform such processing, a coarser disk is installed on the machine, which is later replaced with tools made of fine abrasive. Finishing using a sander is done using a felt disc.
  2. An element of the product that has been cleaned using a grinding machine, the surface of which should become perfectly smooth, must be degreased. For such a procedure, which can be performed several times, if the surface to be treated is heavily contaminated with grease and oil stains, you can use gasoline or kerosene. At this stage of processing, various contaminants and plaque are also removed.
  3. After degreasing, it is necessary to remove traces of its implementation and only then immerse the product in a bath with an electrolytic solution to restore chromium.
  4. In order for the restoration of the chrome coating to be carried out efficiently, and for the chrome layer to last as long as possible, it is advisable to perform the technological operation of pickling. This procedure is performed in a special solution consisting of a mixture of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, into which the product being treated is immersed. After pickling, the part is very carefully removed from the acid solution and washed with warm water. This should be done using forceps.
  5. The chrome plating process itself is performed in a bath of an electrolytic solution, which includes chromic anhydride, chromine, cryolite and sodium nitrate. Chromium should be reduced in the electrolyte for 7–10 minutes (the duration of treatment depends on the temperature of the solution used).
You can assemble your own device for restoring chrome, but at home, as a rule, it can process parts that differ small in size and simple form.

Chrome plating is the application of a thin layer of chromium to a metal or plastic surface in order to give it a more attractive appearance, enhance the strength of the metal and increase its resistance to corrosion. However, with use, the chrome coating occurs, which is why it loses its aesthetics, so many people think about how to remove chrome from plastic at home. Today, there are several main ways to do this, each of which involves the use of certain equipment, special solutions or other available means. Regardless of which method of removing chrome plating you choose, you must follow certain rules and precautions.

Removing chrome plating using specialized equipment

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to remove chrome from plastic, then the easiest and most common way is to use specialized equipment. In this case, there is no need to use various chemical solutions and come into contact with them, however, you must understand that such equipment is quite expensive.

Such equipment includes:

  • abrasive unit;
  • ultrasonic cleaner.

Using an abrasive unit

An abrasive unit is equipment that uses a special powder. Under the influence of high air pressure, this powder gradually erases the chrome coating. Similar installations can be found in specialized stores or at many enterprises whose activities are related to construction.

Depending on the thickness of the layer, a powder with a certain grain size is selected. When working with the unit, it is recommended to use face protection and respiratory tract, since small particles of chromium that will get into the air are dangerous to human health.

Modern ultrasonic cleaners

How to remove chrome from plastic part other ways? Other equipment is ultrasonic cleaners. They remove the chromium layer by exposure to sound waves. The chrome-plated part is placed in a basket, which is lowered into a special solvent that enhances the effect of ultrasonic waves on the chrome. Further cleaning of the part is carried out in full accordance with the instructions for the equipment.

Use of chemicals

If you are interested in how to remove chrome from plastic very quickly, then in this case you should resort to the help of special chemical solutions. They are very powerful and effective and are capable of removing even the thickest and highest quality layer of chrome plating. However, when working with such products, you must be extremely careful and follow all safety precautions, since they are very toxic.

TO chemicals relate:

  • hydrochloric acid;
  • sulfuric acid
  • sodium hydroxide.

How to remove chrome from plastic using hydrochloric acid? You will need to make a 40 percent acid solution. To do this, dilute hydrochloric acid in water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Also commercially available ready-made solutions, the instructions for which tell you how to remove chrome from plastic. "Mole" is one of such means.

The chrome-plated part is placed in until the chrome coating is completely removed, after which it is thoroughly washed under running water with soap and goes to dry.

The principle of using sulfuric acid to remove chrome plating is completely identical to that with hydrochloric acid.

Chrome from plastic using sodium hydroxide?" - you ask. In the same way as described above. However, there is one important nuance here. When working with this substance, you should exclude its contact with water and aluminum, since when sodium hydroxide reacts with them releases toxic and flammable gas.

To prepare the solution, you will need a plastic container in which you need to mix 8 to 12 ounces of sodium hydroxide and add 3.8 liters of water. Next, the chrome plated part is placed in the solution until the spraying is completely behind. It’s worth noting right away that this can take quite a long period of time. After completing the removal process, the part is also thoroughly washed in clean water with soap.

Some experts recommend one piece of advice on how to quickly and efficiently remove chrome. It involves reversing the galvanization process. This method is very effective, but it is not recommended to use it yourself at home, since it is based on the use electric current, and also in the process of removing the binding of chromium elements to the metal, some very dangerous and toxic substances. Therefore, if you are looking for a way to remove chrome from plastic, then you should not experiment with this, but rather choose another method described above, or seek help from a qualified specialist.

Removing a thin layer of chrome using improvised means

Before we talk about how to remove chrome from plastic using improvised means, it is immediately worth noting that the methods discussed below will only help in the case of a very thin layer of chrome plating, and in many cases they will be extremely ineffective. Most of these methods are based on the personal experiments of some innovators, so they may not be useful in your particular case. In most cases, they will help in removing fake chrome from plastic parts.

Removing chrome using improvised means

How can you remove chrome from plastic at home? Great option will be the use of abrasive. You can make it from ordinary baking soda or cleaning powder, which must be slightly diluted with water to a paste-like state and then rubbed into the chrome coating until it begins to peel off. This method will only work if you are dealing with a very thin coating. When doing this, you should be very careful not to damage the base material.

Another chrome stripper that everyone probably has in their home is an aerosol stove cleaner. It has excellent degreasing properties, so it can help quickly remove light chrome plating from plastic. Such products are applied to the part for ten minutes, after which they are simply wiped off with a rag along with the coating itself. It is worth noting that some cleaners may have negative impact on the base material, therefore it is recommended to remove chromium using them in several stages at short intervals. When working with household chemicals Be very careful not to let it come into contact with your skin, eyes or respiratory tract.

Chrome bleaching

Another effective method is to soak the part to be desprayed in bleach. The part is completely immersed in the solution for approximately 24 hours. The removal process may take longer. It all depends on the thickness of the layer and the quality of the spraying. The advantage of using bleach is that it only affects the chrome plating without causing any harm to the base material. Important nuance: Bleach that has been soaked in chrome parts should not be reused as it will contain chromium, which is toxic to humans.

Removing chrome plating using brake fluid

The last method of removing a layer of chrome is perfect for car enthusiasts. Because it is based on the use of brake fluid. The thing is that it has a similar effect on light chrome plating as a solvent on paint, so brake fluid can help remove the chrome coating from a plastic part. However, it is immediately worth noting that this method cannot be called fast, since the process lasts several days.

The chrome part is wiped with brake fluid and left for 10 minutes, after which it is washed under running water. It is not recommended to leave liquid on the part for for a long time, since it can dissolve not only chromium, but also the base material. Repeat this procedure until the chrome plating is completely removed.

The development of the automotive industry today boasts both an impressive scale and a very rapid pace. However, there are some issues that, to one degree or another, remain problematic for many car enthusiasts, both half a century ago and in modern conditions.

One of these issues is how to prevent damage to all kinds of chrome parts and elements of the car, as well as their methods for restoring them.

Let's start, perhaps, with methods of prevention. How to prevent all kinds of damage to the chrome surfaces of a car? The beautiful reflective and shiny chrome surface becomes covered with small scratches over time and simply becomes dull, causing general form The machine is undoubtedly suffering.

There is a common belief that chrome parts are less likely to rust. This is not true, chrome rusts no worse than ordinary iron, so, first of all, you need to be careful about the procedure for washing a car with chrome elements. The water should preferably be soapy and warm, and immediately after washing, it is recommended to wipe all chrome elements with a soft foam sponge or rag. Remember that chrome parts quickly become dull when treated with rough materials, becoming covered with a network of micro scratches. Therefore, before, for example, wiping a chrome-plated bumper with a rag, be sure to wet it warm water for softness.

In order for chrome parts to last for a long time, you should also avoid strong temperature changes and excess moisture. In the summer, after washing, it will be enough to move the car into the shade. In winter, it is best to use special protective sprays. In addition, you should try to reduce the water pressure when washing. And don’t leave the garage with traces of moisture on the surface of chrome parts.

From time to time, you can also wipe the chrome parts with kerosene, then rinse it off with warm water. At the same time, you need to ensure that neither kerosene nor white spirit ever remains on the surface of these parts. Avoid contact with soda and mineral water. Use kerosene to degrease before polishing chrome.

Corrosion is the most serious problem for all chrome parts because they are inevitably exposed to aggressive road environments. Therefore the most The best way get rid of rust - prevent rust. To do this, you can use a special varnish or technical Vaseline. These substances do a good job of protecting, but can slightly deteriorate the appearance of chrome. Plus, such protection will need to be updated approximately once every 2-3 months.

Polished door handle with chrome

For high-quality and effective protection, it is best to use specialized products. Due to the action of water with various salts in its composition, even the highest quality products can become covered with corrosion spots. The first thing that needs to be done in this case is to localize the source of corrosion, carry out mechanical cleaning, removing the rusted area. After this, the surface is also covered with oil varnish.

To remove rust at home, soda is also suitable, but you need to be careful with it, as it can be too harsh. You can also use soft powder or ground chalk on a flannel cloth.

The best way to restore chrome-plated parts damaged by corrosion is to use specialized compounds that can be purchased at a car dealership. Despite this, you can come up with something without specialized tools.

In case of severe corrosion, you can use such a common remedy as, but this will be a last resort.

WD-40 or simply “Vedeshka” - it can also easily remove corrosion from chrome

Before cleaning a rusted part, the first step is to remove it from the car and move it to a place where there will be no temperature changes. In a situation where rust eats through the chrome coating, mechanical treatment will be required. The level of abrasiveness of grinding materials is determined by the depth of corrosion damage to parts. For some cases, fine sandpaper will be enough, for others, a coarser abrasive will be enough.

When removing a significant amount of metal, you need to worry about protecting it, applying primer to the weld seams, etc.

A complete chrome plating process at home is not possible. It is very likely to achieve a reaction with the reduction of silver with inorganic salt, but the resulting coating is extremely fragile and is not at all practical as a coating for external parts.

Use cleaners to remove traces of stains and grease. The use of acids is allowed, but only if immediately after processing they are removed from the surface of the parts. Avoid anhydrous ammonia or acid in the polish. Polish will be required if the damage is shallow. In addition, you can also use chalk, any type of tooth powder, GOI paste, which should be diluted with two drops motor oil. Keep in mind that the paste is usually coarse, so be careful when removing damage and polishing.

There is also another popular folk remedy to remove rust - foil soaked in Coca-Cola.

Here is an example of the sequence of actions for removing rust from chrome elements of a car using Coca-Cola, Pepsi and similar drinks.

1.​ First, carefully wipe all chrome surfaces that we want to clean from dust.

2. After this, you should additionally wash the surfaces with warm water.

4. After processing, it is advisable to polish the surface with felt. If there is no felt, use a regular soft cloth.

When using specialized rust removal products, the algorithm of work is, by and large, the same. It should also be noted that if the rust is initially quite deep, it may be worth applying sandpaper or other abrasives. You just need to do this very carefully and purposefully so as not to remove an extra layer of coating.

And remember that under any circumstances and in any conditions, it is the attentive and caring attitude towards chrome parts that is the main factor in achieving its ideal appearance.

Chrome elements exterior finishing give the car a special charm. Every automaker strives to decorate their premium models with chrome, making them more attractive. But in the end, the buyer has to pay for this beauty. The fact is that the chrome coating quickly loses its original appearance. The car owner has to look for something to clean the chrome parts of the car.

Possible defects

Chrome plating is a thin layer of chromium that appears on a metal surface during a galvanic procedure. Chrome plating can also be applied to plastic. But since the base is a dielectric, first plastic element an adhesive layer of a conductive substance is applied.

In the case of plastic, chrome plating can significantly increase the resistance of the element to physical influences. For metal, chrome plating serves as a kind of protection against corrosion. In this case, the chrome coating itself can be destroyed under the influence of various factors.

Chrome can receive the following types of damage:

  • Scratches and abrasions.
  • Microcracks.
  • Cloudiness.
  • Loss of original shine.
  • Discoloration (yellowing)
  • The appearance of a white coating.
  • Occurrence of corrosion areas.

At home, using products for cleaning chrome car parts, it is impossible to eliminate the following damage: peeling of chrome from the substrate, loss of the chrome film in recessed areas. If such a defect appears while the car is under warranty, then you need to contact the dealer to have it fixed, since this damage is a manufacturing defect. To eliminate such a defect, you need to completely remove the old coating and re-chrome the element.

Getting rid of corrosion

Chrome surfaces in Russian winter conditions and under the influence of reagents that are poured in excess on the roads quickly corrode. If the damage is through, then the element can only be restored by repeated galvanic treatment. It is also impossible without galvanization to restore the chrome plating of those parts where the chrome layer has fallen off due to rust on the metal itself.

In all other cases, you can clean the chrome on your car from light corrosion after winter using the following means:

All anti-corrosion products produced industrially, are polishing pastes. Therefore, it is recommended to use them at the finish of work to give the details a special shine.


The extent of the damage is very difficult to assess if the chrome part is not cleaned of dirt. This must be done very carefully, since the chrome film is very thin. When performing cleaning, the following rules must be observed:

First, rinse the part with warm water and then wipe with gasoline. You may need to repeat this procedure several times.

If dirty residue remains in some hard to reach places oh, then you can remove it from there with an old soft-bristle toothbrush.

To prevent corrosion from causing harm neighboring areas chromium, the lesion needs to be localized. This can be done using regular wax or polish.

They can be removed both with improvised means and with specialized cleaners sold in stores. For example, at home you can use chalk or washing powder.

They will not cause additional harm to the chrome plating, but will effectively remove oxides.

When removing minor foci of corrosion, you need to carefully clean the damaged areas, while trying not to touch the undamaged surface.

If corrosion has reached the base, chlorine and soda can be used to remove it. These substances will quickly deal with plaque, but you need to act carefully so as not to damage the entire surface.

You can use WD-40 to clean hard-to-reach places. But you need to remember that this product will remove plaque, but will not cope with severe corrosion.

All substances used by and large They do not remove rust, but soften it. Therefore on final stage Both cleaning agents and rust need to be removed.

Basically, you need to clean the chrome on your car. And if dry cleaning agents were used, then they and soft rust can be removed with a brush.

Once rust and oxides are removed, the chrome surface may lose its smoothness. To make it smooth again, you need to apply a special ceramic-based paste to the defect site. It fits perfectly on the base and goes well with chrome. Thanks to its good primer properties, ceramic paste quickly fills uneven areas at the site of damage. With its help, you can eliminate defects up to several millimeters deep. Leveling occurs within one day.

After restoring the damaged layer, it is time to restore its aesthetic properties. Most reliable way- use galvanization. But this method is difficult to implement at home. You can also take the part to a specialized workshop, but their services are expensive.

When restoring at home, the easiest way is to use a special chrome-look film or imitate a chrome surface using paint.

Decorating a part with “chrome” film is very simple. The damaged element must be degreased using white spirit. After this, you need to attach the film to the part and mark it. The excess is removed, but you should remember to leave a small reserve.

A clean part should be sprayed with soapy water, the backing of the film should be removed and the latter should be applied to the part. The applied film must be heated with a hair dryer while simultaneously running a squeegee from the middle of the element to its edges. This will allow the film to firmly adhere to the part and expel any remaining air from under it. Excess film is carefully trimmed with a razor.

Paint is even easier to work with. You need to purchase a jar or spray can of paint of a suitable composition from the store. Experts recommend buying paint in cans, as it has better reflective properties. Moreover, it is much closer appearance to chrome.

Paint in cans can be one or two component. The second option is more difficult to apply, but this mixture lasts much longer.

You need to paint using the following technology:

  • The pre-prepared part is degreased, several layers of dark primer are applied to its surface and allowed to dry.
  • A layer of ceramic varnish is applied and dried for an hour at a temperature of 60 °C.
  • The varnished part is kept for 3 days at room temperature, after which they begin painting. Moreover, the paint is applied in several layers.
  • The paint dries for 1 hour at 60 °C.
  • Finally, the part is varnished and polished

The resulting coating cannot be called ideal. However, it is much better than chrome damaged by corrosion.

Preventing Chrome Damage

It is impossible to completely protect the chrome on a car. But it is up to the owner to reduce the likelihood of damage. To do this, you need to use special products for car chrome care.

There are two ways to protect chrome parts:

How exactly to care for the car to prevent damage to chrome surfaces is up to the owner to decide. Experts advise wrapping the car parts that are most susceptible to mechanical stress and oxidation in film. All other chrome elements can be protected using chemicals.

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