How to enter water readings via erip. How to pay for water and utilities in a new way

How can I pay for utilities through Belarusbank Internet banking? To do this, you will need a card from a bank of the Republic of Belarus, which needs to be connected. To implement this, you need to contact a bank branch. You can also connect the card yourself. To pay for utilities through Belarusbank Internet banking, proceed as follows:

  • registration on the site;
  • login to Internet banking;
  • selecting the required service from the list;
  • payment of utility bills.

After the first financial transaction, the user is assigned a unique code. For subsequent transfers, the citizen simply enters it and all completed payments and transfers remain in the system’s memory. ERIP has the function of remembering the details of all payments. When you log in, they appear in your history, allowing you to use them as templates.

We in no way claim that bank cash desks are a bad option for service. There are no prerequisites for this, but not everyone can afford to find time to go to a bank branch in work time.

Therefore, Belarusbank is developing not only its network of branches, but also introducing Hi-tech in serving its clients.

So, how can a user of banking products deposit their funds to repay a Belarusbank loan?

Probably some of you have not yet heard of such an interesting word as ERIP. If this is so, then let me clarify - this abbreviation stands for unified calculation and information space.

Most likely, some of you have already used this system when making payments for public utilities. Now the sphere of influence of ERIP includes Banking services, namely loans.

To service the ERIP system, you must:

  • Register in Internet banking of Belarusbank.
  • Use the self-service terminal - info kiosk.

We present you with instructions that you can use to pay an installment plan issued at Belarusbank:

  1. After logging in, select the “Financial Services” item and the “Banks” sub-item.
  2. Activate Belarusbank.
  3. Indicate the card from which you plan to debit funds to pay for the loan.
  4. When paying online, please indicate all necessary details that the system requests - the contract number, its date and amount.
  5. The final stage in the information kiosk or banking is clicking the “Pay” button.

As you can see, everything is quite easy and simple, moreover, it is very convenient, because now you can carry out transactions, such as when paying a loan for an apartment, not only in cash, but also by bank transfer.

The benefits don’t end there - if you activate the function to remember the payment type, the system will not require you to enter full credit details on your next visit and will automatically pay with the card specified during the initial transaction, even if you go to another information kiosk.

In addition to Belarusbank loans, you can send funds to repay loans from another bank. The list of available organizations includes some of the largest financial companies.

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Payments in Belarus for loans are made to:

  1. Belagroprombank.
  2. Belgazprombank.
  3. Priorbank.
  4. Belinvestbank.
  5. BPS-Sberbank.
  6. Alfa Bank.
  7. Bank Idea and many others.

How to pay by installments?

Using the methods we present, you can pay not only cash loans or debt on credit bank cards, but also installment plans issued to clients by various companies (for example, MTS, Halva or Magnit). To repay the installment plan, the amount established by the contract is charged within the period specified in the terms and conditions.

To repay the installment plan in Halva, as well as replenish the Magnit card, you can use all payment methods from Belarusbank - cash at the cash desk, credit through M-banking, Internet banking, information kiosk or ATM.

How to get a payer number

To pay for utilities through ERIP, you need to obtain a payer number. To do this, any financial transaction must be completed in ERIP. You can do it through a bank, terminal or electronic wallet. The first two methods are preferable. To perform a financial transaction in the system, proceed as follows:

  • take any payment slip with the details of the institution to whose account the contribution will be received;
  • approach the terminal or operator at the bank;
  • make a deposit using a receipt and take a check.

The check contains the payer's number, which is assigned by the system automatically after the payment is made.

The cost of paying loans in the Belarusbank system

Another reason why it is worth using the services of Belarusbank to pay for loans and installments is the absence of commissions in most cases.

Commissions are charged only in three options - when making a payment using the details, when transferring funds from card to card, and when requesting a statement of transactions using a payment card via Internet banking.

Current commission rates for loan payment transactions at Belarusbank are available on the bank’s official website.

Advantages of ERIP

The system has the following advantages:

  • utilities and other services can be paid without commission;
  • Many organizations are registered here;
  • you can easily find the company you are interested in from any region of the country;
  • after payment, all details are saved in history, which are subsequently used as templates;
  • there is a function for tracking the stage of transfer of payments in the organization;
  • 100% guarantee that the money will go exactly to the declared account.

OJSC Belarusbank joined the unified banking system in order to open up the opportunity for its clients to make safe, familiar payments without queues.

This payment system works with several dozen services, and when carrying out the first payment transaction, a unique code is assigned that must be remembered.

Unlike other payment methods, ERIP has distinctive advantages:

  • Payment is made not only through a bank card, but also through an electronic wallet.
  • Possible to pay no commission and flat rates.
  • The reliability of the information provided in banking is guaranteed.
  • If difficulties arise you can contact to a single contact center.

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Visual instructions “Internet banking “Belarusbank”: payment of utilities”

You can pay utility bills through Sberbank Online through your personal account or mobile app. Transfers are possible only to management companies that are connected to the system. If the required supplier is not in the list offered by the service, clients can pay for housing and communal services by transfer using the details specified in the receipt.


Using the Sberbank Online service you can pay for the following utilities:

  • gas supply;
  • electricity;
  • heating;
  • home phone;
  • security;
  • Internet;
  • water supply;
  • heat supply;
  • rent;
  • major renovation;
  • TV;
  • intercom;
  • alarm;
  • garbage removal.

To use this method, you must be logged in. personal account service, then select the “Transfers and Payments” item.

Tab “Transfers and Payments” Selecting a service

Paying for utilities using Belarusbank Internet banking is not as difficult as it seems. The service operates through ERIP - these are online payments that pass through a circle of a single information space.

All successfully completed transactions are stored in your personal account - you can log into it at any time to clarify information about payments.

Regardless of what payment you decide to make, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Go to the main section “Payments and Transfers” - “System Settlement”.
  2. Select the “New Payment” button.
  3. Select a locality from the list provided if you need to pay for electricity or other services of this type.
  4. When requesting a card number and other data, they must be entered without errors, otherwise the write-off will not occur.
  5. After you have checked all the information, confirm “Continue”.
  6. To save an existing template, you need confirmation with the “Save” button.

The procedure for paying for utilities using a receipt in the Calculation system (AIS ERIP) is as follows:

  1. Login to Internet banking "Belarusbank".
  2. Selecting the “Payments and Transfers” section.
  3. Login ERIP (Calculation system).
  4. Clicking the “New Payment” (or “Payment”) button.
  5. Choice settlement(territorial affiliation) – region, district, city or city at once.
  6. Selecting a section " Communal payments».
  7. Selecting a utility provider and the service itself (“Water supply”, “Electricity”, “ Major renovation" and etc.).
  8. Selecting a payment card (if there are several) from which the payment will be made.
  9. Filling in all fields.
  10. Clicking the “Pay” button.
  11. Saving the payment.

Each payment made is saved in the payment history, which can always be viewed. In addition, such payments are always available with all entered data on the main page of Belarusbank Internet banking (quick access option).

How to pay for privatization?

Every citizen of the Russian Federation must pay utility bills monthly. That is why payment of rent is the most common service that all banks in the country offer their clients. Sberbank is no exception.

Starting in January 2017, the service of paying for water supply and sewerage through the ERIP became available to residents of Minsk. Money is credited without charging any commission. Let's look at how to pay for water through ERIP, what is needed for this and what actions need to be performed.

What do you need to pay for water?

To be able to make online transfers for water supply and drainage, a meter must be installed in an apartment (residential building). Necessary:

In residential premises where there are no water supply meters, charges are made according to regulatory indicators consumption. The number of registered persons is taken as a basis and multiplied by the norm of liters of water per person per month.

How to pay for water using ERIP

The ERIP system allows you to quickly and without commission pay for utilities. Let’s look at how this is done in practice using the example of the main online platforms.

Via Internet banking

To make a payment through the Internet banking system, you will need to perform the following steps:

The payment can be saved as a template to speed up the payment procedure in the future.

If you are not sure about the service provider at a specific address, it is advisable to call the water utility and clarify so as not to have problems with payments.

Via Infokiosk

Payments using Infokiosks are almost identical to Internet banking. Keep in mind that your personal account number and meter readings are key details without which you will not be able to complete a financial transaction.

Don't forget, Infokiosk is not a computer installed at home where you can go and look necessary information. Therefore, it is necessary to have such data at hand.

Features of payment, difficulties

The changed procedure for charging and paying for water supply through the use of the AIS “Calculation” system introduced some innovations. Previously, the consumer first reported his readings. Usually this was on the 20th of the end of the month. Payment was made in the middle of the next month. With introduction new system the following features appeared:

  1. Meter readings are entered at the time of payment.
  2. The system automatically calculates water consumption and issues a payment.
  3. You will have to pay by deferred payment. The principle is simple. We entered the data and it appeared on the receipt for the next month. You will have to pay for the indicators until new data is introduced.
  4. The principle is unified for making payments online, through a bank or by mail.

Among the difficulties, it is worth highlighting the need to master access to the Internet for the older generation.

Other types of payments for services rendered by UE Minskvodokanal

In addition to paying for water supply and drainage, you can also pay for other services of the Minskvodokanal Unitary Enterprise using ERIP. This included:

  • acceptance of equipment into operation;
  • calling specialists (9 controllers);
  • flushing water supply networks;
  • replacement and repair of water meters;
  • disposal of generated wastewater;
  • expert checks;
  • repayment of penalties, fines, debts.

By paying through ERIP, the user saves on commissions and gets the opportunity to carry out the operation at a convenient time from anywhere.


The updated procedure for making payments for water supply allows you to independently control all charges. To do this, you just need to have a computer with Internet access, as well as an Internet banking account. You can use the Infokiosk, or pay through the bank.

When all this is finished, the actual exploitation begins. And here the question arises: how to pay for water using the meter, where to go, and how is water consumption calculated in general?

How to take readings from the meter?

Five black and three red. For example, initially the counter showed the following data: 00000174. Here 174 is the number of liters of water used. As you know, readings must be taken in cubic meters, so it is too early to transmit them. In other words, the readings from the meter are taken based on the first five digits, so you can wait a month.

A month later, look again - the readings are already different: 00001174. In this case, they can already be taken, because there are more than three digits. It turns out that you use a little more than 1 cubic meter of water per month. When sending indicators, the amount is rounded, you pay only per cubic meter. Another month later we see on the water meter: 00012566. Now it turns out that 12 cubic meters were used. Subtract 12-1=11. This month you pay for 11 cubic meters of water.

Calculation of water consumption by meter

For calculations you will need two things:

  • meter readings;
  • current tariffs for hot and cold water.
  1. After installing the meter, record its initial readings.
  2. You provide the data to the management company.
  3. After a month, you take the readings again, determine the difference and report it (we’ll talk about reporting the readings later).
  4. To independently calculate the amount to be paid, use the tariff table.

Important! Tariffs change annually, and they are also set by the city administration. Therefore, in the future, periodically inquire about them by calling the management company.

To determine flow hot water multiply the water meter readings by the tariff. This will give you the amount you need to pay for water consumption this month. WITH cold water the procedure is similar.

Remember that in selected cities there is a certain the minimum you have to pay monthly. In this case, even if you used an amount of water less than this minimum, for example, 10 liters with a minimum of 1.5 cubic meters, you will pay for the entire 1.5 cubic meters. But next month the company will take into account the overpayment and you will pay less.

If you are interested, how to pay for water in the village, then we hasten to reassure you - the procedure there is no different from paying for water in the city. The only difference can be in the tariffs, and as already mentioned, you can find out about them from the management company.

Procedure for paying for water by meter

In order to pay for water supply services, you must submit monthly meter readings to the Unified Information and Calculation Center (hereinafter referred to as EIRC). There are several ways to do this:

  • call the EIRC and provide the data to the dispatcher;
  • do this via the Internet by visiting the resource management company(the vast majority of them have their own websites);
  • personally visit the EIRC and leave an entry in the appropriate journal;
  • send the indicators by mail to the EIRC.

Payment center employees will calculate the amount and send it to you using a special payment document. This happens once a month; a personal visit to the center is not necessary. Remember that the building maintenance directorate may check from time to time how well the readings you give correspond to the real ones.

Important! If a water meter is installed in a communal apartment, then the amount payable is equally distributed among all registered residents.

If several water meters are installed in an apartment, provide readings for each of them separately. It is not recommended to interfere with the operation of the meter, slow it down, etc., since if such violations are detected, you will face a fine.

Checking the correctness of the readings

It happens that the counter shows incorrect data. To check this, write down the indicators of the three red numbers. Then take a ten-liter bucket, fill it with water and pour it out. Repeat the procedure three times. Look at the water meter. If the numbers show that more or less than 30 liters have been used, then your water meter needs to be checked.

If the counter is lying

If you notice that the meter is showing false information, you should check it. The verification will be carried out at your expense. If the meter is under warranty, then the certified company that sold it will pay. During this time, you will pay for water according to your average monthly consumption. After the inspection is completed, it is carried out or replaced. If you overpaid, a recalculation occurs and the overpayment amount is returned to you.

Now about the cause of the malfunction. Your guilt is determined if the seal on the meter is damaged, the glass is broken, or the arrows are missing, if a scheduled check was not done. Then you will face a fine.

What happens if you don't pay for water?

Payment for water supply services must be made by the tenth day of the next month. If payments are not made within three months, you will receive a first warning from the utility company. If you do not pay for six months, then the utility companies have every right to go to court in order to collect the debt from you.

In general, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is very treats defaulters harshly. The sanctions provided for them begin with fines and end with eviction from the apartment with confiscation of valuables. So be careful.

Video – Water debtors face trial

Since June, payments for water supply and sanitation services have been transferred to the personal account of the housing and communal services. But some still have questions about how to pay utility bills. They explain the situation at the Luninets Municipal Unitary Enterprise for Water and Public Utilities "Vodokanal".

Now payments for water supply and sanitation services are carried out by Luninets and Mikashevichi housing and communal services.

Please note: the personal account of Luninets Vodokanal has been cancelled. If an agreement with housing and communal services has not been concluded for your home and there are no services (solid waste removal, etc.), water payments are made using Vodokanal’s personal account (10 digits).

Vodokanal explains:

- For payment and transmission of water meter readings in bank and post office branches:

In July, you need to name your personal account at the bank branch (Luninets housing and communal services or Mikashevichi housing and communal services, in the absence of utilities in the housing and communal services, 10 digits of the personal account of Vodokanal are transferred), pay the amount presented for payment for housing and communal services including water ( for June 2017 year) and provide the cashier with the latest water meter readings for charging for the period “July 2017”.

To pay via Internet banking, info kiosk:

For residents of the city of Luninets and the region:(Yazvinki, Rakitno, Palace, Kozhan-Gorodok, Vulka-2, Krasnaya Volya, Galy Bor, Mezhlesye, Zastenok, Lyubachin, Vulka-1, Lunin, Bogdanovka, Polessky, Dubovka, Lobcha, Dyatlovichi, Bostyn, Veluta, B. Chuchevichi , Lyushcha) you need to go to ERIP system, select points - Brest region/ - Luninets/ - utility bills/ - Luninets housing and communal services/ - utility bills. Next, you need to enter your personal housing and communal services account (which was previously used to pay for major repairs, maintenance, solid waste removal and other housing and communal services). If there are no utilities in the housing and communal services, you need to enter 10 digits of the Vodokanal personal account. Then you should enter the latest readings from water meters (necessary for calculating the amount for water for July 2017). At the final stage, all that remains is to pay the amount charged for housing and communal services, taking into account water charges for June 2017.

Simply put, now payment for water is made in one personal account along with payment for maintenance, major repairs, solid waste removal and other housing and communal services.

For residents of Mikashevichi and the region:(Sitnitsa, Sinkevichi, Lyuban, Redigerovo, Lakhva, Perunovo) you need to go to ERIP system and select points - Brest region/ - Luninets district/ - Mikashevichi/ - utility bills/ - utility bills (housing and communal services). Next, you need to enter the old housing and communal services personal account; if there are no utilities in the housing and communal services, enter 10 digits of the Vodokanal personal account. In the window that appears, you will need to enter the latest water meter readings (necessary for calculating the amount for water for July 2017) and pay. The amount is presented taking into account water charges for June.

Phone number for inquiries: ERIP Contact Center: 141 (to ask questions about searching for Vetka in ERIP).

If you have questions about billing, call:

Luninets housing and communal services: 3-21-52, 3-35-90. Opening hours: Tue-Fri from 8.00-20.00; Mon from 08.00-17.00, Sat from 9.00-17.00, closed on Sunday.

Mikashevichi Housing and communal services: 6-07-51, Working hours: (Mon-Fri from 8.00-17.00, lunch 13.00-14.00), day off: Sat, Sun.

If you were unable to transmit meter readings through bank branches, post offices, or Internet banking, data is accepted from July 24 to July 31 by phone:

Luninetsky Vodokanal: 26713, 24462 (Luninets); 68663 (Mikashevichi). Or call: 119, 31610 (24 hours a day, seven days a week).

- By e-mail: Email: [email protected](indicate address, full name, submit testimony: X:..., X..., G..., G...).

- To mobile number: (+37529) 6826713. (indicate address, full name, submit testimony X..., G..., etc.)

More detailed information is on the Luninets Vodokanal website:

The Vodokanal administration apologizes for the inconvenience caused.

Adulthood seems cool when you're ten years old and your parents buy everything. As soon as you start to exist on your own, you understand: adulthood- these are endless payments, payments, payments and more payments. Let's try to figure out together what and how to do so as not to be left in a rented apartment without electricity or water. We warn you: this will all look scary. But it's uplifting.

Hello. My name is Anya, and I’m putting together handy instructions on how to live this life if it’s time to stop depending on your parents. and not screwing up is just the first step. Next, we will figure out how to pay for utilities, whether you need to buy products on sale, and much more. To make sure you don’t lose publications, add them to bookmarks.

So. What should I even pay for?

Usually, monthly “important” payments are called utilities. But technically, this includes a lot of things: at a minimum, you will also have to pay separately for electricity. And maybe for gas.

Utilities are deductions for major repairs and Maintenance houses, sewerage, heating (in winter), garbage removal. Water may also be included. But in some places you will have to pay for it on a separate receipt. Add to the total the electricity that is spent on operating elevators and lighting in the house. If you really want, you can study the information about general household expenses - it is written on back side receipts.

If the residents of the house are part of an owners' association (HOA), another one will be attached to the main receipt. As a rule, they charge a fee for using the intercom (this is hidden behind the phrase “ZPU Maintenance”) and all sorts of current vehicle expenses, including cleaning and landscaping of courtyards (most likely, this will be called “Operating expenses”). But this all depends on the specific vehicle. It is unlikely that you are interested in detail about what you will pay money for, but sometimes there are serious “graters” on this topic.

The bad news: you'll have to pay (one way or another) for all of this.

Good news: you can at least do this without leaving your home.

What do you need to pay?

To prepare we will need... Okay, seriously. First, go and look at your meters - one in the entrance or vestibule (electricity). Here you need to remember the number of kilowatts.

Previously, the cost of kWh varied depending on the volume of consumption and whether the stove was installed - gas or electric. Since January of this year, regardless of these parameters, we pay the same - kWh costs 0.1484 rubles. Also, the payment depended on the time of day (if there is an electric stove). These tariffs have also increased.

Next we look at the water meters - usually they are hidden in the bathroom (if it is not combined, most likely in the toilet). This will be needed to record how much “dripped” for hot and cold water this month.

Now take the receipt. Here you need a personal account. We show you where it is.

So, we definitely need to pay:

1. Utility payments (as a rule, the most significant part of monthly deductions, which includes many services).

2. Electricity.

We pay additionally for:

3. Gas (if you have a gas stove at home).

4. Water (if these services are not included in general utility bills).

Where and how to pay?

If you want to go old school, you can pay the receipt at the post office (at any branch). Then take the piece of paper with you, because the operator may ask for some data like the payer number or the name of the person to whom the receipt came.

To avoid being like your grandmother, it is better to pay online. This can be done through ERIP.

By the way, you can also pay through it at the information kiosks of any bank. Of course, you can also pay cash at a “live” window, but it will cost money (from 0.1 to 5 (!) rubles) in all banks except Belarusbank. If you are not comfortable with technology, don’t worry: most likely, there will be a special employee in the room who will tell you everything.

Almost everything is really suitable for payment: from the bank application and e-pay service to WebMoney and our service. And with a card from some banks you can even pay through ZALA (but SMS alerts must be activated).

So, let’s say we followed a simple and popular path - we went into our bank’s application and looked for something like “Payment for services” - the ERIP will be there. Since 2018, the scheme is as follows: first select the “Utility Payments” section, then the subcategory (“Housing and Communal Services”), then the region, and then the specific service. For example: Minsk, and then...

Wait, there's a lot of stuff here again. Let's figure it out.

Let's understand ERIP (that's another quest)

In the case of Minsk, we see four whole lines. This is a list of categories and subcategories of services registered in the AIS “Raschet”. In this system, funds are transferred based on payment requirements in which utility companies transmit personal account information. “This means that one personal account for utility payments can be processed through the “Payments through CIT” service, another personal account through the “Utility payments AIS Calculation-ZhKU” service. Services vary in terms of payment options, as well as payment recipients,” explains the ERIP contact center.

In the capital, payments are most often made through the CIT of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

Then we see three more categories: “Utility payments AIS Calculation of housing and communal services”, “Payments of TS/ZhSPK AIS Calculation of housing and communal services” and “Payment through CIT”. Select one of the first two and enter the personal account from the receipt. Has the payment gone through? Congratulations. If not, then choose the second category. ERIP explains that you can understand “your own” empirically.

You can also call ERIP, give your personal account number - and they will immediately tell you how to pay.

When paying for utilities, columns will appear about some meter readings, some of which are already filled out. Don't panic! We're talking about water.

In the columns “Counter 1 - current value.” enter what you saw on the cold water meter. Same thing with the second “current value” - this is hot. In general, where to enter which number will be clear relative to the previous value.

If this is still very difficult, and your brain is full of more important things, there is a way out - a QR code. It is located in the corner of the receipt that comes to you (on the other side of your personal account).

You can use it in three ways:

  • through a special application on a smartphone;
  • in Viber (Settings / QR code);
  • in the mobile banking application, as well as in the v-banking and MTS Money applications (they are structured, in fact, like an application of any bank).

And we also seem to have forgotten about electricity. Let's go to ERIP and start over. We select “Utilities”, then “Electricity and heat supply”, the desired city (for example, Minsk), then “Minsk MRO” - “Electricity”. Enter the subscriber number here. It’s not difficult to recognize him (if you’re not a social phobe, of course) - you need to call the Energosbyt help desk, give your address and receive the required combination of numbers in response.

Gas is a different story. If the apartment has meters, a separate receipt will be sent. We go to “Utilities”, then “Gas supply”, select the region and “Gas” (for Minsk). Here we enter the personal account indicated on this receipt. If there is no meter, everything is even simpler in principle: the gas fee is included in one “big” receipt. Then it's easier. To pay a separate receipt for a vehicle, you need to find “Owners’ Associations” in the ERIP tree. Next, enter the city (for example, Minsk), district - and select from the list of addresses the one where the desired vehicle is registered.

For subsequent payments, use the “last paid” / “payment history” sections. This way you won’t have to choose services from the ERIP service tree again.

It seems clear. And when should all this be done?

The most important thing is to do this before the 25th of the month. The receipt will be dropped into your mailbox around the 10th-15th. If the receipt is late, then it’s okay: information about the payer will still be available in the databases. The main thing is to pay. Ha ha ha.

What happens if I don't pay on time?

Well, for the first time, basically, nothing. The penalty for “delay” is primarily monetary. For each day of non-payment, the total amount increases by 0.3% - this is a penalty. That is, if on the 25th you had to pay 50 rubles, then on the 26th they will turn into 50 rubles 15 kopecks (and I would like to turn into a pumpkin). Next month you will pay for two (plus a penalty).

The problem of forgetfulness can be solved simply: set a reminder on your phone on the 24th or 25th of every month.

If you don’t pay for more than two months, things start to get interesting (although by law, even two months of debt can trigger all the punishment mechanisms). What’s important: your services may simply be suspended. Sitting without light is so much fun, isn't it? The second “gentle” measure will affect the owner of the apartment - the money will be forcibly collected from the notary, and if there is a dispute, through the court.

In very advanced cases, families are even evicted for debt. For example, in Grodno from January to October 2018, 48 families received housing in this way. It doesn’t seem like much, but if you think about it, it already sounds impressive. Do not do it this way.

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