Gardener's lunar calendar for January.

As of date 10.01.2017 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Moon". This 12 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Gemini ♊. Illumination percentage Moon is 94%. Sunrise Moon at 14:43, and sunset at 06:13.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 12th lunar day from 13:57 01/09/2017 to 14:43 01/10/2017
  • 13th lunar day from 14:43 01/10/2017 until the next day

The influence of the Moon on planting and caring for plants according to the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener January 10, 2017

Moon in the zodiac sign Gemini (±)

Moon in a sign Twins. a less fertile sign, but more fertile than Aquarius, Leo and Aries. Plants sown and planted under this sign do not have a pronounced taste or smell, and will have an unstable stem that requires support.

Sowing and planting these days contributes to the formation of a powerful root system. However, it is better not to sow or plant - the harvest will be unimportant.

Favorable in Gemini:

  • sowing and planting melons, climbing plants, as well as those plants that have mustaches, such as: melons, strawberries, beans and peas;
  • planting and sowing of hanging and ornamental plants with hanging, creeping or creeping stems;
  • loosening without watering, hilling, thinning seedlings, weeding;
  • spraying against pests and diseases;
  • trimming strawberry tendrils, removing shoots, shaping, sanitary cleaning, pinching, pinching and grafting;
  • cleaning on long-term storage fruits and root crops, including potatoes;
  • harvesting grain crops, preparing flowers, collecting medicinal herbs, collection of fruits on testes and seeds medicinal plants, digging up bulbs and tubers;
  • cutting flowers, they are better stored during transportation and do not wither for a long time in a bouquet;
  • haymaking;
  • mowing lawns so that the grass grows back slowly;
  • firewood preparation;
  • digging up bulbs and tubers;
  • procurement of grown products for future use: canning, pickling, pickling cabbage, drying, preparing juices and wine;
  • bakery.

Sowing, planting, replanting and rooting of crop cuttings are possible in Gemini:

  • shrubs and climbing plants: vines, passionflower, ivy, etc.;
  • vegetable: legumes, cabbage (broccoli, kohlrabi, Peking, Savoy, cauliflower), hot pepper, radish;
  • spicy greens: valerian, mint, parsley, fennel, spinach;
  • fruits and berries: melons, grapes, strawberries, lemongrass;
  • flowers: sweet pea, lily of the valley, passionflower, rose;
  • indoor plants: asparagus (dense-flowered, Meyer's, pinnate, asparagus), zebrina, graceful callisia, pinnate palms (Canary date, Weddel's coconut), setcreasia purpurea, tradescantia, chlorophytum crested, cyanotis cus.

Not favorable in Gemini:

12 lunar day (±)

January 10, 2017 at 12:00 - 12 lunar day. you should choose a calm and leisurely job. You should not start new things or take active actions. This day is favorable for gardening.

  • harvesting fruits that are not intended for winter harvesting;
  • make winter preparations, such as fermentation and pickling, as well as crops whose tops are edible;
  • planting, sowing, replanting greens, fruits, melons, leaf vegetables, berry bushes, strawberries, fruit trees;
  • tillage, pruning, cuttings, rooting strawberry and other tendrils, pinching, thinning, collecting seeds, pruning, pinching, picking.
  • pruning of fruit trees, because plants may bleed and die.

Waxing Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waxing Moon. circulation vitality and plant juices, the activity of the biofield is directed from the roots upward, from the center to the periphery. This is the period of most intensive development aboveground parts plants.

A seed planted at this time receives a program for more active upward growth and intensive development of above-ground biomass. By pruning plants during this period, we awaken dormant buds and new shoots quickly grow from them. It is important to know the measure when pruning, otherwise the plant may bleed juice and die.

On the waxing Moon it is favorable:

  • sowing, planting and replanting green, leafy, fruit and melon crops;
  • planting and replanting fruit trees, berry bushes and strawberries;
  • tillage, watering and mineral fertilizing, rooting cuttings;
  • graft.

It is not favorable on the waxing Moon:

  • Budding. At this time, the roots react little to damage, but the survival rate and vitality of the root system are reduced, so plants planted and replanted during this period must be constantly monitored.

Influence of the day of the week (+)

Day of the week - Tuesday, this day is under the protection of Mars, so it is full of energy. Good luck awaits strong, strong-willed people in whom energy is in full swing.

If you develop vigorous activity on this day, success awaits you. However, on Tuesday it can be difficult to concentrate and choose the right path to solve problems. But if you have thought about everything in advance, then go ahead, without a shadow of a doubt!

This is the right day for heavy work in the garden and garden. The energy you expended will be easily and quickly restored, and the plants will thank you.

With the arrival of winter comes the seasonal holidays - work at the dacha can safely be considered completed and not worry until spring. This is what beginners think, but experienced gardeners are sure of the opposite: winter is a special period, a time of preparation for the next season.

This month is severely cold and the most joyful holidays are celebrated. Many folk signs are associated with them:

  • if in the sky New Year's Eve there are many stars, there will be many berries in summer;
  • the first day of the month is warm, which means the summer will be warm;
  • warm January - good rye;
  • at the beginning of the month the tits began to chirp - expect cold weather;
  • if the echo carries far in January, the frosts will be severe.

What to do in early January

The first thing I would do seasoned summer resident in January, is preparation garden tools for next year: clean, sharpen, what needs to be repaired. The same applies to garden furniture, inventory in general: it’s time to prepare supports and check the greenhouses.

The next thing to do is to draw up a project for the future flower bed: what flowers to plant, how, where it is appropriate to place the flower bed, what seeds to buy. You should also consider how areas not occupied by trees and shrubs will be used. It is also better to purchase seeds in advance.

What to do in mid-January

In the middle of the month, trees can be whitewashed to protect them from temperature changes. It is also advisable to visit the site at least once a week. There are several reasons for this:

  • It is necessary to control the amount of precipitation. If there is not enough snow, then it is necessary to carry out “snow retention” measures or use mulch: peat, manure or just sawdust. If snow is blown out, it is necessary to determine the blowing areas and cover them with branches of trees and shrubs, for example. But in some places there may be too much precipitation: branches of fruit trees and bushes may break under such weight, so they will have to be shaken periodically.
  • It is recommended to feed the birds. To do this, you need to arrange feeders for them in advance.
  • It is necessary to carry out an audit in cellars and basements: sort the crop, remove rot and mold, monitor the temperature so that dampness does not appear and the fruits do not overheat.

What work should be done at the end of January

At the end of the month it will be necessary to check which crops were damaged by frost and which were not. To prevent the appearance of pests, it is necessary to apply special paint, tar on tree trunks or artificially form an ice crust: compact snow around the trunk and pour water in several passes. Also at this time, it would be good to look for nests of pests on branches, leaves, and tree bark, remove them, carefully cut them off and destroy them.

Sowing vegetables for seedlings (video)

Sowing calendar for January 2017

In January, at the dacha, you can carry out work on sowing crops in a winter greenhouse. Among other things, in this month it is worth paying attention to house plants and preparing the garden for the spring season.


Moon in zodiac sign.

Moon phase.


The Moon is in Aquarius.

1st phase (growing Moon).

From 10:25 – 4th lunar day.


The Moon is in Aquarius.

1st phase (growing Moon).

From 10:53 – 5th lunar day.

An unfavorable day for sowing, planting, watering and fertilizing all crops.


The Moon is in Pisces.

1st phase (growing Moon).

From 11:18 – 6th lunar day.

The Moon is in Pisces.

1st phase (growing Moon).

From 11:40 – 7th lunar day.

Unfavorable day for treating pests and diseases, pruning.

Possible: sowing pumpkin crops for home grown, preparation of cuttings for grafting.


The Moon is in Aries.

2nd phase (growing Moon).

From 12:02 – 8th lunar day.

An unfavorable day for pruning, picking, replanting, watering, and fertilizing all crops.

Possible: sowing fast-growing plants - green crops, onions, Chinese cabbage for home cultivation, winter grafting of fruit trees.


The Moon is in Aries.

2nd phase (growing Moon).

From 12:25 – 9th lunar day.

An unfavorable day for pruning, picking, replanting, watering, and fertilizing all crops. Recommended: sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings. Possible: sowing fast-growing plants - green crops, onions, Chinese cabbage for home cultivation, winter grafting of fruit trees.


The Moon is in Taurus.

2nd phase (growing Moon).

From 12:51 – 10th lunar day.


The Moon is in Taurus.

2nd phase (growing Moon).

From 13:20 – 11th lunar day.

An unfavorable day for replanting plants and loosening the root zone.

Possible: sowing radishes, parsley, celery in a heated greenhouse.


The Moon is in Gemini.

2nd phase (growing Moon).

From 13:57 – 12th lunar day.

Unfavorable day for sowing herbaceous plants.

Possible: sowing seedlings of annual flowers: petunias, pansies etc.


The Moon is in Gemini.

2nd phase (growing Moon).

From 14:43 – 13th lunar day.

An unfavorable day for sowing herbaceous plants and pruning fruit trees.

Possible: inspection of root crops left for winter storage.

The Moon is in Cancer.

2nd phase (growing Moon).

From 15:39 – 14th lunar day.

Unfavorable day for use chemicals plant protection.

Possibly: pruning indoor plants.


The Moon is in Cancer.

Full moon.

From 16:46 – 15th lunar day.

An unfavorable day for sowing, planting, watering and fertilizing all crops.


The Moon is in Leo.

3rd phase (waning moon).

From 18:00 – 16th lunar day.

An unfavorable day for watering, fertilizing all crops, and using chemical plant protection products.

Possible: loosening, weeding, treating plants from pests and diseases at home.


The Moon is in Leo.

3rd phase (waning moon).

From 19:16 – 17th lunar day.

Unfavorable day for watering and fertilizing all crops.

Possible: removal of non-fruit-bearing trees and shrubs.


The Moon is in Virgo.

3rd phase (waning moon).

From 20:32 – 18th lunar day.


The Moon is in Virgo.

3rd phase (waning moon).

From 21:45 – 19th lunar day.

Unfavorable day for soaking seeds

Possible: purchasing missing fertilizers, seeds, lime.


The Moon is in Virgo.

3rd phase (waning moon).

From 22:57 – 20th lunar day.

Unfavorable day for soaking seeds.

Possible: purchasing missing fertilizers, seeds, lime.

The Moon is in Libra.

3rd phase (waning moon).

Continuation of the 20th lunar day.


The Moon is in Libra.

3rd phase (waning moon).

From 00:06 – 21st lunar day.

Unfavorable day for vaccinations and spraying.

Possibly: sowing nightshade crops for seedlings.


The Moon is in Scorpio.

3rd phase (waning moon).

From 01:14 – 22nd lunar day.


The Moon is in Scorpio.

4th phase (waning moon).

From 02:20 – 23rd lunar day.

Unfavorable day for pruning plants.

Possible: sowing leeks, spinach, celery for seedlings.


The Moon is in Sagittarius.

4th phase (waning moon).

From 03:25 – 24th lunar day.


The Moon is in Sagittarius.

4th phase (waning moon).

From 04:27 – 25th lunar day.

Unfavorable day for watering, pinching, pruning plants.

Possibly: sowing chives.


The Moon is in Sagittarius.

4th phase (waning moon).

From 05:27 – 26th lunar day.

Unfavorable day for watering and pruning plants.

Possibly: sowing chives.

The Moon is in Capricorn.

4th phase (waning moon).

From 06:21 – 27th lunar day.

Unfavorable day for picking and pinching plants.


The Moon is in Capricorn.

4th phase (waning moon).

From 07:10 – 28th lunar day.

Unfavorable day for heavy watering.

Possible: preparing soil for seedlings.


The Moon is in Aquarius.

4th phase (waning moon).

From 07:52 – 29th lunar day.

An unfavorable day for sowing, planting, watering and fertilizing all crops.


The Moon is in Aquarius.

New moon.

From 03:08 – 1st, from 08:27 – 2nd lunar day.

An unfavorable day for sowing, planting, watering and fertilizing all crops.


The Moon is in Aquarius.

1st phase (growing Moon).

From 08:57 – 3rd lunar day.

An unfavorable day for sowing, planting, watering and fertilizing all crops.


The Moon is in Pisces.

1st phase (growing Moon).

From 09:23 – 4th lunar day.

Possibly: sowing Chinese cabbage for seedlings.


The Moon is in Pisces.

1st phase (growing Moon).

From 09:47 – 5th lunar day.

An unfavorable day for treating pests and diseases, pruning all crops.

Possibly: preparing cuttings for grafting.

In January, especially if there is a winter greenhouse at the dacha, the gardener will have something to do. You can care for already planted crops and grow seedlings. Don’t forget about caring for your house plants; they will also require attention.

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January opens the gardening season. We plan new plantings, order seedlings, select tools, study books and magazines, and communicate more actively with like-minded people. It is important not to forget about current affairs: water and wash indoor plants, put on bulbs and rhizomes for forcing, check the harvest in storage and stored planting material, put the seeds for stratification for sowing in April. In the garden, it is important to inspect shelters, carry out snow retention, and protect conifers from sunburn and keep rodents out of the area.

Work in January with indoor plants according to the Lunar calendar 2017

The difficult living conditions of indoor plants during this cold period dictate their requirements for winter maintenance. Due to the insufficient amount of light, many light-loving crops require additional lighting with special phytolamps. Their range is optimal for the harmonious development of indoor plants. Supplemental lighting of plants does not depend on the lunar cycle and therefore can be carried out daily, without restrictions.

January - no best month for planting and replanting indoor plants, such activities are carried out only in cases of emergency. But there are jobs that we are forced to do, if not every day, then at least often. Yes, none blooming in winter the plant will not survive without watering and feeding, but even here there are little secrets. For example, it is undesirable to water them on the Waning Moon in the sign of Libra, when there is a high probability of rotting of the root system, this is especially dangerous in winter.

In January, only minimal sanitary pruning of plants is carried out. To make it painless, focus on the dates of the 2017 Lunar calendar.

Favorable days for working with indoor plants:

  • watering: any day except 9-10, 18-20, 29-31;
  • application of liquid fertilizers: 2-3, 13-14, 17-26;
  • application of dry fertilizers: 20-24
  • treatment against diseases and pests: 11-12, 15-16, 22-26;
  • replanting, transshipment and replacement of the topsoil of dracaenas, ficuses, yuccas and other large trees: 2-8, 25-26;
  • sanitary pruning: 20-24; January 12 and 28 - cannot be cut.

Care orchard in January according to the gardener's lunar calendar 2017

In the garden, they continue the work begun in December: they dig up and trample the snow around the plants, check the crops in storage, plant large trees, remove snow from fruit trees so that branches do not break during the thaw, inspect the trunks and protect them from rodents. Fill bird feeders. Pay attention coniferous plants: check the condition of the crown, remove the snow and tie the crowns with twine.

Favorable days in 2017 for gardening according to Lunar sowing calendar gardener and gardener:

  • planting large trees - 2-8, 25, 26;
  • sanitary pruning ornamental trees and shrubs: removing branches broken off by snow - 20-24;
  • January 12 and 28- you can’t cut it.

Preparation of planting material for the 2017 season according to the Lunar sowing calendar

In January, you need to prepare for the new planting and sowing season. To do this, plan future plantings taking into account crop rotation, select and purchase new seeds and bulbs, prepare seedling pots and soil. The most favorable day of the month for buying seeds is the 2nd lunar day; it is the best time to start implementing your plans.

In 2017, this day will be January 28th. Which means favorable days to purchase seeds: January 28 and 29

Carefully inspect the planting material stored for storage. If the tubers and rhizomes are dry, elastic, without visible stains or damage, then they are stored in optimal conditions. If they have dried out and withered, place them in damp sawdust or sand. If mold appears, on the contrary, dry the tubers and sprinkle with ash or fungicide. When rot appears on the corms, cut out the diseased areas and treat the tissue.

ATTENTION! This is an archived page, current now:

Gardener's lunar calendar 2017 - Garden in winter.

January 2017

Calendar table: winter work in the garden

The lunar calendar table given on this page is a thematic selection from the universal one.

The month of January is winter, sir.

It's time to plan spring work, purchasing seedlings, cuttings of interesting crops, fertilizers, products that stimulate the growth and development of plants, as well as drugs for pests and diseases.

Snow continues to be poured in the garden near fruit trees and shrubs. Snow is periodically shaken off the trees to prevent branches from breaking. Trample down snow around trees, shrubs, and flower beds to protect against rodents.

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

January 01, 2017

Work in the garden in winter, activities for caring for fruit trees and shrubs

Happy New Year!
from January 01, 2017 00:00 (Sun)
to 02 January 2017 12:57 (Mon)
Let's meet New Year!

At this time, it is better to leave the plants alone.
Unfavorable time for gardening. But if snow falls, you should shake it off the branches of trees and bushes.

(You can read about the results of the “lunar experiment” comparing the growth of plants sown on favorable and unfavorable days on the page: , entry only from the lunar calendar)

from 02 January 2017 12:57 (Mon)
to 04 January 2017 19:19 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces

Winter vaccinations are possible. In case of a winter with little snow, work on snow removal.
from 04 January 2017 19:19 (Wed)
to 06 January 2017 23:18 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in Aries

In the garden, piercing the snow under stone fruit crops to prevent the root collar from getting wet. Preparation of cuttings for spring grafting. Purchase of equipment and fertilizers.

January 6 (24.12 style) - Christmas Eve
"With the appearance of the first star, the Nativity Fast ends and Christmastide begins"

from 06 January 2017 23:18 (Fri)
to 09 January 2017 01:06 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in Taurus

It is possible to prepare cuttings for winter and spring grafting.
from January 09, 2017 01:06 (Mon)
to January 11, 2017 01:48 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini

Purchase of fertilizers, equipment, seeds. Work to retain snow and protect trees from rodents.
from January 11, 2017 01:48 (Wed)
to January 11, 2017 15:40 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Covering berry bushes and raspberry shoots with snow. Trampling snow along the contour tree trunk circles trees to protect them from rodents. Controlling the snow level under stone fruit fruit crops, subject to warming of the root collar (felt cherry, plum, apricot)
from January 11, 2017 15:40 (Wed)
to January 13, 2017 18:00 (Fri)


Unfavorable time for working with plants.

January 12, 2017 14:34 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid lunar month, : until January 13, 2017 3:07 Moon in the sign of Cancer, then in the sign of Leo)

January 13 (31.12 style) - Vasiliev evening
"Vasiliev's evening is considered the most suitable time for fortune telling"

from January 13, 2017 18:00 (Fri)
to January 15, 2017 06:52 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Leo

Snow retention work, shaking off snow from branches. Covering berry bushes with snow. Trampling snow along the contour of tree trunk circles. Control of snow level under stone fruit crops. Preparation of cuttings of fruit trees for winter and spring grafting.

January 14 (01.01 Old style) - Vasiliev's Day
“The Old New Year has come. If the first day of the year is merry (happy), then the year will be like that.”

from January 15, 2017 06:52 (Sun)
to 17 January 2017 14:16 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Virgo

Purchase of fertilizers, stimulants, seeds. It is possible to prepare cuttings of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs.
from January 17, 2017 14:16 (Tue)
to January 20, 2017 01:09 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Libra

These days, if there is no snow, it is better to leave the garden alone. Purchase of seeds, plant protection products, stimulants and fertilizers, soils and gardening tools.
from January 20, 2017 01:09 (Fri)
to January 22, 2017 13:45 (Sun)

Waning Moon in the sign of Scorpio

It is not recommended to take cuttings for winter and spring grafting. In case of a thaw, it is necessary to trample the snow around garden trees- from mice. Optimal time for canning, making compotes, juices and wines.

January 21 (08.01 old style) - Emelyan - “make a snowstorm”
"If Emelyan has a wind from the south, expect a stormy summer"

from January 22, 2017 13:45 (Sun)
to January 25, 2017 01:43 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Unfavorable days for planting. Pest control for indoor plants. Preparing soil for seedlings, purchasing seeds and fertilizers. Work in the garden for snow retention, etc. Checking stored supplies. Favorable time for freezing vegetables.

January 23 (10.01 style) - Gregory of Nyssa
"On Gregory of Nyssa, frost on the stacks - to wet year"

January 24 (11.01 style) - Fedosy Vesnyak
“It’s warm in Fedosia - like early spring”

from January 25, 2017 01:43 (Wed)
to January 27, 2017 7:53 (Fri)

Waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn

It is possible to take cuttings and trim trees and shrubs.

January 25 (12.01 old style) - Tatiana’s day
"If it snows on Tatiana, the summer will be rainy"

from January 27, 2017 7:53 (Fri)
to January 29, 2017 8:58 (Sun)


It is not recommended to carry out any work with plants.
January 28, 2017 03:06 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month - until January 27, 2017 11:36 Moon in the sign of Capricorn, then in the sign of Aquarius.
from January 29, 2017 8:58 (Sun)
to January 29, 2017 19:10 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius

Removing excess and unnecessary plants. Unfavorable days for gardening. But if snow falls, you should shake it off the branches of trees and bushes. Purchase of plant protection products, stimulants, fertilizers and garden tools. Household work possible.
from January 29, 2017 19:10 (Sun)
to January 31, 2017 23:59 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces

Winter vaccinations are possible.
Lunar calendar 2017- I propose making a table with sections: Moon data and date, vegetables, flower garden, garden. And distribute information across these columns.

Folk signs about the weather in January:
If January is dry, frosty and the water in the rivers decreases greatly, then the summer will be dry and hot.
In January there are many frequent and long icicles hanging - the harvest will be good.
In January the sun is for summer, winter is for frost

Based on one rather interesting folk sign, compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Only one winter month has passed, and summer residents are already busy with work. Even in January there will be classes for summer cottage— preparing land for planting, purchasing seeds, etc. We talk about the work of a gardener and gardener for January 2019: lunar sowing calendar and sowing recommendations.

Favorable days for planting

According to lunar calendar gardener, each vegetable and flower crop has its own favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings:

  • cucumbers - January 1, 2, 10, 11, 19 and 20;
  • sweet pepper - 1st, 2nd, 10th, 11th, 15th, 16th, 19th and 20th;
  • cabbage - January 1, 2, 15, 16, 19, 20, 30 and 31;
  • hot pepper - 3, 4, 19, 20, 30 and 31;
  • tomatoes - January 1, 2, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20, 27, 28 and 29;
  • greens - 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31;
  • radishes - January 1, 2, 3, 4, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29;
  • eggplants - 1st, 2nd, 10th, 11th, 19th and 20th of the month.

Favorable days for planting flower crops:

  • yearlings - 1, 2, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23 and 24;
  • perennials - 1st, 2nd, 10th, 11th, 15th and 16th of the month;
  • bulbous and tuberous flowers - January 1, 2, 3, 4, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30 and 31.

Completely unfavorable days for planting seeds are January 5, 6, 7 and 21.

Lunar landing calendar for January 2019 in the table

The influence of the moon on the behavior of plants dictates to gardeners their dates for sowing seedlings, pruning bushes, and fertilizing crops. We share with you the gardener’s planting calendar for January 2019:

Days in January 2019

Moon influence

Favorable and unfavorable works


Moon waning under the influence of Scorpio

Favorable day to start sowing early varieties vegetables: , peppers and . Fertilizing of crops is also allowed organic substances, pest control and garden digging.

At the same time, you can start planting annual and perennial flowers.



The Moon is waning under the influence of Sagittarius

Since Sagittarius is an unproductive sign for gardeners, today we will start sowing onions and herbs, as well as getting rid of harmful insects and diseases.

Gardeners can start planting tuberous flowers.



The Moon is waning under the influence of Capricorn Any work on this day is not recommended.


New moon



The Moon is waxing under the influence of Aquarius

Aquarius is an infertile sign, so during these two days you can start plucking bushes and pinching.



The moon grows under the influence of Pisces

Pisces is a fertile sign, so sowing, watering, replanting, and fertilizing plants is given best results exactly these days. Today it is better to start sowing ground crops: tomatoes, eggplants, celery and others.

Gardeners can plant annuals and perennials these days.



The Moon grows under the influence of Aries

Another bad period.

But these days it is quite possible to put your territory in order.




The Moon is waxing under the influence of Taurus

These days are fertile.



The Moon is waxing under the influence of Gemini

Since Gemini is an unproductive sign for gardeners, today we will start sowing herbs, garlic and onions, as well as getting rid of harmful insects and diseases.

Growers can replant tuberous flowers.



The moon is growing under the influence of Cancer

These days are the most productive in January. Therefore, make every effort to sow vegetable crops, their feeding.

Also plant annuals.



Full moon Any work in the garden is not recommended


Moon waning under the influence of Leo

Leo is an infertile sign, so on this day you can pluck bushes and take stepson.

Sowing, transplanting and fertilizing, on the contrary, are not recommended.


The Moon is waning under the influence of Virgo

These days are fertile.

Work related to sowing crops, their germination and treatment against infectious diseases and pests is again allowed.



The Moon is waning under the influence of Libra

A favorable sign for sowing early varieties of vegetables: cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes. It is also allowed to fertilize crops with organic substances, control pests and dig up the garden.

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