How to glue wallpaper evenly in the corners. How to glue wallpaper in corners - possible problems and ways to solve them

Wallpapering walls is not a difficult task if the work is carried out according to the prepared flat surface. But difficulties often arise with gluing the material to internal and external corners. To avoid common mistakes, you need to become more familiar with the process technology of how to glue wallpaper and prepare necessary tools for fast work.

Necessary materials

Often, before wallpapering walls, preliminary preparation of the surface is required.

After preparation, the wall should be covered with putty (read how to choose putty) followed by sanding (read how to properly sand walls). If the wall is already prepared, then materials for rough work will not be required.

You only need to have:

  • Wallpaper.
  • Glue.
  • Primer.

Main material - wallpaper, it is recommended to purchase one that is not very dense so that it is easy to glue. This is especially important when gluing corners. Before purchasing wallpaper, you need to calculate its quantity. To do this, the perimeter of the room is determined, the perimeters of window and doorways and a small margin (5-10%) is added.

When choosing glue you need to be guided by the type of wallpaper. Therefore, when purchasing them, you must immediately take the appropriate glue. Primer will be required to ensure adhesion of the surface to the wallpaper.


The materials you need to obtain are:

  • With a pencil.
  • Metal ruler.
  • With a tape measure.
  • Painting knife.
  • Plumb.
  • With a sponge.
  • With a brush.
  • With a brush.

Where to start

After preparing the surface (cleaning it from dust with a brush and applying a primer), you can begin gluing the walls.

Pasting begins from the part of the room that is most visible. To do this, using a plumb line, you need to make the appropriate marks on the wall so that the canvases are strictly perpendicular to the floor. Then the distance from the ceiling to the floor is measured and pieces of wallpaper are cut to the required length with a small margin.

You cannot start gluing the first canvas from the corner.

You need to retreat a small distance (half the width of the wallpaper). Then paste wallpaper on the entire wall.

Depending on the type of wallpaper, the methods of applying glue differ. Some types involve applying an adhesive to the wallpaper, which must be absorbed within 5 minutes. After this, you can glue the canvas to a wall previously coated with glue. But other types of wallpaper should be glued dry, and only the wall should be smeared with glue.

External and internal corners should be pasted last.

Internal corners

Pasting an internal corner on 2 converging walls is done using the following technology:

  • The distance from the corner to the pasted strip is measured on one wall, then on the other.
  • Pieces are cut, the width of which has a margin of 2 cm.
  • Carefully coat 1 piece of canvas with glue.
  • Apply glue to the inner corner.
  • The first canvas is pasted.
  • The remaining strip is glued to the second wall.
  • The wallpaper is being trimmed.

When gluing the first strip to one corner wall, you need to make sure that one side of the strip is flush with the wallpaper that was previously glued to the entire wall.

When applying the canvas, you need to carefully expel the air from under it. To do this, use a soft sponge to make smoothing movements from the center to the edge, moving from top to bottom.

The first strip for the corner is glued so that it extends 2 cm onto the 2nd wall. The canvas is ironed well in the very corner so that there are no air bubbles left there either.

After this, the 2nd strip is glued to the 2nd wall. It is glued using the same method as the 1st one and overlaps the already glued strip by 2 cm.

After this, you need to trim off the excess wallpaper. First of all, the wallpaper is cut at the top near the ceiling. To do this, apply a long spatula to the wallpaper at an angle to the ceiling and draw a strip along it with a sharp construction knife. After this, the excess part of the wallpaper is removed.

Then the same spatula is placed with the end part against the first wall that was glued, after which the spatula is slightly turned towards the corner. Then take a knife and use it to make neat cuts on the 2nd piece of canvas (it was glued to the 2nd wall).

You need to make light movements with a construction knife in order to make a cut only on the upper sheet without damaging the lower one.

Such movements must be done from top to bottom. Lastly, the part of the wallpaper at the bottom, which will be located under the baseboard, is trimmed.

But this was a presented method for gluing wallpaper on a corner in the case when wallpaper was already glued on 2 adjacent walls. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the wallpaper to the edge of the last strip on one side and the other. But you can do it in another way: adjusting it to only one wall covered with paper.

The second way is as follows:

  • The first strip is glued at an angle butt to the last strip.
  • The excess part is placed on the second wall. On the second wall, 2 cm are measured from the corner in several places, and a vertical line is drawn.
  • A construction knife is used to cut off 2 parts of the canvas.
  • The same part is immediately applied to the corner with an overlap.
  • Using a spatula and a knife, remove excess parts of the wallpaper that extend onto the first wall.

After gluing the second part of the canvas, you need to ensure that there are no distortions. After all, subsequent strips will be glued to this strip end-to-end and a misalignment may occur. Therefore, you need to constantly use a plumb line and a building level.

You can learn more about the process of gluing wallpaper on an inner corner in this video. Advice and recommendations from experts on each stage of work are presented.

External corners

The technology for gluing wallpaper on external corners is also based on butt technology. In order for the external corners to be ideal you will need:

  • Glue the first strip, one edge of which will join the main panel on the wall, and the other edge will extend to the outer corner by 2 cm.
  • Level the canvas.
  • Glue the 2nd strip of wallpaper, one part of which will join the wallpaper of the 2nd wall, and the other part will overlap the first strip.
  • Carefully level the canvas.
  • Apply a long spatula to the glued 2nd sheet and cut off the excess part with a construction knife.

Do not forget about timely trimming of excess parts of the canvas from above and below. Often, when gluing the first canvas to the outer corner and extending it onto the second wall, folds appear.

To avoid this, you can use scissors to make cuts along the entire length of the canvas in the section of wallpaper that goes to the corner.

This will allow the strip to lie as flat as possible.

If wallpaper needs to be glued to an arched structure, then the technology is slightly different from pasting external corners. First, the strips extending onto inner part arches by 2 cm. It is necessary to immediately remove the excess parts of the approaches. Then the width of the inner part of the arch is accurately measured, and a strip of the required length is cut out and glued. In this case, there is no need to trim the glued strip because it was previously cut straight.

How to glue wallpaper with a pattern in the corners. Step-by-step instruction

Working with plain wallpaper is much easier than with patterned ones. But to liven up the room and get unusual design you will have to complicate the task and work with the selection of the pattern.

To apply wallpaper with patterns to external or internal corners, you need to adhere to the following technology:

  • Take measurements of the first strip and cut it off.
  • Measure 2 cm from the cut edge of the first strip and draw a thin line with a pencil. Fold the fabric along the marked line.
  • Do the same work with the second piece that will be glued (also make a margin of 2 cm and bend the fabric along the line).
  • You just need to first adjust the pattern, which will match in both canvases if they are bent along the lines.
  • Then glue 2 strips on converging or diverging walls.

When gluing wallpaper with a pattern, you need to match the pattern as accurately as possible. Despite the fact that the corner is pasted over, all errors will be clearly visible.

To make the work easier, you can follow the advice of professionals:

  • Buy wallpaper that is plain or has a small pattern. Due to this, you won’t have to spend a long time selecting a pattern on the corners.
  • Using wallpaper with a large relief pattern, you can hide minor unevenness in the walls (or prepare the wall in advance and level the walls with plasterboard).
  • For work, use only sharp construction knife, otherwise it will be difficult to make an even cut on the canvas.
  • Be sure to use the technology of wallpapering overlapping corners. If the canvases are glued end to end, they will separate over time.
  • If, after gluing the canvas, excess glue passes through the joints, it must be immediately removed with a clean cloth. It is not recommended to use a hard brush, which can damage the top layer of material.
  • Carry out the work carefully, because some types of wallpaper are afraid of getting glue on them.

Anyone can master the technology of wallpapering corners. If you follow the instructions, be careful and take your time, you can easily paste wallpaper not only on the internal and external corners, but also on arched structures and around window openings.

Modern wallpaper is hard to call a cheap finishing material - vinyl, non-woven, vinyl on a non-woven base, textured and paintable... You will admire the result of wall covering for the next 5-10 years. Most often, problems arise with how to glue wallpaper in the corners. Let's figure it out together.

Types of wallpaper - choosing the latest materials

Paper wallpaper is an eternal renovation classic. Their unfading popularity is due to two factors - low cost and wide range. However, it should be understood that rolls of paper, no matter how beautifully decorated they are, remain a very short-lived material, and there is no point in gluing them in the hope of a long service life.

In just a year or two they will lose their former attractiveness, and if there are small children or animals in the house, this process can speed up significantly. However, this minus can be used to your advantage in cases where you need to make an easy redecorating in a rented apartment, or when you like to experiment with the interior.

Vinyl wallpaper on paper based– a more durable finishing option. The front side, which bears the bulk of all operational loads, in this case is performed by a layer of polyvinyl chloride. And he has a lot of positive qualities:

  • it can be washed repeatedly, even with the use of detergents;
  • foamed vinyl up to 10 times;
  • vinyl does not fade, does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • the decorative effect in the case of silk-screen printing or thick wallpaper (varieties of vinyl) is comparable to the most expensive finishing materials.

Paper-based vinyl wallpaper lasts much longer. Among the disadvantages, you should remember about the airtightness of vinyl; however, if you wish, you can find more modern types of finishes on the market that do not have this problem. Vinyl rolls on a paper base are glued in the same way as regular paper wallpaper, so for most people it will not be difficult to glue the canvases without special preparation.

Just keep in mind that the vinyl layer significantly increases the weight of the canvas, therefore, ordinary wallpaper glue will not work here; you need glue for heavy wallpaper.

The fact is that the glue is applied only to the wall. There is no need to apply it to the canvases and wait for them to absorb it and swell. To ensure perfect joints, very careful marking is required. Non-woven wallpaper - another type finishing material, made only from non-woven fabric. Wallpaper may have a textured pattern, but, as a rule, it is a smooth canvas with interesting drawings. They are glued in the same way as the previous version.

Where to start gluing - do we do it the old fashioned way?

Traditionally, the most difficult places in the gluing process are the corners. In most cases, they are far from ideal, therefore, if you start gluing from the corner of the canvas joint to joint, you can get a significant vertical distortion. Many people mistakenly believe that distortions can be avoided if windows or doors are taken as the starting point for gluing the walls, they say, they are probably perpendicular to the floor.

However, this is not always the case - you can check window and door frames for errors using the most ordinary plumb line. It is quite possible that you will be surprised how you ever got along with such a curvature. The tradition of gluing from the window began, first of all, because of the need to glue paper wallpaper overlapping. If you glue them clockwise from the window, the joints will not be so noticeable. However, in the case of vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, this is absolutely not necessary.

Ideally, if at least one corner is level, you can start from there. But it is best to make careful markings along the perimeter of the walls, focusing on the plumb line. In this case, you will see the overall picture in advance, and the curvature of the corners will not be so noticeable against the background of perfectly vertical canvases. If you make markings and glue wallpaper on a non-woven basis, then it makes absolutely no difference where you start - from the window or from the middle of the wall.

How to glue wallpaper in corners - be patient!

The first rule for perfect gluing in corners is not to glue the whole canvas into a corner. In most cases, this is fraught with inconsistency with the next canvas and the formation of folds. If you have chosen an expensive type of finishing, for example, silk-screen vinyl wallpaper with a complex pattern, then it is best to pre-align the corners with plaster or putty, depending on what kind of unevenness you are talking about.

If the deviations are not so noticeable, then minor irregularities can be hidden using overlaps. To begin with, we glue the canvas onto one of the walls, which abuts the corner, so that it extends onto the adjacent plane by a maximum of 4 cm. Please note that the corner should be very carefully coated with glue so that the canvas has maximum adhesion to the surface. Using a spatula or the blunt side of a knife, carefully press the sheet in the corner - act carefully so as not to tear the sheet. Then use a rubber roller or sponge to get rid of any air bubbles.

The next important step is gluing the canvas to the adjacent wall. To begin, take the measurements again - you need to ensure that the edge of the new canvas closest to the corner overlaps the one already glued by 2-3 cm, while the edge farthest from the corner fits flush with the new one.

Then, using a plumb line, we determine the vertical line that runs in the overlap area from top to bottom. Carefully mark it with a pencil and, using a ruler and a sharp knife, cut through two layers of wallpaper at the same time. The excess of the top sheet will fall off on its own, but remove the remains of the bottom sheet by slightly bending the top layer. Reapply glue to the bent edge and press it firmly against the wall. If you did everything correctly, the result will please you.

How to glue wallpaper on the outer corner - subtleties and nuances

With the help of overlap, the problem with gluing external corners is also solved. Only the process looks a little different. The first canvas is glued so that one edge wraps around the corner a few centimeters. During the alignment process, it is likely that you will have to make several cuts to avoid wrinkles. Press the material firmly onto the base using a sponge or spatula and allow time for the glue to harden slightly. Then cut the strip folded at the corner so that only a thin edge remains, no more than 1 cm.

Before you begin gluing the second canvas, take measurements using a plumb line to determine the edge farthest from the corner. Focusing on it, we glue the second canvas so that there is an overlap of no more than 5 mm in the edge closest to the corner. This way you will get an invisible joint of the canvases.

Usage roll materials for surface cladding - this is a popular and sought-after solution that allows you to achieve high-quality results in short term. But the finishing technology has some nuances. It is especially difficult to glue wallpaper in the corners: the resulting coating must be free of distortions and defects. The most appropriate method is selected depending on the situation.

Existing varieties have a certain order of wall cladding, which allows you to achieve the best result.


The technology for working with this option is not very complicated if you perform all the processes correctly.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The place is being prepared. For convenience, the material is rolled out onto a clean floor or a table of suitable size, pattern down.
  2. Trimming is carried out taking into account an allowance of 100 mm. If the coating has a complex pattern, then the pattern specified by the manufacturer is used.
  3. The canvas is treated with glue and folded in half for better penetration.
  4. The composition is applied to the wall, covering areas that extend beyond the width of the roll.
  5. The strip is laid on the base and smoothed out well.
  6. It is taken into account that standard and meter-long vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing can only be glued end-to-end; overlapping will ruin the look.

The vinyl layer on the canvas is quite durable, so the wallpaper can be safely smoothed with a wallpaper spatula without fear of damaging its integrity

On a note! If you have no experience and need to adjust a complex pattern, it is better to prepare: for this, the stripes are placed on a horizontal surface, aligned with each other, and the size of the required adjustment is noted.


Gluing this variety is rarely accompanied by difficulties. For the process, you can use any glue, including homemade glue.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. According to the width of the roll, markings are carried out using a level and plumb line.
  2. The material blooms into strips, depending on the pattern. For this, a technology similar to working with the vinyl version is used.
  3. The canvases are well coated with the prepared composition and rolled up.
  4. After surface treatment, pasting is carried out. The excess is trimmed.
  5. Most often, paper products are placed overlapping, but strips can also be joined. It is taken into account that after drying the canvas will become narrower, so a special paper tape is placed under the seams. This rule also applies to other types of wallpaper.

It is impossible to tighten the fabric at the joint by force; the connection is aligned exclusively with the help of a rubber roller

All processes, especially smoothing, are carried out with care, because even multi-layer products are very easily damaged.


To glue this variety, a special version of glue is used, since the material is quite heavy. The preparation of the binder composition is carried out strictly according to the instructions and is applied only to the wall.

Process diagram:

It is important to properly saturate the base: do not leave dry areas. Places beyond the width of the canvas are necessarily affected.

Advice! To speed up the process, it is better to apply the composition with a roller.

Additionally, we suggest watching a video that describes the process of gluing non-woven wallpaper.

How to wallpaper corners correctly

The technology for laying canvases on external and internal corners is different.


These areas are the most noticeable, so they must be covered with special care. It's easiest if the angle is perfectly straight, but this is quite rare.

If there are defects, the process becomes more complicated. If the corner is blocked, then you will need to trim the canvas along the bend line in order to overlap one section with the adjacent one. This method is not suitable for varieties with complex patterns.

There is another way:

  1. The strip is glued to a section of the wall.
  2. Using a special spatula, the material is carefully smoothed out to fit the existing bend, and a transition is formed.
  3. If required, part of the laid canvas is torn off, after which the excess is driven up or down. There should be a margin on both sides.
  4. To adjust the pattern in case of skew, the next strip is overlapped until the pattern is aligned with a distance of 5–10 centimeters from the edge.
  5. Using a ruler, which serves as a stop, the applied canvases are cut exactly according to the drawing.
  6. If required, the joining areas are additionally coated with the compound.

Joining an external corner with a trim on one of the adjacent planes is considered the most effective way arrangement

This method does not completely correct the distortion, but makes further gluing and adjustment easier.


The technology for working with such a section is almost identical to the previous process, but has some nuances:

  1. All sides are well treated with wallpaper glue. If the composition is applied to canvases, the impregnation must also be quite thorough.
  2. Laying begins with the wall from which movement is carried out. The first fragment is aligned with the previous one, carefully smoothing it into the corner. For this rubber spatula the waves are driven in one direction.
  3. The part that falls on the adjacent wall is slightly pressed.
  4. Further actions depend on the situation. Most often, you need to trim the existing folds in the middle and overlap the excess.
  5. To achieve better alignment, the edges are shortened and coated, after which the piece is placed on the main part of the canvas.

Technically, joining an internal corner is not much different from similar work on external structures, but this process is considered simpler, since internal corners are visually less noticeable

This technology makes it possible to glue different types products, but if the corner does not require trimming, installation is carried out in a standard manner. To do this, the joint of both sides is made with a margin in order to level out the unevenness by adjusting and cutting at the point of alignment. This will take longer, but will get rid of the overlap in the corner.

Video tutorial: how to glue wallpaper with corners trimmed

Joining wallpaper with a pattern

Work technology:

  1. The strip is laid on the initial part of the wall and is gradually distributed over the surface. The waves are driven towards the corner.
  2. The material is carefully fixed onto the inner fragment and smoothed from top to bottom. It is taken into account that the canvas must be cut with a significant margin, since trimming the lower and opposite edges will be required.
  3. The part that falls on the perpendicular wall is distributed. The areas near the baseboards are adjusted.
  4. If the side is uneven, then it must be pasted over with the next strip lying completely in a vertical plane. The offset must affect the pattern being combined.
  5. A ruler is placed exactly along the line, and the excess is cut off using a stationery knife.
  6. The second strip moves towards the corner strip; the gap needs to be additionally glued.

If there are no problems, you can join directly along the inner corner, but this will require a certain level of skill.

Wallpaper with a pattern is joined according to the same principles as without a pattern, but if you stick a horizontal mark of masking tape on adjacent canvases in advance, it will be easier to combine the pattern

What to do if the joints are crooked

Ideally even corners in rooms are rare, so to eliminate various problems, you can use the recommendation that many designers use - combination. It is necessary to cover the transition from wall to wall with wallpaper with a pattern or bright colors. Part of the pattern should extend to the adjacent side, where it is trimmed at a right angle and combined with a plain material. The joining line will be smooth, and any existing imperfections will not be noticeable.

In the manufacture of non-woven wallpaper, non-woven cellulose is used.

The advantages of the material are easy wet maintenance, hiding the unevenness of wall panels, attractiveness and fairly simple gluing.

Thanks to the obedience and non-pulling of the material, even gluing in the corners takes place without the formation of “bubbles”.

Difference from other species

This type of trim is made not from paper, but from non-woven fabric. This is a non-woven gasket material based on cellulose fibers. These cellulose fibers can be sized or not, modified or not.

There is a purely non-woven version using up to 70% long cellulose fibers and special additives.

Pros: air and vapor permeability of the material, smoothing of wall irregularities and reinforcement of microcracks.

Pasting is carried out without bubbles, without longitudinal and transverse shrinkage.

There is an option with a non-woven base instead of paper. They are classified as vinyl. The surface of such material can be smooth, foamed and embossed, ready for painting.

The downside is the airtightness of the material. Pros: leveling and reinforcing effect, possibility of wet cleaning using detergents.

If you want to update the finish, the top layer of material is removed from the wall, and the non-woven base remains, acting as a reinforced base for new wallpaper.

Features of pasting

This material is considered quite “obedient” and, following step by step instructions, there will be no problems when gluing large strips of canvas and how to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners.

For this type of finishing, special glue is sold, and the walls are pre-primed for better laying of the material on the surface of the wall panels.

Technological difference this process is the absence of the need to smear the canvases themselves. Only wall ceilings are treated with adhesive.

The material is cut taking into account the pattern and with an upper and lower allowance of 1.5-2 cm to the length of the blade.

Pasting is done end-to-end according to the markings. The glued canvases are leveled with a roller to allow air and excess glue to escape from under the canvases to the seam.

The glue is removed with a damp sponge to maintain aesthetics. appearance finishing.


  • For evenness of pasting, a plumb line or a building level;
  • Long tape measure from 3 m;
  • For smoothing, use a roller with long pile material;
  • Brush and plastic spatula;
  • Sharp knife, pencil and mesh;
  • Containers for adhesive and water;
  • Narrow metal spatula;
  • Sponge.

Work progress

Technically, gluing wall panels with non-woven fabrics is carried out in 3 stages: preparatory work and marking walls; cutting wallpaper; the direct process of gluing them.

Gluing overlapping wallpaper is done starting from wall panel perpendicular to the window and moving deeper into the room. Light from the window will help smooth out the seams. But the non-woven version is only glued end-to-end.

The quality of the edges of the wallpaper strips allows for pasting without visualizing the joints. For the success of the pasting process, it is better to start from the corner of the room.


Having chosen the angle for starting work, measure 1 m from it, for meter wallpaper, on adjacent walls. Standard width is 0.53m or 1.06m. 0.06m will be used for corner overlap.

When pasting wide wallpaper, the wall panels must be absolutely flat.

Having measured 1 m from all corners of the room with a plumb line or level, draw a vertical line on the meter marking.

You can use strokes in increments of 40 cm.

Cutting the canvases

The volume of all canvases is prepared immediately, taking into account the fit according to the drawing. Plain fabrics are easier to cut and there is so much finishing material left over.

The strips are cut so that when they are combined, there is no need to re-glue the individual strips on top or bottom.

For the cutting process, polyethylene is spread on the floor, on top of which a wallpaper roll is rolled out face down.

The 1st strip is cut along the length of the walls + 10 cm for allowances. A notch is made with a knife along which the canvas is bent: the edge of the bent strip must coincide with the edge of the main canvas. An angle of 90° is formed and the wallpaper is cut along the fold.

Rolling out the next canvas begins from the same place, observing the cutting direction.

It is necessary to check the compatibility of the pattern and mark the top of each strip, which is rolled into rolls facing inward from bottom to top.

Pasting internal corners

You cannot cover a corner with a single piece of cloth. Steps:

Measure the distance from the edge of the last strip to the corner with an extra 5 cm.

If the angle is crooked, measurements are taken at 3 points: bottom, middle and top of the wall panel. For calculations, the largest value is taken.

The wall surface and corner are carefully coated with glue. After gluing the strip, it is carefully smoothed in the corner opening and on the next wall.

When the wallpaper wrinkles, horizontal cuts are made in increments of 5-10 cm.

The curvature of the corner opening can affect the uneven width of the wallpaper overlaps. Therefore, in the narrowest place, markings are made with an indentation of 1 cm from the edge of the strip towards the corner.

From this point, the distance in the width of the material is measured and a vertical line is drawn with a plumb line. The next strip will go from this place. Gluing is done overlapping.

The seam of the glued strips is trimmed at the same time to avoid discrepancies in the cut line. Excess wallpaper is removed.

External corners

The distance to the corner protrusion from the last strip is measured and the next one is prepared so that it wraps around the corner up to 5 cm.

From the nearest turning point to the corner, the distance for the next strip is measured in the width of the material minus 1 cm.

Pasting is done with an overlap on the turn. Then the seam is trimmed and excess is removed.

If the outer corner protrusion is even, you can try gluing it with a solid canvas. The discrepancy is no more than 0.2-0.4 cm.

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