Mantra for getting great wealth. The most powerful mantras to attract money

You can first listen to musical or self-pronounced mantras to attract prosperity and wealth in audio format or find a video on the Internet, because you can practice mantras only after studying them in detail, so that the pronunciation is 100% the same as the original. Otherwise, there is no point in reciting the mantra, it will not bring results and effect!

Money mantras

Money is energy. In its physical manifestation, money reflects the energy of its owner, his strength and ability to create. The energy that produces money is as limitless as the energies of air, water, fire, wind, sun. Any of these energies can be used for creation or destruction, including the energy of money.

Well-being and prosperity is a reflection of the state of the human soul. Prosperous people do not always live in abundance, at least from the outside, but we do not know how much his soul needs, perhaps exactly what he has is enough for her! Prosperity is confidence in yourself and your strengths, in the fact that even if you lose something, you can easily return it.

Moon Goddess Mantra

At the end of the last century, several ancient mantras were declassified by Buddhist teachers, which were never disclosed and were kept secret. Only dedicated people knew them. But with the advent of the Age of Aquarius, the ban was lifted, and the mantras were made public. We will tell you about the most interesting and ancient mantra, which has great power and is dedicated to the Goddess of the Moon.

You need to start reading this prayer on the full moon, but before that you need to understand and accept the fact that the Goddess of the Moon is the Mother of the Worlds, who owns everything material. If you have a large supply of energy of the Mother of the Worlds, then you definitely live happily and richly. With a lack of this energy, we can observe the opposite - need and poverty, constant stress and dissatisfaction with ourselves and our lives. Turning to the Mother of the Worlds, first free yourself from negativity. Regular practice will allow you to achieve significant results in three months.

On the full moon, go to a deserted place, stretch your hands to meet the moon with your palms and say:


Repeat the mantra for as long as you can until it fills your body and it buzzes like a swarm of bees. The minimum session duration is 5 minutes, the maximum has no restrictions.

This procedure is carried out weekly for three months, on any day of the week, on any moon phase. If there is no moon in the sky at this time, you just need to imagine it. And so 12 weeks in a row.

We warn you in advance that this procedure is not easy. The forces of poverty and poverty will resist and will not easily leave your body and soul. Often you will just be too lazy to go to the place of the ritual, sometimes it’s just scary, and nightmares can torment you. During the ritual, you will be frightened by swaying bushes, extraneous sounds and rustles. Do not be afraid. All this is the usual resistance that you need to break, because you want to know wealth and prosperity?

At 13 weeks from the first ritual in your life, changes will begin. It is at this time that the next phase or cycle should begin. Now the mantra should be read only once a month, or rather, a ritual is performed once a month, and the mantra is read for at least five minutes, and only on the full moon. If you miss at least one full moon, then the process will have to start over and perform the ritual weekly for three months.

Wealth Mantra

This mantra helps to achieve great wealth. It is read 108 times every day. Day after day, year after year. Ready? Then here is her text:


In this prayer, there is a listing of the deities of wealth - YAKSH. It is they who help the god of wealth Kubera and the goddess of prosperity Lakshmi to create material values ​​​​and the energy of wealth.

Mantras for starting a new business

Any mantra dedicated to Lakshmi or Ganesha is a prayer of wealth, because these deities are the patrons of business and prosperity, they are able to sweep away all obstacles from the path and lead to wealth in the shortest and surest ways.


You can also gain wealth with the practice of this text dedicated to Ganesha and bestowing purity of intentions, and at the same time good luck in your work: “OM GAM GANA-PATAYE NAMAHA”.

To achieve social success will help the following mantra, which is repeated only two days in a row once a month, but monthly! "OM-HRIM-SHRIM-SHRIM-SHRIM-SHRIM-SHRIM-SHRIM-LAKSHMI-MAM-GRAHE-PURAYE-PURAYE-CHINTA-DURAYE-DURAYE-SVAHA."

Success in commercial endeavors, striving for excellence and in-depth knowledge of the world, the dawn of talents will be given by such a prayer: “OM SRI GANE-SHAYA NAMAH”.

Universal money mantra: "OM NAMO DHANA-DAYE SVAHA".

Jupiter Deity Mantra

Jupiter is the guide of the Sky Gods, responsible for the growth of prosperity and friendship. Attract money energy should be on Thursday at sunrise. To do this, the following text is pronounced: "DZAYAN DZAYACHI KOCH KOHEN TO". The ritual is repeated for four months every Thursday, after the expiration of this period - once a month. This continues until the person reaches the desired level of prosperity.

The most powerful mantra for attracting money from unexpected sources is the sequence of Shrim Brazi sounds.

How it works?

At the heart of the work of any mantra, including the one that helps to attract money, good luck and luck, is the impact on the brain of sound waves generated when pronouncing words.

The human brain is extremely sensitive to the sound vibrations that surround it. The vibrations of the words change his work. And it's proven scientific fact.

The sounds of all the mantras are chosen in such a way that they can change the work of the brain as much as possible in the direction necessary for its owner.

What is the effect of pronunciation?

Shrim Brazi is a mantra for attracting money from unexpected sources. But do not expect a freebie, the fact that money suddenly starts to fall on your head, do not understand where.

Sound vibrations change only the work of the brain of the person who pronounces them. But nothing changes in the world. And this means that the mantra changes the person himself, but not the space around him. That is, it makes it possible to earn, but not to receive without effort. The help of Shrim Brazi is that sounds remove those mental blocks from a person's consciousness that prevent him from obtaining the desired material well-being.

Such blocks exist in absolutely all people. Only the restrictions are different. Someone believes that he will never be able to earn more than $ 500 a month, someone - $ 5,000, and someone doubts that he will be able to make more than 100,000 million rubles a month.

The meaning in numbers is different. But the point is the same. A person will never be able to jump over the bar that he has set for himself. He simply will not be able to see the opportunities that must be used to raise his well-being.

Mantra to attract money and wealth allows you to see these opportunities.

Let's say today you earn 5,000 greenbacks a month. And you think that you have hit a wall that you cannot overcome. Regularly saying Shrim Brazi helps to change the way your brain works in such a way that you suddenly begin to see that this wall is not a wall at all. And so - a small obstacle. And that it is full of windows and doors through which you can go to the next level.

Why haven't you seen these doors and windows (new features) before? What were they not? Were. But your brain refused to see them, believing that such charm was not for him. And he has already reached his ceiling of well-being.

So it seems that under the influence of the mantra, a person suddenly began to receive money from some unexpected sources. Sources are the most common. Just a man used to look at them point-blank, but did not see. I convinced myself that I couldn't see. That was his metal block.

How to pronounce correctly?

  • It is best to say the mantra to attract wealth and prosperity out loud. Sounds must be created in such a way that they vibrate. And stretch: Shriim Braziii.
  • While working with the mantra, it is useful to sort out the rosary in your hands. It helps to focus.
  • It is best to pronounce sounds for 10-15 minutes daily. 108 times.
  • It is preferable to start changing the work of the brain on the day of the Full Moon. And by no means to the New Moon.
  • The most important day to work with the mantra aimed at attracting money and wealth into your life is Friday. Since Friday is the day of Venus. And Venus is associated with wealth.
  • It is also helpful to make sounds daily at the hour of Venus. Every day the hour of Venus in different points globe comes in turn. You can find out when the hour of Venus will visit your area of ​​​​residence. Or any other similar site.

It is convenient to work as follows: 10-15 minutes to say Shrim Brazi in the hour of Venus (108 times), and then repeat the words to yourself throughout the day.

In principle, you are never required to say the mantra out loud. You can work within yourself. In this way, you will be able to awaken even deeper areas of the subconscious. But there is one limitation. Most people get distracted when they say the words to themselves. And they just don't work.

Practice pronunciation

Before starting work, you need to carefully listen to how professionals pronounce Shrim Brazi. You can do this completely free of charge.

If such a long pronunciation seems too intrusive to you, you can listen to a shorter recording, which, however, contains all the necessary 108 repetitions.

What if I don't believe?

Shrim Brazi is a very powerful mantra for attracting money. And she doesn't care if you believe in her or not. It is not your faith that works in this case, but sound vibrations that purely physically change the functioning of your brain.

The sacred words of mantras help to overcome difficulties, improve mood and well-being. Sacred sounds reveal hidden abilities and purify karma. Wealth mantras occupy a special place in Hindu rituals. Cherished words will make it possible to bring financial flows to life, open up new prospects for earning.

In this article

How to choose a wealth mantra

In Hinduism, there are many prayers to deities with which you can increase the number of rustling bills in your wallet. How to choose the one that suits you and achieve the desired effect.

  1. To get started, listen to a few online mantras performed by different singers. Choose with your soul: sounds will penetrate into the subconscious and create images that are close and understandable to your worldview.
  2. Listen to the selected text every day. Remember the sequence of words and the pronunciation of syllables.
  3. To facilitate the task, sing along with the selected artist as if to a phonogram.
  4. Over time, you will learn to read the mantra on your own, both aloud and silently.

Among the popular performers of meditative texts, the singing of Deva Premal is considered especially original. This is a German singer practicing the new age direction. Mantras in Sanskrit in her compositions successfully combine the beauty of sacred sounds and modern arrangement.

Deva Premal. New age mantra performer.

The video below contains the mantra sung by Deva Premal. Moola Mantra strengthens the connection with the Divine, grants liberation and spiritual growth. Chanting or listening to this mantra is believed to bring health, wealth, happiness, spiritual experience.

Regularity of reciting the wealth mantra

Each sacred verse has its own ritual of pronunciation and interaction with it. The frequency of reading the mantra and the time of working on the problem are individual. Some verses are recited once a week or on a certain day and hour of the month. The position of the moon is also taken into account. The classical pronunciation of the mantra is 108 times, unless otherwise specified in the reading rules. A beginner is advised to chant or recite the mantra as many times as is comfortable. In order not to go astray, use a rosary for work.

  1. The main rule of reading the sacred text is not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts and external stimuli. Therefore, take care of privacy and peace in advance.
  2. Appeals to higher powers do not tolerate fuss and haste. Choose the right time to work with mantras. It is better if it is early morning: the awakening of nature symbolizes the beginning of a new day and life cycle.
  3. To meditate under the mantras of wealth, use the magic of smells. droplet essential oil jasmine will enhance monetary energy. Add it to the aroma lamp, apply one or two drops of liquid to the temples and wrists. Money scents also include patchouli, cedar and pine. Find out by experience which one is right for you.

Aromas of wealth will enhance monetary energy

Use incense sticks and cones to create a meditative mood. Fumigate the room with incense smoke. They will help you concentrate and relax.

Which gods to ask for wealth

Hinduism is a religion in which the worship of many deities is accepted. Brahma dominates the pantheon. According to the teaching, he does not have a permanent appearance, but takes on three forms. They are Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer.

The most famous supreme deity responsible for prosperity, material well-being and wealth is Ganesha. It is customary to depict him as a man with the head of an elephant.

The video contains the mantra of wealth and prosperity:

Mantras to God Ganesha

Here are some texts to say in praise of Ganesha.

OM Hrim Grim Hrim


One of the most powerful is the Ganapataya mantra. . Please note that this text only works with regular practice. Do not be lazy to say the words of prayers, and Ganesha will pay attention to requests for well-being.


Another Ganesha wealth mantra, also very effective.


Mantras for Goddess Lakshmi

The Goddess of prosperity and good life - Lakshmi - is no less popular with the Hindus. Mantras addressed to her have a powerful energy that can attract cash flows. Lakshmi mantra should be read on the growing moon.

OM Hrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Shrim Lakshmi MAM GRAHE PURAYE PURAYE CHINTA DURAYE DURAYE SVAHA

In European and Russian occult traditions, conspiracies for wealth and prosperity are usually pronounced on the rising moon. It is believed that as the newborn month grows and gains strength, so the cash flows are concentrated and merge into a powerful river of wealth and prosperity.

Bija Mantra Mahalakshmi

Bija mantras consist of only one, rarely several syllables. They are the quintessence of the energy of the deity to which they ascend. According to the Vedas, these short sounds have great power and can change consciousness and the surrounding reality. The one who pronounces these syllables directly refers to the deities. Subtle vibrations of ancient mantras work wonders.

The Bija Mantra of Mahalakshmi is a short invocation of wealth to Goddess Lakshmi. The effectiveness of Shrim sound has been proven for centuries. It is said when they want to honor the patroness of the Moon, Lakshmi.

Mantras recited to heavenly bodies

Hindus deify the Sun and the Moon, and pay honors to other planets. It is customary to ask for wealth for oneself and fertility for the earth from the Moon and Jupiter. Mantras read to these planets help to achieve well-being and prosperity.

Moon mantra

It is customary to directly address the earth satellite on the full moon. The night should be quiet, calm and clear.

  • stand firmly on the ground with both feet;
  • raise your hands to the sky;
  • focus and say aloud the words of the wealth mantra.


The mantra should be chanted 12 times during the twelve full moons. According to legend, on the thirteenth time you will get what you ask for.

Jupiter Mantra

The supreme ruler of the sky Jupiter was revered in ancient rome. Hindus offer prayers to this celestial body asking for the sending of prosperity to the house.


The video contains a mantra that opens the money channel:

Mantras to address the universe

In Hinduism, an appeal to the Universal Mind is practiced. These short wealth mantras help to establish contact with the Higher Powers.









OM Hrim Kamal Vasiney Pratyaksham Hrim Phat

Do not try to learn and practice all the mantras above at once. Choose the one that you like or is easier to read, perceive and pronounce. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired effect.

Wealth mantras, like other spells, work only if a person is ready to receive benefits from the Universe. No prayer works by itself, without our participation. Do not consider the achievement of wealth as the main goal in life, be generous and wise, then the Higher Powers will hear the call and respond.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Another of our spiritual “helpers” in attracting wealth is mantras. Eastern sages wrote as follows: “There is a mantra for everyone. All your problems are solved if you find the right mantra! This mantra must be practiced regularly, pronounced correctly and set the right intention. In this article, we will analyze with you mantras for attracting money. How to do all this, and what mantras for money exist - read below.

Mantras for money: features

If you read mantras for money one day or start practicing “when you remember”, this will not bring any effect. Regularity and long-term reading is important (1-2 months unless otherwise specified). In this case, the mantra opens up for you and begins to have a beneficial effect on your life.

A few more important tips:

  • Before practicing mantras, it is useful to form and pronounce the intention. This is what you would like to get out of practice. Usually the intention begins like this: “I direct the fruits of reading this mantra to ...” then you indicate what you need on this moment. This may be an increase in income, a new job that is right for you, money for something specific, the speedy repayment of debts / loans.
  • The chosen mantra to attract money is read daily, the number of repetitions is 3, 9, 27 or 108 times. It is convenient to count this number on the rosary. In addition, they help to focus and fully immerse yourself in reading.
  • When reading, it is helpful to visualize the image of the Deity you are addressing. So, while reading the mantras of wealth to Ganesha, imagine the image of this Helper, address him. It is also very good to visualize your goal - new workplace, debt repayment, a new level of income and what you spend them on. These thoughts should be positive and bright!
  • Before reciting the mantra, take a few deep breaths / exhalations to concentrate. It is better to read the mantra in a secluded place where no one will disturb you. And don't rush to finish the practice! It is important for you to “immerse yourself” in the mantra and feel the power of these sacred words.

Another important advice- be respectful to the mantras, be open to changes, because they will definitely occur. And use the chances that life will give you! After all, mantras for money are not a magical miracle, they will not make you a millionaire right away, but simply open up new ways for income, give chances and happy accidents.

Mantras to attract money

Below you will find some effective mantras that you can use for practice. But don't mix them up, don't read them all at once! Take time for each and let it bear fruit.

-OM GURAVE NAMAH - mantra of Jupiter, which is responsible for human well-being, prosperity on long years. It is read on Thursdays, on the day of Jupiter. Very effective in combination with charity, meditation, positive thinking and other upayas.

-OM Hrim Shrim Lakshmi Byo Namaha or OM SRI MAHA LAKSMIEY NAMAH- a respectful appeal to the Goddess Lakshmi, a mantra of wealth and the acquisition of all kinds of material wealth. When practicing this mantra, you need to visualize the image of Lakshmi and turn to her. For convenience, you can read before the image of this Goddess.

-OM SRI GANESHAYA NAMAH- worship of Ganesha, an effective mantra for attracting money, keeping it and rational use. This powerful mantra also removes obstacles in business, attracts assistants and valuable connections. When reading, it is important to visualize the image of Ganesha.

These are the basic money mantras you can use to practice. It is also useful to “connect” astrology and see what period you are currently living in, which planets and how they affect your life. financial sector. Working on these deep levels helps bring long-term prosperity into your life.

Find out if you have a talent for studying astrology. Send us a private message

Psychologists say: a person has so much money, so much he is ready to take. And the problem of wealth-poverty is more psychological than material.

Albert Einstein believed only in science, but over front door a horseshoe hung in his house. In his defense, the scientist said: “I may not believe in omens, but they still come true!”

You may not believe in magical ways to attract money per se, but they still work!

For thousands of years mankind has struggled with the psychology of poverty. People have created conspiracies, prayers, rituals, mantras, mudras, talismans to attract money.

Let's use the knowledge and experience of our ancestors, change our psychology, learn to love and appreciate money.

IMPORTANT: The main condition for any undertaking, including magic, is faith in success.

Faith refers to strong emotions that help the subconscious perceive thoughts (positive and negative).

Magic requires mystery. It is better to talk with the Universe about what you want in private. But on money days!

money days

The moon influences the living nature of the planet Earth. This is a scientific fact, not a mystical one.

high level energy in all living things are characterized by the 14th lunar day. The maximum amount of creative energy is typical for the 20th lunar day.

Most The best way attracting money these days - visiting a hairdresser.

Fresh money haircut will attract financial luck, because the cosmos affects us through the hair.

The biblical stories of Solomon and Samson prove this.

calendar week also has a money day. The fourth day of the week, Thursday, is under the auspices of Jupiter - the planet of good luck, generosity, prosperity. Not surprisingly, Thursday is considered the best day to increase wealth.

Conspiracies to attract money

Conspiracies arose from pagan spells and prayers to idolized forces in nature. Over time, such appeals were transformed into magical formulas, capable of energy call for help higher power. Then pagan formulas were intertwined with Christian prayers, and mankind received an amazing magical remedy for solving any problems: from expelling cockroaches to attracting money.

To make the slander work, you need to know a few simple rules:

The words are pronounced clearly and in the order in which they are written in the original text;
the plot is whispered or pronounced in a muffled voice;
repetitions (if necessary) should be identical in voice strength and clarity of pronunciation.

The conspiracy for Thursday is read three weeks in a row(every Thursday). The moon must be in the growth phase (the words of the conspiracy in the picture below).

Prayers to attract money

Prayers are able to cope with any misfortune. An appeal to St. Spyridon of Salamis (Trimifuntsky) will help if there is an urgent need for money. Saint Spyridon knew poverty in childhood. Endowed with the gift of healing, insight, mercy, he became the Bishop of Salamis and took care of those who needed help and bread all his life.

Now they receive help from him through prayer (the words of the prayer in the picture below). The main thing is to pray daily and with concentration.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Salamis (Trimifuntsky) for help in money

They do not refuse to help those who sincerely ask Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Most Holy Theotokos.

Favorable for the beginning of prayers are considered 7th lunar day. You can pray both in the temple and at home.

Rituals to attract money

Our ancestors knew thousands of rites and rituals that attract wealth. Some rituals will require serious preparation, experience, knowledge from the performer. Others are light and fun rituals, which require a good mood and self-confidence.

RITE: Simoron rite of creating a well-being bell - effective way attract money. The bell needs a new one, with a pleasant ringing. The tool will become monetary if it is wiped with a banknote with the highest denomination of all the banknotes in the house, while saying: “I rub it, I charge it with the energy of money!”

After that, it remains only to regularly ring the bell with the call: “Money, come to me!”

The sound of bells and bells affects the human psyche, which has been proven by medical research. Ringing helps to focus, tune in to a positive wave.

The sounds of the bell overflow treat insomnia, depression, alleviate the suffering of seriously ill patients. So why can't overflowing a money bell attract money to the caller's home?

Mantras and mudras - magic formulas in the language of the Universe

Mantras are part of world culture. Not only because they were written in Sanskrit (“Sanskrit” literally means “culture”). Philologists and historians consider Sanskrit a unique language in terms of intellectual and spiritual possibilities. Psychologists say that Sanskrit mantras affect the human mind. Researchers of Vedism are sure that mantras are the sounds of the Universe.

God Ganesha

A strong mantra containing the code of well-being is the Ganesha mantra. It is pronounced like " Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha»

("Ganesha! I worship you!"). Gives wisdom, calmness, removes obstacles.

You need to pronounce the verbal formula 108 times a day, literally, without distortion of sounds, as concentrated as possible. It - general rule for all mantras.

Video: Mantra Ganache

Video for getting acquainted with the Ganash mantra

Mudras - gestures that give joy - are the legacy of the mysterious Aryans. It's amazing how much knowledge is forgotten, but not wise.

The mystical plexus of fingers can heal, calm, make happy, including attracting well-being.

To make money flow like a river, you should turn to the one-eyed Hindu god Kubera.

God Kuber

Video: Kubera mudra technique

During the execution of Kuber, you need to see your dream as if it is already a reality.

  • The time for practicing mudra is every morning and evening.
  • The performance of the Kuber mudra is accompanied by the chanting of the Kuber mantra: “ Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaayya Dhanadhanyadi Padaeh Dhana Dhanya Samridhing Me Dehi Dapaya Soha"(" Kubera, Mr. Yakshey, bless us with wealth and prosperity!"):

Video: Mantra Kubera. Attracting money and wealth

Talismans and amulets to attract money

We create amulets and talismans without realizing it.

IMPORTANT: A happy thing - a wardrobe item, a toy, a pen, a key chain - is available to everyone. Classic example money talisman- the first coin earned. It should always be in your wallet. It is impossible to use such money: their purpose is to attract cash flows.

Perhaps the reverent attitude to the first earnings and predetermined the emergence of the concept of "fidget". In the 18th century, copper coins with a five-pointed star were used for the fiat penny. Over time, the silver ruble replaced the copper penny. It was believed that the owner of the silver ruble would always be lucky in financial endeavors.

MASCOT: You can make fiat money for yourself on your own. The coin is taken from a large cash receipt. To receive a talisman, part of the income is spent on purchases, leaving one coin for themselves from the change. The number "5" must be displayed on the coin. The rest of the money from the change is donated to charity.

On the night before Christmas, a prayer-appeal is recited over the selected coin

Prayer to Jesus Christ

1. Prayer to the Lord before starting any work

Words of prayer to the Lord before the start of any work

2. "Our Father"

The text of the prayer "Our Father"

3. Gospel reading

The coin lies in the Bozhnitsa until the Epiphany. Then it is transferred to the wallet. You cannot spend fiat money.

Incense to attract money

Aroma and smell are inextricably linked with the sixth lunar day. That is why we will prepare aromatic mixtures that will serve as the most effective bait for Money. With them we will rub our body, wallet, banknotes, smoke our living quarters or office. Can be used aroma oils and an aroma lamp.

Here are the money scents:

  • basil
  • orange
  • bergamot
  • patchouli
  • spicy cloves
  • ginger
  • cinnamon
  • ylang-ylang
  • pine
  • rosemary

Affirmations to attract money are psychological attitudes that allow you to change your worldview.

IMPORTANT: After all, money leaves those who experience discomfort from communicating with them.

Experience the action magical rituals to raise money, it is important to understand the following: to win the lottery, you need to at least buy a lottery ticket.

To attract abundance into your life
set yourself up for a positive outlook,
define goals
desire money not for the sake of money, but for the benefits that it can bring into your life and the lives of your loved ones.

And you will succeed.

Video: Raising money

Video: Powerful Affirmations to Attract Money

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