Dwarf birch. Ornamental trees and shrubs for the garden Ornamental deciduous shrubs for medium-sized hedges

In design modern garden ordinary fruit trees are no longer popular. After all, today they pay special attention to the landscape design of the territory. Increasingly, ornamental plants are being used in the design of home gardens. Their diversity will amaze any amateur gardener. Decorative trees and shrubs of various varieties will fit perfectly into existing gardens.

Selection of ornamental trees

Before you begin choosing plants, you need to decide on the future style of the planned planting of ornamental plantings. Today, experts identify only two concepts for the design of personal plots:

  • landscape garden;
  • regular garden.

Regardless of the garden design concept you choose, you need to pay special attention to the choice of plants. Ornamental tree seedlings should be purchased only from trusted places. In this case, you will be confident in the quality of all purchased plants.

Features of a regular garden

This concept of designing a personal garden area is characterized by planting plants in accordance with clear geometric lines. Remember that these plants need to be cared for regularly. All ornamental trees for the garden should be carefully trimmed in accordance with the specified geometric shape. Such a garden must have a hedge. It can be either high or small sizes. For low green fences, golden currant, berry yew, evergreen boxwood, common spruce, and small-leaved linden are used. For high hedges, blackthorn, barberry, small-leaved elm, Virginia juniper, and western thuja are used.

Features of a landscape garden

This concept for designing a backyard area represents an untouched corner of nature. In such a garden, shrubs and trees grow in random order, without regard to shape or order.

The choice of plants for this type of garden is quite diverse. The only criterion in choosing plants should be the tree’s susceptibility to the climatic conditions of a particular area. Everything else depends on the design idea.

The landscape garden is characterized by the presence of both conifers and deciduous plants. The most common are snowberry, maple, birch, spirea, cotoneaster, lilac, and bladderwort. Most of them bloom beautifully and brightly, and some can even bear fruit.

Modern gardeners are tired of traditional shrubs and trees, so they want to bring in a riot of greenery original plants throughout the entire territory of the personal plot. And this works out wonderfully, because many ornamental trees for the garden take root well in the climatic conditions of our country. These plants delight the eyes of owners and their guests with their beauty and originality. Let's look at the most common types of trees that are most often used in landscape design.

Decorative flowering trees

Niedzvetsky apple tree

From time immemorial, the garden has been valued above all else. fruit trees. This ornamental tree is valued not only for its excellent fruit-bearing qualities, but also for its beautiful appearance. The Niedzwiecki apple tree is a short tree with unusual purple leaves. The length of the tree does not exceed 8 m. The most valuable moment is the moment of its flowering, during which the entire crown is covered with bright pink and lilac flowers. This apple tree is universal in planting alley, single and group compositions, and is resistant to pests and diseases. It is characterized by high aesthetic value, fertility, unpretentiousness and frost resistance.

horse chestnut

Particularly popular is the Baumannii chestnut, which is often called horse chestnut. This ornamental plant characterized by lush red or white double inflorescences. Many gardeners choose it due to the intensity of its growth, decorative inflorescences, ease of care and resistance to many diseases and insects.


Modern gardens cannot be imagined without cherry blossoms. The whole world knows about the flowering of this plant. Fine-serrated and short-bristle cherry also belongs to the variety of this ornamental tree. The unusual color of sakura makes the plant unusually beautiful.

Unfortunately, sakura is quite susceptible to environment, so it requires special care.

This ornamental tree must be planted in moderately warm climates.

All vaccination sites must be tied with a reed layer. The same must be done with crowns. This will protect the tree from frost.

It is necessary to regularly prevent stone fruit diseases, which negatively affect the condition of the tree.

There are a large number of plants that modern gardeners use. Here are the most popular names of ornamental trees: willow matsudana, catalpa bignoniiformes, golden currant, cinquefoil bush, etc.

Exotic shrubs for the garden


Magnolia is a tree-like shrub. This plant attracts many gardeners with its extraordinary beauty of flowering. It's happening in early spring, even before the leaves bloom. The petals of the inflorescences are quite dense; they can be of various shades: from purple to bright yellow. Thanks to these features, magnolia can be planted in various compositions.

Magnolia has a pleasant rich aroma and is unpretentious.


This is an unusual plant that has the shape of a shrub or small tree. Its height does not exceed 3 m. This plant has earned particular popularity among gardeners due to its funnel-shaped flowers, which contain graceful proboscis. Its petals have different color shades.

Hibiscus is unpretentious to climatic conditions, flowering is long and abundant.

Euonymus winged

This is a shrub with a dense rounded crown. The height of the plant reaches 1 meter. This plant grows intensively, and in May yellow-green umbrella-shaped inflorescences bloom. With the onset of autumn, its foliage turns a rich red hue.

The plant is winter hardy and can withstand high temperatures. It can be planted in any soil and can be created in various forms.


Another unusual shrub is hydrangea. Its height reaches 3 meters. The flowers of this plant are large and bright. Hydrangea is used by designers and gardeners in the design of their backyards. This shrub becomes especially beautiful in the summer months. Its crown has large and wide leaves.


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Wintergreen (lat. Pyrola)- a genus of herbaceous plants of the Ericaceae family. The genus includes 40 species. Folk names- Umbrella wintergreen, blackleaf, live grass, may grass, wild incense, light grass or pear grass. The genus is circumpolar boreal. Representatives of the genus are found naturally in the temperate and arctic zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Only four species grow in Russia. Typical places are coniferous and deciduous forests.

Characteristics of culture

Wintergreen – perennial with a branched and long rhizome, from the nodes of which above-ground stems and adventitious roots are formed. The stem of the plant is thinly ribbed, up to 30-40 cm high. The leaves are leathery, hard, glossy, round, oval or ovoid, crenate or entire, sit on petioles, collected in a rosette.

The flowers are drooping or rejected, collected in sparse, straight racemes. The corolla is white, fragrant, five-petaled, spherical or goblet-shaped. The petals are thickened, concave, obtuse, rounded-ovate. The pedicels are long, formed from the axils of the bracts. The fruit of wintergreen is a drooping capsule.

The crop blooms in June-July, the fruits ripen in August-September, which is to a greater extent depends on climatic conditions growing. Almost all representatives of the genus Wintergreen are characterized by symbiosis with mushrooms, and this primarily concerns early stages development of the culture, because seeds during germination feed on mycorrhoids.

Growing conditions

Wintergreens prefer shady areas with moist, loose, sandy and slightly acidic soil. The presence of fungal hyphae in the soil is necessary, since plants are in symbiosis with fungi. Such soil can be brought to the site from places where wintergreen grows naturally. You can use fallen leaves or peat to acidify the soil. Layer listed natural materials laid as mulch in the stem zone.


Wintergreen is propagated by seeds and division. The second method is not always appropriate and feasible, since the culture has a negative attitude towards dividing the root system. However, under favorable growing conditions, the divisions quickly take root.


Maintenance is standard: watering, loosening, weeding and fertilizing. Although the last procedure is optional. Mulching immediately after watering will keep the soil moist for a longer time and free of weeds.


Wintergreen is ideal for creating shady flower beds. Among the representatives, the most decorative species is considered - wintergreen round-leaved, during flowering it pleases the eye with lush inflorescences consisting of carved white flowers. The plant is widely used in folk medicine. Decoctions and infusions from aboveground parts wintergreen is used in the treatment of headaches, bladder inflammation, kidney disease, as well as rheumatism and dropsy.

Wintergreen is used as an antipyretic and antibacterial agent. Rinsing the mouth with infusions of wintergreen leaves helps get rid of unpleasant odor from the mouth of other diseases (stomatitis, periodontal disease, etc.). Infusions are useful for shortness of breath and severe fatigue. The value of the herb in question is obvious, because it contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and flavonoids.

The genus Wintergreen is classified as a member of the heather family, and, according to the latest data, unites about 180 species of plants. Although British scientists claim that this number is much higher - 234. The plant received its name in 1748 in honor of the Canadian doctor Jean-Francois Gautier, although with a slightly incorrect spelling.

The genus includes evergreen shrubs that grow in South and North America, Malaysia, East Asia, Australia, New Zealand. There are many interesting and wonderful species in China. These include both small ground cover species reaching a height of 10 cm, and shrubs up to 2.5 meters in height. There are also low trees 6 m tall.

Absolutely all plants of the genus have elliptical or ovoid alternate leathery leaves. Flowering occurs through goblet-shaped, pendulous white or pink flowers, which are collected in apical inflorescences or arranged singly. The flowers form spherical fruits, white, bluish or pinkish in color.

In our country there is 1 species of this plant - Hulteria Michela, which grows on Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. Represents an erect evergreen shrub with white berries. This species is very rarely found in nature and in botanical gardens.

The most common and accessible is Wintergreen, which comes as a potted plant in winter. It is very beautiful with its scarlet berries and aromatic foliage. This is the only species from the entire family that has edible berries. This plant is native to North America, which is long and interesting story decorative, medicinal plant, and also as a tea substitute.

Wintergreen: general information

Wintergreen, or otherwise American wintergreen, grows with creeping gray-brown shoots, rising 10-15 cm above the ground. The shrub has slightly pointed, elliptical leaves 1.5-4 cm long. They also have shiny, dark green surface, as well as a crenate edge. At low temperature the leaves take on a very attractive purple hue. Wintergreen flowers are white with a pink tint, bell-shaped, drooping, single with 5 petals in the corolla. Such flowers are very readily pollinated by insects, since this plant is a honey-bearing plant.

It blooms from July to September, resulting in the appearance of small scarlet berries 0.5-1.5 cm in diameter. Literally all parts of the plant are aromatic.

Applications of gaultheria procumbens

People living in America often call it the Eastern teaberry. This name did not appear by chance, since wintergreen has long been used to make medicinal and very tasty teas, which were used to treat a variety of diseases: the head and throat. These leaves were also chewed for good rest after hard work.

At the beginning of the 19th century, chemists discovered amazing properties in the plant that were similar to those of white willow, providing a reduction in swelling of muscles, joints and an anti-inflammatory effect. During the American Revolution, the leaves of the plant were consumed as a surrogate tea. To prepare it, the leaf was fermented in warm water and then dried. There is even an assumption that the word “tea” (tea) was applied to it before real tea was widespread.

Wintergreen oil - melyl salicylate - is a mixture of alcohol and organic acids, the specific odor of which is very strongly felt when the leaves are rubbed. Smallest quantity essential oil Contained in young wintergreen leaves, they are very pleasant to chew. It is often used to flavor toothpaste. The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation; the leaves are collected from spring to autumn, after which they are pre-soaked in water for 12-24 hours. The oil contains about 98% methyl salicylate and is used medicinally as an external remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains, cellulite, and skin inflammation. In the food industry it is used as a means for flavoring beer, livers, medicines, and sweets. But now they are increasingly using synthetic analogues.

There is an opinion that it was this plant that gave rise to the idea of ​​​​creating chewing gum.

But information about the berries is very contradictory. Somewhere it is reported that they are dangerous for people, some sources say that this is not so. In nature, they are consumed as food by squirrels, foxes, bears, mice, and chipmunks. American sources report that the berries are edible, but the taste is described differently each time. Some consider it minty, others indicate a medicinal aftertaste.

Maintenance and care of wintergreen at home

If wintergreen was purchased by you as New Year's decoration, then it is better to put it in a cool room and regularly water it with cool water to prevent the soil from drying out. In such conditions, the plant can last about a month. At the same time, the plant is absolutely unpretentious to light and can even be located in the back of the room.

If you want to preserve wintergreen for a longer period, then from the first days you need to provide cool conditions (up to +12 degrees Celsius), which should persist until spring. This temperature dictates infrequent watering, without stagnant water. For the summer, the plant can be placed in the garden, and for the winter it can be returned to such conditions. It is best to grow wintergreen as a container plant, as many problems can arise when planted in the ground.

How to grow wintergreen in open ground

Wintergreen is classified as zone 4 in terms of winter hardiness; it can be grown in the Moscow region. The plant can withstand frosts reaching -35 degrees, but reacts very sharply to spring frosts.

Wintergreen can be planted only in spring. In this case, the plant should not be fruit-bearing, purchased during the peak sale in winter, but be green and discreet, purchased from a nursery.

However, to grow wintergreen in the ground, many conditions must be met. So she prefers cool, damp peat soils. The plant does not tolerate dense shade or prolonged drought. But if the soil is moist enough, then it is better to choose more illuminated places for planting, located in the lacy shade of evergreens or deciduous shrubs in a protected place. These are the conditions that guarantee the plant’s fruiting.

Wintergreen grows slowly (in Moscow - a centimeter per year), but gets along well with its competitors. Flowering in Russia for the plant begins in mid-June and lasts 20 days. After a break, the second flowering occurs in late August-September. Wintergreen berries ripen in November and can remain on the plant until summer.

Cultures of the heather family (video)

Wintergreen propagation

If everything worked out for you, and the New Year’s plant survived until the spring, then planting it in open ground can lead to its death, since the plant was originally an indoor plant. A more reasonable option would be to remove seeds from berries in advance and sow them in Plastic container with slightly acidic soil or compost. After this procedure, the container is placed in the refrigerator for 4-10 weeks for stratification. And then the seeds need to be germinated in a greenhouse at a temperature of +20 degrees. Often, seeds germinate very slowly, about 1-2 months. The soil should remain moist, but not waterlogged. Good lighting and ventilation must also be provided. Once a week, the site advises watering the plant with a solution of Fitosporin or a mixture of Alirin and Gamairov to prevent the appearance of blackleg. When the seedlings reach a height of 2.5-3 cm, they can be plucked, grown a little in the greenhouse and left there for overwintering. After planting, the plants will grow very slowly for the first two to three years; you will also need to take good care of their protection in winter in the form of maple or oak leaves and spruce branches.

Well-grown and developed plants can then be propagated by layering, root suckers, and division. To propagate wintergreen, you can try to use cuttings, but less than half of them survive. Therefore, experienced gardeners advise using rooting stimulants.

If the aesthetic design of your garden is very important to you, then various ornamental shrubs will do the job perfectly. Any garden will benefit from decorating with evergreen or deciduous shrubs.

With their unique coloring or flowering, ornamental shrubs can help you create a hedge, divide the garden area into different zones, decorate the entrance to your garden or decorate various elements.

Ornamental shrubs perform not only a decorative function, they also protect garden alleys from wind and dust, will not help you in decorating your garden, but will also distract you with their charming appearance from the usual bustle and create a good mood.

Some varieties of ornamental shrubs have a long flowering period, while others have unusual leaf shapes or bright colors. It is not difficult to care for them - they are not susceptible to disease, and they are very rarely affected by pests.

Now let's talk about those shrubs that are widespread in middle lane Russia.

If your garden has green lawns, luxurious hydrangea bushes will be a great addition to them. Always popular among gardeners rose bush- park roses are especially beautiful, they are frost-resistant, undemanding, but they only bloom once during the entire season.

Some gardeners like to decorate their personal plots shrubs that, during flowering, can fill the garden with a pleasant aroma - mock orange, forsythia, and thistle.

Lush inflorescences of lilac and viburnum look very decorative. In our gardens you can increasingly see bushes of rhododendrons or tree peonies.

Summer is the time for flowering of cinquefoil and spirea, colquitia and buddleia. Closer to autumn, heather flowers begin to bloom - medium-sized, but collected in such lush inflorescences, shimmering with mother-of-pearl, that they simply cannot but arouse admiration.

Ornamental shrubs are convenient because they decorate the garden from early spring until late autumn. A striking example is different varieties barberry: their leaves can be bright yellow and purple, bright green and purple, and even spotted.

Aralia bushes look original - this bush is prickly, it looks like a tropical palm tree. Fieldfare also looks delightful; its young foliage has an unusual pink hue, but gradually acquires a rich green color. In autumn they turn yellow and take on a golden hue.

If your site is spoiled by a dark, plain wall or a high, unattractive fence, we recommend that you decorate these structures with decorative deciduous white tree bushes. Its chic carved dark green leaves bordered with a creamy outline will not leave anyone indifferent. Young shoots of derain have a reddish tint, which makes it appearance much more colorful.

The chokeberry elderberry can become a real decoration of your garden - in the spring its bush is covered with fragrant inflorescences, in the fall - with black berries and leaves of a yellow-golden hue. The only disadvantage of decorative deciduous shrubs is their high demands on temperature conditions- bred through selection, these forms are less frost-resistant than their originals.

To decorate your garden in rural style Viburnum is perfect. In the spring, viburnum will decorate your garden with flowering flowers, and in the fall it will give you clusters of red healthy berries. Viburnum buldenezh looks very beautiful. This decorative form does not bear fruit, but is distinguished by large white spherical inflorescences that will delight you in May-June.

Another representative of ornamental shrubs is barberry. Among large quantity its species, the most common are Thunberg barberry and common barberry. This decorative form of shrub is interesting primarily for its foliage color. Barberry is widely used in the landscape in the design of lawns and for creating hedges. Barberry tolerates shearing well and easily takes on the desired shape.

Rose hips are also widespread in gardens. Due to its variety of color shades from snow-white to almost red, it copes well with the role of garden decoration. And its orange-red fruits have not only decorative value, but also medicinal value. When using rose hips in the garden, you need to watch out for shoots, which form very quickly.

Common hazel is also suitable for garden decoration. Especially its varieties with brown foliage look great when creating a hedge. And in addition to beautiful foliage, the hazel tree will delight you with tasty and healthy nuts.

Almost every garden has one or another type of fruit bushes: gooseberries, currants, raspberries. Currants look beautiful when the berries ripen, especially if varieties with different fruit colors - red, white, pink, black - are planted nearby.

Golden currants are perfect for decorating a garden of berry bushes. This currant got its name because of its flower color. This shrub has an advantage over ordinary blackcurrant because it is less often affected by pests.

Varietal raspberries or gooseberries make beautiful hedges, which also delight their owners with delicious berries. Unfortunately, much less often, quince, chokeberry, serviceberry, and hawthorn are planted in gardens - after all, these shrubs look beautiful both during flowering and in the fall, when their leaves play in all shades of gold and purple. Care for fruit bushes need to be more careful than ornamental shrubs, but the reward will be delicious fruits.

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