How I did renovations in my apartments. Useful personal experience: How I made repairs

Background. This is my first home of my own, as well as my first experience of such work (for the most part), but I wanted to do everything exactly the way I had long wanted. Naturally, I don’t swim in rivers of gold, so in many ways I was limited by the budget. All the work, with the exception of the ceilings, balcony glazing, replacement of radiators and riser, was done by myself, in some places a friend helped with screed and putty and Good friends with hard work. The whole process lasted just over six months, mostly due to lack of funding and time, because... I did everything exclusively on weekends or after work.

The apartment is an ordinary one-room apartment in an old panel house. There were no photographs of the original view, but to understand, I will say that the renovation was done there about 20 years ago - classic, Soviet :)
I started by glazing the balcony, which had been open since the house was built more than 30 years ago.

The plan was to move the wall in the bathroom, because... It was planned to install an installation and a shower cabin, which did not fit in this option.

Next, the valiant plumbers replaced my same-age radiator in the kitchen, an old cast-iron tee and part of the sewer riser; They cut off the rotten pipe of the “towel” and replaced it with polypropylene with taps and a jumper. In addition, according to my idea, the connection to the hot water and hot water risers was moved from the bathroom to the kitchen side.

I did the plumbing myself, so I left part of the plaster box of the bathroom to recess the pipes, because... I absolutely didn’t want to make boxes. Washing machine will stand in the dressing room, so there will be additional ducts and cold water. Along the way, my relatives and I tore off several layers of wallpaper :)

Initially, they wanted to simply putty the interior partition made of plaster shit and sticks, however, due to the fact that it was semicircular, crumbled and, as it turned out later, stood diagonally :), they decided to dismantle it and install a new one. I chose solid PGP as the material for all the walls.

It’s still a mystery to me why part of the floor was wooden, because there was an opening in the slab in this place (by the way, maybe someone knows?). This pit was filled with CPS with expanded clay.
By the way, my relatives’ concrete mixer, which was given to me during the pouring process, was very helpful.

Then I took up electrical work. It was decided not to leave a single aluminum wire, so I even pulled the input wire from the panel, replacing the input machine and the meter. Vending machines will be installed inside the apartment, divided into groups.

A! The brave guys came and famously hollowed out the wall for the air conditioner route.

Afterwards, the long and painful process of pouring the screed began, which took several times more material than planned (~53 bags of TsPS). The maximum difference over the entire length of the apartment was about 6 cm. Expanded clay filled most of the balcony to lighten the load.

After the screed had completely dried, I began to build the partitions. It’s an exciting activity, but only until the moment when you start throwing the slabs onto the last row alone. Naturally, the slabs were attached to the floor, ceiling and walls through a row.

It's time for installation. I decided to attach it to load-bearing wall, so there were holes in the plaster box.

We installed beacons in the bathroom. Not only are the walls fundamentally uneven, but the box itself is uneven. I began to assemble the frame and cover one of the walls with plasterboard.

A little more about wiring. I am categorically against junction boxes covered with putty and/or wallpaper, but running a separate cable to each consumer is at least not economical. Therefore, all the switching was done in socket boxes using copper/tinned sleeves, pressed in with pliers and covered in two layers of heat shrink. If there were a lot of connections, I used socket boxes of increased depth. With this installation method, cable consumption does not increase significantly, but access to all connections is provided.

Temporarily installed a heated towel rail to secure the pipes before laying the tiles.

The walls in the bathroom and kitchen were covered with plaster. Then, putty in two layers and install the shield.

After a vacation at the seaside, I took up laying tiles. The project was made for me in the same place where I bought it. Still, I don’t like the diagonal layout...

In the process, I again deviated from the original plans and replaced the bulky radiator in the hall.

The next step was to make the wiring for the lamps and start assembling plasterboard construction on the ceiling.

It came to this working wall in the kitchen.

Next comes some insulation and finishing of the balcony.

The plasterboard structure is plastered, covered with fiberglass and painted. Before tinting, I was afraid to choose this one dark color, but everything turned out exactly the way I wanted. After drying, I cut out the holes and mounted the lamps.

Finally it's time for the laminate! I laid it down quite quickly and for the first time I began to take off my shoes before entering :) By the way, I laid it without seams, because it’s ugly. All clearances have been observed, six months have passed - the flight is normal.

Then he started gluing the wallpaper, Artem made a signature decorative plaster on the balcony.

A small addition to the bathroom: I hung a cabinet, a towel and a toilet.

The final version of the balcony decoration. In the photo it looks like a daub, but in real life it’s very, very good.

Attaching skirting boards after everything else is a pleasure.

The furniture arrived here. This is worth a separate story, but in short, they only took 3 days to assemble it, then I waited a long time for them to fix all the mistakes and waited only after meeting with them in court.

With a shower cabin for a long time had sex. Firstly, the drain hole was located on the opposite side from the entrance to the sewer. Therefore, it was necessary to change the support studs in order to raise the cabin and provide a normal slope for draining. Secondly, after I lifted it, it turned out that now it almost rests on the ceiling, and the lid is installed last and only after all communications are connected to it :) But everything ended quite successfully.

Actually, in this form I have already moved and started settling into the apartment.
By the way, having found out the prices for wardrobe systems, I became a bit of an ass and decided to do it myself.
I drew up a project, gave the guys in the furniture shop the specifications for cutting, and after a couple of weeks I picked up a bunch of pieces of wood cut to size. After assembly it turned out exactly what I wanted. In the future, all this will be closed with compartment doors.

Using the same scheme, I assembled a shoe rack for myself in the hallway.

And finally, a few photos of the resulting interior.

That's all for now :)
It seems like I didn't miss anything, except that I didn't find some photos.
I tried to calculate the budget, it turned out to be approximately 240 thousand for materials, work and some equipment. All the furniture cost 130 thousand, equipment another 60.
Thanks everyone, I'm done)

ZY I’m not a builder by profession at all :) IT specialist and general manager.

Our renovation is in progress

"Wow!" - I exclaim every time when I watch some Hollywood film and see interesting interior(an unusual pillow, bedspread or bedside table in it). Cinema as a dramatic story no longer captivates me since I started renovating.

I never dreamed of renovating. Moreover, I have always associated it with wallpapering and rearranging furniture. I have never considered buying an apartment in a new building, especially in Moscow, where prices for finishing are prohibitive.

But it so happened that the apartment we liked was located in a newly completed building and was in need of renovation. There was nothing there at all! Concrete. Take a walk soul!

There was nothing in our apartment except concrete and heating

Long hallway


Since we were limited in finances, we were renting a house and at the same time we needed to do repairs in order to quickly move into the apartment, we set a deadline of 2 months for repairs. The deadline was taken out of thin air. Budget - 500 thousand rubles for everything. The issue with the workers became very acute. The Moscow companies that I found wanted from 400 thousand for their work, excluding materials.

Then my friends joined in and suggested acquaintances. It got to the point of being funny: “Hi, Bahram, I’m Norik’s friend, and we urgently need to do some repairs!”

I didn't have a plan for what my apartment would be like. All I knew was that I wanted light walls and a beautiful floor. Plus, it was necessary to fit a children's room into 34 square meters. As a result, I found a designer on Yudo who drew me a plan for a nominal fee. It was decided to combine the kitchen and living room. Due to this, a separate children's room appeared.

And away we go! During the day we worked, and in the evening we rushed around construction stores purchase materials. We didn’t really sleep - we urgently needed tiles, laminate, or wallpaper.

Our future bathroom

We must pay tribute to our worker; he purchased some of the building materials himself, and we only paid him for delivery. He helped us with the acceptance of doors, bathtubs and other necessary goods. He turned out to have golden hands and a lot of cool ideas. So, he came up with the idea of ​​decorating fire alarm beautiful box.

How many sockets are needed, where they will be located, how many lighting points, porcelain tiles or floor tiles - we also solved all these questions chaotically. In style: Eh, let's do it here. - Lets do it!

As a result, we moved into our apartment as planned in two months. Right on New Year's Eve. But the only furniture we had was a bed, a sofa for the kitchen and a hanger from Ikea. We were happy and broke!

We were ready to spend, but during such a global renovation, various little things periodically surfaced. And this despite the fact that we bought some of the materials at a discount. The cheapest wallpaper cost us 100 rubles per roll. On front door And we didn’t skimp on the laminate; this is probably the most expensive part of our renovation. And we went beyond our budget.

But now I see the difference - between a painted ceiling and a suspended one, leveled walls for painting and uneven ones. I know how to close the counter in the bathroom and many other interesting things.

Of course, some things could have been done differently, and we could have saved money ourselves, but it was necessary quickly and efficiently. Therefore, a professional worked).

As a result, today we have not yet bought some furniture; our things are stored in boxes. So to be continued.

Kitchen plan

Children's room

19.02.18 114 296 9

Part 1: plan, team, agreement

My husband and I bought an apartment without finishing and received the keys in early June. We had 2 months, 350 thousand rubles, one technical supervision engineer and a team of workers from Tajikistan for repairs.

Svetlana Akhmadishina

finished the renovation

We started preparing the basis for repairs three months before the keys were issued: we found out the prices for building materials in large networks, chose plumbing and Decoration Materials. We haven’t ordered anything yet, we just made a wish list.

We knew we needed high-quality repairs no frills: simple environmentally friendly materials And functional furniture. There was no need for gold tapestries, carved door handles and designer chandeliers made of cast iron. Thanks to this approach, even at the preparation stage we had a clear action plan and a full understanding of what we ultimately wanted to do in the apartment.

I’ll tell you how we met the deadline and went over budget by only 15 thousand rubles.


We bought an apartment in a new building in a new area, the houses here are rented out in phases. In our phase, 10 houses were handed over at once, all of them needed to be renovated. Therefore, there were many repair teams.

Superintendents looking for clients near the office management company when residents are given keys. In new buildings like ours, superintendents can show apartments that are being renovated right now.

We met three foremen. The first two gave us leaflets with prices, and the third immediately offered to see the apartment in operation. We asked to see several more objects at different stages of renovation. So we got a first-hand look at how the team performs rough work, how they install plumbing, and met the workers who will be involved in the renovation of our apartment.

If there are no crews in the area, several potential contractors are invited to the site. Meetings are scheduled back-to-back so that foremen bump into each other at the door. This is how they compare qualifications and bargain with those with whom they want to work.

This is how the qualifications of workers are usually assessed.

By project- it’s good if you have the opportunity to see the object live or, at worst, in a photograph. If you get to the site, look at the corners, joints and any difficult places: they show how the team works.

There is no point in looking at an evenly painted wall - look at the joints with the floor and ceiling. Look at how the sockets are installed, how the tiles are worn, what is going on under the sink or sink, what the places where the pipes enter the wall look like. In renovation, the devil is in the details.

By communication- for this, it is convenient to involve a third party, so that a specialist from the customer’s side evaluates the qualifications of the workers, asks questions about what materials the craftsmen will use and what technology they will use. If you don’t have friends savvy in this matter, welcome to technical supervision.

Technical supervision

If there is not enough experience in repairs, an outside specialist is invited to select a team and evaluate the work. This could be a builder or a technical supervision engineer. We found such a specialist on the Internet.

Our engineer qualified as a civil engineer in the 70s and has been working in the construction industry ever since. We agreed that he would come to pass the draft stage.

A third party in the repair is invited to individual stages or for the entire period of repair. Technical supervision of an apartment renovation in Moscow costs from 4,000 rubles per visit, the price depends on the distance from the Moscow Ring Road, the area of ​​the facility and how often the work needs to be monitored.

4000 R

costs at least one visit of a technical supervision specialist in Moscow

It is bad to involve technical supervision suddenly or in the middle of work. Our engineer told how he was hired at the end of the renovation, when 60% of the work had already been accepted and paid for. He made a bunch of comments, the workers got scared, dropped everything and naturally ran away. Therefore, before starting work, the foreman is warned that technical supervision will be involved in the acceptance of the stages.


To calculate the cost of repairs, a foreman is invited to the site. The customer describes the work in detail: indicates the location of sockets, the plan for moving sinks in the kitchen, the location of plumbing fixtures, wiring, the location of lamps on the ceiling and walls.

To make it easier for the foreman to understand the client, they show a design project or a selection of photographs of apartments whose decoration they like. The foreman measures the area of ​​each room, the height of the ceilings, and assesses the condition of the apartment before renovation. Expensive work includes replacing radiators, insulating balconies, soundproofing rooms, replacing double-glazed windows, and remodeling. After this, the foreman draws up a list of work and gives the cost of work and materials.

All the same can be done for you by a good interior designer who takes care of estimates, measurements and engineering plans. He may not give the final price of the work, but at least he will accurately determine all the areas, lengths and volumes for which the foreman will make his calculations.

This assessment scheme works in new buildings. In older buildings, the cost is more difficult to calculate: it depends on the degree of wear and tear of the apartment. They evaluate the wear and calculate the amount of work finally; when the floor is opened, the condition is visible load-bearing structures, wiring and plumbing pipes. Therefore on initial stage the cost of dismantling is calculated, and the exact amount of reconstruction and rough finishing work is determined after all the shortcomings of the room become visible.

We have studio apartment in a new building without finishing. We planned to spend 350 thousand rubles including work and materials. The foreman estimated the work alone at 240 thousand. It was expensive for us: we didn’t have enough to buy materials.

RUR 350,000

our planned budget for the renovation of a one-room apartment

When we realized that we didn’t meet the budget for the work, we crossed out what we could do ourselves or put off for the future. We took care of the insulation of the balcony, laying the laminate flooring, puttying and painting of the walls. They decided to do the ceiling in the room later. As a result, the cost of work decreased to 140 thousand, or 3,600 rubles per square meter.

We planned 90 thousand for the purchase of materials for rough work, 120 thousand for finishing work, so we met the budget - 350 thousand rubles.

How to reduce the cost of work

They ask for a discount on work. You need to understand that builders give discounts simply from their own pockets, so pushing them hard may turn out to be more expensive.

Builders with low qualifications are chosen. Teams that have little experience and do not have their own equipment cost less. In this case, the customer will have to take on the role of an expert. It will be necessary to consult externally, delve into each stage of work in detail and often come to the site.

Refusing some work or change technology. Leveling walls is an expensive job. If indoors uneven wall, but the customer knows that he will install a built-in wardrobe in this area, ideal Smooth surface may not be necessary - however, you must first consult with the company that will make the cabinet.

Save on materials. Builders do not recommend saving on electrical cables, plumbing fixtures and distribution pipes. The quality of these materials is checked after the repair is completed. If the materials turn out to be bad, you will have to dismantle and start the finishing process again. You can save on materials for finishing, buy plaster not for 600 rubles per bag, but for 350 rubles. Or don’t put it on the floor parquet board for 5 thousand, and laminate for a thousand.

Customers undertake some of the work themselves. Save on dismantling floor and wall coverings. If there is enough experience and free time, customers keep part of the finishing work, wallpapering, laminate and baseboard installation.

Do you need an interior designer?

There is such a profession - interior designer. If this good specialist, he will take care of three aspects: aesthetics, working drawings and materials with packaging.

Aesthetics- this is what the apartment will look like: what color it will be, what fabrics it will be made of, how everything will fundamentally look, how and where the furniture will be, what size it will be approximately. This is the general feeling of the apartment. Good interior designers make collages and visualizations so that you can imagine the result of the renovation in advance.

Working drawings- This is a plan for floors, walls, tiles, ceilings, electrical, lighting and anything else that is required for your apartment. The designer draws this up in drawings so that you don’t point your finger at the foreman about how to build. This is important: today you showed him a socket in one place, and tomorrow it will appear in another and no one will prove anything.

Tile and plumbing fixtures are especially useful in shop drawings. The designer lays out the tiles directly the right size from required angles, avoids dangerous joints, lays curbs. If you need complex tiling work in the bathroom or kitchen, there must be such a plan: otherwise you will be left with a bunch of unnecessary tiles and scraps, and in the end everything will not come together.

Electrical planning also needs to be done in advance: so that the sockets are where they are needed, and not behind the cabinet; so that you don’t have to throw extension cords around the apartment, and the sockets themselves don’t get covered with tees. The designer determines that, for example, there will be a TV area here. He thinks: we need sockets for the panel, receiver, speakers, set-top box, Apple TV and three more spare ones. The designer designs a block for 8 sockets in this place and carefully hides it from view.

Equipment and materials- the designer selects specific articles of wallpaper, tiles, coverings, furniture and lamps, often with prices. The result is a table of what and where to buy. Typically, designers select items from expensive salons, from which they receive a commission. In some cases, you can agree to draw up a bill of materials for furniture from Ikea and wallpaper from Leroy Merlin, but we don’t believe in that.

The main question is: should you contact a designer or is it better to do it all yourself?

Usually the answer is this: if you have expensive materials and generally expensive renovations in a large apartment, then be sure to contact a designer. If you are limited in everything and your apartment is small, then it is better to do all the design work yourself: draw the same working drawings and choose the materials yourself.

You can find a designer who will look at your plans and drawings and suggest something for a reasonable fee. Be sure to convey your wishes and show the drawings to the technical supervision engineer: he will tell you where your wishes are unrealistic.

2500 R

per m² is the work of a normal interior designer in Moscow, according to our experience

The cost of designer services in Moscow starts from 1000 rubles per square meter and goes to infinity. Good designer can be found for 2,500 rubles per square - this is not much less than our entire budget for repairs per meter. So we did everything ourselves.


In Russia, we can enter into an agreement with a citizen of Tajikistan if he has a residence permit, temporary residence permit or work patent.

Each of these documents allows you to work in Russia for a certain period:

  • residence permit is valid for 5 years;
  • temporary residence permit - 3 years;
  • A work patent is purchased for a limited period from a month to a year; the patent can be renewed without restrictions.

If you don’t have any of the documents, it’s bad: a foreign citizen cannot work without these documents. A migrant who does not have documents may be deported from the country, and all obligations and contract agreements will have no legal force.

Our foreman has a residence permit and can work in any region of Russia. A temporary residence permit and a patent provide the opportunity to work only in the region in which they are issued.

We entered into an agreement with him, indicating the start and completion dates of the work, responsibility for failure to meet deadlines and delays in payment for work, and the terms of warranty service after the delivery of the facility.

Payment for repairs in three stages

In the contract we indicated the total cost of the work and divided the payment into three parts. We agreed that we would contribute money after each stage was completed.

The technical supervision engineer advised us to divide the payments like this: 30% + 30% + 40%. This motivates workers to deliver work on time. The rough stage of work must be carried out strictly according to technology; alterations will be expensive and will result in the cost of a new repair. The finishing stage in our case is very simple, there are no complex materials. It is beneficial for workers to do high-quality rough work and not waste time and effort on correcting defects.

At the last stage they laid a large amount. As a result, the final finishing went quickly and the workers received the final payment.

They paid like this:

  1. First stage, 20 days - 42,000 rubles.
  2. Second stage, 27 days - 42,000 rubles.
  3. Third stage, 14 days - 56,000 rubles.

How they deceive

We included risks in the last payment: poor-quality repairs, missed deadlines and other troubles, including the disappearance of the contractor. There are popular deception schemes in the repair services market.

The workers receive an advance and disappear. Therefore, the work is paid in stages. The payment procedure is specified in the contract, detailed plan the work is indicated in the estimate, each stage is closed with work acceptance certificates, the stage is paid for after the act is signed. If defects are found, the builders eliminate them, the customer accepts the work again and only then pays for it. If the advance still needs to be transferred, you need to document the transfer of money.

The workers take money to buy materials and disappear. The customer can independently purchase all materials according to the foreman’s list. But to speed up the process, the purchase of materials for the first stage is entrusted to the contractor. In this case, workers purchase materials at their own expense, deliver and unload them at the site. The customer checks what was purchased using sales receipts and returns the money to the contractor. The purchase of expensive materials is negotiated separately, for which the contractor transfers the entire amount or the main part.

The workers perform the bulk of the work, receive 80% of the payment and disappear after a third party appears in the reception.

In the next article I will tell you directly about the repair itself: how to prepare estimates, purchase materials, control deadlines and accept work.


  1. The team is selected based on their portfolio or reviews on the craftsmen’s website. If it is possible to see the object in action, they evaluate it live.
  2. If you don’t have the time or desire to control the repair yourself, hire a technical supervision specialist. He helps select a contractor, conducts interviews, takes charge of communicating with builders, controls the stages and visits the site two to three times a week. An engineer is hired one-time or for full cycle repair.
  3. To conclude an agreement with a foreigner, documents are checked. The migrant must have a residence permit, temporary residence permit or work patent. If the contractor has a work permit or patent, the region is checked: the contractor has the right to work in the region where the patent or work permit was issued.
  4. To reduce the cost of work, they choose contractors with low qualifications, ask for a discount on the work, remove dismantling from the estimate, or take on part of the work themselves.
  5. Payment for work is divided into stages so that most of accounted for the completion of the work.

It all started in August 2004, when I decided to move into an apartment that my parents had been renting out for as long as I can remember. This is an ordinary one-room apartment, which is in a single-entrance brick tower. I decided to do it first redecorating ik in the room, I’ll move, and then gradually update the whole apartment, because I’m in no hurry. This is what I thought when I had not yet seen the apartment itself, but I visually imagined the layout from my childhood memories, when I was in this apartment for the last time, 15-20 years ago.

And then came the solemn moment of my meeting with the apartment into which I was going to move. God, what happened to me when I saw all this, but I felt even worse when I realized all this and estimated my expenses. I am describing the first thing I saw (for the sake of history, I captured everything in the photo).

In the hallway, the linoleum looked like the sea during a storm. The wallpaper on the wall between the room and the kitchen was scribbled on by a child and torn by a cat. Under the top layer of wallpaper, a certain number of layers were visible. The wallpaper in the room was on the sand, I can’t say otherwise. It’s just that when they plastered the walls, they forgot to add cement to the solution. Later I found out that there had been no major renovations in the apartment for 30 years. In the bathroom, the plaster on the wall above the bathtub was rotten and there was a hole in the wall. The right wall of the bathtub was painted in green color and terrible pipes were attached to it. The toilet was pleasing with its yellowish and brownish tint. The plaster on the kitchen ceiling was hanging in flakes. The linoleum in the kitchen was made from small squares that were peeled off on the sides and rolled up.

I figured it out......I need 5,000 tanks to put everything in order. I slowly went nuts as I drove home. Thoughts swarmed in my head that this was all very complicated, that I had never seen anything like this in my life, and that I didn’t even know what it was major renovation. And apparently, it was he who was destined for me. I mentally pulled myself together and told myself that life without problems is impossible and that everything can be solved.

I didn’t think long about where to get the money. I decided to contact the loan. Fortunately, I have already paid a large amount of money in my life and I know what it is. To begin with, it was worth deciding on the loan amount and finding out how much of my salary I could pay.

I surfed the Internet and dug up a bunch of price lists various organizations, to get a little idea of ​​the price order. I guessed it roughly on paper. I wrote a rough estimate for my apartment. I decided for myself that 250 thousand rubles. I have enough for my eyes and ears and for repairs and new furniture.

I can say that all banks give a loan, but at the same time they ask you to insure your life and pay the costs of drawing up the contract. It’s not surprising, but the cheapest loan was from Sberbank. All Required documents assembled in one day, no need to pay for anything. You just need to find two guarantors. Well, the salary must be official, and not in an envelope. I can say that don’t rely on quality of service. Sber agents will not run after you. If you want service, go to another bank.

Resigned to the idea of ​​taking out a loan, I began looking for repairmen. To begin with, I wrote where repairs needed to be done and described what needed to be done, and sent it all to contacts in e-mail and ICQ. I called all my acquaintances and friends.

For a long time no one could help. But then a very good friend of mine called. Very good guy remodeled the renovation for her brother after some Uzbeks. His name was Evgeniy.

We decided to look at the apartment with him. He measured everything and discussed what I wanted to see as a result. He wrote everything down and said that in 3-4 days he would call and tell you the cost. But at the same time, he immediately said what material and how much would be needed for the entire repair. Here you need to write down all this and make it clear to the master that the amount of money is limited, and that if the cost of money on the specified materials exceeds 5-10%, then this will be deducted from the payment for his work.

Soon he called and told me the price - 3200 tanks for all the work without materials. Here it must be said that total area apartments 37 m2.

After meeting with the master and discussing all the nuances, we settled on 3,000 bucks for work without materials and without finishing windows and doors. The estimate was very approximate and was not signed by the parties. Subsequently, I really regretted it. Even if you trust your master 100%, the working conditions and estimate should be recorded on paper with the signatures of both parties. Then there will be fewer questions and problems.

It’s also worth immediately discussing what material the master buys and where, and what you buy. This is also important. I think that you should buy wallpaper, tiles, linoleum and carpet, because the master may not guess with the color and shape.

Regarding all sorts of such things, I can say that I bought all the plumbing fixtures and tiles from UMIKS Group - low prices are guaranteed and you can buy everything at once. As for linoleum and carpet, you can buy leftovers or small defects at OBI at a big discount (about 20%).

It is better to buy wallpaper and all other materials at construction markets, which are located on the Moscow Ring Road or beyond it.

My friend, who does this for a living, changed the wiring for me. Everything is very high quality and conscientious. He had to pay him for the work, but much less if it was a person from the street. By the way, write, I recommend it.

Discuss with the master the schedule of his work. For example, it works from 9 to 19, all days of the week except Sunday. It is also worth clearly discussing the deadlines and establishing penalties for late payments. I called the apartment every day or every other day, and came there once a week to see that the work was moving. And for late payments, you can set a penalty interest of 0.1 to 0.5% of the amount you pay for the work.

It is worth discussing how you will pay the master for the work - in parts or all at once upon completion of the work. It turned out that I gave half of it when half of the work was not done. And after I said about the penalty interest, my master got scared and began to get impudent. He promised to finish the repairs by New Year 2005. Please note that renovations began at the end of November. On January 10, 2005, not even half of the work was done.

The most important thing here is not to lose composure. It turned out more than great for me. I really restrained myself so as not to yell at this three-story bastard and kick him out of the apartment with a kick in the ass. My conversation with him turned out to be long, but meaningful, calm and very tough. No things, documents, etc. they don't roll. Nowadays, only money rolls in and that’s all. Unfortunately, this is the latest and most powerful argument.

Well, this is all lyrics - but my repairs, with great pain, have finally come to an end. There were some minor imperfections, but they can all be fixed. Of course, I could force my master to finish all this, but I just really couldn’t wait to part with him. And if you compare it with what was before and after the renovation, then this is heaven and earth.

I wish you success in all your endeavors.

The question brought back memories of a long-gone youth :) About those distant times when, after losing my parents, I moved into my own apartment and lived here absolutely alone. It is clear that the scholarship and orphan's allowance would not be enough to hire workers to carry out repairs. But I really wanted to improve my home. Therefore, I did the repairs myself as best I could and used such Construction Materials, for which there was enough money. All I could do on my own was redecorating my apartment. I peeled off the old wallpaper and hung new ones, which turned out to be quite easy. The ceiling was whitewashed. Wooden windows, painted the floors and doors oil paint. Batteries, heating, plumbing and gas pipes I also painted it (in those days all the pipes were steel). Updated the curtains and tulle on the windows. In general, this is where all my repairs ended.

When did I marry a man involved in renovations and interior design in professional level, I was very surprised that, in his opinion, my repair was not a repair at all, but just a cosmetic misunderstanding and blurred eyes. And then the global repair began - beating old plaster(although this had to be done, since Sovdepov’s plaster always left much to be desired), puttying walls, painting, erecting partitions and niches from plasterboard, replacing flooring, radiators, water pipes, expansion of the bathroom, etc. This was a real major overhaul, after which you could not look anywhere for ten years, since nothing leaked, fell off or came off, and if it got dirty, everything was easily washed off.

Why am I telling this? Besides, I couldn’t do such a repair with my own woman’s hands. Moreover, I can’t even finish on my own what my husband didn’t have time to finish. For example, I have an unfinished plasterboard ceiling in my bathroom. It has such a complex shape that I don’t even know which side to approach it from. Theoretically, I know what this whole thing should look like. I even know roughly how this idea is implemented, but I don’t risk picking up a hammer drill and trying to drill profiles to the ceiling, although I know how to use a hammer drill. But I don't use it. I prefer a drill. The only problem is that skill alone is not enough. You also need strength (preferably male). Recently I tried to screw a fallen side panel to a sofa using a drill. And I discovered that I didn’t have the strength to press the surfaces tightly against each other. Even my teenage son had more strength. He easily screwed on this unfortunate sidewall and said that it was not right for a woman to do such things. This is a purely male prerogative.

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